Hornet stings, first aid. What could be the consequences?

The hornet is a fairly large insect, so its very appearance causes fear. In fact, these insects are quite peaceful, but if they feel danger to themselves or their nest, they attack. Therefore, you should never approach their nests, much less try to destroy them. The danger of a hornet bite depends on its type; for example, the bite of an ordinary hornet will only bring pain at the site of the bite and swelling. But in Japan, about 40 people a year die from local hornet bites.

Why is this dangerous?

What we popularly think of as a wasp sting is actually a sting. The insect pierces the skin like a spear and injects poison. And if one person who has been bitten by a wasp only complains of a slight lesion on the skin, then another may experience a much more serious reaction, up to and including anaphylactic shock (there are many photos on the Internet illustrating the consequences of such exposure).

Those most at risk are patients suffering from diabetes, asthma, complex allergies, as well as the elderly and young children. The body of these people may not be able to cope with toxins on its own, so knowing how to relieve swelling if stung by a wasp is simply necessary. In this article we will give an approximate algorithm of actions in such a situation.

Symptoms of a hornet sting

It is almost impossible not to notice a hornet sting, because the victim immediately feels quite severe pain. Then swelling appears at the site of the bite, and the skin becomes noticeably red. People prone to allergies may experience anaphylactic shock, which can lead to death. People with weak immune systems sometimes lose consciousness and may experience nausea. The limbs become cold, and the ears and lips take on a bluish color. It is very rare for a victim to easily tolerate hornet stings, without any significant symptoms or negative consequences.

Why are hornet stings dangerous?

The peculiarity of hornets is that they do not leave a sting in the wound, and can sting repeatedly. One bite rarely has serious consequences, because a small amount of poison gets under the skin. If the hornet attacks repeatedly, therefore more poison gets in, the consequences can lead to death. The consequences of a bite depend on the person’s immunity and age; hornet bites are especially dangerous for children. Also, the consequences may be different depending on the type of hornet; tropical, giant species are considered the most dangerous.

Hornet stings leave a special composition of poison that destroys cells and walls of blood vessels, causing hemorrhages. In some particularly severe cases, a large hematoma and poisoning of the body may occur. Some people are immune to hornet venom, and for them the bite only brought swelling to the affected area, which will go away in a couple of days. But people with stronger immunity should immediately go to the hospital, otherwise amputation of limbs, and even death, is possible, especially with multiple bites.

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Features of lifestyle and home

The nest is in the ground. Initially, this is a tunnel going deep; numerous passages with cameras at the end branch off from it. These chambers house the eggs that the queen lays. She is responsible for the reproduction of wasps, and worker wasps provide her life support. During her life, the queen lays up to two thousand eggs, but in some cases it can be more.

Ground wasps feed on pollen and small insects. They are very aggressive, especially when defending their home. Their bites cause severe allergic reactions, which can even lead to death if there are large numbers of them.

If the wasp nest is located outside the site, and the number of wasps does not exceed a reasonable number, you don’t have to fight them. During the summer they will kill pests, and with the onset of cold weather they will simply die out.

But if the nest of earthen wasps is located in beds or flower beds, as well as next to residential and outbuildings, then it must be removed. Otherwise, when carrying out any land work or even just while children or pets are relaxing or playing, the wasps will consider this a threat to them and will attack.

Wasps choose their habitat for several reasons. It should be quite secluded, but at the same time located near a food source. That is, a garden and vegetable garden with a large number of fruit bushes, trees, and cultivated plants are ideal for this. Wasps can also settle in an old nest abandoned by another swarm. Wasps, by the way, not only live in the ground in swarms, they can also be solitary. In this case, they simply dig a hole for themselves or use an existing one. Single females dig up the larvae of cockchafers and other insects in the ground, paralyze them and lay an egg in their body. Then he buries this hole and no longer takes part in raising the offspring. The wasp larva hatches and at first lives in the body of the victim, feeding on its tissues. Then it leaves the hole with the remains of the victim and never returns there.

Also, ordinary types of wasps can live in the ground, which usually build their nests in a tree, under a roof or on the walls of buildings. Wasps decide to settle in the ground because their hive is destroyed and there is no time or energy to build a new one.

What to do if a teenage child or adult is bitten by a wasp?

