TOP 10 best flea remedies for dogs: how to choose drops, shampoos, sprays, reviews

Less than a week has passed since you treated your dog with flea drops, and these parasites have appeared again? And now you are at a loss: you cannot use the second portion of insecticide so quickly, but you need to get rid of blood-sucking insects...

Pay attention to flea shampoos. Due to the lower concentration of poisons, they are far from specialized drugs. But they will be suitable as a “transshipment point”. Moreover, you still need to bathe your pets: so why not combine 2 useful things?

In the review: I selected the best anti-parasitic shampoos for dogs, described the features of their action and use, considered the pros and cons, and indicated the cost. If you don’t want to read each description in detail, there is a summary table at the beginning of the article: it lists the products with prices in order of effectiveness. And at the end there are recommendations for the selection and use of products.

Information and prices are current as of November 2022 and are constantly updated.

Effect of shampoo on ectoparasites

Flea shampoos for dogs allow you to thoroughly wash the skin and fur of the animal, where blood-sucking insects live, and they act not only on adults, but also on eggs and larvae. Their physical effect is due to the property of soap foam to reduce the parasite’s ability to actively move, and subsequent rinsing of the drug allows you to get rid of immobilized fleas.

Insecticidal or pyrethroid substances are added to the composition of such products: permethrin, phenothrin or etofenprox, which act on the insect. When using shampoo while washing a dog, the parasite's shell becomes wet through the foam, due to which the toxic substance quickly penetrates its body and deprives the insect of the ability to move.

Important instructions for use

Before using the shampoo, it is necessary to study the attached instructions, which indicate for which animals (puppies or adult dogs) it is indicated, the necessary dosages for using the medicinal product, so as not to provoke poisoning.

Before washing, your pet should be thoroughly combed using a fine-tooth comb. You need to make sure that there are no clumps of fur left, as insects can accumulate in them, and then shampooing will simply be pointless.

The dose of the product indicated in the application must be diluted in the appropriate amount of water and shaken into foam. Distribute it throughout the dog’s fur and leave for a few minutes (the exposure time is also indicated in the instructions), and then rinse thoroughly.

Applying shampoo to a dog.

When washing your dog, you need to be careful to ensure that soap suds do not get into the ears, eyes and mouth. This may cause poisoning.

After washing your pet, you need to pay attention to the area of ​​the face, ears, and chin, where fleas could be located, and remove them. And then carefully comb the animal again with a comb to remove all dead or damaged insects.

After the first use of shampoo, you need to monitor your pet for 24 hours in case an allergic reaction occurs. If dry and irritated skin is detected, the dog should be given antihistamines.

If the animal is lethargic, does not eat well, or has increased salivation, these may be signs of poisoning with a potent substance or an overdose. In this case, you need to give your pet milk, then show it to the veterinarian.

How often can you wash your dog with a special shampoo?

The frequency of washing depends on the specific action of the selected shampoo.

When using insecticidal agents, the period of protective action lasts from 14 to 20 days, so you should not wash your dog with a special preparation more often than the specified period, otherwise an overdose may occur.

The protection period of natural shampoos is much shorter and averages a week, so you can wash your animal once every seven days if necessary.

Advantages and disadvantages

Shampoo against ectoparasites
The main advantages of shampoos for dogs against fleas are as follows:

  • relatively safe for the animal and therefore can be used both for weak or sick individuals, pregnant females, and small puppies;
  • rarely cause allergic reactions and do not irritate the skin;
  • provide quick results, allowing you to get rid of fleas, and some drugs also help in the fight against ticks, lice eaters, etc.;
  • are among the most affordable products compared to drops, sprays and collars;
  • one bottle of the drug is enough for several bathing procedures;
  • provide additional care for your pet's skin and coat, keeping them clean, adding softness and beauty.

The disadvantages include the absence of a residual effect on fleas in some shampoos, so in the future it is better to carry out the bathing procedure regularly or use other insecticidal agents: collars, drops, etc.

The best shampoos for dogs with sensitive, allergy-prone skin

Herba Vitae Shampoo for Dogs Tar

The shampoo contains tar, which contains more than 10 thousand useful microelements and mint, a well-known soothing plant. The product has an antimicrobial effect, improves blood circulation, and stimulates skin restoration. Can relieve pain and inflammation. Effectively removes dandruff and flaking on the skin.


  • Low cost does not come at the expense of efficiency.
  • Promotes healthy coat growth.
  • Does not cause allergies.


  • Doesn't foam well.
  • Used up quickly.

8in1 Sensitive Shampoo for dogs with sensitive skin

Created specifically for dogs with delicate, easily vulnerable skin. The product contains aloe vera and a number of vegetable oils. It calms well and relieves irritation. Makes the coat shiny and soft to the touch. Stimulates skin regeneration. Smells nice.


