Drops for dogs against fleas and ticks - TOP best 2022

Summer is a joyful time, but also a difficult one for a dog owner. Every walk in the forest is accompanied by fears associated with the seasonal activity of ticks.

This topic is relevant as there are more and more ticks. In many areas, you don't even have to go into the forest to catch a tick. Low bushes, grass, and tree branches are a risk area. Insects are located on the tops of grass stems and foliage of bushes and trees in anticipation of prey, and their activity often continues until autumn. After warm summer rain, their activity increases.

Types of ticks and the diseases they cause

When it comes to ticks, we all think of tiny blood-sucking arthropods that attach themselves to animals and humans. However, there are even smaller microscopic mites that also pose great harm to our smaller brothers.

The first order we will consider is parasitiform mites. These are exactly the parasites that all owners struggle with from the beginning of spring until the end of autumn. These include ticks of the genus Ixodes, Dermacentor, Rhipicephalus and Haemaphysalis. And here are the diseases they can infect our animals with:

Piroplasmosis (babesiosis) of dogs

A disease that ranks 1st among all diseases transmitted by ticks. The disease is transmitted by ticks D. reticulatus, R. sanguineus, H. longicornis. The causative agent is microorganisms of the genus Babesia. The latent period of the disease lasts from 2 to 20 days, after which the first symptoms begin to appear in the animal - fever, refusal to feed and eat, inactivity, later you can notice bloody urine and jaundice in the dog. If these symptoms do not immediately contact a veterinarian and begin treatment, this will be fraught with serious complications that will lead to death.

Canine monocytic ehrlichiosis

The disease is not common in Russia; it is mainly diagnosed in the southern regions of our country. The causative agent of the disease is E. canis; carriers are the same ticks. The incubation period is up to 20 days. Initially, the clinical symptoms are the same as in the case of piroplasmosis. In the absence of timely treatment, it leads to renal failure, glomerulonephritis, and arthritis.

Canine anaplasmosis

Caused by intracellular parasites of the Anaplasmatacea family that infect dog platelets. The course of the disease is almost completely similar to the previous ones, which makes it quite difficult to correctly diagnose without special diagnostic systems.

Lyme disease (borreliosis) in dogs

The causative agent of the disease is the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. Vectors I. ricinus and I. persulcatus. In most dogs, the disease goes silent. The first clinical signs appear after 1-6 months, and are usually of a sad nature (anorexia, arthritis). Accurate diagnosis can also be obtained if the clinic has special test systems.

How dangerous is infection for a puppy?

The absence of a fully formed baby’s immune system allows infections that can be carried by fleas to enter his body. They can cause the development of very serious ailments, including:

  • anemia.
    If your pet has a large number of fleas, their constant bites can cause anemia, in other words, blood loss. The amount of hemoglobin and red blood cells decreases significantly, and the supply of oxygen to tissues and organs is disrupted. The baby experiences lethargy, apathy, fatigue, and decreased activity. Due to anemia, the puppy may even die;
  • allergic dermatitis.
    Parasites in a pet cause severe itching due to the reaction of the baby’s body, not the enzymes in the flea’s saliva. The puppy constantly scratches and licks the bite sites, thereby injuring the skin. A bacterial infection can enter the body, which, in turn, can lead to suppuration and inflammation. The baby's fur becomes rough and falls out a lot. The pet is losing weight and looks bad. As a rule, lesions are located on the hips, back and tail, the head area remains unaffected;
  • worm infection.
    Helminthic infestations, the pathogens of which enter the baby’s body through the mediation of fleas, are very difficult for pets to tolerate. The puppy’s body becomes exhausted, weakens, defecation is disrupted, and the coat becomes dull;
  • weight loss.
    The constant discomfort caused by flea bites also leads to loss of appetite. As a result, the pet may lose weight.

How do the drops work?

Drops can have both a repellent (repellent) and acaricidal (destroying) effect; more often, these effects are combined in many drugs.

The repellent effect is achieved due to the content of special components in the preparation, the smell of which insects do not like. Thanks to this, they not only do not bite the animal, but do not even sit on it.

The destructive effect occurs as a result of the absorption and accumulation of active substances in the dog’s epidermis. If the parasite does manage to bite a pet, the “poison” will enter their body and cause paralysis.

