Insecticide Eforia (Euphoria KS) against the Colorado potato beetle and other pests, consumption rate for various crops

Active ingredient: Thiamethoxam, Aktara, Lambda-cyhalothrin

Manufacturer: Syngenta

Hazard class for humans:

Processed crops: wheat, barley, oats, cabbage, peas

Pests: water lance, cabbage aphid, pea aphid, pea codling moth, pea weevil, bread ground beetle, pest bug, bread flea beetle, bread beetle, wheat thrips, stem flies, cereal aphid, cabbage moth, cabbage cutworm, white moth

This insecticidal combination drug is a contact-systemic one. It is produced in the form of a working solution, so it is easier to use Euphoria than other insecticides produced in the form of granules or powder.

This product is used to destroy most known pests on garden and vegetable crops. But you should remember - the effectiveness of the Ephoria insecticide directly depends on compliance with the instructions for use



Euphoria insecticide contains two main components - lambda-cyhalothrin and thiamethoxam. These two substances have intestinal, systemic, contact and repellent effects. The substance is sold in the form of special solutions in plastic containers. The solutions do not need to be diluted; they can be used immediately after purchase in accordance with the instructions. You can also find suspensions designed to treat potatoes.

The main components of the solution enter the body of insects through the skin or with food. Then they disrupt calcium metabolism in the muscles, and the insect is paralyzed, which leads to its death. The quality of the product is determined not only by the fact that it effectively copes with pests, but also by the fact that insects do not become dependent on it.

Where does this name come from?

The name of the drug has nothing in common with Euphoria or any high in general. The insecticide is moderately dangerous to humans (hazard class 3), quite dangerous to the environment (hazard class 2 due to accumulation in the soil) and very dangerous to bees and other beneficial insects (hazard class 1).

Hazard class 2 for accumulation in soil was assigned to the product by the manufacturer voluntarily (!) based on the results of its own research.

The name of this pesticide apparently comes from the name of the ephors, the elders of ancient Sparta. In case of any social unrest, natural disasters, etc. or, in modern language, force majeure circumstances, the word of the council of ephors (aethoria) was decisive, their decision was not subject to discussion, and the ephors were not repeatedly approached on the same issue. It is interesting that the sphere of competence of Ephoria and its powers practically coincided with the powers of the Central Committee of the CPSU in the USSR. As a last resort for pest control, Efor has found fairly widespread use in former socialist countries (now members of the EU), whose agricultural technology, in general, has not yet completely moved from the “collective farm” to the “farm” market level.


Among the positive aspects of the insecticide Eforia are:

  1. Not only adults, but also insect larvae are affected.
  2. Highly effective even against pests living mainly in the shady side of the leaf.
  3. Can be used in any weather. In this case, the drug is not affected by temperature.
  4. When used wisely and in compliance with all standards, the substance is safe for humans.
  5. Effective against a wide range of agricultural pests.
  6. There is no resistance.
  7. The results last a long time, and this allows you to reduce the number of treatments.
  8. Convenient to use form.

Composition and dosage form

"Euphoria" is a drug produced by. Available in the form of a concentrated suspension. It is sold in 5 liter canisters. The substance contains two active ingredients that protect crops from pests for a long time. 1 liter of product contains the following active ingredients:

  • 106 grams of lambda-cyhalothrin;
  • 141 grams of thiamethoxam.

Thanks to the simultaneous presence of two active substances, it is possible to avoid the development of resistance in parasites.

Principle and range of action

The drug contains 2 active ingredients simultaneously. They belong to different chemical classes and complement each other well. This helps to achieve long-term crop protection in the field and avoid the development of resistance. At the same time, it is not recommended to use the composition in household farming.

Lambda-cyhalothrin exhibits a pronounced effect on insect pests. This causes instant paralysis. This compound has contact-intestinal properties. It provides rapid action and acts on sodium channels in membranes. The substance quickly penetrates the cuticle of the parasite and acts on the nervous system.

Thiamethoxam penetrates into the plant structure and remains there for up to 3 weeks. Thus, this substance provides long-term protection against pests that appear after its use.

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The composition has pronounced systemic and translaminar properties. Thiamethoxam has a systemic effect on parasites that lead a secretive lifestyle. This effect is achieved by acting on nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.

