What are cockroaches afraid of in an apartment and what smell repels them?

Cockroaches are classified as a group of unpretentious parasites that can live in almost any environment, be it an apartment, a sewer, or a basement.

But more often, insects prefer to settle in residential premises, which is due to the presence of optimal conditions, sufficient heat and food. To get rid of uninvited guests, it is important to know what cockroaches are most afraid of and dislike.

And many factors are unpleasant for them, including temperature, strong odors, and bright light.

So, what methods and means are safe for people and animals, but harmful to cockroaches? Let's talk about this further.

Where do cockroaches come from in an apartment?

Cockroaches are a common problem, which is not always a sign that the owner of the home where they appeared is a slob. There are a huge number of options for insects to enter your home. First of all, they look for rooms protected from the cold, where they can hide and find food and water. Insects can enter residential apartments and houses in the following ways:

  • through the ventilation system from neighbors or from the garbage chute - this happens if the population of cockroaches has grown significantly and they are in search of new territories to live. This is also possible if neighbors carry out disinfestation measures;
  • through cracks in the building, keyholes, open windows and doors - when it starts to get cold outside, cockroaches quickly begin to look for shelter, as they can hardly tolerate temperatures below 15°C;
  • from stores in grocery bags - cockroaches are very fast and tenacious; the female of this parasite can hide behind product packaging or hide under fruits and vegetables. By placing purchased goods in a bag, you may not notice a small brown cockroach, which can subsequently lay eggs and independently increase the population.

Fear of cold and high temperatures

The reaction of red and black arthropods to sub-zero temperatures has been noticed for a long time. Even in ancient times, this method helped get rid of annoying insects. This method is easy to implement. To do this, it is necessary to reduce the temperature in the home to 10 degrees. Only in this case will the cockroaches die from the frost.

This method is suitable for use in country houses and cottages. After all, in houses it is easy to turn off the heating system and drain the water. Freezing is not suitable for apartment owners, since the likelihood of damage to the heating system is high.

Steam generators are also used to eliminate arthropod insects, since with their help they destroy adult pests and larvae.

Signs of appearance

It is almost impossible to detect cockroaches in your own apartment when their numbers are small. They hide very well, hiding under wallpaper, behind cabinets, under baseboards and in other places that are difficult for humans to reach. During the day, these insects sleep, and at night they go out to fish in search of food and water. If you see a cockroach walking on the table or floor, then this is clear evidence that there are many of these parasites. In this case, it will be more difficult to fight them than to destroy a small colony of insects. You can suspect the presence of pests based on the following signs:

  • Small whitish or yellowish cockroach eggs are found in the corners of the floor. Their dimensions do not exceed one millimeter in length;
  • an unpleasant musty odor appears in the room, reminiscent of mold;
  • small black dots remain on clothes, dishes, wallpaper, furniture - these are cockroach excrement;
  • Small brownish and black scales are found on the floor and furniture - these are the scales of cockroaches, which they shed during the molting period.

Expert opinion

  • barbels come for a scout (if we are not talking about mass migration from neighbors after disinfestation), so I recommend applying a strong-smelling substance more often to surfaces near ventilation, cracks in the bathroom (where pipes are);
  • You should not fight insects using the waiting method: if you wait until the individuals die, you will have to be patient for many days;
  • pests treated with insecticide do not reproduce, have poor body control, and therefore cannot lay eggs.

Why are they dangerous for humans?

Unfortunately, not everyone understands how dangerous these insects are. Cockroaches move freely between the drain, garbage disposal, basement with rodents and attic with bird excrement. They are able to collect a wide variety of bacteria on their paws. Everything collected is carried around the apartment by insects, in particular, throughout the kitchen. The infection may end up on the table, refrigerator, or dishes. It has been proven that an ordinary cockroach can become a carrier of the following diseases:

  • meningitis;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • urogenital infections;
  • gastroenteritis;
  • dysentery;
  • salmonellosis.