First of all, leave the place where the insect is flying. Once in a safe area, you can begin providing first aid after a wasp sting.

The wound should be treated with hydrogen peroxide or an alcohol-containing solution. If you don’t have such products in your first aid kit, you can use aspirin. The tablet must be crushed to a powder and add a little water. The resulting solution is applied to the wound, after which a bandage is applied.

In the absence of any antiseptics, you can use regular soap.

When the first signs of an allergy appear, which happens especially often if a wasp has bitten the lip, eyelid or other sensitive area of ​​the face, it is necessary to take an antihistamine. Important: in this case it is necessary to consult a doctor.

How to avoid hornet stings

In order to avoid becoming a victim of a bite from this insect, you should avoid their habitats. If you find a hornet nest, under no circumstances should you approach it, much less try to destroy it. You should contact the right authority, and they will rid the area of ​​these insects. When you find a hornet, you should not wave your hands or simply use any means; it is worth considering that they are also not afraid of mosquito sprays. These actions can only anger the insects, and then their attack will definitely not be avoided. It is advisable to simply try to run away from them, or better yet, hide indoors.

Hornets are quite dangerous insects that live not only in forests, but also in dachas and attics. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful and attentive. You should not try to kill the hornet, because even if you succeed, the danger will be even greater. The fact is that when they die, these insects secrete a substance that gives a signal to other hornets. Therefore, by killing one, you can anger a whole swarm of other hornets that attack you. Do not disturb these insects, avoid their habitats, and then the chance of becoming their victim will be minimal. And if the bite could not be avoided, you should follow all the recommendations indicated above to avoid serious consequences.

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Ground wasps are found in all climate zones. There are several varieties. For example, sand burrowing wasps. These are loners who feed mainly on insects. Road wasps hardly fly, but move on the ground. These are predators that kill arachnids and drag them into a hole to lay eggs in the body of the victim. Germans live in families and choose forest areas to live. Floral - the most common species, usually live on trees and walls of buildings where they build nests, but for various reasons they can also live in the ground. These insects are not predators; they feed on pollen. Scolia are the largest wasps, their length reaches 65 mm, their body is dark. Their larvae eat insect corpses, and adults feed on nectar. They belong to an endangered species of wasp that leads a solitary lifestyle.

When do you need to go to the hospital urgently?

There are times when you should not ask the question “what to do if a wasp stings at home,” but you should immediately consult a doctor. These are situations when:

  • A small child was bitten by a wasp. Such exposure can cause a severe allergic reaction in the baby.
  • The cat was bitten by a wasp. A timely visit to the veterinarian will help avoid serious problems.
  • The insect stung a sick person or there were more than ten bites on the victim’s body.

The specialist knows very well what to do if you are bitten by a wasp while sleeping, on a walk, or under other circumstances, and will be able to select effective means for treatment.

How to get rid of earthen wasps in the country?

Getting rid of a wasp infestation in a summer cottage is not easy, so this procedure must be resorted to in the first stages of nest formation. The first thing you should do is protect yourself from possible damage to disturbed insects. To do this, you need to get a special suit used for working with bees, including a protective mask, or wear clothes and shoes made of thick fabric, and protect your face with a mosquito net cloth.

Before destroying the nest, it is necessary to close all routes for the migration of insects into garden buildings. To do this, it is necessary to close all doors and, if possible, attics and basements. After this, you can directly begin to destroy the wasps.

They do this in the late evening or at night when they are less active. Most often, all kinds of contact methods are used for this. Using them you can directly influence all insects, their larvae, etc.

Important! If toxic substances are used, access to the area should be prohibited for pets and small children. Toxic substances of insecticides, even in small quantities, can cause severe poisoning.

Used for this:

  • burning - the hole and nearby soil should be filled with 1-2 liters of kerosene or other quickly flammable liquid. After this, the mixture should be set on fire, the entire contents of the hole are instantly exposed to fire, which contributes to the death of adult individuals and their offspring;
  • boiling water - the nest must be filled with 10–20 liters of boiling water, and then its entrance must be closed with a stone or any other object. This method is no less effective than burning, and is almost completely safe for the environment;
  • contact insecticides - the hole and soil are filled with specialized toxic compounds that have a poisonous effect. Almost any specialized means can serve as such, however, the drugs most often used for this purpose are “Karbofos”, “Aktara”, “Solfisan”, “Cucaracha”, “Troapsil” and “Tsimbush”;
  • poisoned baits - feeders with poisoned food should be installed near the nest. To do this, the contact insecticide should be supplemented with boric acid salts (according to the instructions), and then treat sweet fruits (melon, watermelon, etc.) with the resulting liquid. You can also prepare a syrup based on it, which should be placed in a small saucer. The method is quite effective, but may require at least 2 weeks.

