Tapeworm in fish (sea and river): why it is dangerous for humans, where it comes from and how not to get infected

Tapeworm in fish is a very common occurrence. Consumption of fish meat in any thermally unprocessed form (dried, smoked, cheese) significantly increases the risk of invasion. Tapeworms are a dangerous type of helminth for humans; they cause many negative symptoms, which without timely medical care can cause severe pathological conditions.


In which fish is the helminth found: sea or river?

Before entering the body of a new host, the parasite is able to maintain its vital functions for a long time and lay eggs directly into a body of water. The parasite affects the abdominal organs of the fish; as the helminth grows, it negatively affects the life of its host.

What to do in such a situation? To get started, we recommend reading this article. This article describes in detail methods of controlling parasites. We also recommend that you consult a specialist. Read the article >>>

Tapeworm in freshwater fish

Most tapeworms live in fresh water, but there are varieties that are no strangers to salty environments. Such parasites fill the fish with eggs, which spread throughout its body. Therefore, tapeworm in marine fish is as common as tapeworm in freshwater fish.

The likelihood of infection increases significantly if a person is inclined to eat fish that has not been properly processed at high or low temperatures. Dried, salted fish are an ideal environment for the development of parasite eggs. For an adult, sexually mature individual, these conditions will be unfavorable.

The helminth can parasitize in the meat of fish that has been hot and cold smoked - the cooking conditions do not contribute to the destruction of the parasite. Therefore, it is better to purchase any smoked fish products from trusted suppliers.

Tapeworm in sea fish

Worm characteristics

Fish tapeworm is a very dangerous worm that can cause quite serious problems in humans. This fact should be taken into account by all people without exception who have a passion for seafood. Particular attention should be paid to fishermen and everyone who buys fish in markets.

The disease caused by tapeworm, of course, can be treated, but it is quite difficult. So it’s better not to allow this to happen, especially since this can be achieved with the most common preventive measures.

To understand the essence of the problem, you need to understand what tapeworm is in fish? Is it possible to eat sick fish?

The tapeworm is a type of tapeworm. For this parasite, a person serves as the final host, that is, in him the worm matures and reproduces, which is manifested by the occurrence of helminthiasis.

The tapeworm lives in fish only as an additional environment in which the larvae become capable of invading the human body. There are cases when a waterfowl becomes the final host, thus the completion of the development cycle occurs in it.

The most famous tapeworm is the fish tapeworm . It can reach 26 cm in length and grow up to 22 mm in width. At the head end of the parasite there are suckers, with which it is very firmly attached to the abdominal cavity.

The worm parasitizes quite actively, taking a significant part of the nutrients from the body.

The worm is white in color and looks like a ribbon with wavy edges. It is prone to laying many eggs, because it has both reproductive apparatus in one body.

The worm's body can fragment and then be restored even from one fragment. This ability makes it extremely contagious.

How does the parasite get into fish?

To complete the full cycle of its life development, the tapeworm needs to settle in the human body. Tapeworm larvae settle in shellfish, then find an intermediate host - fish that eat the infected shellfish. The final owner is the person who consumed fish infected with tapeworm.

Initially, the invasion is not accompanied by any symptoms. However, after a certain period, negative symptoms from the functions of the digestive system begin to develop.

What does tapeworm look like in fish?

Recognizing infected fish is not particularly difficult - it appears on the surface and is inactive. Therefore, it is better to avoid catching weakened waterfowl, since eating contaminated meat is a dangerous decision for humans. His health is at risk.

When cutting up an infected fish, you can see how a white flat tapeworm has completely filled its intestines. Photos presented on the Internet will help you learn more about the appearance of the tapeworm.

Photo of infected fish

Description of appearance

Tapeworm is one of the largest parasites, since it can grow up to several meters in length, although in fish its length does not exceed 25 cm, with a width of about 2 cm. This parasite has a rather noticeable appearance, which makes it easy to distinguish it from other helminths.

This worm resembles a wavy, uneven, and sometimes curled ribbon. In this regard, this type of helminth has another name - “wide tapeworm”. The body color of the parasite is white. The body consists of many segments, and at one end there is a small head, about 5 mm in diameter. The number of segments is simply huge and numbers about 4 thousand pieces. In the photo you can see what this parasite looks like.

The peculiarity of the segments is that they participate in the process of reproduction. When their number reaches 60 or more, the segments begin to mate with each other. After this, eggs are formed in the segments, which are released through special holes into the external environment.

Important point! The worm can grow from one segment if it is torn from the body of the parasite. To do this, he just needs to get into a comfortable environment.

Is contaminated fish dangerous for humans?

Infestation by this parasite causes many negative consequences. Tapeworm provokes the development of various diseases of internal organs and body systems. Infection is usually accompanied by dyspeptic disorders; in severe stages, serious intestinal dysfunction is observed.

