Right Mouse for Large Hands: 5 Best Mice of 2022 for Large Hands

The family Mouse or mice are small-sized animals of the mammalian class, belonging to the order of rodents, which has not been definitively classified. The huge family includes 4 subfamilies, which includes 147 genera and 701 species. Animals are found everywhere, especially the species of mice called brownies. People's attitude towards these representatives of the fauna is ambiguous. Some people fight them, trying to rid their home of uninvited “guests,” while others specifically breed and tame small rodents.

How tiny are baby mice?

There are large mice, but the little ones are the smallest, which is why they got their name. The length of their body does not exceed 7 cm. The length of the tail is proportional to the body. These are the mice that fit in the smallest palm.

Size also determines lifestyle. In natural conditions, babies do not dig holes; they make homes in the grass, building something resembling a nest. The special moments in their lifestyle do not end there. These little mice quickly climb trees, do not hibernate, can easily tolerate cold, and are not against snacking on protein products, that is, worms, insect larvae or someone's eggs.

The fur of the babies is ocher, yellowish, sometimes with red. The belly, tips of the ears and muzzle are white. In nature, these mice live everywhere, but due to the fight against pests of crops, gardens and vegetable gardens, their numbers have dropped significantly. It is most likely to meet babies in their natural habitat in the Caucasus, in the southern regions of Yakutia and Great Britain.


The animal was nicknamed the Belgian giant because of its incredible size among the representatives of the rabbit family. An adult rodent grows up to 70 centimeters in length, and particularly well-fed individuals can weigh 24-25 kilograms.

Flanders are bred to obtain skins with thick, beautiful fur, from which sheepskin coats, mittens, hats, and nutritious meat are sewn. Less commonly, this breed is kept as a decorative pet. Belgian giants are famous for their fertility. A person who decides to engage in rabbit breeding by purchasing a pair of flanders will become the owner of a large rabbit farm in 2 years.

Interesting! Long observations of the behavior of Flanders allowed scientists to conclude that they are very smart and friendly. Rodents easily make contact with people and get along with other pets in the house.

Are wood mice big?

This species of rodent got its name because of its habitat. These rodents settle in clearings, forest edges, and can also live in thickets of forests. This is not a very large mouse, the body length of the forest animal reaches 10 cm, and the tail rarely grows beyond 7 cm. But these mice are well-fed. The average weight of the animals is 20 grams, which is quite decent for such a not particularly large rodent.

Their fur color is dark - black, brown, red. The muzzle is specific - the nose is long and sharp. In addition to the shape of the nose, a distinctive feature of these animals is their gigantic ears, in comparison with the size of the head. Interestingly, it was from the wood mouse that such a world-famous cartoon character as Mickey Mouse was copied.

Average sizes determine the lifestyle of mice. These mice live differently, adapting to existing conditions. They can settle in tree hollows, dig deep burrows, or simply roost for the night among the branches or roots of trees.

Tank bulimia

Faced with Russian KV tanks - thick-armored big men armed with guns up to 152 mm in caliber - the Germans, apparently, firmly decided not to be surprised by anything. Therefore, intelligence reports, according to which the Red Army was supposed to acquire even heavier tanks, were taken with complete seriousness - and they decided to act proactively.

In March 1942, the companies Krupp and Porsche received an unusual order. Porsche was supposed to create a chassis for the new Ubertank, and Krupp was to develop and manufacture turrets for future monsters. The mass of the unborn child should have reached hundreds of tons.

If compared with the same KV or IS-2, then a lot. But for a hefty fool with armor up to 220 millimeters, this, of course, was not enough. Moreover, they planned to arm the tank to match its defense - at least with a 128-mm gun based on a large anti-aircraft gun. Although they could have installed 150 mm or 170 mm - at least they thought about it at some stages.

Apparently, the Germans suspected something about Warhammer, which had not yet been created in the bins of hostile England.” This is the only way to substantiate the fact that at various points in the design they were thinking of adding a 20-mm (or even 37-mm!) autocannon to the tank for firing at aircraft - and flamethrowers located, characteristically, at the rear.

