Rubit for cockroaches: gel, liquid, instructions, review

Prevention of cockroaches with Tiuram

The main prevention of cockroaches is cleanliness and regular cleaning.
But this cannot always completely secure the premises. For example, cockroaches can often come running from neighbors or simply from the street. To do this, it is advisable to carry out prophylaxis with Thiuram at least 2 times a year. It is very important to understand that the drug is a strong chemical. Using it even as a preventive measure, you must observe safety precautions and follow the instructions

The best time for prevention is a period of several days or weeks when no one is in the house. In this case, before leaving, you can treat the room and leave it, going on vacation, for example.

Original and fake

When there is a demand for any of the goods, this causes a huge number of fakes to appear. This situation also affected Het; the manufacturer protected buyers by removing the drug from free sale. But, unfortunately, few people know about this, so we continue to buy fakes. Such fakes will not bring the desired result, since most of them are ineffective. But the danger is that no one knows what the actual composition of the product is. They can be very dangerous to people and cause great harm.

To avoid such a purchase, you need to study the following information:

  • When purchasing, take the bottle in your hand. It should be made of white plastic. Press it a little, the original product bottle will not be deformed. Next, hold the bottle up to the light; it should not be visible; in the original you will not see the liquid level.
  • Shake the package, you should hear a distinct sound of the ball. The fact is that the manufacturer throws a metal ball into the middle, which allows you to thoroughly mix the insecticide. This system is often used in paint cans, and such balls were also present in nail polishes.
  • By unscrewing the cap of the original you will see the membrane. Such a foil membrane must have a company logo. This is where you need to be very careful. The fact is that in 2015 the old logo was still applied, and since 2016 the new one has been used. Do not believe sellers who will claim that this is an old logo, since the manufacturer is selling an updated product.

In addition to the above examples, you need to pay attention to the quality of the label and printing. If there is no barcode, or the seal has flaws, rest assured that it is a fake.

Another option for fakes is the name. Well, in principle, it’s difficult to call it a fake, but such manufacturers really hope that Gett will accept an innovative and effective drug.

The trick is that Gett was actually produced before, but it was discontinued. Few people know about this, so they often mistake such fakes for the original. The original product has only three English letters and one single letter (T) in its name.

If we talk about the differences between the first insecticides produced by the manufacturer, the difference is:

  • Newer drugs are more effective;
  • The effect of active substances after treatment is significantly increased;
  • The newest form of release is less safe for people;
  • Now you can prepare a solution of any concentration;
  • Previously produced in spray bottles.

Quality certificates

When purchasing, it is recommended to ask the seller for a quality certificate

But in order not to purchase a fake, it is important to remember some features:

  1. The name of the drug must be written only in English letters, the first word in capitals.
  2. Bottle volume – 100 ml. In addition, the original product has an opaque bottle to protect the composition from exposure to sunlight.
  3. Under the lid there is a protective membrane on which the inscription GET is engraved.
  4. The expiration date is not written, but stamped on the packaging.

In addition, it is worth examining the contents of the container. The original drug is a white and thick liquid with a creamy consistency. If there is a strong odor, you cannot use the composition - it is a fake, which is not only ineffective, but can be dangerous.

Preparation of the solution

Concentrated Rubit is sold in 100 ml containers. Before use, you must prepare a solution. Use water at room temperature. 25 ml of the drug are dissolved in 1 liter of liquid. Mix thoroughly and pour into a spray bottle or spray bottle.

A solution with this concentration is intended for disinfestation of premises from pests. Spray ceilings, walls, corners, doors. Used outdoors. They treat trash cans, basement doors, and the space above a closed pond.

Kills mosquitoes


Mosquito repellent can be used to treat clothing, tents, bags, and backpacks. The solution is prepared less concentrated. For 1 liter of water, 10 ml of the drug is enough. Disinsection is carried out outdoors. You can put things on after they have dried. Pest protection lasts about 8 hours.

How to treat a room with cockroach gel in syringes?

The cockroach repellent contained in the syringe must be applied in a thin layer to all cracks and baseboards; cracks and pipes must also be treated. It is worth paying attention to places where cockroaches may be hiding: under cabinets, behind the refrigerator, behind wardrobes.

When pests appeared in the apartment, we tried dusts and aerosols, but nothing helped. Neighbors advised us to buy insect repellent gel in a syringe. They did so, and they were right: after a week, all the insects disappeared. But you can achieve this result by combining these means with traps.

