Hellebore water for lice and nits: reviews and instructions

If a pediculosis problem appears in the family, it must be eliminated immediately and together. Lice are very insidious and tenacious creatures, and if you do not notice them right away, you can infect not only your family, but also your guests, friends, employees and classmates, which will not be very pleasant for both you and them.

Unfortunately, not all drugs existing today can save you from this problem. Many drugs from the pharmacy are not effective, and they are also very expensive. As a result, you will have to disinfect several times and waste your precious time and money. What to do? What remedy can help in such a situation? Hellebore water will help you.

What is hellebore water? Composition and release form

Hellebore water is a solution containing alcohol tincture of hellebore and water (in a 1:1 ratio). This is an inexpensive but very effective remedy that has an antibacterial and antiparasitic effect.

You can find hellebore water at the pharmacy. Sold in dark bottles of 40ml and 100ml, use only for external use!


The solution contains hellebore tincture and water. The first is made from the roots and rhizomes of hellebore. They contain about 1.5% alkaloids, among which yervine and protoveratrine are considered the most poisonous. These substances help strengthen and restore hair. Additionally, hellebore roots contain resins, mineral salts, amino acids, tannins and glucosides. They fill the void in the follicles, so the hair becomes thicker.

Hellebore is a poisonous plant due to the presence of alkaloids in its composition. Therefore, for cosmetic purposes it is used carefully in small doses.

Principle of action on lice and nits

The juice of the root and stem of hellebore contains a large amount of alkaloids. They have a detrimental effect on the body of parasites, various types of fungi and bacteria.

What happens to lice and nits when treating the head with hellebore water? First of all, when this water gets on the body of a louse, it wets and envelops it. Next, the drug enters the respiratory tract of the parasite, then gradually reaches the internal organs of the insect. At first the insect is less mobile, then its legs become paralyzed and it stops moving, resulting in a fairly quick death.

About the same thing happens with the louse larva – the nit. However, unlike lice, which die almost immediately, nits are more resilient, and there is a small chance that some larva will survive. If this happens, the procedure will need to be repeated after some time.

Using hellebore water for lice and nits

It's time to treat your hair, but how to do it correctly? First you will need to wash your hair. You don’t need any special shampoo for this; we take the most common one that you use all the time. Wash your hair thoroughly, rinsing the areas behind the ears, the back of the head, the entire root zone and the entire length of the hair.

After this, you need to apply a solution of hellebore water to your hair. This can be done using ordinary cotton wool, thoroughly soaking it in the product. However, if you have cotton swabs, it is better to use them, as it is much more convenient. It is very important to process absolutely all the hair along its entire length and not miss anything. To do this, it is best to divide your hair into several parts (from 2 to 4) and then apply the composition to each strand of hair along its entire length. This way you won't miss anything.

When the product is applied to the hair, it should be wrapped with something. You can use any things you have at hand: a scarf or a simple plastic bag. Wait for 30-35 minutes, then rinse off the product with running water and rinse your hair with shampoo, preferably several times.

After this, you need to carefully examine your hair and make sure that there is nothing left there. The lice should disappear, but you will need to get rid of the nits manually, as they stick to every hair. The product kills them, but does not remove them from the hair. In order to remove the remaining nits, you will need a regular white sheet of paper and a special comb with bristles closely spaced together. You can buy a comb at a pharmacy; such combs are usually called a “comb for lice and nits.” With this very comb you just need to comb your hair, while bending your head down over a sheet of paper. Once you have combed your hair, carefully take the leaf, roll it up and throw it in the trash.


There is no set dosage as such. Everything is calculated individually for each person, since the thickness and length of hair is different for everyone. You will see how much product you will need directly during the processing process. It is important to simply wet your hair and scalp well so that there are no dry strands left. But at the same time, you should not pour a lot of product so that it does not flow down and get into your eyes.

A course of treatment

The course of treatment is as follows:

  1. You found lice and treated the head for the first time, after which you checked the result. If the result is positive and there are no more lice or live nits, great. But if there are still live parasites left, the procedure should be repeated.
  2. We carry out the second treatment against parasites only a day after the first!
  3. For prevention, it is advisable to treat the head again, but after a week.

Is hellebore water safe?

