Shampoos Veda and Veda-2 - method and instructions for use, what is the difference and which one is better to choose, price and reviews of use against lice and nits

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Svetlana Tarasova

Hairdresser-stylist with more than 8 years of experience, expert in the field of haircuts, styling, hair care, coloring.
No person can be immune from the problem of head lice. The cause of head lice can be staying close to an infected person in public places, public transport, kindergartens, and schools. Veda and Veda-2 shampoos have been developed to remove lice and nits.

Composition and properties

The active ingredient in the shampoo is permethrin, an insecticide and acaricide used for therapeutic purposes. The active component has a negative effect on the sodium channels of the membranes of nerve cells of parasites, leading to paralysis and subsequent death. The permethrin content in Veda is 0.4%, in Veda -2 – 0.5%. This is the difference between a medical product. Additional substances in shampoos are emollients.

Veda and Veda-2 are domestically produced antiparasitic drugs that have an insecticidal and anti-pediculosis effect. Used to combat lice and nits. The drug is prescribed to adults and children over 5 years of age.

Reference! The drugs are not toxic to humans, do not develop addiction to the active substance, and do not damage the skin.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


Shampoo Veda 2 belongs to the group of antiparasitic agents with a pronounced insecticidal and anti-pediculosis effect. The mechanism of action is based on its ability to disrupt the permeability of membranes (Na + channels) of insect nerve cells and the processes of their polarization, which leads to a paralyzing effect. The drug is highly effective against various forms (mature lice, nits, fleas, ticks, their larvae and other types of ectoparasites of the arthropod family). When applied to the skin in recommended doses, it has no toxic effect and does not have a local irritant, skin-resorptive or sensitizing effect. After treating surfaces affected by pediculosis , the effect lasts for a month.


Since the active substance of the drug does not enter the systemic circulation, there are no pharmacokinetic data.

Efficiency in the treatment of pediculosis

The advantage of the drugs is their high efficiency in the fight against parasites. The death of lice begins 30 minutes from the start of treatment. Shampoo Veda-2 is effectively used to destroy linen and pubic lice, as well as other ectoparasites. Destroys parasites at all stages of development - from nits (eggs) to sexually mature individuals. The drugs have a long period of action . The effect of a single use of the product lasts for 45 days.

Both types of shampoo are low-toxic and therefore safe to use.


Despite the low-toxic composition of Veda-2 shampoo, experts do not recommend its use for people with hypersensitivity to the components of the antiparasitic drug, as well as for those who have damage or inflammation of the skin.


Veda lice remedy is contraindicated for children under 5 years of age, nursing and pregnant women due to the possible manifestation of allergic reactions to the active components of the drug.

What is the difference between Veda shampoo and Veda-2?

Veda differs from Veda-2 in the percentage content of the main active ingredient – ​​permethrin. Its content in Veda is 0.4%, and in Veda -2 the concentration of permethrin is 0.5%. Therefore, Veda -2 has a stronger effect. In addition, softening components have been added to the composition of the Veda-2 medical product.

Instructions for use

The drug is intended strictly for external use. The amount of shampoo used for each treatment ranges from 10 to 50 ml and depends on the number of insects parasitizing on the hair, the length and structure of the hair.

When using the drug, you must follow the instructions:

  1. First, wash your hair with cosmetic shampoo , dry your hair a little and comb it gently.
  2. Apply the liquid to a cotton pad and massage thoroughly into the scalp , moving the hair strands apart to do this.
  3. Beat the medicinal product with your fingers until a rich foam forms , apply it evenly over the entire length of the hair.
  4. Wrap the oiled hair in a plastic bag and leave for at least 10 minutes . For best results, do not wash off the product for 25-40 minutes. If skin burning occurs, the drug is immediately washed off with water.
  5. After the waiting time specified by the manufacturer has expired, the hair is washed with warm running water.
  6. Wet hair is additionally rinsed with a vinegar solution. To do this, mix 1 part table vinegar and 2 parts warm water.
  7. The vinegar solution applied to the hair is kept for 10 minutes . This procedure is necessary so that the acidic solution acts on the adhesive mass, with the help of which the remaining nits are attached to the hair and scalp.
  8. Carefully comb the strands with a fine-toothed comb to remove dead hair and wash your hair again with cosmetic shampoo.

Repeated treatment is carried out no earlier than 8-10 days. During this period, nits that survive the first treatment may produce larvae. The third treatment is carried out at the same interval. If after the treatments the lice or nits do not disappear, the doctor will prescribe another drug.

