Tarantula spider. Description, features and habitat of the tarantula spider

Tarantula spiders (Theraphosidae) belong to the family of spiders from the suborder Mygalomorphae.

The tarantula is considered the largest and strongest spider on earth. All tarantulas are quite large in size. Among them there are huge shaggy varieties more than 10 cm long. And this is not counting the legs, the span of which can reach as much as 28 centimeters!

The world's largest tarantula spider is Theraphosa blondi.

In nature


Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens
is an inhabitant of the semi-deserts of South America.

Tarantulas inhabit all continents except Antarctica. The range includes the entirety of Africa, South America, Australia and Oceania.

Tarantula spiders are rare in Europe and their range includes the southern half of Italy, Spain and Portugal. They are found as moisture-loving species that live in the crowns of equatorial forests, for example Caribena versicolor

unauthorized source?
] and drought-resistant semi-deserts, for example
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens
unauthorized source?


Tarantulas are obligate (strict) predators. Contrary to the name, their digestive system is not designed to constantly feed on meat (poultry). The main diet of tarantula spiders consists of insects or smaller spiders. Spiders are quite omnivorous and can eat a variety of food: flies, cockroaches, bloodworms, frogs, small rodents, birds, fish and much more [ unauthorized source?

]. Tarantulas ambush prey rather than using webs to make traps.


Psalmopoeus irminia - woody species

Various species of tarantulas prefer to live in the crowns of trees, shrubs, rosettes of bromeliad leaves, in shelters at ground level or in burrows. They often change their behavior patterns throughout their lives; if the larvae behave like burrowers, then the adults can spend most of their time on the surface, which is typical for terrestrial and semi-arboreal species. Burrowing spiders dig shelters in the ground, using webs to strengthen the soil; arboreal ones weave tubes from cobwebs. In most cases, spiders are active only when it is clearly necessary. Even hungry spiders can sit completely motionless for a long time, stalking their prey in ambush. Well-fed spiders tend to be even less active: adult female tarantulas often do not leave their hiding places for months.

Tarantula nutrition

Tarantulas wait for their prey somewhere in shelters and do not catch them in spider webs. Contrary to their name, tarantulas do not eat large birds and can constantly feed and digest meat or birds, so they mainly feed on insects :

  • small spiders;
  • cockroaches;
  • small crickets;
  • flies;
  • locusts;
  • mosquitoes.

And an adult tarantula can eat small birds, frogs, various rodents, fish and snakes.

Defense Mechanisms

Spider bite

A case of cannibalism. The female has killed and is devouring the male.

All species of tarantulas are poisonous to one degree or another; if we are talking about non-poisonous species, then this implies relatively

low degree of toxicity of the poison. A tarantula bite for a healthy adult is not fatal, but extremely unpleasant (acute pain, fever, delirium, muscle cramps, etc.). There are no confirmed cases of death as a result of a tarantula bite, however, amateur spider breeders have noted cases of cats dying from bites of their pets. In light of this, spiders should be considered deadly for small children or people who have a hypersensitivity to this poison - an allergy to the toxin. When biting, poison is not injected in all cases; a “dry” bite often occurs.

See also: Toxicity of spider venom, Arachnoses.


Main article: Stinging hairs (arthropods)

Adult female Brachypelma smithi

, showing an extensive bald spot where protective hairs were combed from the abdomen.

Also a source of irritation can be protective poisonous hairs, which many species of spiders scratch off from the abdomen. Spiders comb hairs out of stress (in captivity), but in nature, in case of possible danger or for the purpose of self-defense, spiders also weave hairs into webs, thereby protecting their nest. If hairs get on the skin, eyes, or lungs, an allergic reaction may occur: unbearable itching, pain in the eyes, suffocation, general weakness. Symptoms usually disappear after a few hours [ source not specified 2409 days

], but if hairs get into the eyes, permanent vision impairment is possible. Amateur spider breeders note that poisonous hairs are most developed in terrestrial and semi-arboreal species, slightly less so in burrowing species, and are practically absent in a number of arboreal species. Tree spiders do not shake off protective hairs from their abdomen, but use them only upon direct contact.


Avicularia and Caribena use a very unusual defense mechanism.

, trying to blind the aggressor by throwing a stream of excrement in his direction.

What does a tarantula spider look like, its characteristics and structure

The tarantula is an arthropod spider that has an exotic appearance. He has large and fluffy paws and a very bright color; he becomes even more juicy after molting. Their body consists of an abdomen and cephalothorax, united by a bridge, covered with an exoskeleton made of chitin. Such a cover performs a protective function, protecting the tarantula from external damage; in addition, it retains moisture, and this is a very important factor for species that live in arid regions. On the cephalothorax there is a shield - a carapace, on which four pairs of eyes are located.

The abdomen houses the digestive organs and the reproductive system, and at the end of the abdomen there are arachnoid appendages; there can be from two to six pairs of them. The birdcatcher has six pairs of limbs, including four pairs of tarsi, one chelicerae and a pedipalp. They use chelicerae to dig holes, they protect themselves and hunt with them, thanks to them spiders drag caught prey, they also have small glands that contain poison.

With the help of very thin and receptive hairs that are located on their paws, they distinguish different smells and sounds.

size depends on the type of tarantula . Basically it ranges from three to ten centimeters. But you need to add the span of the legs to the size; it can be twenty-eight centimeters. Their weight varies from 65 to 85 grams, but there are individuals whose weight is 150 grams or more, they live in Brazil and Venezuela.

All tarantulas, without exception, are poisonous. But the poison is not fatal for an adult, but for small animals it can be fatal. It is also very dangerous for small children and people who are allergic to spider venom.

Tarantulas do not use venom every time they attack; they can simply bite without using it. When a birdcatcher's bite is poisonous, immediately after the bite a very sharp pain is felt, the temperature rises and convulsions may occur.

On the body of the tarantula there are many hairs that are poisonous; with these hairs the spider protects its nest, weaving it with a web, and in self-defense or in stressful situations it also scratches its abdomen with them.

