"Executioner" in the fight against cockroach infestation. Instructions for use of the product, customer reviews

Until recently, cockroach infestations were a huge problem for many residents of large cities. Currently, a large number of insecticidal agents have appeared that effectively combat these parasites.

And although there are fewer cockroaches, they can still be seen quite often in houses and apartments. This is due to the unique adaptive feature of the Prussians - after some time, the effect of poisons on their body stops.

German scientists have developed an effective remedy for cockroaches, “Executioner,” which can rid your home of Prussians in the shortest possible time and with just one treatment.

The effect of using this product is similar to the results of using professional drugs, but it is less toxic.

Components of the drug and its release form

The product for exterminating cockroaches “Executioner” was created by German chemist scientists, and since 2013 its production has been established in the Russian Federation.

The drug is a liquid with a yellowish tint, which is produced and sold in transparent bottles of 5 milliliters. The imported product is packaged in 100 ml bottles.

“Executioner” has a low degree of toxicity and does not harm domestic animals or people. It is worth noting that the product does not have a pungent or unpleasant odor.

The active substance of this drug is fenthion, which is an organophosphorus compound. It is an oil with a brown tint and a garlicky aroma. Fenthion has a toxicity class of 3, which does not pose a threat to the life and health of humans and their pets.

Since “Executioner” shows high efficiency, today you can find many counterfeit products on sale, produced by unscrupulous manufacturers. Their distinctive feature is the use of cypermethrin as the active ingredient, and not fenthion. Therefore, before making a purchase, you must pay special attention to this.

“Executioner” is an effective remedy for bedbugs and cockroaches

The composition of "Executioner" includes the active ingredient Fenthion (27.5%) - an insecticide of the group of organothiophosphorus compounds, related to organophosphorus compounds, as well as an antioxidant, stabilizer, solvent and fragrance. The product belongs to the third hazard class - moderately hazardous substances.

The drug is produced in the form of an emulsion concentrate, which is diluted in water to prepare a working solution. The concentration of the solution is 0.035-1.000% of the active substance and depends on the type of insect. The rate of solution consumption is determined by the type of surface being treated:

  • moisture-absorbing surface – 100 ml/1m2;
  • non-moisture-absorbing surface – 50 ml/1m2.

It is allowed to use “Executioner” against bedbugs and cockroaches in residential and non-residential premises. The protective action time is 6-12 days. Re-treatment of contaminated premises is carried out according to entomological indicators.

Go to the store

Correct proportions for diluting the drug

Before use, the drug must be diluted in water. This should be done based on the following proportions:

  • one bottle of Russian-made product is dissolved in 500 milliliters of water;
  • a German-made bottle is diluted in 5 liters of water.

Note that it is not fundamentally important what temperature the water used will be.

Olga, Tolyatti:

“Some time ago, cockroaches began to appear in our apartment. To combat these mustachioed parasites, we used old fashioned methods - Dichlorvos aerosol and pencils to kill cockroaches. But these remedies turned out to be ineffective against barbels. Colleagues at work advised me to try the drug “Executioner”. Having listened to their recommendations, I purchased this miracle remedy that same day. I diluted the drug in the proportions specified in the instructions and treated it with all the favorite places of cockroaches. The result became noticeable within a few hours, and gradually all the insects disappeared from the apartment. I am very pleased with the product and recommend everyone to use this particular drug to kill Prussians.”


The product was created for treating premises for various purposes. Using a concentrate dissolved in water, you can treat:

  • Interior items inside and outside - furniture, sofas, shelves;
  • Floor coverings, including baseboards and the area under them, gaps between the lamellas that make up parquet or laminate;
  • Beds (all linen is removed before treatment);
  • Sections of the wall covered with hanging shelves and paintings.

The poison destroys adult bedbugs and other parasites, as well as their eggs, so with careful treatment there is no need to repeat the procedure. Complete destruction of all affected insects takes 5-6 hours. The product has a distinct smell of kerosene, which serves as a bait for pests.

Preparing the apartment before treatment

Before using an insecticide to remove red parasites, it is necessary to wet clean the apartment. Particular attention should be paid to all secluded places where cockroaches can hide.

This is necessary so that after the treatment is completed, the product can not be washed off for a certain period of time.

It is recommended to move all the furniture, remove carpets, lay oilcloth on the surface of upholstered furniture, and remove all paintings from the walls.

All pets and indoor plants must be removed from the apartment during the treatment period and for some time after it.