The product helps to cope with various types of pests. With its help you can get rid of potato beetles, bread beetles, and cabbage moths. The substance also effectively destroys pea aphids, sand flies, intrastem flies and other parasites.

general information

Taboo has a large list of positive properties, which explains its popularity among consumers:

  • protects potatoes from the Colorado potato beetle and wireworm, cicadas and many types of aphids that eat the tops and spoil the tubers, thereby reducing the normal process of their development;

for quite a long time does not lose its properties (valid for at least 45 days from the moment of spraying), which is very important for tubers during the period of their germination;

using the described drug, it will be possible to reduce financial costs, because the need to purchase additional means of protection against pests disappears;

is capable of destroying beetles that, in the process of their development, over time have already developed resistance to products whose main active ingredient is carbofuran;

does not cause addiction to the Colorado potato beetle, so it will also be effective next year;

monitors the development of harmful aphids on vegetables, which are carriers of various infectious diseases;

thanks to the special dye included in its composition, using the Tabu preparation becomes even easier and more convenient, because this allows you to visually control the uniformity of application of the protective agent to all root vegetables;

perfectly protects tubers regardless of weather conditions (effective both in the heat and during periods of heavy rain);

Potatoes treated in this way become dangerous for insects, since in the process of eating tubers or sprouts, Colorado potato beetles and wireworms die within a day.

Grown potatoes, sprayed with the remedy for the Colorado potato beetle Tabu in a strictly specified proportion, are absolutely safe for human health, animals, birds and earthworms.

Despite all the positive properties of the drug, it is also necessary to mention some of its disadvantages:

  • Taboo should be stored only in sealed packaging away from children;

the spraying process must be carried out in a respirator and gloves, since you need to remember that the work is carried out with poison;

Using this remedy, after 3-4 years, you will need to replace it with another drug for the Colorado potato beetle, so as not to cause addiction in the insect.

It is strictly prohibited to spray tubers of early potato varieties, as well as tops, since the chemical substances included in the composition may not have time to be released from them into the environment.

Consumption rate per 10 liters of water and per 1 ha

CultureNormHarmful objectProcessing method and time
Wheat0,2-0,3Bread ground beetleSpraying seedlings. Working fluid consumption – 100-200 l/ha
Wheat0.1-0.2 0.1-0.2 (A)Bug bug, bread beetles, stem flies, cereal aphids, wheat thrips, flea beetlesSpraying during the growing season. Working fluid consumption – 200-300 l/ha
Barley0.1-0.2 0.1-0.2 (A)Pyavitsa, stem flies, cereal aphidsSpraying during the growing season. Working fluid consumption – 200-300 l/ha
Oats0.1 0.1 (A)PjavicaSpraying during the growing season. Working fluid consumption – 200-300 l/ha
Cabbage0,2Cabbage aphidSpraying during the growing season. Working fluid consumption – 200-400 l/ha
Cabbage0,2-0,3Cabbage moth, cabbage moth, white mothSpraying during the growing season. Working fluid consumption – 200-400 l/ha
Peas0,2Pea aphidSpraying during the growing season. Working fluid consumption – 200-400 l/ha
Peas0,2-0,3Pea moth, pea weevilSpraying during the growing season. Working fluid consumption – 200-400 l/ha

Instructions for use for 10 liters

Like any other pest control product, Euphoria must be used correctly. Instructions for use allow you to determine the dosage of the drug for a specific crop, as well as understand how to use the substance to achieve maximum effectiveness.

  1. Spraying can be done by hand or by aircraft.
  2. Apply the treatment only when pests are present on the crops.
  3. All crops, except grains, can be sprayed again with this preparation if pests reappear after the end of the action period.
  4. The effectiveness of the drug does not depend on atmospheric conditions, but in strong winds, the liquid from the sprayer can be scattered over long distances and not get to the right place. Therefore, all procedures should be carried out in calm weather.
Agricultural cropsPestsWhen to SprayProduct UseNumber of procedures
Wheat, barley, oatsGrain aphids, night flies, grain flies, beetles, grain flea beetles, thripsProcessing seedlings if there are insects on them.10-30 ml/sq.m1
CabbageAphids, moths, European corn petrels, cabbage borers.During the growing season, if pests are present20-40 ml/sq.m2
PeasPea aphid, grain aphid, fruit flyDuring the growing season, if dangerous insects appear20-40 ml/sq.m2

When using potato pulp, use only 4 ml of liquid per 10 liters of water. The consumption of the working composition is 3 liters per 100 sq. m.

By following the recommendations given in the table, you can destroy dangerous insects without causing harm to the crop itself. After application, the insecticide Eforia is effective for 35-40 days. This eliminates the need for multiple procedures.

For potatoes

Potatoes are treated with a suspension of the insecticide Euphoria, mainly against the potato beetle. To prepare a working solution, dissolve 4 ml of suspension in a bucket of water. For each square of area, use 3 liters of working fluid.

For cabbage

Spray this vegetable crop with Euphoria against aphids, hoverflies, moths, and cabbage butterflies. Cabbage is treated with this insecticide during its growing season in case of pests. Up to 40 ml of solution is required per 1 m2 of area. In total, no more than 2 procedures with this drug can be performed.

For cereals

On these grain crops, the insecticide Eforia is used against cereal aphids, ladybugs, stem flies, beetles, flea beetles and thrips. Spray at the moment of emergence, if “harmful” insects appear on the seedlings. Use 10 to 30 ml of product per square meter of surface. Just one treatment of grain crops against pests with Euphoria.

