“They gnaw through concrete and poisonous putty”: Norilsk residents’ apartments are attacked by hordes of rats

Basic information about rats

On the territory of modern Russia, gray and black rats belonging to the species Rattus norvegicus and Rattus rattus are most often found.

Gray rats are large creatures, reaching a length of 25-30 centimeters and a weight of 450-500 grams. They have a short tail and an elongated muzzle with small ears. Rodents are found in all climatic zones of the country - from the hot South to the northern regions of Siberia.

Black rats rarely reach a length of 20 centimeters, while the tail of representatives of the mouse family is longer than its body. The narrow muzzle is equipped with large ears. On the territory of the country, this species can be found in the European part of the state and on the Pacific coast. Like gray rats, the creatures live close to or with humans, but their colonies are small: in the modern era, they are losing the revolutionary struggle of Rattus norvegicus, since they are more demanding of climatic conditions and diet.

In both cases, synanthropic rat species cause significant economic damage to humanity. They spoil food products, household products, and damage electrical networks. Rats raid vegetable gardens and fields, destroying crops. In winter, chordate mammals prefer warm habitats in close proximity to humans - these are basements, indoor spaces, roofs of private houses, and so on. During the autumn-winter period, the potential risks of rodents affecting human health significantly increase: pests act as a natural reservoir for many pathological microorganisms transmitted by a bite or contact (through excrement). Rats are carriers of typhoid, tularemia, plague, leptospirosis, rabies and other diseases.

Preventive measures

Preventive measures have been discussed more than once. The main principle is this: there are no pests in a clean house.

Therefore, adhere to simple rules:

  • They constantly carry out general cleaning, during which they find and throw away all found garbage that is not of household or other interest;
  • do not leave scraps on the table, under the table, but promptly put them in a trash can with a lid;
  • do not clutter the house and apartment with unnecessary things;
  • all products are kept out of reach in tightly sealed containers;
  • They periodically inspect the residential area, seal up any mouse holes found, having previously prepared an unpleasant surprise for the rodent using poison or a mousetrap.

Fighting mice is not an easy task, but you can cope with the task. The main thing is to approach the issue with ingenuity and knowledge of the matter.


Can a rat chew through concrete?

The oral apparatus of gray and black rats is equipped with two rows of sharp teeth with double incisors in the central part. Thanks to this structure, the rodent can eat any organic food and easily grind elastic inorganics.

Rat teeth are less effective against hard structures. A rodent will not be able to grind stone, steel and other hard materials. With concrete the situation is more complicated. The base material consists of a number of components - in addition to coarse aggregate, it also contains sand and a binder. If the concrete is too old and crumbles, the technological standards for its production are not followed, and there is no crushed stone in the structure, then with a high degree of probability it can be destroyed with sufficient physical effort created by the strong teeth of rats. As practice shows, the creatures make holes in sand-cement mortars and thin concrete screeds made from low-quality products.

In some cases, rodent holes are not located directly in the floor, but at corners and joints with the wall. The quality of the vertical design plays a key role here. Even if there is a good dense screed made of concrete of the proper quality, the weak link can be the brick blocks from which the wall is made, sandwich panels and other non-monolithic elements that are easily chewed by household pests.

Methods of disposal

Elimination measures depend on the ways mice penetrate inside the walls. Follow the following tips.

All discovered holes and burrows must be carefully filled with a mixture of concrete and glass - this composition will be too tough for mice. First, poison, blackroot grass, tansy (or other poisonous plants that rodents are afraid of) or rags soaked in a solution of ammonia, vinegar, mothballs, and peppermint extract are placed in the hole.

Particular attention is paid to utility lines, through which mice can also easily get inside the wall. All ventilation ducts are covered with a fine-grained metal mesh, the outlets of sewer and water pipes are sealed and sealed so that no hole can squeeze through the existing gap.

True, the methods described above, although effective, have their own side effect: the walled up animals will sooner or later die of hunger, and their corpses will begin to emit a rather specific aroma.

Therefore, you should choose a poison with a mummifying effect (for example, mortorate, “rat death”, etc.), in this case the flesh does not decompose, but dries out. But before repair work, it is better to lure the mice out of the nest and destroy them using any available method, or even better, in several ways at once.

Various tricks are used for these purposes:

  • mechanical traps with bait;
  • sticky backings, again with an attractive treat in the center;
  • ultrasonic repellers;
  • unpleasant odors for rodents;
  • anti-mouse herbs (black root, tansy, wild rosemary);
  • rat poison;
  • They don’t forget about cats, mice don’t like being around them;
  • electronic live traps.

