Bed bug probe: composition, instructions for use, reviews

Zonder - what kind of remedy for bedbugs?

The drug "Zonder" contains three active components and is positioned on the market of similar products as a means for professional treatment of premises against bedbugs, cockroaches and any other pests.
Due to its high activity and powerful composition, it is recommended to use this product against insects that are not sensitive to the action of other insecticides. “Zonder” is produced in the form of a concentrate for aqueous dissolution, which allows it to be used conveniently and to irrigate large areas. The “Zonder” formula against bedbugs is a combined one, because it contains not one, but three components. This:

  • Pyrethroid
  • Insecticide of the group of organophosphorus compounds
  • Synergist (substance for enhancing the action of insecticides)

The effectiveness of insect repellent is due to the fact that insects cannot develop tolerance to such a set of components. In addition, the drug is produced in microencapsulated form, where the working substances do not “float” in the solution in finished form, but are combined into larger particles. This ensures their gradual dissolution and prolonged poisoning effect on parasites. The manufacturer guarantees that the product will work for up to 5-7 weeks and partially retain its effect for 5-6 months.

The effect of “Zonder” on blood-sucking insects is as follows: it has a contact effect, as well as a toxic effect when it enters the gastrointestinal tract. Bedbugs do not feed on food other than blood, so the product can only get into their stomach by accident, for example, when trying to cleanse themselves. But the contact effect of the components works 100% - even through the shell of the bug’s body, the active substances penetrate the body, spread through the blood, and enter the brain. The drug blocks substances responsible for transmitting impulses from the central nervous system, so the bug becomes paralyzed and dies.

The synergist substance in the drug not only enhances the joint work of the two main components. It itself is a contact poison-pesticide and also kills bedbugs.

Thus, the highest effectiveness of the product is due to:

  • Long-term influence - new hatched larvae immediately become infected from microcapsules present on surfaces and die
  • The number of components - even if bedbugs have developed protection for one of them, the other two will still kill them
  • Preventive effect - even if new bedbugs crawl in from neighbors, the drug will have a poisonous effect and will not allow pests to populate the apartment
  • Instant work - the product begins to act immediately, and already on the first night after disinfestation you can sleep peacefully

Composition of Zonder and its effect on bedbugs and other insects

A very important point from a practical point of view is the fact that the composition of the Zonder bedbug remedy includes three active ingredients of different chemical nature:

  • Insecticide from the pyrethroid group;
  • Insecticide from the group of organophosphorus compounds;
  • And also a synergistic substance that enhances the effect of both of the above insecticides, while being itself a pesticide of intestinal contact action.

As a result, the likelihood that bedbugs will be resistant to three components at once is negligible.

The insecticides used can have a contact and intestinal toxic effect on insects. In the case of bed bugs, it is the contact action that is important, since bedbugs feed exclusively on blood, and it is simply impossible to force them to eat any poisoned bait. Meanwhile, the pronounced intestinal poisoning effect makes it possible to effectively use Zonder to kill cockroaches and house ants.

As for the contact poisoning effect, insecticides, even with simple contact with the chitinous integument of parasites, enter the hemolymph and have a nerve-paralytic effect. As a result, the bedbugs die quite quickly, and the speed of the onset of the effect to a certain extent depends on the quantity of active substances in the body of the parasite, which, in turn, directly depends on the quality of treatment of the room.


“In our dorm there was no life from bedbugs. No matter what we’ve tried, nothing will stop these bastards. At first they seem to disappear, but after a few days the bites come back. We tried Zonder, we don’t have it in our city, it was delivered from Moscow. They treated it very carefully, watering all the cracks where bedbugs could hide. The stench was not very pleasant, but the next day everything was fine. And the bedbugs really disappeared! At first I didn’t believe it for a long time, I kept thinking that they would start biting again, this has happened many times already. But no, two months have already passed and there are no bedbugs in sight...”

See also our experiments on bedbugs:

We catch bedbugs and test different products against them - see the results...

  • We test the effect of Hector powder on bedbugs in two options: simple treatment and preparation of traps. See the results of the experiment.
    Experiment on bedbugs: at what temperature do they die and how it can be used in practice

    We put the bedbugs in a container that was treated with the Executioner product a week ago - we’ll see if the parasites are poisoned by the long-dried product...

  • We tested the Get Express product on bedbugs - let's see what came out of it...

    Experiment on bedbugs: The executioner killed them in 8 minutes

    We check the residual effect of the Executioner on bedbugs (how quickly they are poisoned upon contact with a previously treated but already dried surface)

  • Proven methods of killing bedbugs that have shown to be highly effective

Kristina, Chelyabinsk

It is also worth noting that Zonder belongs to the so-called microencapsulated drugs: the active ingredients are not just dissolved, but are in the form of tiny particles separated from each other, forming a microemulsion. And although advertising often exaggerates the advantages of microencapsulated insecticidal preparations, it is nevertheless worth paying tribute - all other things being equal, in this form the drug works noticeably more effectively than when the insecticide is in a true solution, without microparticles.

The thing is that after the treated surfaces dry, microcapsules of the drug remain on them (provided that they were not erased during wet cleaning). And if a bug runs along such a surface, then the microcapsules very effectively stick to the legs and body of the parasite, causing after some time its poisoning due to the contact action. Moreover, often the bug manages to return to its nest: here it comes into contact with its “brothers,” including the larvae, thereby providing a kind of chain poisoning effect.

