Black aphids on cherries: how to get rid of them, what to do, how to treat them, how to fight them

Every experienced gardener knows that if aphids appear on a cherry tree, then urgent measures must be taken to destroy it. Otherwise, this small pest can cause serious damage to the tree, which will lead to a significant reduction in yield. After all, aphids are characterized by increased fertility and form numerous colonies in a short time. And in the absence of control measures, it is capable of moving to neighboring crops.

Aphids belong to the order Homoptera

Description and types of aphids

There are more than 5 thousand species of aphids in nature. But only some of them attack cherries. They are similar in many ways. But they also have certain differences.

Gall aphids on cherries

This pest is characterized by an ovoid body shape, the length of which reaches 2 mm. The color of gall aphids is greenish-yellow. There are small sparse hairs on her body. Peak pest activity is June. During the season it forms 3-20 generations. Favorable conditions for development are elevated air temperatures.

When affected, swellings called galls appear on the leaves of the cherry tree, which is why this species got its name. They appear when the tree tries to repair damaged tissue.

Aphids belong to the order Homoptera

Green aphids on cherries

This is a small insect with an oval body. Characterized by a dark green color. Aphids overwinter in the egg stage. Adults die when the temperature drops. Pest colonies are localized at the tops of young branches. And black eggs are laid at the base of buds and shoots. In the second generation, female settlers appear. Their function is to fly to neighboring crops for the purpose of reproduction.

Green aphids are activated by high humidity and high temperatures. Up to 19 generations of the pest can appear during a season.

Each female green aphid lays no more than five eggs at a time

Black aphids on cherries

The difference between this species is its black color. The pest has an ovoid body, ranging in size from 0.5 to 2 mm. Females are wingless and winged. The first ones appear at the beginning of the season from the overwintering clutch of eggs. The second - in the middle of summer. You can find a colony of black aphids on the back of cherry leaves.

Black aphids attack all stone fruits in the garden

Preventive action

To avoid having to treat cherries for pests, you need to take some preventive measures. The following measures will help protect plants:

  1. Regular weeding. Removing weeds allows you to interrupt the reproductive cycle of black aphids, since the hatching of new generations occurs during the phase of colonies spreading throughout the territory.
  2. Preventative examination. Regular plant inspections allow you to detect the presence of pests at an early stage, when it is easy to stop their spread.

It is also recommended to make cone-shaped traps on the cherry tree, which will prevent insects from climbing above the protected level.

An interesting way to protect cherry and sweet cherry trees is to attract natural enemies of black aphids to the garden. Umbrella plants, lavender, and fragrant thyme attract ladybugs and hoverflies, which happily eat aphids. Please note that these insects are not pests, but are excellent helpers in the fight against cherry pests.

Where do aphids come from on cherries?

Winged females, which appear in late June and early July, are responsible for the spread of the pest. Their function is to lay eggs on trees. Of these, wingless females subsequently emerge that are capable of reproducing without fertilization. They are the ones responsible for preserving the species. In the fall, all adult individuals and larvae of aphids die, and only the eggs of the pest remain over the winter. With the arrival of spring, the aphid life cycle resumes.

Ants also contribute to the spread of aphids in the garden. Because they feed on the product of its vital activity - copper dew. In winter, ants transfer aphid eggs to an anthill for preservation, and with the arrival of spring, they lift them onto cherry tree branches to ensure adequate nutrition for the larvae after they are born.

Important! Aphids primarily attack weakened cherries that are unable to withstand the invasion of the pest.

Biological drugs

Biological preparations
If you need to treat a tree with berries, then you should use biological preparations. They do not harm the fruits and flowers of the plant. The aphids will die if you spray the cherries with the following products:

  • Fitoverm product;
  • Aktarin;
  • drug Iskra.

Spraying of plants is done even before harvesting. The preparations are completely harmless to beneficial insects and the human body.

What does aphid look like on cherries?

It is quite difficult to identify a lesion at the initial stage. But as the colony grows, signs of aphids on the cherry become obvious.

Among them:

  • leaf deformation;
  • sticky coating on shoots, plates;
  • drying out of young branches;
  • shedding of the ovary;
  • premature leaf fall;
  • slow development of cherries;
  • reduced fruit size.

The reason for a thorough inspection of the trees in the garden should be ants scurrying everywhere.