Peter, Saratov

Kapkan cockroach gel is one of the effective insecticides


Your apartment or house needs cleaning. Then the gel is applied in places where cockroaches accumulate - along the walls, on furniture, near household appliances and bathrooms.

It is not necessary to treat the entire room. Cockroaches will be drawn to the attractive smell. If the pest does not eat the gel, the product will remain on the body and paws. The effect of the insecticide will appear slower than if it enters the intestines, but the cockroach will die.

The volume of product applied depends on the number of pests - the more cockroaches, the thicker the gel layer. One syringe is enough for 30 m².

Rubit does not kill cockroach larvae. When a new generation of pests appears, they will follow the smell of the product and die, like their predecessors.

The gel destroys other insects - ants and flies. It has a weaker effect on flying pests than on others, but can reduce the population by 50-70%.

The downside of the gel is that it stains the surface. It is recommended to leave the product on a piece of cardboard so that after disinfestation you can easily get rid of the insecticide.

Application Guide

Rofatox chops mole cricket granules The fight against mole crickets begins in early spring, when the soil begins to warm up. They consolidate the results in the summer and draw a thorough conclusion in the late autumn.

  • The bait is scattered in several granules at a distance of 50-100 cm, at least 5 cm deep. Sprinkle with earth on top. The procedure is carried out 10 days before plowing the soil, planting seeds and seedlings.
  • In summer, mole crickets exhibit sexual activity. The number of pests on the site increases significantly. Repeat soil treatment taking into account individual characteristics. If passages and holes are clearly visible, rubit mole cricket bait is left in the holes and sprinkled with soil. Dry soil is watered with a small amount of water. If the soil is sandy and dry, mole crickets place their nests deeper - up to 50 cm. The product should be buried deeper.
  • The last time to completely destroy the pests is to scatter the poison in the fall. In this case, it is possible to reduce the number of adult individuals before the onset of sowing.

Instructions for using Rubit include digging granules near the seedlings, at a distance of 15 cm from the stem. Other methods can be used to protect seedlings from mole crickets.

How to choose the best product: main parameters

Pay attention to the characteristics:

  • structure of matter;
  • release form;
  • type of insecticide;
  • bottle volume and substance consumption.

However, it is equally important to consider the duration of the extended-release period, as well as the degree of danger to people. When choosing a drug, a number of factors are taken into account

When choosing a drug, a number of factors are taken into account

Fast-acting remedies

Some of the drugs kill insects in a matter of minutes or hours. These include aerosols and smoke bombs. The speed of action is not always explained by the properties of the substance. The amount of poison received also plays a role.

Checker Raid

Slow-acting drugs

The gel provides results on day 2. The trap clears the room of insects in 5-7 days. Repellers act even more slowly - 2-3 weeks. If possible, you should wait for the first results, but more often such drugs are used in conjunction with fast-acting ones.

Gels start working after 2 days

Toxicity and safety for humans and animals

Most insecticides belong to hazard class 3. There are also safer ones (mainly gels, pastes, traps) - they represent class 4. Rare drugs belong to toxicity class 2 - they are powerful and can be dangerous to people.

Fast-acting drugs are usually the most toxic to people

How does gel liquid work?

Finding the best cockroach gel is not that difficult. The main component of each is a special poison, which, if it gets on the legs of an insect, will in any case end up in its stomach and intestines. Then paralysis and liquidation occurs. Maximum a person can spend:

  • time to buy gel;
  • application to surface;
  • cleaning up dead cockroaches and other little things running around.

There is no need to work hard for the insects to come to the substance applied from the syringe themselves. The formula of the products is designed in such a way that any parasite will hear not a toxic substance, but food. They will come to such a feeding trough themselves. They will have a snack themselves and carry it on their paws to other relatives. The poison is not immediate. It gives the parasite the opportunity to calmly reach the family and treat the rest with a certain portion.

Since the gels have a fatty base, they do not dry out, but can easily withstand for a long time. At the same time they are functional. Some manufacturers add special substances to the composition that repel children and animals with their smell. Therefore, none of them will taste it.

Since the gels have a fatty base, they do not dry out and can easily withstand for a long time.