Interesting facts about tarantula spiders

  • Tarantula spiders lack a sense of affection, therefore, it is too bold to think that the spider knows you as its owner and loves you. It is you who know and love him.
  • It is impossible to accustom and train a tarantula spider, and also to be absolutely sure of its safety and non-aggressiveness. Even the calmest spiders sometimes bite their owners.
  • Female tarantulas are always more expensive than male tarantulas.
  • You should not buy a large spider, since you will not be able to be sure that it is not an old individual, but simply a large one. And, it is likely that such a large spider will turn out to be a decrepit old man and will die after its next molt.
  • If you want to buy a cheaper spider, take babies that have survived 1-2 molts, however, in this case, it will be impossible to guess their gender in advance.
  • The terrarium with the spider should be closed with a tight-fitting lid. If you have a child in the house, lock the terrarium to avoid an accident.
  • Spiders are long-living creatures with proper care, so you must understand that this pet is in your home for more than just one day. Are you ready for such a responsibility that will last for even a year?
  • Spiders are representatives of a separate class of spiders, and calling them insects is not very correct. Insects have 6 legs, and spiders have 8.
  • Spiders do not have ear-shaped hearing organs, but they use tiny hairs on their legs to pinpoint the source of sound.
  • If insects have 2 eyes, then tarantulas can have from 2 to 12. Although, in Nature there are absolutely blind spiders that live in caves, and species of spiders that see the world the same way as you and I.
  • Spiders detect odors using special hairs on their legs.

Video about tarantula spiders:

Today we talked about tarantula spiders. We were able to learn about the peculiarities of their character and behavior, as well as how and what to feed them, what conditions they need to create in a terrarium for comfortable living, how to breed spiders, and what diseases of your tarantula you may encounter in practice. We hope that our publication will help you decide on the type of spider to choose, and if you have already made your choice in favor of a tarantula spider, you will be able to care for it, taking into account the recommendations of this article.

If you have a tarantula spider living in your house, we will be grateful if you share with us photographs of it and a description of the features of caring for it. Or perhaps you even have some interesting story about your spider? Leave your comments and join our VKontakte group...

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Features of choosing a pet

In order to choose a healthy spider, you need to use a few simple tricks that will help protect yourself from wasting money:

the arthropod must be active and playful. In the case when the specimen you have chosen lies alone on the sidelines, is passive and constantly hides in the house, the animal is most likely sick, and you should not buy such a pet for home;

A healthy spider's abdomen should be even and smooth. If the abdomen is wrinkled or there are other pathologies on it, the spider suffers from dehydration and may soon die; open wounds or ulcerative defects on the body of a tarantula are another reason to refuse to purchase such a spider;

It is best to purchase small spiderlings, since it is almost impossible to determine the age of a tarantula by appearance;

It is important to pay attention to the hairs that cover the abdomen. If they are not evenly distributed throughout the body or vary in size, the animal has health problems;

the absence of paws in most cases is not a pathology, since they will instantly grow back after the next molt. This only means that the animal was not transported properly.



Important! When choosing a tarantula, you need to pay attention especially to females, since males are not distinguished by longevity and live several times less

What to feed a tarantula spider

Spider eats frog

In a certain sense, compiling a diet for a tarantula spider is not difficult - healthy large spiders eat everything that moves, however, it is better to keep them on a healthy diet and feed them small insects and animals.

As a rule, having noticed its “dinner” (it is given to the spider fresh and alive), it quickly runs up to its prey, grabs it with its fangs and injects poison into its body. Depending on the strength of the poison, the “lunch” stops moving after 1-10 minutes. Then the tarantula spider can weave a mat of web or braid its prey with this web and begin to inject its gastric juice into it, slowly sucking out the already digested lunch. After all, the peculiarity of the digestive system of spiders is that they have external digestion. Such a meal can last several hours, or even drag on for several days, until the tarantula feels full. It leaves food residues, and you, as a careful owner, will need to remove them with tweezers so that soil mites or mold do not appear in the terrarium.

If the spider refuses “lunch” and ignores the living creatures in its terrarium, it is better to remove the latter and leave it for next time until the tarantula has worked up an appetite. Although,

If you remove leftover food from the terrarium, then there should always be fresh and clean water in it, so that the spider can drink as much as it wants and when it wants.

Tarantula molt

Molting plays a big role in the life of a tarantula spider. After the spider sheds its exoskeleton, it grows approximately one and a half times in size and can even change color. Young spiders molt every month, and adult tarantulas molt once a year. When spiders molt, they lie on their backs, and in this long process some limbs may be lost, but they are restored during subsequent molts. How old a spider is can be determined by the number of its molts.

Before molting, spiders may refuse to eat. Another sign of impending molting is a darkening of the spider’s abdomen or entire color.

Rules of care and maintenance

Spiders are perhaps the easiest animals to keep at home, although it cannot be said that they do not need care at all. The most important thing is that they behave very calmly and do not leave as much garbage behind them as from other animals. To keep a tarantula spider, you will have to acquire either an aquarium or a terrarium. The most important thing is that conditions close to natural ones be created inside such a container. For spiders living under the surface of the earth, it is necessary that at the bottom there is a substrate at least 5 cm thick, consisting of soil and bark. For individuals living above the surface of the earth, it is necessary that driftwood be present. Here the spider will weave a web and hide in its shelter.

Care involves monitoring the cleanliness of the terrarium, regularly removing food debris, skin after molting, removing young spiders, as well as males after mating, otherwise cannibalism is possible. It is imperative to maintain humidity at the required level to prevent the skin from drying out. If this is not done, the animal will begin to get seriously ill.

Advantages and disadvantages of keeping a spider

Many people keep spiders for the purpose of shocking. Like, look at the scarecrow that lives with me, is it impressive? But such people are in the minority. There are, of course, individuals who are obsessed with spiders, who admire their habits and opportunistic features. But, basically, spiders are owned by those who consider them to be very beautiful pets.

And from this judgment follows the main, in my opinion, advantage of spiders - their appearance. Now you can buy spiders of a wide variety of colors, there are pink, red, pitch black and even bright blue. These are incredibly beautiful animals that are a pleasure to look at.

This type of spider has very interesting, curled hairs.

The main reason why I got myself a spider is its unpretentiousness. Such a pet can be left for a week or more with a clear conscience. If you need to go somewhere, then rest assured that the spider will wait for you and will not die of hunger, since it can go without food for a very long time.

This is an ideal option if you have a small living space. It does not take up much space and does not create noise. If you remove leftover food, there will be no unpleasant smell either. He doesn't shed his fur in the usual sense and you don't need to walk with him - a miracle, not a pet.

One of the main disadvantages is that spiders are quite secretive people. Most likely, your pet will hide in a shelter most of the time.

You can't pet a spider in the usual sense of the word. Even picking him up is not recommended, as this is very stressful for the animal.

A particular disadvantage is the presence of food animals in your home. For example, if you decide to keep a colony of cockroaches yourself, then you won’t leave them for a month.

Well, despite their terrifying appearance, spiders are quite fragile. Even a fall from several tens of centimeters threatens the spider with death. The animals are quite nervous. Factors such as transportation, changing the terrarium, and an abundance of insects can cause stress. Spider stress is bad. The pet may comb its hairs, refuse to feed and, in especially severe cases, even die.

