Destruction of cockroaches using Raptor aerosol. Spray composition, instructions, safety, precautions during use, useful tips

The invasion of cockroaches is a real scourge of modern man. Small tenacious insects willingly settle in houses and apartments, multiply at lightning speed and have absolutely no intention of leaving.

It is unlikely that such a neighborhood can please anyone. Therefore, it is not surprising that everyone who is faced with this problem is making a lot of efforts to destroy the uninvited guests.

Often you have to spend a lot of effort and money to get rid of such harmful tenants, because they very quickly get used to existing insecticides.

Among the products available on the domestic market, Raptor aerosol should be highlighted. This drug has proven itself remarkably well among similar products and has earned incredible popularity among consumers.

Aerosol composition

What is the secret of the increased efficiency of the aerosol? To get a detailed answer to this question, you should refer to the chemical formula of the spray. The product includes:

  1. tetramethrin;
  2. cypermethrin;
  3. piperonyl butoxide.


Insecticide of the pyrethroid group. Entering the body of insects through the respiratory system or chitinous membranes, it leads to convulsions, paralysis and causes inevitable death.

Clinical trials and studies conducted back in the 70s of the last century showed that red cockroaches, which are more often called Prussians in everyday life, very quickly develop resistance and tolerance to this drug.

In the presence of air and sunlight, tetramethrin very quickly breaks down into simpler components and loses its insecticidal properties.


Contact-intestinal pyrethroid. Like tetramethrin, cypermethrin enters the body of cockroaches through the respiratory tract and body membranes, affects the nervous system of insects, causing loss of coordination, convulsive seizures, paralysis and death.

However, unlike tetramitrin, it retains its insecticidal properties for 14 - 20 days, which means that parasites are in mortal danger for another 2 - 3 weeks after treating the room. In addition, it is generally accepted that this chemical does not cause resistance (addiction).

Piperonyl butoxide

In itself it is not a toxic element, but when interacting with pyrethroids, it significantly enhances the effect of each of them.

The presence of piperonyl butoxide in the Raptor aerosol accelerates the process of penetration into the body of cockroaches and accelerates the onset of death. Insect intoxication occurs within 20 minutes after the drug enters the respiratory system.

The effectiveness of Raptor cockroach repellents

The active ingredient of the insecticidal drug is a synthetic pyrethroid. The composition was developed taking into account the physiology of insects. The chemical helps to quickly eliminate insects. Penetrating through the quinine membrane, these substances have a similar effect to neuroleptic poisons. Under their influence, the nerve cells of insects are destroyed. As a result, the pests die. The Raptor product line occupies a leading position in the market. This is due to its good performance in killing all types of cockroaches.

How to distinguish a fake from the original?

Unfortunately, today the shelves of many stores are filled with a mass of counterfeit goods. Unscrupulous manufacturers, in pursuit of super-profits, willingly resort to deception, counterfeit and distribute the most popular products.

Cockroach poisoning products are no exception, which means that no consumer is immune from purchasing a counterfeit. How to distinguish the original Raptor aerosol and minimize the risks of purchasing a counterfeit?

  1. Incredibly low price. Never chase global discounts; in an effort to save money, you risk purchasing a fake. Even on super sale days, the cost of goods rarely decreases by more than 50 - 70%. Go to the manufacturer's official website and check the prices to be able to estimate the size of the discounts.
  2. Go shopping to a specialized store or to the appropriate department of a supermarket, where, if necessary, you can ask the seller for a package of permits for the product. When purchasing a spray “from hand” in spontaneous markets, you run the additional risk of acquiring a counterfeit product.
  3. In recent years, most consumers make purchases in online stores. Purchasing a spray on the official website of the Raptor company is the most reliable way to acquire an original product.
  4. Spend a little time and carefully study what a real Raptor aerosol can looks like. Pay attention to the color, font, location of inscriptions and emblems, barcode. You can even save the picture to your smartphone and compare it with the product you are purchasing.

