Medilis Super remedy for bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, ants, mosquitoes, flies, wasps, skin beetles, silverfish, 50 ml

Medilis Super contains fenthion as an active ingredient and is a transparent liquid from colorless to light yellow. It is used in the form of aqueous working emulsions that contain 0.01 - 0.50% fenthion.

The product belongs to the 3rd class of moderately hazardous substances, and the working solution belongs to the 4th class of slightly hazardous substances.

Medilis Super is used to destroy body lice, pubic and head lice (from 16 years of age), bedbugs, cockroaches, ants, fleas, mosquitoes, flies, wasps, hornets, skin beetles, silverfish, as well as scabies and ixodid mites. It is allowed to be used in the following facilities: in public utility facilities, in basements, in residential and industrial premises, in children's institutions, with the exception of dining rooms, playrooms and bedrooms.

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Product description

A unique 2 in 1 product. Pediculicide and insectoacaricide in one bottle. It is a concentrated liquid packaged in bottles made of polymer materials. It is equally effective against both adults and their larvae. Thanks to contact and household exposure, it quickly penetrates the insect’s body, leaving it no chance of survival. It remains on the treated surface for some time, which causes a prolonged effect.

Medilis Super allows you to almost immediately get rid of an entire population of parasites. Surviving individuals die within a few hours. The working solution is resistant to sunlight. It has a specific smell that quickly disappears. There are no white spots or stains left on the treated surfaces, which allows you not to worry about the quality of the repair.

Comparative characteristics of drugs

According to the rating, Medilis’s anti-bedbug drugs Antiklop, Ziper and Super are the best on the domestic disinfectant market. Working closely with specialized research institutes, MediLIS carefully conducts toxicological studies of all types of its products and can guarantee their safety for people.

All products have quality certificates and are approved by domestic doctors, exterminators, and veterinarians, as evidenced by awards and letters of gratitude from national associations and organizations representing these specialists. Let's consider what the advantage of Medilis products is.


  • guaranteed efficiency;
  • affordable price;
  • ease of use;
  • versatility;
  • economical consumption.

Operating principle: active component – ​​fenthion. Has cumulative properties. It enters the insect's body orally, along with inhaled air and through the skin. Inhibits the synthesis of cholinesterase, which leads to irreversible consequences. All organs stop functioning properly, and nerve impulses are blocked. The death of the parasite occurs suddenly.

What is an insecticide

Medilis Antiklop is produced by the MediLIS company, which produces products designed to kill insects of various types. There are about 60 products in the range, some of them are used more often than others. Not all products are designed to kill bedbugs.

Medilis Antiklop is popular; reviews of the product are in most cases positive. The drug is available in the form of a spray. The bottle contains a significant dose of toxic substances. This form of release provides the best effect

Mode of application

The consumption rate and methods of applying the drug are indicated in the instructions. In the table you will find the recommended concentration of the solution for the destruction of a particular type of synanthropic insects, taking into account their stage of development and the area of ​​​​the room being treated.

So, to fight bedbugs you will need 5 ml of emulsion diluted in 1 liter of clean water (in case of severe infestation). And 2 ml/l in case of moderate or mild infection. Please note that fenthion is poorly soluble in water, so the solution must be mixed as thoroughly as possible. The prepared product is sprayed in places where bedbugs accumulate and in their suspected hiding places.

Amount of Medilis Super required for preparing working emulsions:

Processing objects Quantity of concentrate Quantity of water Average consumption of working solution
Treatment of head and pubic lice 1 ml 83 ml 30-100* (ml / 1 person)
Destruction of body lice and scabies mites (clothing and linen)
Underwear (set) 8.4 ml 991.6 ml 2.5 l for 1 set
Bed sheets

(set) or 1 kg of dry things

8.4 ml 991.6 ml 4.5 l for 1 set
Wool product 8.4 ml 991.6 ml 30-50 ml for 1 set
Bedding set

(mattress, blanket)

8.4 ml 991.6 ml 400 ml for 1 set
Outerwear set

(coat, jacket, trousers, hat)