Cockroaches are also capable of spreading eggs of parasites such as roundworms, pinworms, whipworms, and some types of amoebas.

They cause many problems for allergy sufferers. The chitinous scales that they shed during molting are mixed with dust particles, dry residues of cockroaches, and end up on the skin, digestive organs, and respiratory apparatus. As a result, they cause dermatitis, conjunctivitis, and asthmatic syndromes.

When faced with an allergen every day in your apartment, the disease becomes chronic and does not go away at all. Children often suffer from such allergies.

There are cases when cockroaches bite a person, gnawing off pieces of the skin of the lips. Sometimes, in search of shelter, they crawl into the ear canal of a sleeping person. It is very difficult to remove him from there, since he will hide, climbing further. In such cases, you will need the help of a doctor.

Cockroaches can also be dangerous for pets for the same reasons. It happens that a cat or dog eats an already poisoned insect and the poison affects them too.

What are pests afraid of?

What are these parasites running from? Unbearable conditions for these insects can be created by:

  • Low temperatures, in particular frost below -5.
  • Presence of animals in the house.
  • Strong odors. This category can rightly include all pungent odors such as the “aroma” of enamel, putty, paint, as well as the odors of some plants.
  • Insecticides. Many ready-made preparations and folk remedies of this type not only kill insects that have already managed to get into the apartment, but also repel those that are just trying to get into the home.
  • Lack of water in the house. If you restrict access to it for pests, they will leave your home very quickly.
  • The presence of various animals in the house, including cats and dogs.

All these factors negatively affect the insect population. That is why it is worth understanding in more detail what these pests do not like.

Temperature and light

Prussians are cold-blooded animals whose body temperature depends on external conditions. Both cold and heat have equally detrimental effects on pests.

At +5 - +7 degrees, insects fall into suspended animation, at -5 they die in half an hour, and at -10 in 2 minutes. The unbearable heat for the Prussians begins at +28 degrees Celsius. Cooling down the room in winter for several days completely solves the problem, but is not always possible.

More often they resort to treating cockroach nesting sites, crevices, cracks with steam (using a steam generator) or boiling water. This method will allow you to get rid of both adults and larvae.

Light itself does not pose a danger to Prussians, but insects associate its appearance with danger. That is why, when the lights are turned on suddenly at night, adults scatter.

If you leave the light on for 2–3 days in a row, the insects become exhausted by constant fear and try to leave the home. However, this method is ineffective compared to other approaches.

Deprivation of water and food

Prussians can eat anything, their omnivorousness determines their vitality, but they cannot do without water. You can deprive insects of access to life-giving moisture as follows:

  • check the serviceability of plumbing equipment, eliminate leaks;
  • remove open sources of liquid;
  • wipe sinks, showers, bathtubs dry;
  • keep the pipes dry;
  • cover the toilet seat with a lid;
  • cover drains when not in use;
  • ensure that condensation does not accumulate on surfaces;
  • remove indoor plants that need regular watering.

All areas adjacent to water sources are treated with insecticides to completely deprive pests of water.

Reduces the attractiveness of an apartment for cockroaches and the inaccessibility of food with a pronounced smell (smoked, spicy, fried), and oily foods. Prussians love to rummage through garbage, so regular cleaning and removal of food waste will help in pest control.

Ultrasound and electromagnetic rays

An ultrasonic repeller uses high-frequency sound to send cockroaches into a state of panic. Human hearing does not perceive such an impact, and pests cannot tolerate sound vibrations and leave the home.

There is an opinion that the reduction of pest colonies in modern cities is associated with the widespread appearance in human homes of microwave ovens, the principle of operation of which is based on electromagnetic influence.

