Bacon: beneficial properties and harm to the body. What more?

Many people consider bacon to be a type of lard, but this is not true. This meat is obtained from specially selected pigs that have embarked on a path of special fattening and the most improved living conditions. Long-backed and early-maturing individuals do not feed on food waste; on the contrary, they eat on par with the average office worker. These special piglets' diet includes milk, whole grain cereals and healthy beans.

Bacon is cut from the sides of a young pig. There are no vertebrae or bones, and the meat with a small layer of fat has amazing taste and texture. The most popular way to prepare the product is by frying it into chips.

Let's figure out what the product of elite animals is and whether it's worth rushing around supermarkets in search of the freshest bacon.

General characteristics of the ingredient


  • General characteristics of the ingredient
  • Product varieties
  • Useful properties of meat product
  • Chemical composition of the ingredient
  • Use of the ingredient in cooking
  • How to select and store a product
  • Contraindications and side effects
  • The future of the meat industry

Bacon is a special meat product. It is obtained after long and specific fattening of livestock, which is called bacon pig farming. Animals are kept in the most organic conditions possible, protected from stress and strong physical exertion. The diet of livestock on such farms is truly varied and even close to that of humans.

Bacon is cut from the sides of a young pig. The lower limbs, vertebrae, pelvic bones and flank bones (sternum bones) are not included in the gourmet cut. The bacon is cut into thin slices, then salted/smoked/baked/fried or simply sent raw to the point of sale. Farmers describe bacon as lean, juicy meat with thin layers of lard running through it. These layers provide a soft but multifaceted taste, saving the client time and money (since there is no need to use oil during heat treatment, the lard will release the required amount of juice on its own).

Bacon is most popular in Western culinary practice. The product has become world famous as a fundamental ingredient in the English breakfast. Every self-respecting Englishman at least once in his life dined on green lettuce, half-baked runny fried eggs and a few pieces of crispy bacon.

Bacon pig breeds

Young animals aged 2.5-3 months and weighing 15-30 kg should be selected for bacon fattening. Suitable for this purpose are early maturing breeds and their crosses, capable of rapid fattening and good feed-to-weight conversion.

The best breeds for fattening bacon: large white pigs, Estonian bacon pigs, Landrace breeds, as well as first-generation crosses from crossing the queens of these breeds with boars of other breeds and breed groups. You can also fatten young animals obtained from crossing queens of meat and fat breeds with boars of meat breeds.

Late-ripening breeds, piglets with piglets, as well as weakened animals and gilts that have not reached the weight typical for pigs of their age are unsuitable for bacon fattening. It must be remembered that the best results in bacon fattening can only be achieved with animals whose constitution fully complies with the standards of bacon productivity.

Bacon pigs should have a light head, short legs, wide and well-developed hams and a long, level back. With this addition, they produce a lot of bacon with a relatively small weight of offal.

Product varieties

The techniques for raising and butchering livestock for different types of bacon are almost identical. The difference lies in the territorial characteristics of the technique and the preferences of local chefs. The most popular types of bacon are Canadian, turkey, smoked and pancetta.

Canadian bacon is considered classic. It is what is used in everyone’s favorite burgers, fried in a frying pan and added to the famous English breakfast. Smoked bacon differs in the degree of processing: it is no longer a raw cut, but a whole food product.

If you are not a fan of the smell of smoked meat, then simply soak the bacon in water. After some time, the smell will become less pronounced and then disappear completely.

Pancetta is a special type of Italian meat. It is obtained from pork belly. The juicy cut is seasoned with spices, all kinds of aromatic herbs, and then salted.

Turkey may well compete with pork bacon. Lean meat differs in taste, nutritional composition, and calorie content. This active alternative is used by adherents of a healthy diet and those who closely monitor their weight.

Signs of quality bacon

The consumer receives three varieties of delicacy based on appearance, taste, and smell.

  1. High-quality bacon is red-pink without dark spots.
  2. The fibers of fat and meat are dense and do not spread.
  3. There are no foreign odors, including the smell of salt.
  4. The taste is lightly salted, delicate, without an “aftertaste”.

The generally accepted marking of a first-class product is full branded. The second grade is designated by the term “half branded”. The third grade is designated as “unbrand or cuts.” This variety is cut into pieces, which we purchase in the retail chain. The first two varieties are supplied to consumers in pieces “sealed” in cling film. A top-class product is sold at exorbitant prices, packaged in canvas, and available to gourmets.

