Instructions, composition and properties of Medilis super against bedbugs and cockroaches

This powerful drug is one of the main means of choice in the fight against bedbugs. It has long been developed by scientists and is used very widely in both residential and industrial premises.

It involves a number of insecticides, including “Medilis Antiklop”, acaricidal-repellent agent “Medilis Comfort”, “Medilis Super” and “Medilis Cyper”. Therefore, it is necessary to talk in more detail about their characteristics, features of use and the degree of danger for warm-blooded animals. This description is very important, since with the help of drugs you can also get rid of ticks, mosquitoes, woodlice, cockroaches and other parasites.

Product description

Medilis Supersila for bedbugs is an insecticidal agent that is recommended for use in rather complex and advanced cases of infection. If you have been fighting bedbugs for a long time, and there is no result, then, most likely, the insects have already developed resistance to most of the toxic components. However, Medilis Superpower can easily cope with even such a difficult task.

The drug was tested in real conditions, surprising experts with its effectiveness. At the same time, no analogues in terms of safety and effectiveness have yet been discovered. The composition contains two potent substances, representing the most powerful combination. It is also worth noting the convenient form of release: a spray, thanks to which the insecticide can be sprayed even in the most inaccessible places.


The main structural component of Medilis is cypermethrin. It is complemented by other substances that give it a stronger effect, pronounced surface-active properties and a less pungent odor.

This is interesting! The product belongs to pyrethroids, derivatives of pyrethrins, which are synthesized from plant materials. Common chamomile and some other flowers are richest in it.

The modern insecticide "Medilis NEO" also consists of:

  • acetamiprid;
  • imidocloprid;
  • neonicotinoids;
  • permethrin;
  • tetramethrin;
  • FOS;
  • Chlorpyrifos.

Experts have achieved a ratio of substances that makes the product capable of destroying even a huge colony in an apartment densely populated with bedbugs.

Medicines "Medilis"

Once in the gastrointestinal tract of a person or pet, "Medilis" does not cause any harmful effects to it, because it only affects insects.

Mode of application

Please read the instructions carefully before use. The consumption of the anti-bedbug product is 20 g/m² of the treated surface. Spray at a temperature not lower than +10°C. Apply a jet at a distance of 20 cm from the surface to areas where parasites accumulate or where they may be located. Pay special attention to the space under the window sill, the joints of parts in the bed, sofas and armchairs. Also don't forget about carpets, window frames and ventilation grilles. Applying the drug to bedding is strictly prohibited!

15 minutes after disinfestation, open the windows and ventilate the room for 30 minutes, wash the working surfaces with a soap-soda solution. Repeated treatment is carried out no earlier than after 1 week.


Certain types of the drug are sold in a variety of factory packages ranging from five milliliters to 3500 ml.

Attention! There is also a type of product that is initially packaged in a container with a spray bottle. Therefore, there is no need to prepare it for use.

Therefore, the price range for insecticides in this series is very large.

The cost of some drugs is around four hundred rubles, while others reach a thousand or more.

"Medilis" is a broad-spectrum agent and is capable of effectively destroying:

  • fleas;
  • ixodid ticks;
  • bedbugs;
  • mosquitoes;
  • midges;
  • mosquitoes;
  • ants;
  • various midges;
  • flies;
  • horseflies;
  • cockroaches, etc.

A medium-sized bottle with a sprayer is enough to treat at least 100 square centimeters.

"Medilis" is sold in special hardware stores and on Internet sites.

Important! Pickup of the purchase by the client or delivery to the apartment using a company courier is provided. In Moscow, you will have to pay about three hundred rubles in addition to the total cost of the drug. If the house is located far from the capital, then the price increases to five hundred rubles and higher.


Medilis Supersila for bedbugs is a moderately dangerous insecticide. By following safety precautions, you don’t have to worry about the health of your household and four-legged friends. You can treat the contaminated area only in a protective suit, gloves, goggles and a respirator. Children and pets are not allowed in the premises. While working, you must not drink, smoke or eat. Upon completion, it is recommended to change clothes, wash your face and hands with soap, and take a shower. Store in a dry place, away from medications and food.