The most popular models of repellers with ultrasonic and electromagnetic action:

  1. Typhoon. According to the manufacturers, it will rid your apartment of cockroaches in 4 weeks of work. It is expensive - from 1500 rubles, but gives quick results.
  2. Rexant. Compact and easy to use, safe for humans. Average price – 600 rubles.
  3. EcoSniper. A universal device for repelling most household pests, including ants, mice, bedbugs. Cost – from 1000 rubles.
  4. Tornado OTAR-1. Easy to use, but only needs to be installed in an open space - even a light fabric curtain becomes an obstacle to its operation. Costs 900–1000 rubles.
  5. Riddex. Covers an area of ​​200 m2 with electromagnetic action. The most affordable - from 200 rubles.
  6. Pest Reject. Magnetic resonance device, advertised, but inferior to competitors in performance characteristics. Costs from 300 rubles.

Exposure to ultrasound

The use of ultrasonic repellers has become very fashionable in recent years. A portable high-frequency sound wave generator creates a local area with uncomfortable conditions for some animals, and is therefore used to repel a number of pests. There is certainly a meaning to this. You, too, would feel uncomfortable if, for example, an aircraft turbine roared under your windows around the clock.

But such devices repel cockroaches subject to several conditions:

  • availability of a high-quality and powerful device;
  • regular operation of the repeller;
  • absence of a stable pest population.

Ultrasonic devices effectively scare away mainly spreading individuals. If pests have established themselves in an apartment, it is problematic to “smoke out” them in this way. In addition, some cockroaches, accustomed in urban environments to radiation and fields of various types, tolerate ultrasound well. Returning to analogies with a person, we also get used to some discomfort if other conditions are very attractive.

The appearance of cockroaches significantly reduces the level of comfort

What smell do they not like?

To get rid of parasites and prevent their appearance, you need to know what smell repels cockroaches. Most of all, insects do not like strong aromas.

For example, the aroma of anise oil, wormwood, mint, pine oil, and citrus oil, which is unpleasant for parasites, will protect the room from the invasion of uninvited guests.

Guided by knowledge of what smell cockroaches do not like, it is quite possible to prepare effective remedies on your own that will help cope with parasites.

For example, it is recommended to place bunches of the following plants in nooks and corners of the room:

  • Tansy.
  • Anise.
  • Mint.
  • Honeysuckle.
  • Wormwood.

Periodically, bouquets should be replaced with fresh ones. However, you should know that using home remedies that cockroaches are afraid of can only be used to prevent or treat a small number of parasites.

Killing large numbers of insects requires the use of a complex combination of home and traditional remedies, which include, for example, insecticides.

It is important to remember that prevention also includes the procedure of cleaning the room from products and substances that Prussians are not afraid of.

An overflowing trash can, leftovers, unwashed dishes - all this is very attractive to parasites. Only by maintaining a clean room can you somewhat reduce the likelihood of a large number of parasites appearing.

Eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus oil and eucalyptus leaves are effective in repelling cockroaches. Add 10 drops of eucalyptus oil per hundred grams of water. Spray the mixture in and around the infected area. Your home will be free of cockroaches very soon.

Anise oil and anise herb

Anise herb is a wonderful plant that was popular among the ancient Greeks and Egyptians. It has many health benefits, for example, anise oil helps in the fight against excess weight. But in our case, it is important that anise oil repels cockroaches.

Mint leaves

Cockroaches hate mint. Mix eight drops of cypress essential oil and 10 drops of peppermint essential oil with half a glass of salt water. Spray the mixture in and around the infected areas. They, of course, do not die from this, but the smell makes them go away, the further the better.


Cedar is a natural product that repels Prussians because its pungent odor acts as a deterrent. You can ward off cockroaches with homemade cedar chips. Place them in any area of ​​your home where you have seen insects and in places where they live, including under the sink and inside kitchen and bathroom cabinets.

pharmaceutical camomile

Chamomile has proven itself well as a medicine. The plant is also effective for expelling cockroaches. For this purpose, not the whole plant is used, but only its flowers. They are dried, crushed, and then laid out in different places in the room.

