How to get rid of a wasp nest on a balcony: effective methods and remedies

Do you have an unglazed balcony or is it simply littered with everything “necessary”? Or did unscrupulous workers leave gaps in the seams? This means, sooner or later, you will have to ask yourself the question: “How to remove a wasp’s nest on the balcony?” In this article, we will try to reveal the secret of the appearance of wasps and methods of dealing with them.

A lone wasp itself is not a threat. One bite, although painful, will not lead to serious consequences (of course, if there is no allergy). But wasps defending their nest are extremely aggressive. Each individual will protect the uterus at the cost of its own life. Numerous bites can lead to serious intoxication of the body. Therefore, no matter how humane you are, the hive must be destroyed.


Sometimes uninvited guests settle right on the balcony. This becomes dangerous, because it becomes almost impossible to go out into the fresh air, even if one individual bites. They bite everyone nearby - adults, animals, children.

If arthropods often appear on the balcony, it means their house is somewhere nearby. It is important to remove it.

Taking the house in your hands is not the best idea. Arthropods will immediately attack a person. They defend their home to the last, are not afraid of anything, and will sting indiscriminately. A person can die from multiple bites.

Usually arthropods settle on the balcony before the onset of cold weather. The female finds shelter under old things, where she and her offspring can overwinter. In the spring she begins to build a nest. If you don't pay attention, it will become difficult to get rid of them, because their number is constantly increasing, as is the risk of being bitten.

What to do if bitten by a wasp

It is important to act correctly:

don’t panic, go into the shadows, unbutton your collar, loosen your belt; you should not look for a sting: wasps do not leave sharp “needles” in the human body, they often bite repeatedly; give the victim clean water, slightly salted mineral water without carbon, or weak green tea; To remove toxins as quickly as possible, an enterosorbent is needed. You need to wait until the allergy pill takes effect, then give Enterosgel, Polysorb, White Coal, Smecta, Multisorb so that the active component does not absorb the active substance of the antihyatamine drug; wipe the bite site with alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, soda solution, aloe juice; take an antihistamine tablet to prevent allergic reactions, especially if you are prone to an acute immune response. The drug Suprastin has a rapid effect. It is important to follow the instructions and not exceed the dosage: negative manifestations are possible. Reduction of signs of Quincke's edema and other types of allergic reactions appears within 10–15 minutes; It is important for the victim to take a “reclining” position and not be nervous; If a person is attacked by a swarm of wasps or there are numerous bites, then you need to immediately call an ambulance. It is important to remove intoxication from the action of the poison in time, otherwise a tragic outcome is possible. Before the arrival of doctors, you need to complete all the points listed above; Urgent hospitalization is needed for stings on the tongue, eyelids, face, neck, ear, or if a child is injured. Observation by doctors in the first hours after the incident reduces the risk of negative consequences for the body.

Where do they usually live?

Pay attention to:

  • ceiling from inside;
  • cornice;
  • pipe for removing sediment;
  • windowsill;
  • between walls and cladding material;
  • among the objects on the balcony.

There are quite a lot of places, but the nest is large, so it is easy to find. Just sit on the balcony for a few minutes and you will see insects flying to a certain place. There's a nest there.

Advice! If you can't find the house, look outside the balcony.

You need to be careful with the sheathing and objects on the balcony if you start touching them if there is a risk of being stung. Search with caution so as not to run into anything.

wasp nest

The shape of the nest is similar to a paper cone. The color of the house is grey. You need to look on the ceiling or various surfaces. Honeycombs are visible from the nest. It is well hidden inside the pipes, but you can see the pests flying towards it.

So, the nest has been found. We begin the extermination. The house needs to be completely destroyed; you can’t just remove it; dangerous insects will start biting you. With so many individuals, it is life-threatening.

Note! Simply driving away the pests with a newspaper or a stick will not work; they will defend the nest. You will also have to get rid of insects.

Where to look for a hive

Insects are attracted to wooden structures because they provide building material from wasps. The insect scrapes off the top layer of wood with powerful jaws, chews it, and obtains a sticky, viscous substance, which it uses to build honeycombs, the inner and outer parts of the nest. Pests also easily infest in ready-made suitable structures - cracks in the wall, under the floor.

