How far does the jumping spider jump, why does it see well?

Among the huge number of arthropods, the jumping spider stands out for its unique features. This daytime hunter masters the jumping technique and has excellent vision. The presence of intelligence, the ability to distinguish colors and the ability to communicate with each other using a complex signal transmission system makes it a real miracle of nature.

The jumping spider is one of the most unique species of arthropods


Despite their body size, these arthropods are predators.
They do not weave spider webs to catch prey. They only need the web for comfortable movement. Small predators blend into their environment, waiting for their prey. They can remain absolutely motionless for a long time. They attack not only small insects - they also prey on those whose size is larger than the hunter.

During an ambush, cunning predators camouflage themselves, spread their forelimbs wide, preparing to attack instantly. If there is prey nearby, the arthropod approaches the victim and injects poison.

Toxic substances affect the victim’s nervous system, immobilizing it for a long time. This aggressive behavior is explained by the fact that the spider's front legs are equipped with claws, which contain a powerful poison that paralyzes prey.

When the victim is immobilized, the arthropod sucks all the vital juices out of it. Due to its weak jaw and small size, the sidewalker does not absorb its food entirely. Bumblebees, locusts, bees, and flies serve as food.


The jumping spider is able to live in a wide variety of conditions:

  • he feels great in the forests, where any tree can become his permanent home
  • in the mountains and on steep cliffs - in such places it hides in cracks;
  • in the fields - there he has the opportunity to live in tall grass and in the branches of bushes;
  • in addition, this spider completely fearlessly settles even in a person’s home, where you can always find a cozy sunny place.

The jumping spider prefers to be alone. He is most active during the daytime, and spends the night in some secluded place. Moreover, he arranges himself for the night in a special way - he weaves something like a cradle out of a web and sleeps in it until the morning.

Movement mechanism

These spiders are characterized by innate courage, and therefore they will flee only in extreme cases. When running away, a striped horse constantly turns around and assesses the distance to its pursuer, and since it has well-developed legs, it is often quite easy to hide from the enemy. At the same time, powerful limbs allow him not only to run quite quickly, but also to jump long distances - often a jump exceeds the size of the horse’s body by 30 times.

Despite the fact that this spider can cover a very impressive distance by jumping, it falls extremely rarely. The animal owes this not so much to insurance as to excellent vision - before jumping, the spider estimates the length of the distance and at the same time always accurately determines the point at which it will land.

During any movement, be it calm steps along the substrate or long, fast jumps, the jumping spider uses an internal hydraulic system. This method is very convenient - the limbs bend and unbend due to changes in the pressure of the fluid with which they are filled. This mechanism fully explains the amazing ability of this creature to cover enormous distances in one second.

Plus, the jumping spider can hold its body on absolutely smooth horizontal surfaces, such as glass. This ability is provided to him by small hairs and claws located on his limbs. By the way, other spiders do not know how to move on such surfaces.

Hunting and food

The jumping spider uses its silk thread for only two purposes: arranging the nest and protecting the masonry. But he doesn’t make a web for hunting - he simply catches up with the prey. The predator sits motionless and inspects the territory with the help of its many eyes.

Noticing the slightest movement, the spider slowly turns its head, fixes the gaze of the main pair of eyes on the source of the movement and determines the distance to it. Afterwards, he slowly approaches the victim, stops on the side or behind and makes a rapid jump. With the first pair of legs, the jumping spider captures prey, and with its jaws it bites into its chitinous cover and immediately injects a toxic substance and digestive juices.

The diet of the jumping spider includes:

  • flies;
  • small beetles;
  • mosquitoes;
  • ants.


Females are larger than males. Their body length is 6 mm, and males are 1 mm shorter. The body is grayish-brown.

There is a white pattern on the wide cephalothorax, and on the oval, shaggy abdomen there are white stripes reminiscent of the coloring of a zebra.

The limbs are well developed, allowing them to make long jumps and hold the prey tightly. The toes are powerful, but small. Chelicerae are very strong.

There are 4 pairs of eyes on the cephalothorax. The largest pair of eyes is located in front.

Jumping spiders tolerate captivity well and live in it for up to 3 years.