It’s clear that you don’t need to lay out and install “attraction boxes” throughout the house, but where the animal gang most often appears: near holes, next to food supplies. When working, do not forget about their own safety and the safety of their household, especially protect pets and children from traps and poisonous baits, so as not to cause trouble in the form of poisoning or serious injuries.

How to protect concrete from rats?

There are many folk recipes for protecting concrete subfloors from rats. The most common use among the common people is considered to be the use of broken glass. It is added to the structure of the material at the manufacturing stage. In addition, as an alternative, it is proposed to treat the surfaces of the petrified body with special poisons against rodents.

As practice shows, the first popular method significantly worsens the strength of a concrete structure, since unprocessed glass does not combine well with the binder and other bulk ingredients of the product. It is rational to use it without deteriorating the quality of concrete only in the most crushed form during the battle, fractions of 3-5 millimeters. However, in this case, sand is actually formed, which has the same properties as standard products introduced into concrete. The second method is a temporary solution (the product quickly loses its effectiveness), used when treating the surface structure from the outer edges, but not inside the room.

The only truly effective way to protect rat floor screeds is to select a base material with normal strength and comply with all technological standards for the formation of such a structure.

Do rodents eat insulation?

The structure of teeth and their features force rodents to constantly sharpen their incisors. If animals do not do this, they simply will not be able to open their mouths, since long teeth will get in the way. There is another reason why mice attack insulation. Small pieces of material are well suited for creating a nest for baby rats and mice.

Answering the question of what kind of insulation is not eaten by mice and rats, we can say with confidence that any. Tailed animals a priori cannot eat building materials. It has no nutritional value for them. They use it only as a “file” for teeth and to build nests.

The right choice of concrete for screed

In general, SNiP regulations suggest using concrete grade M150 and higher for floor screeding. As practice shows, products are often not strong enough, especially if they are prepared independently in the framework of private construction, where ideally accurate proportional norms of components are not always observed, and the basic plastic mass is formed manually.

Taking into account the indicated features, you should choose a grade of concrete not lower than M200. If there is a high potential probability of rats in a private home and the need to form complete protection against rodents, M300 products are considered as an ideal option.

Technical and operational characteristics of concrete M300:

  • Compressive strength – corresponds to class B 22.5;
  • Frost resistance – 200-250 freezing/defrosting cycles;
  • Water resistance – class W8;
  • The weight of one cubic meter is 2.3-2.5 tons.

M300 is a universal brand of concrete for private construction. It is used to form foundations, arrange screeds, floor slabs and other critical structures. Basic requirements that predetermine the possibility of obtaining high-quality material with nominal technical and operational characteristics:

  • Correct selection of ingredients.
  • Compliance with mixing proportions and technological stages for obtaining plastic mass.
  • Mandatory processing of laid out products with their subsequent protection.

What not to choose

Thus, natural insulation and polystyrene provide the greatest pleasure to rodents. Insulation based on mineral and basalt wool will not stop them either. All these insulation materials are soft, so they are quite easy to “deal with.” Given the significant sound insulation, it will be difficult to immediately hear the presence of mice.

The only way to protect the space between the wall and the insulation is to use solid insulation. However, aerated concrete and the company have one significant drawback - they can only be used at the construction stage of a building. And on top of that, they conduct heat well, so they are rarely used.

Another solution to the problem is inflatable insulators led by penoizol. Mice don't eat them at all. However, due to the insignificant amount of work, the cost of insulation can increase several times compared to alternatives. But its advantage is that it can be insulated both during construction and during the operation stage of the building.

Product composition

Concrete mixture M300 consists of binder, aggregates and water. Basic requirements for components:

  • Binder. Portland cement grade M500 is used, which does not contain foreign impurities or moisture. The material is used in a loose, not compressed state.
  • Fine-grained aggregate. Screened river sand of fractions 0.5-2.5 millimeters with a relative bulk density of 1500-1600 kilograms per cubic meter. Relative humidity – 3-4 percent. The permissible concentration of small impurities in the form of clay, soil, dust is 4-5 percent.
  • Coarse aggregate. Crushed gravel with fractions of 10-20 millimeters and flakiness up to 25 percent. Foreign impurities in the material are not allowed.
  • Water. Pure drinking liquid with a neutral pH level, temperature 15-30 degrees. The permissible concentration of foreign substances in liquid or sedimentary state is 1 percent.

