“Anteater”/ “Anteater-SUPER”/ “Anteater-ECO”, a series of insecticides for ants

Ants become extremely undesirable guests in our home or garden. Such pests cause a lot of trouble and do not want to leave their shelter for a long time. Disinsection is the most thoughtful and effective way to kill insects in crowded areas.

We suggest you buy Anteater Super and get rid of your problems for a long time. Modern insecticides provide a high safety category and always work in the best possible way.


  • Purpose
  • Composition and dosage form
  • a) Con
  • b) “Aardeater-SUPER” (gel, bait traps, granules)
  • c) “Aardeater-ECO” (powder, gel, traps)
  • Mechanism of action
  • Application regulations
  • a) Regulations for the application of laws
  • b) Regulations for the use of gels "Aardeater -SUPER/ -ECO"
  • c) Regulations for the use of traps and baits “Anteater -SUPER/ -ECO”
  • d) Regulations for the use of granular and powder insecticides “Anteater -SUPER/ -ECO”
  • Compatibility
  • Benefits of use
  • As recommendations

A distinctive feature of the Anteater series of drugs is different active ingredients and different preparative forms, which allows you to optimally select treatment regimens and, accordingly, ensure maximum efficiency.

Treatment of fruit trees with gel

Ants constantly travel up and down the tree. Therefore, to combat them, it will be effective to apply the gel around the circumference directly on the trunk. There is another way to use the drug “Anteater” (ant repellent). Reviews suggest that a strip of fabric soaked in insecticide and tied around the trunk serves as the best prevention for the appearance of aphids on it. Of course, the product will dry out, which means it needs to be added from time to time. One tube of gel (5 g) costs about $1, which means you can easily purchase enough of the drug to protect your garden.


The group of insecticides of the Anteater series is designed to control the number of all types of ants - red house ants, red forest ants, garden ants, nomadic ants, meadow ants, etc.

Insecticides are mainly used for the needs of private farms, as well as for household and sanitary treatments.

READ MORE: THREE main ways to get rid of ants on your property and in the greenhouse

Efficacy of various drugs

In order to free your country house, garden or personal plot from ants, you must resort to the use of high-quality insecticidal agents. First of all, it is necessary to destroy the home of insects - the anthill. It is important to keep ants away from tree trunks. At the beginning of the season, tree trunks must be treated with special gels, impregnated with professional preparations or barrier agents.

Ready-made ant killers contain chlorpyrifos and diazinon. These substances block the functioning of the nervous system. When diazinon from ants begins its killing effect, the insects begin to experience convulsions and paralysis, which leads them to death. In its pure form, diazinon is a colorless oil with virtually no odor.

Important! To increase the effectiveness of the drugs, it is recommended to apply them to the center of the anthill.

To quickly and efficiently free an area from ants, use products containing diazinon. For example, Absolute is an effective remedy in the fight against household and garden insects. The product, available in the form of a gel or capsules with powder, is active for 10 days and completely gets rid of ants.

In order to protect tree trunks from ant invasion, gel-like products are used. The gel-like structure is convenient to use for treating tree trunks. The effect of such drugs is visible within a day. Powdered substances such as Delicia are of little danger to humans. After treating the area with this product, the ants will begin to die within a week. The products are produced in ampoules with a dispenser. They are convenient to use, but their effectiveness is low. It is also not advisable to use aerosols, since they quickly evaporate.

In addition to special chemicals, traditional methods help in the fight against ants. The simplest one is to fill the anthill with boiling water. Insects may be repelled by the strong smell of kerosene. To protect the garden, sprinkle the anthill with salt. The aggressive smell of garlic, tomato tops, parsley, bay leaf, mustard or wormwood will help make life unbearable for ants. The leaves and stems of these plants are located near the ant house.

Composition and dosage form

The Anteater line of drugs includes THREE series, mainly differing in composition:

  • based on diazinon;
  • based on imidacloprid and chlorpyrifos;
  • based on boric acid.