Thus, it can be noted that, unlike some other insecticidal preparations, Zonder works not only immediately at the time of treatment, when the solution of the product, sprayed on the surface and in the air, settles on insects, but also for a very long period after treatment of the room, provided that the treated surfaces are not washed.

It is also useful to read: Bedbug dusts: a review of drugs and reviews of their use

And one more thing: Where the hell did bedbugs come from in the apartment and what to do in such a situation

During processing there is a characteristic specific smell, which, however, disappears quite quickly when the room is ventilated (within several hours).

On a note

It is useful to keep in mind that Zonder bedbug remedy is far from the only microencapsulated drug. These include, for example, insect repellents Get, Delta Zone, Lambda Zone and some others. However, a rather rare feature of the Zonder drug is the combination of microencapsulation and combined composition, while, for example, the above drugs are single-component, that is, they contain only one insecticide (chlorpyrifos, deltamethrin and lambda-cyhalothrin, respectively).

According to the manufacturer, the residual effect of Zonder lasts for 5-7 weeks. This is often enough not only to destroy the parasites already present in the apartment, but also to provide a certain level of preventive protection of the premises from the penetration of single bedbugs from neighbors.


“We removed the bedbugs with Zonder. Before this, they unsuccessfully persecuted Fufanon, but they did not poison him. And when they bought Zonder, it completely destroyed the bedbugs in one go - only the corpses were then swept away with a broom. The bugs begin to die immediately, even while you are spraying. They crawl out right under your feet, behave strangely, it’s clear that they feel bad...”

Pavel, Tolyatti

General information about the drug "Zonder"

The drug is from a Dutch manufacturer, which has a wide spectrum of action. The chemical is used in the fight against many parasites, ticks, ants, fleas, cockroaches and other insects. It has a high percentage of effectiveness due to its composition, which includes several active substances.

The composition includes components that have versatile effects. In other words, some of the substances that are in the composition act contactally, while others affect the insect from the middle through the intestines.

In this case, substances that poison pests through the intestines are ineffective. All for the reason that, for example, unlike cockroaches, bedbugs feed exclusively on blood and are not at all interested in other types of food, which means that baits with a toxic substance will not bring any effect.

Short description

The probe is designed to kill bedbugs, ticks, and fleas. However, it can be successfully used against ants, cockroaches, wasps, horse flies and other parasites.

The drug contains:

  • fast-acting insecticidal component of the pyrethroid series;
  • insecticidal phosphorus compounds (organic phosphorus compounds), which provide a long-lasting protective effect;
  • pesticide synergist is an activator that enhances the effect of all components of the drug.

The Dutch drug is widely used by specialists at sanitary and epidemiological stations for treating home and industrial premises. After treatment, its enhanced effect lasts up to six months.

Action of the product

The drug acts on the pest as follows. When a substance gets on a bug, poison remains on its chitinous coating. It is absorbed into the body and acts as a nerve agent. This results in the insect being unable to move and then breathe, followed by death.

The effectiveness directly depends on whether the insect comes into contact with the substance, and the rate of incapacitation depends on the amount that comes into contact with it. Therefore, in this case, maximum efficiency depends on how well and thoroughly the room is treated.

Self-processing at home is acceptable, but not recommended. The fact is that this insecticide was originally intended for professional use. The main points that show why you should not use it yourself:

  • Proportions. Despite the fact that the instructions indicate how to prepare the solution and what proportions must be followed, experts are guided by completely different data and independently select the optimal concentration. Deviation from the instructions occurs for the reason that each case must be considered individually and take into account many associated factors, for example, whether treatments were carried out previously, what products were used, the number of bedbugs.
  • Efficiency. Another important point is that pests develop addiction, which means resistance to insecticides, and this factor can only be taken into account and calculated by a professional, otherwise the treatment may not be very effective.
  • Labor intensity. It is worth saying that the processing procedure is quite labor-intensive and requires some knowledge. Namely, it is necessary to cover the maximum number of areas where bedbugs live. If this is not done, then part of the colony will remain untouched and all the work will be in vain. As a rule, only specialists know where they most often live and what secret places they choose.

What points should be considered when dealing with bedbugs?

In practice, it is necessary to take into account several nuances that can significantly increase the effectiveness of the fight against harmful insects:

  1. Before carrying out any work to disinfect your own apartment, it is very important to make sure that your neighbors also do not have bedbugs. After all, any work will be empty if after a couple of months bedbugs or other parasites come to you again from a neighboring apartment. If your neighbors are good, they won’t mind a little inspection and won’t forbid you to treat the ventilation grilles with Sonder, through which bedbugs most likely get into your apartment.
  2. Bed bugs often like to lay their eggs in clothes or bedding. Therefore, you need to take care of them too - wash things at a water temperature of +60 degrees Celsius and above. At a lower temperature, the eggs will survive and very soon you will get a new colony. If some things cannot be washed at such a high temperature, take them to the balcony in winter, because severe frost - from -20 degrees and below is also fatal to eggs.
  3. Eggs can also be found in the folds of mattresses. Many people don’t want to process what they sleep on every day, so it’s effective to simply run a steam cleaner through the folds.