If hellebore water can kill parasites, the question arises: is it capable of harming humans? The answer is yes, it can, but only if you don’t follow the instructions. As mentioned above, there are a lot of alkaloids in the roots and stem of this plant, which is why hellebore water is toxic to both the parasite and humans. It is important to take precautions when working with it. Namely:

  1. Make sure that during processing, the product does not get on the person’s mucous membranes (in the eyes, nose and mouth) and if this suddenly happens, immediately rinse them with plenty of running water;
  2. If during treatment a person feels a burning sensation or itching of the head, there is no need to wait 30 minutes, the substance should be washed off immediately;
  3. And of course, if after using the drug a person feels ill, feels sick or has poisoning (this can happen if you accidentally swallow hellebore water), be sure to consult a doctor.

These rules are not new to anyone, because they are indicated on many drugs. Therefore, you just need to follow them and do everything correctly, then everything will be fine and nothing will harm your health.

Can it be used by children?

The instructions indicate that this substance should not be used by a child under 3 years of age.

In any case, even if your child is older than this age, you should use hellebore water very carefully and keep it out of the child’s reach.

Benefits for hair

In addition to being an antiparasitic agent, hellebore water is also used as a hair growth stimulant. Hellebore has a good effect on the scalp, improves blood circulation, reduces hair loss and treats dandruff.

On various forums, many women write reviews that when using hellebore water for lice, they not only got rid of this problem, but also improved the condition of their hair. And now they periodically use this method, but for cosmetic purposes.

We use the product for cleansing

Since pharmaceutical liquid contains many alkaloids, it is often used as an option to combat dandruff, fungal infections, and lice. In such cases, the antiparasitic properties of hellebore-based water are effective. Use it in the same way, wetting only the head, without treating the strands.

How long do you keep hellebore water on your hair?

No more than 20 minutes. You shouldn’t rub it too hard into the roots either. To eliminate dandruff, you will need to carry out 3-4 procedures with an interval of 3 days. But parasitic insects will die after just one, maximum two household manipulations using water based on the puppeteer. Again, the liquid must be warmed to room temperature before processing.

So, tested for centuries, this ancient remedy has a lot of “advantages” in hair care. Here they are:

  1. Ease of use.
  2. Availability at any time of the year.
  3. Productivity.
  4. Cheap price.


Hellebore water is a very effective remedy for head lice, however, like any other drugs, it has a number of contraindications. Namely:

  • Sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • Children under 3 years old;
  • Presence of wounds on the scalp;
  • During pregnancy and during breastfeeding;
  • Skin diseases.

Under no circumstances should you take the drug orally, this will lead to serious negative consequences!

Avoid contact of the drug with mucous membranes; if contact occurs, rinse thoroughly with running water.

Precautionary measures

First of all, the toxicity of the drug should be noted. It is poorly absorbed by the skin, so in the absence of intense rubbing, the risks are minimal. However, if it gets on the mucous membranes or if you try to taste it, intoxication (poisoning) of the body is possible.

In case of contact with mucous membranes, quick and abundant rinsing is necessary. If the hellebore drug is taken orally, call an ambulance immediately, as the consequences of poisoning can be very serious.

Due to the fact that the work is most often carried out with children, it is necessary to first explain to them that this is not a toy, and they cannot touch the liquid with their hands. If you are concerned about the question: can similar compositions be used for children, then the answer is yes, but if they are older than 2.5 years.

But those who are not recommended to use a hellebore-based product are pregnant women and women during lactation.

In addition, hellebore preparation should not be used on areas of the skin that have damage, since getting into the wound will lead to its absorption by the body and poisoning.

Reviews of Chemerichnaya water against lice and nits

Alina, Moscow

Once again I am convinced that the instructions must be read. My daughter had a lice epidemic at school, and mine caught it too. The pharmacy offered many modern, expensive sprays, but on the advice of my mother-in-law, I bought hellebore water, it costs 35 rubles per bottle, and I took two. I took a good look at how to apply it correctly, otherwise I wanted to pour it on my head right above the bathtub. But it turns out you need to carefully apply it with a cotton swab and don’t let it get into your eyes. The lice disappeared completely only after a week, they were treated three times and combed out. The third time, no one was combed - clean. The product works. Of course, expensive drugs probably kill parasites in one pass, but for those who want to save money, this product is suitable.

Karen, Kyiv

I have no idea where the lice came from. The feeling is not the most pleasant. I bought hellebore water with a red star on the package at the pharmacy, applied it according to the instructions, but a drop got into my eye. I washed it right away, but it stung quite badly. Be careful. And the product is inexpensive and effective, sold everywhere. I also bought a comb separately for combing. I only used it twice and didn't have to anymore.

After how many days do lice become more numerous?