You can see what a wasp nest looks like in the photo below. Outwardly it resembles a sphere with a hole at the bottom, which serves as an entrance. As the number of individuals increases, it increases in size. The average hive is no larger than the size of an apple.

Common places for wasp nests to be built on the balcony:

  • under the floor;
  • outside under the balcony;
  • under the eaves;
  • in sheathing;
  • among the rubbish;
  • in pipes for draining rainwater.

If it was not possible to visually detect a wasp’s home, you need to observe the behavior of the insects. Sit for half an hour in the daytime on the balcony and trace the trajectory of insects. During the day, they actively rush from nest to nest, performing their functions. Having marked where the pests fly, you can carefully inspect the place. It remains to make a decision on the use of one or another method of struggle.

Wasps on the balcony


An effective but time-consuming method. This will take several weeks, or maybe a month. To begin, take a plastic bottle and make holes in it. Pour some honey into the feeder to attract the bees. Add some boric acid. Stir.

At night, arthropods sleep and you can set a trap. Place it next to the nest.

If a week has passed and the poison has been eaten, but you still see live wasps, add more honey and boric acid. The latter is very toxic to insects. Usually, after a couple of weeks, all the wasps disappear, including the queen, which they feed with poisoned food. Suitable if insects have settled in the attic.

How to remove a hornet nest

How to remove a hornet nest?

In modern city apartments, as a rule, window systems are installed that prevent flying insects from entering the home from the outside.

But there are dachas where city residents come to relax and embrace a healthy lifestyle.

Life in the country is like an idyll: fresh air, birdsong, fruits straight from the tree and vegetables only from the garden.

It's time to make raspberry jam. Suddenly, a large “paper” nest full of hornets is discovered in the attic.

And then a completely good-natured and benevolent, at first glance, person suddenly becomes an evil and uncompromising destroyer, striving to destroy the hornets’ nest at any cost.

They use dichlorvos and kerosene, polyurethane foam and smoke bombs, soap solution and bags of insecticide, a bucket of water and a plasma torch, followed by calling the Ministry of Emergency Situations team.

If you try to stop the panic, you can even generalize the experience accumulated in an irreconcilable struggle.

Ways to get rid of nests

Before deciding how to remove a hornet nest, it may be useful to first locate it, assess the risks and, if a military operation is inevitable, act depending on the situation.

For safety reasons, both are best carried out during periods of minimal insect activity - in the cool season or, in extreme cases, at night. In any case, you need a thick protective suit, gloves, and ideally a beekeeper’s mask.

Strict measures related to destruction

A thick plastic bag is carefully placed over the nest, which is then separated from the surface to which the nest is attached, after which the bag is quickly and tightly closed. The method of destroying the package along with the nest depends on the imagination of the performer. Most often, they are burned in the intense flame of a fire or, placed in a bucket and pressed down with a weight, poured with boiling water. Spray the nest generously with kerosene

Of all petroleum products, kerosene has the best penetrating ability. A wasp's nest is made of "paper" - wood that has been ground to a pulp and held together with saliva. Kerosene very quickly saturates both the paper and the chitinous body of the wasp, blocking breathing. Insects exposed to kerosene die instantly. If the socket is located in an inaccessible place, from which there is only one exit, use polyurethane foam. In this case, you need to make sure that the hole is blown out thoroughly and there is not the slightest gap. Dichlorvos and other special products work reliably only when the nest can be isolated from air. For example, cover tightly with some container immediately after spraying.

Humane measures involving resettlement

To resettle a family of hornets, the method with a plastic bag described above is quite suitable. The difference is that the final phase of the ritual killing is replaced by the ritual bestowal of life by shaking the package.

  1. Of course, still at night and having previously moved as far as possible from human habitats. A strong-smelling aggressive substance is placed in the immediate vicinity of the nest.
  2. This could be ground red pepper, a bowl of diluted Domestos, or used oil drained from the car crankcase.
  3. Insecticides are also suitable: most likely, they will lead to a lethal outcome of a slightly different nature - the wasps will fly away to another place. The best way to safely remove a wasp nest from a home, especially if the home is a summer home, is to wait until winter. In winter, the nest is carefully separated from the attachment point (but gloves will not hurt) and destroyed.

There are no live wasps in it anyway. After which the place where the nest was based, and, preferably, everything around it is treated with insecticides or other means.