In the fight against bedbugs or any other parasitic insects that have infested your house or apartment, it is important not only to choose a truly effective remedy, which is the Dutch drug “Zonder,” but also to be able to use it correctly. In practice, beginners make one banal mistake, which radically negates all the advantages of even the most effective means.

When you first spray a room with Zonder, you happily watch as an entire colony of bedbugs dies. At this point you think the insects have left the house forever. And then after a couple of weeks, in bewilderment, you again begin to itch from bedbug bites. Many people believe that they were given a fake and give up.

In fact, the reason is most likely in the eggs. Their shell is so strong that it can withstand even toxins. Most larvae will still die on contact, but some will still survive. Hungry larvae bite even harder - at this point the disinfestation should be repeated again. Only then can you be absolutely sure that there are no bedbugs. If you do not act promptly, the larvae will also lay eggs, and therefore laying is not recommended.

When it comes to a severely infested apartment or house, re-treatment is a mandatory action that you must do two weeks after the first treatment. If you did use Sonder, then large numbers of young insects will die upon contact with the remaining dried active ingredients. And yet, the chance that the entire population will die is not 100%.

Therefore, if you are still wondering whether it is worth re-treating the room, do not hesitate, but rather act. If you give bedbugs even the slightest chance to survive, they will not hesitate to use it and restore the population.

Chemical composition

The substance was created based on new technologies using an original patented formula. The main effective components: two poisonous insecticides of contact and intestinal type (a group of pyrethroids and a group of organophosphorus compounds), a pesticide of intestinal contact action, acting as an amplifier of the toxicity of insecticides.

The components are in the emulsion in the form of microscopic particles, which enhances their activity in the working solution. The effect is prolonged on treated and dried surfaces. Microcapsules of the drug left after treatment on objects that have not been wet-cleaned “cling” to the legs of insects, are carried by them to places of accumulation, and also penetrate upon contact into the body of bedbugs through the chitinous shell. Contribute to mass destruction.

Advantages and disadvantages

When choosing an insecticide, each person tries to find reviews about the advantages and disadvantages. Many have already appreciated the effectiveness of Zonder and are pleased with the positive results from its use. The following advantages can be highlighted:

  1. Prolongation . The drug has a long-term protective effect (on average about two months). Partial effect is observed within 6 months after the last treatment. The drug “Zonder” has a long residual effect, which provides protection against insects on a long-term basis
  2. Safety for people . If during processing a person follows the instructions and all recommendations from the manufacturer, the drug does not have a negative impact on health.
  3. Unique effective composition . The emulsion combines the action of several components. As a result, insects do not develop resistance.
  4. Quick results . Residents note the effect within 5 hours after spraying.

The only drawback is the pungent and pungent smell, as well as the high price of Zonder for bedbugs (100 ml of the product can be bought for 1300-1500 rubles). But this is a truly effective and potent remedy that does not harm the health of pets and people, so this cost is completely justified.


When working with insecticide, it is important to follow safety precautions. Thus, the treatment of the premises should only be carried out by persons over 18 years of age. It is mandatory to use personal protective equipment: protective suit, goggles, respirator, gloves. Children and pets are prohibited from being in the treated area. After disinfestation, you need to change clothes, wash your face and hands with soap, and take a shower.

The online store Insekomikh.Net presents only certified and highly effective products from well-known manufacturers. With us you can buy a Sonder at the most attractive price, receiving your order in your hands in the shortest possible time. We are waiting for your applications on the website!

This product requires special preparation when used. You must carefully read the instructions for use and follow safety precautions.

Preparation of the drug

Specialty hardware stores do not sell the insecticide. The place where you can buy Zonder for bedbugs is the disinfection departments of sanitary or other special services. The concentrated emulsion is sold in bottles (100; 250 ml) and canisters of 1 and 5 liters with roll-on caps. It has the color of weakly brewed tea and a specific smell. Determine exactly what cubic capacity will have to be processed in order to prepare the optimal amount of working composition

Depending on the capacity of the container, from 50 square meters are processed. up to 2.5 thousand square meters of surfaces. The consumption rate will help you determine the number of bottles: per square meter of surface to be treated you will need 50 ml of concentrate. Due to the concentrated form of the active ingredients, a small amount of concentrate can be used to treat large areas.

Attention! When calculating the concentrate consumption, it is necessary to take into account not the area of ​​the room being treated, but the total area of ​​disinfestation of all surfaces in it. It will be much larger in overall dimensions.

To carry out an insecticidal attack, preliminary preparation of a working aqueous solution is required. The manufacturing technology is given in the instructions. The recipe must be strictly followed, as well as the mandatory use of protective equipment during processing. The instructions are made in Russian with duplication of each stage using clear illustrations. It provides comprehensive information on the preparation of the drug and safety measures when using it.

Where and at what price can you buy the anti-bedbug medicine Zonder?

The easiest way to buy Zonder today is in online stores, since the drug is poorly represented in physical retail outlets (although in rare cases it can be found on sale from companies involved in the extermination of bedbugs and other insects).

For example, without the risk of running into a fake, you can purchase Zonder bedbug repellent here.

The price of Zonder depends on the volume of the concentrate bottle:

  • 50 ml cost 450 rubles in a plastic bottle or 750 rubles in an aluminum bottle;
  • 100 ml cost 1400 rubles;
  • 250 ml cost 2600 rubles;
  • 500 ml cost 4,500 rubles;
  • 1 l - 8000 rubles;
  • 5 l (canister) - 32,000 rubles.