If at least one sexually mature individual appears on the head, it begins on the same day not only to bite, but also to lay eggs. One female lays an average of 4 eggs per day. That is, after 16–20 days there will be about 80 nits and lice on the head, including adults, ready for mating and further reproduction. Their number will increase exponentially. Among them there may be insects with increased fertility, laying up to ten eggs a day, so it is necessary to urgently begin the fight (for more details, see the article “How to get rid of lice forever.”

How to find out when lice appeared and where they got infected from? You need to carefully examine your head. If there are only nits on it, and no adults are visible, then no more than 5 days have passed. If insects about 3 mm in size are visible, it means that 2–3 weeks have already passed since the infection.

Alternative drugs

Hellebore water is a very effective remedy for the treatment of head lice. But there are situations when this substance is contraindicated for humans for some reason (for example, children under 3 years of age or if the person is sensitive to this drug). What to do then? What means should I use? And how to use them?

There are two options:

  • turn to traditional medicine (a more budget-friendly option);
  • use modern drugs.


In folk medicine, there are a huge number of ways to combat parasites such as lice. Here are a few of them.

Getting rid of lice with vinegar, salt and vodka


  • a glass of vinegar diluted with water;
  • 40 grams of boiled salt;
  • 5 ml alcohol (96%).

For this recipe, you will need to dilute a glass of vinegar with water (to get a 3% solution), add 40 grams of boiled salt to it. Then mix it all well and add 5 ml of 96% alcohol and mix again. Apply the resulting mixture to pre-washed hair, leave for several hours, then rinse. Comb your hair with a special comb to remove lice and nits, and apply the compress again. It is advisable to repeat the procedure 3-4 times. After each use, comb your hair with a comb.

Removing lice using kerosene

This method requires special attention and caution from the person, since kerosene can burn the skin or dry it out. To prevent this from happening, you need to be very careful and listen to your feelings during this procedure.

It is important to remember that kerosene cannot be used in its pure form! Be sure to dilute it with some vegetable oil. It is also important not to forget that kerosene is a flammable substance; under no circumstances carry out this procedure in the kitchen, where there may be something on the stove, and do not smoke during the entire procedure.

After mixing kerosene with oil, apply the mixture to dry hair, wrap your head in a plastic bag and leave for 50-60 minutes. Then comb your hair with a comb, and then wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo several times.

Modern analogues

We looked at methods from traditional medicine. It's time to talk about modern drugs, now there are also a lot of them, and in different forms:

  • aerosols;
  • shampoos;
  • sprays;
  • ointments, etc.

Spray Lavinal against lice and nits

This spray is based on various essential oils, such as ylang-ylang, lavender, mint. This product is completely non-toxic and can be used even for the smallest children. Lice from this spray begin to suffocate, the oil that gets into their respiratory tract blocks access to air.

Apply Lavinal evenly to dry hair and leave for 30 minutes under a cap. After which it is washed off with water and washed with shampoo.

Shampoo Pedilin

The substances included in the drug destroy all blood-sucking insects. Can be used for children over 5 years old. Also apply to hair, leave for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water. After the procedure, it is advisable to rinse your hair with vinegar. Repeat everything again after 7 days.

Effect of use

To improve the growth of curls, it is recommended to use this product for 2 months. Then, as a result, you will see an increase in curls by 2–2.5 cm per month, the scalp will become healthy, and the condition of the hair will improve.

The drug is effective even for baldness due to chemotherapy; after regular use, new hairs appear. The hair becomes thick and healthy. How else to restore hair after chemotherapy, read on our website.

Be careful! If used incorrectly or if safety rules are not followed, complications may occur, which are called intoxication of the body.

Intsication manifests itself with the following deterioration of health:

  • dizziness;
  • thirst;
  • sweating;
  • lack of air;
  • vomit;
  • slow heart rate;
  • diarrhea;
  • loss of consciousness.

If you notice such symptoms, you should immediately seek medical help.

In conclusion, we can add that reviews of the use of hellebore water for hair growth confirm its effect on hair. With proper use and following all recommendations, you can achieve not only hair growth, but also strengthening of curls, their healthy, beautiful appearance. However, do not forget about the toxicity of the drug, side effects and complications.

Special shampoos will help speed up hair growth. We offer a selection of the best shampoos for hair growth:

  • Grandmother Agafya;
  • Alerana for men and women;
  • tar shampoo for hair growth;
  • Vichy (Vichy) for hair growth;
  • Estelle Otium;
  • “Siberian Health” is a unique shampoo for hair growth.
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