If the treatment is successful and the parasites are completely destroyed, recurrent pediculosis will not appear within 45 days.

Attention! Dead nits must be carefully removed from the hair with a thick comb or by hand, as they are firmly attached to the hair with the help of a sticky enzyme.

Precautionary measures

To prevent the occurrence of negative reactions when treating with Veda shampoos, doctors recommend adhering to certain rules: since the insecticidal medical composition has a specific odor, it is advisable to carry out the treatment in a well-ventilated area. Make sure that the drug does not get on the mucous membranes . To protect them, use a layer of gauze or a cotton swab. If, nevertheless, the drug gets on the mucous membrane, it is immediately thoroughly washed with running water.

How to use

Only external use of Veda and Veda 2 is allowed. A different amount of shampoo can be used for each person. Typically this figure varies from 10 to 60 ml. The area affected by parasites, the length and thickness of the hair affect the amount of product used.

Instructions for use

  1. Using regular shampoo, wash your hair and comb your hair well with a comb.
  2. Then soak cotton pads in the preparation and apply with rubbing movements to the scalp along the hairline.
  3. Shake the shampoo until all your hair is covered with foam.
  4. Wrap your head in a scarf or bag and leave for 10 minutes. But for a more effective result, the time can be extended to 30–40 minutes. There won't be much harm from this. If irritation occurs, the drug must be washed off immediately.
  5. Rinse your hair with plenty of water until all the shampoo is washed away from your hair and scalp.
  6. Make a solution of 9% table vinegar and water in a 1:2 ratio. Rinse wet hair with it.
  7. Leave your head alone for 5-7 minutes to weaken the sticky enzyme with an acidic environment. After this, the surviving nits will be easier to remove from the head.
  8. Using a fine-toothed comb, comb your hair thoroughly and wash it with regular shampoo.

We recommend reading: how to distinguish dead nits from living ones.

If, after two weeks, after treatment on the head, surviving parasites are found, it is recommended to repeat the procedure. After another two weeks, you can treat your hair 3 times.

If there is a risk of re-infection in a kindergarten or school institution, then after washing your hair with regular shampoo, apply Veda or Veda 2 to wet hair and leave it until completely dry without further rinsing. The applied drug will be effective for two weeks.

At this time, lice caught on the hair will not be able to reproduce. Continue to treat your hair after each shampoo.

Important point! When all the parasites are destroyed, it will be impossible to become infected with them over the next 1.5 months.

A common reason for ineffective results after using these shampoos is rapid rinsing. It turns out that as soon as the parasites begin to be affected by this drug, it is washed off at the wrong moment and everything stops. It is necessary to maintain the time specified by the manufacturer, then the desired result will be achieved.

Precautionary measures

When applying Veda and Veda 2 shampoo, you need to act very carefully. The room in which the treatment will be carried out must be well ventilated. After completing the treatment, you should thoroughly wash your hands and rinse your mouth.

Under no circumstances should it come into contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes, nostrils, or mouth. For guaranteed protection, it is recommended to use cotton pads, and if the product accidentally gets into these places, you should immediately rinse them with plenty of water.


It is prohibited to use shampoo in the following cases:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • the presence of inflammatory skin diseases;
  • skin hypersensitivity;
  • children under 5 years of age.

During pregnancy, the use of these shampoos is allowed only after a doctor's permission. He must take into account all the benefits that the drug will have on the pregnant woman’s body, the potential risk for the fetus and baby, and make the right decision.

Read on our website: safe methods and remedies for lice during pregnancy.

Side effects

After using these shampoos, people who are hypersensitive to certain components may experience an allergic reaction in the form of skin rashes and swelling. The local reaction can be expressed by burning of the skin, paresthesia, increased itching, and erythematous rashes.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications to the use of the medicinal drug are: hypersensitivity to the active ingredients of medical shampoo; inflammatory processes of the scalp in the acute stage. The medication is also not prescribed to women during lactation and pregnancy.

When using the drug in recommended doses, no side effects occur . However, in some cases, the medical product causes allergic reactions in the form of swelling and skin rashes. When using Veda, temporary burning of the skin, increased itching, impaired skin sensitivity (paresthesia) and erythematous rash may occur.