Dmitry, Moscow:

“All the residents of our apartment building experienced a real invasion of cockroaches. After consulting with each other at a general meeting of residents, we decided to start breeding the Prussians through joint efforts. It was only necessary to choose which powerful insecticidal drug to use for this. Of course, in search of an effective remedy, we visited many Internet resources and studied in detail the products offered by various manufacturers. We focused only on reviews of people with experience in this matter. The choice fell on the German-made drug “Executioner”. We purchased the necessary quantity to process all the apartments in the building. We were pleased that we were given a discount for a large batch. It turned out that this is the only pleasant moment from using this insecticide. We treated ours at the same time as the residents of the other apartments. However, neither that day nor the next we saw any effect. There were only a few dead insects. After using the drug “Executioner”, we concluded that it does not help at all in the fight against cockroaches. But we still got rid of the Prussians. True, for this I had to turn to exterminators for help.”


Reviews confirm that Executioner is a reliable means for exterminating cockroaches and bed bugs, but only if the original is used and processed correctly. When fighting cockroaches, it is important not to create favorable conditions for them. You need to take out the trash in a timely manner, do not leave food uncovered on the table, wipe the plumbing fixtures dry, and prevent condensation from accumulating.

I always considered myself a good housewife, but recently I saw a cockroach in the kitchen. A friend suggested that I try The Executioner. She has 3 bottles left after baiting the bedbugs. I diluted it according to the instructions. The smell is specific, but can be tolerated. I poured the working mixture into the Muscle container. I cleaned the entire kitchen and left the house for several hours. When I returned, I was horrified. The entire floor was strewn with dead Prussians. I couldn’t even imagine that they divorced in such numbers. For another 2 weeks, dead individuals were occasionally encountered, then they disappeared completely.

Marina, Mytishchi

We cooperated with our neighbors and purchased a wholesale batch of the Executioner. So we saved on the product itself and on delivery. We agreed to carry out the pest control on the same day. They poisoned us on Saturday, the smell of garlic lingered throughout the entire entrance, but we managed to get rid of the cockroaches. Either the product is effective, or the treatment carried out simultaneously in all apartments has borne fruit.

Oleg, Boguchary


Before treating your apartment with the “Executioner” cockroach repellent, you must read the instructions for its use in detail. To begin with, it would be good to make a list of the places where Prussians are most often found.

Treatment of the apartment with the drug “Executioner” should be carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. prepare a poisonous solution and pour it into a spray bottle;
  2. treat with the resulting solution all places and surfaces where mustachioed parasites like to live;
  3. At the end of the processing process, you must leave the apartment for a while. Windows and doors must be closed;
  4. upon return, you should ventilate the room and clean the apartment.

It must be remembered that treating sofa surfaces and beds requires greater consumption of the drug.

To completely destroy the entire population of longhorned beetles, you need to re-treat the apartment after a couple of weeks. Since this product is not addictive to insects, it is guaranteed to remove all cockroaches from the home.

Pest control

Move furniture to the middle of the room. Dry the sink and tub. Spray the apartment around the perimeter with a spray bottle, paying special attention to places where pests accumulate. Process:

  • baseboards;
  • walls;
  • the floor behind the refrigerator and stove;
  • area under the window sill and radiator;
  • sewer pipes;
  • space under the sink;
  • kitchen cabinets;
  • ventilation;
  • upholstered furniture.

After finishing the disinfestation, leave the apartment for 3-5 hours. When you return, open the windows and ventilate your home for 1 hour. During this time, insecticidal vapors are neutralized. Wet clean work surfaces with soda solution. Do not wash hard-to-reach places to preserve the activity of the poison. Put the dishes back where they belong and return the family members home.

Mechanism of action

The agent for exterminating cockroaches “Executioner” enters the insect’s body upon contact with the drug or by airborne droplets.

Fenthion blocks the activity of an enzyme that transmits nerve impulses. As a result, the functions of the organs of movement, breathing and the most important body systems of the cockroach are disrupted.

This leads to their paralysis and death of the parasite. The first dead Prussians can be seen within 2 - 3 hours after processing the home.

Tamila, Kremenchug:

“For me, as for many residents of our building, the problem of cockroaches is very urgent. My apartment is located right above a grocery store, so no matter how hard I try to keep my place clean, red long-horned beetles creep and crawl towards me. After the insects began to be chased out of the store, they infested my apartment. A friend recommended that I use the German drug “Executioner”. Having some doubts, I purchased this product. I prepared the solution and treated all the nooks and crannies in the apartment with it. After finishing the procedure, I left my home for two hours. Finally, I took a walk in my favorite park! Returning home, I saw a huge number of dead insects. Now I use only this drug to kill cockroaches. Unfortunately, in my case, it is impossible to get rid of the Prussians once and for all, thanks to the presence of a grocery store on the floor below.”