Drug selection criteria

It is more difficult to combat the consequences of parasite bites than to minimize the possible danger using preventive measures. The range of medications in pharmacies allows you to choose a remedy for both treatment and protection of your pet. The products differ in some nuances.

Active substance

The composition of oily drops produced by brands differs in the type of insecticide. The main component is endowed with a nerve-paralytic effect, repels and causes the death of parasites and their larvae.

Drops for dogs against fleas and ticks are produced on the basis of:

  • methoprene;
  • phenothrin;
  • permethrin;
  • fipronil;
  • etofeproxa;
  • moxidectin;
  • imidocloprite.

The drug applied to the dog’s epidermis quickly penetrates the skin, concentrating near the ducts of the sebaceous glands.

Manufacturers often choose fipronil as the main component. The effect of the substance begins a few hours after applying the drops.

Drugs are produced both to prevent parasites and to combat their effects.

What parasites do the drops protect against?

Insecticides have a complex effect on several types of insects. In addition to fleas and ticks, they protect against other blood-sucking pests, which include lice, mosquitoes, lice eaters and horseflies.


It is important to purchase products from well-known manufacturers of veterinary drugs, whose products have proven themselves worthy. Fearing counterfeits, it is recommended to buy drops in chain stores and veterinary pharmacies that value their reputation.


Average duration of exposure to drugs: 1 month – against ticks, 2 months – against fleas. Indicators may vary between brands.


The price range for drugs is noticeable. The cost is influenced by the country of production (Russian products are cheaper), the popularity of the brand, and the composition. Drops are sold at prices from 300 to 1500 rubles (for 1 pipette).

TOP best drugs

For you, we have sorted out 20 of the best and most popular drops from different manufacturers, including foreign ones. Now you can easily by ratio. price and quality, choose a drug and protect your pet.


Trade name of the drugDescriptionWhat parasites does it work against?PriceprosMinuses
Bravecto Austria, Intervet GesmbHDV - fluralaner;
Available in 5 dosages.
ixodid and sarcoptoid ticks, fleas.1400 - 1900 rub.valid for 3 months;
Suitable for pregnant and lactating bitches.
there are side effects.


Trade name of the drugDescriptionWhat parasites does it work against?PriceprosMinuses
Inspector, Russia, “Ekoprom”DV - fipronil 100 mg, moxidectin 25 mg;
Available in 6 dosages.
sarcoptic and ixodid ticks, fleas, lice, lice, larval and mature stages of development of intestinal nematodes, as well as heart and subcutaneous nematodes.450 - 850 rubles.wide spectrum of action;
protects against internal parasites;

prevention of dirofilariasis.

allergic reactions are possible.


Trade name of the drugDescriptionWhat parasites does it work against?PriceprosMinuses
Advantix, Germany, BayerDV - imidacloprid 100 mg, permethrin 500 mg;
Available in four dosages.
ixodid ticks, fleas and their larvae, mosquitoes, blood-sucking flies, lice.600-800 rubles.repellent (scaring) and acaricidal (destroying) actions;
Suitable for dogs weighing from 1.5 kg.
allergic reactions are possible;
not active against sarcoptoid mites.


Trade name of the drugDescriptionWhat parasites does it work against?PriceprosMinuses
Prak-tik, Russia, ElancoDV - pyriprole 12.5%;
Available in four dosages.
fleas, lice, lice, ixodid ticks.1100 - 2500 rubles.insecticidal and acaricidal action.complications are possible in case of overdose;
high price;

not active against sarcoptoid mites.


Trade name of the drugDescriptionWhat parasites does it work against?PriceprosMinuses
Frontline, France, MerialDV - fipronil 10%;
Available in four dosages.
ixodid and scabies mites, fleas, mosquitoes, lice.600 - 800 rubles.brand of the year 2019-2020;
wide spectrum of action;

Allowed for pregnant and lactating bitches.

allergic reactions are possible.


Trade name of the drugDescriptionWhat parasites does it work against?PriceprosMinuses
Fiprist, Slovenia, KRKADV - fipronil 100 mg in 1 ml;
Available in five dosages.
fleas, lice, lice, mosquitoes, ixodid and sarcoptic ticks.900 - 1200 rubles.wide spectrum of action.Possible complications in case of overdose.