The cockroach repellent in a syringe works according to the following principle:

  • attracting insects with its smell and consistency. Cockroaches and ants really love the viscous consistency;
  • consumption of the substance by parasites, application to the abdomen and paws;
  • After a certain time, the cockroach dies, but there is a poisonous substance on its body, which is also smelled by fellow tribesmen. Then some eat the gel from the already dead individual. And the second part goes in search of something “delicious”.

Now it won’t be difficult to find poison for the others. The one who was around him before will leave a mark behind him. This is how most of the colony will approach their poisonous delicacy.


The composition of the substance is very harmful to human health, so it is recommended to use thick rubber gloves . Any contact with skin is extremely undesirable. In any case, be sure to wash your skin with soap and water. That is why it is best to apply the substance exactly to those places where small children and animals cannot reach . The product should be stored in a cool place so that it is not too warm. It is also worth checking that the sun's rays do not fall on it, this can significantly spoil the effect of the product during disinfestation. This is a one-time use drug, so you should throw it away immediately after use.


  • “An excellent product that helped get rid of annoying cockroaches in a matter of days. I struggled with them for a very long time - almost 2 years. And only Rubit helped me in this difficult matter. True, the product is quite toxic, I had to work with gloves.”
  • “The product is good, but I didn’t like the fact that it was so poisonous. There was nowhere to put the children while the apartment was being processed, so we had to close them during the apartment's maintenance. She didn’t even allow me to enter the kitchen, since everything was smeared everywhere. In a few days all the pests disappeared. Probably, the drug really had a detrimental effect on them. But now it’s as if there were never ants and cockroaches in our house.”
  • “Chopping is a good remedy, even though it is toxic. I really don’t like it when you have to wear a face mask, gloves, and much more. But what can you do to permanently get rid of harmful parasites who believe that a living space is their full-fledged home. I recently purchased it and am already seeing great results. Having treated the apartment with this product, I can recommend the drug to many, since I myself learned from my own experience what Rubit is.”

It is obvious that this drug has a strong effect on parasites. And if you are tired of fighting against cockroaches and ants in your own apartment, then why not try Rubit. Reviews of the product are positive , the properties are absolutely necessary and do not give life to pests. Rubit is a very smart gel that includes a bait in the form of a delicious chocolate aroma , to which all the cockroaches and ants will flock with pleasure. This is the most effective bait, but what else is needed for complete disinfestation? All that remains is to buy the substance and wait for the result.


The effectiveness and safety of using the powder are inferior to the gel, which is why it has not gained popularity. The powder is sold in blue packaging, the average price in Russia is 35 rubles. Full product name: House cleaner Rubit.

The gel is sold in a syringe. The price is from 25 to 35 rubles, depending on the volume of the product - 15g or 30g. In the store it is called Rubit Zindan.

The advantage of the gel is the absence of harmful odors for people and animals.

Imidacloprid and Chlorpyrifos are insecticides included in Rubit gel.

Imidacloprid acts on the intestines of insects. Once in the body, the insecticide causes a malfunction of the nervous system, which leads to convulsions of cockroaches, and then to paralysis.

Cockroaches do not develop resistance to toxic substances, so the gel is effective when used repeatedly. The insecticide lasts 3-4 weeks.

Chlorpyrifos acts when ingested and causes paralysis. After several applications, cockroaches develop immunity to the insecticide. From the moment of application the gel is valid for 2 months.

Thanks to the mixture of two toxic substances, the likelihood of killing cockroaches increases.

An attractant substance lures pests and encourages them to eat the poison.

Features of the drug

The remedy for mole cricket Rubit is made on the basis of cereals with the addition of an active poisonous component, and auxiliary ones to attract insects.

Description of composition:

  1. The active component is a modern insecticide - fipronil (as in the drug Regent 800). The substance is relatively safe for animals, non-hazardous for humans, and lethal for insects. Blocks nerve impulses, causes muscle paralysis, death. Death occurs within 3 hours after a dose of poison enters the esophagus.
  2. Aromas, flavoring additives, and oils act as auxiliary components. Rofatox Rubit granules for mole crickets and wireworms are produced in brown and green colors. The former resemble roots, the latter resemble green parts of plants. Both mole crickets eat both with a special appetite, causing irreparable damage to the garden, which is why we have to fight the mole cricket in a variety of ways.

Fipronil for cockroaches

Black cockroaches Products with fipronil

Fipronil is an insecticide that is included in products to combat various insects and parasites. The substance was developed in France by the chemical concern Rhone-Poulenc in 1987. Since the beginning of this century, patent rights to the insecticide have been acquired by many countries, including Russia. Fipronil for cockroaches is presented in the preparations Domovoy Proshka, Executioner, Regent 800, Dohlox.

