How to protect yourself from ticks in nature: the best remedies for 2022

Photo: AP archive
Ticks usually start hunting in April. This year we had a very warm March. Even sowing in the region began earlier. The ticks also woke up and went on the attack ahead of the curve. According to operational monitoring data from Rospotrebnadzor, the number of ticks is now 20 individuals per kilometer of travel. Soon these little parasites will become even more active, experts warn.

The number of ticks is rapidly increasing and will reach its maximum by the beginning of the second ten days of May. The greatest risk of bites and tick-borne infections will continue until mid-to-late June, depending on the weather. At this time, many go to their gardens and dachas to barbecue in nature, and schoolchildren and their teachers go on hiking trips. You need to be alert and know how to protect yourself from ticks.

And you especially need to be attentive to young children who are not protected by anti-encephalitis vaccinations. Therefore, if a child is bitten by a tick, he must be taken to the emergency room if you live in Blagoveshchensk, or shown to a rural paramedic if you live in a village. Doctors will remove the tick, after which the bloodsucker must be checked for the presence of tick-borne encephalitis virus.

— Such studies are carried out in the laboratory of the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology. And for all children in the Amur region, this service is free - it doesn’t matter whether the territory in which you live is endemic or not,” emphasizes Natalya Lipskaya, chief physician of the Amur Regional Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases. — If the test results are positive, if laboratory technicians detect an encephalitis virus, the child will be given anti-tick immunoglobulin free of charge.

Manufacturers offer all kinds of repellents created specifically to protect against tick bites. But remember: there are no safe anti-tick products applied to the skin.

“Children under 3 years of age should not use protective aerosols,” doctors warn, “because all anti-tick agents are very toxic. — If you decide to apply repellent, then only on the lower parts of the baby’s pants. And the baby stroller must be treated with aerosols - not only the wheels, but also its sides.

Some people use mosquito repellent to repel ticks. Under no circumstances should this be done. A tick that comes into the zone of action of such a drug only gets excited. Usually the bloodsucker quietly crawls through the body, choosing a better place, and this takes 2-3 hours. During this time, it can be noticed and removed from clothing or shaken off. And excited by mosquito repellent, the bloodsucker quickly bites into any place.

It is better to walk through the forest at this time of year, when ticks are awake and especially active, along wide paths. Avoid places where you need to push aside tree branches and make your way through bushes.

Our ancestors used various tinctures and ointments to repel ticks. You can use their experience, although no ointment will protect your baby 100%.

But still, some essential oils help prevent bites.

The most effective means of protection:

≈ clove oil;

≈ rosemary oil;

≈ lavender oil;

≈ mint;

≈ menthol.

  • Clothes should be light colors to help spot ticks faster.

  • The child has a hood or scarf on his head.

  • The shirt or jacket has long sleeves and preferably with elastic bands.

  • Be sure to tuck your shirt into your trousers.

  • Pants legs should be long and tucked into socks.

  • Check your child's clothes every half hour if possible.

If the tick is removed in a timely manner—within 24 hours after the bite—then the likelihood of getting sick is almost zero. Therefore, upon returning from the forest, carefully examine the child.

When examining a child, pay special attention to:

  • scalp and hairline;

  • area around the ears and look into the ears;

  • armpits;

  • waist and navel area;

  • groin and perineum;

  • under the knees;

  • between the toes.

Ticks have become a real disaster that makes it impossible to relax either in the forest or in the city. Their early activity this spring worries doctors and the Amur Rospotrebnadzor. Moreover, due to general warming in recent years, encephalitis carriers have begun to be discovered even in those areas of the Amur region that were never considered endemic in our country.

20 % tick-borne infections are not detected and the disease becomes chronic.

60 percent of those who suffered tick-borne encephalitis and survived remain deeply disabled! But besides encephalitis, forest bloodsuckers can be carriers of other dangerous diseases. Among them are borreliosis, rickettsiosis, ehrlichiosis and anaplasmosis - this is such an infectious “solitaire”. Amur doctors make the first three diagnoses annually. As for the last two infections, a small percentage of ticks infected by these pathogens in our region has been recorded, but Rospotrebnadzor has not yet received official data that residents of the region suffered from ehrlichiosis or anaplasmosis.

