Choosing the best mouse and rat repellers of 2022

Updated: 04/22/2021 17:09:35

Expert: Anna Maslova

*Review of the best according to the editors of About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Mice and rats have long caused people many problems. These small rodents not only destroy a significant part of the peasants' harvest, damage things and buildings, but also spread diseases that are deadly to humans. And if earlier people had to fight with the help of traps or poison, today modern repellers come to the rescue. And even if they do not act instantly, the pests in full force leave the uncomfortable home. Most devices influence the psyche of rodents using ultrasonic or electromagnetic waves. A power source is required to bring the device into working position. Most often, the connection is made to a household power supply, but there are models that can operate from autonomous power sources, for example, a car battery. When choosing a repeller, experts recommend paying attention to several parameters.

Criteria for selecting rat and mouse repellers

  1. Radius of action.
    One of the most important characteristics of an electronic defender is its range. Ultrasonic models are considered the most powerful; they produce acoustic waves that frighten pests over an area of ​​up to 1000 square meters. m. But the walls become an insurmountable obstacle to further spread. The range of action of electromagnetic emitters is more modest (up to 200 sq. m), however, due to branched electrical wiring, they form a uniform magnetic field in which both rodents and insects feel uncomfortable.
  2. Signal frequency.
    The deterioration in the health of rodents is directly related to the strength of sound pressure. The optimal range is 110-130 dB. The weaker the impact, the longer the pests will stay indoors.
  3. Power supply.
    When choosing a repeller for a remote warehouse or basement, it is better to give preference to devices with autonomous power supply. The signal strength and range may be reduced somewhat, but you won’t have to install a gas generator or lay a long electric cable along the street.
  4. Safety and comfort.
    To operate in a residential area, the repeller requires operation that is silent and harmless to humans. Some models, when turned on for a long time, worsen the well-being of residents. You will also have to take care of your pets, since most devices make hamsters and guinea pigs restless.

Our review includes the best repellers for rodents and insects. When selecting applicants, the following criteria were taken into account:

  1. efficiency of application;
  2. radius of action;
  3. type of radiation;
  4. price;
  5. expert opinion;
  6. consumer reviews.

Hawk 200

  • Dimensions – 70x80x95 mm.
  • Weight – 200 g.
  • Radius of action – 200 m2.
  • The range of emitted frequencies is 18-70 kHz.
  • Operating temperature range – from -40 to +80 ºС.

And today’s release ends with Yastreb 200, a reliable device from a Russian company that effectively repels rats, mice and other rodents. The model can be used in any residential, commercial or industrial facility. The operating principle of the device is based on the generation of ultrasonic waves, under the influence of which pests begin to experience discomfort. Moreover, these signals are absolutely harmless to people and pets.

The device belongs to the category of network devices. The cord length is 1.5 meters, which allows you to do without an extension cord in most cases. According to information from the manufacturer, the average service life of the device is ten years. To get the first results, just wait two weeks. You can also use the device for preventive purposes, turning it on for a few days every 2-3 months.

Comparison of ultrasonic and electromagnetic repellers

Repeller type Advantages Flaws
Ultrasonic + safety for humans

+ long period of continuous operation

+ affordable price

+ long range

— the signal does not pass through obstacles

- upholstered furniture, cardboard, fabrics reduce the effectiveness of exposure

Electromagnetic + safety for humans

+ magnetic waves pass through walls and floors

+ creates a wide coverage area

+ drives pests out of niches and voids

— strong dependence of efficiency on the branching of electrical wiring

- inability to work autonomously

What to look for when choosing

When purchasing such a device, look at:

  1. Form factor. Compact options can be firmly held in the socket of a Euro socket. Massive - installed on a table (floor, cabinet) and connected with a removable cord.
  2. Dimensions. Different sized devices should be used in different rooms. In smaller buildings - smaller ones, in larger buildings - larger ones.
  3. Emitter power. Depends on the coverage area. For an ordinary apartment, five watts is enough.
  4. Design features. We are talking about additional protection of the case, ventilation holes, and additional connection ports. Such nuances make life much easier for customers.
  5. Frequency range of operation. Pay attention to the frequency band in which this or that radio operates. They are different in purpose.