Jumping spiders

(lat. Salticidae) is a family of the suborder of higher spiders, which includes more than 550 genera and 5000 species, which is approximately 13% of all spider species. Jumping spiders have good eyesight, which they use for hunting and navigation. Spiders use lungs and tracheal systems and have a bimodal respiratory system.


These spiders live in a wide variety of places.
Many species are found in tropical forests, and they are also found in temperate forests, semi-deserts, deserts, and also in the mountains. The species Euophrys omnisuperstes was found on the summit of Mount Everest by Wanless in 1975. Some species from this family, such as the common jumping spider (Salticus scenicus), can be seen on stone and brick walls where it basks in the sun. Appearance
Jumping spider All species of this family have eight eyes arranged in two rows. Two large, forward eyes are used for stereoscopic vision. They have a wide variety of designs and colors. Several species of jumping spiders mimic ants, beetles, and false scorpions.


Jumping spiders are active daytime hunters. They have a well-developed internal hydraulic system: the ability to expand their limbs as a result of changes in blood pressure. This allows spiders to jump long distances from 20 to 60 cm and even 75-80 times their body size. Before the jump, the spider insures itself: it attaches a silk thread of the web to the place from which the jump will be made.

Unlike other spiders, they easily climb glass. Very small hairs and claws help with this. Jumping spiders use silk thread as a building material for a home in which the female lays eggs and watches them until the cubs hatch.


* In the computer game El Gloria there is a group of heroes Spiders living on the surface of the earth, among them there is a jumping spider, which has its own characteristics: LS-0.1 Z-2 L-7, Probability of bite-poisoning 1 in 100. Size up to 5 cm. Color: greenish-brown with yellow stripes. Two pairs of hind legs are very strong and are used for jumping. The remaining paws have a normal appearance. Small jumping spiders make their living through indiscriminate robbery. When prey is located, the jumping spider swoops down on it with a precise and calculated leap. It kills prey with a poisonous bite and immediately eats it. They live in fields and open spaces. They do not attack creatures larger than themselves, unless you accidentally climb into their nest. * In the tactical game Battle Bugs from the creators of Dynamix, Epyx, Sierra Entertainment, there is a Jumping spider that can jump far.

Seven new species of dancing spiders found in Australia (news). Video (00:01:38)

Seven new species of dancing spiders have been found in Australia. They say this spider can help get rid of arachnophobia, the fear of these insects. It is only eight millimeters long. This is an Australian jumping spider. And now he is performing a mating dance.

These bright insects live in bushes in the south of the continent.

: “They are simply amazing. Some people still think I’m making it all up because it’s just unbelievable.”

Recently, Sydney biologist Otto Jurgen and his colleague David Nowels discovered seven new species of jumping spiders. Before this, 41 species were known to science.

Otto has been photographing these insects for many years and posting photos and videos on the Internet.

: “People usually think that spiders are nasty, scary and dangerous. But through my photos and videos they learn that spiders can be cute, colorful and funny.”

To attract a female, males perform complex dances.

: “It’s the females who put pressure on the males to look better and dance better.”

Now biologists are busy searching for even more new species of dancing spiders.

Common types

Jumping spiders in natural conditions are represented by several species that differ in appearance, size and distribution area:

  • The elegant golden jumping spider lives in the southeast Asian countries, and is characterized by a long abdominal part and a large first pair of legs. The body has a very peculiar golden color. The length of the male rarely exceeds 76 mm, and the females are larger;
  • the Himalayan species is distinguished by its tiny size and is distributed high above sea level, in the Himalayas, where its only prey is random small insects that are blown onto mountain slopes by strong gusts of wind;
  • The green jumping spider lives in Queensland, New Guinea and New South Wales. It is quite common in Western Australia, where it is one of the largest spiders. The male is very brightly colored, and his body is decorated with long whitish “whiskers”;
  • The red-backed jumping spider prefers to live in relatively dry areas and is often found on coastal dunes or oak forests in North America, where it is one of the largest jumping spiders. A peculiarity of this species is the ability to build tubular-type silk nests under stones, wood and on the surface of the vine;
  • The species Hyllus Diardi has a body up to 1.3 cm long. Along with other species of jumping spiders, it is not capable of building a web, therefore, to catch prey, it attaches a silk thread to some support and then jumps from such a peculiar “bungee” onto its victim ;
  • The ant jumping spider perfectly imitates an ant in its appearance and is most often found in tropical zones from Africa to central Australia. Body coloration can vary from black to yellowish shades.