Freshly picked and also dried tansy is used - a plant whose smell causes cockroaches to flee, its smell is so undesirable. In order for the use of tansy to give the best results, it must be prepared in the summer, when flowers appear on the plant. It is at the moment of flowering that tansy is most fragrant. The collected flowers are used to prepare an infusion (for 1 liter of cold water - 1 tablespoon of flowers), with which the room is sprayed.


Tansy is another well-known herb that repels cockroaches, as well as flies, ants, fleas, moths and mice.


It can grow both in the garden and in the wild. The smell of honeysuckle not only frightens longhorned beetles, but also has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system. It can be used as a sedative in stressful situations.

Red elderberry

The smell of this plant frightens not only Prussians, but also small rodents such as mice. It is a shrubby plant that produces red berries. Many people love red elderberry for its attractiveness.

Tea tree

Tea tree oil is quite popular and has numerous beneficial properties for people, but is very dangerous for pets. Cats are most susceptible to its effects. To fight the Prussians, just drop a little oil into a bucket of water. Use the resulting solution to wipe the floor surface.

Essential oils are sprayed after dissolving them in water. They are also added to the aroma lamp. Do not use undiluted essential oils. Otherwise, the smell may be too intense for humans.

Even if the Prussians left the apartment, but laid eggs in it, their young offspring will soon appear in your home.

It is unlikely that you will be able to completely rid your apartment of mustachioed “invaders” using unpleasant odors alone. Yes, cockroaches do not tolerate them well, but this does not lead to their death. Over time, the parasites become accustomed to the smell used to fight them, and they no longer fear it. This means that such a measure can only be temporary while you search for a more effective drug or method of killing mustachioed insects.

Please note that in neighboring apartments people can also use the same smell as you to remove the Prussians. Therefore, the parasites crawling to you from your neighbors have already adapted to it and feel completely safe.


This is one of the most hated plants for cockroaches, so many apartment owners often choose it. If there are few cockroaches or you want to prevent their appearance, you can limit yourself to dry grass. For example, experts recommend making brooms or sachets out of it, additionally soaking it in a couple of drops of the essential oil of this plant. Dry compounds need to be changed every couple of months.

To treat the room, use a decoction or infusion of wormwood. Making a decoction is simple: pour 5 tablespoons of dry herb into a liter of water, bring the liquid to a boil, then cool and infuse for about 180 minutes. When this time has passed, the broth is filtered, put into a spray bottle and sprayed with it all the places where the insects stay.

An infusion based on wormwood is sold in pharmacies, and you can also make it yourself. A bottle of any capacity is filled with dry raw materials, then filled with alcohol and left for 21 days. Before use, the concentrate is diluted: for 5 liters of water at room temperature you need 5 tablespoons of tincture.

Bay leaf

This well-known seasoning contains essential oils that are extremely unpleasant for cockroaches. There are several ways you can use the plant.

  • Buy several bags of bay leaves or dry them yourself (the second option is preferable). The foliage should not fall apart. Whole specimens are laid out where cockroaches appear most often. It is important to place the leaves under the refrigerator, behind the baseboards, hide them in cabinets and under the sink. The bay leaf is changed every few days.
  • The second option is fumigation of the room. Take a freshly dried bay branch and light one end, then almost extinguish it so that the branch smolders rather than burns. The smoke emanating during smoldering will drive away the cockroaches. Walk around the room with the laurel, fumigating your favorite cockroach spots. It is important that all windows and vents are tightly closed. After fumigation, extinguish the branch and leave the apartment for a couple of hours. After returning she will have to be ventilated. Fumigation is carried out every day for 2 weeks.

The method is time-consuming, but the reviews about it are very good.