  • Perfectly nourishes the skin.
  • Destroys dirt and unpleasant odor on the dog's body.


  • Used up quickly.
  • Not cheap.

Espree Aloe Oat bath Medicated Shampoo

The shampoo is based on oat protein, aloe vera, panthenol and vitamins A, E, D. Enriches the skin with beneficial substances. Perfectly soothes and restores the structure of the coat. Recommended for dry sensitive animal skin.


  • Natural composition.
  • Gives wool shine.
  • Removes dirt and unpleasant odors.


  • Not cheap.
  • Use only in diluted form.

Types of shampoos

Based on the effect of the substance, flea shampoos are divided into 2 groups:

  • prolonged – with prolonged exposure;
  • preventive – with a preventive effect.

Manufacturers of such popular flea products produce both universal drugs and special ones. In each line you can find products for puppies, for large dogs, for pets with thick and long hair, hypoallergenic, from which each owner of a four-legged dog can independently choose the appropriate option.

Sometimes, to make the best choice of an anti-flea product, it will be useful to read reviews of different brands of flea shampoo for dogs or try several varieties on your own four-legged friend.


When purchasing anti-flea shampoo and its subsequent use, be sure to read the instructions. Many drugs can only be used in a certain dosage and the animal can be kept in a soapy state for a specified time.

How to wash?

The first step is to thoroughly wet the dog's entire coat, including the head, ears and muzzle area.

The shampoo is diluted in warm water and evenly applied to the surface, foaming intensively. Next, following the instructions, you need to wait from 2 to 7 minutes and rinse everything off well with running water. After this, the pet is combed and completely dried.

Pets are prohibited from drinking water in which they bathe.

Is it often necessary?

Shampoo is used once, reused only for entomological reasons.

Popular flea shampoos

Flea and tick shampoos for dogs
The most effective and popular products include the following shampoos:

  • Phytoelite - contains permethrin and herbal extract, intended only for adult dogs, not used in pregnant and lactating bitches, cost of the bottle is 50 rubles.
  • Bim flea shampoo - its components include plant extracts that have a positive effect on your pet’s skin, effectively kill fleas and protect against re-infection for some time.
  • Meadow - intended for removing fleas from adult dogs older than 12 months; due to the permethrin content, it is not used in pregnant and lactating bitches. Due to added plant extracts (chamomile, calendula, coltsfoot, etc.) it has a positive effect on the skin and coat. The line is available in 3 types: universal, for long-haired dogs and for wire-haired breeds, price 100-150 rubles.

Products for puppies contain substances that are more gentle:

  • Doctor Zoo - suitable as flea shampoo for puppies starting from 2 weeks of age, has a natural composition of essential oils of thyme, chamomile, bergamot and red pepper, has a gentle effect, price 70 rubles.
  • Biofar (Holland) – intended for bathing dogs and puppies from 2 months, price 280 rubles.


It is strictly forbidden to bathe puppies using anti-flea shampoos intended for adult dogs, as this threatens severe poisoning and even death for babies.


Despite their effectiveness, shampoos are low-hazard substances that do not cause severe irritation when they come into contact with mucous membranes, and you can also combine treatment with hygienic washing. Many of them have additives that improve the structure of the coat.

As a rule, shampoos have a more affordable price than other products. There are series for puppies from an early age, as well as for dogs with different coat types.

Shelf life, precautions

The shampoo can be stored and used for 24 months from the date of production, observing the following requirements:

  • closed branded packaging;
  • no direct exposure to sunlight;
  • air temperature – from 0 to 25 degrees.

The shampoo should not be placed near food or pet food, or in places accessible to children.

The empty bottle is thrown away with household waste.

People with hypersensitivity should use gloves. If a person shows signs of an allergy or unintentionally ingests the product, you should contact a medical facility with instructions or a shampoo box.

Side effects

If safety rules are followed and dosages are observed, no negative manifestations are observed. No peculiarities associated with the initial use of the product or the cessation of regular treatments were found.

The occurrence of skin sensitivity reactions (increased itching, redness) is unlikely. If such symptoms worsen after washing off the product, it is advisable to contact a veterinary clinic to prescribe antihistamines.

There is no information on the development of severe intolerance reactions.

However, if during use the animal’s condition sharply worsens or acute/atypical signs appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Doctor Vic

This shampoo is suitable for both dogs and cats. It can be used to cleanse paws after any walk. Thanks to its universal and safe composition, this shampoo is suitable for animals during illness. The shampoo simultaneously has a deodorizing and conditioning effect. It effectively eliminates unpleasant odor and makes the coat smooth and shiny. Aloe vera extract has an antibacterial effect.


  1. Contains aloe vera;
  2. Removes itching and flaking of the skin;
  3. Effectively eliminates unpleasant odor;
  4. Safe composition;
  5. Affordable price.
( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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