In most cases, customers order bottles of 100 and 250 ml. As a rule, 100 ml is enough to treat a standard one-room apartment, 250 ml is enough to kill bedbugs in a two-room apartment when performing double treatment.

It should be recognized that the price of the drug is quite high: for example, for 2,500 rubles you can order pest control by professionals (albeit with Russian drugs). However, as practice shows, careful double treatment of an apartment with a competent approach often turns out to be more effective than using third-party services - personal interest in a good result makes a significant contribution.

If you have personal experience using Zonder bedbug repellent, do not forget to leave your review at the bottom of this page (in the comments field).

And this is what bed bugs and their larvae actually look like...

How to prepare the solution

The first thing to do is shake the emulsion well. Prepare water at room temperature. Regarding the proportions indicated in the instructions, 5 ml of the substance should be diluted in 1 liter of water.

If we rely on the experience of specialists and their practical skills, then 15 ml is used for the same amount of water. Another point is when treatments have been carried out in this room and the previously used products did not bring results (and also when there are a large number of bedbugs), then 30 ml is used for the same amount of water.

What is included and how is it produced?

As mentioned earlier, the composition is multicomponent, namely, it contains 3 active ingredients, each of which has a specific effect:

  • Class of pyrethroids. This active component affects the nerve cells of insects. Contact with it leads to paralysis and death.
  • Organophosphorus compounds. As in the first option, it has an effect on nerve cells causing paralysis. Has an immediate effect.
  • Synergist. If we talk about this component as a separate substance, then it has a toxic effect on the insect through the intestines, in other words, when it enters the body it poisons the insect. But in this case, it acts as an amplifier and auxiliary component for the previous ones.

The formula used in the manufacture of the drug is designed to not give pests the slightest chance. And it really works and is extremely effective. Another point is multicomponentity, because insects have the ability to get used to certain substances; in this case, insects have little chance, because the likelihood that they are resistant to three drugs at once is reduced to zero.

Regarding the validity period, according to the manufacturer, the probe’s activity remains for 7 weeks after the spraying procedure. This time is very important, as it allows you to destroy the young animals that hatch their eggs.

It is produced in the form of an emulsion, which has a rather specific smell. It has a light brown color. You can buy it in bottles, for home use it is 100 ml and 250 ml, and for industrial use in containers of 1 liter and 5 liters.


Before you start working with the substance, be sure to wear protective equipment and follow safety precautions!

Security measures

If you decide to use a probe at home, be sure to follow the basic safety rules:

  • Before starting the treatment, be sure to wear protective equipment, gloves, a respirator, and goggles.
  • Should be stored away from food.
  • Avoid contact with children and animals.
  • Before processing, the products must be placed in sealed containers; people and animals should not be in the room.
  • Avoid contact of the probe with the skin, mucous membrane, or clothing. After working with it, take off your clothes and wash them, wash your hands and face with soap.
  • Do not work with the product without a respirator, avoid getting vapors through the respiratory tract;
  • It is prohibited to eat, drink or smoke in the room where the probe is used.

Activities after disinfestation

The room should be mothballed for 5 hours. After this period, windows and doors can be opened. It is recommended to partially remove the poison from various surfaces that are used frequently. General cleaning is performed after 1-2 months. Moreover, the product is left in hidden areas.

How to use Sonder correctly

The instructions for use of this drug are practically no different from similar insect control products. The only thing that is best ignored is the statement about the absolute safety of the product for animals and humans. The manufacturer states that it is completely safe in contact with the respiratory tract. In fact, any insecticide is harmful if inhaled, and therefore it is best to use personal protective equipment, for example, a respirator.

So, we come to the issue of proper use of the product. First you need to properly prepare the current emulsion. For people who have been working in the field of pest control for a long time, the instructions will seem simple and quite understandable. It says that the solution must be made in a ratio of 5:1000. However, not everyone has had to use such products, and therefore it will be clearer to them that only 5 ml of Sonder should be diluted per liter of water.

5 ml is a very small dose that cannot be measured by eye, so don’t even try. The likelihood that you will make a mistake is almost one hundred percent. It is best to use a regular syringe, which can be found at any pharmacy in your city.

The photograph shows a photo of the Dutch drug in its as yet undiscovered form.

And this is what the emulsion already prepared for use looks like – it resembles milk. The product itself has a tea color before it comes into contact with water.

As mentioned above, in Russia many bedbug colonies are highly resistant to insecticides that are sold on the domestic market. For these reasons, many even professional pest control services use a more concentrated solution - this significantly helps to increase efficiency and will definitely not give bedbugs and other pests a chance.

If you have a large population of bedbugs in your house or apartment, then dilute 15 ml of this product per liter of water. If you are dealing with a room that is simply infested with harmful insects, do not be afraid to make an emulsion even in a ratio of 30:1000.

It is important to mix the solution thoroughly before using the drug, and then pour it into a spray bottle. It is not necessary to use expensive equipment - even the simplest cheap spray guns will do.

You need to evenly spray all surfaces where insects may be present. Such places could be:

  • frames of upholstered furniture, including sofas, armchairs and beds;
  • baseboards;
  • rips in wallpaper;
  • any cracks in the walls;
  • bookshelves with books;
  • carpets, including those hanging on the wall;
  • boxes of bedside tables and cabinets;
  • sockets

If you notice insects in other places, treat them there too.

