How to get rid of mold on shoes and the moldy smell

01/26/2017 Note to the hostess

It is very annoying when mold is found on shoes - how to get rid of unsightly stains on shoes or boots that are still fashionable and wearable? Mold on shoes is most often the result of improper storage and care of wardrobe items. The fungus begins to actively multiply and grow wherever it is warm and humid. He especially likes organic, porous materials, such as leather or thick fabric.

Therefore, if your closet or chest of drawers is damp, you don’t find time to periodically clean, ventilate and disinfect furniture, you shouldn’t be surprised at the appearance of mold on your favorite things - this is a pattern. You can avoid such trouble in the future if you go through all your things every six months, dry them in the sun, and throw away the very old ones without regret. In the meantime, it’s worth learning how to get rid of mold on shoes that are still being worn.

Useful information: if shoes are stored for a long time and incorrectly in a store or warehouse, they are also often affected by fungus, but the buyer does not know about it. To avoid annoying purchases, you should only purchase shoes from good stores and always inspect them carefully.

Causes of unpleasant odor

Most often, the source of the unpleasant smell of dampness in shoes is the mold that has settled in them, the spores of which are contained in shoe insoles. At the same time, outwardly they may not change their structure and not become covered with green-blue stains, which is a clear sign of the presence of mold.

The causes of mold are:

  • violation of basic wearing rules, incl. lack of drying after use in rainy weather;
  • high humidity and lack of ventilation in storage areas;
  • contamination of new shoes directly in the store or at the manufacturer’s warehouse;
  • improper preparation of shoes for off-season storage, incl. insufficient cleaning and dryness.


“Formidron is not so much an antifungal drug as a good antiseptic. It especially helps in the summer to keep sneakers clean and fresh. I poured the liquid into a spray bottle, this makes it easier to process the sneakers. I use it 1-2 times a week. My feet don’t sweat and there’s no smell.”

“Mycostop spray helped me a lot with toenail fungus. It can be used to treat nails and fungus-affected skin. In addition, the product disinfects shoes well. I use it regularly for preventive purposes.”

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Unfortunately, mold often appears on leather shoes. This affects not only smooth leathers or their substitutes, but also suede. When you see mold on your shoes, you don’t have to despair. It is quite possible that the situation can be resolved with simple measures and you won’t have to throw anything away.

Folk remedies

Many folk remedies help to effectively combat excess moisture due to sweat in boots and boots and remove the unpleasant moldy odor from shoes and sandals.


To treat mold, ammonia is mixed with vodka in equal proportions and this solution is applied to the inside of the shoe using a sponge or cloth, and also wiped over the top. Pre-washing in a soap solution helps to increase the effectiveness of ammonia.


When removing the unpleasant odor of sweat from boots, tea bags are used as a sorbent. They will be able to complement the effectiveness of treatments with other means. They are left in the shoes overnight.


Baking soda is an antiseptic that absorbs odors and disinfects surfaces. It is poured into shoes, left there for 24 hours, or the inner surface is rubbed with a thick layer of soda. After thorough drying, shake out the soda, cleaning the rubbed parts with a brush. Remains of the substance can be removed with a vacuum cleaner.


To remove excess moisture and unpleasant odor, crushed natural coffee is poured between the insole and sole of the shoe, which provides a pleasant aroma and retains sweat particles.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide with a concentration of 3% will help to get rid of mold in shoes and boots, which is used to disinfect their inner surface by wiping it with a cloth or cotton swab soaked in the solution.

Disinfection is carried out using rubber seals.

Activated carbon

Activated carbon absorbs odor. Several tablets are crushed to a powder and poured into shoes, leaving there for 24 hours. After treatment, the carbon powder can be easily removed using a vacuum cleaner.

Potassium permangantsovka

A weak solution of potassium permanganate is suitable for treating dark leather shoes. Wipe the inner surface of the shoe with a cloth soaked in it. It is worth considering that potassium permanganate can color the material, so this method is not used for light-colored models.

other methods

The easiest way to remove moldy smell from shoes is to simply air them out or wash them thoroughly. If the dampness appeared not so long ago, then sometimes this is quite enough to get rid of it and bring the shoes into proper condition.


Opened shoes are left to air in a dry but well-ventilated place for several days. An unglazed balcony or street is well suited for these purposes.

In winter, frost helps eliminate odor and remove mold, and in summer, direct sunlight helps.

On the first day of airing the shoes, they are filled with paper so that it absorbs some of the moisture. After a day, the wet paper is removed.

the washing up

Wash shoes in warm water with the addition of detergents. When cleaning white shoes, you can add 1 tsp to the water. “Whiteness”, which will not only help restore it to its original color, but also disinfect the inner surface.

Sports sneakers made from natural material can be cleaned in the washing machine by first placing them in a washing bag and setting them to the delicate cycle.

After washing, the shoes are wiped dry and left to dry completely in a warm and well-ventilated place.

Replacing insoles

In most cases, the source of the odor is old insoles that have accumulated moisture during wear. Sometimes just changing them is enough to make the smell go away from your shoes.

When purchasing new shoe insoles, you should give preference to those that have a layer of charcoal or activated carbon.