Mouse Prototype"

Despite the fact that most of this nonsense was abandoned, the mass of the projected Mouse grew steadily. By May 1942 it had increased to 120 tons. The more time passed, the clearer it became that the designers would not be able to fit the planned car into the given framework. In the fall, the “paper” tank exceeded one and a half hundred tons, and in the spring of 1943 it grew to almost 180. And the manufactured prototype ultimately weighed all 188 tons!

Are gerbils big or small?

This mouse, kept at home in our country, is in most cases a descendant of Native American females. The first gerbils were brought from the USA in the last century as laboratory material, an alternative to the classic white ones. In natural conditions in Russia you can find dwarf or Mongolian gerbils. In total, there are more than a hundred varieties of mice of this type in the world, both small and large.

Gerbils have different sizes and colors, but all species have the following in common:

  • tassel on the tail;
  • small ears compared to the head;
  • pink or almost white nose;
  • blunt muzzle shape;
  • large eyes that make the animal look like a cartoon character drawn in anime style.

The main distinguishing feature of gerbils is their lack of a characteristic mouse odor. These animals are ideal pets for people prone to allergies. The size of gerbils depends on their immediate species - from babies 6-7 cm to large mice 12-13 cm in length, excluding the tail.

Relationship between the Kalongs and humans

Despite their complete harmlessness, flying foxes manage to cause damage to local farmers. Animals do not understand the difference between a forest and a plantation and often “harvest” on private property. For this, their owners shoot them mercilessly wherever they are not afraid of retribution from the law. The second reason for extermination is meat of decent taste, and the sleepy daytime state of foxes greatly facilitates hunting them.

Kalongs often die when they run into the barbed wire that the aborigines use to fence their plantations. They get it from pesticides used in garden dressing and from deforestation.

But there are people who care about the survival of flying foxes. As reported by Around the World magazine, a shelter for fruit bats has been set up in the north of Australia, where volunteers treat them in case of mass diseases and care for babies who have lost their mothers.

Thanks to the work of volunteers and the promotion of animal kindness, the world's largest bat lives in relative safety. You can get to know it better even in Russia - several specimens of these sociable fruit-eaters with a predatory muzzle have settled in the Nizhny Novgorod Zoo.

The mouse is an amazing animal. They are smart, beautiful, easily adaptable to any living conditions and unpretentious. It is not for nothing that these rodents have become characters in folk tales both in our country and among other nations. Usually, those people who keep these rodents as pets sooner or later become interested in questions about how big the largest mouse in the world is, what these animals are like, and how much they can weigh.

Large voles?

This mouse is a rodent that is a character in folk and original fairy tales. It is voles who carry grain, live in barns and, in principle, prefer to live in close proximity to humans. The minimum body length of this animal is 7 cm. However, how large a vole mouse will grow depends on its diet. In rural barns, little mice can grow into larger animals than their counterparts born among the steppe feather grass.

A distinctive feature of this species of rodents, which distinguishes voles from all others, is the length of the tail. The proportional ratio with the body is 1:3. This species of mouse has a hamster mentality - they build pantries, constantly replenish food supplies and live in burrows with a lot of “rooms”.

USB Mouse with Infrared Heater

Winters are becoming harsher and harsher - global climate change is making itself felt. As soon as you stay outside for a very short time, your fingers freeze and refuse to work even at home, in the warmth. What should an unfortunate blogger do, who has the most sparkling post in his head in the entire time of maintaining an electronic magazine? You can’t hesitate, the thought can disappear at any moment! USB Mouse with Infrared Heater will come to the rescue

with built-in heater. The device quickly heats up to 40-45 degrees Celsius - this will be enough to come to your senses. The heating function can be turned off once your fingers have thawed. The mouse will cope with heating much better than a cup of steaming coffee - it’s not so hot, there’s no chance of getting everything dirty. True, you will have to warm your hands one by one.

The mouse itself, of course, is unlikely to please lovers of exquisite design: the USB Mouse with Infrared Heater is no different from other rodents - two main buttons, a vertical scroll wheel. We recommend that anyone who feels sorry for $23 for a miracle of industrial design should stick their hands under running hot water.

Do house mice grow big?

The most common species of rodents that can be found everywhere. The house mouse is an animal that lives close to humans and actively uses this neighborhood. This mouse can be found in city landfills, in garbage chutes of apartment buildings, in attics, basements, stores - everywhere.