Call exterminators

If a large swarm of wasps has settled on the site, if the underground nest seems too branched and deep, and also if there are people with allergies in the house, it is better to call professionals to combat dangerous insects. They will kill earth wasps in one visit and will do everything to prevent the angry pests from biting anyone. They destroy insects by selecting the appropriate chemical and calculating the dose. This is the most effective way to fight, but there are two disadvantages. Firstly, not every dacha will be able to come to exterminators, and besides, their schedule is usually very busy, since the service is in demand. That is, your turn may only come in the fall. And secondly, pest control services can be expensive.


Country and house areas are very attractive to earthen wasps. These insects always live next to humans. There is a lot of food for them here, and there are also secluded places where they can build homes.

It is impossible to guarantee that wasps will settle nearby. But you can reduce this likelihood. For example, there is no need to leave sweet foods, fruits, fish or meat accessible to insects. Garbage cans into which food waste is disposed of must be tightly closed with lids. It is better to place them at a distance from the house. If you organize feasts outside during the warm season, you can repel wasps with bouquets of mint or lemon balm on the table, as well as a saucer with burnt coffee.

There should be no debris on the site. It is necessary to promptly remove fruits that have fallen from trees, and not leave them on the ground, where they will rot and emit a sugary sweet aroma that is attractive to wasps.

You also need to clear overgrown and cluttered areas, remove weeds, mown grass, dried branches and stumps. It is there that earth wasps may have a nest.

Wasps can occupy empty nests. Therefore, when such abandoned hives are discovered, they must be dug up, and to be sure, you can fill them with water. Using insecticides will also help with this. If the nest is located in close proximity to a vegetable garden or even in a garden bed, the chemicals may remain in the ground and leach into root vegetables and other plants.

Destroying a nest in the ground

First you need to find the nest of earthen wasps. To do this, insects are observed during the day to determine exactly where they return from hunting. Nest entrances are usually visible without additional devices. These are simple holes in the ground. There may be several of them, located at a short distance from each other.

You need to prepare several buckets of earth to cover all the entrances to the underground hive. It is likely that you will not see absolutely all the exits, so several of them may be some distance from the main ones. Keep this in mind and stay alert.

Before starting active measures to combat wasps, make sure that there are no people on the site without protective clothing, especially children.

The ground with exits from the hive must be covered with a fine mesh, through the cells of which insects cannot escape. Then, through this mesh, you need to spray an aerosol insecticide into the entrances, and there should be a sufficient amount of it, because the underground hive can be very deep. After spraying, it is necessary to cover the area with earth or plug all entrances with stones. For additional protection, you can place buckets turned upside down wherever the entrances to the burrows were. This place does not need to be touched for a day or more. Usually, the death of earth wasps occurs in the first few hours, but to be on the safe side, it is better to play it safe.

To get rid of ground wasps, you can use insecticides in the form of aerosols or liquids. For example, you can take Medilis-Ziper concentrate, from which a working solution is prepared according to the instructions. It is based on 25% cypermethrin, effective against many types of insects. Any chemicals used to kill insects must be used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Under no circumstances should the concentration be exceeded when preparing working solutions. This can be dangerous for plants and for humans who inhale the chemical vapors. A higher concentration of the active substance will not help get rid of pests faster and more reliably. It is necessary to carry out the treatment in protective clothing, it is also advisable to use a respirator, protect the respiratory system and eyes. Gloves are required on hands. Do not allow the product to get into your eyes, nose or mouth. After use, any remaining product must be disposed of; sprayers and other containers that have been in contact with the preparations must be washed or thrown away.

Treatment of insect bites

  • With a mild reaction

Most bites can be treated at home, especially if the reaction is mild.

Remove the stinger if it is stuck in the skin, wash the affected area and apply an ice pack to reduce pain and swelling.