Trade name of the drugDescriptionWhat parasites does it work against?PriceprosMinuses
Bars, Russia, AVZDV - fipronil 50 mg/ml, diflubenzuron 1 mg/ml, dicarboximide 5 mg/ml;
Available in four dosages.
lice, fleas, lice-eaters, ixodid and sarcoptic ticks.150 - 300 rubles.wide spectrum of action;
cheap and effective;

product of the year 2012 - 2014.

uncomfortable pipette.


Trade name of the drugDescriptionWhat parasites does it work against?PriceprosMinuses
Insectal, Russia, “Ekoprom”DV - fipronil 10%, pyriproxyfen 2%;
Available in five dosages.
fleas and their larvae, lice, lice, ixodid and sarcoptic ticks.90 - 200 rubles.wide spectrum of action;
not available in all stores


Trade name of the drugDescriptionWhat parasites does it work against?PriceprosMinuses
Lawyer, Germany, BayerDV - imidacloprid 100 mg/ml, moxidectin 25 mg/ml;
Available in four dosages.
sarcoptic and ixodid ticks, fleas, lice, lice, larval and mature phases of development of intestinal nematodes, as well as heart and subcutaneous nematodes.400 - 700 rubles.wide spectrum of action;
protects against internal parasites;

suitable for dogs weighing over 1.5 kg;

prevention of dirofilariasis.

allergic reactions are possible.


Trade name of the drugDescriptionWhat parasites does it work against?PriceprosMinuses
BlochNet, Russia, NVP “Astrapharm”DV - fipronil 20 mg/ml, benzyl benzoate 290 mg/ml, dimethyl phthalate 57.5 mg/ml;
Available in four dosages.
lice, fleas, lice-eaters, mosquitoes, ixodid and acariform ticks.90 - 200 rubles.wide spectrum of action;
refers to low-hazard substances;


award “Golden Quality Mark of the 21st Century” in the competition “All-Russian Brand (III Millennium)”.

allergic reactions are possible.


Trade name of the drugDescriptionWhat parasites does it work against?PriceprosMinuses
Stronghold, USA, ZoetisDV - selamectin 60 mg/ml or 120 mg/ml;
Available in five dosages.
lice, fleas, lice eaters, mosquitoes, ixodid and acariform ticks, nematodes.1100 - 2000 rubles.wide spectrum of action;
active against internal parasites;

prevention of dirofilariasis.

allergic reactions are possible.

Golden Defense

Trade name of the drugDescriptionWhat parasites does it work against?PriceprosMinuses
Golden Defense, Ukraine, PalladiumDV - imidacloprid 12%, moxidectin 3%;
Available in four dosages.
lice, fleas, lice-eaters, mosquitoes, ixodid and acariform ticks.111 - 141 hryvnia.wide spectrum of action; active against internal parasites; prevention of dirofilariasis. not available in Russian retail stores.

Vectra 3D

Trade name of the drugDescriptionWhat parasites does it work against?PriceprosMinuses
Vectra 3DDV - dinotefuran 54 mg/ml, permethrin 397 mg/ml, pyriproxyfen 4.84 mg/ml;
Available in five dosages.
fleas, lice, lice, mosquitoes, ixodid ticks.600 - 850 rublesfast action;

repellent and acaricidal actions.

not active against sarcoptoid mites.

SENTRY Natural Defense

Trade name of the drugDescriptionWhat parasites does it work against?PriceprosMinuses
SENTRY Natural DefenseDV—fipronil, (s)-methoprene;
Available in four dosages.
fleas, lice, lice, mosquitoes, ticks.$50 — 37.waterproof;
long-term effect (up to 8 weeks).
not available in Russian retail stores.

Rolf Club

Trade name of the drugDescriptionWhat parasites does it work against?PriceprosMinuses
Rolf Club, Russia, EcopromDV - fipronil 9.8%, D - cyphenothrin 5.2%, pyriproxyfen 2%; available in five dosages.lice, fleas, lice-eaters, ixodid and acariform ticks.300 - 500 rubles.wide spectrum of action;
repellent and acaricidal actions.
prohibited for pregnant and lactating bitches.