This is interesting: Russian meat processing plants pass off raw smoked brisket as bacon. “Real” bacon is made from the side of a purebred animal. In stores you can find “turkey bacon” - the tenderloin from the thigh of a dietary bird is not a traditional delicacy of lard with a proportional layer.

Useful properties of meat product

Pork meat is famous for its vitamin and nutrient composition. Among the beneficial properties of pork cuts:

  • improving the functionality of the nervous system;
  • prolongation of the youth of the skin;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • increasing the percentage of food digestibility;
  • additional protection of the heart and blood vessels from possible diseases;
  • normalization of cholesterol levels;
  • strengthening the muscle corset;
  • gaining quality muscle mass.

Chemical composition of the ingredient

Nutritional value (per 100 grams of fried product)

Calorie content541 kcal
Water12.32 g
Squirrels37.04 g
Fats41.78 g
Carbohydrates1.43 g
Alimentary fiber0 g
Cholesterol110 mg
Ash7.43 g

Mineral composition (in milligrams per 100 grams of fried product)

Potassium (K)565
Calcium (Ca)11
Magnesium (Mg)33
Sodium (Na)2310
Phosphorus (P)533
Iron (Fe)1,44
Manganese (Mn)0,02
Copper (Cu)0,16
Selenium (Se)0,062
Chromium (Cr)0,0336
Zinc (Zn)3,5

Vitamin composition (in milligrams per 100 grams of fried product)

Retinol (A)0,011
Cholecalciferol (D3)0,01
Tocopherol (E)0,31
Phylloquinone (K)0,0001
Thiamine (B1)0,4
Riboflavin (B2)0,26
Niacin (B3)11,1
Choline (B4)123,2
Pantothenic acid (B5)1,17
Pyridoxine (B6)0,35
Folic acid (B9)0,002
Cobalamin (B12)0,00123
Nicotinic acid (PP)16,45

Balance of proteins, essential/essential amino acids (in grams per 100 grams of fried product)

Essential amino acids
Nonessential amino acids
Aspartic acid3,61
Glutamic acid5,64

Balance of fats and fatty acids

Saturated fats13,74
Monounsaturated fats18,52
Polyunsaturated fats4,55

Use of the ingredient in cooking

Bacon is one of the most popular cuts of pork. It is used to prepare:

  • minced meat with other types of meat;
  • pickled snacks;
  • smoked snacks;
  • English breakfasts;
  • first and second courses;
  • salads.

Classic Bacon, Egg and Cheese Sandwich Recipe

We will need:

  • bacon – 15 g;
  • whole grain bread – 2 slices;
  • hard cheese (it is recommended to use edam) – 25 g;
  • tomato – 1 piece;
  • vegetable oil for frying - a few drops;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc. (can be replaced with two quail eggs);
  • lettuce leaves – 4 pcs.


Fry the bacon slices in a frying pan (it is not recommended to use oil as the bacon will release enough fat to fry). Fry the meat on both sides until you get a beautiful golden crust. Using a toaster or hot skillet, warm 2 slices of bread.

Place 1 slice on a board/plate/table, cover it with cheese, tomato slices (pre-cut the tomato into slices), bacon and lettuce.

At the same time, fry the fried egg in a frying pan. It is important that the yolk remains liquid inside (semi-ready). Place the fried egg on 1 slice of bread with an armada of ingredients on top. Use a second slice of bread to press the egg down and press the sandwich lightly to flatten it slightly.

This sandwich is part of the arsenal of traditional American breakfasts. The main focal point of the dish is the half-cooked yolk. This is what will replace fatty mayonnaise or tomato sauce in a sandwich. The yolk, like magma, tends to gradually harden (as soon as the temperature inside drops), so you need to eat the sandwich as quickly as possible so as not to miss a single note of the flavor palette.

Top 25: Crazy Bacon Facts You'll Be Interested to Know

Some of the bacon facts on this list may seem incredible to you, but believe me, it's all true! This delicious product is loved by people all over the Earth, and if you also can’t imagine life without bacon, you simply must read our selection. You may never look at bacon the same way again after reading this post. From mobile apps for bacon lovers looking for their soulmate, to bacon condoms and religious cults dedicated to pork, these 25 facts will blow your mind! 25. The first meat that people stopped eating raw and began to salt was pork.