Then in the spring, returning from memory to their old nest, without finding it and not finding the previous place attractive, the females will fly away in search of more favorable conditions.

Burn the nest

This method is fire hazardous, since the nest will burn strongly. Please note that the method will only work if the bees’ home is located far from other fire-hazardous things.

Burn the nest

We take a bottle and fill it with kerosene. Close the lid. On the last one we make small holes. The composition of a wasp nest is similar to paper and is also flammable. We spray it with the composition and set it on fire.

What steps need to be taken

If you start to notice that wasps have begun to appear on your loggia/balcony, first of all, you need to keep an eye on them. What place do they fly to, where do they nest, how many of them are there, how often do they fly, their behavior - they fly to one place or behave chaotically. There are two answers to the question of why wasps appeared: they are lured by something and they settled with you for good

If you store sweet fruits on your loggia or balcony that attract the attention of insects, the problem can be solved if you remove the sweet “bait” from the balcony. After this, it is necessary to wash the place where the sweet was located in order to avoid repeated arrival, since wasps react well to odors

Worse, if after this action the wasps return again, this is already a problem, since the problem is no longer in food, but in housing. This will be more difficult to deal with, since insects will not just leave their home.

Hive with wasps - how to remove

But how to remove a hive with wasps from the balcony? First of all, it is necessary to determine where their housing is located. It’s great if the wasp’s nest is located in the public domain and there are no problems getting to it. As you already understand, the action will be carried out in several steps: drive out or even destroy the wasps and eliminate the wasp’s house.

If the nest is not visible, but the insects keep flying in, you will have to work hard to find it. You will need to look through all the things that you have not used for a long time, drawers, flower pots, or furniture in which wasps have found a place for themselves.

You should also pay attention to cracks, balcony upholstery and canopy where wasps can settle. For this, again, you need your observation skills to determine which place insects most often fly to and where they fly from.

If you managed to find the location of the wasps, there is no need to rush to destroy their home. It’s better to think through all the steps to get rid of them once and for all.

Drown the nest in water

Safe and fast method, but requires skill. It is important that the home hangs, we will put a bucket on it. If the house is located on the wall, the method will not work.

Take a bucket and fill it to the top with water. We are waiting for the night to come. We go out onto the balcony. We put the bucket on the nest so that there is no free space between the edges and the ceiling. The house will be completely submerged in water. We keep the bucket like this for several hours, prop it up with something, for example, a stepladder.

Before removing the bucket, hit it. If you can't hear the insects buzzing, they are dead. You can remove the water. The method is effective in any place and against any insects, but only for hanging nests.

Looking for a lair

Treatment against insects
The easiest way to get rid of wasps on the balcony is to call specialists from the sanitary and epidemiological station. This method, although effective, is quite expensive from a financial point of view. Therefore, for many it will be easier to go on the “warpath” themselves. Before you fight wasps on the balcony, you should find their lair. Fighting single representatives of a wasp swarm will be more like fighting windmills - too troublesome and absolutely ineffective.

For a quick and final victory over the striped enemy, you will need to destroy their lair, where the fruit-bearing female, the queen of the swarm, lives. Probably everyone has an idea of ​​what a wasp’s nest looks like: many have seen this dark gray ball attached to a tree branch or a beam in a dark attic. If the nest is in an open place, then removing it is not difficult. But how to get rid of wasps on the balcony if the nest is not visible?

In this case, you will have to temporarily transform into a naturalist tracking down the lair of a dangerous predator and watch the wasps. If wasps are hanging around the balcony without specific goals, most likely they view it not as their home, but as a hunting ground. They are probably attracted by the smell of something edible, most often sweet, stored on the balcony. For example, the aroma emanating from a poorly closed jar of jam. In this case, protecting yourself from visiting flying insects is quite simple - you just need to deprive them of food sources.

But if wasps are attracted to a certain place,

where they appear and where they hide, then there is their lair, or the path to it. In this case, the wasps have chosen your balcony as their residence, and they, without sparing their lives, will defend their right to use it. Wasps often build their paper house in secluded corners. If the balcony is filled with boxes, crates and old things, you will have to sort them out in search of a nest.

The young queen wasp settles in old things in the fall, falling into winter hibernation. And with the onset of warm spring days, he begins to build a house for the future aspen colony.