The most interesting is the royal type of jumping spider. This is the largest representative of the jumping spiders in North America. Males have a body length of 1.27 cm, and the length of females can reach 1.52 cm.

Interesting Facts

In the story about these creatures, many interesting facts about them have already been mentioned. And it’s not surprising, because their life is very unusual. But to all of the above, let’s add some more details.

  • A well-developed special hydraulic system inside their bodies helps horses regulate blood pressure in their own legs, expanding and enlarging them for grandiose jumps. This complex biological mechanism becomes the main reason for their extraordinary jumping ability.
  • The remarkable visual organs of such spiders, although they help them see the world in a color image, due to the structural features of the retina, they do not perceive green shades clearly enough, seeing them somewhat blurry. But this is not a drawback at all, because this property helps eight-legged creatures, ignoring green vegetation, to better focus on the object of the hunt, accurately determining the trajectory of their throw.
  • Among the huge number of species of predatory horses, there was a vegetarian, by the way, the only herbivorous representative of the entire diverse spider tribe. This is a spider of the Bagheera Kipling variety. Such creatures live in Central America, live on acacia trees and eat belt bodies from them - growths on the leaves.

It has been noticed that horses watch people especially carefully with their many eyes. It is unlikely that this is associated with a desire to attack or with a feeling of danger. Rather, it is simply curiosity, in this way small creatures study a person, watch us.

People are also interested in them, and therefore representatives of some of the species often become pets. The royal jumping spider is especially suitable for this. Among its baby relatives, it is the largest and reaches sizes of up to 1.5 cm. Such unusual pets are kept in terrariums and often turn out to be very funny and cute.

Methods of control and prevention

To avoid the spread of “undesirable neighbors”, it is recommended to take the following measures:

  • carry out wet cleaning of premises at least once a week;
  • carry out cosmetic repairs every year - the smell of glue and building materials repels these animals;
  • treat rooms with aromatic oils;
  • seal cracks in building elements.

When cleaning, it is advisable to use a vacuum cleaner with a narrow nozzle that provides access to the most remote places.

The following means are used to control arthropods:

  1. Butox-50 is a Dutch drug. The concentrated oily emulsion is dissolved in water at the rate of thirty milliliters per bucket. Distributed by veterinary clinics and pharmacies. The product is toxic to people and pets, so the treated room needs subsequent ventilation.
  2. Diatomite is a rock. When exposed to an animal, it destroys the protective chitinous coating, leading to dehydration. Non-addictive, non-toxic.
  3. Horse chestnut - the fruit secretes a substance that is toxic to hermits.
  4. Walnut - any part of the tree is used, including fruit, peel, leaves. The tart smell of the nut repels spiders.
  5. Dried citrus peel has properties similar to nuts.
  6. Diluted vinegar causes damage to the skin when it gets on the animal’s body; an additional factor of influence is a sour smell.

The frequency of treatment and the choice of product depend on the characteristics of housing conditions and the degree of distribution of arthropods. When purchasing a chemical product, you must first study the instructions for use developed by the manufacturer.

How to get rid of it: eliminating the causes

We are solving the question: how to get rid of spiders in the house so that guests do not return. Remove from your home anything that attracts arthropods. Regular cleaning of the home will reduce the food supply - and there will be no reason to return.

The first measures are to limit access to the premises and ensure cleanliness:

  • Fill cracks in wooden window frames.
  • Disassemble things in the attic, remove unnecessary dishes from the kitchen so as not to leave hidden places. Where there are many such places, guests will appear.
  • Close the ventilation with a fine grille with small holes.
  • Get into the habit of frequent cleaning in an apartment or private house, with the obligatory wiping of corners, ceilings and removing cobwebs.
  • Once a month, thoroughly clean the corners under the sink, behind the refrigerator and under the bathtub. Wipe well with a disinfectant solution.
  • In a private building, pay attention to external cleaning of platbands and verandas. In an apartment building, tidy up the balcony.
  • Destroy the cause: flies living at home. Arachnids will go elsewhere to look for their favorite food.
  • It is better to store old furniture and unnecessary junk outside if you are not ready to part with it. You shouldn’t keep unnecessary things at home: aliens like to settle in them.