MMO Shield Line-on

Trade name of the drugDescriptionWhat parasites does it work against?PriceprosMinuses
MMO Shield Line-on, Netherlands, BeapharDV - dimethicone 474 g/l;
Available in three dosages.
fleas, lice, lice, mosquitoes, ticks.300 - 400 rubles.affordable price;
Approved for dogs over 12 weeks of age.
prohibited for pregnant and lactating bitches.

Ultra Guard Pro

Trade name of the drugDescriptionWhat parasites does it work against?PriceprosMinuses
Ultra Guard Pro, USA, HartzDV - phenothrin - 85.7%;
Available in four doses.
lice, fleas, lice eaters, mosquitoes, ixodid ticks.$ 4,30 — 13.convenient applicator;
remains effective after contact with water.
not active against sarcoptoid mites;
not available in Russian retail stores.


Trade name of the drugDescriptionWhat parasites does it work against?PriceprosMinuses
Dana, Russia, NPO “Api-San”DV - fipronil 50 mg/ml;
Available in three dosages.
fleas and their larvae, lice, lice, ixodid ticks.100 - 200 rubles.cheap;
wide spectrum of action;

refers to low-hazard substances.

allergic reactions are possible.

IN-AP Complex

Trade name of the drugDescriptionWhat parasites does it work against?PriceprosMinuses
IN-AP Complex, Russia, "NPK "SKiFF"DV - aversectin C1 4 mg/ml, fipronil 50 mg/ml, praziquantel 100 mg/ml;
Available in four dosages.
lice, fleas, lice eaters, mosquitoes, ixodid ticks, roundworms and tapeworms.300 - 500 rubles.gold mark of quality of the 21st century;
wide spectrum of action;

protects against internal parasites;

prevention of dirofilariasis;

long-term protection (up to 50 days).

prohibited for pregnant and lactating bitches;
not active against sarcoptoid mites.


Trade name of the drugDescriptionWhat parasites does it work against?PriceprosMinuses
Celandine, Russia, “Ekoprom”DV - fipronil 47.5 mg/ml, permethrin 9.5 mg/ml;
Available in two dosages.
lice, fleas, lice-eaters, mosquitoes, ixodid and acariform ticks.100 - 150 rubles.wide spectrum of action;
prohibited for pregnant and lactating bitches.

The most popular tick repellents

Products of both domestic and foreign production are on sale. All anti-tick drops for dogs that are listed below have been tested for decades and are actively used by dog ​​breeders in Russia to protect their pets from attacks by parasitic insects.

They are used in the same way - disposable pipettes are opened and drops are applied directly to the dog’s skin:

  • between the shoulder blades
  • along the ridge
  • on the sacrum
  • behind the ears.

The coat must be dry. For 2-3 days, do not wash the dog and make sure that it does not get exposed to rain.

Expert opinion

Slanimsky Alexey Georgievich

Veterinarian of the highest qualification category. Has extensive experience in diagnosing and treating diseases in animals.

The expiration date of the drug is indicated on the packaging. For an active dog with whom they swim, walk a lot, or go hunting, the medicine is applied a little ahead of time - taking into account its constant movement and contact with water.

Before application, you should calculate the amount of product in accordance with the weight of the animal. After application, you need to make sure that the dog does not lick the drug.

Bars Forte

A popular broad-spectrum remedy that destroys ectoparasites literally when you try to get close to the dog.

The active ingredient of the drug is fipronil, a substance with high activity. Sold at an affordable price, there are options for puppies and adult dogs.

Puppies receive the drops when they reach eight months of age.

Moderate degree of toxicity, does not cause side effects.

Frontline Combo

A complex action drug based on fipronil. Can be used for the prevention and treatment of affected animals. Quickly relieves itching and irritation and rids the dog of any parasites.

It does not enter the bloodstream, so it has no effect on the body.

For puppies from 9 months, suitable for miniature breed dogs.

Dana Ultra

A universal remedy - used for various diseases caused by blood-sucking parasitic insects, including demodicosis and ear scabies.

The active ingredient is fipronil.

After application, it causes instant death of all insects on the animal’s body at any stage of their development. Suitable for dogs of all breeds and sizes, as well as puppies from 12 weeks of age.


