Protect your farm: how ultrasonic mouse repellers can be useful for summer residents and gardeners

A device capable of repelling rather than destroying pests appeared on the market relatively recently. But thanks to its effectiveness and humanity, it quickly gained popularity. Such devices, depending on the model, have different shapes, power, and are designed to work in certain areas. Create conditions in the room in which neither rats nor mice can stay for a long time. This causes pests to flee from occupied areas.

Repellers do not emit toxic substances and are practically inaudible to the human ear. Therefore, they are considered harmless to people and can be used in any residential premises.

Why are rodents in the countryside and in agriculture so harmful?

Many summer residents are faced with the problem of the spread of rodents. The harm they cause is obvious. If rodents are in your area, your plants will most likely suffer. You may be at risk of them eating the fruit. They are not only harmful to plants: a rat can also scare your animals. Needless to say, something or other equipment can be damaged by rodents.

These animals not only devour cultivated crops, but also spread diseases that are dangerous to humans. It is known that from these uninvited guests you can catch yersiniosis, salmonellosis, and rabies; rats can transmit tapeworms and even spread fever.

Vasily Rumyantsev, who holds a responsible position in a company that produces products to combat these pests, spoke about the dangers of rodents for agriculture: “They eat not only crops, but also food for animals and birds.” Therefore, it is important to try to prevent them from entering your territory.

Fighting methods

In order to combat pests, you can use several methods at once:

  • Preventing site cleanliness;
  • Breeding cats, dogs;
  • Use of repellers, mousetraps;
  • Plant processing;
  • For large farms: use of a deratization system.

Below we will focus on such a control device as an ultrasonic mouse repeller. It can be used by owners of a wide variety of farms and plots.

Repellers and exterminators will protect you from uninvited guests

Our online store offers a large selection of products that permanently expel pests. From us you can buy a repeller for rats, mice, other rodents, devices that drive away snakes, moles, and insects.

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What is this device?

Anyone who has not encountered the problem of rodent infestation may not be aware of this. However, if this problem has become urgent for you, it is important for you to consider the possibility of using a pest control method such as repellers.

Repellers available on the market can be divided into the following types:

  • Ultrasonic;
  • Electromagnetic;
  • Combined.

Each type of repeller is characterized by its own way of influencing rodents. At the same time, the ultrasonic repeller has proven itself to be the most effective. How does it work?

So, an ultrasonic repeller is a device that produces ultrasonic waves to repel rats and mice. Such devices have appeared on the market relatively recently, and they have established themselves as a new method of pest control. According to user reviews, this tool can be very effective.

Expert opinion

Kuznetsov Vasily Stepanovich

How does this device work, and how can you use it to repel rats and mice? The basic principle of its operation is that it generates waves whose frequency is high enough to affect the body of rats and mice, thus causing them to panic. As a result, they strive to leave the room in which the ultrasound is propagating as quickly as possible.

Let us highlight the pros and cons that are identified by the owners of the devices and characterize their operation:


  • This device really works. Damage from rodents becomes less;
  • There is quite a large selection of models on the market. There is an opportunity to find the right one for yourself;


  • The device is very expensive;
  • The effectiveness of different devices varies. There is a chance to run into one that works worse, or even a fake;
  • The radius of wave propagation for most devices is not too large.

In the magazine “Agrotechnics and Technologies,” specialist Alena Drozdova outlines the following conditions for using such a device: “There should be no objects in the area where the repeller is installed that interfere with the passage of the beam. ... It is important to remember that ... their influence will be weaker the further they are from the repeller.” Repellers are very expensive, and therefore not everyone is ready to purchase them.

If you decide to buy an ultrasonic mouse repeller, read reviews about each of them. Not all models have proven themselves to be effective.

Ultrasonic mouse repeller: what is the work based on?

This type of mouse repeller works quite simply. The device emits ultrasound, the frequency of which is too high to be perceived by the human ear. The sound wave is reflected from hard surfaces and absorbed by soft ones. It becomes clear that this is an effective device against voles, the scheme of which is quite simple.

Typically, these devices operate at frequencies from 32 to 62 kHz. Ultrasound from rodents causes great inconvenience for animals, since their hearing is much more sensitive than human hearing. An additional inconvenience for them is the “floating” frequency, which does not allow the animal’s ear to adapt. That is why these devices are very effective against rodents.

Also, for additional efficiency, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • sound waves do not pass through walls, so devices must be installed in different rooms;
  • It is best to choose a device that imitates the sound of the dominant male of the mouse family.