Veda pediculicidal shampoo fl 100ml


1 bottle contains the active ingredient permethrin


Antiparasitic agent, has anti-pediculosis, insecticidal effect. It disrupts the permeability of Na+ channels in the membranes of insect nerve cells, inhibits the process of polarization (repolarization) of the nerve cell, which leads to a paralyzing effect. Effective against nits, larvae and mature individuals of head and pubic lice, fleas, mites (including scabies) and other ectoparasites of the arthropod family. With a single treatment of surfaces affected by lice, the effect lasts from 2-3 weeks to 6 weeks (depending on the dosage form used). As an anti-scabies drug, it is effective after a single procedure. Low toxicity for humans and when applied to the skin in recommended doses and concentrations, it does not have a skin-resorptive, locally irritating or sensitizing effect.

Indications for use

  • pediculosis of the scalp,
  • lice pubis (including nit-carrying),
  • scabies.

Directions for use and doses

  • The hair is generously moisturized with a solution of Veda shampoo using a cotton swab, rubbing into the roots of the hair.
  • Consumption per person - 10-60 ml, depending on the thickness and length of the hair. After treatment, the head is covered with a scarf, and after 40 minutes the Veda preparation is washed off with warm running water and soap or shampoo.
  • After washing, the hair is combed with a fine comb to remove dead insects. If live lice are found 7 days after using the product, re-treatment is recommended.
  • If there is a danger of re-infection in a group (school, kindergarten), apply the drug after washing your hair and leave it on your hair after drying.
  • Veda applied to the hair retains its activity for approximately 2 weeks (does not allow lice to multiply again on the hair).
  • Repeat the treatment after each hair wash. Dead nits are removed from the hair with a thick comb or one at a time, since they are firmly attached to the hair.

Storage conditions

The drug should be stored in a dry place, protected from light, out of reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 15 C.

special instructions

The treatment is carried out in a well-ventilated area or outdoors.

Application to the mucous membranes of the eyes, nasal passages, mouth and external genitalia should be avoided; during treatment, you can protect with a cotton swab (in case of accidental contact, they should be rinsed with running water).

After handling, you should wash your hands and rinse your mouth with running water.

In case of ingestion, gastric lavage and symptomatic therapy are necessary.


Antiparasitic agent, has anti-pediculosis, insecticidal effect.

Side effects

  • allergic reactions: skin rash, swelling,
  • local reactions: skin burning, paresthesia, increased itching, erythematous rashes.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Contraindicated during lactation and with caution during pregnancy.

Which shampoo is better to choose Veda or Veda-2?

Shampoo Veda today is an old generation product. It has been improved with additional components - components that have a softening effect on the skin. The remedy Veda-2 has a more gentle effect on the skin.

Which shampoo is better - Veda or Veda-2?


Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of these shampoos include their ease of application, the absence of an unpleasant odor, a gentle effect on the hair and scalp, an affordable price and quick results.

But their downside is that they do not provide 100% results after one application and are prohibited for use by children under 5 years of age and pregnant women.

Find out more about head lice in the following articles:

  • what types of lice are there, their differences;
  • where do lice come from, how can you get infected with them;
  • what lice look like;
  • what are nits, what do they look like;
  • how lice reproduce, speed of development;
  • can lice appear on nerves?
  • What are the dangers of lice, the consequences of pediculosis.


Price on

Price on

The average cost of Veda shampoo is 160-180 rubles, Veda -2 shampoo is 200-220 rubles.

Description of shampoo

Veda 2 anti-lice shampoo is a blue emulsion placed in a 100 ml container. The active component permethrin is a toxic substance, but its content in shampoo is no more than 0.5%.

The use of Veda shampoo for head lice is limited by a number of contraindications:

  • Do not use shampoo for people prone to allergic reactions and sensitive to the active substance;
  • Do not use lice repellent for pregnant or lactating women;
  • limit the use of the drug to children under 5 years of age;
  • Do not use this product if you have damaged areas of the scalp.


If during application of the product there is itching, burning, or redness of the skin, you should stop treatment.

During treatment, the insecticide permethrin effectively kills adult lice and weakens the adhesion of nits to the hair. After this, insects can be easily combed out even from long and thick hair.

Other forms of release

The drug is also available in the form of a cream. In case of manifestations of scabies, 5% cream is carefully rubbed in circular massaging movements into the skin from head to toes; For children, the scalp, temples and forehead are treated. 10-14 hours after treatment, the cream is washed off with water. If the itching does not go away after treatment, the treatment is repeated after 2 weeks.

The product is also sold in the form of a solution. A container containing 24 ml of medicinal product is intended for a three-day course of treatment. For ease of use, the container is marked. For one-time use, 1/3 of the composition (8 ml) is diluted with 100 ml of warm water. The freshly prepared solution is rubbed into the affected skin once a day.