Pros and cons of Raptor products

Advantages of Raptor anti-cockroach products:

  • High efficiency. Due to the combination of different active ingredients, the drugs successfully cope with the task of exterminating insects and provide long-term protection against their reappearance.
  • Economical consumption. One can of aerosol is enough to treat the entire area of ​​an average-sized apartment. For removing insects in a room of 40-50 square meters. m. 8-10 traps or 4-5 tubes of gel are enough.
  • Low price. Raptor products occupy the middle price segment and are quite consistent with their efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
  • Ease of use. All products are easy to apply and there are always clear instructions on the packaging.
  • No unpleasant odor. An easily eroded faint odor or masking with herbal and floral aromas is a big plus, especially for those who remember the terrible smell of Soviet dichlorvos.
  • Low toxicity for humans and pets. The composition of the products is suitable for use in residential premises; the drug is designed taking into account possible risks to the health of people and pets.
  • Variety and convenience of release form. The buyer has the opportunity to choose the most convenient means for himself.
  • Wide spectrum of action. After treatment, the apartment will be cleared not only of cockroaches, but also of other insects, including ants.
  • When to use an aerosol: pros

    If, due to certain circumstances, you have an urgent need to exterminate cockroaches quickly and efficiently, then Raptor spray is exactly what you need. This product allows you to get rid of all the insects running around the apartment within a few hours.

    An excellent solution for families with small children or pets. After airing and wet cleaning, there is not the slightest risk that curious kids will “taste the poison.” When using powder insecticides or traps, such a guarantee is unlikely to be obtained.

    In one treatment it is possible to destroy all insects in the room, regardless of their number.

    The procedure does not require special preparatory work or any professional skills.

    It only takes a few minutes to empty the can.

    The result will not take long to arrive. In just half an hour you will be able to observe the first results of your work.


    How the trap works

    It is released in the form of a disc-shaped box. The bait is placed in the middle of it.

    Composition of the poisonous agent

    The active ingredient is lambda-cyhalothrin. New product in the “Double Strength” series with fipronil and emmamectin benzonate.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The Raptor trap is compact and safe. After use, you don't have to deal with marks on the surface. It has a prolonged action. After use indoors, there is no need to clean up, as the box is simply thrown away.

    The cost is 250 rubles, which allows them to be used as preventive measures. The toxic effect of these substances overcomes resistance. The smell attracts insects, which absorb the poison. The active substance of the product is distributed throughout the entire population, which makes it possible to eliminate all insects. A lot of money is spent; up to three devices are needed for 10 m2. Such products destroy insects exclusively in the initial stages of infection.

    Instructions for use

    Traps should be placed in places inaccessible to children. After two months, the device requires replacement. Particular care must be taken to ensure that pets do not chew the box. This will help prevent their poisoning.

    Cons of the spray

    In addition to a lot of positive aspects, the aerosol also has some disadvantages.

    It should be borne in mind that sprays do not have a detrimental effect on cockroach nests. Therefore, after 2 - 3 weeks you will have to repeat the treatment of the room to get rid of hatched, young cockroaches.

    There are risks of aerosol droplets getting on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. To protect yourself and avoid unpleasant consequences, you should always use a respirator and rubber gloves when processing the premises.

    Preparatory procedures

    In order for Raptor to act as quickly as possible against bed bugs, you need to carry out a number of preparatory work.

    1. If parasites are found, bedbug nests should be found. In a heavily infested room there are several of them. If the search is successful, adults and nymphs can be destroyed in one treatment.
    2. If the search is unsuccessful, everything must be done to ensure that a layer of poison covers the surfaces where parasites can live. Move furniture away from the walls, tear off pieces of peeled wallpaper.
    3. Clean the apartment - vacuum, wash the floor. Since general cleaning is allowed to be carried out a month after treatment.
    4. Remove animals from the premises and cover the aquariums with a lid. The active components of the product are deadly for fish, amphibians, and reptiles.
    5. Close windows, doors, cover sockets and ventilation grilles with cling film. Ensure the room is airtight.
    6. Wear rubber gloves and a respirator.