Its body length starts from 6 cm, but some individuals can be much larger. The tail of brownies is either equal to the length of the body, or slightly shorter. In favorable conditions, house mice often grow up to 10 cm, but they can also cross this threshold.

The coat color is gray, the muzzle is proportional, the ears are small and tightly pressed. The eyes are black, slightly protruding, they are called “beady”, very expressive and mobile.

Distribution area of ​​the animal

The animal is widespread in the following regions:

  1. Altai.
  2. Sayans.
  3. Eastern Siberia.
  4. Far East.

The animal’s settlement territory begins in the west of Altai, running in a narrow strip across Siberia, reaching Transbaikalia. The animal spreads all the way to northern Mongolia, reaches the Pacific Ocean, Japan and the territory of Sakhalin.

In the Far Eastern territories, individuals live in areas as far as Manchuria, Korea and China. The animals are found almost to the borders of Burma.

Are white mice always small?

This is a visually familiar small white mouse that lives in scientists’ laboratories, pet stores or petting zoos. In nature, there are no such rodents as an independent species, but albinos are found among all breeds of mice.

The size of such mice is small, on average they grow up to 10 cm. However, their body length and coat structure depend on genetics. Such a mouse may be smaller if there were babies among its ancestors, and larger if there are genes of mountain rodents in its veins.

General characteristics of mouse representatives

The large family of mice is not fully understood. On the territory of Russia there are 13 species of animals from the order of rodents, representing 5 genera. They all have a similar appearance, structure and lead almost the same lifestyle. Possessing a unique ability to adapt to any living conditions, mice thrive in all natural areas. The exceptions are the Far North and Antarctica. The widespread distribution of various species of rodents suggests the numerical dominance of their representatives among other mammals.


The familiar word “mouse” translated from the Indo-European language means “thief”, which is fully justified by the habits of the nimble animal.


  • The mammal has a small elongated body. Its dimensions, depending on the species of the individual, range from 5 to 20 cm. This parameter is doubled due to the tail.
  • The body of the mouse is covered with short hair, the color palette of which is gray, brown, red or brown. In nature, there are striped and variegated individuals, as well as snow-white albino rodents.
  • The average weight of a mouse is 20-50 grams.
  • Animals have a short neck.
  • On the pointed, triangular-shaped muzzle, there are small black beady eyes and semicircular ears, providing good sound perception.
  • Due to the sensitive thin whiskers - vibrissae - growing around the mouse's nose, it is able to perfectly navigate its surroundings.
  • The short legs are equipped with 5 tenacious fingers, allowing them to overcome significant obstacles and dig holes.

To get acquainted with representatives of the rodent order, it is advisable to carefully study the photos of mice posted on the site.

Appearance of the mouse The animals, like other representatives of this family, have two pairs of large incisors located on the upper and lower jaws. They are very sharp and constantly grow - up to 1 mm per day, so they must be ground down. Failure to perform this procedure can lead to the death of the mouse if the length of the organs reaches 2 cm.

Rodents are highly fertile. At the age of 3 months, the female is capable of conception and childbearing. A wild mouse living in natural conditions breeds in the warm season, while animals living in heated rooms breed all year round. Pregnancy lasts approximately 20-24 days and, after this time, from 3 to 12 cubs are born.

What size is the largest rodent?

In nature, a large mouse is a rarity. For the middle climatic zone, the following mouse sizes are typical: length up to 13 cm, excluding the tail, weight within 50 grams.

Of course, growing at home can achieve large sizes with the help of a special diet. However, it is still impossible to grow a giant from a small ordinary mouse. Experiments were conducted in British institutes to increase the size of mice. The scientists' work involved various ways of influencing the body - from irradiation to stimulation of individual areas of the brain. However, they did not achieve any significant results; as a rule, the mice died during the experiments.

Among the terrestrial species, the largest rodent grows up to 17 cm in length and weighs an average of 60 grams. The length of the tail is equal to the body. The animal looks more like a small rat than a mouse. The largest rodent lives in the mountains, in the southern regions. That's what the mouse is called - a mountain mouse.

Deanmark AirMouse

Take a look at the Deanmark AirMouse

— it seems that some developers have reconsidered science fiction films. This “mouse” is worn on your hand, just like in a movie about the future. You don't need a mat to control the cursor, and the table surface is generally not necessary. The laser sensor built into the “glove” is responsible for moving the cursor, and sensors placed on the index and middle fingers are responsible for right and left clicks. The device automatically detects your hand position and turns off when you start typing.