On a note

Manufacturers have made sure that you know where to process. They not only wrote it in plain text, but also showed it in a picture as a diagram of an apartment or house. This is very convenient to use when fighting bedbugs and other parasites on your own.

As a rule, to treat a small apartment you need to use about 100-150 ml of this solution. For one square moment of a surface that does not absorb the product, about 50 ml of solution is needed. But for a large private house you will have to use about a liter, which is also not too much.

To ensure that the Sonder continues to work for a long time, do not wash the treated surfaces. If you have constant contact with them or your pets, then it is best to leave them again with those with whom you do not contact.

And yet, not everything is indicated in the instructions. In fact, there are certain points that are very important to consider, but the manufacturer did not bother to mention them. Therefore, together we will try to understand these subtleties in more detail.

Action at home

It is very important not to rush to treat the premises immediately after purchase. Everything should happen in several stages. Preparatory - fully prepare the room, preparation of the solution - put on protective equipment and prepare the solution, treatment - pay attention to areas where bedbugs accumulate, final - take all safety measures.

After the area has been sprayed, the probe begins to operate. As soon as you have completed spraying, you need to leave the apartment for at least half an hour, while keeping the windows and doors closed.

As already mentioned, it will continue to operate for a long time. All larvae that develop into young individuals will be destroyed. Another advantage of such a long-lasting effect is that if insects from your neighbors drop in on you, then the same fate awaits them.

In cases where the room is heavily infested and the bedbug colonies are large enough, experts recommend repeating the procedure after about 2 weeks.

General description and composition

The Zonder insecticide appeared on the market relatively recently, but quickly became popular. This is due, among other things, to the wide spectrum of action of the drug. It can be used against bedbugs, ticks, cockroaches, fleas and flies.

However, what is even more important is that insect pests rarely develop resistance (immunity) to Zonder. Therefore, the drug can be used in cases where others are ineffective or only partially effective.

Sonder composition:

  • pyrethroid and organophosphate insecticides are the main active ingredients;
  • stabilizers and catalysts;
  • fragrance

The Zonder is very effective at killing adult bed bugs, but has virtually no effect on their laying.

The combination of two types of insecticides is not accidental, it makes sense. They act as catalysts for each other, that is, the combined antiparasitic effect is enhanced. Therefore, Zonder can be safely classified as a synergistic insecticide.

The drug is produced in the form of a solution, packaged in plastic bottles. The cost of a bottle for 50 ml is 450 rubles, for 100 ml – 1300 rubles, for 250 ml – 2500 rubles. To treat a large area, you can use large bottles: 500 ml - 4,500 rubles, 1,000 ml - 8,000 rubles, 5 liters - 32,000 rubles.

How does Zonder act on bedbugs, and how effective is the product? (+video)

Zonder has a contact-intestinal effect and quickly leads to the death of the infected parasite. First, the toxin enters the hemolymph (analogous to human blood), then the nervous system is damaged, which manifests itself as paralysis and failure of internal organs in the parasite.

Considering that the parasite does not die immediately, it manages to infect its other relatives. As a result, the entire colony becomes infected within 3-7 days. But Zonder has virtually no effect on the laying of bed bugs, so after the first treatment a second treatment is needed.

Repeated treatment should be carried out after 14-28 days, just by this time new offspring will hatch. Use the same dosage as the first time (but if the infection was not extensive initially, you can reduce the dosage by half).

Is the product dangerous for humans and pets?

When used correctly, Zonder is very safe and cannot cause toxicity to people or pets. Intoxication is possible by inhaling solution vapors (if there is no respiratory protection) or if the drug gets on the mucous membranes.

To ensure your safety, carry out the treatment of the premises in protective equipment. This includes rubber gloves, a change of clothes (long-sleeved jacket and pants), a respirator or at least a gauze bandage, and safety glasses.

Work must be carried out in a well-ventilated area, otherwise there is a high risk of inhaling a large amount of solution vapor (a respirator will not help in this case). If you are using a strong Zonder concentrate and are covering a large area, it makes sense to use a gas mask.

How to treat the room?

Places where parasites usually hide will need to be treated with special care. This:

  • Upholstered furniture - bottom and back
  • Gaps in the floor, behind the baseboard near the beds
  • Window sills below
  • Door jambs
  • Carpets, runners
  • Behind the paintings
  • Curtain folds
  • Wallpaper rips
  • Cabinets, bedside tables
  • Ventilation holes

The instructions for the product show all the places where bedbugs can live, which is very convenient for self-disinfestation.

The solution consumption is 50-100 ml per square meter, depending on the absorbency of the surface (the higher it is, the greater the consumption). For an apartment (meaning a 1-room apartment) only 100 ml of Sonder is enough. After irrigating the room, you need to leave it for 2 hours, then ventilate all rooms well. It is advisable not to wash for 1-2 weeks where the drug was distributed, but only sweep away dead insects and immediately flush them down the toilet. But contact surfaces (front parts of furniture, door handles) must be washed with soap and water!

Mode of application

To prepare the working solution, follow the following scheme:

  • shake the bottle;
  • measure the required amount of liquid (depending on the degree of infection, the concentration can vary from 5 to 30 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water);
  • mix thoroughly and wait until the solution turns white;
  • Pour the prepared emulsion into a spray bottle.