The main habitats of a wasp swarm on the balcony, if the nest is invisible from the outside:

  • under the sheathing of the fence both from the inside and outside;
  • under the ceiling sheathing or under the floor boards;
  • under the eaves and under the drain gutters;
  • in old things, boxes, furniture on the balcony.

Watch the video on how to properly remove the nest:

Destroying a nest

You need to look carefully for the exact location of the wasps' lair - ferocious insects can attack completely unexpectedly. Before you get rid of a wasp nest on your balcony, you need to equip yourself accordingly. Put a mosquito net on your head and wear thick clothes with sleeves fastened at the wrists. Wear canvas tops or thick gloves on your hands.

Having donned protective equipment, it is possible to destroy the lair without harm to yourself, leaving the wasp swarm without shelter. In most cases, after this the wasps leave the balcony in search of a new shelter. But it is likely that they will start building a new nest on your own balcony. Therefore, before eliminating a nest, it is recommended to destroy its inhabitants. To do this, they usually use bait with poison.

Poisoning from poisonous bait

Boric acid
One of the “recipes” for poison is a mixture of boric acid with bait. To do this, take an ordinary plastic bottle, the neck of which is cut off. 100 g of beer, sugar syrup, and fermented jam are poured inside as bait. 10 g of boric acid or borax are added to the bait - they act as a toxic substance. Place the container with bait in the corner of the balcony, in an open place accessible to insects. The wasps themselves will eat the poisoned bait and feed it to their queen and larvae. It will take one to two weeks to get rid of wasps this way. During this time, the wasp colony will be dead.

Another way to poison annoying striped neighbors is syrup from sweet, preferably slightly fermented fruits, or whole pieces of them. Insecticides that do not have a pungent odor are added to them - GET, minap, microcin.

The pieces should be placed on the balcony in saucers, out of the reach of children and pets. And you can moisten small pieces of rags with poisonous syrup and hang them near the intended location of the wasp nest.

Insecticide poisoning

Treatment with dichlorvos
If a nest is discovered and located in an accessible place, use a quick method to destroy the colony. In the evening, after sunset, when all the wasps have gathered in their house, a plastic bag or thick film is carefully placed over the nest. If possible, the edges are pressed tightly to create a better seal. Then a small hole is made in the polyethylene into which an insecticide (dichlorvos, chlorophos, raptor, etc.) is sprayed. After some time, the entire colony will be dead, and the nest can be carefully cut off and placed in a bag. Take the package with the nest to a safe place and burn it. Also carry out this entire operation in protective equipment - in case of any force majeure situations.


If you are unable to find the insects' home, despite all your efforts, try to scare them away. As has long been noted, they cannot tolerate certain odors: vinegar, bleach, essential oils. By treating the loggia with similar compounds, and especially the places where wasps appear - cracks and holes - you can force them to move away from your home. True, in this case, the struggle with unpleasant neighbors can drag on for a long time.

Another way to get rid of wasps on a balcony if the nest is not visible is to use kerosene or gasoline. Using a sprayer, treat the access paths to the wasp nest (holes in the balcony trim, cracks in the floor, etc.).

Kerosene will not kill insects, but the sharp and persistent smell will force them to leave the home.


The most common method, but quite labor-intensive.

Wasp control products

You need to do the following:

  1. Take a strong plastic bag and add wasp repellent to it.
  2. We are waiting for the night. We put the bag on the nest. We wrap the bag with tape, it will not allow the wasps to fly away.
  3. Wait a few hours for them to die.

There are many types of insecticides. And most of them are suitable against wasps.

Before removing the bag, check to see if there are still live wasps. Just knock on the house with a stick.

Destruction of insects with chemicals

Before starting chemical treatment, it is important to provide safety measures for all residents in the apartment. The generally available remedy for midges and mosquitoes is not used, since it is impossible for them to remove wasps from the balcony, it is weak for them. It is possible to eliminate stinging insects only with potent drugs. Several types of means are used in the fight against individuals:

  1. Pesticide aerosol. The product is often used to kill wasps and reviews about it are only positive. The composition is sprayed onto the nest, and the entry hole in it is treated especially carefully. The treatment is carried out twice, every other day. After spraying, immediately leave the balcony and close the door. You should not go out there for three to four hours. If after all treatments the presence of wasps is not observed, then the nest and dead individuals can be removed. It is better to burn all remains, as they are especially toxic. Of the widely used products, the following compositions showed excellent results: “Clean House”, “Armol”, “Combat”.
  2. Insecticidal powder. The composition is applied to the outer sides of the house, while the entrance is carefully processed. The principle of operation is based on the fact that wasps, in contact with the surface of the nest, carry the poison inside on their paws. Gradually, their death occurs and within three days the insects are eliminated. After the specified period, the nest can be safely removed.
  3. Sprays. These compositions are prepared by diluting liquid concentrates in water. Of these, several effective drugs should be highlighted: “Cucaracha”, “Executioner”, “Delta-zone”.

