Cockroach ram - action, effectiveness, instructions, safety measures

A popular remedy against cockroaches is Taran. Active substances and mechanism of action. Advantages and disadvantages of the drug. Danger and safety precautions. Carrying out the treatment yourself at home. Recommendations for the use of insecticide.

Nobody wants to put up with such “neighbors” as cockroaches. These unpleasant insects bring a lot of inconvenience and you want to get rid of them as soon as possible. In addition, delay gives time for parasites to reproduce, and it is much more difficult to fight large colonies. Due to the fact that there is a huge selection of specialized products on the market, you can quickly get rid of the Prussians.

But it should be understood that each insecticide has its own characteristics, differs in effectiveness, and has advantages and disadvantages. A remedy that is quite popular among buyers is the Cockroach Tarn, how it works and what results it brings, we will consider further.

What safety precautions should you follow?

Ram in the form of an emulsion is harmful to people and pets.
However, the concentration of the working solution is such that the product is not capable of causing serious damage to health. However, this does not mean that you can forget about safety measures when working with the drug.

Experts give the following recommendations that must be followed when carrying out processing:

  1. For work, wear long sleeves. The head is covered with a scarf or hood.
  2. Gloves are put on your hands and your eyes are covered with safety glasses.
  3. To protect the respiratory system, you must use a respirator or a cotton-gauze bandage. A simple gauze mask from a pharmacy will not be suitable for these purposes.
  4. Make sure that the solution does not get on mucous surfaces: nose, mouth and eyes.

The main active ingredient of the drug Taran does not cause allergies. But if accidentally swallowed or inhaled, it can lead to severe intoxication, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and stomach pain.

If, while working with the drug, a person feels unwell, he should leave the room and breathe fresh air. If the product gets into your eyes, rinse them; if you get inside, rinse your stomach and drink adsorbents. If you suspect poisoning, you must contact a medical organization.

Purpose of the drug TARAN

TARAN is an insecticidal and acaricidal agent produced in the form of an aqueous milky emulsion concentrate. This is perhaps the best liquid product for controlling cockroaches and other household insects in residential and non-residential premises, such as private houses, apartments, hotels, dormitories, cafes, restaurants, children's camps, medical and preventive institutions.

The TARAN concentrate also showed high effectiveness in the fight against various insects in open areas, such as gardens and country houses, as well as areas of rest houses and sanatoriums.

The active substance of the TARAN concentrate is Z-cypermethrin 10%. This is a powerful acaricidal and acute insecticidal chemical that destroys cockroaches and other types of household insects. This poison has a contact and intestinal effect.

Z-cypermethrin was obtained as a result of selection of the most active isomers of cypermethrin. This poison contains four active isomers, each of which is better at killing different types of insects. Due to the content of four such components in the poison, the drug very effectively removes all types of domestic insects. This same property of the drug prevents the emergence of insect populations that are resistant to the action of this drug.

The active substance of TARAN is odorless, does not leave marks on sprayed surfaces, does not accumulate in treated land, and is safe for agricultural plants. The effect of the product on cockroaches and other insects continues for 8 weeks from the date of treatment of the premises or land.


The high efficiency of Taran and the strict requirements for use are confirmed by numerous reviews from customers who fought bedbugs in their apartment. According to statistics, about 87% of them try to order pest control exclusively from the SES. The specialists of such companies, endowed with specific powers and knowledge, will competently prepare the composition of the required consistency, and disinfestation of all areas of localization of bloodsuckers will be done.

Video: Work of the SES service to remove bedbugs

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How to get rid of cockroaches in the house?

What to do if cockroaches do appear in your home? As soon as you suspect the presence of pests in the apartment or notice a quickly escaping cockroach when entering the kitchen at night, immediately take up the issue of exterminating the insects before their numbers reach disaster proportions.

Of course, you can resort to traditional methods, one of which is freezing - ventilating the room at a significant sub-zero temperature (-5°C). But there are more modern and effective remedies for cockroaches, for example, Raptor.