The evergreen wild rosemary, which grows in swamps, also contains essential oils that are unpleasant to cockroaches. Ledum tincture or decoction is made extremely rarely; they mainly use fresh or dry bunches of the plant, placing them in pest habitats. They also fumigate the premises with wild rosemary. The principle of operation is the same as with a bay leaf: a recently dried twig is set on fire, causing it to smolder, and then the room is filled with smoke.

Ideal living conditions for a cockroach and under which they die

Longhorned beetles, like many insects, are highly dependent on environmental parameters. But their existence is influenced by the availability of food, water, as well as the integrity of the body, since when the head is separated, the pests do not die immediately.

At what temperature do cockroaches die? Does frost and heat kill?

Insects are not as hardy as, for example, house bugs, which are not “taken” by either severe frosts or terrible heat. Cockroaches are hardy, but this is more true for other environmental parameters. As for the temperature, moderate indicators are noted:

  • at -5°C, insects are on the verge of death, but can still live for some time, but if the temperature drops further, death will occur instantly;
  • at +47°C cockroaches can die; the higher the temperature, the faster death occurs.

Frost is one of the factors that typically affects the life of parasites

Can a cockroach live without food, water and air?

Lack of food can shorten the life of a longhorned beetle by up to 1-2 months (depending on the species). But at the same time, cockroaches obtain a certain amount of liquid from food, and therefore live additional hours/days. However, there is a more significant factor influencing the duration of existence - water. In its absence, the count goes on in days, not months. If you are wondering how long cockroaches live without water, note a short period - from 7 to 9 days.

Without air, insects die faster - in 40 minutes, less often - in a few hours. The rate of death depends on various factors. In particular, why the cockroach stopped receiving air. If its head is separated, this will not prevent the pest from receiving oxygen, since the spiracles are located throughout the body, like the tracheal tubes. As a result, the longhorned beetle lives longer than a person under similar conditions, weeks. However, the lifespan is shortened if the insect is placed in a vacuum where there is no air.

he will not be able to receive oxygen from any part of the body.

How long does a cockroach live without a head and what does it really die from?

Strange as it may sound, for a cockroach the head is not a vital part of the body.

without it up to 9 days. This is quite a long time if the fate is that the headless person dies in a matter of seconds.

The reason for such endurance lies in the respiratory and nervous system. In a cockroach, nerve nodes are located throughout the body, and insects receive oxygen through numerous spiracles and tracheal tubes. If you deprive the cockroach of its head, it will be able to move. But still most of the functions will be stopped.

As a result, the mustachioed pest

will die, but from hunger and dehydration.

Is it possible to drown a cockroach

Insects survive without air, as well as when immersed in a container of water. Gradually they still die, but you should be patient.

40-45 minutes after immersion in water.

Rules for using odors in the fight against cockroaches

It makes no sense to destroy cockroaches without having an idea of ​​the reasons for their appearance in the apartment. Most often they appear where cleanliness standards are not observed. Insects are attracted to leftover food on the table, trash cans, cracks, and moisture.

Treatment of premises against cockroaches should be aimed at creating unfavorable conditions for the reproduction and development of insects. Before you start fighting them, you need to remember that they cannot live for long without water, so after using plumbing fixtures, you must immediately wipe them dry. Ventilation holes, window sills, door jambs, baseboards, balconies, and thresholds in the house should be treated. The treatment will need to be repeated after 4-5 days.

If the selected cockroach repellent is an aerosol, it is recommended to temporarily remove household members from the premises. This is especially true for children, pregnant women and the elderly, since the harm to the respiratory system and the entire body as a whole is obvious.

People's experience

To repel insects, aromatic oils and fragrant herbs are used. To breed Prussians, all those compounds and plants that have a pungent odor are used.

Housewives who have repeatedly encountered arthropod insects prepare bags of fragrant plants. Surfaces are treated with essential oils, which have a strong aroma.


But such means help to cope only with a small colony.

When choosing a means or substance for control, it is necessary to take into account the degree of its effectiveness. If you choose the composition that cockroaches are most afraid of, then it will not be difficult to deal with them.