AirMouse does not put stress on the joints, like classic rodents, and does not lead to carpal tunnel syndrome. The happy owner will be able to choose the color and fabric material he likes - the mouse elements can be easily detached. They say the built-in battery lasts for a week; The mouse should appear in stores by the end of the year. We don’t know about you, but we are already eager to test the device in action.

Are there giant mice?

There really are giants among mice. But they do not walk on the ground, but fly through the air. According to the Guinness Book of Records, the largest mouse is the giant fruit bat, which lives in Asia, the islands of Oceania, Australia and, of course, Africa.

This animal is one of the varieties of flying foxes and has amazingly beautiful golden, light red or yellowish fur. Fruit bats are strict vegetarians. They do not adhere to a complete “night mode”; you can see the flight of these mice during the daytime.

The size of winged golden mice is impressive. The wingspan in flight averages 1.8-2 meters. Body weight – from 1.5 kilograms. Body length – from 50 centimeters. Winged giants, of course, do not have a tail.

Pinky and the Brain

Steven Spielberg's American animated series about laboratory mice of the same name has been broadcast since September 1995.

As a result of experiments, Brain turned out to be smart to the point of genius. He is obsessed with the idea of ​​power over the world and comes up with new and exotic methods - an army of robots, a hypno-ray, an evolution machine, an alternative planet made of papier-mâché and a million others. He hates clowns, stupid TV shows and stupid dancing (he likes Irish dancing).

After laboratory experiments, Pinky became just a fool who listens to music a lot and watches TV for a long time or just runs around the cage and is happy.

The main advantage of the naive Pinky is his devotion to his friend. For example, on Halloween, he sold his soul to Satan in order to fulfill Brain's cherished desire to take over the world, and asked for himself “a thing for cutting radishes into pieces.”

Each episode begins and ends with a short dialogue between the mice: “Hey Brain, what are we going to do tonight?” - “The same as always, Pinky. Let's try to conquer the world!

Mice and Rats in the movies.


Belgian giant

And now to domestic rodents. Two rabbits of this breed live in the UK, and their owners staged a competition to see which one could grow the biggest. It is a mistake to classify rabbits as rodents, because they belong to the order Lagomorpha. But people often refer to them as rodents. It is not for nothing that Carl Linnaeus initially identified rabbits and rodents as a single class of rodents.

Ralph the rabbit, with a weight of 22 kilograms, is the heaviest on the planet, but Darius made it into the book of records because of his body length, which is 1.3 meters.

Perhaps Darius will be overtaken by his own son, nicknamed Jeff. Which has already reached a length of 1 meter, and by the age of maturity the length of the rabbit can increase significantly.

And there is a very interesting article on thebiggest about the largest breeds of rabbits.


The largest rodent in the world, it belongs to the capybara family, and lives off the coast of tropical reservoirs in Latin America.

Female capybaras are larger than males and weigh from 36 to 65 kilograms. We also note that the largest rodent at the withers reaches 50-60 centimeters.

These unusual animals live in small groups, in which the male predominates, but they are also found alone in nature. They lead a semi-aquatic lifestyle, trying not to move more than 1,000 meters from bodies of water.

Interestingly, about 300 years ago, the Catholic Church classified these unique animals as fish. This trick made it possible to consume capybara meat during Lent.

Elecom Scope Node Wireless Mouse

Digital reality is making its own adjustments to the life of the inhabitants of this unfortunate planet. The hour is uncertain, the time will come when authorization on the Internet will be carried out by signature - then computer analysis will not let you lie and will easily weed out the violator. All that remains is to find a gadget that will allow you to easily and simply enter your own signature so that it does not look like a strange uneven squiggle.

Elecom Scope Node Wireless Mouse is already on sale

? The rodent with chopped shapes looks very futuristic, but this is not its main advantage. This mouse has a thumb rest, directly below which is a laser sensor - it is claimed that this layout greatly simplifies handwriting input. Presumably, illustrator designers will appreciate the device. The only negative of the Elecom Scope Node Wireless Mouse is the price of $130.

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