Fighting methods

Aphids on tomato seedlings - how to fight

If black aphids are found on cherries, how to fight them? There are different methods:

  • biological - using insects, birds, plants;
  • physical – with the installation of special devices;
  • folk - using home remedies;
  • chemical - through chemicals.

Important! Colonies of black aphids will repeatedly attempt to invade cherry trees and other garden plants. Constantly treating cherries with chemicals is a rather dangerous undertaking, since there is a high probability of toxic substances entering the human body. It is better to first try safer ways to get rid of aphids from cherries.

Biological methods


You can protect cherries and prevent the appearance of aphids with the help of plants:

  1. Plants that repel pests with their phytoncides: marigolds, coriander, onions, garlic, lavender, mint, fennel. They are planted close to the cherry trees;
  2. Plants that attract aphids: petunia, nasturtium, cleome, mallow, poppy, cosmos, beans, bird cherry, linden, viburnum. They should be as far away from the cherry as possible, distracting the pest. Once affected by aphids, these plants will have to be removed from the site or sprayed.


Aphids have natural enemies in nature that eat them: hoverflies, ladybird larvae, ground beetles, lacewings, earwigs, ichneumon wasps, predatory bugs and others. It is beneficial for the gardener to attract them to his plot. Hoverflies fly in to collect pollen from blooming daisies. Their larvae eat huge quantities of black aphids. Solanaceae and amaranth serve as bait for ground beetles; thickets of fern will attract lacewings. Earwigs can be lured with containers of wood shavings. Ladybird and lacewing larvae are also sold in garden centers.



If you do not plan to use chemicals, birds will help fight black aphids. Feeders and water containers will attract sparrows, tits, wrens, linnets, chiffchaffs, willow warblers, wrens, and robins.

Physical methods

The simplest way to combat aphids and ants is to wash them off the cherry tree with a strong stream of water. This is done early in the morning, before the heat sets in, otherwise the plant will get burned. Some gardeners try to remove pests by crushing them with the palm of their hand in accessible places, cutting off infected shoots, leaves and inflorescences. But doing this manually is technically very difficult and ineffective, so you have to resort to other methods:

  • using special trapping belts for the cherry trunk, wrapping it with strips of adhesive tape;
  • weed control;
  • pouring boiling water over nearby anthills;
  • planting peppermint, garlic, and tomatoes next to the cherries, as their smells repel ants.

If ants are still found on cherries, how to get rid of them? Sprinkle bleach around the cherry. This will become an insurmountable barrier for ants, and aphids will not settle on this tree.

Folk remedies

There are effective, proven by many gardeners, folk methods of combating black aphids on cherries. For example, the use of herbal infusions and decoctions. Cherries can be processed in the summer - in June and July.

Note! Despite the safety of infusions and decoctions of plants, it is worth remembering that exceeding the recommended concentration of herbal remedies in some cases can cause burns on cherries.

Such products can pose a danger not only to harmful, but also to beneficial insects. Some of them can cause poisoning in humans. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly observe the required proportion.

Garlic infusion

The following recipe has a good insecticidal effect against black aphids:

  • chop a bunch of herbs and garlic roots;
  • add 5 liters of water, a grated piece of soap;
  • leave for 1 to 2 hours.

Areas infested with black aphids should be sprayed 3 times every 10 days.

Garlic infusion

Ash and water

Wood ash needs to be sifted. Take 300 g (2 cups) of ash and boil it in several liters of water for half an hour. After this, add enough water to make 10 liters of product. The cooled liquid is sprayed onto the cherries. After 10 days, the procedure must be repeated.

Another recipe against aphids. Pour 10 liters of boiling water over 300 g of ash, add 50 g of laundry soap crushed into shavings. After overnight infusion, the solution is filtered through a triple layer of gauze and poured into a sprayer. Cherry processing is carried out at the stage of bud bursting and the appearance of young leaves.

Tomato leaves

Take 5 kg of green tops and tomato shoots, pour 10 liters of hot water, boil for half an hour over low heat. Before spraying the cherries, the broth is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3 and 30 g of soap is added per 10 liters.

Tomato leaves


For a 10-liter bucket of water you will need 3-4 kg of freshly collected celandine. You need to insist for at least 2 hours in a dark place. Cherries should be treated with infusion daily until results are obtained.


About 300 g of finely chopped fresh dandelion leaves are poured into 10 liters of warm water. The infusion takes 2 days to prepare. The product must be filtered before use.

