Is it possible to feed chickens peas: how to feed them correctly and in what quantities

Good afternoon, experienced and novice poultry farmers! It is not uncommon for novice chicken breeders to experiment with diets. Many people plan to use peas as feed for laying hens and broilers, but do not know how to implement such an idea. It is to this group of newcomers that we dedicate this article.

Pea cereals compensate for the lack of both organic compounds and minerals. The first include carbohydrates, biologically active substances (vitamins), proteins, and amino acids.

Is it possible to feed laying hens peas?

It is not only possible, but also beneficial for laying hens to introduce pea cereal into their diet. This product is a valuable source of carbohydrates and proteins, as well as a number of amino acids, micro- and macroelements, and vitamins.

Peas, along with other legumes (actually beans, lentils and beans), are a powerful stimulator of egg production in chickens, therefore it is especially useful to give them in the autumn-winter period to maintain the productivity of laying hens.

Do they eat it?

As you know, chickens have a very poor taste of food. This is why they can peck at something inedible and even dangerous (which explains the high percentage of chicken poisonings from household pesticides and toxins).

How to give peas

Now it’s worth figuring out how and when you can introduce cereals into the diet of birds. After all, the benefits of the product may differ significantly for different ages due to the characteristics of the digestive system. The digestibility of raw and processed peas is also different.

In what form to give

Initially, pea cereals should be introduced in a steamed or boiled form, since it is in this form that the product is better absorbed and less irritating to the walls of the digestive tract.

Before feeding, the cereal should be poured with hot water for several hours, and then simmered over low heat until softened. When the birds get used to the product, you can switch to raw, unprocessed cereals.

From what age

Peas for egg and broiler breeds can be introduced from the first days of life, along with other grain crops. But for chickens it must be boiled or steamed, and its amount in the diet should not exceed 8–10%. Small birds should be given it as part of wet mash in crushed form.

In the diet of adult chickens, the amount of pea component can reach 20% - but only if special enzyme preparations are added along with it to increase digestibility. If they are not used, the content of peas in the feed should also not exceed 10%.

How much grain does a chicken need per day?

The amount of grain per chicken varies and depends on what breed of poultry is being kept.

Here are the standard calculations:

  • for laying hens, you need to give 100 grams of grain mixture per head per day, this amount cannot be increased - the bird will become fat and its level of egg production will decrease;
  • poultry of the meat and egg breed should consume 120 grams of grain per day (per individual);
  • meat chickens require 150 grams of grain mixture per day.

Please note: during the winter period of the year, the amount of grain per individual per day needs to be increased by 20-50 grams, depending on the breed - in winter, chickens spend a lot of energy on warming up and their own health, their metabolic processes accelerate and the bird simply cannot handle the specified amount of grain mixture eat up

How to germinate grain for chickens

You can and should add sprouted grain to the grain mixture; it can be either wheat or barley.

  1. To germinate, you need to soak the selected type of grain crop in warm water for 10-20 minutes, then place it on trays/baking sheets/boards covered with a damp cloth and place it in a warm place.
  2. During the day, you should spray the grain with warm water - this is convenient to do with a spray bottle, and on the second or third day it will germinate.

A bird needs only 1-2 cm of wheat or barley sprout so that its body receives a sufficient amount of vitamins and protein, which help accelerate weight gain and increase egg production.

Where is the best place to buy grain for chickens?

When purchasing grain, you need to pay attention to its quality. It should not smell moldy or damp, be damp or damaged by rodents. The health and productivity of poultry depends on how high-quality grain is given to poultry.

The health and productivity of poultry depends on how high-quality grain is given to poultry.

You can, of course, purchase feed from private traders, but it is more advisable to pay attention to larger suppliers who can provide a quality certificate for review. The following grain sellers have proven themselves quite well: The following grain sellers have proven themselves quite well:

The following grain sellers have proven themselves quite well:

Agrosadovod is a company that sells whole grains and ready-made feed for chickens of various breeds. Pickup or delivery within the Moscow region is possible.

Address: 14 km MKAD, Moscow, Sadovod market. You can coordinate the purchase and delivery or pickup by phone or 8 926 156 75 88.

Alex-grain - sells not only grain and combined feed, but also all related products that may be needed for raising poultry at home. Delivery is carried out in the Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Moscow regions and Moscow.

Address: Alexandrov city, st. Sovetskaya 33. telephone for pre-order and information: 8 919 017 06 93.

LLC TD "VladRegionKorm" is a company whose central office is located in Vladimir, but delivers grain throughout almost all of central Russia.

Address: Vladimir city, st. Mostostroevskaya, building 3g. Phone number for ordering.