    Raptor against bedbugs, if used incorrectly, can cause headaches, weakness, dizziness, and nausea. If it comes into contact with the skin, the product provokes an allergic reaction.

    Precautionary measures

    To achieve high efficiency, it is necessary to strictly follow the manufacturer’s recommendations and unquestioningly comply with all existing requirements.

    An aerosol can is unacceptable:

    1. store at subzero temperatures;
    2. expose to direct sunlight;
    3. heat above 40 degrees;
    4. spray near an open fire;
    5. throw into the fire.

    Before starting to treat the room you should:

    • clean up;
    • seal food and utensils;
    • tightly cover aquariums with aquatic inhabitants (chemical composites contained in the aerosol can dissolve well in water);
    • remove all residents of the apartment, including animals and birds.

    Smoke bomb for cockroaches Raptor

    How does a checker work?

    Toxic smoke contains insecticides that paralyze insects. They penetrate everywhere.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The peculiarity of checkers is their size, range and composition. Smoke penetrates into hard-to-reach areas of the room. Differs in the speed of impact on insects. The negative impact is manifested in the long-term persistence of residual odor and high toxicity.

    How to use correctly

    For residential premises, you should take a composition of lower concentration than for use in open areas and industrial buildings. An effective result is achieved through significant concentration due to the high density of smoke. Before the procedure, household items are packed. All doors and windows are tightly closed. The smoke lasts for about a day; upon returning to the room, wet cleaning is carried out.

    Step-by-step instruction

    Shake the can vigorously.

    Calculate the required amount of product for your premises.

    Spray the product in places where insects accumulate. Pay special attention to baseboards, cracks, kitchen modules, and plumbing and sewer pipes. Also, do not forget about household appliances; cockroaches prefer to settle in places that are so safe for their livelihoods. It wouldn’t hurt to treat the surface of the floor, countertops and even walls.

    You've probably noticed that it only takes a few seconds for cockroaches to scatter to secluded places if you unexpectedly disturb their evening stroll through your kitchen.

    This “super speed” is explained very simply, each Prussian does not just run away chaotically, but moves strictly along a certain route, along his own well-trodden path. This means that it is necessary to influence their horns so that part of the toxic composites enters the insects’ bodies through their legs and accelerates their death.

    Close windows, vents, doors hermetically and leave the room for 30 - 60 minutes. There is no need to increase this time period, because the chemical elements contained in the composition undergo half-life very quickly.

    After the specified time has passed, ventilate the apartment well. Now you can return to the room.

    Aquafimugator Raptor


    The product was released in Japan. The main substance is cyphenothrin.

    Mechanism of action on cockroaches

    The substance cyphenothrin paralyzes the nervous system of adults and larvae. Contact with liquid promotes the activation of these processes. Thermal reactions are being started. During the process, vapors that are poisonous to cockroaches are produced. The concentration of the substance is high, which destroys all pests. The vapor form facilitates the penetration of the active substance into hard-to-reach places (walls, baseboards, ventilation).

    Instructions for use

    Place the poison in a container and leave the room for two hours. The insects will be destroyed over time.

    Some useful tips

    Very often it is not possible to get rid of cockroaches not because the drug does not have a number of necessary qualities. The problem lies in a completely different place. Cockroaches willingly migrate from one apartment to another through ventilation ducts, cracks and crevices in ceilings and walls.

    Even if you exterminate all the insects living in your home, there will always be a couple of visiting insects that will arrive to you from a neighboring apartment and form a new population of several hundred.

    Therefore, if you want to say goodbye to pests once and for all, block all access routes to your abode. Install a special grille with mesh on the ventilation duct. Seal any existing cracks.