Onion peel

The infusion is made from 500 g of onion peel and 10 liters of water. Cherry trees are sprayed every 10 days.


A concentrate is prepared from 200 g of tobacco and 1 liter of water. Before use, it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3.

Another folk recipe against aphids with tobacco: 200 g of finely chopped dry tobacco leaves are poured into 5 liters of water. After 1 day, the resulting infusion should be diluted with water to 10 liters and boiled over low heat for 1.3 to 2 hours.


Essential oils and cream

Essential oils of lavender, cedar and tea tree are diluted in a glass of cream - 10-15 drops each. The mixture is diluted with 2 liters of water. 3 procedures of spraying cherries every other day are enough.


You cannot use vinegar in its pure form, as this will burn the plant. A solution of 1 tsp. vinegar and 1 liter of cool water is highly effective against aphids on cherries. If apple cider vinegar is used, then take 1 tbsp. for 1 liter of water. It is recommended to enhance the effectiveness of the solution by adding any detergent. It makes it difficult for aphids to move, preventing the insect from escaping. Spraying the product on cherries is carried out at intervals of 2-3 days.

Soda Ash

To get rid of not only black aphids, but also powdery mildew, you will need:

  • soda ash - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • dishwashing liquid – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 1 l.

Cherries need to be processed several times, with an interval of 5 days. The product can be used even during fruit ripening.

Cherry processing

Domestos and soap

To 10 liters of water add 100 g of tar soap (you can use black laundry soap) and 5 drops of Domestos or another chlorine-containing product. It is necessary to spray the solution on the cherry branches after the leaves bloom. After 15 minutes, rinse the treated areas with water from a hose. After 2 days, the procedure is repeated.


Instant action recipe, no need to rinse off. A couple of tablespoons of ammonia are dissolved in a bucket of water, 1 tbsp is added. l. liquid soap.

Chemical methods

There are 3 classes of insecticides against black aphids:

  1. Pyrethroids: Kinmiks, Decis Profi, Inta-Vir;
  2. Organophosphorus compounds: Actellik (pirimiphos-methyl), Karbofos, Antiklesch, Alatar, Fufanon. Currently, these agents are becoming less effective as aphid resistance is observed;
  3. Neonicotinoids: Aktara (thiamethoxam), Confidor (imidacloprid), Tanrek, Iskra Zolotaya. These are the most effective remedies against aphids. Analogues of these drugs: Biotlin, Komandor, Zubr, Prestige, Imidor, Tsvetolyuks Bau, Kalash, Corado, Respect, Monsoon, Tabu and others.

Insecticide against black aphids

The use of chemicals requires compliance with the correct time for spraying. Suitable periods for processing cherries:

  • branches before the leaves open;
  • before flowering begins, when budding occurs;
  • at the end of flowering, during the growth of the ovaries;
  • a month before picking berries.

If you treat cherries with a chemical agent against aphids during flowering, toxic substances will enter the berries.

There are also biological products: Fitoverm, Akarin. They do not accumulate in plant leaves, and 4 hours after application they become harmless to bees. But there are also disadvantages. Constant use of these products causes the formation of resistant strains; spraying can only be done in cool weather (18-20 degrees), a small degree of toxicity is still present.

What harm does

Aphids feed on the cell sap of leaves and young shoots of cherry trees. This leads to disruption of metabolic processes in tree tissue, which negatively affects its development. As a result, the resistance of cherries to unfavorable external factors decreases. This is especially dangerous for young seedlings, since low immunity leads to their death in winter.

Aphids are carriers of various diseases. The most common of them is sooty fungus. It is characterized by a thick black coating on the surface of the leaves. When it appears, the process of photosynthesis is disrupted. As a result, cherries experience a deficiency of nutritional components. Also, sooty fungus is a favorable environment for the development of bacteria, viruses, and infections.

When aphids are infested, the taste of cherry fruits decreases


It is better to carefully follow preventive measures so as not to lose your harvest from massive aphid damage. To do this, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Regularly trim damaged branches.
  2. Remove weeds, fallen leaves and other plant debris. But you can learn how to get rid of weeds on your property from the article at the link.
  3. Treat for fungal and bacterial infections.
  4. Trees should be fully watered and fed. But whether it is necessary to feed apple trees during flowering, and how to do it correctly, is outlined here.
  5. Whiten the stamps in spring and protect them from frost in winter.