However, according to infectious disease specialists, about 20% of tick-borne infections in our country are not deciphered by experts at all. Moreover, if a timely diagnosis is not made and treatment is not applied, the diseases become chronic. Such patients are already identified in neurological and cardiological hospitals - with lesions of the central nervous and cardiovascular systems, or in trauma departments with lesions of the joints.

Ticks are most active in the morning from 8 to 11 and in the evening from 17 to 19. Those who are going on a hike during the May holidays will benefit from the advice of biologist and experienced tourist Olga Borovikova.

— It is better to choose a place for rest or a tourist camp during the period of tick activity in a pine forest or on a sandy area. If you decide to settle in a forest clearing, then first clear the area of ​​dry grass and dead wood. And spray insect repellent around your campsite to repel insects. Today they can be purchased in any department of household chemicals. The main thing is to look at the label carefully. Because there are different repellents - both for mosquitoes and for midges. There must be an inscription: against ticks.

Age category of materials: 18+

  • Irina Anatolyeva
  • Amurskaya Pravda from 04/04/2017

Reasons for concern

Every spring, Russians are warned about increased tick activity. Just a couple of years ago, if a person was exclusively a city dweller and preferred to vacation abroad on the beaches, the risk of encountering these insects was minimal. Now arthropods of the ixodid family are increasingly penetrating into the urban environment. The insect bite itself is not dangerous to humans. The wound remaining at the site of suction is very small, does not cause any discomfort and heals quickly. The problem is that ticks often carry dangerous diseases. By biting the skin, the insect releases a small amount of its saliva into the bloodstream with substances that slow down clotting and suppress local immunity. If the parasite is infected, the viruses will freely enter the human body. Ticks can carry:

  • tick paralysis;
  • viral fever;
  • tick-borne encephalitis;
  • typhus;
  • Lyme disease.

The onset of infection occurs unnoticed, especially if the bite has not been recorded. The first symptoms appear after about 2-3 weeks. Viruses carried by insects mainly affect the nervous system. At first, a slight malaise and weakness appear. Then there may be severe headaches, cramps, paralysis of individual muscles or the entire limb. Tactile and partially pain sensitivity disappears. Body temperature rises to 39-40°C. It is important to quickly seek medical help, as someone bitten can fall into a coma and even die.

The right clothes

When going for a walk with your child, do not forget about ticks. To prevent a tick bite, you should pay attention to your child's clothing. For protection, children need a hat, long pants that need to be tucked into socks, and a long-sleeved blouse.

Proper clothing will protect your baby from a tick bite while he or she is looking for access to the skin and a suitable place for the bite. It is important to examine the child at intervals of 15-20 minutes, allowing you to detect the tick before the bite occurs.

Remember that ticks live in grass and especially love damp, shady places. Be especially careful during high tick season. Gardex wishes you pleasant and safe walks!

When protection is needed

Typically, adults use anti-tick products only when they go into the forest. This is not entirely correct. Ixodids prefer tall grass, including on roadsides, bushes, and young trees in city parks. Therefore, any walk can lead to an encounter with these insects.

Ticks attack from April to October. Periods of maximum activity can vary greatly from region to region depending on weather conditions. After hibernation, insects are hungry, and the content of toxins and viruses in their saliva is very high. When young grass just begins to emerge, bloodsuckers hide on bushes and in fallen leaves. Ticks have no eyes. When choosing a victim, they rely on their sense of smell and thermoreceptors. They can sense an animal or person at a distance of up to 10 m. Clinging to an object, insects choose places with thin skin (armpits, behind the ears, in the groin area). While they are moving, you can feel them and remove them in time.

The most effective anti-tick suits

In Russia, a number of specialized companies produce anti-tick suits:

  • an anti-tick suit consisting of two pieces, a jacket with a hood and trousers, produced by the Ilim group;
  • anti-tick suit "Biostop" produced for men, women and children, consisting of trousers, a jacket with a hood and a mosquito net;
  • anti-tick fishing suit consisting of trousers and a jacket with a hood;
  • anti-tick suit: “Stop ticks!” consisting of trousers and a jacket;
  • anti-tick suit “Insectaton”, consisting of trousers, jacket and headdress, the suit is equipped with special fittings that ensure silent operation, the fabric consists of two layers: the top one is made of raincoat fabric and the bottom one is knitted fabric;
  • anti-tick suit Nova Tour “Mosquito” 2;
  • summer anti-mite suit “Insectstop Pro”;
  • anti-tick suit Nova Tour “Mosquito”, consisting of a jacket with a hood and trousers.