Mode of application

Moisten the scalp or hairy parts of the body (if there are pubic lice) generously with water and intensively lather with pediculin shampoo until foam forms. 10 minutes after applying the product, rinse it off with running water from the treated parts of the body, then wash them as usual. Rinse hair with a 4.5% aqueous solution of table vinegar (dilute 90% table vinegar with water in a 1:1 ratio), comb with a fine comb to remove dead insects and nits.

The consumption rate of pediculicidal shampoo is 10-30 ml per person’s head, depending on the degree of insect infestation, hair length and thickness. In case of repeated infection, repeat the treatment, but no more than 2 times a month.

Special recommendations for external use

When using the drug, it is recommended to avoid contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes, sinuses, mouth and external genitalia, which should be protected with a cotton swab or a layer of gauze to prevent contact with the drug. If the drug accidentally gets on the mucous membranes, rinse them immediately with clean water.

Important! It is not recommended to use insecticidal shampoo for various dermatological diseases of the skin and for increased sensitivity to the active ingredients of the shampoo on the part of the respiratory system.

Pregnancy and lactation

The medicinal insecticidal composition is not recommended for use by women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. In case of urgent need, the drug is used only with the permission of the attending physician and under his strict supervision. The doctor assesses the possible risk to the child and gives permission to use the medicine.

At what age can it be used for children?

Doctors do not recommend using Veda anti-pediculosis shampoos before the age of 5. After reaching 5 years of age, the doctor prescribes the necessary treatment regimen for the child.

Use in the elderly

In older people, the skin becomes less elastic and more sensitive to various irritants over the years. Therefore, insecticidal shampoo should be used with extreme caution and kept for a shorter amount of time. If unpleasant sensations appear, you should immediately wash it off with plenty of water and, after consulting with your doctor, switch to another remedy.

Use for liver and kidney dysfunction

In case of severe impairment of liver and kidney function, Veda insecticidal preparations are recommended to be used only with the permission of the attending physician , who will adjust the dose and exposure time, and then, if necessary, monitor liver and kidney function by prescribing the necessary tests.

Precautionary measures

  • Before treating your hair, to avoid getting shampoo on the mucous membranes of the eyes and nasopharynx, you should tie a cotton scarf rolled into a rope around your head (below the hair).
  • If the product gets into your eyes, rinse them with a stream of warm water.
  • If contact lenses are used, they should be removed before applying the pediculicide.
  • If you are affected by pubic lice, during treatment you should protect the mucous membranes of the perineum and genitals with cotton-gauze swabs. If shampoo gets on the mucous membranes of the perineum and genitals, they must be thoroughly rinsed with a stream of warm water.


Analogues available in pharmacies:

  • Nittifor;

  • Nix;

  • Hygia;

  • Para Plus;

  • Medifox;

  • Parasidosis;

  • Paranit.


Elena, Saratov: “A six-year-old daughter brought this unpleasant problem into the house from kindergarten. I didn't notice anything right away. The child complained that his head was itching. I just washed her hair with baby shampoo. In the morning, when I was getting my daughter ready for kindergarten, I was braiding her hair and noticed something running across her scalp. I got scared and instead of kindergarten we went to the hospital. The doctor prescribed Veda-2 shampoo for no more than 10 minutes. We got rid of the problem, but now I carefully check her hair regularly.”

Olga, Rostov-on-Don: “A ten-year-old son returned from a pioneer camp with a head infested with lice. There were noticeable nits on the hair. I had to see a doctor. They were treated with the insecticidal agent Veda-2. I had to undergo three courses of treatment, since some of the nits survived the first time. The third course was more for prevention. But my husband also had to undergo treatment, since my son’s problem was discovered only in the evening after he returned from the children’s camp, and my husband managed to use his comb. After the third course of treatment, my son’s lice and nits disappeared completely.”

Marina, Moscow: “A child at school became infected with lice; as it turned out, four other children also had lice. At the pharmacy, the pharmacist recommended Veda shampoo. After the first use of the product, I combed out the nits with a thick comb and removed them with my hands. The treatment was repeated after 8 days, there were already fewer nits. After the third time they were no longer visible. I think this product is effective.”

Review source:

Security measures

To avoid negative consequences when processing Veda 2 shampoo, you must follow some rules:

  • Treatment with insecticidal shampoo should be carried out in a well-ventilated area.
  • It is necessary to prevent the solution from getting on the mucous membranes. For protection, you can use a gauze bandage or a cotton swab. If this still cannot be avoided, the area where the insecticide has come into contact is washed off with plenty of water.

You can purchase Veda anti-lice shampoo in a pharmacy chain or order it online.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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