It doesn’t bark, doesn’t bite, doesn’t rush at passers-by... Just kidding, of course, a spider can bite, it has everything for that. But such cases are extremely rare. Of course, the venom of all tarantulas is toxic to one degree or another. But an adult should not have any serious problems.

Family name

origin of name

One of the ancient engravings, the image on which served as the basis for the name - tarantula

The name “tarantula spiders” arose as a result of several engravings drawn by the German researcher and animal painter Maria Sibylla Merian and published as a result of her stay in Suriname (1699-1701) in the work “Metamorphosis insectorum Surinamensium” (1705), where she observed like a large tarantula ( Avicularia sp.

) attacked the hummingbird in the nest.

Problems with the translation of the term

In a number of European languages, tarantulas, and sometimes all large spiders, are often called tarantula. In Russian, the word tarantula is used to designate spiders of a slightly different group, in particular including spiders, which are widespread in the south of Ukraine. In this regard, confusion often arises when texts are translated incorrectly. In modern biological systematics, the taxa “tarantulas” and “tarantulas” do not overlap; Tarantulas are mygalomorphic spiders, and tarantulas are araneomorphic.

Should you be afraid of tarantulas?

The bite of this large spider is fatal to small rodents. There are cases where domestic cats have died from a tarantula bite. It is logical to assume that they can cause significant damage to the child’s health.

Females are especially aggressive in the active phase of motherhood. But sometimes it is also impossible to predict the spider’s reaction to completely harmless and familiar actions. Therefore, it is not recommended to take it with your hands. Before a tarantula , you need to buy not only a terrarium, but also long tweezers for various manipulations with the spider.

The toxicity of tarantula venom depends on its variety. For an adult, a tarantula bite is no more dangerous than a wasp sting. The same burning pain and slight swelling. But in particularly difficult cases, the consequences of toxic poisoning can manifest themselves in the form of loss of consciousness, fever, vomiting and even delirium.

In addition to bites, the fibers that cover the spider's body pose a potential threat. A stressed tarantula quickly pulls out fibers from the surface of its abdomen with its paws. The video clearly demonstrates how this happens.

When toxins come into contact with the skin, they can cause burns and allergic reactions. Contact of the villi with the eyes causes an active burning sensation that does not go away for several hours and sometimes days.

Sometimes this even caused vision impairment forever. If a potential threat to health does not frighten the future owner, and the exotic appearance of the tarantula does not alarm, then you can safely get such a pet.

Spider diet

Most of the diet consists of invertebrates, mainly insects. It is dipterous insects that most often fly into webs and thus become their victims.

In general, the “menu” depends on the time of year and the region where it lives. For example, those spiders that live in underground burrows often prey on beetles and orthoptera. But at the same time, they do not refuse worms or snails. Some of these predators are not averse to feasting on their own kind: it happens that they eat spiders of other species. And silverback spiders, which live in reservoirs, prey on aquatic insects and their larvae, fish fry and tadpoles.

But the diet of tarantulas is the most diverse, it includes:

  • Small birds.
  • Small rodents.
  • Arachnids.
  • Insects.
  • Fish.
  • Amphibians.
  • Small snakes.

Spiders' jaws are not equipped with teeth, and their digestive system is not designed to digest solid food. That is why these animals have a special, extraintestinal type of nutrition.

Having killed the victim with poison, the spider injects digestive juice into its body, intended to dissolve the insides of invertebrates. After the liquefaction of the future meal begins, the predator begins to suck it out, again adding a portion of digestive juice as necessary. Due to the fact that this process takes a lot of time, the spiders' meal often lasts for several days.

Arachnid Phalanx

This spider can also be called a camel spider due to the hump on its back. All individuals of this species are very active, but are strictly nocturnal. The body and limbs are covered with hairs.

Phalanx arachnids are characterized by fast reactions

The individuals' vision is quite remarkable. They have another extra pair of eyes on the sides, like scorpions. Spiders distinguish light and are able to react to movement. Due to this, the arachnid's reaction is very fast. It attacks the victim with a delay of a split second, thanks to which the giant spider is considered not only an excellent hunter, but also an elusive creature.

Another notable feature of the spider is its chelicerae. They are so strong and durable that it can bite through not only the skin, but also a human nail. Externally, each chelicera resembles a crab claw. It is with them that he rips off the fur and feathers from his prey, and then lines his home with the material.

Reproduction and stages of development of tarantula spiders

These creatures need to go through a rather complex developmental cycle in order to become sexually mature individuals. The mating process of spiders poses a certain danger to the male. He is usually significantly smaller than his partner. In many species of these arthropods, cannibalism is not uncommon. Usually, after mating, the male tries to run as far away from the female as possible so as not to become her victim. Not in all cases do they succeed. Males generally become sexually mature at an earlier age and also have a shorter lifespan.

Depending on the species, after mating the female can lay from 50 to 2 thousand eggs in a separate cocoon. The masonry is a small bag woven from a thin web. Typically, eggs remain in this state for 6 to 8 weeks. All this time, the female tries to stay close to the clutch and protects it from possible predators. After this time, young individuals or nymphs emerge from the eggs (depending on the type of spider). They usually remain in the cocoon for a short time. As a rule, a nymph needs to go through at least 2 molts to become a young tarantula or larva. It depends on the type of insect.

These spiders molt quite often, increasing in size each time. In order to shed the old exoskeleton, the spider needs to roll over onto its back. Next, he breaks the shell in the chest area, pulls out the legs, and then the body. After this, the insect increases slightly in size, and its shell, consisting of chitin, hardens upon contact with oxygen. In some species, preparation for molting and this process itself takes several days. During this period the spider is very vulnerable. Females usually live up to 20-30 years. Adults, stronger individuals, can remain alive for up to 2 years, consuming only water. These creatures are quite slow and feed only when the prey itself comes very close.

Reproduction of tarantulas

Male tarantula spiders are ready to reproduce much earlier than females. When a male reaches reproductive age, a cymbium appears on his pedipalps, this is a reservoir for seminal fluid, and tibal hooks are formed on his paws, which are needed to hold the female during the mating period. Before mating, the male begins to weave a web, after which he covers it with seminal fluid, and then fills the cymbium with it. When a male and female meet, they perform special actions that confirm that they belong to the same species.

Mating may end in a few seconds, or it may last many hours. With the tibial hooks, which are formed on the front legs, the male holds the female’s chelicerae, and with his pedipalps he introduces his seminal fluid into her body. During mating, the female tarantula spider can eat the male, so after mating the male tries to escape.