Application of nitrogen fertilizing remains a very important prevention of aphid formation. At the same time, make sure that they were not in excess. Otherwise, the green mass will begin to actively grow, which attracts cherry aphids and other pests.

How to deal with forest or garden ants

Forest species

Gardeners and gardeners know that how to get rid of ants in the country. Having chosen the land, the insect will not leave the property on its own. The main thing for the owner is to get rid of a large number of individuals, because the insect harms the plants grown on the land.

Settling in a vegetable garden or personal plot entails:

  • Spread of aphids and scale insects;
  • Damage to root rosettes and root system;
  • Destroy young shoots and flowering shoots;
  • Oxidize the soil;
  • Spreading weed seeds;
  • Damage to wooden structures, premature destruction of the structure;
  • They bite people. Bites cause allergic reactions, irritation, and rash.


Garden ants

An unpleasant neighborhood for a person is the settlement of pests in his home or on his land.

There is damage caused by insects in the apartment. This species does not bite, but:

  • These individuals are carriers of diseases, as they scurry around in search of food in basements, trash cans, and other dirty places, and take garbage outside the nest, moving it to secluded corners of the house;
  • Food storages formed by insects - the formation of fungi and mold dangerous to humans;
  • Damage to products left available.

On the site, the insect destroys slugs, caterpillars, and pest larvae, but causes damage to the crop:

  1. Damage to buds, consumption of petals and internal parts of the plant - deformities, diseases, death of flowers
  2. Reduces the amount of harvest: they gnaw the roots of seedlings, shoots, seeds, berries, fruits, root crops;
  3. Spreads weeds;
  4. Destroy plantings of berry crops, forming an anthill in the root area;
  5. They have a detrimental effect on the development of a tree, settling in its bark, turning a living tree into dust in a relatively short period of time.

Important! When ants appear in a country house or apartment, everything possible is done to speed up getting rid of the insects

Insurmountable obstacles

Ants can crawl through the smallest cracks and climb to the very top of a tree, but you can outwit them.

  • In early spring, a small ditch is dug around each tree and a cut tire is placed there. Add droplets from all sides and fill with water. Ants and many other garden pests will not be able to cross a water ditch.
  • The cherry trunks are tied with a polyethylene belt. Birch tar is smeared on top of it. Resin and grease also help against aphids.
  • A clothesline is coated with Vaseline and tied onto a cherry.
  • A “skirt” is formed from foil, which is widened towards the top. It is difficult for ants to climb on a slippery base, but if this happens, the skirt, widened upward, will prevent the pests from reaching the trunk and branches of the cherry.
  • Cherry trunks are coated with lime and chalk is sprinkled around the tree. Calcium has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of cherries and prevents ants from climbing the trunk. Small particles stick to the paws, making it impossible to firmly cling to the bark. Protects lime from aphids.

Signs of defeat

Aphids feed on plant sap, and to do this they attack the succulent parts of stems and leaves. Thus, the leaves begin to curl and do not participate in photosynthesis. The tops of the shoots begin to wither. Trees that have been exposed to aphids do not grow fully, do not tolerate winter well, and often succumb to fungal diseases.

Black or cherry aphids develop very rapidly. Sometimes its occurrence comes as a complete surprise to the gardener. Over a period of several days, the shoots can be practically strewn with dark, swarming dots. These are aphid eggs that are ready for winter. It is also worth finding out more about dark aphids, how they look on cucumbers and how you can fight them.

Banishment by smell

To repel pests, you can use plants, flowers, and strong-smelling substances.

  • You can treat cherries against ants and aphids with garlic juice. Use the head or arrows of a winter plant. It is necessary to rub the trunk around. The persistent smell of garlic will scare off new pests and make established ones flee.
  • Twigs of wormwood and tansy are tied around the trunk. The plants are absolutely safe for the tree; they not only repel ants, but also cause toxicosis. It is necessary to prepare a tincture from these plants and coat the cherries. Pour 30 g of dry potion, 300 g of fresh flowers and 10 liters of water. They insist for a day. You can prepare a more concentrated composition, the cherries will not be harmed.
  • Cotton wool and wool are soaked in carbolic acid and tied with a belt around the trunk of the cherry tree. Removed after 3 days. Repeat the procedure several times until the ants' interest in cherries disappears.