Use traps, baits and other tricks too:

  • Spiders are caught like flies: they are glued to a special adhesive tape and placed in the movement zone.
  • The catch nets and eggs will quickly be collected by a vacuum cleaner, and a damp cloth or mop will finish the job.
  • Use repellent smells: walnut and horse chestnut - spiders avoid them.
  • They also do not like the pungent odors of essential oils. If you treat the habitats with a water-oil solution, the spiders will run away. Use essential oils with the aroma of peppermint, citrus, juniper, ylang-ylang.

Meaning for a person:

Many species of the jumping family benefit people by destroying insects harmful to humans. For example, species found in Uganda, Kenya and near Lake Victoria feed on pesky mosquitoes. This horse mainly feeds on females, which feed on human blood. Having drunk blood, they begin to emit a smell that the vampire jumper can smell, and then the hunt for mosquitoes begins. Vampire jumping spiders mainly feed on mosquitoes and other malarial mosquitoes, so spiders make a big contribution to protecting people.

Jumping spider photo In Russia, species of this family feed on garden and garden pests, thereby protecting flowers, vegetables and fruits in the garden safe and sound.

The internal structure of the body of spiders

Spiders are distinguished by the fact that they do not have a full-fledged circulatory system, as well as no blood, which is replaced by lymph. There is a heart, but a peculiar one, consisting of 3 or 4 holes, called awns. Through these openings, lymph enters the heart area, after which it is distributed throughout the body into the spaces between the internal organs. After this, the lymph enters the pericardial region of the body and is sent back to the heart. With the help of lymph, the spider receives the necessary portion of oxygen.

The spider's respiratory organ also has a unique structure. The respiratory system consists of plate-shaped pulmonary sacs that resemble books. The breathing holes are protected by special covers that open at the right time. The respiratory system also includes trachea tubes, which supply oxygen to the internal organs.

Spiders, despite the fact that they are predators, have a well-developed central nervous system consisting of nerve cells. Nerve formations are located in the cephalothorax, and from them nerve endings are distributed, directed to all organs of the animal. These nodes, the number of which is 2, are the brain of the animal.


Are spiders useful?

Many people are afraid of spiders. They associate them with a kind of terrible and disgusting vampire monster, capable of attacking its victim and sucking blood from it. In fact, only some species of these insects, which are classified as poisonous, pose a danger to humans. Domestic spiders are completely safe, and their benefits are much greater than their harm.

Well, in fact, what kind of trouble can they cause to a person? The biggest thing is to weave cobwebs in the corners of the room, which have to be removed periodically. Otherwise, spiders are harmless and not annoying, unlike flies and mosquitoes, which constantly annoy and harm us. It is in the fight against these harmful insects that spiders are real helpers. Their appetite is simply brutal. In a day they eat as many insects as they weigh. They catch the same flies, mosquitoes and Prussians in their nets, which they place in the corners of the room. For example, the inhabitant of our apartments, the cross spider, is capable of catching up to five hundred insects within a day, including most of them flies and mosquitoes. So it turns out that the benefits of spiders are enormous.

Scientists have calculated that at least a million spiders live on one hectare of forest, and each of them catches 500 harmful insects. And even if flies and mosquitoes occupy a modest share of them, a huge number of them still die. Isn't this helping a person in the fight against these harmful and dangerous insects?

The same fly, for example, carries on its paws several million microbes that are incredibly dangerous to humans. Among them there are causative agents of tuberculosis, dysentery, typhoid fever, and various invasions. Well, one can only be surprised at the fertility of the fly. During one season, it can produce up to nine generations. If it weren’t for spiders, birds and amphibians, these harmful insects would overrun our planet to the limit. In such conditions a person simply would not be able to survive. But nature took this into account and created an effective method of protection against flies, giving the spider one of the leading roles in it.

What is the conclusion? It's simple. Spiders are among the beneficial insects, and they need to be protected, despite such an unaesthetic appearance. These insects destroy flies, and, therefore, protect humans from harmful microbes.

