Monitor lizard remedy for cockroaches - description, instructions, action, effectiveness, safety measures

Using Varan against cockroaches and other insects. Composition and active substances. Mechanism of influence on cockroaches. How to properly carry out the treatment yourself in an apartment. Security measure. Reviews and recommendations for use.

For many years, people have been fighting cockroaches, which settle next to people and perfectly adapt to any conditions. Not only are they unpleasant and cause a lot of inconvenience, cockroaches can carry a variety of infections and cause allergic reactions and skin diseases.

Everyone remembers well that previously there was not such a huge selection of insecticides as there is now, so dichlorvos was mainly used for disinsection; it was quite effective, but had some features and disadvantages. Now a modern version of it is presented on the market - Varan. A fairly popular product that can clear a room of “uninvited guests.”

Description of the product "Varan"

If we consider dichlorvos, which was used previously, we can note its effectiveness. It was a fairly strong insecticide and could cope with large colonies of Prussians. But it was quite toxic and dangerous not only for cockroaches, but also for pets. In addition, it had a very pungent and unpleasant odor, which was difficult to remove from the room, which brought discomfort, especially in residential areas.

Speaking of the modern version, an improved formula is used here, which made it possible to develop an effective drug that has many advantages. Today it can be purchased in different release forms, so everyone can choose the appropriate option depending on the situation.

Composition and active substances

Artificial pyrethroids are used as active substances, which ensures effectiveness and at the same time safety. They are not so dangerous for pets, but are destructive to cockroaches and other insects.

Regarding pyrethroids, they can be compared to a natural substance found in the well-known chamomile. And, by the way, it is a folk remedy in the fight against cockroaches. The effectiveness of the drug lies in the fact that it contains not one active substance, but several. They all differ in chemical structure. Many have heard that cockroaches have the ability to develop immunity to pesticides, but in this case such a possibility is excluded. Because if one poison does not work, the second will definitely kill the pest. It should also be said that the modern drug has a pleasant aroma and will not cause discomfort.

Actions after treating the premises

After the time specified by the manufacturer in the instructions, ventilate the room for an hour. Dead insects must be removed from the room and the house must be wet cleaned. Wash personal items that have been processed. At the end of work, wash your hands, rinse your mouth, and put your work suit in the wash.

Monitor lizard is an effective remedy that will help remove harmful insects and provide protection from their reappearance. The drug is an alternative to Soviet Dichlorvos, is not inferior in effectiveness and does not have such a pungent odor.

Choice of dichlorvos

Now you can buy dichlorvos in a wide range. Before giving preference to one or another insecticide, you need to know about some features.

  • Varan. The drug is aimed specifically at combating cockroaches, which significantly increases its effectiveness. After disinsection, it remains active for a long time. Unlike other insecticides, it has a detrimental effect on egg laying. If the room is properly treated, repeated procedures will not be required.
  • Neo, Eco. It has a universal effect and can be used against ticks, fleas, cockroaches, ants and other insects. Quite often it is used in veterinary medicine.
  • Taiga. It is also a universal drug with fairly fast and effective action. After using this pesticide, the room will need to be thoroughly ventilated.
  • Clean house. Refers to old drugs. Known to be a fairly effective insecticide that can clear heavily infested areas. But it is toxic and dangerous for people and pets. Requires careful use and compliance with safety precautions.

Advantages and disadvantages

Main advantages of the product:

  • Efficiency and ability to clean heavily contaminated areas.
  • Prolonged action, which allows you to exterminate surviving individuals.
  • Sold freely.
  • Low cost.
  • Does not leave marks on the surface.

Regarding the shortcomings, they are certainly present. The disadvantage is that it is a toxic substance, work with which should be carried out only when using protective equipment and observing safety measures.

Does dichlorvos help get rid of bedbugs?

Although this product has positive properties, its main purpose is to destroy crawling and flying pests.

Can this drug help against annoying bedbugs, or is it better to buy a more expensive product?

The effect of dichlorvos has long been proven by developers. Yes, and it is time-tested; if it were ineffective, they would hardly buy it. And since the drug does not linger on store shelves, it means it has an effect on bedbugs. But if there are a large number of insects in the room, then it will not help get rid of them all. In this case, it is necessary to take an integrated approach. How to get rid of bedbugs yourself

In addition, the drug does not have a long shelf life. It erodes along with the air masses. And its concentration will decrease several times.

But he can handle it in the room with just one aerosol bottle. And so you shouldn’t expect much from him.

The excellent characteristics of this Russian drug have been confirmed by many buyers.