Rating of the best rodent repellers

NominationplaceName of productprice
The best ultrasonic rodent repellers (rodents only)1Grad A-1000 PRO+5 290 ₽
2Chiston-2 PRO2 450 ₽
3Tornado 4002 100 ₽
4"ElectroCat"1 300 ₽
5Typhoon OG.011 880 ₽
The best ultrasonic repellers of rodents, insects, animals1Weitech WK-06005 990 ₽
2EcoSniper LS-927M1 690 ₽
3"Mongoose" SD-0421 760 ₽
4YASTREB-2001 500 ₽
5REXANT 71-0009810 ₽
The best electromagnetic mouse and rat repellers1EMR-211 100 ₽
2Riddex Plus650 ₽
3Digital570 ₽

How to choose a repeller: main characteristics of the device

Before purchasing a device, you should pay attention to several important selection criteria that determine the functionality of the product. You need to look at the operating principle of the device, its power and other capabilities that will allow you to select a product for your specific needs.

Operating principle

  1. Sound. The operating principle of this type of repeller is to influence pests with sound waves that have a wide range of frequencies. This provokes panic in rodents, so they try to run away from the source of this sound, despite the proximity of food and shelter. The repeller gets rid of pests in just a few days. While the device is working, they do not return. The disadvantage of such models is the constant noise from the device being turned on, so they are not suitable for home use. They are best used for cottages, pantries and storage areas.
  2. Electromagnetic. The product produces impulses that are unpleasant for pests. These devices do not in any way affect electronic devices in the room, but they reach insects well even in walls and ceilings.
  3. Ultrasonic. In this case, the device operates at the level of ultrasonic waves, which are inaccessible to human perception. This is the main advantage of such devices - they are completely silent. However, these sounds are perfectly heard by rodents. Ultrasonic repellers can be installed in homes and places where there are children (schools, kindergartens, medical institutions).
  4. Combined. It combines ultrasonic and electromagnetic types of work, which allows you to comprehensively influence the problem.
  5. Flavored. This type of device is used only for insects (mainly mosquitoes). It is made in the form of a bracelet with a special impregnation, the smell of which repels blood-sucking people from humans.

Wave propagation area

There are three classes of repellers based on area of ​​influence:

  1. Portable. They are suitable for small spaces and rooms up to 100 square meters.
  2. Average. Such devices allow you to get rid of pests on an area of ​​100 to 500 square meters.
  3. Large and powerful. Most often, these models are used in large enterprises, parking lots and warehouses, the area of ​​which can reach more than 1000 square meters.

It is best to purchase a device with higher power, since all device characteristics and efficiency are described under ideal conditions (an empty room without furniture and with a hard floor). In practice, the range of action is significantly lower, since the emitted waves are reflected from any obstacles and are absorbed by all kinds of furniture.

Additional options

Some models are equipped with additional functions that increase the efficiency of the device. Among them:

  1. Changes in wave frequency. This opportunity allows you to prevent pests from becoming addicted. Often, rodents and insects develop immunity and adapt to any negative factors. However, devices that change signal characteristics change the waves in a random order, preventing uninvited guests from adapting to these conditions.
  2. The presence of light flashes. With their help, animals are blinded and scared at night. Bright flashing causes panic and does not allow you to quickly navigate in space.
  3. Strong sound pressure (120 dB). It affects rodents in the same way as the sound of a jackhammer or siren affects humans. Since the sound of the repeller operates at frequencies inaccessible to humans, discomfort is caused only to pests.

Portable and stationary models

Stationary devices run on electricity and have more power than portable products. Such devices can be used without human supervision and are suitable for most premises and institutions.

Portable repellers are easily used in places where there is no power supply, as they operate on batteries. However, they need to constantly monitor the charge level and replace the batteries on time.