The fastest way to attack insects is an aerosol. For example, RAPTOR aerosol against crawling insects is very convenient to use. Thanks to its unique formula, the aerosol instantly destroys domestic insects and leaves behind a light mint aroma. The product is economical to use: one can is enough to treat a room of 50-60 sq.m. The RAPTOR insecticidal gel has shown high efficiency in the fight against cockroaches. The product also helps kill house ants. The gel contains substances that act as bait, attracting cockroaches with their scent. It provides protection for up to 6 months. The gel has a convenient packaging in the form of a tube with a long spout. A less rapid, but no less effective remedy for cockroaches are RAPTOR traps. Traps with a poisonous substance lure insects with smell and infect them through the digestive organs or by contact. An infected individual becomes a carrier and manages to transmit the poison to its fellows before it itself dies. For a room of 10 square meters. It is enough to use 2-3 traps. Use the powerful Double Strength trap to remove cockroaches. The new generation bait used in the trap contains the scent of trace pheromones that cockroaches secrete. The “Double Strength” formula has no analogues in the world and has a detrimental effect even on cockroaches that have adapted to insecticidal drugs. Don't want to waste time and effort on treating the room? RAPTOR's product range includes a unique system for eliminating cockroaches - an aquafumigator. The active substance, developed by Japanese specialists, evaporates as a result of a thermal reaction and easily penetrates where insects hide (in cracks, under baseboards, in ventilation). The drug destroys cockroaches and their clutches. The system does not require personal presence during the operation process. Place the container in the center of the treated area on a flat surface and leave the room for 2-3 hours. The radius of action of one aquafumigator is 30 square meters. m. After 3 weeks it is recommended to re-treat

Attention: if the apartment is equipped with fire safety sensors, turn them off before starting treatment.

Fighting red and black cockroaches in an apartment or house

  1. To ensure personal safety when treating premises with a solution of TARAN, wear goggles, a work robe or overalls, rubber gloves and a respirator.
  2. Remove all food and utensils from the premises, as well as remove people and pets.
  3. Prepare a working solution of the drug at the rate of 5 ml of liquid concentrate per 1 liter of water.
  4. Mix the solution thoroughly for 5 minutes.
  5. Pour the resulting poison into a manual or electric liquid sprayer.
  6. Spray the working solution of the drug in the places where cockroaches were identified, as well as in the places where they entered the room. Treat especially well the various openings and crevices where cockroaches may live.
  7. After finishing treating all rooms, thoroughly wash your hands and face, and rinse your mouth with clean water.
  8. 1 hour after spraying, ventilate the room for at least 30 minutes.
  9. 12 hours after treating the apartment or house, wet clean the premises with a soapy solution of water and soda. Thoroughly wash the chemical solution from areas where it may come into contact with food, people or pets.
  10. Carry out wet cleaning of hard-to-reach places after the poison wears off, 8 weeks after treating the premises.

Treatment with the concentrate solution is carried out simultaneously in all rooms where cockroaches were found. If there are a lot of insects in an apartment or house, spraying is carried out in all home areas.

The consumption of an aqueous solution when treating premises is 50-100 ml per 1 sq. m. m of the sprayed surface and depends on its ability to absorb moisture.


Nikita, 36

The ram helped a lot. Previously, they used chalk, there was no effect. My wife ordered a battering ram on the Internet, did everything according to the instructions, and after a week we didn’t see any crawling Prussians. I can’t say anything regarding safety; we left for a week and during this period we carried out the procedure.

Olga, 29

We encountered such a nuisance as cockroaches. The neighbors came running and had to look for ways to fight. An employee of mine encountered the same situation and she was left with a battering ram, so I asked her for it. I used it, the corpses appeared on the 2nd day, they appeared for another 2 weeks, and then completely disappeared.

Svetlana, 42

I used a battering ram at home. There are no complaints about the effectiveness, but disinfestation itself is a rather labor-intensive process. It's okay to apply it, but then you have to clean everything out of the poison, and if you take into account that it's sprayed, it seems like it's everywhere. I have small children and a dog, so I was very afraid for my safety.

Composition and action of Taran emulsion

The composition of the Bedbug Taran includes zetacypermethrin, which has a pronounced isecto-acaricidal effect. The death of parasites occurs within a few hours after direct contact with the solution. The four active isomers contained in the product prevent the development of insect resistance, even after repeated use.

Means Taran

After direct contact with the bug, blocking of nerve impulses begins in all internal organs, which leads to paralysis and death of the insect. Since the Ram only affects adults and their larvae, it will take some time to destroy all parasites. The main advantage of the product is its high efficiency and persistence of effect for 5-6 weeks. Due to this, after the first treatment with the product, the adults die, and the larvae die when they leave the egg and come into contact with the treated surface. The Taran can be reused no earlier than after a month.

The drug is water-based and does not contain solvents. After use, there is no sharp or unpleasant odor left in the room.

The product effectively helps get rid of:

  • ticks;
  • cockroaches;
  • moths and flies;
  • aphids;
  • bedbugs;
  • Colorado potato beetle.