Topical anti-itch creams, oral pain relievers, and antihistamines are used to combat unpleasant symptoms. Sometimes doctors recommend applying a thin layer of paste made from baking soda and water to relieve itching.

  • For severe reaction

If you have symptoms of a severe reaction, you should immediately contact an ambulance.

First aid instructions while waiting for doctors to arrive include unbuttoning clothing, lying on your side, and performing artificial respiration if necessary.


They live from May to September, in early October they hide in nests and hives, preparing for wintering. They do not have an aggressive disposition; they bite to protect their own lives. They collect flower nectar, feed on the juices of sweet fruits, and you can get hurt while relaxing in nature or buying sweets at the market.

On a note!

It is impossible not to notice the attack of a striped bee, since severe pain is immediately felt. Even if everything happened too quickly, the person did not have time to examine the pest, you can determine who bit it by the presence of a sting. Outwardly, it resembles a saw with fine teeth - it penetrates well, but it is impossible to pull it back out.

Stinging insects inject a toxic substance that causes an allergic reaction. The bee leaves the sting, and with it part of the abdomen. While inside the wound, the “weapon” continues to pump in poison. The severity of the manifestations depends on the amount of the toxic substance, the individual characteristics of the body, age, and location of the bite. Small children and people with weakened, pathologically weak immunity suffer bee attacks with difficulty.

Bee sting

Signs of a bee sting:

  • a blister with a depression in the center with a dark dot - a sting;
  • redness in diameter more than 1 cm;
  • swelling, edema;
  • local increase in temperature in the affected area;
  • pain, burning;
  • As the wound heals, itching appears.

Swelling from an insect bite can spread to the respiratory system and larynx in case of severe allergies. In addition to the local reaction, within 20 minutes after a bee attack, the following appears:

  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • diarrhea;
  • dizziness;
  • fever;
  • violation of movement coordination;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • temperature increase;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • pale skin;
  • change in blood pressure.

With a normal immune response, bite marks disappear in 2 weeks, pain disappears in 3 days.


The zhigalki that appear in an apartment or house towards the end of summer bite. The bite instantly causes pain and discomfort. Swelling, redness, and compaction appear. There is no itching, no severe allergies occur. Unpleasant symptoms disappear within a few days without special treatment, and the epidermis recovers quickly.


The danger of a bite lies in the possibility of infection. Flies are carriers of tularemia and anthrax. To destroy pests, chemical and mechanical methods are used. After a bite, you must immediately provide first aid, rinse, and disinfect the wound.

How to behave when surrounded by Hymenoptera?

There are situations when arriving at a dacha or in the forest confronts people with the fact that after their long winter absence, this territory is already occupied by wasps or hornets. In mid-April, the female begins to build her nest, designating the habitat in this area. If time is lost, the hornets have seriously and permanently settled on the site, you need to choose the right behavioral tactics to avoid a hornet bite.

If you are bitten by a hornet, take an antihistamine

  • Under no circumstances should you touch a nest that is found in the yard, hanging from the branches or located under the roof, or even approach it, not to mention stirring it with a stick. Angry insects will immediately rush towards the offender.
  • You need to behave calmly and not provoke the “big wasps” to attack with sudden movements.
  • An insect that lands on the body should not be killed. Firstly, you can get a portion of poison. Secondly, the enzyme secreted by hornets in case of danger serves as an alarm signal for relatives who immediately rush to help.
  • When traveling outside the city, wear comfortable clothing, without bright colors, that protects the body, and closed shoes. Avoid perfumes with a strong smell.
  • If, nevertheless, a decision is made to get rid of the hornets on the site and from the nest first, this should be done in overalls that cover the body and gloves. Pay special attention to protecting the head, face, and eyes in particular. There have been cases when, through a mosquito protective net, the poison shot from the sting penetrated the mucous membrane of the eye and caused a burn to the retina.
  • Having picked an apple or pear from a branch, the fruit must be carefully examined before washing and biting. You can often find a hornet hidden in the ripe pulp.

Tactful behavior towards these highly organized insects will yield results. Some people live peacefully with hornets for years. In response to this, the striped “hard workers” protect their crops from garden pests, catching them and feeding them to the larvae. If such a nuisance as a hornet bite does happen, you need to be prepared to neutralize the unpleasant consequences.