Product description

A domestically produced drug based on fenthion, a substance that quickly destroys insects affected by it and is relatively safe for humans. Initially it was supplied in small white bottles of 6 ml, but later the manufacturer provided packaging for especially large rooms in 100 ml, 500 ml, 5 liters.

The product contains substances that are toxic to insects, but is relatively safe for humans. Repeated treatment does not lead to the development of resistance, so “Executioner” can be used as many times as needed.

Taking Precautions

Despite the fact that the “Executioner” cockroach repellent is absolutely safe for people, when using it you must follow some safety rules:

  1. During the period of disinsection, you must wear rubber gloves on your hands;
  2. To protect the nasal cavity and mouth, you should use a respirator or gauze bandage;
  3. To avoid getting the drug into your eyes, you should use safety glasses;
  4. To prevent the product from getting on your skin, it is better to wear long sleeves;
  5. upon completion of treatment, clothes should be washed immediately;
  6. Having completed the treatment, you need to wash your face and hands with soap;
  7. It is recommended to spend a couple of hours in the fresh air after performing the procedure.

Drug poisoning: list of symptoms

If the drug does get on the skin and surface of the mucous membrane, it should be washed off with soap and water. It is recommended to drip atropine into the eyes.

A severe form of poisoning is accompanied by the following list of symptoms:

  • muscle weakness, and even paralysis;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • increased salivation;
  • pain in the abdominal area;
  • diarrhea;
  • state of apathy or overexcitation;

If a person experiences the above symptoms, they should be immediately placed under observation in a hospital.

Minor poisoning is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • attacks of nausea;
  • state of drowsiness.

The entire list of these symptoms disappears after a few hours.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

Similar to other means for exterminating cockroaches, the drug “Executioner” has its pros and cons. Among its advantages are:

  • cost-effectiveness of the drug. One bottle is enough to carry out disinsection in an apartment with an area of ​​50 m²;
  • excellent reputation as a potent remedy;
  • when using it, stains and stains do not form on fabric surfaces;
  • does not have an unpleasant or pungent odor.

The disadvantages of the product are:

  • a high degree of toxicity and a threat to the health of people and domestic animals when the drug comes into contact with the skin and respiratory system;
  • high cost of the drug.

But, based on reviews from people who have already used the drug to rid their homes of red-haired invaders, the high cost is more than justified by the excellent results.

Natalya, Kolomna:

“Our apartment is located on the first floor of an apartment building, so whole hordes of cockroaches crawl to us with enviable regularity. We poison them constantly, but after a while they appear again. We had already sealed all the cracks and installed a fine mesh grille on the ventilation duct: the cockroaches still found some kind of loophole. A relative recommended that we treat the apartment with the German drug “Executioner”. Although we did not believe in a positive outcome, we bought the product. They treated the apartment with it, paying special attention to the places where Prussians are most often found. We haven’t seen a single cockroach at home for three months now! We are very pleased with the result!”

Customer Reviews

Numerous reviews of Executioner confirm its effectiveness; some note an unpleasant odor during disinsection - but this is a side effect of all organophosphate insecticides.

folk remedies, regular preparation of boric acid balls, I decided that it was time to move on to radical measures to exterminate the Prussians.
I bought Executioner and took 5 bottles with a reserve. I only used 2 pieces. The result was a liter of working mixture. I sprayed everything I could. The smell is not very pleasant, but tolerable. I spent the night with my parents, and in the morning the entire floor was covered with cockroaches. No re-processing was required. Alina, Volzhsky

The executioner is good against the Prussians, but you must definitely use a respirator. I neglected safety measures, and then my mouth felt sore.

Alexander, Tambov

I tried for a long time to get rid of cockroaches, but in vain. The Executioner was praised on the forum, so I ordered it. The parcel arrived in three days. I immediately carried out the treatment. There was no spray bottle, I used a regular brush and sponge. After the recommended time, I removed the dead cockroaches, washed only those surfaces with which there was contact, skirting boards, pipes and did not touch the rest. Corpses of insects were encountered throughout the week. Then everything - neither living nor dead cockroaches were found.

Elena, Vladimir

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