The online store Insects.Net offers you to buy Medilis Supersila for bedbugs at the most attractive price. All products presented on our website have quality certificates. We work only with official representatives of well-known companies, so the effectiveness of all drugs is guaranteed to each client.


Medilis Ziper for bedbugs Medilis Ziper for bedbugs is the second most popular product from this company. Produced in the form of a concentrated liquid. A professional means for disinfestation of premises for any purpose. It is actively used by SES employees for treating apartments, kindergartens, schools, hospitals, and public places.

On a note!

The active component is cypermethrin 25. One of the oldest, time-tested insecticides. The high concentration of the active substance ensures a quick effect and lasting results.

According to the manufacturers, Mediis Cyper does not lose its properties when exposed to sunlight. It remains to act on the surface for about 2 months. One treatment is enough to kill bedbugs.

Composition and action

Concentrated transparent liquid of light yellow color. Contains the main potent substance fenthion (0.01-0.5%) and auxiliary substances - synergists. Destroys:

  • lice;
  • ants;
  • cockroaches;
  • bed bugs;
  • fleas;
  • hornets;
  • os;
  • flies and their larvae;
  • mosquitoes;
  • ticks of various kinds.

Sold in plastic, glass, polymer containers.

Many people recommend this remedy for bedbugs. Read >>>!

  • The glass ampoule contains 1 and 2 ml of concentrate;
  • Plastic bottles 10-25 ml;
  • Polymer containers 0.5-25 l.

The concentrated substance is stored for 5 years, the diluted emulsion – 6 hours after preparation.

After surface treatment, it remains active for 1-1.5 months. Depends on the concentrate and the surface being treated.

Belongs to toxicity class lll.

Instructions for use

The solution must be made immediately before use. To dilute it, you need to take some unnecessary container, which you can get rid of immediately after sanitizing the room. The diluted Medilis Ziper should not stand for more than eight hours.

Bedbug nests and other suspicious places are treated. If there is a large colony of parasites, take ten milliliters for the same amount of liquid. Then the entire room is disinfested.

When specifying how to dilute the drug against bedbugs, it is worth considering that if there are few insects in the apartment, then five milliliters of product per liter of liquid will be enough.

On a note! Fifty milliliters of Medilis are used to treat at least one square meter, and a solution is made from a similar calculation. When prepared correctly, the result is a white, opaque mixture with a repulsive odor.

It is advisable to carry out the sanitation in such a way that after completion the surfaces are moistened. Before starting pest control, as well as after it, you need to thoroughly wash the floors and clean the room. Cabinets are moved away from the walls.

The person carrying out the treatment must be protected by impermeable clothing, safety glasses and a mask.

In the description of “Medilis Cyper” against bedbugs, the instructions say that you need to do sanitization:

  • upholstered furniture;
  • reverse sides of paintings and carpets;
  • back surface of cabinets;
  • skirting boards;
  • a hole in the wallpaper;
  • bed frames;
  • central heating radiators;
  • cracks in walls and floors;
  • corners of rooms;
  • vents, etc.

The mattress should be treated with Medilis and then placed outdoors for six or more hours in the sun.

Application of "Medilis Cyper"

Then the windows are opened wide and the furniture is returned to its place. Those areas in which apartment residents are often located are washed with a mixture of soap and soda. Hard-to-reach corners are not cleaned for at least three days.

The disinfected room should not be visited for twelve hours. If there were a lot of nests and the solution flooded the entire room, then it is better to leave there for the whole day and night.


Medilis Super against bedbugs differs from the previous product in the active substance and the addition of synergists that impart the activity of the insecticide.

Characteristics of Medilis Super

Medilis Super
The emulsion contains 24% fenthion, an insecticidal and acaricidal substance belonging to the group of organophosphorus compounds. The drug inhibits the synthesis of cholinesterase, a mediator of intersynaptic impulse transmission. In its absence, the functions of all organs are blocked, and insects die. The drug belongs to hazard class 3 and is approved for the treatment of industrial, residential premises, children's institutions and hospitals.


According to research, fenthion has cumulative properties and is able to penetrate the body through the skin, with inhaled air and orally. To avoid poisoning, you should carefully follow safety precautions when working with solutions and use personal protective equipment. The substance has a pronounced toxic effect on birds and fish. Therefore, they must be removed from the room during processing.