8.4 ml 991.6 ml 350 ml for 1 set
Destruction of body lice and scabies mites indoors (including in health care facilities***)
Floor, furniture, chairs, couches, etc. (any objects with which the patient could come into contact or things infected with parasites came into contact). 8.4 ml 991.6 ml 30-50** ml/m²
Treating the area against ticks
Ticks of the genus ixodes 100 9,900 l 10 l per 10 acres
Ticks of the genus ixodes 150 9.850 l 10 l per 10 acres
Mites of the genus Dermacentor 250 9,750 l 10 l per 10 acres
Ticks of the genus haemaphysalis 250 9,750 l 10 l per 10 acres
Destruction of flightless arthropods
Cockroaches 16.8 ml 983.2 ml 50-100** ml/m²
Bedbugs 4.2 ml 995.8 ml 50 ml/m²
Fleas 2.1 ml 997.9 ml 50 ml/m²
Ants 2.1 ml 997.9 ml 50 ml/m²
Rat ticks 21 ml 979 ml 50 ml/m²
Carpet beetles 8.4 ml 991.6 ml 50 ml/m²
Common silverfish imago 4.2 ml 995.8 ml 50 ml/m²
Scabies mites, lice 8.4 ml 991.6 ml 30-50** ml/m²
Destruction of arthropods in household waste (including in health care facilities)
Cockroaches 16.8 ml 983.2 ml 100 ml/m²
Flies (adults and larvae) 4.2 ml 995.8 ml 100 ml/m²
Wasps 4.2 ml 995.8 ml 100-200 ml/m²
Mosquito larvae 4.2 ml 995.8 ml 50-100 ml/m²
Fleas 4.2 ml 995.8 ml 50-100 ml/m²
Rat ticks 21 ml 979 ml 50-100 ml/m²
Ants 2.1 ml 997.9 ml 50 ml/m²
Destruction of flying insects
Flies imago 4.2 ml 995.8 ml 100 ml/m²
Hornets 4.2 ml 995.8 ml 100-200 ml/m²
Flies larvae 4.2 ml 995.8 ml 500 ml/m²
Wasps and hornets 4.2 ml 995.8 ml 100-200 ml/m²
Mosquitoes and biting midges adults 2.1 ml 997.9 ml 100 ml/m²
Mosquito larvae 0.42 ml 999.8 ml 10-30 ml/m²
Bell mosquitoes (larvae) 4.2 ml 995.8 ml 30-100 ml/m²


Medilis Ziper
Medilis Ziper for bedbugs is available in plastic containers of 50 and 100 ml, as well as in ampoules of 1 ml and bottles of 10 ml. The product is a concentrate in the form of an emulsion containing 25% cypermethrin. The advantage of Medilis Cyper is its long-term effectiveness, which lasts about 3 months.

Description of Medilis Cyper

The drug is economical, costs less than analogues and is not subject to destruction when exposed to sunlight.

There are not many disadvantages:

  • an unpleasant odor that even a fragrance added to the emulsion cannot neutralize;
  • low effectiveness against pyrethroid-resistant insects.

Cypermethrin is one of the most popular insecticides used in most synanthropic insecticides. Its long-term use leads to the emergence of cypermethrin-resistant populations of bedbugs. This property is inherited by all insects living in the apartment and is passed on to their offspring. Therefore, it is not recommended to constantly use pyrethroid-based drugs in the same apartment.

Reviews of Medilis Cyper vary. Many users note the strong smell of the product, some complain that the solution needs to be prepared. But most note its effectiveness and ease of packaging.


Last year I got a place in a workers' dormitory. The room is wonderful, but bedbugs shared the living space with me. They were left with the old furniture as a “legacy” by the previous residents. I tried to remove it with various insecticidal preparations, but Medilis Cyper finally helped me win. I took it because my friend recommended it. He used it himself at the dacha and responded well. To treat the entire room, I purchased a 50 ml bottle and several ampoules in reserve to carry out prevention, because parasites can “come” from neighbors. Very comfortably.

Evgeniy, Vologda

Instructions for use of Medilis Ziper contain a description of the preparation of the solution and processing rules.

How to use Medilis Cyper

Medilis Cyper
Medilis recommends preparing the solution immediately before treating the room. The prepared mixture cannot be stored. To disinfect a room you will need one 50 ml bottle. Medilis should be diluted in a proportion of 5 ml of emulsion per 1 liter of water.

Apply the prepared solution using any spray bottle in areas where bedbugs and insects are expected to be localized. If necessary, the drug can be used for re-treatment no earlier than a week later.


It is not recommended to treat clothes, soft toys, bedding and linen against bed bugs with Medilis. To disinfect them, it is better to wash them in hot water and iron them. Washing and wet cleaning reduces the effectiveness of the drug and shortens its duration. But if it is necessary to treat carpets or upholstery of upholstered furniture, then the solution is applied to the fabric, evenly moistening it and then dried in the sun or draft.

On fabrics, the effectiveness of Medilis Cyper lasts 2 weeks, and on hard surfaces – 2-3 months. Even less emulsion is required to prevent infection. 1-2 ampoules per room are enough. They must be diluted at the rate of 2 ml per 1 liter of water.


Medilis Super belongs to hazard class 3 (moderately hazardous substance).
It is strictly forbidden to use the insecticide without personal protective equipment: overalls, gloves, respirator, safety glasses. Do not drink, smoke or eat while working. When finished, take a shower, wash your face and hands with soap, and rinse your mouth. Treatment of clothing against body lice should only be carried out in a well-ventilated area or outdoors. Persons over 18 years of age are allowed to work. If you notice the first signs of poisoning (weakness, headache, vomiting), you should immediately consult a doctor. Only in the online store "Insekomikh.Net" you can buy Medilis Super at the best price. We offer highly efficient and high-quality products that meet the requirements of GOST. Also on the site, anyone can find special equipment and everything that may be needed for further protection against parasites. Contact us right now to get rid of annoying pests in your home forever! This product requires special preparation when used. You must carefully read the instructions for use and follow safety precautions.