After some time, the female begins to build a nest from the web, where she then lays eggs; there can be from 50 to 2 thousand eggs. How many eggs a female will lay depends on her species. Then, from the nest made, the female forms a cocoon, which is round in shape and contains fibers from the spider’s abdomen. The incubation period lasts from 20 to 106 days, during this period the female guards her cocoon and periodically turns it. If the female is hungry, she can easily eat the cocoon with eggs.

After some time, small nymph spiders begin to appear, which at first do not eat anything and live all together. After the nymph molts twice, it turns into a larva, this larva is similar to a spider, but unlike a spider, it has nutrients in its abdomen. After some time has passed, the larva begins to molt and turns into a tarantula spider.

Habitat of tarantula spiders

Tarantulas can be found all over the globe except Antarctica. They live in African countries, in South America, Oceania and Australia and are also found in Europe, but much less frequently than in other countries. Their European ranges are limited to Spain, Portugal and southern Italy.

In the wild, tree spiders live on bushes and trees, and can also live in shelters that are located at ground level and in burrows. In addition, during development, their lifestyle may change: larvae that live in burrows eventually move to the ground. Some of the tarantulas give their preference to tropical and equatorial forests and semi-deserts.

Tarantulas that live in burrows dig them out on their own, after which they strengthen the burrows with arachnids. Tree bird catchers make special tubes from spider webs. Regardless of their mode of existence, all spiders move very little and make some movements only in cases of great need or danger.


Spiders are long-lived

Common house spider

The lifespan of house spiders is usually 8-12 months. They die after breeding, from lack of food, by human hands.

Only 10 species of spiders out of 42 thousand can live in houses and apartments. The most common species is Tegenaria domestica. This is a small (12 mm in diameter including legs) spider of a yellowish-brown color.

It weaves a flat triangular web, not just one, but several at once, and connects them with threads for movement. Under favorable conditions it can live up to 5 years. It is harmless and non-aggressive, but can bite a person if pressed down.

In private homes, a cross is often found. It is distinguished by a white cross on the back and a patterned circular web. The life span of the cross is short: males can live from 4 to 6 months, females - 2-3 months.

Sometimes you come across a haymaker (“long-legged”) - a small oblong body from 2 to 10 mm long on long, fragile legs. The web is woven chaotically and has no clear shape. This spider lives at home for about 2 years.

Exotic animals

Large poisonous spiders have long gained popularity as exotic animals suitable for home keeping. Even at home, it is quite possible to create favorable conditions for their existence and reproduction.

Tarantulas or tarantulas are usually kept in the apartment. There are many varieties, differing in color, behavior, hairiness and body structure. They can live for a long time, so some people become attached to such pets in the same way as to cats or dogs.

Popular types of tarantulas:

  • curly-haired (Brachypelma Albopilosum) – black, covered with pinkish hairs. The most unpretentious look. The bite is noticeable, painful, but not dangerous to human health. Males live 3 to 4 years, females can live more than 20 years;
  • woody (Avicularia Versicolor) – covering of young growth is blue with white hairs. The adult individual is colored in blue, red, green shades with a metallic tint. One of its features is that it moves very quickly. The poison is safe for humans. Males live from 1.5 to 2 years, females can live up to 8 years;
  • The Horse Spider (Lasiodora Parahybana) is one of the largest tarantulas. The color is gray with black or brown. Actively digs the substrate and easily chews through fragile parts of the terrarium. Females can live 15-25 years, males - from 2 to 3 years.

For terrarium maintenance, 5 types are usually used:

  • Apulian is one of the largest (body length up to 7 cm long). Females are red in color and their lifespan ranges from 3 to 4 years. Males are light gray and can live no more than 2-3 years.
  • South Russian (also called “mizgir”). Body length 3.5 cm. Color varies from brownish to brown. Can live up to 5 years.
  • Spanish. The male is dark gray. Lives for about 2 years, participates in fertilization only once in its life. Females are red in color with a striped belly. They can live more than 5 years.
  • Mexican. Fluffy, abdomen length up to 14 cm, black-gray color, the folds of the legs are red (the second name of the spider is “red-knee tarantula”). They are distinguished by their slow growth and maturation: males are capable of fertilization at the age of 4 years, rarely live longer than 10, females can give birth to offspring at 6-7 years, and live up to 20-30 years. In captivity, maturation occurs faster, which reduces life expectancy.
  • Brazilian black. The abdomen is 7 cm long, the body is black and shiny. Relatively calm view. They mature at the age of 6-7 years, females can live 20 years. Males rarely reach 10.

To increase the lifespan of a spider, it needs to be fed less (the rule does not apply to juveniles). The abundance of food provokes growth and change of the exoskeleton.

The more often this animal sheds, the shorter it will live. Tarantulas can refuse to eat for about 2 years for no apparent reason. They are considered the longest-livers among their relatives.

It’s not worth doing such experiments on them at home, but if he doesn’t want to eat for 1-2 weeks, then there’s no need to persistently feed him. Such a hunger strike will not affect the quality of life. This usually happens before molting.

Mice, lizards and frogs should not be given. This means an increased risk of injury to the spider and an unpleasant odor in the house. The best option is marble cockroaches.

At cool temperatures, the metabolic processes of the spider's body slow down, which also helps to increase its lifespan. In the wild, hibernating spiders will live longer than indoor spiders.

To prolong the life of a male spider during the mating process, it is important to monitor the behavior of the female. It is necessary to intervene in time with the help of special forceps or a shield, since spiders usually eat their partner after fertilization

Once the process is complete, the couple is separated.

Common types of tarantula spiders

Depending on their habitat and lifestyle, all species of these arthropods can be divided into arboreal and terrestrial. They have certain differences. Terrestrial species of tarantulas are capable of digging holes or try to use shelters created by other animals for their own purposes.

Prominent representatives of this group are:

  • Grammostola;
  • Theraphosa;
  • Brachyrelma;
  • Lasiodora.

Tree species acquired a number of necessary adaptations in the process of evolution. However, only adults are capable of climbing trees. The young usually hunt on the ground and hide in burrows. Woody species are brightly colored and are considered more beautiful. Typical representatives of this group of tarantula spiders include:

  • Poecilotheria;
  • Stromatorelma;
  • Avicularia;
  • Tarinauchenius.

Representatives of different species of arthropods have developed their own survival strategies. They have adapted to different habitats. For example, tree tarantula spiders weave special tubes that help them avoid unfavorable conditions. And representatives of the ground group use their web to strengthen the walls of the holes they have made.

Anatomical characteristics of these spiders

All types of these creatures have approximately the same structure, which makes it possible to classify them as one family. Both professionals and spider lovers know what this creature looks like. Typically, tarantula spiders have a fairly large, stocky abdomen. Body sizes can vary from 2.5 to 10 cm. The legs are usually about the same length. That is why this creature looks so massive. Usually the length is measured from the end of the front leg to the end of the back leg. This distance usually ranges from 8 to 30 cm. For example, the Chinese tarantula, popular among breeders, grows up to 20 cm with this measurement method.