The product penetrates into the body of ticks and other insects:

  • through the chitinous cover, upon contact with the treated surface;
  • in the form of vapors through the spiracles;
  • into the esophagus when eating food.

The method of penetration depends on the type of insect and the form of transformation. In relation to bedbugs, Medilis Super is active for 1 month, which is quite enough to destroy parasites at all stages of development.

The emulsion is available in the same packaging as the drug Medilis Cyper:

  • glass ampoules of 1-2 ml;
  • bottles of 10-25 ml;
  • containers of 500 ml and 25 l.

Reviews about Medilis Super are different - they praise the effectiveness and criticize the garlic aroma, which lasts a long time, despite airing.


I bought Medilis Super on the recommendation of a consultant in the chemistry department. I spent a long time choosing and looking closely - I couldn’t decide what to use to poison the bedbugs. I’m not a chemist and I don’t know the properties of insecticides. The guy advised us to take Super, since in the old house, which stood abandoned after the death of my grandmother, there were various parasites. I don’t know what the bedbugs ate, but all the furniture was covered in marks from bedbugs, cockroaches, and God knows what else. I wanted to restore it and use it, but in this condition it is simply impossible to do so.

In order not to find out “who lives in the house,” I bought a product that destroys crawling, flying, and jumping creatures. I diluted it according to the instructions, poured it generously over everything, fortunately the container was large - it was more than enough! The smell was disgusting, but the house was uninhabited and that was not the main thing. And the efficiency turned out to be beyond praise! A week later I arrived and removed mountains of corpses! So I advise you - if you are not afraid of the smell, buy it.

Tatyana, Simferopol

Instructions for use Medelis Super

Medilis Super
Instructions for use Medilis Super contains a table indicating the concentration of the prepared solution for the destruction of different types of synanthropic insects, taking into account the stage of their development and the rate of consumption per unit area of ​​​​the treated room.

On a note!

To combat bedbugs, a solution is prepared at the rate of 5 ml of emulsion per liter of water for severe infestation and 2 ml/l for moderate and weak infestation. It is advisable to use the finished mixture within 6 hours of preparation.

After pouring the emulsion into water, it is necessary to mix well, since fenthion does not dissolve well in water. Spray the prepared product in places where bedbugs accumulate and in suspected hiding places: cracks, behind baseboards, under wallpaper that has come off the walls.

Where to buy and how much does it cost?

Another important question is where to buy insecticide. It can be found on many Internet portals and in most agricultural stores. The average price of a half-liter bottle is 1,200 rubles. The cost of a 50 ml bottle is approximately 180-220 rubles. To treat a square meter of living space, 50 ml of the prepared solution is required.

Medilis concentrate is stored for a long time - for five years. But it is necessary to take into account that it is flammable, so the bottle with the drug must be kept away from radiators and fire sources.

Pros and cons of the product

The drug has several advantages compared to analogues:

  1. Relatively low cost.
  2. This is a moderately toxic insecticide that does not pose a great danger to people.
  3. The product has a residual effect of one to three months.
  4. When exposed to ultraviolet light, the insecticide does not lose its properties.

The disadvantage is that bedbugs can develop resistance to the active substance. If the house has already been treated with a similar product, most likely this poison will be useless.

In addition, if the drug is used inappropriately, severe poisoning can occur. For many, the downside is the unpleasant smell, which sometimes causes allergies.

The best remedy for bed bugs

Bed bugs, or, as they are also called, house bugs, have been undesirable neighbors of humans for a very long time. Scientists agree that this type of blood-sucking parasite spoiled the sleep and nervous system of even primitive man. This material is devoted to the most pressing issue when interacting with bedbugs - the issue of exterminating bedbugs at home. We will figure out how to choose the best, and therefore effective, remedy for bed bugs.

What are bed bugs afraid of? House bugs are afraid of 3 things:

1) High temperature - bedbugs are guaranteed to die when the temperature of their environment rises to 50 degrees Celsius or higher;

2) Low temperature - lowering the temperature in their habitat to minus 2 degrees or lower will help get rid of these parasites;

3) Individual chemicals - such bed bug remedies are divided into professional (used by pest control services), folk and household chemicals.