Thanks to spiders, man mastered the technique of spinning. For this, various materials were used, including quite exotic ones. For example, the same fine linen was obtained from threads of shellfish, and the wool of dogs, goats and sheep was used for warm openwork yarn. But the real breakthrough in this matter came after man learned to raise silkworms and use its threads to make silk.

They also tried to make yarn from spider webs, and not without success. So, for example, satin appeared, with the original eastern name tong-hai-tuan-tse.

Spider webs were used to produce strong and beautiful yarn. There is a lot of evidence for this fact. For example, the French king Louis XIV wore gloves that were woven from cobwebs. Napoleon's favorite wore the same gloves. And for one of the Brazilian naturalists, pantaloons were made from spider webs.

Methods for making yarn from spider webs are described in a number of scientific papers. For clarity, samples of various products were attached. However, this method cannot be used for industrial purposes, due to certain difficulties associated with obtaining webs, breeding spiders and feeding them.

Despite this, this issue was not put to rest. Scientists have tried to find highly productive spiders that would satisfy the raw material needs of the modern textile industry. Such spiders have been found in tropical forests. Their web was so strong that even birds were caught in it. The productivity of these insects is incredibly high. The female tropical nephila spider is capable of weaving about three kilometers of incredibly strong web threads within a month. At the same time, different types of spiders weave threads of different colors. One can only envy their talents. The same female Madagascar nephila spins a web with a golden hue. Her network is incredibly beautiful, especially in sunlight. However, males do not participate in this matter. Compared to the gigantic female, they look like real dwarfs. Their mass is a thousand times less, and is only a few milligrams.

But spider webs are used not only for making yarn. Local residents of New Guinea manage to make nets from it for catching fish. They bend a bamboo shoot into a loop and leave it near the spider’s home for a while. The spider braids the loop with a strong net, after which it can be used for fishing.

How to get rid of it?

If there are a lot of spiders and their presence is annoying the owners of the living space, it is necessary to get rid of them.

There are several ways to deal with uninvited guests:

  1. clean the apartment thoroughly . Collect all the cobwebs along with the owners sitting in them (we recommend doing this with a vacuum cleaner). Catch all the spiders you see and destroy them. If you don’t dare kill a living creature, throw them outside, away from the house. Cover all ventilation openings in the room with gauze or fine mesh to prevent furry arthropods from returning;
  2. we fight reproduction . Soak a rag in the bleach solution and wipe all the corners, floors, bottoms and backs of furniture (they prefer to lay their eggs in these places). You can use chemicals such as Dichlorvos or other modern drugs;
  3. food deprivation . Before destroying arachnids, get rid of all insects living in the house: cockroaches, flies, bedbugs, etc. As soon as food becomes scarce, spiders will leave your house in search of a more nourishing place;
  4. repair . If you were planning to renovate the premises, now is the time to do it. Any representatives of the spider tribe cannot tolerate the smell of paint and some building mixtures. A couple of days after the start of repairs, arthropods will run away from the house;
  5. aromatherapy . The most pleasant method of dealing with unpleasant neighbors. Arthropods do not like strong aromas: eucalyptus, citrus, mint, chestnut. You can use aromatic oils or air fresheners with these scents;
  6. duct tape . Sticky tapes that are used to get rid of flies are also suitable for arthropods. You need to stick them in corners and behind furniture.

When you have managed to get rid of small animals, you need to prevent their reappearance:

  • Clean regularly, paying special attention to corners and spaces under sofas and cabinets;
  • drive the first spider you see out of the house, because soon numerous offspring may arise from one guest.

Importance in the ecosystem

Jumping spiders belong to the orderlies of garden plots. They benefit gardeners because they destroy pests, protect fruit trees, bushes with berries or beds from attacks by wood-eating beetles, elephant beetles, and also from large cabbage weeds.

Some gardeners specifically plant jumping spiders in their summer cottages. This eliminates the need for pesticides or other harmful chemicals.

This arthropod has high intellectual abilities, so some consider it as a pet. In captivity, the jumper lives up to 3 years.