Suitable for adult dogs and puppies. The same active ingredient is fipronil. It has less toxicity, therefore it is recommended for treating puppies from two months of age. There are no side effects, does not cause allergies.

Validity period: 30-40 days.


An effective remedy with a pronounced antiparasitic effect.

Active ingredients: imidacloprid, moxidectin. Quickly destroy insects and create a protective barrier. Effective against demodicosis.


Destroys all insects on the dog's body, including mosquitoes. Suitable for dogs of any age, except puppies up to 10 months. Valid from a month to a month and a half.

The maximum frequency of use is no more than once a month.


An excellent product based on permethrin, creates protection for up to 30 days.


The active substance in this drug is selamectin. Effective for prevention and for animals that have already been attacked by insects.

Expert opinion

Danilova Maria Alekseevna

Therapist, dentist, ophthalmologist, surgeon, express tests, ratologist, groomer.

The product has an increased range of effects on parasites. The dog receives protection not only from external parasites, but internal ones, because the drug also destroys worms.

The effect occurs after 10 hours and lasts up to 40 days.

Suitable for use in puppies from 6 weeks of age.

How to choose the right drops for your pet

It is very difficult to make a choice among such a wide range, but we will try to help you.

First, you need to decide whether you need the anthelmintic property of the drops. If you dewormed your dog a month ago, then you don’t need it and you can buy drops without this “function”.

It is very important that the drug can protect not only from ixodid, but also from scabies and ear mites, as well as the causative agent of demodicosis.

Cost and country of manufacturer. Foreign production and high price are not an indicator of quality and efficiency. There are domestic drops at affordable prices that are perfectly capable of protecting your pet.

And of course, in order to choose the right dosage, before purchasing the drug, you must find out the exact weight of your pet.

If you do not have the opportunity to treat your dog monthly, then you should choose drops with a long-term effect.

Pros and cons of flea drops for dogs

Insecticidal drops applied to the withers have the following advantages:

  • eliminate parasites 2 days after application;
  • give the pet protection from re-infestation for 4-6 weeks;
  • combine disinsection with deworming;
  • repel ixodid ticks, which are carriers of infectious diseases;
  • cure ear scabies, sarcoptic mange, demodicosis;
  • protect humans from zooanthroponotic diseases.

Dog breeders note the following disadvantages of insectoacaricidal drops:

  • high price;
  • For a large dog, the drug should be applied to 3-4 places;
  • You cannot treat several animals at once: they will lick each other and get poisoned.

The advantages of insectoacaricidal drops on the withers for dogs outweigh the disadvantages.

Safety measures, contraindications and side effects

As mentioned above, the drops should be applied according to your dog's weight to avoid overdose, and the application rules should be followed.

When applying drops, avoid contact with food and contact of the drug with the eyes.

After treatment, do not allow children and other animals to have contact with the pet.

In order not to reduce the effectiveness of the drug, you should not bathe the animal for the next two days.

Do not treat pregnant or lactating bitches. However, some manufacturers allow this, but be sure to consult a veterinarian before use.

Sick animals and animals with reduced immunity should not be treated.

How can a puppy get fleas?

From a mother dog.

The skin of a puppy is very delicate and thin; it is much easier for a flea to bite through it than the skin of an adult dog. Contact between the baby and mother occurs almost around the clock. Therefore, if the female is infested with parasites, they will almost certainly switch to the puppy.

From infected animals.

If the baby comes into contact with other animals in the house or on the street, fleas can also change their owner and switch to your pet. It only takes one female flea to start the infection cycle.

On a walk.

Fleas can also get on your puppy from the outside environment. In a place where a flea-infested animal previously passed, parasite eggs may remain. The direct development of the larva occurs precisely in the environment: a smooth egg rolls off the animal’s fur, then the larva hatches and pupates. When the parasite pupa senses good conditions (vibrations from the movement of the puppy, its warmth), the insect breaks the shell and jumps on the victim.

From the owner's clothes and shoes.

The owner can also independently bring parasites into his home without even knowing it. Thus, clothes and shoes can be contaminated with flea eggs, which will quietly mature in the apartment, and after pupation, the adults will jump on the puppy. An adult flea can also come into an apartment on a person or some of his things.