In addition to intestinal disorders, a person faces diseases of the nervous system:

  • deterioration of mental abilities;
  • sleep problems;
  • seizures;
  • apathy;
  • irritability;
  • increased fatigue;
  • general weakness.

Tapeworms can travel throughout the human body - sometimes this parasite can pass through the blood-brain barrier, which leads to disturbances in brain activity. Damage to the liver and lungs is also possible.

Therefore, it is very important, if you suspect an invasion, to contact a medical institution for diagnostic measures and selection of adequate therapy.

Symptoms of infection

Parasitic infection, unfortunately, cannot always be detected on time. The parasite adapts well to the host’s body and for a long time its vital activity does not have a negative impact on the functioning of internal systems.

Gradually, alarming symptoms begin to appear, indicating tapeworm infection. Many people complain about:

  1. Headache.
  2. Dizziness.
  3. General weakness.
  4. An emerging feeling of nausea.

Appearance deteriorates, dark circles appear under the eyes. Abnormal bowel movements occur. Ribbon-shaped parts of the parasite can be seen in the stool. If there is a large accumulation of worms, a person himself may feel some movement in the intestines and feel a tingling sensation.

Take a tapeworm test

This cannot be ignored. Parasites lead to psychosomatic disorders, poisoning a person with their neurotoxic effects.

The spread of parasites in the body leads to constant bursting pain in the lower abdomen. Regularly a person feels severe bloating. There may be occasional nausea and vomiting.

The combination of symptoms indicates the need for hospitalization as soon as possible. Conservative treatment is not always effective; surgery may be necessary.

Is it possible to eat fish with tapeworm?

Any fish that comes to the table must go through several stages. It needs careful processing first. Few people know that removing an adult parasite does not guarantee complete protection against possible infection.

The larvae are extremely resistant to external factors affecting them. Tapeworm eggs often remain on the cutting surface where the fish's intestinal contents were removed. They are the cause of the development of severe forms of invasion.

It is not recommended to eat the meat of infected fish - even if preventive rules are followed, the likelihood of infection remains.

Experts say that eating frozen sea fish is acceptable - exposure to low temperatures protects against the parasite.

How to handle fish to protect yourself

Removing a mature parasite from fish is quite simple, but getting rid of its eggs is not the easiest task.

This requires compliance with certain temperature conditions. In order for meat to be eaten safely, frying must occur at a temperature above 55 degrees. It is also important to consider that tapeworms do not tolerate low temperatures (deep freezing) - they die if the product is frozen for more than 10 hours.

It should be taken into account that prolonged exposure to low temperatures reduces the likelihood of infection to zero, but this does not apply to heat treatment (the risk of infection, although not great, remains).

Tapeworm affects the body of both fresh and sea fish. The likelihood of infection increases if you eat fish that has not undergone high-quality heat treatment.

The invasion is accompanied by severe symptoms, which are extremely difficult to treat, and the therapy itself takes a lot of time.

If any negative symptoms appear, it is better to consult a doctor to make an accurate diagnosis and choose the most effective treatment methods.

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  • Effectively destroys most types of helminths in 21 days.

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Read further:

Fish parasites: helminths parasitizing sea and river fish

Worms in fish: are there river or sea fish? Is it possible to eat raw or salted fish with worms?

Tapeworm in humans: what are the signs of infection, can it be in fish and how to treat

What can you become infected with opisthorchiasis when consumed? Dangerous foods

Roundworms in the intestines: signs and symptoms of infection, methods of treatment and removal

What is molluscum contagiosum and how can you get infected with it?

Treatment methods

As a rule, getting rid of the parasite is not very difficult. You can be treated with traditional methods, or play it safe and immediately contact a qualified specialist. Drug treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor, based on the patient’s condition and his tolerance to the active components of the drug. In rare and advanced cases, it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention.

In treatment with medications, drugs that include mebendazole , albendazole or carbendacim . Excellent representatives of this group are: vermox , biltricide , sanoxal , medamine and many others. Depending on the choice of drug, treatment can take place with a single tablet or a course of up to 3-4 days. In rare cases, worms do not respond to drugs, and scientists still do not know the reason for this. The solution would be to repeat the course after 3 weeks; as a rule, this helps.

Surgery is required in extremely rare cases. The reason for this is an advanced form of infection, brain damage, or inflammation of the appendix due to the development of tapeworm.

Also, surgical intervention may be prescribed if drug treatment is contraindicated, when the parasite has settled in vital organs.

Traditional methods most often include treatment with raw garlic, raw unpeeled pumpkin seeds or castor oil. This method is used more to relieve symptoms rather than to completely cure the parasite.

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