Feeding laying hens must be balanced so that they produce not only high-quality, but also tasty eggs. The basis of the diet, or at least a significant part of it, as a rule, is grain. What grain to feed laying hens so that they lay well and are provided with all nutritional components will be described below in the article. Recommendations on mixing grains and feeding birds in different seasons will also be given.

Composition and beneficial properties

The amount of protein in peas is 2-3 times higher than that in cereals, so for chickens peas are the main source of plant protein, which is the main building material of cells and tissues.

This product contains the following groups of nutrients:

  • vitamins: B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B9, E, PP, biotin;
  • macroelements: potassium, silicon, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, chlorine and sodium;
  • trace elements: cobalt, manganese, iron, molybdenum, copper;
  • 12 essential and 88 nonessential amino acids;
  • Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids;
  • saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Among other things, peas are an extremely nutritious product with high energy value - 100 g contains almost 300 kcal.

The introduction of peas into the diet of birds has many positive effects:

  • regular consumption eliminates the deficiency of a number of minerals, vitamins and amino acids (including essential ones);
  • egg production increases;
  • when adding peas, feed consumption is reduced, in particular, the amount of meat and bone meal, fish meal, and soybean meal - the most expensive components of feed;
  • the condition of the epithelium and feathers improves;
  • the functioning of the cardiovascular and digestive systems is normalized;
  • redox processes in the body are normalized;
  • the body's immune defense and resistance increases;
  • Peas promote gentle detoxification of the liver and kidneys.

Moreover, not only the cereal itself, but also all parts of the plant have beneficial properties: you can prepare green feed from it, make hay and silage. Therefore, peas can be called a truly universal and very valuable crop in poultry farming.

What else can you feed chickens?

Questions about the possibility of feeding arise not only in relation to peas. Poultry farmers have similar interest in other popular products: potatoes, cabbage, fish and beans. Next, we will consider the possibility of introducing them into the diet and the benefits of such components.


Potatoes can also be given to birds, as they are a rich source of carbohydrates, microelements and vitamins, and in addition contribute to the normal functioning of the digestive system. It can be introduced into the diet from the age of 2 weeks, starting from 100 g per bird per day.

What and how to feed chickens to maintain a high level of productivity

Every poultry farmer, both beginner and experienced, should know how to properly and what to feed chickens in order to obtain high egg production rates and obtain soft and juicy meat. Unbalanced nutrition or its lack causes a deficiency of vitamins and minerals in chickens, which leads to diseases of individuals, their exhaustion and a drop in egg production. No matter what purpose a farmer breeds birds for: meat or eggs, the health and productivity of the animal should always be in the foreground.

Opinion of experienced farmers

Respondents give a positive answer when asked whether it is possible to feed chickens with peas, but poultry farmers do not have a consensus on the method of feeding the product. Some people prioritize variety: they recommend alternating food with peas and grain mixtures with meat or bone meal every other day. Others emphasize a systematic approach.

Legumes are essential for poultry. They help protect chickens from multivitaminosis. Peas are given to birds in steamed and dry form. This event helps to increase egg production.

Types of feed

There are currently three types of chicken feed:

Wet food includes mash for chickens. It is prepared at home. It may include various types of vegetables, grains, bran, herbal flour, flour, meal, sunflower cake, etc. All these products are used boiled with the addition of water or whey. If the birds are kept in cages, chopped greens must be added to the mash. If they can move freely around the coop, you just need to scatter the grass clippings.

Chicken feeding diet

In order for chickens to be healthy and have high productivity, it is necessary that their daily diet be balanced with nutrients and vitamins. The main components of the daily diet should be:

  • Grain - up to 75% of the daily diet;
  • Corn - up to 50% of the daily diet;
  • Barley - up to 30% of the daily diet. It is not recommended to feed chickens barley in its pure form. This is due to the structure of the barley grain (sharp tips can harm birds);
  • Wheat - 2/3 of the daily diet. Sprouted wheat grain is especially useful; it contains all the necessary vitamins for chickens;
  • Oats - no more than 15% of the grain mixture. It allows you to avoid chickens pecking at each other.
  • Additionally, you can add to the daily diet: rye, buckwheat porridge, cake, meal - no more than 10% of the daily diet;

With the help of sunflower seeds you can increase the egg production of birds. Legumes and flax have the same properties.

Feeding chickens with vitamin complexes and premixes is also very important.

Premixes are an addition to basic nutrition. They should not be given instead of main food. They contain vitamins and minerals. It should be used in small quantities in the diet.

Vitamin complexes include adding fish oil, yeast, fresh grass and silage to the feed.

With poor nutrition, cannibalism often occurs in chickens. Stronger individuals begin to peck at the sick and weak. Most often, this is typical for chickens. To avoid such situations, they can be given fish and meat waste. Before serving them to chickens and chickens, the bones must be melted and poured into a feeder.