Next, spray all surfaces in the room in an even layer, paying special attention to the back walls of furniture, areas behind radiators, bed frames, carpets and door frames. Also do not forget that the product has no effect on the larvae that are in the egg at the time of treatment. A reliable shell protects the offspring of parasites from any toxins. But as soon as they are outside, they will immediately die from contact with the poison. After 14 days, it is recommended to re-disinfestate to achieve the best results.

Calculation of the amount of “Zonder” required to prepare a working suspension for the destruction of synanthropic arthropods:

Species of arthropod Concentration (%) according to DV Concentration (%) of the working emulsion according to the preparation Amount of drug (ml) per (l) water
1 l 10 l 100 l
Cockroaches 0,150 0,50 5,0 50 500
Bedbugs 0,150 0,50 5,0 50 500
Ants 0,150 0,50 5,0 50 500
Fleas 0,150 0,50 5,0 50 500
Flies imago 0,150 0,50 5,0 50 500
Mosquito imago 0,150 0,50 5,0 50 500
Mosquito larvae 0,075 0,25 2,5 25 2500
Ticks 0,150 0,50 5,0 50 500

What else is important when using the product?

Before carrying out disinfestation, it is advisable to coordinate the activities with your neighbors so that they can be carried out jointly. This will certainly help get rid of bedbugs, which will later not return from the neighbors with renewed vigor. One way or another, “Zonder” must be applied to the ventilation, as well as to the entrance doors - to all the paths through which insects can enter the home.

Eggs, larvae and adults can sit in clothes and bedding that lie quietly in the closet. Therefore, all accessories must be shaken, or better yet, washed in hot water. In winter, you can take things out to the balcony and leave them there for a couple of days - this way the parasites will definitely die.

After treating the room with Sonder, all items should be washed in hot water to get rid of the larvae

When using the product, you must comply with all necessary safety measures:

  • Wear a respirator and rubber gloves
  • Don't forget about tight-fitting glasses
  • Wear overalls or other protective clothing, a cap
  • Remove people and pets from their homes
  • Close the aquariums tightly
  • Cover flowers with bags

How much does it cost and where can I buy a Sonder?

It is quite difficult to find the product in retail stores. The easiest way to order the drug is online; online addresses of stores can be found online. Suppliers organize delivery in any way convenient for the buyer.

The price of Zonder is quite high. The cost depends on the container volume:

100 ml, 250 ml – 1300 rub. and 2500 rub. respectively; 1 liter canister - about 6300-6500 rubles, 5 liters - about 28,000 rubles

When purchasing, it is important to beware of counterfeits. Even the online seller must require a quality certificate for the drug.

The cost of purchasing a bottle of Zonder is almost the same as the price of a professional disinfection service. In most cases, it is more advisable to call specialists - many companies provide a guarantee on the effectiveness of disinfestation.

Table of characteristics of Zonder insecticidal agent

PestFleas, rat ticks, bedbugs, ants, cockroaches
Active substancesynergist dicarboximide (mgk - 264), chlorpyrifos, chlorpyrifos + cypermethrin + synergist dicarboximide (mgk-264), cypermethrin
Active Ingredient Percentage10% + 20% + 2%
Active ingredient classFOS + pyrethroid
Classification by purposeinsectoacaricide
Preparative formemulsion concentrate
Hazard ClassHazard class 3 (moderately hazardous substances)
Object of applicationresidential premises, non-residential premises
Consumption rate of the drug5 – 10 ml / 1 l of water
Working solution consumption50 ml/sq.m. (non-absorbent surface), 100 ml/sq.m. (moisture-absorbing surface)
Protective action time5 – 7 weeks
Volume100 ml
Treatment area per bottleup to 50 sq.m.
Best before date2 years

What points should be considered when dealing with bedbugs?

Considering that Zonder is different from its analogues, it should be handled with caution. So, at the stage of mixing the active component with water, it is recommended to use a warm liquid (at room temperature). The substance must be shaken. The drug should not be used at temperatures below +10°C, as all its properties will not appear. The amount of toxic substance depends on the intensity of infection.

The drug retains its properties for 5-7 weeks. Throughout this period, it acts no less strongly than at the initial stage of application - during spraying. The bedbug probe can retain its properties longer – up to 3 or even 6 months.

In this case, the substance becomes somewhat less effective, but can be used as a barrier to pests that enter the house later.

Harm to human health

Like any chemical, Zonder can affect human health. If a significant amount of the insecticide enters the digestive tract, acute poisoning will occur. If the solution comes into contact with the skin, an allergic reaction may occur. If the treatment is carried out correctly, adhering to all safety rules, it is very difficult to harm your body.


“Before starting pest control, remove children and animals from the premises. Houseplants must be taken out or covered with film. While the chemical is being sprayed, the aquarium must be tightly closed and the compressor turned off. Zonder is highly toxic to aquatic life."

To summarize this topic, let’s note the main thing! The drug Zondar is an effective, professional and long-term remedy in the fight against insects. If you have already tried a chemical solution in practice, write your opinion in the comments. For those who are just starting to fight bedbugs, you need to remember:

  1. Do not neglect chemical protection measures.
  2. Carefully read the instructions for toxic solutions.
  3. Keep children away from insecticides.