Mechanism of action

The pesticide has a neuroparalytic effect. When active substances enter the insect’s body, the transmission of nerve impulses is disrupted. The result is paralysis of the insect, and then death. Thanks to spraying, the substance penetrates into hard-to-reach places, which significantly increases efficiency.

When treating a room, the substance is applied to those surfaces where insects are most often seen. It is also necessary to find the nests and apply the drug to them. It is quite easy to find nests indoors; it is necessary to inspect hard-to-reach places; where a colony of cockroaches lives there are feces and other remains of vital activity. It is better to carry out treatment during the daytime, since these pests are active only at night and are in shelters during the day. It affects cockroaches with toxic fumes that penetrate through the respiratory tract. The poison also enters the body through contact.

After the surfaces in the room are treated, the substance acts for a long time. Therefore, cockroaches that walk on such a surface will definitely come into contact with the poison. This leads to the fact that one cockroach, which has become dirty with poison, runs to its relatives and infects the rest of the individuals. In addition, when the parasite cleans itself, it eats the poison and it enters the intestines from where it has a detrimental effect.

For 2 weeks, the insecticide applied to the surface poses a mortal danger to cockroaches. Then its effect decreases.

Advantages and disadvantages

A modern aerosol, the bottle of which proudly bears the inscription “Dichlorvos”, is created on the basis of a pyrethroid. This is the name given to synthetic insecticides that are analogues of natural ones. In this case we are talking about an analogue of the Dalmatian chamomile alkaloid. The drug is classified as hazard class three. For comparison: fourth class products are considered absolutely safe. Therefore, the instructions for using Dichlorvos against bedbugs must be read not after, but before the treatment.

The popularity of the drug is due, first of all, to its release form. The table will tell you more about the advantages and disadvantages of killing bedbugs with Dichlorvos.

Table - Pros and cons of popular aerosol

— It has a convenient form for application and an affordable price; — applied immediately after unpacking; — has a low level of toxicity; — easy to use; - free of unpleasant odor — Requires additional devices for baiting insects in hard-to-reach places; - in rooms infested with bedbugs, has low efficiency; — processing takes a long time; - has no residual effect, focused on direct contact with the pest

In order to efficiently and effectively treat a sofa, armchair, bed and other apartment furniture, the items must be disassembled and taken out into the fresh air. Active application of Dichlorvos to furniture directly in the home is dangerous to human health due to the high concentration of the substance in the air.

Proper Use

Before you start using the spray, you need to prepare the room, for this:

  • All windows are closed and ventilation openings must be closed.
  • If there is an aquarium, take it out; in the case where this is not possible, the compressor is turned off and closed with a lid.
  • All cabinets and upholstered furniture must be moved away from the walls, and the refrigerator must also be moved away.
  • All carpets from the floors and walls are removed and removed from the premises.
  • It is necessary to remove bed linen and lift mattresses from beds.
  • Be sure to hide all food products, pack them in airtight packaging or containers, and do the same with dishes, kitchen utensils and personal hygiene products.
  • Remove all things, clothes, towels, toys from surfaces, and pack them in bags.
  • Kitchen cabinets are being emptied.
  • Wipe off dust, remove cobwebs and wet clean.

All procedures are carried out in an empty room. Only the one who will carry out the processing remains; the living people and animals leave the apartment.

Next, you need to wear protective overalls, which can be replaced with pants and a long-sleeved shirt. Be sure to use rubber gloves, goggles and a respirator.

Let's proceed directly to the procedure:

  • Shake the can.
  • When applying, keep at a distance of 20 centimeters from the surface.
  • Apply to baseboards, back walls of furniture, behind refrigerators, radiators, pipes, under washbasins and sinks.
  • Pay attention to hard-to-reach places and crevices.

The procedure must be carried out quickly enough to avoid breathing toxic fumes.

Security measures

Do not allow the insecticide to come into contact with the skin, respiratory tract, or mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth and nose. If any symptoms appear while working with the drug, for example, dizziness, cough, headache, sore throat, etc., immediately stop the procedure and go out into fresh air. In case of contact with skin, wash with plenty of water and soap. If it gets on the mucous membrane, rinse with water; if irritation, pain, itching or other symptoms appear, consult a doctor.

When spraying the product, do not allow it to get into sockets or equipment.

Activities after treatment

After treatment, you must leave the room for at least 3 hours, preferably more. Upon return, the apartment is well ventilated to get rid of toxic fumes. First, only one person should return to the room and perform wet cleaning. During cleaning, all surfaces that come into contact with humans and animals must be thoroughly washed using a soap solution. Be careful not to leave poison in places that children and animals may come into contact with.