Some people who are lovers of venomous arthropods keep tarantulas as exotic pets.

The largest representatives of this family reach the size of a plate. The weight of the largest tarantula spiders varies from 85 to 150 g. These arthropods have 4 pairs of legs, each of which has 2-3 retractable claws. These claws allow the spider to climb vertical surfaces. The legs of these creatures are quite thick. The entire body is covered with long hairs. They serve to protect arthropods. If they come into contact with mucous membranes or skin, they can cause burning, itching and other manifestations of allergic reactions. Often spiders themselves scrape these hairs from their bodies in order to weave them into the web of their nest. This serves as additional protection for him.

The coloring of the body and legs of these creatures is characterized by significant variability. Most species living in North America have a smooth dark brown color. In other regions, these creatures may be gray or black with large white stripes. The legs of some arthropods belonging to this family can be blue or yellow, and the stomach can be bright orange. Some varieties have a bright blue tint. All species of tarantulas are poisonous to one degree or another.

Population and species status

Photo: Male tarantula spider

Today, the tarantula spider is considered a fairly common arachnid. They are distributed almost everywhere. The exception is Antarctica, as well as some regions of Europe. There are several species that are not as common as others, but they are not included in the list of flora and fauna listed in the Red Book.

There are no special events or programs related to spider conservation in any country in the world. However, where spiders are quite common, information work is being carried out with the population regarding behavior when encountering a poisonous arthropod, since it can pose a serious danger.

The tarantula spider is quite common in various countries of the world as a pet. Breeders and lovers of exotic animals often choose it. It is not whimsical in terms of living conditions, is not rare or expensive, and does not require any special nutrition. To get such an extraordinary pet, you need to carefully study the conditions of its maintenance and feeding habits.

The tarantula spider has a rather specific, bright appearance and impressive size. It is distributed in almost all corners of the globe. When meeting him, do not forget that the spider is poisonous. Breeders of exotic animals are advised to familiarize themselves with first aid measures for insect bites.


  • Opisthothelae
  • Panarthropoda
  • Theraphosoidea
  • Big spiders
  • Giant spiders
  • Bilaterally symmetrical
  • Animals of Australia
  • Animals of Australia and Oceania
  • Animals of Eurasia
  • Animals of Spain
  • Animals of Italy
  • Animals of the forest
  • Animals starting with the letter P
  • Animals of New Zealand
  • Semi-desert animals
  • Desert Animals
  • Animals of deserts and semi-deserts
  • Animals of North America
  • Animals of the Subtropical Zone of the Southern Hemisphere
  • Animals of the Subequatorial Belt of the Southern Hemisphere
  • Rainforest Animals
  • Rainforest Animals
  • Animals of the Tropical Zone of the Northern Hemisphere
  • Animals of the Tropical Zone of the Southern Hemisphere
  • Animals of the Temperate Zone of the Southern Hemisphere
  • Animals of South America
  • Shedding
  • Mygalomorph spiders
  • Dangerous spiders
  • Spiders
  • Tarantula spiders
  • Protostomes
  • The largest spiders in the world
  • The most dangerous spiders
  • The most terrible spiders
  • Cheliceraceae
  • Arthropods
  • Eukaryotes
  • Eumetazoans
  • Poisonous spiders

Where and how to keep a house spider

Keeping spiders that are safe for humans at home is not at all difficult.
When buying such an exotic, you need to remember that a healthy spider always maintains sufficient mobility, regardless of age. Sedentary spiders that lack the characteristic roundness in the abdomen are most likely sick, malnourished, or suffering from dehydration. In addition to the exotic, you need to choose and purchase the right terrarium for its maintenance, as well as the most important accessories to fill your home.

Selecting a terrarium

To keep small spiders, regardless of the type, it is advisable to use special plastic, hermetically sealed containers of suitable sizes.

In terrariums that are too voluminous, filled with a large number of decorative elements, such exotics can easily get lost

It is also important to remember that many species are unable to get along with their neighbors, therefore, for example, it is advisable to keep tarantulas alone

A terrarium house, the optimal size of which is two times the length of the maximum leg span, will be cozy for the spider. As practice shows, even the largest specimens feel great in a home measuring 40x40cm or 50x40cm.

According to their design features, terrariums can be horizontal for terrestrial species and burrowing exotics, as well as vertical for tree spiders. When making a terrarium, as a rule, tempered glass or standard plexiglass is used.

Lighting, humidity, decor

Creating optimal, comfortable conditions for the spider is the key to preserving the life and health of the exotic when kept in captivity:

  • A special substrate in the form of vermiculite is poured onto the bottom of the terrarium. The standard layer of such backfill should be 30-50 mm. Dry coconut substrate or regular peat chips mixed with sphagnum moss are also very suitable for these purposes;
  • The temperature regime inside the terrarium is also very important. Spiders belong to the category of very heat-loving pets, so the optimal temperature range will be between 22-28°C. As practice shows, a slight and short-term decrease in temperature cannot cause harm to spiders, but one should not abuse the endurance of such exotics;
  • Despite the fact that spiders are predominantly nocturnal, they cannot be limited in light. As a rule, to create comfortable conditions, it is enough to have natural lighting in the room, but without direct sunlight hitting the container;
  • As a shelter for burrowing species of spiders, special “houses” made of pieces of bark or coconut shells are used. Also, various decorative driftwood or artificial vegetation can be used to decorate the interior space.

The humidity inside the spider's home requires special attention. The presence of a drinking bowl and the correct substrate allows you to ensure optimal performance. You need to control the humidity level using a standard hygrometer. To increase humidity, the terrarium is irrigated with water from a household spray bottle.

Terrarium safety

A terrarium for a spider must be completely safe, both for the most exotic pet and for others

It is especially important to follow safety rules when keeping poisonous spiders

It should be remembered that spiders are able to move quite deftly even on a vertical surface, so the main condition for safe keeping is the presence of a reliable lid. You should not purchase a container that is too high for terrestrial species of spiders, as otherwise the exotic may fall from a considerable height and suffer a life-threatening abdominal rupture.

To ensure sufficient ventilation for the spider’s life, it is necessary to make perforations in the form of small and numerous holes in the lid of the terrarium.

Breeding tarantula spiders

Breeding tarantula spiders is just as difficult and exciting as breeding other species of spiders. You will need to select a female and a male, provide them with a mating terrarium, and ensure that the aggressive female does not eat the male spider, either before or after mating.