You can use the Zonder as a means of combating other insects and parasites

This drug is designed to destroy various pests that feed on the blood of warm-blooded creatures. It is used against fleas, ticks, bedbugs. The advantage of the product is that there is no need to use auxiliary products that do not affect parasites. For example, traps are used against cockroaches, but they are useless for bedbugs.

In this case, direct contact with the toxic substance is sufficient, which will allow the poison to penetrate through the chitinous shells. During the spraying process, part of the poison enters the respiratory system, which accelerates the death of parasites.

However, this is only possible if the insecticide was sprayed directly over the pests. The drug is also used against other pests.

The principle of action of Zonder on insects

The drug is contact-intestinal, so it is worth considering both sides of its effect on insects. Intestinal properties do not affect bedbugs, since they feed only on human blood. But they can “feed” cockroaches or ants. In this case, the poisons will penetrate the intestines, poisoning will occur and the individuals will die.

When bedbugs come into contact with the capsules, they receive a dose of the toxic substance through their chitinous covers. The drug acts in such a way that bloodsuckers become paralyzed. Unable to move and feed, the parasites soon die. Therefore, in order for the drug to be effective, it is worth taking care of thorough treatment of residential premises.

Zonder is a microcapsule drug, which gives it another advantage. The active ingredients remain on the treated surfaces for a long time. If bedbugs run across such a surface while moving around the apartment, poison will remain on their paws, which will be transferred to the insect nests. The product even works on bedbug larvae.

Harm to humans and safety precautions

Any chemically active drug, including imported Zonder, poses a potential threat to health. You should not rely on advertising about the harmlessness and maximum effectiveness of the product - both parameters are mutually exclusive. Getting a certain dose of insecticide into the body is fraught with poisoning and an allergic reaction.

However, if you use Sonder correctly, all negative consequences can be easily avoided.

Safety precautions come down to following simple rules:

  1. Provide individual protection for the performer. Wear chemically neutral rubber gloves, closed clothing, a respirator, and goggles.
  2. While spraying the insecticide, it is prohibited to eat, drink, or inhale vapors without protective equipment. Smoking is prohibited indoors.
  3. The toxic chemical must not be directed towards electrical wiring, sockets, switches, distribution boxes - there is a risk of electric shock.
  4. After disinfection, you need to take a shower, wash your hands and face with laundry soap. Wash work clothes.

Important! The drug should be kept locked away, away from children. You cannot leave Zonder for bedbugs with medications. The main cause of poisoning is careless handling of pesticides and other chemicals.

The appearance of nausea, pain in the eyes and skin redness is a reason to immediately contact a doctor or a specialized poison control center.

Danger to humans

Like any other product that contains chemical components, it poses a threat to humans. Of course, every manufacturer will praise their product, focusing on its harmlessness and safety. But at the same time warning that safety measures must be observed, thereby abdicating all responsibility. If you take into account the fact that the probe must be used by specialized services, then responsibility for the consequences falls entirely on you. Minimal harm - allergic reactions, poisoning.

What rules are required to be followed:

  • Work only in protective equipment, all areas of the skin must be covered, glasses must be worn, and a respirator must be worn so that toxic fumes are not inhaled.
  • When spraying, it is forbidden to direct the jet at sockets and switches, distribution boxes and electrical wiring; electric shock may occur.
  • Upon completion of work, be sure to take a shower and wash all your clothes.
  • Store only in a closed form, out of reach of others.
  • Contact with food and medicines is prohibited.


If during or after work you feel nauseous, redness appears on the skin or hurts your eyes, immediately go outside and call an ambulance.

Strengths and weaknesses of the insecticide

Zonder's bedbug treatment has received mixed reviews. Opinions regarding the remedy are divided. Some speak out in favor of the pesticide, while others give counterarguments against the Dutch one and the insecticide.

Positive aspects of use:

  1. Efficiency. A well-thought-out insecticide formula gives a good result - bedbugs have no chance of surviving after contact with Zonder. However, for this it is necessary to ensure the most accurate targeting of the drug.
  2. Prolonged action. Microcapsules retain their activity. If they are not wiped off during cleaning, they protect the room for another 5-6 weeks after disinfection. The partial effect lasts up to 6 months.
  3. Quick results. An instant insecticide provokes mass death of a significant population of arthropods. “Attacks” from bloodsuckers will stop immediately after treating the premises.
  4. Unification. The product is suitable for use in different rooms. The drug has a wide range of effects - all insects die upon contact with Zonder.

Negative points:

  1. High price. The Sonder is positioned as a professional product, so the price is appropriate. However, the justification of costs is not always justified - there are alternative, affordable and effective methods.
  2. The complexity of the process. It is difficult to identify all areas of domestic parasite accumulation on your own. Losing sight of one nest will result in a new invasion of bloodsuckers.
  3. Need for re-processing. The product does not penetrate the “armor” of bedbug eggs, and there is no 100% guarantee that later hatched larvae will come into contact with the poison. To stop further reproduction, a second disinfection is required.
  4. Shortage in the trading network. It is difficult to buy Zonder in Moscow or St. Petersburg, not to mention other regions. Supply in retail outlets is limited.
  5. Specific smell. Bedbug treatment leaves a persistent, unpleasant odor. After disinfestation, the apartment must be ventilated periodically.