Photo: Shutterstock

Yes, bacon was a pioneer in the world of meat cooking! It is believed that it was the Chinese who began to consume salted pork sides more than 3 thousand years ago.

24. Bacon used to be called "Petaso"

Photo: Shutterstock

In ancient Rome, bacon was considered a dish of boiled, salted pork shoulder with figs. After cooking, the meat was fried and seasoned with pepper sauce. The Romans called this treat “petaso”.

23. The word “bacon” originally referred to pork back.

Photo: Shutterstock
The word “bacon” comes from the German “bak”, meaning pork back. The Old High German word “bakko” was once borrowed by the French a long time ago and became “bacco”, which the British in turn converted into “bacoun” and began to call any pork dish with it.

22. The first industrial bacon curing factory opened in 1770

Photo: Shutterstock

Bacon was originally produced by farmers and butchers who sold the meat only to residents of their home town or village. In the 18th century, an Englishman named John Harris opened the country's first industrial pork-salting factory. Mr Harris developed a special preservation technology called "Wiltshire Cure", which is still used in smoked meat factories.

21. History of the phrase “Bringing Home The Bacon”

Photo: Shutterstock

In the West, the phrase “bringing home the bacon” is considered an idiom meaning “to make money.” However, in 12th century England this expression had a completely different meaning. In those days, the church awarded bacon to any married man if he swore before the Lord that he had not quarreled with his wife for 1 year and 1 day. Since then, men who often brought home bacon were considered exemplary husbands and decent citizens.

20. Bacon and explosives production during World War II

Photo: Shutterstock

During World War II, the American government encouraged its citizens to donate surplus pork fat and bacon to the army. For this purpose, a whole special committee was created - “The American Fat Salvage Committee”. Glycerin was produced from pork fat, which was then used to create real bombs.

19. Hardee's brought bacon back into popularity.

Photo: Hardee's Frisco Burger /

In the 1980s, there was a widely circulated myth in the media that in order to eat properly, it was necessary to avoid foods containing saturated fats and cholesterol. The industrial production of bacon in those years suffered greatly from this propaganda. However, in the early 90s, the craze for such diets began to wane, and in 1992, the American fast food restaurant chain Hardee's added a completely new dish to its menu - bacon burgers called the "Frisco Burger". The dish became a real bestseller! The novelty not only returned bacon to its former popularity, but also quickly spread to other restaurant chains around the world.

18. Statistics and bacon

Photo: Shutterstock

The average American eats 8.16 kilograms of bacon per year. This is a lot if you imagine such a quantity on one plate!

17. Religious cult in honor of bacon

Photo: United Church of Bacon Logo /

If you're almost in awe of bacon, you should definitely check out the United Church of Bacon. The church received official status and is located in Las Vegas. The number of its parishioners numbers as many as 13 thousand people. Church representatives marry young couples, raise money for charity, and even came up with their own “9 Bacon Commandments.”

16. Bacon camp?

Photo: Camp Bacon T-shirt /

If worshiping bacon is a bit much, but you still have very strong feelings about it, Camp Bacon may be the perfect choice for you. The camp is held every year in Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, and offers visitors a variety of bacon-related activities, including lectures, cooking classes and, of course, bacon tasting.

15. Special application for smartphones!

Photo: Oscar Mayer /

Would you like to wake up to the smell of bacon heated in a frying pan, but there’s simply no one to run the kitchen? There is already a special application for such cases! Or it was. The alarm clock, designed by Oscar Mayer, will wake you up every morning to the sound and smell of frying bacon. I'm not kidding! According to the author, the application is able to exude the aroma of bacon thanks to a special spare part designed specifically for iPhone models. Unfortunately, a fairly limited number of these devices were made and they never sold out. Most likely, this whimsical project died out long ago, and the fate of the batch of aromatic components still remains unknown.

14. An app for single bacon lovers

Photo: Sizzl/

Well, since we're talking about smartphones and technology, here's another unusual application. The same Oscar Mayer came up with another program for fans of the pork delicacy who just can’t find a partner. The app is called Sizzl and is designed for “true bacon lovers to find each other, meet their potential soulmate and share life and bacon with them.” Like many other mobile apps for finding a partner, Sizzl contacts the user’s profile on his Facebook page and receives personal information for the profile from there. But this application also has its own special functions - for example, a survey about your favorite types of bacon. By the way, in this application you won’t have to endlessly scroll through your profile feed. You can simply click on the screen, wait, and the “sizzle meter” will select a pair for you.