After mating, after 4-8 weeks, the female tarantula spider should make a cocoon for her little spiderlings. For several weeks, she will protect this cocoon and protect it from prying eyes, and then, when she considers it necessary (and the cocoon itself has matured), she will open it and release dozens of small tarantulas into our world. However, the maternal instinct will very quickly abandon the female, therefore, you should not count on her continuing to take care of the small tarantulas. Place the babies quickly in separate containers. And, on day 2-3, start feeding them with fruit flies or small cockroaches.

Appearance, structure

Conventionally, the body of a spider is divided into the abdomen and cephalothorax. The insides are protected by a durable chitinous cover. The spider's eyes are located on the front of the chest - the head: 4 pairs, providing the tarantula with a wide visual range. The spider sees shadows, silhouettes, movement. The organs of smell and touch help to navigate in space.

The spider has 8 legs, attached to the cephalothorax, a pair of chelicerae. The legs are massive and long. The largest tarantula in the world - 28 cm, was included in the Guinness Book of Records. On average, the size of the spider including its legs is 25 cm. The color of the tarantula is bright and exotic. The paws are shaggy, the body is covered with bristles. The average weight is 85 g. Brazilian tarantulas weigh about 150 g. The largest goliath is 170 g. A photo of a tarantula spider is located below.


The body is covered with poisonous hairs. The spider weaves them into its web when building a nest, a cocoon for the larvae. Shakes off for self-defense. Some species of tarantulas defend themselves in an original way - they spray excrement towards the enemy, thereby diverting attention.

Photos and descriptions of the most striking species

Exotic lovers buy colorful spiders for a lot of money. In terrariums with proper care, the pet lives up to 25 years. You can see the photos below to see what the animal looks like.

Chilean rose tarantula (Grammostola rosea)

In natural conditions it lives in the USA. Most common in Chile, hence the name. In terms of sales in pet stores, it is one of the most popular and expensive. The size of an adult animal is 16 cm. Hairy legs, body covered with hairs. The color is brown, sometimes pink, the body is covered with light hairs. The pink spider has a non-aggressive temperament, does not attack people, and bites only in self-defense.

Chilean rose tarantula

Blue tarantula spider (Cyriopagopus sp. Blue)

An exotic species discovered in Malaysia. Large blue tarantula. Together with the leg span, the size is 25 cm. The entire body and legs are covered with long thick hairs. The colors are the same everywhere with different tints of blue, cyan, and purple.

The predator is poisonous, with an aggressive disposition, and requires special care when kept as a pet. The female reaches sexual maturity after 3 years

Blue, blue, and purple tarantulas live in nature for more than 20 years. Throughout life they molt several times and change color slightly. The female lays up to 150 large eggs at a time in a self-formed cocoon.

Blue tarantula spider

Tiger tarantula (Psalmopoeus irminia)

The species was discovered in 1994 in Venezuela. The maximum body size is 6 cm, with a leg span of 14 cm. Life expectancy is 15 years. Feels good in artificially created conditions. It is recommended for a confident beginner or an experienced collector to keep it as a pet, since the arboreal tarantula is aggressive, poisonous, and nimble.

The female reaches sexual maturity at 2 years and lays up to 200 large eggs in a cocoon. In the natural environment, it is capable of laying another clutch without prior fertilization. Males are much smaller in size and become sexually mature at 1 year.

Tiger tarantula

Mexican red-knee tarantula (Brachypelma smithi)

Lives in desert, arid places in Mexico. They live in burrows underground, cracks in the rock. Body size including legs is 12 cm. Poisonous, moderately aggressive. Life expectancy is about 15 years. The coloring of the exotic animal is unique and attractive. The main tone is black, the hairs are light gray, on one segment of the limb, the cephalothorax has bright red spots, a rectangular pattern. The female sheds throughout her life; in males, this process stops after reaching puberty.

Brachypelma albopilosum spider

Calm, slow, poisonous, but not dangerous to humans. Bites and sheds toxic hairs for self-defense. Lives in the tropics, mates during the rainy season. An immature female behaves aggressively and can even kill her “suitor.” Color range – black, brown, beige. Body size with paws is 15 cm. It grows slowly, the female lives up to 20 years. It lays eggs in a cocoon, up to 500 at a time.

Spider Brachypelma albopilosum

Mexican tarantula spider (Brachypelma emilia)

One of the brightest representatives of a large family. They were the first to be exported from Mexico to Europe as a pet. The size of the animal is 16 cm with splayed limbs. Has a calm, non-aggressive disposition. Under natural conditions, it is active at night and hides in secluded places during the day. The female lives for 20 years.

Mexican tarantula spider

Types of tarantulas

At the moment, the family of these arthropods is divided into thirteen subfamilies, which have many species. Description of some of them:

  • Black and white Brazilian tarantula . This tarantula is not very aggressive and has a completely unexpected character. It has a very bright color and grows quickly. Its size is from seven to nine centimeters, and the span of its legs is from eighteen to twenty-three centimeters. These tarantulas live in Brazil, between stones and tree roots. Females can live up to fifteen years. The optimal temperature for it is twenty-seven degrees, humidity - 80%.
  • Red-kneeed Mexican birdcatcher or Brachypelma smitha . This species lives in the southern United States and Mexico. These are large spiders: the body is up to 8 centimeters, the leg span is 17 centimeters. They are mostly black or dark brown in color, and there are red spots on the paws; sometimes you can also see a white border. There are many light pink hairs on the body. These spiders have a calm character and are non-aggressive; their venom is of average toxicity. The lifespan of females is 25–30 years, and that of males is 4 years. They feed on various spiders, insects, mice and lizards.
  • The tarantula Avicularia purpurea is a South American species of tarantula, most common in Ecuador. Their body length reaches six centimeters, and their leg span is 14 centimeters. They have a purple-blue color and brick hairs on their paws, and the bristles that are located near the mouth are orange-red. They can be found in pastures, in the hollows of various trees and in secluded areas of residential premises. They are very calm, timid and fast, and very easy to care for, which is why many people keep them at home. The temperature for their comfortable living should not exceed 28 degrees and be less than 25. Air humidity - 85%.
  • Tarantula Cyclosternum fasciatum - this species is one of the smallest tarantulas, the largest span of its legs is only twelve centimeters. But, despite this, the female’s body size is five centimeters with a paw span of twelve centimeters, and the male grows up to three and a half centimeters, with a paw span of 9.5 centimeters. Their body color is dominated by dark tones and red shades: the cephalothorax can be brown or red, the belly is dark with red stripes, the legs are black, brown or gray. These tarantulas prefer the tropical forests of Guatemala and Costa Rica. If a spider of this species lives at home, it can be aggressive and nervous.
  • The pink Chilean tarantula has a very beautiful appearance and is one of the first in terms of sales among arthropod tarantulas. The size reaches sixteen centimeters along with the paw span. The color contains different tones of brown: chestnut, brown and even pink in places. There are many light fibers on the paws and body. They live mainly in the southwestern United States, also capturing the Atakami desert. The suitable temperature for this species is 25 degrees during the day and 18–20 degrees at night. Air humidity should be at least 60%. Females live 15–20 years. They are not aggressive and have a calm nature.
  • The Goliath tarantula or Teraphosa Blonda is the largest spider on earth. The body size of the female is 10 centimeters, and the male is 8.5 centimeters. The weight of an adult can reach 170 grams. But, despite their size, goliath tarantulas have a very calm and modest character and they show aggression in very rare cases. They are brown in color, and their paws are decorated with red-brown hairs. These birdcatchers live in the tropical regions of Suriname, northern Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela. It is forbidden to take these birdcatchers outside their habitat, so it is almost impossible to find them in terrariums or at home.