Video review of the suit from Nova Tour:

Anti-mite suit "Biostop"

The best suit today, according to experts, is the “Biostop” suit, made from 100% cotton fiber. The fabric used to make the suit has two layers: the top layer, which is impregnated with a special anti-tick compound, and the “bottom” layer, which is protective for the human body and prevents the penetration of poison. Tick ​​traps are sewn throughout the entire surface of the suit, where ticks accumulate.

The cuffs of the jacket and trousers have additional protection in the form of elastic.

Biostop suits are available in 3 types:

  • men's;
  • women's;
  • Children's (6-12 years old) suits for boys and girls are produced separately.

A hood with a mosquito net is used to protect the head.

Video with expert reviews about the Biostop anti-mite suit:

Since we're talking about suits, fans of winter ice fishing will be interested in information about a wonderful float suit. The suit is designed to keep a fisherman afloat who suddenly finds himself in the water while ice fishing.

Ultrasonic repellers

People with hypersensitivity cannot use chemical insecticides for protection. In this case, new technologies come to the rescue. We present three of the most popular tick repellers.

Bradex TD 0324

The Bradex electromagnetic ultrasonic repeller will help protect your home or campsite. Service area up to 200 m2. Saves not only from ticks, but also from rodents and other insects. The device must be connected to the mains. Average cost: 700 rubles.

Bradex TD 0324


  • compactness;
  • wide range of action;
  • safe for humans and pets;
  • hypoallergenic.


  • protection against ticks is only 65%;
  • Electrical connection required.

Antiklesch M

This is an ultrasonic repeller designed to be worn constantly. Made in the form of a bracelet with an adjustable strap. Range of action 4 meters. Powered by AG13 batteries. Average price: 2500 rubles.

Antiklesch M


  • compact;
  • safe;
  • can be used to protect children and pets;
  • there are 3 operating modes;
  • moisture-resistant housing;
  • The battery charge lasts for 3 months.


  • efficiency is only 65%, it is recommended to combine with other types of protection;
  • There are no full operation indicators, it is unclear when the battery runs out.

Several options to choose from

The effect of all repellents is the same and it consists of the following: by applying the substance in circles to areas of skin or clothing, you form certain boundaries that the insect cannot cross. Sensing danger to itself, the arthropod crawls away from the repellent. It is worth considering a few examples of products that are intended exclusively for children.


  1. Release form: cream or spray .
  2. The volume of the tube with cream is 75 ml, the can of spray is 100 ml.
  3. Active ingredient – ​​DEET (5%) .
  4. The product lasts its effect for a couple of hours.
  5. Recommended for children aged 3 years and older.
  6. The shelf life of the drug is 2 years from the date of release from the factory.
  7. The approximate price of the product is that the cream costs 67-150 rubles, and the spray costs 110 rubles .

DEFI-Taiga spray or Taiga-Baby lotion

  1. It is produced in the form of a spray or lotion.
  2. “Defi” spray can with a volume of 100 ml and “Baby” with a volume of 195 ml.
  3. The active ingredient is diethyltoluamide (7%) .
  4. Hazard and toxicity class – Group III and IV .
  5. The effect of the drug lasts for several hours (1-2 hours).
  6. The age of the child for whom the drugs are created is 3 years and older.
  7. The substance will be suitable for 2 years.
  8. The average cost is 153 rubles. for “Defi” and 50 rubles. for "Baby" .

Gel "Biban"

  1. Released from the factory in the form of a gel .
  2. Volume in tube – 75 ml.
  3. Active substance – DEET (7%) .
  4. The period of time when the substance continues to provide protection is 2 hours .
  5. Suitable for use by children aged 3 years and older.
  6. Retains its properties for 2 years from the date of release from the factory.
  7. The approximate price of the drug is 87 rubles .

"Moskitol" for babies "Gentle protection"

  1. Form of production - cream and milk .
  2. The volume of the cream tube is 75 ml, the milk tube is 100 ml.
  3. The active component in the cream is DEET - 10% , milk containing DEET 7.5% .
  4. The active effect of the cream is for 3 hours, and the milk – for 2 hours .
  5. Children's ages:
  • the cream can be used for children from 5 years old ;
  • The milk is intended for 2 year olds .
  1. Valid for 2 years (cream and milk).
  2. Average price for the following products:
  • cream – 67-120 rubles;
  • milk – 98-150 rub.