In summer, vitamins can be obtained from grape leaves, sugar beet tops, etc. In winter, some poultry farmers produce fodder beet root crops. To prevent various diseases, it is useful to introduce onions and green onions into your diet. For the same purpose, the chicken coop should be treated with an iodine bomb.

Health problems

The list of diseases that develop due to poor nutrition is divided into 3 groups: contagious, non-contagious and infestations. The first category includes diseases that are caused by viruses, prions and microorganisms. The second is poisoning and indigestion. The third is attacks of the body by protozoa.

Non-communicable diseases

They arise due to violation of the zoohygienic regime and improper nutrition. Birds that eat poisoned herbs and unbalanced food get sick. Therefore, the digestive system suffers more often: vomiting, severe thirst, and diarrhea appear.

  • Gastroenteritis. With this disease, the scallop changes color, the temperature rises, appetite worsens and green diarrhea appears.
  • Dyspepsia. The disease poses the greatest threat to the life of chickens. To protect the chicks from harm, you do not need to give peas to newly hatched birds. This leads to indigestion. In sick individuals, the abdomen becomes hard, and undigested food is passed out along with the feces.
  • Vitamin deficiency . With a deficiency of D, the laying hen is noticeably stunted in growth and suffers from brittle bones. Difficult gait and head throwing indicate a lack of B vitamins, and slow blood clotting and ruffled plumage indicate a lack of vitamin K.

Contagious diseases

Colibacillosis and pasteurellosis develop when eating contaminated food.

Symptoms of colibacillosis:

  • Decreased appetite;
  • Intense thirst;
  • Change in stool consistency;
  • The feathers around the anus are smeared with waste products;
  • Blue beak;
  • Breathing problems.

Symptoms of pasteurellosis (acute form):

  • Green diarrhea with blood or mucus;
  • Thirst;
  • Weakness;
  • Refusal to eat;
  • Blue discoloration of earrings and comb.

Important: This disease sometimes occurs in a hidden way.

Signs of chronic pasteurellosis:

  • Dyspnea;
  • Wheezing;
  • Nasal congestion;
  • Sitting dog pose;
  • Swelling of the ridge, earrings;
  • Deformation of wings and paws.

Infection occurs in different ways, not only through consumption of feed mixture. Pullorosis, which affects the food system, is transmitted by airborne droplets. A sick bird loses interest in food and has breathing problems.

If measures are not taken in a timely manner, the disease will become chronic. The prognosis in this case is unfavorable: the hen will die from exhaustion.

To prevent this from happening, the infected bird is separated from healthy birds and given an antibiotic (neomycin or biomycin).


Due to “accidental” food, the threat of invasion increases.

Sources of infection:

  • Earthworms, slugs;
  • Dirty water;
  • Rodents;
  • Untimely cleaning of the poultry house and aviary.

Ways of penetration of parasites into the body of a bird:

  1. Contact.
  2. Transovarial (through egg laying).
  3. Oral (through the mouth).
  4. Transmissible (through the bite of a carrier).

Infection with nematodes, cestodes and trematodes most often occurs through the oral route.

Family of parasites attacking chickensGenus of parasites
Nematodes (roundworms)Capillaria, Syngamus trachea, Acuaria, Strongyloides avium, Heterakis, Ascaridia, Oxyspirura, Subulura, Tetrameres
Cestodes (tapeworms)Amoebotaenia cuneata, Raillietina, Choanotaenia infundibulum, Davainea proglottina
Trematodes (flukes)Prosthogonimus

If you know what “random” food a laying hen ate, you can easily determine which parasite attacked the body.

Source of infection (intermediate host)Type of parasite
GrasshoppersAcuaria, Syngamus trachea, Tetrameres, Choanotaenia infundibulum
Slugs, snailsSyngamus trachea, Davainea proglottina, Raillietina
CockroachesOxyspirura, Tetrameres, Subulura,
EarthwormsAscaridia, Capillaria, Heterakis, Syngamus trachea, Tetrameres, Amoebotaenia cuneata
BeetlesAcuaria, Subulura, Raillietina

Important: Once infected with a parasite, a chicken becomes its primary host. It infects itself, and also indirectly contributes to the spread of infection among the rest of the inhabitants of the poultry house.

Only quarantine, systematic treatment and preventive measures aimed at stopping re-infestation will stop the spread of the process.

What is forbidden to give to chickens

  • Large amounts of vegetables - can cause digestive upset in chickens;
  • Low quality fish oil - causes an unpleasant odor in eggs;
  • Baking - can lead to the death of animals;
  • Hard peels of fruits and vegetables are also not recommended because they are difficult for birds to digest;
  • Large amounts of salt;
  • Styrofoam.

Chickens can only be given bread if they are kept in a chicken coop and have room to roam. It should not be given to birds in cages. If bread is used as an additional complementary food, it must be mixed with what the chickens usually eat - grain, mash. To fatten chickens, it is recommended to use white bread crackers.