13. Kevin Bacon's Bacon Head

Photo: Kevin Bacon /

To create this strange work, its author, Mike Lahue, took several packages of bacon, a can of glue and 5 layers of special varnish. The bacon bust of American actor and director Kevin Bacon, whose surname is so consonant with the theme of our selection, was sculpted by order of J&D Foods, a company specializing in the production of bacon. The head was auctioned off and proceeds were donated to Ashley's Team, a non-profit organization that helps children with cancer and their families.

12. Bacon is addictive

Photo: Shutterstock

Have you ever felt like your craving for bacon is beyond all reason? If so, you may have developed a real bacon addiction. Scientists have found that some foods that are quite fatty can be as addictive as heroin and cocaine. It is not surprising that bacon is also included in the list of theoretically dangerous treats...

11. Bacon-scented cologne

Photo: Bacon cologne /

Can't get enough of the aroma of your favorite food? For the most passionate bacon lovers, there's a bacon-scented cologne on the market. Bacon aroma from the Fargginay company is produced on the basis of essential oils, herbs and, of course, bacon itself. This eau de toilette is the first of its kind in the whole world!

10. Bacon is against sex

Photo: Shutterstock

According to a 2010 national survey conducted by statistics firm Maple Leaf, 43% of Canadians preferred bacon when asked to choose between the meat product and sex. Respondents from British Columbia (Canadian province) turned out to be the most devoted fans of bacon - exactly half of those surveyed preferred it to sexual intercourse. Residents of Quebec turned out to be less gluttonous - only 37% of respondents preferred bacon to bed pleasures.

9. Bacon has its own patron saint.

Photo: Shutterstock

There is no mistake or nonsense in the title of this paragraph, you understood everything correctly! Bacon has his own personal saint - the Christian hermit Anthony the Great. Technically, Saint Anthony is the patron saint of pigs and other animals, as well as butchers, epileptics, amputees, undertakers, brush makers, peasants and horsemen. Not all traditions fit into the head...

8. Bacon is a vegetarian trap

Photo: Shutterstock

It turns out that most often vegetarians break their diet precisely because of bacon. This product is so tempting that even scientists are interested in it. Researchers conducted a number of experiments, and it was bacon that best helped them study how our brain works and how certain reactions occur in it. By the way, some vegetarians miss bacon so much that American scientists have developed an unusual type of red seaweed especially for them, the taste of which is almost identical to the taste of bacon. Moreover, the pronounced taste qualities of the new variety of these algae appear only during frying or smoking.

7The First Bacon-Related Death In History

Photo: Shutterstock

Bacon can kill you in more ways than one, and we're not even talking about obesity or cholesterol here. In 1543, grieving widow and servant Elizabeth Browne was warming herself in the kitchen by the stove when heavy bundles of still raw bacon fell on her. The meat was hanging directly above the woman on special hooks, and suddenly their rope broke. Unfortunately, the woman suffered fatal injuries.

6. The first dish tasted on the moon

Photo: Shutterstock

As you may have guessed, it was bacon. Of course, the astronauts had other foods besides bacon. For example, peaches, sugar cookies, coffee and multivitamin juice.

5. Scientists have invented a way to grow bacon in the laboratory

Photo: Shutterstock

It may not be long before we all switch to lab-grown bacon. Scientists have long been experimenting with technologies that can transform pig stem cells into muscle fibers. There are just a lot of advantages to this technique! For example, laboratory-grown meat can help fight world hunger, global warming and make meat production more humane!

4. Bacon condoms

Photo: Bacon Condoms /

Initially, their production was launched in honor of April Fools' Day as an innocent joke. The idea belonged to the American company J&D's Foods, whose technologists then developed the world's first bacon condom. Just don’t rush to give free rein to your imagination, because these condoms are made of latex, like any other. The only difference is that they are coated with a unique water-based bacon lubricant. Whatever they come up with!

3. Bacon has its own holiday. Even 2!

Photo: Shutterstock

There are as many as 2 red days in the calendar dedicated to bacon. For example, September 3 is declared International Bacon Day, and December 30 is the purely American National Bacon Day. Now you have at least 2 days a year when it's okay to eat a lot of bacon without a twinge of conscience. Although let's be honest - who needs an excuse to enjoy this deliciousness?