How to deal with bed bugs. Having dealt with what house bugs are afraid of, we will smoothly move on to how to deal with these parasites, namely, to choosing a method for their destruction, there are also three of these methods:

1) Call a pest control service , for example, our bed bug extermination service in Moscow SK ENGINEER , we will treat your apartment with the best means for exterminating bed bugs at home, guaranteeing the disappearance of blood-sucking parasites after one treatment;

2) Use one of the folk remedies or methods for exterminating bedbugs at home; you can learn more about them from your mothers and grandmothers;

3) Get rid of bed bugs by using chemical control agents available for purchase in regular stores and supermarkets. Let's look at this option in more detail. Let's try to analyze the effectiveness of each of them, cost, consumer properties and, thus, determine the optimal means of exterminating domestic bedbugs.

Remedies for bed bugs.

The use of household chemicals (commercially available products) to kill bedbugs in an apartment with a guarantee is advisable only in cases of a small population of parasites; in all other cases, we recommend contacting a specialized service for the disinfection of bedbugs in Moscow apartments. In addition, bed bugs, like any other insect, are highly adaptable, so you will most likely need to use a combination of different types of household products to get rid of them, in addition to being patient and smart.

The general rules for treating premises using household products state: the destruction of bedbugs at home must begin with the found habitats of bedbugs, then treat the perimeter adjacent to such places, paying special attention to cracks in the floor, baseboards, gaps between the wallpaper and the wall, as well as upholstered furniture (especially furniture). Next, process the ceiling. But in case of severe contamination of the premises, only dismantling the wall panels will help to effectively use household products. When disinfecting an apartment, it is necessary to tightly close the windows (including vents and transoms), it is advisable to temporarily block the ventilation holes and turn off the power to the wiring.

Rating of the best home remedies for bed bugs:

A powder product that works on insects by dehydrating their body. The composition does not contain any toxic chemicals that can harm people and animals . Also, the product is already ready for use , which means that you do not have to prepare it for use - you just need to cut off the spout of the bottle and start processing.

It must be remembered that getting rid of bedbugs takes time. Therefore, after treatment you will need to wait from 7 to 30 days.

2) Digital

It is a yellow liquid with a repulsive odor. To kill bed bugs in an apartment, you need to prepare a solution - add 2 milliliters of Tsifox per liter of water. Next, treat all possible habitats of parasites. After disinfection of bed bugs in the apartment, it is advisable to leave the room for 24 hours. Sold in containers from 50 to 1000 ml; for a one-time disinfection against bedbugs in a 2-room apartment, 50 milliliters will be enough. After this product enters the body of a bug, the death of the parasite occurs within 30 minutes. Tsifoks is valid for two to three months from the date of treatment. It is recommended to carry out treatment against domestic bugs in a residential apartment 2-3 times with an interval of 2 weeks. Please note that you cannot store the prepared solution - after 7-8 hours it loses its properties, so to kill bedbugs in an apartment with a guarantee, prepare it in quantities for one-time treatment. The instructions for use suggest trying the effectiveness of Tsifox on 2-3 individuals, although it does not explain how to catch 2-3 bugs. At the same time, we will not hide that the effectiveness of using Tsifox is quite high - the basis of the composition is the potent substance Cypermethrin. When carrying out work to disinfect an apartment in Moscow, we strongly recommend using protective clothing and a respirator mask. It is strictly not recommended for pregnant women, children and people prone to allergies to use this product.


The drug has a yellowish oily structure. Allows you to get rid of both bedbugs and insects such as cockroaches, ants, fleas, mosquitoes and flies at home. And all this on your own - without the involvement of specialized bedbug disinfection services. For processing, it is necessary to prepare a solution of this product, where 30 milliliters of EXECUTIONER must be used per liter of water. Disinfection of apartment surfaces is carried out with a brush or spray. One of the advantages of the product is its long shelf life - up to 5 years (before checking, do not forget to check the expiration date on the packaging). The instructions for use promise the destruction of more than 90% of bed bugs in the apartment after the first treatment. A total of 2 treatments are recommended, 2 weeks apart. EXECUTIONER is practically safe and does not require the use of special equipment for disinfection. At the same time, it has a persistent unpleasant odor of kerosene. The disadvantage is the high consumption of this product. If you decide to disinfect your apartment in Moscow against bedbugs yourself, first calculate the required amount of the drug. One bottle is enough to treat only 5 square meters of area. Please note that the manufacturer talks about the destruction of bedbugs in an apartment with a guarantee only if all surfaces are treated, including walls, furniture, carpets, baseboards and the like. How to achieve this when using a household spray bottle or brush is not specified.