How does fipronil act on parasites?

Fipronil is a crystallized powder with a slight musty odor. The principle of action is contact and intestinal effects. When the substance enters the body of a cockroach or other insect, the transmission of nerve impulses is blocked, which leads to disruption of the nervous system and the onset of paralysis. The death of the pest occurs no earlier than after 8 hours. During this time, he manages to bring poison to his lair and infect his “tribesmen.”


Fipronil against cockroaches is effective even in cases where insects have developed resistance to pyrethroids, organophosphorus and carbamate compounds.

The effect of the product lasts 28 days. The preparations are resistant to water, but with intense exposure to sunlight, the residual effect is reduced.

Features of the use of insecticidal agents

The use of an insecticide depends on the product it contains. The most common forms of release are effective gels, emulsions, traps, and powders. Each drug comes with instructions for use, which should be followed strictly.

The disadvantage of fipronil lies in its high toxicity, so it should be used with great caution in apartments or houses where pregnant women, children, and pets live.


If the product comes into contact with human skin, irritation may occur. Accidental ingestion causes abdominal pain, cramps, nausea, and dizziness.

It is recommended to use gels for treating residential premises. Compared to aerosol products, they are safer and more effective. Powder preparations and emulsions are less efficient for killing cockroaches than gels, since they need to be irrigated and sprayed on surfaces.

Results of fipronil use

Fipronil for cockroaches, reviews of which convince of its effectiveness, is used to kill 250 different insects. The drug is widely used in agriculture to kill pests.

I purchased Regent powder for my summer cottage. It was written on the packaging that it is used for different types of insects. After use at the dacha, a ready-made diluted emulsion remained. I tried poisoning cockroaches at home. She was dissatisfied with the result and did not notice much effect against the Prussians.

Anna Mikhailovna, Donetsk

Looking at the insecticides on the store shelf, Domovoy Proshka gel caught my attention. The brownie in the picture inspired confidence, and I bought this gel; it cost about 50 rubles. It’s very convenient to use, I didn’t notice any obvious specific smell, and the cockroaches began to gradually disappear

Two weeks later, I specifically went into the kitchen at night to check and didn’t find a single cockroach.

It’s very convenient to use, I didn’t notice any obvious specific smell, and the cockroaches began to gradually disappear. Two weeks later, I specifically went into the kitchen at night to check and didn’t find a single cockroach.

Rimma, Alushta

Chalk: action, method of application

Presented in the form of a chalk, Rubit has proven its effectiveness in the fight against insects crawling indoors and outdoors. The active substance, deltamethrin, is poisonous. The toxic component has a negative effect on the nervous system of cockroaches, as a result of which they die. Advantages:

  • long protective period;
  • easy to apply;
  • low cost.

Disadvantages include low efficiency in case of severe infection and unaesthetic appearance after application.


The drug is produced in the form of chalk, packaged in 25 g. In addition to deltamethrin, it contains additional substances - alabaster, chalk and surfactants (surfactants). The action begins gradually. Crossing the chalk line, the poison enters the body. An infected cockroach passes the insecticide to its fellow cockroaches, who subsequently die.

Part of the chalk is removed from the packaging and lines are applied in places where cockroaches often live: near water pipes, along baseboards, at the joints of tiles, under the sink. Instructions for use of the drug are attached to the package. It must be strictly adhered to. For processing an area of ​​20 - 30 square meters. m. one package is enough. It is recommended to carry out processing with rubber gloves.

An analogue is the Mashenka chalk.


When using the powder, fewer cockroaches die due to the fact that it does not contain an attractant. Insects will only eat the product if they accidentally find the powder. It is recommended to use bait in the form of food.

Sprinkle the product on the floor, surfaces and furniture. Without being able to leave the house for 2-3 days, you will have to live among insecticides. This is inconvenient and dangerous to health. Powder particles rise into the air, and if they enter the human body, they can cause poisoning.

It is not recommended to pour the powder into hard-to-reach places. If it is not possible to completely remove the substance after cleaning, it will continue to poison the air in the apartment.

Before spilling the powder, cleaning is carried out. The food is placed in an airtight container. If there are open sources of water - a jar of water or an aquarium, they need to be covered with a lid. The dishes are removed from the room where disinfestation is taking place. Animals are not allowed near processing areas.