For peas

On peas, this insecticide is used against pea aphids, grain aphids and caterpillars. Plant treatment is carried out during the growing season at the first appearance of dangerous insects. Up to 40 ml of product is required per square meter of surface. In total, no more than 2 sprayings are carried out per season. The last spraying with this preparation can be carried out 25 days before harvest.

Preparation of the working fluid of the insecticide Ephoria

The working solution of the Eforia insecticide is usually prepared in a sprayer tank
. It is filled halfway with clean water, the required amount of the drug is added, thoroughly mixed with a special stirrer, gradually bringing the amount of clean water to the top. You should also periodically stir the solution during the spraying process so that the product remains homogeneous.


This working fluid should be used in full on the day of production, and any remaining fluid should be disposed of immediately.

Recommendations for use

The drug Euphoria has a moderate degree of toxicity. Precautions must be taken during use. First of all, you need to protect yourself during treatment. The drug is used only in a special suit, with gloves, and safety glasses.

In the case of large-scale treatments, beekeepers and beekeepers should be warned several days in advance not to let the bees out for honey, since the drug is toxic to them. Processing near bodies of water of any kind is prohibited, as preparation may also harm aquatic fauna and flora.

The drug can be combined with growth regulators such as Zircon and Epin, as well as with almost all herbicides and fungicides that cause an alkaline reaction or contain copper. It can be used after, before or together with these products.

How to use the solution

After the solution has been prepared, you can proceed to processing the bush.
To do this, you need to send the composition to the sprayer and use a spray bottle to treat each bush. To ensure that the components contained in the drug do not affect human health, the following safety rules should be observed:

  1. Wear protective clothing. This should include gloves, a mask, goggles, rubber gloves and thick clothing. It should be made of dense material so that the product does not penetrate the skin and mucous membranes.

It is necessary to process potatoes during calm weather. It is best to do this in the morning or evening so that the sun's rays are not active. It is believed that this is the best drug for the Colorado potato beetle. Do not eat, drink or smoke while performing the procedure.

Children, animals and pregnant women should not be near the site. It is prohibited to combine the drug with other substances that have different properties.

After treatment, you need to wash all clothes and shoes. Next you need to take a shower, rinse your throat and nose.

With proper use of the drug, you can get a high and high-quality harvest. But you don’t even have to worry about the quality of the products, since all components are neutralized before harvest time.

After prolonged rains, re-treatment with the solution is necessary.

Advantages and disadvantages

This pest control poison has many advantages:

  1. High efficiency and fast action. Pest feeding stops within 0.5-2 hours after spraying. After 2-3 days, you can completely clear the plantings of parasites.
  2. Wide range of activities. The insecticide is equally effective against biting and sucking insects.
  3. Contact and intestinal action. Thanks to this, the product helps to destroy insects at different stages of their development.
  4. Long-lasting protective effect. Lasts at least 2 weeks.
  5. High degree of selectivity in relation to crops.
  6. Compatibility with other pesticides. Their compatibility must be assessed in advance.
  7. Non-toxic to plants.

At the same time, this insecticide has a number of disadvantages:

  1. Stability of the active substance in the soil. The half-life of thiamethoxam is more than 1 year.
  2. Possibility of using the substance only in monocultures over large areas.
  3. Lack of effectiveness in controlling ticks.
  4. There is no insecticidal activity. This means that the drug does not affect the dormant phases of parasites.

The drug Eforia: reviews of use against pests

Valentin, Ryazan I used the Euphoria insecticide last season to kill aphids on peas in my garden. After treatment, all pests died within two days. The plants turned green again and began to grow. The harvest was excellent, and, fortunately, the insecticide treatment did not affect the quality of the crop. Igor, Samara I have been spraying cabbage with this product for several years against many “harmful” bugs. The only thing I don’t like is that you have to use protective equipment when working with the drug. Olga, Volgograd My husband and I have a large garden where we regularly plant potatoes. But she is often affected by the Colorado potato beetle. In recent years, we have been using the insecticide Ephoria against it. This product effectively destroys pests, but does not harm the crop. I recommend to all.

Compatibility and toxicity

Euphoria is used in combination treatments, tank mixes due to its compatibility with most other insecticides, herbicides and fungicides. When preparing a multicomponent mixture, the drug is administered strictly under the condition that the previous drug is completely dissolved. You should also follow the order of adding drugs specified in the instructions.

Euphoria is moderately toxic to humans, so it is necessary to prepare the solution and carry out treatment with the drug in a special suit to protect the skin, eyes and respiratory tract.

The product is poisonous to bees. Do not use it near apiaries. Pay attention to the distance to the flight restriction zone (5-6 km) and warn beekeepers in advance about planned treatments. Euphorbia is also toxic to aquatic organisms; do not use it near fish farms.

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