From rats and cats from the basement.

If the basement of a multi-storey building is inhabited by rats, which are regularly poisoned, fleas may leave their permanent place of residence in search of live feeders. Insects can travel through sewer pipes and ceilings even to the highest floors. And stray cats often visit doorways, dispersing flea eggs.

Reviews from owners and veterinarians

Bravecto. The drug is new on the market, so it is not yet in high demand. However, those who have already tried it are satisfied with its effectiveness.

Inspector. The owners give this drug a solid five. no side effects were observed.

Advantix. Based on numerous reviews, we can say that the drops work great. Some owners have noted an allergic reaction in their pet. Also, many are not satisfied with the high cost of the drug.

Advocate. 51 out of 53 owners wrote exclusively positive reviews for this drug. Users are pleased with the wide spectrum of action of the drops, the ability to protect against internal parasites and ease of use.

Frontline. Owners note the high efficiency, convenience and safety of these drops.

Fiprist. 14 out of 18 positive reviews. Some noted an allergic reaction and a bad odor from the drops.

Leopard. Cheap and effective. Many owners prefer this particular drug. Although negative reviews also slip through.

BlochNet. 88 out of 121 owners gave these drops a 5 rating. Excellent value for money and quality.

Stronghold. Owners are pleased with the wide spectrum of action and effectiveness of the drug. Some noted the high cost of the drops.

Practically tick. A good affordable remedy, but an allergic reaction is possible.

Vectra 3D. Most people do not recommend these drops for treating dogs.

Rolf Club 3D - Owners note the ineffectiveness of the drops and an allergic reaction in the pet.

Dana. In general, the owners are satisfied, but many noted an allergic reaction in their dogs.

IN-AP. A wide spectrum of action, long-lasting action and effectiveness - all this is considered by owners to be “advantages” of these drops.

Celandine. There are both positive and negative reviews. Some noted the effectiveness of the drug, others say that the drops do not help at all.

As for veterinarians, they do not give preference to any particular drug. The main thing is to follow the instructions and safety measures.

Preventing fleas in puppies

Many owners think that their pets do not suffer from parasites. But often this opinion is wrong. The baby's health is completely in your hands. There are many ways for a puppy to be infested with fleas, so in order to be sure of the health of your pet and provide him with peace without unpleasant contact with parasites, it is important to follow simple preventive measures and use effective flea medications. Prevention of flea infestation in a puppy includes:

  • periodically inspect your pet for parasites;
  • maintaining cleanliness in the place where the puppy is kept;
  • complete exclusion of pet contact with stray animals;
  • regular use of specialized antiparasitic agents.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Drop treatment for ectoparasites is the most popular among dog owners, and a large selection allows people with different budgets to use this treatment method.
  2. Many drops have a wide spectrum of action, so that in one treatment the dog can be protected from both ticks and worms.
  3. It is very important to observe safety precautions and follow the instructions when using drops.

All drugs have both positive and negative reviews. You should not rely entirely on them, and if you have any doubts or questions, you should first consult your veterinarian.


  • When to start using anti-tick drops for dogs
  • Mechanism of action
  • Tick ​​drops for dogs - TOP 15 best
  • How to use anti-tick drops for dogs
  • Restrictions when applying anti-tick drops to the withers
  • Safety when using drops against ticks and fleas
  • As recommendations

All pet owners in the spring are faced with the problem of choosing means to protect their pets from ticks. This is especially true for dog owners, because ticks carry very common and dangerous diseases, such as babesiosis (also known as piroplasmosis), borreliosis (the so-called Lyme disease, which can also affect people) and some others.

These diseases are much easier to prevent than to treat, so it is easier and cheaper to buy special acaricides at a pet store or veterinary pharmacy. Today, a huge number of drugs have been developed, varying in price and effectiveness, in the form of drops, collars, sprays and even tablets for systemic action against ticks. The validity period can vary from 1 week to 3 or more months.

Learn more about the habitats, external signs, developmental and behavioral characteristics of the tick, and how the infection process occurs.

In this material we will look at drops on the withers against ticks for dogs:

  • when to start dripping drops;
  • how these drugs work;
  • composition, characteristic features and duration of protective action (briefly);
  • restrictions and security issues, etc.
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