For protection when working with the gel, rubber gloves will suffice. When spreading the powder, it is recommended to wear long sleeves, safety glasses, a respirator and rubber gloves.

When used correctly, Rubit will cause cockroaches to leave the house and leave the residents alone.

How does the powder work?

If we consider the bulk product Rubit against cockroaches, its principle of action is similar: insects come into contact with the toxic substance and die from paralysis. However, the difficulty of treating a room with powder is that it does not contain attractants. Considering that the composition does not contain components attractive to cockroaches, one cannot count on the drug being highly effective. To kill insects, you need to completely spray the floor, interior shelves of cabinets, and baseboards.

It is difficult to be in such a room where everything is strewn with insecticide, especially if it is not possible to leave the home for a while. After treatment, you will have to face another problem - cleaning all surfaces. Considering that the powder particles are very small and light, they will rise into the air. If an excess amount of poison enters the human body, it can lead to poisoning.

Once in the powder, cockroaches die in 1 hour 30 minutes

In the powder itself, unable to get out of it, cockroaches die in 1 hour 15 minutes. This was verified in an experiment:

If insects get heavily soiled in the product (for example, they run on it for a long time, or fall into it on their backs, but then turn over and run away), then they die after 2.5 hours.

In conditions as close as possible to apartment conditions, the cockroaches died within 24 hours. In this case, they could eat, drink water, hide in a shelter where there was no powder, and only sometimes ran along a narrow strip of the product poured between the shelter and the drinking bowl.

This is exactly how the product works in an apartment: here cockroaches spend most of the time on a clean surface and only sometimes run over the powder where it was poured. Moreover, in the apartment they almost always have the opportunity to drink and eat. In such conditions, they will die within a day after contact with Hector.

How to use Rubit powder

The instructions for using powder Rubit state that the treatment of the room should be carried out with protective gloves and a respirator (a gauze bandage that protects the respiratory system).

Before using the powder, you will need to clear access to places where insects live.

  1. Pull furniture away from the walls to treat baseboards and back panels of furniture.
  2. Remove food items from the premises or hide them in the refrigerator.
  3. Clean the living space and remove cockroach excrement, old dirt and fat deposits, garbage, crumbs.
  4. Repair plumbing and piping.
  5. Wash and disinfect the bucket so that it does not attract cockroaches.
  6. Close the aquarium with a lid and turn off the compressor.

You need to sprinkle the powder throughout the house or places where insects run most often. It is recommended to place bait next to the dust so that parasites are more willing to come to the poison.

You should buy more powder to dilute it with water and wash the floor, walls, and plumbing fixtures - this will increase the effectiveness of powder Rubit.

Advantages of Xulat Micro

The use of Xulat Micro is fully justified by the versatility of its composition, its characteristics and properties, which in fact are the advantages of the drug:

Safety – capsule protection of active poisons from the external environment reliably excludes direct contact of the insecticide with humans and pets. Even small children or animals, for example, cats, who “test their tongues” will lick the treated area; this will not cause any negative consequences for the body. A tiny dosage is lethal only for insects, and even then only after a certain time interval.

Attention: the harmlessness of poisons in relation to people does not eliminate the need to take protective measures during processing, since contact with the eyes or respiratory organs can provoke allergic reactions (in people with individual intolerance), redness of the mucous membranes, runny nose

  • Efficiency - a new generation drug that has proven itself as a 100% exterminator of the Sinatrope parasite group.
  • Easy to use - nano granules are diluted in ordinary water and sprayed with a spray bottle.
  • No unpleasant odor - all odorous substances are securely hidden behind the capsule shell, the distillate in which the granules float is odorless by default.
  • Duration of action - from the moment of application, the drug retains its activity for up to six months, even in dry form.

The ability to stick to anything allows nanoballs to reliably cling to the body and limbs of parasites, and their tiny size prevents them from getting rid of them. Infected individuals actively carry the poisonous “delicacy” around the nests, generously sharing it with their fellow tribesmen.

Disadvantages of the drug

Despite its clear superiority in comparison with other remedies for domestic parasites, Xulat still has some disadvantages:

Difficulty in treating rooms with high humidity. Ceramic coating of surfaces does not allow the solution to be applied evenly due to moisture condensation (for example, industrial kitchens, etc.).