Prices for Medilis bedbug repellents depend on the volume and form of release. So the average cost is:

  • Medilis Cyper: 500 ml – 1162-1533 rubles; 50 ml – 143-190 rub;
  • Medilis Supersila – 599 rubles;
  • Medilis Antiklop – 389 rubles;
  • Medilis Super – 212-265 rubles.

The Medilis company produces products that are competitive with imported analogues. High quality and low price contribute to the fact that popularity and sales volumes are growing every year. More and more new drugs are being developed to control insects. Medilis did not forget about children. A line of aerosols was created specifically to protect children from blood-sucking insects. The fight against synanthropic parasites does not stop, and the company actively uses the results of scientific research to create new types of products.

Destruction of bedbugs and textile processing

The solution for bedbugs can be of different concentrations, depending on the degree of infestation of the room.
On average, 5 milliliters of Medilis Cypera are diluted per liter, with a norm of 50 milliliters per square area. Not only visible areas where insects live can be treated, but also shelters in the form of cracks and back walls of furniture, carpets, finishing flaws and other hard-to-reach places. The composition is especially carefully applied to the parts of beds and mattresses, which are subsequently dried in the sun. Ideally, mattresses are updated. After spraying the product, the room is not visited for up to twelve hours, during which time it is ventilated. Then everything is washed and wiped with a soap-soda and water mixture.

A common option for disinsection of clothes and bedding is washing at high temperatures. However, sometimes an additional solution is required, where there are six milliliters of the drug per liter of liquid. It is sprayed in an even layer on things and dried in the sun. This method allows you to maintain the effectiveness of the composition for up to two weeks.

special instructions

When working with insecticide, it is important to follow safety rules - use a protective suit (if large areas are to be treated), gloves, goggles, and a respirator. Other special instructions: . Throw away the container in which the solution was prepared after use.

Disinfection of the room is carried out with the windows open; food must be removed from the room in advance. After finishing the treatment, ventilate the home for half an hour. The product has low toxicity for warm-blooded animals, but it is better to perform the procedure in the absence of pets. If there is an aquarium in the room, you need to cover it with a lid and turn off the aerator.

  • Discard the container in which the solution was prepared after use.
  • Disinfection of the room is carried out with the windows open; food must be removed from the room in advance. After finishing the treatment, ventilate the home for half an hour.
  • The product has low toxicity for warm-blooded animals, but it is better to perform the procedure in the absence of pets. If there is an aquarium in the room, you need to cover it with a lid and turn off the aerator.

How dangerous is the carpet beetle?

Carpet beetles live in dark and not the cleanest places, so they come into contact with helminth eggs. By carrying them on their bodies, they spread parasites throughout the room. This way, helminths can get on the skin and hair of a person or the fur of a pet, where they begin to quickly develop. The skin beetle itself can also cause harm. Despite the fact that the insect does not feed on living skin and is not blood-sucking, it is capable of biting an animal or person. The bite causes itching, and in people predisposed to it - allergies. The damaged area should be washed with soap and treated with peroxide or an alcohol solution; it should not be combed. The beetle is also an unpleasant neighbor because it damages property. Clothing, especially leather and fur, hats, paintings, books, laminate and parquet flooring, wooden furniture, animal skins, carpets - the skin beetle feeds on all of this. In addition, it chews through wires and sometimes even damages concrete screeds. Therefore, under no circumstances should its presence in the house be ignored; you must get rid of the insect immediately. The top 5 tools will help you with this.

How to use Medilis comfort

In the summer, in nature, it is difficult to do without an aerosol can of Medilisa Comfort. It protects against tick-borne encephalitis carriers, fleas, mosquitoes and other blood-sucking parasites.

The active substance in its composition is alphacypermethrin. The price of a 100 ml container varies between 180–250 rubles.

The drug is used to treat mosquito nets, curtains, clothing, and equipment for going to the forest. The aerosol should be sprayed in the direction of the wind on the street, avoiding droplets getting on human skin. Wet clothes need to be dried for several hours and only then put on. One treatment of clothing protects against tick bites for 15 days, and against mosquito bites for up to 20 days.

Help with bites

A bedbug bite triggers a local allergic reaction, which can have varying degrees of severity. Most often, swelling, redness and itching occur at the site of insect suction. You can remove them using antihistamine gels - “Psilo-Balm” or “Fenistil”. It is enough to lubricate the skin several times a day, and the symptoms will go away.

In case of a severe allergic reaction (swelling, runny nose), you should take an antihistamine - Diazolin, Loratadine, Tavegil, Zodak. It is also recommended to consult a doctor.

Folk remedies for skin treatment that help with bedbug bites:

  • balm “Star”,
  • alcohol,
  • lather,
  • soda solution,
  • juice of aloe, onion, garlic or plantain,
  • ice Cube,
  • decoction of St. John's wort or mint,
  • mint toothpaste.
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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