2. Bacon can make your child smarter

Photo: Shutterstock

Good news for pregnant bacon lovers! A recent study found that bacon contains a vitamin-like substance called choline, which plays a critical role in fetal development. Choline is also found in eggs, beef, salmon, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and breast milk.

1. World record for eating the most bacon in 5 minutes

Photo: Matt Stonie, Atomicred /

How about eating 182 slices of bacon in 5 minutes? That's how much bacon Matt Stonie ate on February 22, 2015, setting a world record. Could you eat that much in one sitting?

How to select and store a product

Start from the cost of the product: you need to find a middle ground in it. Too cheap bacon should give you some ideas, but there is no need to overpay. Check out the average price and use some simple math and observation to find the perfect option.

The next step (no less important) is the composition. The postulate “the purer the composition, the better the product” works again. What may be in bacon:

  • brine (10%);
  • meat (90%).

The third step is color. If you decide to buy a vacuum-sealed product, then choose transparent packaging to better see the meat. The shade can vary from light to dark brown, red and white splashes are allowed. Make sure that there is no rot, fungus or other traces of poor quality cut on the surface. The texture of the ingredient should be uniform: the meat should accurately alternate with pieces of lard, without becoming stained or torn.

Next is the skin. It has absolutely no meaning, and the presence of skin is dictated only by your preferences.

The final step is the implementation deadline. Choose the freshest possible meat that is firmly packaged and attractive in appearance.

Which lard is better, thin or thick?

Fresh lard should not have any yellowness or grayish tint. The optimal thickness is about three centimeters. If it is thicker or thinner, the taste will be worse. The skin should be cleanly scraped, without bristles, slightly yellowish in color.

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Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications for bacon depend on the heat treatment method chosen. Most often, the cut is fried in a frying pan until golden brown, so let’s look at the disadvantages of this particular type of meat.

Bacon is dangerous:

  • high calorie content;
  • high concentration of cholesterol;
  • an abundance of “empty” carbohydrates;
  • disproportionate concentration of fatty acids (causes an imbalance within the body).

Who should not eat this particular type of meat and what are the consequences of violating the ban? Bacon should not be consumed by young children, as should any other fatty, smoked, or overly seasoned meat. The reason is not even the weak gastrointestinal tract of babies. Such “cluttered” meat (with spices/sauces/marinades) can increase the risk of developing cancer several times. Scientists have recorded an increase in the number of children suffering from stomach cancer and attribute this to poor family eating habits. The child’s immunity will weaken sharply, and his health will worsen after each intake of a heavy fatty product.

The World Cancer Research Fund encourages clean and healthy eating for children. Parents should not introduce their child to canned, salted or smoked foods. This destroys their nutritional constitution, is addictive, has a detrimental effect on health and shortens life expectancy.

Moreover, in the modern world, the problem of childhood obesity is acute. Save your child and instead of a juicy piece of bacon, offer equally delicious boiled garlic chicken.

Also, patients with gastrointestinal tract pathologies and those with individual intolerance to the product or components included in the composition should not eat meat.

So should bacon be completely excluded from your diet? No. The UK Food Standards Agency consoles the population and says that it is always possible to find a way out of even a critical situation. You can eat bacon, but to do this you need to be a healthy and smart person. Healthy, so that the body can easily cope with a difficult-to-digest product, and smart, so that it can correctly distribute and combine the food load throughout the day.

Bacon should only be eaten for breakfast, so that the resulting calories are converted into energy, and not fat on the sides and around the heart. The maximum allowable amount of the ingredient is 70 grams per week.

Approach all aspects of life from a scientific point of view. Then the absence of bacon in your daily diet will not be a loss, but a gain. Your physiological and psychological health is much more important than imaginary eating habits. Don't let temporary joys take over the mountain and poison your body. Be healthy!

This is interesting

There are a large number of delicacies on sale, such as bacon and egg ice cream, lollipops, bacon vodka and chocolate-covered bacon.

According to scientists, this product can relieve a hangover.

Bacon is a very fatty product; 100 g contains more than 500 kcal.

According to the same scientists, eating smoked, canned, and salted meat products can cause intestinal cancer.

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