The treatment should be carried out in special clothing and with a respirator. The entire process is carried out according to the instructions. If there are allergy sufferers among household members, then treatment is not recommended.

Safety regulations

Whatever method is chosen, the event cannot be called safe. Insects will defend the house to the last and can bite a person. Protection is important.

We do the following:

  1. We put on closed clothing, protection for the face and hands.
  2. We do everything at night when the wasps are sleeping.
  3. We are preparing an escape route in advance.
  4. We react quickly before the insects come to their senses.
  5. If wasps attack a person, you need to quickly run away and close the door behind you. After half an hour the individuals will calm down, you can try again.

How to get rid of a wasp that accidentally flew onto the balcony?

How to get rid of a wasp that accidentally flew onto the balcony?

If a wasp accidentally flew onto your closed balcony, you should not kill it: it will not cause any harm, but it will be of great benefit outside.

It is best to simply release a wasp that accidentally flies onto the balcony back outside. A single wasp is very easy to catch and release.

To do this, just take an empty matchbox, cover the wasp on the glass or wall with it and, without moving the box from the surface, close it.

Accordingly, you need to open it outside the window so that the insect can fly away.

Similarly, you can catch a wasp with an empty glass jar. Sometimes you don’t even need to use a lid, but just quickly put the jar with the wasp outside the window.

Other methods of disposal

The nest is a real problem, the insects eat the supplies on the balcony and bite painfully. Individuals are also a source of disease.

Advice! Wasps live in families. If a group of pests is found under the window, it means there is a nest nearby.

Try this:

  1. Chemical agent. Wasps are easily eliminated by poisons. You can buy them in special stores. We apply the drug directly to their house, the wasps themselves will spread the toxin, passing it on to the queen and relatives. All the wasps will get sick.
  2. Polyurethane foam. Try to close the individuals inside the nest using foam, which is used for windows. The wasps will be trapped. When the insects die, we take the nest and throw it away.

You can get rid of pests using improvised means; you don’t have to resort to chemicals. Try using sugar. Just fill the bottle a third full with liquid and add sugar. Stir until the sweetness melts. We hang the bottle on the balcony. The water will begin to attract insects.

In the bottle itself we make holes the size of a cigarette. We make them a little higher than the syrup level. The wasps will fly into the homemade trap, but they will not be able to get out.

Precautionary measures

When black bugs appear, first of all, it is necessary to clear the space as much as possible from unnecessary things. It is recommended to carry out all manipulations wearing protective gloves. You cannot bring anything infected into the apartment from the loggia, otherwise the insects will spread throughout the apartment.

Blood-sucking small bugs multiply exponentially, so it is best to pack unnecessary items in airtight double or triple bags and tie them tightly. Then they need to be thrown into a trash can on the street. If there is an armchair or sofa on the balcony that you are not going to get rid of yet, it is best to treat it with steam or insecticides.

Steam generator treatment kills bedbugs

At the last stage, it is necessary to vacuum all areas of the loggia, then do wet cleaning. It is advisable to add ammonia to the water for rags. You will need two teaspoons per liter of liquid. Before closing the door to the balcony and going into the apartment, you should treat the entire space with “Executioner”, “Raid” or other drugs.

You can enter the loggia only the next day. At the same time, it is necessary to re-clean with a vacuum cleaner and treat with ammonia. To accurately get rid of insects on the first or last floor, it is recommended to spray all possible corners and places where uninvited guests gather with special means.

Black beetles that appear on the balcony can cause a lot of unpleasant moments. Some of them are absolutely safe and cannot cause any harm to humans. And other small bugs, such as bed bugs, are very dangerous to humans. You can deal with them on your own, spending just a few days destroying them.