Range and habitats

Tarantula spiders have become quite widespread throughout almost the entire globe, with the only exception being Antarctica. Such arthropods live in Africa and South America, Australia and Oceania, and are also somewhat less common in European countries, where their habitat is limited to the southern part of Italy, Portugal and Spain.

Some tarantula spiders prefer to live in tropical rainforests and equatorial forests. The most drought-resistant species inhabit semi-deserts.

Feeding and prey of the tarantula

The tarantula's diet is not very varied. Such spiders have an external type of digestion. The caught prey is immobilized, after which digestive juice is injected into it, and after a certain period of time, not exceeding a day, the tarantula sucks out the liquid nutritional contents from its prey.

A significant part of the tarantula's diet consists of live insects, the size of which is not too large, which prevents fights between the arthropod and its prey. The largest representatives of tarantula spiders are capable of using small vertebrates in the form of naked mice as food. Also, in captivity, arthropods can be fed small pieces of lean raw meat. The diet of sexually mature tarantulas often includes adult crickets, grasshoppers, large species of cockroaches, and mealworms.

When kept in captivity, young and frequently molting tarantulas should be fed approximately a couple of times a week, while adults should be fed once every seven to ten days. Feeding frequency tends to increase before the breeding season begins. Refusal of food is observed at the stage of active molting, at low temperatures or in conditions of severe fullness of the stomach.

Tarantula spiders, for reasons currently unknown to science, can easily starve for almost two years, and a feature of some species is the ability to swim and even dive.

Natural enemies

Despite their poisonous nature, tarantula spiders quite often become prey for many other animals. Predatory species of centipedes, including Scolopendra gigantea, are quite capable of coping not only with the largest tarantulas, which include Theraphosa blondi, but even with many species of not very large snakes. Another dangerous predator for the spider is a representative of the genus Ethmostigmus, which inhabits Australia and is one of the natural enemies of the tarantula.

This is interesting! Natural enemies of tarantulas in the wild include fairly large spiders from the genus Lycosidae and Latrodectus hasselti.

Some vertebrates destroy arthropods, including the largest Australian frog, Litoria infrafrenata, or the white-lipped tree frog and the aga toad Bufo marinus. The body of tarantulas is often parasitized by small dipterous insects belonging to the genus Megaselia and the family Phoridae and hawk wasps. The larvae grow and develop inside the spider, causing its death.

A natural competitor for the giant Goliath tarantula is the spider Heteroroda maxima, found in Laos and superior to the Goliath solely in the span of its legs.

Danger to humans

All tarantula spiders are poisonous. If they talk about a safe animal, this means poison of low toxicity. There are no officially registered cases of human death from a bite. However, there is information that cats have died from pets. Often the bite occurs dry - without injecting poison. Then only a small hematoma remains at the site of the attack.

An allergic reaction to a toxic substance depends on the state of the immune system and age. Spider bites are potentially dangerous for children, people prone to allergic reactions, and the elderly. Possible consequences are local skin allergies, breathing difficulties, muscle spasms, vomiting, abdominal pain, weakness, dizziness.

In natural conditions, spiders shed poisonous fibers when there is a threat to their own lives, and weave them into the web when forming a cocoon with eggs or a nest. In the terrarium, the tarantula sheds its lint due to stress. Inhaling them leads to the development of allergies - rhinitis, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, lacrimation, etc.

At home, tarantulas are kept in terrariums and fed with insects. It is impossible to train or accustom spiders to anything.


While spaceships roam the expanses of our vast Universe, scientists on Earth have not yet figured out tarantula spiders. A number of their genera have already been studied, here they are:

  1. Aviculariinae
  2. Eumenophorinae
  3. Harpactirinae
  4. Ischnocolinae
  5. Ornithoctoninae
  6. Phlogius
  7. Poecilotheriinae
  8. Selenocosmiinae
  9. Selenogyrinae
  10. Stromatopelminae
  11. Theraphosinae
  12. Thrigmopoeinae

But don't relax! Within these genera there are up to several dozen species, the listing of which can take quite a lot of time.

There are varieties of tarantula spiders that scientists have not yet thoroughly studied and are still debating where to identify them. In many sources, these insects are grouped under a common “name” - other species of tarantulas. Here they are: Ami Perez-Miles, Brachionopus Pocock, Cardiopelma Vol, Cubanana Ortiz, Kochiana Fukushima, Nagahama & Bertani, Magulla Simon, Proshapalopus Mello-Leita~o.

The tarantula spider uses venom only to paralyze its prey, but not to poison it. The tarantula kills completely mechanically, striking with sharp chelicerae. However, the reaction to poison in small animals or children can be so strong that without timely “quenching” of symptoms it can lead to death

Within these little-studied species there are subspecies. So, if you dream of having a tarantula spider in your home, which many real and online stores offer to buy today, you will have to work hard to choose from this variety.

Tarantulas defend themselves by scratching poisonous hairs from the abdomen or by biting. The latter can be dry or release a toxic substance. As for the hairs, getting them into the eyes, skin or lungs is not fatal, although it can cause an allergic reaction.

It is important to understand that any tarantula spider bite can be poisonous. A photo of his chelicerae indicates that it is also quite painful. The spider's "teeth" can grow up to 2.5 cm in length. However, the venom of tarantulas is not considered fatal, at least so far there have been no recorded cases of human death from a spider bite. People going to the hospital are caused by the body’s reaction to spider venom. You may experience fever, cramps, or severe allergies. In this case, symptomatic remedies will be quite sufficient.

The spider uses venom only to paralyze its victim, but not to poison it. The tarantula kills completely mechanically, striking with sharp chelicerae. However, the reaction to poison in small animals or children can be so strong that without timely “quenching” of the symptoms it can lead to death.