    Keep the apartment clean, do not leave dirty dishes and crumbs on the table. Always cover your trash can tightly.

    By following these simple rules, you can very quickly get rid of cockroaches once and for all.


    You can buy the product at any kiosk, hardware department of supermarkets, or specialty stores. It is possible to order via the Internet. The price of Raptor for bedbugs places the drug in the middle category. Raptor 225 ml costs an average of 250 rubles.

    On a note!

    If this product is not on store shelves, Clean House and Combat aerosols may be an alternative.

    Reviews about the product

    Elena, 24 years old, Saratov:

    Where the cockroaches came from in my house is still a mystery to me, because I always monitor cleanliness and order. Therefore, when I saw these bastards, I was confused. I bought Raptor aerosol on the advice of a sales consultant in a supermarket. I'm very pleased with the result. The cockroaches disappeared on the first day. Just in case, I repeated the treatment after 2 weeks, but it seems to me that there was no need for this, because I did not encounter any new insects. I am very surprised when people write that they cannot get rid of parasites for several years.

    Olga, 54 years old, Ekaterenburg:

    Another deception of buyers. A well-promoted brand and nothing more. As the cockroaches walked around the kitchen, they continue to walk, only they began to move their antennae more intensely. Not an insecticide, but a treat of some kind, and not the cheapest one. Perhaps the breeding ground for the infection is with the neighbors, our house is a panel house, it’s old, so they probably have passages, but I can’t imagine how to seal the apartment, I just have to build it anew. It’s probably worth poisoning the whole house, but this is also a problem on a universal scale; it’s unlikely that we’ll be able to organize everyone. Maybe someone knows a 100% solution to be sure. I would be very grateful for your advice.

    Igor, 47 years old, Kyiv:

    The spray is certainly good, acts quickly and effectively, but is no different from aerosols from other companies. I’ve been living without Prussians for several days now, at least I don’t see them at night. I don’t know how it will affect their eggs, maybe soon the insects will breed again.

    Anna, 33 years old, Moscow:

    Thanks to the manufacturer for such a wonderful product. I couldn't be happier. All the cockroaches are dead! I swept it with a broom and forgot. I advise everyone who is tormented by cockroaches to buy Raptor aerosol.

    Reviews and comments

    0 Maria 03/16/2017 21:33 About a year ago, the neighbors a few floors above sold their apartment, and the new tenants started a major renovation. That's when we met the nightmare called cockroaches: they seemed to crawl out of all the cracks. We tried many remedies, ranging from folk remedies like eggs with boric acid, to disgusting-smelling aerosols, but the effect was weak and short-lived. The situation was further complicated by the fact that we have two cats at home, and we were afraid of harming them. We decided that we needed to act comprehensively - before leaving for the dacha, we treated the entire apartment with Raptor aerosol (the cats, of course, took them with us), and when we returned, we installed traps that were safe for pets. Literally immediately we noticed that there were much fewer cockroaches: we began to see them extremely rarely, only sometimes we came across dead individuals. It’s been two months since we met a single uninvited guest, but we’ll update the traps, just in case - we don’t want history to repeat itself.


    0 Lariska 08/08/2017 22:00 There used to be a very effective remedy for cockroaches, this is dust, it’s a pity that they stopped producing it considering it too harmful. My grandmother even poisoned her own lice with it, not to mention cockroaches. If cockroaches suddenly appear, I’ll buy a “Raptor”, they seem to write not bad about it.


    0 Svetlana 09/07/2017 02:19 Several years ago we lived in a rented apartment on the second floor, there was a grocery store below us.
    I never thought that there could be so many cockroaches in an apartment! Neither crayons nor dichlorvos helped. It was with the help of Rapter traps that we were able to reduce their number to a minimum, but we still couldn’t get rid of them completely; they fled to us from the store. I had to urgently move out of this apartment. Quote

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