Boric acid

Another remedy that mustachioed invaders fear is ordinary boric acid. Penetrating into the body of an insect, it disrupts the functioning of its nervous system, causes paralysis and the parasite inevitably dies. You can force a cockroach to eat poison by making a bait by mixing boric acid with flour and egg yolk.

You need to mix all the ingredients, form small balls from the resulting mixture and place them in all rooms of the home. Attention should be paid to those surfaces where you see the largest concentration of insects.

The use of boric acid to kill cockroaches has both advantages and some disadvantages.

Among the positive aspects are:

  • absolute safety for the life and health of humans, as well as their pets;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • the death of parasites, and not just their escape.

The disadvantages of using boric acid include:

  1. this method cannot be called the fastest, because every insect must come into contact with a poisonous agent;
  2. If a poisoned Prussian can get to the water and drink it, then he is not in danger of death. Therefore, when using boric acid, it is necessary to prevent cockroaches from accessing water sources.

Life without a head

Recent experiments by American scientists made it possible to make a sensational discovery: cockroaches can continue to live for some time if their head is torn off. Tests have shown that a headless cockroach lives for 7-9 days.

Cockroach without a head

In addition to the body, the separated head of a cockroach can also “live” for 1 week, when scientists placed it in a cool place and provided it with a special solution.

Entomologists explain this fact by the structure of the body of insects, which have no pressure in the circulatory system. Thanks to this, when the head is separated, there is no blood loss, as happens in humans, the vessels are “sealed” with coagulated blood, and the entire system continues to function.

Pests breathe through “spiracles,” special openings on the body; air enters through the trachea, small breathing tubes. Moreover, the brain does not participate in breathing in any way, therefore, after decapitation, the body is supplied with oxygen in the standard mode. But the cockroach itself lives and can even move its legs and move around.


Cockroaches have an extremely negative attitude towards the smell of ammonia in the apartment. Ammonia is nothing more than an ammonia solution, which can be easily purchased at any pharmacy. To repel insects, one teaspoon of ammonia solution is added to a bucket of water intended for wet cleaning of the room. This is an effective measure, but it is better to resort to it only as a backup option.

Not every housewife can withstand the pungent smell of ammonia, but she will have to treat the entire apartment with the solution, and after cleaning is complete, the smell lingers for a long time. Therefore, a respirator should be used during cleaning and windows should be kept open. This type of treatment should be done weekly.

Fear of drought

Cockroach-like species cannot remain without water for a long time. This information should be taken into account and used:

  • Access to sewer pipes, washbasins and water supply must be blocked. After this, it will take some time until the domestic insects decide to migrate to another home.
  • Areas near communication systems, sinks and bathtubs are treated with insecticidal substances, which are supplied in dry form. The components that are included in the composition quickly spread throughout the premises.

Natural enemies of cockroaches

Cockroaches have many enemies, ranging from predatory insects to large primates. The most exotic hunter of these pests is the emerald wasp. She hunts cockroaches and, having found an insect, injects poison into it with a sting, which has a neurotoxic effect. After being bitten, the cockroach loses control of itself and loses the ability to move. The wasp takes the prey to its burrow, where it is eaten by the larvae. In addition to wasps, a large number of animals feed on cockroaches:

  • arachnids;
  • monkey;
  • hedgehogs;
  • shrews;
  • birds;
  • rodents;
  • other insects.

At the beginning of the last century in Russia, to combat cockroaches in winter, people caught small birds and put them in cages. They were released to fly around the home, during which the birds hunted, pulling cockroaches out of cracks in the floor and walls.

Fear of rats

Cockroaches have an extremely negative attitude towards the presence of rats nearby; they cannot even tolerate the smell of these rodents. The Prussians do not like such competition, since they may not have enough food. They will be forced to leave the apartment and search for another place suitable for their residence.