Dampness - how to deal with it

An unpleasant, “basement” musty smell can be eliminated in the following ways:

  • Ground coffee can help with the smell of dampness - pour it inside the shoes. After a day, the characteristic aroma will disappear.
  • Clean paper tightly placed inside damp shoes will help get rid of excess moisture as much as possible. In this case, the drying period should be at least 12 hours. To speed up the process, you can change the paper several times.
  • A modern alternative to the above method is an electric or UV heater. The latter, by the way, destroys all harmful bacteria.
  • Activated carbon can absorb foreign odors - just pour the tablets inside and leave for several hours.
  • Professional products

    Shoe care products contain antibacterial substances that eliminate odors, speed up drying, leave no stains after treatment and increase the service life of shoes.


    Available in the form of sprays, sticks and tablets. They are often used not only when treating shoes, but also when deodorizing the feet - the space between the toes, the tops of the feet and soles.

    1. Sprays . The treatment is carried out after thoroughly shaking the container by spraying at a distance of 20 cm from the surface and for 2-3 seconds. It is better to carry out internal processing in advance, with the expectation of drying.
    2. Sticks. Intended for daily use by applying to the inner surface of shoes.
    3. Pills. This is an innovative deodorizing method designed for athletes. The tablets contain components that kill bacteria and fungi. They are placed inside and left for 5-6 hours.


    Shoe powders have disinfecting and flavoring properties and at the same time reduce foot sweating. The products are poured into shoes.

    Absorbent bags

    Shoe sachets and pillows filled with bamboo charcoal powder act as absorbents and disinfectants, absorbing moisture and odors. They are placed in shoes between uses.

    Cleaning Rules

    To avoid damaging your suede, follow these simple rules:

    • Clean the material dry. Suede is very sensitive to moisture: wet cleaning can cause it to become rough and lose its appearance.
    • If dry methods do not help, then first of all try special or homemade foam products and try not to get the item too wet. When you can’t clean stains with foam, you can use other available products and special cleaners.
    • Do not use harsh chemicals such as chlorine bleaches.
    • If the suede is wet, it must be thoroughly dried before processing.

    Features of cleaning white and colored suede

    Caring for colored suede has its nuances. If you do not follow the cleaning rules, you can ruin the color of the item: bright shades will fade, and light shades will darken or turn yellow. To prevent this from happening:

    • Use different brushes for cleaning light and black shoes.
    • Choose a product of the same shade as the material: for example, for white things, take tooth powder or starch.
    • Do not use colored cotton rags as they may fade. Clean suede with a microfiber cloth or brush.
    • Test untested products on inconspicuous areas and lining.

    Getting rid of cat urine odor

    It is quite difficult to remove the smell of cat urine at home. It is better if the treatment is carried out immediately.

    You won't be able to simply air out shoes that have gotten cat urine on them.

    The damaged item is processed in several stages:

    • Initially, it is washed in warm soapy water, thereby removing the cat’s urine, which he used to mark shoes or boots;
    • remove traces of the main component - urochrome - using vinegar essence with a concentration of 9%, after diluting it with water in a 1:1 ratio, thoroughly wiping the surfaces inside and out;
    • at the third stage, they get rid of uric acid, which stinks of spoiled things - they do this by first applying soda slurry, and after washing it off with water, glycerin;
    • wash the shoes again and dry them in the open air.

    Shoe care rules

    A number of simple preventive measures will prevent the appearance of mold and dampness in shoes and keep them in good condition for a long time.

    1. Regular drying after wearing in inclement weather and washing shoe insoles.
    2. Daily use of professional care products with regular wear, incl. having water-repellent and antiseptic effects.
    3. Daily change of hosiery, which accumulates moisture during sweating and becomes a favorable environment for the appearance and development of fungus.
    4. Proper preparation for storage. Shoes that have not been used for a long time. Do not dry boots and shoes on the radiator. This is a simple and quick drying method, but it causes damage to the material. Ultraviolet light is a good assistant in drying and disinfection. The lamps not only dry shoes and eliminate their unpleasant odor, but also rid the interior space of pathogenic microorganisms that cause skin diseases.
    5. Proper storage. Shoes must be kept in cardboard boxes, inside of which there are bags with moisture-absorbing granules placed in them by the manufacturer. It is recommended to place paper tightly inside the closed shoe. Plastic bags are not suitable for storage.

    Hardware method

    In addition to special means and folk methods, there are special devices for cleaning shoes from pathogenic microorganisms. They use air flow to dry, exposing the fungus and other infections to ultraviolet light.

    A good device for improving the condition of boots or shoes in the presence of fungal spores and bacteria is Xenelight. This is a dryer with a disinfecting effect.

    The set includes 2 disinfection devices, plus 2 moisture absorbers, which allows you to dry and disinfect a pair of shoes at the same time.

    The main function of the device is to clean and dry shoes using ultraviolet light. 5-7 minutes are enough to achieve a disinfecting effect. The product makes it possible to get rid of fungal infections almost 100% and prevent the recurrence of the disease on the legs.

    Xenelight will help disinfect your shoes

    The price of the Xenelight dryer ranges from 2500–2800 rubles. The set includes 2 dryers and two disinfecting devices. The device runs on batteries. In 5–7 minutes you can achieve complete disinfection of boots, slippers, and shoes.

    The hardware method of getting rid of fungus allows you to remove the infection during the period of treatment of the disease, and it is also a good preventive method. Cleaning shoes with ultraviolet light makes it possible to prevent re-infection. In addition, the disinfectant helps speed up the healing process for toenail fungus.

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