Nutritional features of adult chickens

To provide birds with all the necessary nutrients, their feed must contain a number of substances:

SubstanceNorm in %, day
Squirrels15 — 18
Carbohydrates60 — 70
Fatsup to 5
Cellulose4 – 6

The norm per day is calculated taking into account that during the day one adult eats 120 - 130 g of food.

Feed for adult chickens

To prepare the mash, various types of grains and cereals are used. Animal waste and vegetables are added to them, such as:

  • Rutabaga (fodder beet);
  • Potato;
  • Carrot.

All products are crushed and boiled. The porridge should be of medium consistency. In winter, it is placed warm in feeders. Daily feeding of chickens may include mash or mixed feed. Birds should not be given heavy food at night. It is best to pour grain into the feeders.

Next to the feeder, there must be a drinking bowl with water with small pebbles and sand. Due to the structural features of the chickens’ digestive system, pebbles can improve their digestion.

Alternative replacement

Bread is a high-calorie and carbohydrate-rich product. It is very nutritious and suitable for chickens that need to gain weight or gain nutrition during the winter. But it can also have a detrimental effect on the bird’s body and is difficult to digest, so sometimes it is replaced with other products.

To ensure a balanced diet, you can use special feed that provides sufficient amounts of minerals, vitamins and other beneficial substances that birds need. You can also use mixtures of different cereals.

You will probably be interested in reading about what to do if chickens do not lay eggs well and peck eggs, why chickens peck each other until they bleed, why there is blood in chicken eggs, is a rooster needed for chickens to lay eggs, when pullet hens begin to lay eggs.

You can combine millet, millet, wheat, oats with grated potatoes, bran and a small amount of cottage cheese. This is an excellent mixture that will help hens be healthy and lay eggs well. Chickens have been close to people for a long time, providing them with invaluable products: meat, eggs. Take care of the diet of laying hens, provide them with everything necessary for a full-fledged existence.

What to give to laying hens?

The chicken should eat 120 g of feed per day. This portion is divided into morning and evening feeding. In the morning, an hour after waking up, the mash is prepared. Wet food stimulates egg production. The mash consists of cereals, vegetables, herbs, and mineral fillers. In the evening they give grain: a mixture of crushed and whole.

  • Wheat and barley are useful cereals for birds. Rye is rich in protein, but not much is given to birds.
  • Carrots are a useful vegetable. It is ground on a grater. It contains carotene, which improves reproductive function. Cabbage is rich in fiber. It contains many vitamins and mineral salts. The birds are given zucchini, pumpkin, and boiled potatoes.
  • Chickens need grass. This is a source of vitamins. Green onions, dill, and parsley are added to the mixture. Nettle, dandelions, clover, and alfalfa are useful.
  • Shell rock is installed in the chicken coop as mineral fillers. The food is mixed with eggshells and crushed shells. A little table salt is given, no more than 1 g per individual per day. It can provoke intoxication of the body.
  • It is worth taking care of animal products. They are administered in the form of bone or meat meal, but not more than 5 g per day. Larger amounts of the additive cause aggression in chickens and can provoke pecking.
  • Laying hens benefit from fish and fish oil. The fat is usually mixed with the feed. The fish is served as minced meat.
  • For better grinding of food, birds need small pebbles. It is purchased from the manufacturer. The diameter of the stones is no more than 4 mm.
Helpful information
1hemlock, henbane
2horse chestnut


It’s easy to prepare crushed cereal mixture with peas at home. A wet mash takes more effort. To begin with, prepare a version on water. If the birds like it, you can experiment with mash using yogurt, which is rich in animal proteins.

Recipe No. 1

Here it is allowed to increase the share of peas at the expense of sunflower meal. This option is suitable for feeding adults.


  • Corn (45% of the total feed mass);
  • Peas (6%);
  • Wheat (12%);
  • Barley (12%);
  • Sunflower meal (7%);
  • Herbal flour (2%);
  • Chalk (2%);
  • Meat and bone meal for chickens (2%);
  • Fishmeal (2%).

Additional ingredients: salt (2 teaspoons).

Recipe No. 2

Almost identical to the previous version.

A slight difference can be seen in the ratio of peas and sunflower sprat:

  • Corn (45% by weight of feed);
  • Peas (7%);
  • Wheat (12%);
  • Barley (12%);
  • Sunflower meal (6%);
  • Herbal flour (2%);
  • Chalk (2%);
  • Fishmeal (6%);
  • Soda (0.1%);
  • Salt (0.3%).

Recipe No. 3

The recipe is aimed at laying hens because the combination of chalk and shell helps strengthen the shell.

IngredientsIngredient percentage (%)
meat and bone meal5
powdered milk1
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