The registrant and manufacturer of all drugs is Russian

a) Con

Preparative formActive substancePacking
Anteater, KEemulsion concentrate60% diazinonampoule 1 ml., set of ampoules 7 pcs. 1 ml each and bottles of 10 ml., 50 ml. and 500ml

"Anteater, EC", insecticide against ants for the garden

b) “Aardeater-SUPER” (gel, bait traps, granules)

Preparative formActive substancePacking
Anteater-SUPER, gelgel0.5% imidaclopridtube 30ml
Anteater-SUPER, bait trapgel in plastic trap0.5% chlorpyrifospackage of 4 pcs. baits
Anteater - SUPER, granulesgranules0.5% chlorpyrifospackage of 50g. and 120g cans. and 240g.

"Anteater-Super", a series of insecticides for ants

c) “Aardeater-ECO” (powder, gel, traps)

Preparative formActive substancePacking
Anteater-ECOpowder5% boric acidpackage 50gr, jar 120gr
Anteater-ECO, gelgel5% boric acidtube 30ml
Anteater-ECO, bait trapgel in plastic trap5% boric acidpackage of 4 pcs. baits

"Anteater-ECO", a series of insecticides for ants

MORE DETAILS: SUMMARY TABLE of insecticidal preparations for ants (by active substance, areas of application, formulation)

Ant repellent "Aardeater": composition, price, instructions

Garden ants can cause a lot of trouble to owners of summer cottages and private houses: they spoil plants, soil, undermine the foundation of a wooden house, and sting painfully.
After ant “attacks,” burns may remain on the skin, causing burning itching, redness, and swelling. And people prone to allergic reactions may even experience anaphylactic shock. To avoid a similar fate and get rid of annoying insects, you need to choose an effective ant repellent. These include the drug “Aardvark”. This is exactly what we will talk about in our article.


Mechanism of action

And although the drugs are made on the basis of various active ingredients. Their operating principle is similar. These insecticides have a contact-intestinal mechanism of action. When the active substance enters the body of ants with food, it affects neural connections, disrupts the functioning of the nervous system of insects, causes paralysis and subsequent death of the insect.

But the drugs from the Anteater-ECO line work differently. This insecticide has a predominantly intestinal effect. Boron compounds, entering the digestive tract, destroy the walls of the foregut, fill the stomach, disrupt the water balance of the insect, which leads to the death of the insect.

Speed ​​of initial impact: Ants disappear within 3 days after treatment, and for the Anteater-ECO series, death occurs on 8-12 days.

Duration of protective action: The effect lasts for 3 weeks for a liquid concentrate, up to 2 months for a granular and powder preparation.

When to treat plants for insects

Aktara - instructions for use for fruit trees and shrubs

It is not recommended to treat plant roots and seeds with an anteater. It is forbidden to treat plants during flowering and fruiting, because harmful substances can enter human food.

It is important to treat plants against ants

This drug is intended only for direct treatment of ant habitats. The gel-like product can be used to treat trees around the circumference of the trunk. Processing can be done at any time.

Application regulations

a) Regulations for the application of laws

Processing objectDosage and consumption rateProcessing Features
Garden ants1 ml./10 l. water, consumption - 10 l./5 m2 (10 anthills) The working solution is applied to the soil in places where ants accumulate during the growing season.
Number of treatments: a) for vegetables and ornamental crops – 1 time; b) for fruit and berry crops and lawns – 1-2 times.

Waiting period before harvesting: a) for vegetable crops – 40 days; b) for fruits and berries – 20 days; c) for lawns and ornamental crops is absent.

b) Regulations for the use of gels "Aardeater -SUPER/ -ECO"

Processing objectFeatures of treatments
Domestic red antsThe gel is applied to non-food substrates and placed in places where insects are detected or accumulated, or applied along the path of their movement with a dotted strip: 2 cm of gel - 2 cm of the untreated surface. Treatment areas include bathrooms, showers, restrooms, kitchens, catering units and other premises. The number of treatments is not regulated.
Garden antsPlaces where ants accumulate in the garden plot, blind areas of houses, cottages, garden houses, in and around greenhouses, and garden paths are treated. The gel is also applied to the shelves and then placed in places where they are found or along the paths of their movement. The number of treatments is not regulated.

c) Regulations for the use of traps and baits “Anteater -SUPER/ -ECO”

Processing objectFeatures of treatments
Domestic red antsBefore placing containers, you should thoroughly clean the room and isolate food products. Place containers in places where ants are found or travel routes: on the floor of the kitchen, bathroom, toilet, under sinks, bathtubs, toilets, behind the refrigerator, trash cans. Consumption rate: 2-3 containers per room of 10 m2. Repeated use is recommended when insects appear, but not earlier than after 3-4 weeks.

d) Regulations for the use of granular and powder insecticides “Anteater -SUPER/ -ECO”

Processing objectFeatures of treatments
House and garden antsDry granules or powder are placed on substrates in places where ants accumulate or move, or scattered directly onto anthills, in the cracks of paths, seams between tiles, along the perimeter of blind areas, verandas, etc. It is allowed to use the drug in the form of a paste obtained by wetting the granules with water. This working solution should be used immediately and not stored.
The consumption rate of the drug is 3-5g/5-10m2.