Types of hornets and their lifestyle

The hornet is the largest representative of the wasp family, the body length of which varies from 2 to 2.5 cm, with the length of the uterus being about 3.5 cm. Most often, hymenoptera can be found in gardens, in the country, in flower forest glades, outside the city. They can build their nests anywhere: under the roof of a house, in trees, in bushes and other areas that are well protected from the negative effects of climatic conditions.

Based on the appearance of this representative of the Hymenoptera, it is easy to identify it from a wasp. Compared to the wasp, it has a more rounded anterior part of the abdomen and a large crown of the head. It also differs in the color of its chest: the hornet’s chest is brown with a reddish tint, while its younger relatives’ chest is black.

There are several dozen species of insects that live in different parts of the planet: Japanese hornet, common hornet, oriental hornet, lamentable hornet, Asian hornet, Dybowski hornet. The greatest threat to humans is from tropical species, the bite of which can be fatal. Insects that live in the spaces of our state are more harmless, and after their bite, death can only occur due to severe allergies and failure to provide competent first aid.

Did you know? In Eastern countries, more than 70 individuals die each year from a hornet sting. This death rate is significantly higher than the death rate from wildlife attacks.


You can suffer from arthropods due to your own carelessness or carelessness. Spiders bite only when their own life is threatened. Humans have no nutritional value for them. Very rarely, house spiders that live in the corners of rooms, behind furniture, and household appliances are attacked; wild animals such as spiders, tarantulas, false black widows, etc. can bite.

The spider bites with two points. On the front of the head there are chelicerae with poisonous glands. The arthropod bites through the skin and injects poison. Pain appears instantly and local allergies develop.


  • bite two points;
  • redness;
  • edema;
  • inflammation;
  • a few days later an abscess appears after the bite, suppuration, itching.

Unpleasant sensations are present for 2-3 days, but the epidermis takes a long time to recover – up to 2 weeks. With an increased tendency to allergies, a deterioration in well-being is observed - weakness, dizziness, headache, abdominal discomfort.


The bite of a poisonous spider disrupts the functioning of the heart and respiratory system, and increases blood pressure. Without qualified assistance, a person dies from suffocation or heart attack.

Spider bite

What to do

Before providing first aid, you need to understand what to do if you are bitten by a hornet. It is important to remain calm, because in a stressful state the victim will not receive the necessary help, which can have a detrimental effect on his overall well-being.

If the victim is prone to allergic reactions , he should always carry “his weapon” with him - a medical certificate that specifies the characteristics of the allergy and medications that need to be taken in an emergency. If a person has been bitten by flying predators, and he does not have this information, he should contact his family to find out if he is allergic to anything.

First aid

First aid for a bite should be provided according to the following scheme:

  • the victim needs to be seated in a comfortable place, the chest freed from the squeezing collar, and the belt unfastened;
  • if a hornet sting kills it on a person’s body, there may be pieces of the sting under the skin, they need to be carefully pulled out with tweezers disinfected in alcohol;
  • the stung area should be treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or another antiseptic;
  • Next, you need to apply cold to the affected area (it will slightly reduce swelling and dull pain);
  • To avoid allergies, the victim should be given an antihistamine.

If the allergic reaction is too violent, the victim should be taken to the nearest medical facility as soon as possible. Otherwise, something irreparable may happen.


Since ancient times, healers have treated bites of various insects with herbs, decoctions, and infusions.

If hornet stings are treated with traditional medicine, only natural ingredients are used:

  • to relieve swelling and redness, you can apply aloe juice, a plantain leaf, or any herbs (dill, parsley) to the painful area;
  • to neutralize the poison, you can treat the wound with fruits of high acidity, for example lemon, orange, apple;
  • To relieve inflammation, disinfect the bite site with finely chopped or crushed garlic.

If you receive a bite in the arm or leg, you can apply a slice of green or red tomato to the wound and secure the limb with a bandage. You can use raw potatoes in the same way, after chopping them on a grater.

Medicines for allergic reactions

To prevent serious consequences from a hornet attack, you should know what to do if you are bitten. Allergy sufferers should always have antihistamines with them.

The most common are considered:

  • Suprastinex;
  • Fexofenadine;
  • Cetrin;
  • Claritin;
  • Erius.

To alleviate the general condition of the victim, Fenistil-gel, “Rescuer” balm, Fluorocort, Psilo-balm are also suitable.

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