Of course, wild rats released into an apartment is not the best solution. Buy a decorative rat from a pet store and release it into the kitchen area for a couple or three days. The result will certainly please you!


These creatures are by far the most common enemies. Amphibians regularly ingest numerous cockroaches in one sitting!

While frogs and toads are certainly similar, they are actually two different species. Their similarities stem from the fact that toads and frogs belong to the same largest order of tailless amphibians, numbering over 7,000 living and 84 fossil species.

Their main differences are that toads have more stable legs and thicker, bumpier skin. Meanwhile, frogs have long legs and smooth skin covered with a layer of mucus.

Toads live in almost any environment of the country and are grayish-brown or gray in color, but there are also red ones with even darker spots the color of old bricks.

Toads eat cockroaches like popcorn and can be found in most home yards. They like to live in places where they have a source of water and shady cover. By creating a garden area that has a small pool of water and a raised rock for shade, you will attract large numbers of toads and have a natural and effective way to get rid of pesky cockroaches and other annoying insects!


A variety of frogs are even more common than toads. These creatures live near ponds, lakes and other soft, moist environments. Their characteristic green color with black spots helps them blend in with their freshwater aquatic environment. They measure 8-12 centimeters and eat cockroaches in addition to a menu of other insects.

Most people have heard of grass frogs, or common frogs, or European frogs. This elusive little species lives in grassy and wooded areas and begins croaking cheerfully in the spring. Their dark brown color helps them camouflage. They are small, two to three centimeters long, and love to eat cockroaches as well as other small bugs.


The opossum is the only marsupial in North America, and is an omnivore that eats cockroaches, worms and even garbage. Like other marsupials, the female gives birth to a small, barely developed young, which she carries in her pouch. Opossums are considered ugly by many. In addition, people worry about the risk of getting rabies from their bites. However, at home it can become a cockroach killing machine. Each possum weighs between three and six kilograms when raised indoors and requires slightly more food per day than the average house cat.


Although a bird will enjoy a cockroach from time to time, it is not considered the pest's biggest enemy.

Swallows: Their diet consists solely of insects such as flies, mosquitoes, crickets, moths, flying ants, dragonflies and beetles, among other insects, including some that have venom.

One of the most famous features of these birds is that they are migratory and can travel long distances, feeding their young in flight or flying up to almost 1000 kilometers per day.

Hoopoes eat insects and invertebrates, which they literally pluck from the ground or holes with their long, curved beak. They are very recognizable by their beautiful crest, their mode of flight is one of the most elegant in the world of birds, causing them to be compared even to butterflies. Sometimes they eat cockroaches.

But in fact, it is quite rare to see a bird eating a cockroach. For one, most species of cockroaches live indoors, and both nymphs and adults are typically found in dark, warm, and damp places, such as damp, hard-to-reach areas in your home, in and around bathtubs, and under your kitchen or bathroom sink. Thus, cockroaches living in an apartment are in most cases not visible to any bird flying outside.

Although they prefer dark and damp environments, cockroaches can also be found outdoors, although they still seek out the same environment. Outside, cockroaches are most often found near sewers or, if they move during the warmer months, migrating from one large building to another. Due to this pest's isolated habitat, both indoors and outdoors, birds are typically unable to reach the cockroach, perhaps even see it.

Tobacco smoke

Prussians cannot stand the smell of tobacco and stay away from it. The method was widely used in the last century, when all means were good to fight cockroaches. Tobacco smoke clogs the receptors, so the insects hide, and if there is a constant presence of an odor that is offensive to them, they leave the room. To expel parasites, you need to burn a dry sprig of tobacco or smoke shag.

On a note!

The effectiveness of the method is questionable, since the owners of dysfunctional apartments smoke indoors very often, the number of “settlers” does not decrease, but increases. Cockroaches do not like the smell, but it does not kill them or force them to leave the conquered territory.