Operating principle

After treating the contaminated area, insects inevitably come into contact with the poison. The poison remains on the bedbugs' legs and their chitinous shell. Penetrating through the membrane into the parasite's body, the poison provokes a nerve-paralytic effect on the bloodsuckers, after which the latter quickly die. The more the drug gets on the body of the bug, the faster its death will occur, which means that only high-quality treatment can speed up getting rid of these insects.

Microcapsules provide maximum contact of the insecticide with bedbugs. If they are not washed off when cleaning after treatment, particles of poison stick tightly to the legs of insects. With this “cargo” the parasites manage to crawl to their nest and spread the poison among their relatives, which, as a result of a chain reaction, makes it possible to quickly get rid of a large number of bloodsuckers.

the diluted drug has a milky color

The bedbug probe helps get rid of not only adult bedbugs, but also their larvae. According to the manufacturer, the residual effect of the drug lasts from 5 to 7 weeks, and this time is enough to kill not only parasites that have already settled in the room, but also those accidentally introduced there from neighbors.

The effectiveness of Zonder bedbug repellent

The extent to which the product effectively copes with the task assigned to it can be noticed immediately after treatment.

In addition, Zonder not only effectively destroys insects during treatment, but also prevents their appearance in the future.

Many people recommend this remedy for bedbugs. Read >>>!

The drug copes with its task excellently even where many other means may not be able to do so.

As already noted, Zonder insecticide against bed bugs can be used not only by professionals, but also by ordinary residents of premises. The main condition is compliance with the requirements specified in the instructions.

The drug is very effective in those difficult cases when the room has already been treated with other means, which did not bring a positive result.

After all, if the insects survive after treatment, then they become accustomed to the drug, so-called resistance, and in this case it is much more difficult to destroy them.

However, Zonder, due to the fact that it contains three active substances at once, helps perfectly in such difficult cases.

Important information

In order to protect the Zonder bedbug product from counterfeiting, the manufacturer places protective holograms on all bottles of the drug.
The hologram contains the manufacturer's logo, the inscription "Quality and Results" in Dutch and English ("KWALITEIT & RESULTATEN" and "QUALITY & RESULTS") and the microprint "ZONDER" as the background of the manufacturer's logo. Be careful: the absence of a protective hologram indicates a possible counterfeit of the drug.

Is Sonder safe for humans and animals?

The drug is not absolutely safe. When applying it to surfaces, you must use gloves, a respiratory mask, and eye protection. It would be a good idea to wear a hat and long sleeves. There should be no one in the room. Aquarium fish must be covered with thick cloth.

After treatment, you cannot enter the room for several hours. During cleaning, surfaces accessible to contact between humans and pets are wiped. The room is thoroughly ventilated until the smell of the product leaves it.

Application of Sonder

How much drug is required

To understand how much of the drug will be needed, calculate the number of square meters that need to be treated. This amount includes the area of ​​all surfaces that will need to be covered with the solution. For each such meter, take 50 ml of emulsion.

Preparatory activities

You should prepare everything you need in advance to quickly and reliably destroy pests. To dilute Zonder you will need a glass container, water (room temperature) and a syringe that is convenient for measuring the amount of emulsion you need. When working with the product, you should act strictly according to the instructions specified in the instructions, incl. observing all the proposed proportions.

First, shake the liquid well. Then, in a ratio of 1:5 (water and substance), the emulsion is diluted in water. If the bedbug infestation is significant, then you can increase the amount of the drug to 15 ml instead of the suggested 5. The solution is thoroughly mixed until a light, homogeneous mixture is obtained.


Now the prepared solution can be poured into a convenient spray bottle. Even containers from household household chemicals are suitable. The mixture is quickly but evenly applied to infected areas and along the path of possible movement of parasites:

  • cracks;
  • baseboards;
  • window sills;
  • sockets;
  • wallpaper joints;
  • paintings and posters;
  • bookshelves;
  • back surfaces of furniture and carpets;
  • door frames;
  • ventilation passages, etc.

For soft liquid-absorbing surfaces, it is better to use a slightly larger amount of the poisonous solution.

Reviews from those who have used the product

Users who have already experienced the effect of the insecticide leave mostly positive reviews. The drug attracts attention for its effectiveness and safe composition.

This is interesting: how quickly bedbugs reproduce.


When we moved to a private house, we had to deal with bedbugs and woodlice. It was terrible. They were just swarming in old mattresses and in the attic. When meeting my neighbors, I told them about my problem. They advised me to buy Zonder, because they themselves sometimes use it as a preventive measure. The drug really helped.


We use Sonder at work because cockroaches crawl up to us from below. Our neighbors did not want to poison insects, so the boss buys this product and periodically treats the surfaces. After that, we forget about the problem for 2 months.


My parents used this product. Insects are not uncommon in a private home, so I recommend everyone to buy a Zonder. It is safer, unlike Dichlorvos, for example.

Tool for professionals

The instructions for the product indicate that it is recommended for use by exterminators involved in the extermination of bedbugs at a professional level. That is, first of all, it is intended for services that specialize in eliminating harmful insects. This indicates the high effectiveness of the drug. No self-respecting company will use a product that does not produce the desired effect.

Let's sum it up

You should always take into account all the pros and cons, and only then take any action. If we summarize all of the above, then taking into account the price, a rather complicated procedure, danger, and little effectiveness because I don’t know the correct use, then it’s definitely better to trust the specialists.




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