Stronghold for dogs - action, effectiveness, instructions, reviews 

Stronghold drug for dogs. Composition and active substances. Use against external and internal parasites. Efficiency in the treatment of diseases. How to use it correctly. Is it dangerous for people and animals? Tips and recommendations for use.

Pets really need the care of their owners. We try in every possible way to please our pets, we look after them, feed them, show love and affection. But a pet also needs protection, since we cannot protect them from various parasites. It is necessary to use modern means that will protect cats and dogs while walking. A fairly well-known remedy is Stronghold, which can help every owner of furry friends.

Description of the product "Stronghold"

  • A fairly well-known antiparasitic drug, which is known as an effective and efficient remedy. Used to protect animals from internal and external parasites. A big advantage is the ability to have a detrimental effect on adult parasites, as well as larvae and egg laying.
  • It is very popular among buyers and has many positive reviews. If we analyze the reviews, many note the effectiveness of the drug and safety for both animals and humans. Thanks to this, it is possible to use the product on your pet and treat household items.
  • The drug is produced by Pfizer. The product is intended for treating dogs and cats. You can buy it in the form of a solution. Various dosages and concentrations of the solution are available for sale. The dosage and concentration are intended for a specific type of animal, and weight is also taken into account. Available in pipettes, which are very easy and convenient to use.

  • The destructive effect on parasites is due to selamectin. In addition to the active substance, the composition includes additional components that contribute to the effectiveness of the drug.
  • The lowest concentration of the solution is intended for small animals, it is 6%, and a 12% solution is used for larger breeds of dogs. Regarding the cost of the drug, the price depends on the volume of the pipette and the concentration of the solution. For example, a 0.25 ml pipette. with the lowest concentration will cost 490 rubles, and the highest - 525 rubles.


Stronghold has long established itself as an excellent drug for fighting parasites. Veterinarians and professional breeders in their reviews also emphasize the rare and useful function of the medicine - the ability to destroy worms . Although the drops only affect young individuals, they at least signal such a problem.

Ordinary owners, leaving their reviews, agree on an unequivocally positive assessment of the effect of the drug both as a preventive and as a treatment.

Moreover, many note that Stronghold helps in advanced cases, after using other means. There are practically no complaints of allergies, and side effects appear only in cases of severe overdose or used in parallel with other drugs.

Application and mechanism of action

The active substance has a fairly wide spectrum of action, which allows it to be used against fleas, ticks, and helminths. It is used to treat diseases such as sarcoptic mange and otodectosis, and can also be used as a prophylactic substance.

Remember that only a veterinarian can diagnose the disease and prescribe treatment; it is prohibited to treat it yourself.

Important! This substance does not affect ixodid ticks!

The active substance has a detrimental effect directly on parasites. When applied to the skin of the animal, the drug is quickly absorbed and begins its effect within a day. It does not pose a danger to the animal itself, as well as to people. But you should always follow the instructions for use and observe safety precautions.

The mechanism of action is as follows: the active substance penetrates the parasite’s body and instantly affects its nervous system. This leads to paralysis of the insect, and then its death occurs.

The drug has a prolonged effect. After it is applied to the skin, the activity of the substances remains for a month. This allows you to protect the animal during this period. The activity of the substances decreases gradually.

How to apply

Simple instructions for use. Remove the pipette from the packaging and, holding it vertically, press on the colored cap. Now it can be removed. Apply the preparation to the withers (on dry skin between the shoulder blades at the base of the neck, spreading the hair well). It is necessary to drop all the liquid from the pipette into one place. It is better to remove it compressed to prevent the drug from being absorbed back.



The drug Stronghold for dogs has several advantages, which can be considered below:

  • High level of efficiency. The use of the substance on infected dogs allows you to get rid of parasites in one treatment. In case of severe infections, a repeat procedure is possible; it is carried out no earlier than a month later.
  • Safety. The drug is safe for humans and animals. The thing is that the active component affects the insect at the cellular level, and since people and animals have a completely different structure, it does not pose a danger. The only thing to avoid is getting the medicine into your mouth. This can cause negative consequences in the form of diarrhea.
  • Versatility. One medicine can rid and protect your dog from many external and internal parasites.
  • Prolonged action. This way you can protect your dog from harmful insects for a month.
  • Without smell. It’s also a big advantage because you don’t have to worry about your dog rubbing against clothes or furniture and leaving an unpleasant odor trail.
  • Easy to use. The medicine is packaged in pipettes, which are easy and convenient to use. There is no need to prepare any solutions, force them to swallow pills, which they don’t like so much, or give vaccinations, which are very scary for dogs.

Regarding the disadvantages, it is certainly worth noting that the medicine is ineffective against the ixodid tick. Another disadvantage is the cost, which cannot be called low, but the effectiveness and reliability of the drug absolutely justify it.


It will be useful for cat owners to know the answers to the most common questions related to the drug Stronghold:

  1. The most common question is about how drops for external use act on internal parasites. It's simple - the medicine is absorbed into the blood from the site of application, after which it begins to act on helminths.
  2. What breeds of cats is the drug suitable for? The antiparasitic agent is suitable for representatives of all breeds.
  3. Is Stronghold safe for pregnant cats and kittens from 6 weeks? The solution has undergone clinical studies on these groups of animals, which prove that it can and should be used for treatment. But the pet’s condition must be monitored by a veterinarian.
  4. How long after treatment can I wash my cat? The solution is absorbed internally after half an hour. After 2 hours, you can safely bathe your pet even with shampoos.
  5. What parasites does Stronghold work on? Drops destroy fleas, nematodes (roundworms), scabies and ear mites.
  6. Is it possible to allow children and other pets near a cat that has been treated with drops? After 1–2 hours, you can contact the animal without danger.
  7. How long after bathing can the treatment be carried out? This can be done almost immediately, as long as the application area is completely dry.

Stronghold for cats is a worthy drug because it is easily tolerated, acts quickly and provides long-lasting protection. After the first use of the drops, you need to be attentive to the pet’s condition in order to understand whether they are suitable for him or not. If you have an allergy, you will have to choose another antiparasitic drug.

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