The validity period of granular and powder insecticides is up to 2 months; if necessary, the treatments should be repeated.

Precautionary measures

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Anteater CE instructions for use strongly recommends following the following precautions:

  • Protect the roots of trees and plants from contact with the product;
  • Do not pour Anteater into waterways or sewers;
  • Diazinon is a substance that can penetrate the skin, so hands and face should be protected from contact with the solution. Hands are dressed in gloves, hair is collected in a bun and hidden under a headscarf or rubber cap, the airways are closed with a respirator. After the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly with soap. Clothes are washed separately from other items.

Important! If the substance comes into contact with the skin, immediately rinse the area of ​​contact with cold water and soap.

Benefits of use

  1. Efficiency - the line includes drugs based on various active ingredients.
  2. All drugs are characterized by high contact-intestinal activity.
  3. Ease of use - various preparative forms (liquid concentrate, powder, granules, gel, etc.), which allows for optimal processing.
  4. Economical consumption and long period of protective action.
  5. The preparations do not have a distinct odor, but contain food additives that attract ants.
  6. The gel contains a dye, which ensures visualization of the treated areas.
  7. Residues of drugs are easily removed by wet cleaning.
  8. Safe (hazard class 3), having a selective effect, the insecticide is not toxic to earthworms and beneficial soil microflora.
  9. The use of bait traps is an easy-to-apply form of insecticide in the form of plastic containers with bait inside, making the treatment safe for pets.

A real ant hunter


As for compatibility with other pesticides, the manufacturer does not recommend mixing with other drugs in private farm conditions. However, on an ongoing basis, you can use “folk methods” of getting rid of ants - kerosene, boiling water, salt, “deadly” baits, repellent odors, catching belts , etc. Separate materials on the site describe this in detail.

As recommendations

  • The choice of drug is determined by the area of ​​application. So, for example, for house ants it is better to use gel, granules and bait traps, and for garden ants an emulsion concentrate (fill the anthill, spray the area), granules, and powder are better suited.
  • The drugs themselves must be alternated, ensuring the replacement of the active substance.
  • From the point of view of environmental safety, preference should be given in choosing preparations based on inorganic or plant insecticides (for example, Anteater-ECO).

Safety precautions when working with oxalic acid

When preparing the product for treating the hive, the beekeeper must exercise extreme caution to avoid contact of the active substance with the skin, as well as with the mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth. This substance can cause irritation and burns, and inhalation of its vapors leads to poisoning. When working with the drug, you must observe safety precautions, namely:

When working with the drug, you must observe safety precautions, namely:

  • wear special clothing - a rubberized apron, long gloves and high boots;
  • protect the respiratory tract with a respirator and wear goggles;
  • while preparing the product and processing the hives, it is prohibited to consume food and drinks, as well as smoke;
  • After completing all work, you need to remove protective equipment and wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap.

Important! If oxalic acid gets on the skin, it should be immediately washed off under running water, and the affected area should be treated with a solution of baking soda. Mites can cause a lot of trouble for the beekeeper, reducing the productivity of the bee colony and leading to a decrease in the number of insects

But you can cope with this problem with the help of natural and harmless to bees oxalic acid, which has a detrimental effect on parasites. Using the treatment recommendations listed in this article, you can quickly exterminate pests and prevent their reappearance in the apiary

Mites can cause a lot of trouble for the beekeeper, reducing the productivity of the bee colony and leading to a decrease in the number of insects. But you can cope with this problem with the help of natural and harmless to bees oxalic acid, which has a detrimental effect on parasites. Using the treatment recommendations listed in this article, you can quickly exterminate pests and prevent their reappearance in the apiary.

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