It brings considerable benefits by destroying aphids on flowerpots. They do not move around the living space, but live in the flowerpot that the owner has chosen for them.


The mating season for horses lasts from May to September. At this time, males attract females by dancing. This mating ritual involves the following: the male raises his body, after which he hits it with his front paws at regular intervals.

If several males gather near a female at once, then they will not come to the point of fighting. They compare their tentacles with each other.

The winner is the one with the largest ones. He continues to perform the mating dance, drawing intricate circles around his future partner.

Sometimes males find a female who has not yet reached sexual maturity. Even before the last molt, she is still entangled in web fibers. In this case, the jumping spider does not leave her, but waits patiently until she becomes sexually mature, and then begins her dance.

The female is attracted to such actions, and she allows the male to fertilize herself. Before the mating process, the male weaves a small net and leaves a few drops of seed on it.

Then he plunges the tentacles into it and soaks them with sperm. Now he is completely ready to transfer male reproductive cells into the body of his partner.

After this, the female hides in a shelter and begins to weave a nest. A secluded place for it can be: leaf litter, cracks in tree bark, stones or substrate. There she, using her silk threads, weaves a cradle for future offspring.

After laying eggs, the female does not leave the nest, but waits for the babies to be born. It is removed after the spiderlings get out of the silk cocoon.

The young animals do not expect to be fed by adults and immediately begin hunting. Before they mature, they go through several molts. And when they become sexually mature, they repeat the reproduction cycle characteristic of their species.

Hunting and food

The jumping spider uses its silk thread both to create a lullaby and to protect laid eggs. But he does not catch his victims with the help of a web, but runs after them.

The predator sits motionless for a long time, inspecting the territory. Noticing minor fluctuations, the spider slowly turns its head in that direction.

His main pair of visual organs focuses on the source of noise in order to determine the distance to it. Then the horse slowly approaches the prey.

It freezes behind or to the side of the victim, after which it makes a dynamic jump. It grabs prey with the first pair of limbs and bites into the chitinous cover with its jaws. The horse then injects poison and digestive juices into its victim.

The horse's nutritional diet includes:

  • insects from the order Diptera;
  • medium-sized Coleoptera;
  • blood-sucking mosquitoes;
  • ant.

These arachnids received the name “horses” precisely because of their method of obtaining food. If the fart fails to accurately calculate the distance to the victim, then it will simply remain hanging on the web, which is stronger than steel of the same diameter.

Home maintenance

Several major groups of arachnids are excellent for keeping indoors, including the jumping spider, orb-weaving spider, and wolf spider. Ant jumping spiders are most often chosen as pets. The incredible resemblance to weaver ants, known for their sharp teeth and aggression, allows jumping spiders to avoid danger that may await them in their natural habitat.

Maintenance and care

The homeland of the ant jumping spider is represented by the countries of Southeast Asia, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Vietnam, so such a pet should be provided with container housing and an optimal microclimate with a comfortable temperature and humidity.

Feeding rules

The main food of spiders in natural conditions is live insects of suitable size . Experienced owners of such unusual pets advise using crickets or fruit flies crushed to a dusty state to feed the jumping spider. Plant black and green aphids can be used to feed some species. During the feeding process, the feeding area must be provided with high-quality artificial lighting with fluorescent lamps.

Hunting and food

The jumping spider uses its silk thread both to create a lullaby and to protect laid eggs. But he does not catch his victims with the help of a web, but runs after them.

The predator sits motionless for a long time, inspecting the territory. Noticing minor fluctuations, the spider slowly turns its head in that direction.

His main pair of visual organs focuses on the source of noise in order to determine the distance to it. Then the horse slowly approaches the prey.

It freezes behind or to the side of the victim, after which it makes a dynamic jump. It grabs prey with the first pair of limbs and bites into the chitinous cover with its jaws. The horse then injects poison and digestive juices into its victim.

The horse's nutritional diet includes:

  • insects from the order Diptera;
  • medium-sized Coleoptera;
  • blood-sucking mosquitoes;
  • ant.

These arachnids received the name “horses” precisely because of their method of obtaining food. If the fart fails to accurately calculate the distance to the victim, then it will simply remain hanging on the web, which is stronger than steel of the same diameter.