The “squeak of a dominant male” will prevent weaker individuals from entering your home. This is due to the fact that these animals quite aggressively protect their right to territory and often kill relatives who violate the boundaries.

Features of device operation

For the device to work truly effectively, it is important to use it correctly. Consider the following recommendations:

  1. You cannot use ultrasonic mouse repellers and devices designed to attract them at the same time. This combination of opposing goals will lead to undesirable consequences. Repelling will lead to the fact that rodents will avoid traps, and luring will lead to the fact that they will still run into the enclosed room. As a result, you will not achieve an effective result.

  2. Please note that the effect of ultrasound is limited. It does not spread through walls. “Therefore, the range of the device is limited by the room,” writes the portal Therefore, carefully consider the choice of the room in which the device will be installed if you are purchasing only one device. This room should be the place where most of the rats and mice that enter your home visit. Using devices in a nearby, less-trafficked room is not very effective or efficient. But there is another way of placement - you can purchase repellers for different rooms and install them in each. You also cannot expect that by installing the device in a separate building, you will get effective results from its operation in a nearby house.

If you live or are simply outside the city, then the most suitable place to place the repeller would be the basement.

  1. Take into account the characteristics of ultrasound propagation in the room. If there is not too much upholstered furniture or none at all, then there will be fewer problems: ultrasound will be reflected from the walls and, as a result, spread throughout the room. In the case of upholstered furniture, ultrasound is absorbed to a greater extent, and the effect of the device is minimal. Therefore, place indoors those objects that can lead to an infestation of rodents, precisely in the room where the conditions allow the repeller to work.

Keep in mind the following: placed objects may interfere with the repeller's operation by absorbing sound. Therefore, it is advisable to place several repellers in such a room. The author of the article tried to use one repeller in a room with shelving, but the range was not always enough. Therefore, it was necessary to place several such devices at once.

  1. Many summer residents have rooms in their homes without electricity. For such conditions in winter, they tried to purchase a special type of repeller: battery-powered. We strongly do not recommend taking such a step, since your batteries will simply freeze. In winter, outside the city, if you do not have electricity, try a car repeller: it can serve you for a long time.
  2. The repeller should only work when it is really necessary. Its operating principle is as follows: rodents that have chosen a particular room encounter the effect of ultrasound in it and begin to “associate” this room with such a stimulus. As a result, they begin to simply avoid him. When does this rule apply? Only if rats and mice have “alternative” places where they want to run. If there is no choice, then they learn to visit this room despite the presence of ultrasound. This can happen if the ultrasound is always on: if it works only for a while, then the rodents are afraid to encounter it again, and if it is constantly on, then they learn to ignore it.

How do you fight mice?



We hope our review will really help you, if necessary, purchase and use an ultrasonic mouse repeller.

Here are some questions that people who want to use or use such a device often want answers to:

Can a repeller harm the health of its owner?

Can not.

How long does it take for an ultrasonic mouse repeller to start working?

It depends on the model. On average, it begins to work after 3 months.

How long will it take for mice and rats to completely disappear?

In different conditions - in different ways. On average after 4 – 5 months.

I installed an ultrasonic repeller and it stopped working. What is the reason?

Do not keep the repeller on all the time. Use it only when necessary.

Do all repellers work with sound?

Not all. The presence of noise depends on the operating conditions for which the repeller is intended.

Remember that each site owner must select a repeller to suit their needs. We talked about some of the nuances that are significant for such needs. Among these nuances, it is necessary to highlight: different working conditions, different characteristics of manufactured devices, methods of use in various rooms, in certain weather conditions, features of operation and benefits for their owners.

What is the main conclusion to be drawn? Remember that an ultrasonic repeller is not a universal and only means of fighting rodents, but sometimes it can be very useful.

Operating parameters of some popular models

Model* Area coverage, m2 Frequency range, kHz Sound pressure level, dB
Chiston-2 300 20-70 110
Chiston-2 Pro 450 120
Tornado-200 200 18-70 102
Tornado-400 400
Tornado-800 800
Typhoon LS-600 100 20-40 100
Typhoon OG 400 19-70
Typhoon LS-800 1000 20-40
Grad A-500 500 4-64 90
ElectroCat classic 200 5-55 110
Bioguard 800 20-70 120
TM-315 750 20-65 115
WK-0600 325 2-50 95
Tsunami-2 250 18-90 90
Sonar-02 400 12.5-125 90110
  • The beam pattern for all devices is – 360o
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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