Devices for cars

Pests can get into not only a person’s home, but also cars and garages, especially if there is food in them. This problem can be solved with the help of special automotive devices that are small in size and do not consume a lot of electricity. Most often they are made in the form of a keychain, and they can be charged using a car charger.

The power of such devices is no lower than conventional repellers; some of them are capable of fighting insects and rodents over an area of ​​500 square meters.

The best ultrasonic rodent repellers (rodents only)

The easiest way to choose an ultrasonic repeller is for rodents such as mice, rats and moles. A certain frequency of radiation is adjusted to them, and other representatives of the animal world do not respond to the signal. Here are some effective rodent control devices.

Grad A-1000 PRO+

Rating: 4.9

Many flattering reviews can be read on thematic forums about the properties of the Grad A-1000 PRO+ repeller. Many users call it a real human protector from rodents and other small animals. The device has all the features of a rating winner. Take, for example, the temperature range (-35...+75°C), at which it instills fear in mice and rats. Therefore, you can install a repeller not only in the house, but also in cellars, sheds and garages.

But the most important advantage of the device is its large range of action (up to 1000 sq. m). The manufacturer has provided the ability to adjust the product depending on the desired impact. The repeller requires a household electrical outlet to operate, although it can also be connected to a car battery using terminals.


  • large range of action;
  • four operating modes;
  • works in both heat and cold;
  • works from mains or battery.


  • not detected.

Why a repeller?

If there are small children and pets in the house, then it is dangerous to fight rodents with poison or place mousetraps. In such cases, preference is given to a mouse and rat repeller. Repellers come in different technical characteristics; to understand which device suits you best, you should carefully study the parameters of each type.

Ultrasonic model

At first, as soon as the device is installed, sudden activity of mice and rats may be observed, this happens because they are lost in space due to the ultrasound, and are trying to find a way out of the room.

This type of repeller can be placed in crowded places, living rooms and rooms with a large area. It does not have a negative impact on people's condition. In rare cases, the machines produce waves that are noisy and create audio interference. It is safe for pets to stay near the device. The repeller does not kill rodents, but only irritates their condition in waves.

Positive aspects of using an ultrasonic device:

  • does not harm the psyche of humans and domestic animals;
  • may cause insects to be expelled from the house;
  • does not require breaks in work;
  • Eco-friendly materials are used for production.

Has disadvantages:

  • for each room where it is necessary to expel rodents, a separate device is needed;
  • The efficiency of the device decreases if there is a lot of furniture in the room.

Electromagnetic model

The result of such a device is noticeable after 3-4 weeks. If all the requirements in the installation room are met, the efficiency will be good. Rodents will first begin to actively crawl out of their shelters, and then leave your home for a long time. To achieve the best result, the repeller is connected to an outlet that is closer to the distributor; the wiring should run along the entire perimeter of the room. For prevention, it is recommended to periodically plug in the device.


  • has an impact on uninvited guests, even through walls and furniture, as a result, the impact occurs even on difficult-to-reach rodent burrows;
  • works without interruption;
  • does not contain harmful elements;
  • expels insects;
  • propagates waves over long distances;
  • safe for pets and people.

Disadvantages at work:

  • if the wiring does not run along the entire perimeter, the operating efficiency is low;
  • requires compliance with conditions that cannot be created in all premises.

Combined model

According to consumers, this device is a unique rat and mouse repeller. After all, its operating principle is based on the radiation of electromagnetic and ultrasonic waves. As a result, small pests receive a double dose of irritant; their psyche is not ready for such an attack. They leave home in a short time, and as practice shows, they never return. You can even install the device in a children's room.

The only drawback of the device is the high cost of acquisition. However, having bought such a device once, you can part with pests forever and in a short time.

The best ultrasonic repellers of rodents, insects, animals

Often not only rodents, but also insects or stray dogs compete for a place in the sun next to a person. In this case, it is better to choose universal models. They operate in a wider range of frequencies, causing panic in the surrounding animal world. Experts noted several products.