Also an effective way. We take the same bottle and pour water into it. Add liquid soap. We make holes on the lid. Shake the mixture until the soap dissolves. Spray the nest and the area around it. The soap will get on the insect, it will begin to lick it and die.

Note! If the wasps begin to die rapidly, the survivors may become frightened and leave your home forever.

Soap solution

It is convenient to use a spray bottle here. It is filled with ordinary water, to which liquid soap is added and mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed. This solution must be used to treat all surfaces near the insects' home. Particular attention is paid to the place of settlement itself. After a while, you will get rid of most of the insects, and the rest will fly away.

Wasps vs hornets

Hornets will help drive pests out of the balcony. The latter catch the wasps and feed them to their larvae. This method is not common for balconies, because hornets are also dangerous insects. Try using the method at your dacha.

If you have destroyed the nest and chased away the wasps, don't relax. They may come back. A good way to prevent the recurrence of pests is a mosquito net. Try to cover the entire balcony, then insects will not be able to fly inside. But you should be careful, pests can enter through various small cracks.


You can scare away wasps from your balcony before they have even settled in with a major overhaul. Insects cannot stand the smell of plastic. In the corners, hang bouquets of some plants whose smell insects cannot stand - walnut, geranium, peppermint.

Regular cleaning of the balcony using household chemicals will help drive away wasps. Insects cannot stand the smell of bleach. Add Domestos to the water. The same solution can be used to vacate the premises if the pests have already taken up residence. You need to clean it every evening, or pour it into a cap and leave it on the balcony. Additionally, the product will repel flies and mosquitoes.

With the onset of autumn, the wasps leave their nest and eat the larvae themselves. An empty hive must be removed and destroyed. A young female can settle in it in the spring, and a new swarm will appear.

Physical means

We need to find out why the insects settled on the balcony. They like dry rooms with good ventilation. If the reason is sweet preservation, find another place.

If an empty dwelling is found, it means that something frightened the wasps and they flew away. But rest assured, pests are close.

Try this physics method:

  • We put on a suit for protection;
  • Place a garbage bag over the nest. We wrap the entrance with tape and tear it off from the mount;
  • Next, we burn the bag inside a metal barrel.

Another way:

  1. Place a bucket of boiling water under the nest.
  2. Carefully knock down the wasp nest using a stick.
  3. The house will fall into hot water, all insects will die.

A good way is to apply good glue to the entrance of the nest. The wasps will stick and as a result will close the exit from the nest themselves. Individuals will die of starvation.

Folk means of killing wasps

Folk remedies are no less effective, and they have another advantage - you don’t need to spend a lot of money.

Kerosene - it is used to treat the outer surface of the nest. In this case, you need to use a sprayer. To get kerosene inside, it is taken into an enema and poured into the house. The product does not kill insects, but the unpleasant odor from the nest forces wasps to leave it. In the future, you just need to separate it from the place where it is attached and throw it away. The nest needs to be treated with kerosene until all the insects disappear. Generally, the duration of the procedure is 3-4 days.

A potbelly stove is installed on the balcony, its chimney is directed towards the nest. You need to heat it every day, adding fresh pine needles and plastic. The key to success is directing a stream of smoke at the wasp house. In this case, the balcony door must be closed tightly so that smoke does not enter the apartment, and the balcony windows must be opened as much as possible. The procedure is carried out until the insects leave their home.

A method that was used in ancient times. An adhesive composition should be collected on the trunks of apple and pear trees (many children eat it). Melt it in a container, add mouse poison and dip a piece of cloth into the mixture to soak it. Voracious wasps will land to feast on the sweet taste, but will die from mouse poison.

Humane method

If you feel sorry for wasps, do the following:

  1. Place a thick bag over the nest.
  2. Unfasten it from the surface.
  3. Place the nest far from your home, preferably several kilometers away.
  4. Unclip the package there.


The last method must be performed with good protection, because they will immediately begin to attack the person who disturbed them.

How to remove wasps from the balcony

The easiest and most affordable way is to call the sanitary and epidemiological station employees. With the help of equipment, they will be able to quickly and easily destroy insects and remove a wasp’s nest. The procedure is very fast. The only drawback is that you have to pay money for the call.

How to do it yourself:

  • Purchase chemicals to control insects (they are sold in specialty stores) and poison the insects;
  • Use polyurethane foam;
  • Set a trap.