Insects cannot tolerate the smell of anise, elderberry, peppermint, calendula, cloves, and tomato tops. These components can be used to construct belts, lay them around cherries, scatter them throughout the area, or grow plants in the garden. The protection lasts as long as the smell persists.

Is it possible to protect the bushes

Traditional recipes are effective and harmless to humans, plants and animals. But they are not able to remove the threat from a strong attack of ants. Experienced gardeners often recommend using several protection options at the same time: herbs + spraying with infusions + belts or a barrier method. In any case, such armor will not allow the ant to enter the bush.

Important! If you don’t want to check the accuracy and effectiveness of folk recipes, you can always turn to chemicals.

Instructions for use

Doxazosin, the use of which is described in the instructions for the pharmacological product, is sold by prescription. The method of use and dosage are selected individually, depending on the patient’s age, the form and level of severity of the disease, as well as the presence of concomitant chronic diseases.

The dosage of the drug for arterial hypertension and benign prostatic hyperplasia is different. It is recommended to take the medication in an incremental manner - the initial dosage of the drug is 1 mg, after which it increases over time to 8–16 mg.

How to use?

Doxazosin tablets are taken orally, best in the evening, before bed. The tablet must be taken whole and can be washed down with water.

The medicine must be taken once a day, in the evening. Many doctors believe that it is best to take Doxazosin in the evening, before bed. This is due to the fact that after taking the medication, the patient is recommended to remain in bed for several hours.


When prescribing a drug such as Doxazosin, the dosage differs depending on the type and severity of the disease.

  1. Arterial hypertension - 1 mg of medication once every 24 hours, after 7-14 days the dose can be increased as prescribed by the doctor.
  2. Prostate adenoma - therapy begins with 1-2 mg per day, in the most severe cases the dosage can be increased to 8 mg per day.

The maximum permissible daily dose of Doxazosin tablets should not exceed 16 mg of the active substance. Dosage increases should be carried out no more often than once every 7–14 days. During treatment, blood pressure levels should be regularly monitored.

Important Notes

The simultaneous use of Doxazosin tablets with alcoholic beverages is strictly contraindicated, since in this case the likelihood of developing side effects of the drug significantly increases.

After taking the medicine, it is not recommended to drive vehicles, operate complex industrial machinery, or engage in other activities that require maximum concentration.

Taking too large a dose of the drug can lead to an overdose, which is accompanied by a sharp decrease in blood pressure, dizziness, and fainting. In this case, symptomatic therapy is carried out.

Causes of ants

Ants on the site

The black ant, like other representatives of the fauna, seeks the most suitable conditions for existence. The main reason for the appearance of insects in the garden is a large number of aphids. The pest explores the area for food; if there is food, the insect remains. A special feature is the ability to leave scent trails that serve as a guide for other individuals in their search for food.

Important! The appearance is accompanied by the construction of houses (anthills) or land piles in the spring. In their visual absence, the presence of small numbers of individuals moving around the perimeter of the site is evidence of the location of a family nearby, because ants by nature are collective insects

This species is distinguished by its ability to create large, and sometimes enormous, colonies, the inhabitants of which need a constant source of food. In the garden or on a personal plot there is always a lot of food with a large content of compost, food leftovers from people and pets. On the plot there is plenty of material suitable for building a house. Their favorite habitat is abandoned and unkempt vegetable gardens and orchards.

The appearance is a potential danger to the health of some representatives of the flora. The anthill is located on the bushes of fruit trees, flowers; the activity of the insect leads to damage to berries, cabbage, cucumbers, potatoes, carrots and other cultivated plants. This upsets those who put effort into growing the crops.

For this reason, during such a neighborhood, the owner of a household or plot is forced to look for a way to exterminate the insect.

What to treat in spring

According to the gardener's rules, spraying must be done at least twice: before buds open and after the formation of the ovary. I won’t argue, but if you want to fight the pest effectively with folk remedies, then I repeat - treat the cherries every week.

So, what formulations will be effective in early spring.

  • Collect onion skins over the winter. For 10 liters you will need half a kilogram. Stir and leave for 2 days. Strain and use.
  • Buy Coca-Cola in the store, dilute it with water 1 to 1. You can use it for spraying immediately.
  • Baking soda will also help. For 10 liters of water, 100 mg of powder is enough.

As soon as the frost period has passed, you can begin processing.

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