Interesting! When in danger, the tarantula can emit a hissing sound, which is sometimes clearly audible within a radius of 15 meters.

Tarantulas come in many colors, from deep brown and black and white to bright blue, red and black and orange. From the front, if you look closely, you can see the eyes and mouthparts

Tarantula spider at home

These spiders live in many homes, as they are completely unpretentious and can be bred at home. To prevent spiders from eating one by one, they must be kept alone. You should also follow some rules when keeping a tarantula at home:

  1. Terrarium. If you decide to get a arboreal spider, then a terrarium with a height of at least thirty-five centimeters will suit it; you will need to place something similar on a tree in it, it can be a large snag. A layer of soil or coconut substrate must be poured onto the bottom. For spiders that live in burrows, you need a long terrarium. A coconut substrate, the thickness of which is at least ten centimeters, is placed at the bottom of such a terrarium. If the spider is young, then the bedding needs to be changed after each molt. If a burrow spider lives in a terrarium, then it needs to create something like a burrow. And also housing for the spider must be provided with a ventilated lid.
  2. The temperature in the terrarium where the tarantula lives should not be less than twenty-five degrees; for this you need to install a thermal mat or an infrared heater. If the temperature changes sharply, the domestic tarantula may not survive.
  3. Air humidity should be high, since our pets are from the tropics. It must be at least 80%; to achieve this, it is necessary to periodically spray the substrate in the terrarium with warm water. You only need to spray one corner of the spider’s home and only after the substrate has completely dried.
  4. Feeding of tarantula spiders. Young spiders need to be fed crickets, fruit flies and cockroaches. You can also give bloodworms and mealworms. Adult spiders need to be fed once or twice a week. Marbled cockroaches, crickets, bloodworms and worms are suitable for them and can also be fed to newborn mice. Food should be given half as much as the spider itself.

King of Spiders - Tarantula Spider _Spiders_

Watch this video on YouTube


Tarantulas by nature are omnivorous predators; they eat everything that moves and is smaller than them. This includes insects, small reptiles and rodents, and, of course, birds.

  • In the summer you can catch grasshoppers, caterpillars and flies for your predator. It is important that they are free of pesticides.
  • The spider will enjoy hunting “naked” baby mice or adult mice.
  • At the poultry market, locusts, frogs, crickets, mealworms, zofobus, and small lizards are sold as food.
  • You can start breeding marbled cockroaches and feed them to the tarantula. Even if these insects accidentally scatter around the house, they will not live long, since apartment conditions are not suitable for them.
  • The water in the drinking bowl must be changed as it gets dirty. And the remains of the eaten “prey” - the web mixed with the shell of the victim - must be removed immediately, since ticks can grow there. They are not dangerous for a healthy tarantula, but during molting they can cause irreparable harm to it.

Interesting! A spider can go without food for two years. At the same time, he will behave actively; such fasting is something normal for him.

Before and after molting, for about 1 to 3 months, the tarantula may refuse to eat and be lethargic. Do not give him “food” at this time, since in this case the victim may become a tarantula weakened by molting. Photos on the Internet will help determine the condition of your pet. In any case, uneaten “food” should not be left in the cage, even if the spider is in normal condition.

After a ritual dance, indicating to the partners that they belong to the same species, mating occurs. During this process, the male transfers seminal fluid into the female, which he previously placed on a specially woven web, where the act of love takes place

Features of behavior and lifestyle

Spiders lead a predominantly solitary, nocturnal lifestyle. Most of the time they are in shelters. A well-fed individual may not leave its shelter for several months.

Unlike other representatives of the order of arthropods, tarantulas very rarely use webs to catch their prey. Their impressive size and poisonous glands allow spiders to guard their prey from cover and then disarm it without any problems.

Although these spiders are predators, their diet mostly consists of small insects, larvae and smaller spiders. On good days, tarantulas can feast on chicks, toads, mice, small snakes and fish. But such meat is difficult to digest in their digestive tract. Therefore, arthropods prefer smaller prey.

Tarantulas are the absolute record holders for life expectancy among their relatives. On average, these arthropods live about 20 years. Although some of them calmly overcome even the thirty-year mark.

Varieties of tarantula spiders and features of their appearance

Terrestrial tarantula spiders

  • Acanthoscurria atrox
    , another name for this obligate predator is Brazilian Giant Black. Based on his middle name, one can roughly predict his size, as well as his home territories, but he is not black in any way. Indeed, this representative of arachnids reaches up to 200 mm in limb size; the body of this exotic is also quite large - approximately 80–110 mm. As for its color, it is represented mainly by reddish shades. This spider leads a terrestrial lifestyle. It protects its possessions by combing; it rarely uses chelicerae as defense. Very well suited for beginners in breeding such pets.
  • Acanthoscurria antillensis.
    This native of the Lesser Antilles is slightly smaller in size, the body grows to 60–80 mm, and the limb span is approximately 140–150 mm. Nature painted this arachnid with a beautiful dark brown color, against which you can see a slight metallic sheen. It is not dangerous for humans. It is also great for beginner spider keepers who have not yet had time to set up a terrarium, since an ordinary food container can serve as a home for a young spider for the first time.

Tree spiders

  1. Avicularia avicularia.
    This frisky spider considers countries such as Costa Rica, Brazil, Trinidad, Guyana, Venezuela and the Caribbean islands to be its homeland. It is there that he lives high in tropical trees, neatly wrapped in foliage. By their nature, this arthropod is very fast and active; in the process of evolution, they have developed a very unique method of self-defense - as soon as they sense an approaching danger, they immediately run away from it at a speed that is frantic for them, using the products of their vital activity as weapons, which they shoot into your enemy. This furry exotic has a body size of approximately 50–70 mm, and a limb span of 160–170 mm. Their body color is very original: young tarantulas are naturally blue in color, which has a light metallic tint and small black stripes, while older individuals are painted in purple or green-blue tones. A characteristic feature of avicularia is that the tips of their legs are represented by a reddish color. He is very popular and in demand as a pet. Completely safe for humans and unpretentious in maintenance.
  2. Avicularia aurantiaca.
    The homeland of this obligate predator is tropical forests, located in Peru, where it lives at the height of trees, weaving an “aerial house” between the branches of its web, which has several entrances and exits. Almost the entire surface of the body of this arachnid is covered with long hairs, colored in brown-yellow shades, with the only exception being the carapace (the shield covering the cephalothorax). The coloring of the entire body is heterogeneous, the main tone is represented by a brown color scheme, the abdomen has a rich coal-black color, but the carapace, if you look closely, tends to shimmer with a golden hue.
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