Chemicals are applied to the surface of the nest, then the wasps themselves transfer it to the inside. After a short time, the drug will begin to act, which will lead to the death of insects.

Another completely inhumane method is to blow out the nest with foam

But at the same time, it is important to ensure that the wasps do not bite their executioner. It is better to do this at night when the insects are sleeping

Otherwise, bites on the face and buttocks cannot be avoided. The entrance of the nest should be blown out. Then remove the house and bury it.

More gentle traps can be made from watermelon or melon rind, treated with the same chemical. The wasps will want to eat in any case, and will soon die under the influence of aggressive chemical components.

Effective sprays for killing hornets

Removing a hornet nest from your dacha is not a problem and will not require complex preparations and manipulations if you trust reliable insecticides.


To put an end to the dangerous neighborhood once and for all, you can use an effective drug that gets rid of not only hornets. Its toxin is destructive to all flying and crawling insects: cockroaches, flies, bedbugs, etc.


  • economical consumption and quick action;
  • safety for humans;
  • no odor;
  • long lasting effect
  • the cost of a 50 g bottle is 390 rubles

Buy with 20% discount

Dilute the product with water in a ratio of 4 ml per 1 liter of water. Shake and pour into a spray bottle. The spray nozzle is twisted so that a stream of water comes out. You need to pour the hornets' nest from a distance of 1 m. The properties of the drug allow you to destroy insects as soon as they hit an area of ​​the body. The poison is absorbed through the chitinous shell and leads to paralysis.

Spray against hornets GET

A popular and lethal drug that destroys all crawling and flying insects.


  • active ingredient - Chlorpyrifos, 5%
  • effective against – Flies / Wasps / Cockroaches / Bedbugs / Fleas / Ants / Bed Bugs
  • the residual effect of the substance lasts for 6 months
  • no pungent odor.
  • Price per bottle - from 790 rubles.

Dilute a bottle of GET (100 ml) in 1 liter of water and use the prepared solution to treat the nest or surfaces to destroy hornets and other insects.

Working with such a preparation is simple; no special protective measures are required, except that you need to wear thick clothing and keep a distance when processing the nest.

Smoke bomb against hornets

Another effective way to combat hornets in enclosed spaces (barns, sheds, etc.) is to use smoke bombs. Checkers allow you to process even the most inaccessible places without the involvement of professionals. At the same time, you should not approach the nest, but just light the checker and lock the room.

  • Checker Quiet Evening has residual activity for up to 14 days
  • active substance - Permethrin 10%
  • Coverage area - up to 300 m2
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The beekeeper has to deal with hornets with special care, because they are a real threat to bees. The preparations are suitable for treating nests found near the apiary. Traps from Swissinno are an excellent solution, as they do not trap bees, but actively attract wasps.

When carrying out work to destroy hornets, you are required to follow safety rules so as not to suffer from bites. Everything else is the task of modern insecticides, which do their job perfectly.

You can fight hornets on your own, but you should be well prepared for this event and follow all safety measures (special clothing), because hornet stings are not only unpleasant, but also extremely dangerous. If you are not confident in your abilities or the nest is in a hard-to-reach place, it is better to contact a specialized service


In such a colony there can be many wasps - hundreds and even thousands, and if you do not get rid of them in time, then it can be very dangerous. How to get rid of a hive? How to remove a wasp hive safely, without harm to your own health? These questions are relevant for many who want to get rid of these insects. Their colony is located near human habitation or directly in it for obvious reasons:

  • Lots of dark places.
  • Constant warmth.
  • Access to a variety of foods.

When the number of individuals in a nest increases - this can bring danger to humans - they are considered carriers of diseases. They can fly in landfills, sewers, and other places where rotting and infections multiply. These insects spoil the food, fruits, and vegetables that they eat. And the greatest danger comes from their aggressive behavior when a person approaches their nest, which they perceive as a threat to their existence and attack.

One insect can sting several times, their sting does not fall off, and they do not die from it. Their bites are painful and can cause severe allergic reactions. Many fatalities have been recorded. Without knowing how many dangerous wasps there may be in a nest, it is impossible to visually determine their number, but you can suffer from one individual or from an attack by the entire colony. After destroying the cocoon, the wasps may return next year and build new housing.

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