Fear of ultrasonic waves

Arthropod insects do not tolerate ultrasound. Intolerance to ultrasonic waves used this information to create a variety of devices and instruments.

Ultrasonic and electromagnetic traps are popular. They are used to repel cockroaches. As a rule, insects leave the premises in order to find more comfortable living conditions. For the same reason, arthropods are afraid of the microwave.

In order to purchase an ultrasonic trap, you can visit a specialized store or use the services of online suppliers.

Fresh cucumber

The news that cockroaches cannot bear the smell of cucumbers comes as a surprise to many! But not an ordinary smell, but the one that results from its interaction with aluminum. To do this, you need to cut the cucumber and create conditions for its oxidation, making it possible to combine with aluminum (for example, put it on the lid of a tin can).

Oxidation will be accompanied by the appearance of an odor that is not perceptible to humans. For a cockroach, this smell will be unbearable.

What attracts

Above are some remedies that can repel cockroaches. However, what do these parasites love?

What smells are attractive to them? Arthropods are absolutely unpretentious; their food source can be not only food familiar to humans, but also any organic matter, rotting parts of indoor plants, spoiled food waste, and household chemicals.

Food waste and foods with a strong odor, such as sausage, sweets, and drinks, are especially attractive to parasites. For example, when making bait traps, the following can be used: beer, jam, honey, sweets, salads.

Accordingly, in order to prevent the appearance of arthropods and the growth of the colony, it is necessary to exclude the presence of the above names in the public domain.


from cockroaches Why are cockroaches afraid that cockroaches are incredible that cockroaches will survive why are cockroaches afraid Why are cockroaches afraid that cockroach is not Why are cockroaches afraid of cockroaches Why are cockroaches afraid that cockroaches are incredible that cockroaches will survive why are cockroaches afraid Why are cockroaches afraid of certain smells. are they afraid of lightwhat are cockroaches afraidofall they are afraid of and Destruction of bedbugs Destruction of fleas Destruction of ants Destruction of insects Destruction of rodents


Mistakes that are important to avoid

Avoid mistakes that could jeopardize your success in preventing cockroaches.

  • Do not throw dead cockroaches in the trash, because if the females carry ootheca eggs, they will hatch and the infestation will be present again. In addition, dead insects can attract other pests such as flies and ants.
  • Always recheck after 7-14 days. Sometimes additional baiting may be necessary to eliminate an infestation.
  • Do not use the same insecticide on the same treated area.
  • Don't treat all cockroach species the same: German and Oriental cockroaches, for example, have very different feeding and reproductive habits. Therefore, the removal methods will differ.


  • https://domovod.guru/borba-s-vreditelyami/tarakany/chego-boyatsya-tarakany.html
  • https://poleznii-site.ru/dom/byt/kakih-zapahov-boyatsya-tarakany.html
  • https://ouborke.ru/chego-boyatsya-tarakany-v-kvartire
  • https://oklop.ru/chego-boyatsya-tarakany-v-kvartire-kak-otpugnut-i-vyvesti-vreditelei
  • https://apest.ru/tarakany/1-info/34-chego-boyatsya/
  • https://tapi-tapi.ru/boyatsya-tarakany-koshek/
  • https://parazitdoma.ru/tarakany/chego-boyatsya-tarakany
  • https://KlopVred.ru/tarakany/chego-boyatsya-tarakany/
  • https://BezTarakana.ru/tarakany/v-dome/top-10-chego-boyatsya
  • https://stroy-podskazka.ru/tarakany/zapahi-ne-lyubyat/
  • https://combat-dez.ru/tot-kto-est-tarakanov-nash-dryg-i-souznik-po-borbe-s-domashnim-parazitom/
  • https://sichovka.ru/vrediteli-doma/chego-boyatsya-tarakany.html
  • https://WikiParazit.ru/tarakany/chem-otpugnut-tarakanov.html
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