Weitech WK-0600

Rating: 4.9

The Weitech WK-0600 repeller has the widest functionality. Experts note the reliable metal case, which cannot be damaged by small animals. Thanks to 9 modes, it is possible to clearly configure the device for a specific type of pest. These could be mice and rats, moles or cockroaches. The effectiveness of the impact is achieved through the use of two emitters. A unique signal alternation algorithm prevents pests from getting used to it, and the sound pressure level (116 dB) is enough to affect a radius of 325 square meters. m.

Users are satisfied with the high efficiency of the repeller, the presence of a large number of settings, and volume control. Pests leave the premises after 3 days of exposure, and complete disappearance is observed within 2 weeks.


  • high efficiency;
  • versatility of use;
  • wide functionality;
  • durable body.


  • high price.

Manufacturers rating

Despite the fact that in a store you can even get confused by the variety of devices presented, devices from some manufacturers are justifiably popular, which is why most buyers choose them.

GRAD repellers have several emitters and have a stable effect. Tornado company offers devices that are installed in large non-residential premises: wells, tunnels and mines. Ecosniper devices perform best . They have a modest operating area, but in terms of sound pressure levels, almost all of the company’s devices remain leaders.

Rating of the best rat and mouse repellers of 2020. All devices presented in the rating are the best according to several criteria. Some have strong sound pressure, while others have a large area of ​​effect. And since different devices are required in the home and large premises, they are divided into two categories.

The best electromagnetic mouse and rat repellers

In those buildings where there is an extensive electrical network, it would be best to resort to the help of electromagnetic repellers. By inserting the device into a socket, scaring impulses are generated along the entire highway. Insects and rodents leave niches in the walls or under the floor not only next to the operating device, but also in neighboring rooms. Experts liked the effectiveness of the following models.


Rating: 4.9

The main advantage of the Chinese electromagnetic repeller EMR-21 is its quality and efficiency. It surpasses its competitors in range (230 sq. m), which, combined with reliability, makes the device a winner in the rating. The device protects living quarters from a variety of pests, from rodents to cockroaches. When connected to a household electrical network, pulses are generated that propagate along the electrical wiring. They irritate pests, forcing them to leave the action area. At the same time, the repeller looks compact and stylish.

The repeller has a light indicator that allows you to determine the status of the device. For humans, electromagnetic radiation does not cause discomfort, but some pets (hamsters, guinea pigs) will find the signal annoying.


  • high-quality manufacturing;
  • large range of action;
  • effective protection;
  • simple controls.


  • not detected.

Tornado 800

  • Dimensions – 90x95x130 mm.
  • Weight – 500 g.
  • Radius of action – 800 m2.
  • The range of emitted frequencies is 18-70 kHz.
  • Operating temperature range – from -40 to +80 ºС.

Tornado 800 is a professional rodent repeller that can be used in warehouses, retail facilities and livestock farms. The range of the model reaches 800 m2. Thus, one device is enough to control rodents even in a large facility.

A distinctive feature of the device is a unique sound pattern that changes chaotically. At the same time, the ultrasound frequency is constantly in the zone of the pain threshold of rodents. This feature eliminates the possibility of pests becoming accustomed to an external stimulus. The effectiveness of the repeller can be assessed within a week after the start of use. As practice shows, after a month the pest completely disappears from the site.

The durable metal case is resistant to mechanical damage. The model does not require maintenance or adjustment of operating parameters. To get started, just connect the device to a household AC power supply. Thanks to its compact size, the device can be easily placed in any convenient place - it does not have a negative impact on the operation of other radio-electronic devices.

Operating principle

The main advantage of the devices is that there is no need to kill animals and get rid of their corpses. Repellers provide room protection in a different way. They emit high-frequency impulses that act on the nervous system of rodents. Thanks to this, they try to leave the territory as quickly as possible. During operation of the device, the wave frequency changes in the range of 20-70 kHz so that rodents do not get used to it.

Some models combine the combined effects of high-frequency ultrasound and low-frequency electromagnetic waves. They are more effective; animals do not have time to adapt to them.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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