4) Cucaracha

It is produced in the form of powder, emulsion and gel. The product is pale yellow in color and has an unpleasant odor. Designed both for the destruction of domestic bedbugs and for disinfecting the apartment from other types of insects. The manufacturer allows use not only in residential apartments, but also in children's and medical institutions, restaurants, cafes, and other public catering establishments. To destroy bed bugs indoors, it is proposed to prepare a solution in the proportion of 2-3 grams of the composition per liter of water, diluted at room temperature with continuous stirring. A bottle of 50 grams should be enough to treat an average three-room apartment. To disinfect surfaces, it is necessary to treat all rooms using a spray bottle. According to the classification of chemicals, Cucaracha belongs to class 3 - moderately hazardous, therefore we recommend using protective clothing and a respirator mask. Cucaracha has a nerve-paralytic effect and will only get rid of adult bed bugs - the product will not affect insect larvae. The effect of Cucarach lasts 3-4 weeks after disinfection, but it cannot be washed off from surfaces, otherwise the effect will stop. It turns out that only the constant use of Cucarachi will guarantee the destruction of bedbugs in an apartment - until the very last bedbug that emerges from the larva disappears. When using the product, you must first remove the curtains, take apart your clothes, put the room in order, and be sure to remove animals, birds and children from the apartment.

5) Aerosols “Clean House”, “Dichlorvos” (large number of manufacturers), “Kombat”

Russian-made products with the main component cypermethrin, which bed bugs are very afraid of. Aerosols allow you to fight both bedbugs and all other types of household insects at home. Ease of use is due to the fact that you do not need to make solutions or look for a separate spray bottle - you take the aerosol and begin to mercilessly treat the premises of the apartment with it, thereby acting as a professional disinfectant for a specialized insect extermination service. The destruction of bedbugs is guaranteed by the manufacturer if a number of conditions are met, the main one of which is the treatment of absolutely all possible habitats of the parasites. At the same time, a square meter of surface must be under the influence of an aerosol for at least 3 seconds, and therefore the declared consumption of the product - 600 ml per 85 square meters of an apartment, in fact turns out to be 3-4 times higher. Only this concentration will allow you to effectively get rid of bed bugs. Precautions for use are standard - removal of animals, children and allergy sufferers, 24 hours without access to the apartment and good ventilation, preferably a respirator and special clothing for disinfection. The smell of the aerosol is sharp and unpleasant, but quickly disappears when the window is open. The aerosol leaves almost no traces on furniture.

6) Aerosol “Raptor for bed bugs”

In general, it is an analogue of previous aerosols, with a very similar composition. Among the advantages, we highlight the absence of an unpleasant odor (Raptor leaves a pleasant mint aroma) when disinfecting an apartment from bedbugs. The disadvantages are the same - high aerosol consumption and no guarantee of the destruction of bed bugs due to the inability to treat absolutely all surfaces.

7) Dust

Good old Dust. Our great-grandmothers used this product to kill bedbugs in apartments; however, even now, it can help housewives fight bedbugs and, ultimately, get rid of them. It is produced in the form of a white powder and to have an effect on parasites, direct contact of the bug with Dust is necessary. So the destruction of bed bugs will occur only in those parts of the apartment where you guessed to scatter this powder. Be careful - do not allow children and pets to come into contact with Dust. Among the advantages are the versatility of the product - it is also suitable for combating other unwanted insects, as well as its low price. At the moment, to disinfect an apartment from bedbugs in Moscow, it is easy to purchase the following varieties of Dustov - Karbofos, Fenkasin, Clean House, Klopoveron .

If you still have questions about the use of bed bug treatments, as well as how to get rid of these insects at home, call the ENGINEER Service Company at +7 (495) 120-4435, we will advise you ABSOLUTELY FREE.

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