In addition, make sure that animals do not eat a dead cockroach, as it can cause poisoning and serious consequences. When poison enters the body, increased salivation and convulsions begin. Contact your doctor immediately.

Instructions for use

Pests must be eliminated immediately - they carry skin diseases and cause allergies. Large insect infestations may require multiple treatments. Monitor lizard can be used indoors and outdoors. General algorithm of actions:

  1. Preparatory work: close windows, ventilation grilles, doors. Wear personal protective equipment. Remove personal items and food. When treating against bedbugs and fleas, move cabinets and empty drawers with furniture.
  2. Shake the bottle and treat areas where insects accumulate.
  3. Avoid getting Varan on household appliances, kitchen utensils, and medications.
  4. Close the door to the room and do not enter for 8 hours.


Sergey, 43

We had the following situation: we came to visit our grandmother and saw that new “tenants” had appeared. Grandmother is already old and, of course, it is very difficult for her to carry out any events. My husband and I decided to take our grandmother home with us for a week, while we ourselves began to fight the Prussians. We bought Varan because the seller highly recommended it, and we didn’t regret it at all. We sprayed the product in the evening and went home. In the morning before work, we looked in and were scared, to put it mildly, because there were a lot of corpses. Within a week, they came and cleaned, and within a week the apartment was clean.

Olga, 36

I used Varan for moths. I just didn’t know what to do anymore, I used both tablets and sprays, the result was the same, first they disappeared, then they appeared again. So I decided to try dichlorvos. I treated the cabinets, carpets, furniture, and sent warm clothes to the dry cleaner. I am very pleased with the result, no moths for several months now.

Oleg, 45

Varan did not impress me and I am dissatisfied with his actions. I processed everything according to the instructions, did everything as it should. At first I actually removed the corpses of cockroaches, and they disappeared, but the result did not last long, because after about 2 weeks they were running around the kitchen again. The effectiveness of the old dichlorvos was many times better.

How to use the product

Shake the can before use. The method of application depends on the type of insect. Against flightless insects - spray from a distance of 15-20 cm on the surface - places of settlement and routes of movement of pests. Recommended concentration on the surface is 20 g/m2. meter, which corresponds to 14-15 seconds of spraying. The windows must be open.

Against flying - start spraying the product from the part of the room opposite the entrance, retreating towards the door. Direct the jet into the air, especially towards the maximum concentration of insects. Close the windows during processing. Consumption rate – 10-12 seconds per area of ​​15-20 square meters. m or 14-18 by 25-30 sq. m. Against moths - spray at the rate of 1 second/sq. m, without treating clothes.

Features of application on surfaces against various insects:

  • ants - pay special attention to paths (routes of movement) and nests;
  • cockroaches and bedbugs - it is important to treat baseboards, cracks in furniture, areas where wallpaper is coming off, and the back side of paintings;
  • fleas - treat cracks in the floor and behind the baseboard, thresholds, the lower part of the walls (1 m), animal bedding (then they need to be washed);
  • leather beetles - baseboards under radiators and cabinets, window sills, furniture joints, back surfaces of cabinets.

The drug is not intended to combat wasps; a specialized Masquitall aerosol is recommended for this purpose.

Let's sum it up

If we analyze all of the above, we can note that the product is really effective. As reviews show, it can be used not only against cockroaches, but also other insects. Reviews also indicate that there may be situations where the drug is ineffective. Regarding the disadvantages, it is a danger to people and animals, so it is very important to follow the instructions, use protective equipment and adhere to safety measures.

Remember, when the premises are heavily contaminated, it is correct to contact specialized services.
Professionals guarantee results, and you will not need to come into contact with pesticides. Source

Where can you buy dichlorvos and its price?

Basically, this product, like Mashenka chalk for bedbugs, is available in aerosol bottles.
The volume varies from 150 to 300 milliliters. If there is no need, then do not buy a large aerosol. A small volume of the bottle is enough to treat an apartment. You can buy dichlorvos monitor lizard for bedbugs at a price of 63 rubles for one aerosol bottle. And if you want to get rid of not only such insects, but also other crawling and flying ones. Then you can buy dichlorvos Varan A for 80 rubles. The price of these drugs is quite reasonable, it is available to any buyer. You can purchase these drugs at any store that specializes in selling household chemicals. You can also order on websites where you can also find out all the characteristics of this product and reviews about it. Many people recommend this remedy for bedbugs. Read >>>!

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