NominationNamePrices, rub
The best insect repellent for up to a yearLevrana spray against mosquitoes and insects Citronella Anti-Bug Sprayfrom 339 to 416
Best insect repellent of the yearMosquito repellent Picnic Baby spray, 120 mlfrom 122 to 339
DETA AQUA spray for little ones 2 in 1from 120 to 360
Aerosol Gardex Baby 2 in 1 against mosquitoes and midges for children from 1 yearfrom 175 to 300
Best insect repellent for ages 2 and upSpray My sun from mosquitoesfrom 120 to 200
The best insect repellent for allergy sufferersPicnic Hypoallergenic mosquito repellent spray186
Best safe insect repellentMommy Care oil for repelling mosquitoesfrom 735 to 1060
Best insect repellent according to reviewsCream OFF! Kids mosquito repellent from 104 to 169
Spray Mosquitall Universal protectionfrom 97 to 302

Best up to a year

Levrana spray against mosquitoes and insects Citronella Anti-Bug Spray

  • Effective
  • Nice smell
  • Natural
  • Individual effect, may not work

Best of the Year

Mosquito repellent Picnic Baby spray, 120 ml

  • Effective
  • Natural composition
  • Good size
  • Consumes quickly

DETA AQUA spray for little ones 2 in 1

  • Contains soothing aloe vera
  • Price
  • Works
  • Good smell
  • Convenient to take with you
  • Small volume

Aerosol Gardex Baby 2 in 1 against mosquitoes and midges for children from 1 year

  • Qualitative
  • Price
  • Works
  • The smell is not very pleasant

Best from 2 years

Spray My sun from mosquitoes

  • Qualitative
  • Price
  • Works
  • Small volume

Best for allergy sufferers

Picnic Hypoallergenic mosquito repellent spray

  • Possible from 1 year
  • Effective
  • Unobtrusive smell
  • No

Best Safe

Mommy Care oil for repelling mosquitoes

  • Effective
  • Nice smell
  • Safe composition
  • Need to update frequently
  • High consumption

Best by reviews

Cream OFF! Kids mosquito repellent

  • Helps
  • Nice smell
  • Price
  • High consumption
  • Short duration

Spray Mosquitall Universal protection

  • Action time 3 hours
  • Works
  • Price
  • Suitable for children from 5 years old

Baby product up to 1 year

To protect an infant from ticks, parents must be careful - do not go for walks in the forest during the pest activity season, wear appropriate clothing, examine the baby every time after returning from the street, and put a mosquito net on the stroller.

There are no professional products for babies, but experts suggest using repellents based on essential oils. You can buy ready-made ones - stickers, bracelets, clothespins, or pay a little attention and make them yourself.

Essential oils that repel ticks:

  • citronella;
  • lemongrass;
  • carnation;
  • peppermint;
  • rosemary;
  • tea tree;
  • lavender;
  • cedar;
  • thyme;
  • geranium;
  • eucalyptus;
  • orange.

Apply to clothing, exposed areas of the body, and soak napkins.

  • Add 5 drops of any essential oil to baby cream and treat exposed areas of the body.
  • Dilute 15 drops of ether in 100 ml of water, pour into a spray bottle, and use to treat clothes.
  • Drop essential oil onto wet wipes, put back into the bag, and use to wipe the skin on exposed areas.
  • Soak the braid, rope, tie it on the leg, arm, stroller.

On a note!

Protection against ticks for children is valid as long as the scent is present - a maximum of 1.5 hours. After this, the processing procedure must be repeated.

Anti-tick products for children and adults

The range of repellents for the whole family is extremely large. It is allowed to apply to children over 12 years of age on clothing and skin. The active substances are DEET (from 7 to 30%), alphacypermethrin. The maximum effect of the products when applied to the skin is 2 hours, clothing from 4 to 8 hours.

Effective drugs:

  • Mosquitol;
  • Off Family;
  • Raptor;
  • Reftamide Anti-mite;
  • Raid;
  • Taiga, etc.

On a note!

The cost of repellent for the whole family is on average 300 rubles. Sprays are used to treat clothes, days, backpacks, tents, and other items for outdoor activities. The aerosol is sprayed onto the skin from a distance of 20 cm. It is recommended to do the treatment outdoors.

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