Note: modern finishing materials for apartment bathrooms do not create difficulties when spraying the solution.

  • Insufficient efficiency in rooms with high temperatures (+80C or more) - baths, saunas.
  • Immunity to the poison of parasite egg clutches - the drug is not able to penetrate the egg membrane. However, the duration of action leaves no chance for the hatched larvae.

In particularly advanced situations, repeated treatment will be required after 15 days (when young animals are guaranteed to emerge from all eggs).

Reaction to ultraviolet light. When exposed to direct sunlight, the effectiveness of the product is reduced for up to 2 months (the shell is destroyed by ultraviolet radiation).

Some will consider the time it takes to kill pests (3-4 days) a minus, but this is due to the peculiarities of the technology and is inherent in all microencapsulated suspensions of this type.

Advantages and disadvantages of insecticidal gels

Gels against cockroaches have many advantages:

  • Convenient use - you don’t have to chase insects with a spray can in your hands. A special syringe determines the dosage, and the tube easily squeezes out a measured portion of the insecticide. In addition, this bait does not leave stains on the surface of furniture and floors, and can only be wiped off with a damp cloth;
  • Long period of exposure to the poison - the chemical components of the gel remain on the treated surfaces for at least 2 months. This period is quite sufficient to eliminate the entire population of parasites;
  • High efficiency - if an aerosol is capable of destroying only those cockroaches that fall under the gun, the dust will lie for days and wait for insects, then with the gel everything is different. Here the result is one hundred percent! Moreover, the processing does not have to be repeated;
  • Safety - insecticidal pastes have a low degree of toxicity (the amount of poison is 2% of the total mass), are odorless, do not dissolve in the air and contain a special bitter substance designed to prevent animals and children from eating the gel;
  • Economical. The drug is applied in small drops, so one package is more than enough for an apartment of 45 square meters. m., but only under the condition of minor infestation. Otherwise, the amount of the product will have to be increased;
  • Availability - most gels are reasonably priced and can be found in any hardware store.

As for the shortcomings, there will be very few of them. These are not even disadvantages, but small nuances:

  • Gels do not act immediately - the extinction of insects occurs gradually;
  • The larvae also do not die during disinfection - this will happen only after they are born.

Killer and his capabilities

According to some reports, Killer cockroach gel (a package with a syringe and the inscription “Killer”) contains as an active ingredient an insecticide under the strange name “chloronidisalone” (0.9%). If you dig deeper, it becomes clear that such a substance is unknown to chemists and, most likely, was simply invented by marketers so as not to disclose the composition of the drug.

Be that as it may, this Russian-made product poisons cockroaches quite well, not inferior to other gels.

Gel Killer is sold in 20 ml syringes - to treat a large apartment you will need to purchase 2-3 syringes at once.


“After our wedding, my husband and little daughter moved into a rented apartment and encountered a problem - cockroaches. Somehow my mother poisoned them at home when I was little, but this problem was new to me. My mother-in-law immediately brought us Tigard gel and said that these were just magic drops. We placed them in the kitchen and on the balcony along the baseboards. And sure enough, after a few days the cockroaches were no longer noticed. Recently I was looking to buy such a tube, but couldn’t find it, so I bought a similar Antius gel. I think they work the same way. The product is odorless, low price. I'll keep it in stock."

Oksana, Kharkov

Advantages and disadvantages

The jelly-like preparation is in many ways better than the powder. The main advantage is high efficiency. The effectiveness of the drug does not depend on the degree of infection of the object. If there are few cockroaches, the product is applied in smaller quantities. In case of severe infection, the gel is applied generously. In both cases the result will be good. Other positive qualities of the gel:

  1. Ease of use. The product is ready for application and very easy to work with. The substance is easily squeezed out, and thanks to the thin nozzle of the syringe, narrow areas can be treated.
  2. No smell. A person will not feel the attractants included in the composition. For cockroaches this is a strong smell.
  3. Prolonged action. The drug continues to destroy pests over a long period: from 2 to 7 weeks, it all depends on environmental conditions. All this time, the gel retains its original structure. The insecticides included in the product are resistant to sunlight and air, but are destroyed in an acidic, alkaline environment and under the influence of high temperatures.
  4. Low substance consumption.
  5. The drug is invisible on surfaces because it has no color.
  6. Rubit product in gel form is offered at a low price.
  7. The gel is a moderately toxic drug, which means it will not harm people and animals.