Folk signs

Spiders, for the most part, are harmless animals, and people have many superstitions about them:

  1. if a spider came into the house, good luck came with it;
  2. spiders living in the corners attract all the negative energy, preventing it from spreading to the owners of the house;
  3. if it weaves a thick web, it means drought;
  4. sits in the corner of a large web - predicts rain;
  5. a spider seen in the bathroom warns against danger: something you planned will not bring benefit, but harm;
  6. the presence of a spider in the house means prosperity;
  7. a spider crawling towards you promises sudden profit. Creeping away from you - to expenses;
  8. if an arthropod scares you, this means unpleasant news. But if you are not afraid - good news;
  9. If you notice a spider hanging from the ceiling by a thread, pay attention to where it is moving. Up - to the fulfillment of a desire, down - the dream is not destined to come true;
  10. did a spider fall on your head? Expect to get rich soon;
  11. The earlier in the day the little fly hunter was encountered, the more negative the overall effect of the omen. Ideally, meet him in your apartment late in the evening;
  12. You cannot kill spiders - you will lose your health and luck.

Appearance and features

Photo: Black jumping spider

The jumping spider has fairly acute vision, which is required for successful hunting. The organs of vision are represented by eight eyes. They are located in three lines. The four largest eyes are located on the first line.

The second row of visual organs is represented by two small eyes. The third row consists of two larger eyes located on either side of the head. This structure of the visual system allows you to assess the situation at all 360 degrees. In this way, you can easily avoid meeting the enemy. Vision helps for successful hunting. The peculiarities of the visual system also lie in the fact that spiders are able to see with each organ separately and put everything together into a single picture. The retina of the eyes also has an unusual structure, which allows you to reliably determine the distance to the desired object.

The respiratory system also has distinctive features. It even has peculiar lungs and a trachea. The body size of the horse does not exceed the size of a five-kopeck coin. The average body length is 5-7 millimeters. Sexual dimorphism is pronounced - females have a larger body than males. The cephalothorax and abdomen are separated by a thin groove. Different types of horses have a variety of appearance and colors depending on their habitat. Some species may resemble scorpions, ants, or beetles. The head section of the body is significantly higher, it is raised up above the abdomen.

Now you know whether the jumping spider is poisonous or not. Let's see where he lives.

Purchasing Tips

The jumping spider is considered one of the most intelligent representatives of arthropods, due to the size of its brain. It is quite difficult to purchase such a spider in our country, but it is quite possible from lovers of exotic arthropods who breed them at home. The average cost of an adult varies depending on the species, but most often does not exceed a couple of thousand rubles.




What does it eat?

All representatives of this family hunt during the day. The jumping spider feeds on flies, mosquitoes, spiders, beetles and other small insects. The hunting techniques of most spiders are similar: they spin a strong web and wait for the prey to fall into the web. The jumping spider has excellent object vision, so it tracks down its prey itself.

Slowly and very carefully he moves towards the victim. The spider overcomes the last centimeters with a lightning-fast jump and grabs the prey with its front paws. He pierces the integument of her body with chelicerae and injects poison

Before each jump, he uses a spider thread as insurance, having previously attached it to a plant. If a jumping spider does not correctly calculate the distance to the victim, then it will simply hang on the web, which, by the way, is stronger in tension than steel of the same thickness

He pierces the integument of her body with chelicerae and injects poison. Before each jump, he uses a spider thread as insurance, having previously attached it to a plant. If a jumping spider does not correctly calculate the distance to the victim, then it will simply hang on the web, which, by the way, is stronger in tension than steel of the same thickness.

Volcus phalangoides

Meet the Volcus phalangoides - this is a “house” spider that lives throughout the entire territory of our planet. It is found where there is low light: in basements, for example. If folkus gets into the house, then, as a rule, it prefers the ceilings and corners of the house.

A characteristic feature of this baby (the length of adult individuals is only 7-10 mm) is the ability to tremble with its entire body and net if it is disturbed. The shaking occurs with such frequency that the outline of the spider blurs in space and it is practically impossible to see it.

Despite its strange feature, the phalangeal spider is completely harmless to humans, and when it penetrates the skin (0.1 mm), a person only feels a slight burning sensation.

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