How to use the poison?

The instructions for use describe in detail how to properly prepare the solution and carry out the treatment depending on the type of insect. The poison for killing cockroaches is prepared as follows: 5 ml of emulsion must be diluted in 1 liter of water. The consumption of the product depends on the area of ​​the room and the intensity of treatment.

Before you start processing, you need to carefully prepare:

  1. All other occupants must leave the premises.
  2. Before processing, remove all food and utensils.
  3. Things also need to be put in closets, having previously packed them in a thick bag.
  4. Then you need to prepare the solution by thoroughly mixing it until smooth.
  5. For convenient spraying, the product should be placed in a spray bottle.
  6. It is better to start treatment in those places where cockroaches most often live.
  7. Then you need to spray other areas and adjacent rooms with a spray bottle to prevent further occurrence of insects.
  8. After completing the procedure, you must take a shower and throw away or wash your protective clothing.
  9. After this, it is recommended to tightly close all the vents and windows and leave the apartment for 2-3 hours, or preferably at night.
  10. After returning to the premises, all rooms should be well ventilated.
  11. All objects with which a person will come into contact must be treated with a soap solution.

It will be possible to thoroughly wash the floors only after 7-10 days.

Recommendations for use

The recommendations given by the manufacturer advise taking 2.5 ml of product per 1 liter of water. However, experts say that it is better to increase the specified concentration to obtain the desired effect. It would be optimal to dilute 3–5 ml in one liter of water.

The pesticide is bottled in 50 ml bottles, so one bottle should be enough for at least 10 liters. The working solution is prepared by diluting the suspension in water (you can take the most ordinary one from the tap) and stirring it until a homogeneous milky-white liquid is obtained.

Before you start processing, the apartment must be properly prepared:

  1. Temporarily relocate pets and children living on the property.
  2. Containers containing fish or reptiles should be removed or tightly closed to prevent the entry of toxic substances.
  3. Free up access to hard-to-reach places by moving furniture to the center of the rooms.
  4. Seal food products in cling film, put them in bags or remove them from the processing area.
  5. Pull down mattresses and sofa cushions.
  6. Remove linen from the beds and hang it in the room or on the balcony.

When preparation for work is completed, the solution should be poured into the sprayer. You can use regular sprayers, manual or automatic garden sprinklers. It should be taken into account that the lower the device’s performance, the longer it will take to process.

With a hand sprayer designed for indoor flowers, you will have to work hard, crawling almost across the floor and spraying every inch of furniture and walls. A garden sprayer will cope with this task much more efficiently and quickly.


The older I get, the more difficult these treatments become for me. It became a bit difficult to crawl on all fours, looking into every crevice. When you get up after work, you immediately feel that your eyes have darkened. And this does not depend on the effectiveness of the product. Last time I treated it with Dichlorvos, it lasted for several months, and then again. I think they are running from their neighbors to me. I’m afraid I won’t be able to handle this kind of work anymore – I’ll have to either hire an SES or a pest control service.

Marina, Kudymkar

List of places where insecticide is sprayed:

  1. Carpeting and runners on both sides.
  2. Bed frame.
  3. The back side of the paintings.
  4. Gaps and cracks in the walls, if any.
  5. Upholstered furniture on all sides.
  6. Cabinet furniture, including the bottom, shelves and back walls of items.
  7. Skirting around the perimeter of the room, gaps between the slats and the wall.
  8. The edges of wallpaper that extend away from the wall.
  9. The space next to the ventilation grille.

For waterproof materials such as tiles, linoleum, tiles, 50 ml per square meter will be required.

If the surface is able to absorb moisture well, the consumption doubles.

Clothes are washed at the highest possible temperature.

After completing the treatment, it is advisable to preserve the room in the room - close the windows and doors and leave to “settle” for a day. The next stage is wet cleaning. Only after thoroughly washing all surfaces and removing dead insects can residents with pets return home.

On a note

You should only wipe with a damp cloth those surfaces that a person comes into contact with in everyday life. It is advisable not to touch hard-to-reach places (for example, the bottoms of bedside tables), since the insecticide has a pronounced residual effect. Over the course of two months, it is capable of destroying surviving adults and young animals emerging from eggs. It is these residues of poison on interior items that will protect the room from re-colonization by insects.

When processing, it should be noted that the insecticide is powerless against insect eggs. Therefore, the treatment must be repeated after two weeks. During this period, new individuals will have time to emerge from the larvae, but will not have time to create new clutches.

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