There are also disadvantages to the gel-like substance. For example, it stains surfaces. The gel is a sticky, viscous substance, so after the end of the effect you will have to make an effort to clean the floors and furniture. To avoid this, use a cardboard or paper backing. However, this method will not handle bottlenecks. In addition, it is not recommended to constantly use Rubit gel. This is due to the fact that one of the active components (chlorpyrifos) is a group of organophosphorus compounds that contribute to the development of resistance in insects.

Rubit powder has many more disadvantages than positive qualities. The advantages include low cost and ease of processing (the powder is scattered over surfaces). The disadvantage of this drug is the likelihood of human poisoning, since dust particles easily enter the air. In addition, they note the difficulty of cleaning. In some hard-to-reach places, the powder may remain permanently.

Dust is a drug of average effectiveness. One of its main disadvantages is the inability to process vertical surfaces. If you consider that cockroaches crawl literally everywhere: on the walls, on the floor, on dishes, they can avoid poisoning. For this reason, the powder is often combined with other products, such as gel. However, it is better to use preparations with different types of insecticides.

Components and properties of the gel

The cockroach syringe Rubit contains 2 highly effective insecticidal components that ensure high-quality destruction of domestic insects. The use of two toxic substances simultaneously reduces the resistance of parasites to the components of the gel and improves the quality of baiting cockroaches.

  1. 0.5% imidacloprid, which is part of the group of neonicotinoids, is not inferior in its properties to pyrethroids and organophosphorus compounds. As a result of exposure to the insect’s body, the substance affects its nervous and digestive systems, and the parasite dies paralyzed. Additionally, the product destroys the structure of the limbs, provokes the appearance of ulcers and injury to the skin of the insect as a result of its contact with the poison. This component is not addictive to parasites and can affect them for up to 1 month. It can be used wherever it is required - in enterprises, in the country house, in the garden and in the yard.
  2. 0.25% chlorpyrifos is an organophosphate component. It affects the integrity of the skin of insects and poisons due to entry into the digestive system. However, this component has a slightly different principle of operation. It disrupts the passage of nerve impulses, which leads to paralysis of the insect. The effect of the substance lasts for 2 months, but with prolonged use the parasites may get used to it, and further use will be ineffective.

The gel syringe is the best product from the Rubit brand - it contains stabilizers and additives that give the poison a chocolate smell. Typically, cockroaches and ants feed on waste, but if the opportunity arises to eat human food, including sweets, they will not refuse it, which makes insect gel attractive and destructive at the same time.

Review of products, their properties and release form

Gel and powder are the main substances for killing crawling insects (ants, cockroaches), produced under the Rubit brand. Bulk preparation (dust) is less popular due to low efficiency. It is offered in a blue package called Domchit Rubit. The price of the drug is low (within 35 rubles), but the result is worse when compared with a jelly-like substance.

Main components of the gel

The product contains two highly effective insecticides. The use of several components of different types provides the best result in the fight against cockroaches, since insects quickly adapt to the negative factors that affect them. Gel composition:

  1. Imidacloprid at a concentration of 0.5%. It is an insecticide of the neonicotinoid group. Such substances are not inferior to organophosphorus compounds and pyrethroids. Imidacloprid is characterized by contact-intestinal action. It is used as an insecticide/pesticide. Neonicotinoids have a negative effect on the nervous system. As a result, insects die in convulsions from paralysis. Imidacloprid retains its properties for 2-4 weeks. This insecticide eliminates the emergence of resistance in insects. This means that cockroaches will not develop resistance to this substance even with regular use. Imidacloprid has a negative effect on pests living in homes, gardens, gardens, and agricultural lands, which makes it a universal poison.
  2. Chlorpyrifos (0.25%) is a substance from the group of organophosphorus compounds. It is also characterized by contact-intestinal action. The insecticide works a little differently (it helps disrupt the passage of nerve impulses), but the result will be similar: the pest dies from paralysis. Chlorpyrifos retains its properties for a long time: from 40 to 70 days. However, with frequent use of this insecticide, cockroaches gradually develop resistance and they stop responding to it.

The jelly-like consistency is achieved thanks to additives and stabilizers. In addition, the gel contains an attractant, which gives the substance a chocolate aroma. Cockroaches mainly feed on waste, but with great pleasure they consume human food, including sweets. For this reason, pests will try to taste the gel, which will result in their death.

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