In addition to the indicated components, additives can be added to the concrete mixture. These substances change individual technical and operational properties of the product and are used as needed. Plasticizers are regularly used - they improve the elasticity of the prepared material without the need to add additional water to it.

Other typical additives:

  • Hardening modifiers. Accelerate or slow down the hardening process of the concrete mass.
  • Antifreeze. Prevents freezing of liquid in solution at negative ambient temperatures.
  • Anti-corrosion additives. Slows down the process of natural destruction of a concrete structure after long-term use.
  • Extenders. Prevents shrinkage of the concrete mass after laying.
  • Water repellents. Significantly increases the water resistance parameter after petrification of the product.
  • Pigments. Change the shade of concrete.
  • Other substances. Biocidal extractors, porosizers, air-entraining compounds, etc.

Classic weight proportions of bulk concrete ingredients when using M500 cement:

  • 1 part binder;
  • 2.5 parts fine-grained aggregate;
  • 4.5 parts coarse aggregate.

It is recommended to include a plasticizer in the composition. The standard concentration of the substance in dry form is 2-3 percent by weight of cement. The required amount of water for screed is 35-45 percent of the volume of binder in the mixture.

Sustainable materials

Rodent-resistant materials Mostly insulation, in which rodents of inorganic origin do not live, has a dense and solid structure.

Expanded clay

One of the most popular building materials that mice do not eat. It is a light, porous fraction obtained by firing fusible clay. Widely used for insulating foundations, floors, and roofs. Often used when arranging dry floor screed. This is an environmentally friendly bulk material that does not emit harmful toxic compounds.

The granule sizes vary in the range of 5-45 mm. Even if a mouse gets into such insulation, its movement will be difficult. Before laying expanded clay, the surface is often covered with cellophane film to ensure reliable waterproofing. Being under a layer of insulation, the rodent will lack air, and the hardness of the granules will not allow them to be tasted.


Another type of insulation that rodents did not like. Ecowool is a relatively new material, the advantages and disadvantages of which cause much controversy. It is made on the basis of cellulose, to which special additives and additives are added to prevent fire. Mineral wool, known for its sound-proofing properties, is four times inferior to ecowool in this indicator. The insulation is applied manually or through installations, filling all the cracks and leaving no joints

Ecowool could be an excellent material for rodents, in which they could coexist peacefully. But manufacturers foresaw a similar scenario and enriched the composition of the insulation with antiseptics, some of which include orthoboric acid and boric salts, which provoke dehydration of the rodent’s body, suffocation and its subsequent death.

Foam glass

The material is presented in bulk form or in slabs for the construction of rigid structures. One of the most expensive insulation materials. The declared service life is up to 100 years. It is made from glass waste by foaming with a carbon mixture. As a result, glass cells are formed that fit tightly to each other.

Fiberglass has good thermal insulation properties, ease of installation, is not afraid of moisture, and the material is absolutely resistant to rodents. Even if a mouse tries to bite through the insulation, it will immediately injure the oral cavity and limit its claims there.

Foam concrete

The material is lighter in weight than concrete. Technical characteristics are close to aerated concrete. Cellular material is produced in bulk form, which is used to fill the necessary cavities and in the form of blocks.

Despite its shortcomings: it is poorly plastered and is afraid of moisture, which is why mold may appear if installed incorrectly, foam concrete is not afraid of rodents. Using this material, you don’t have to worry about the damage that rats and mice can cause.


Do rodents chew plywood and linoleum? Do rodents eat or chew plywood? This question also worries people planning to insulate a house during the construction or operation of a residential premises. The manufacturing method and the structure of the layers of fibreboard, chipboard, OSB or OSB do not allow mice and rats to cause serious damage to these materials.

Preparation and use

Before you start mixing the ingredients and forming a plastic mass, you should first prepare the area for pouring the floor and calculate the required volume of material. If the room does not have a full foundation or a permanent floor slab, then the following actions are performed:

  1. Digging a pit to a depth of 1 meter.
  2. Leveling the bottom and walls of the recess, compacting the soil with a vibrating plate.
  3. Sequential laying of a double layer of polyethylene, sand (30 centimeters) and crushed stone (20 centimeters) on the ground. The last two stabilization layers must be carefully compacted.
  4. Creation of waterproofing and thermal insulation by laying appropriate rolls of geotextiles and expanded polystyrene. They are connected to each other using two-layer mounting tape and fasteners, respectively.
  5. Formation of an additional layer of crushed gravel (10 centimeters) of fractions of 10-20 millimeters.
  6. Installation of a single-level reinforcing mesh and raising it above the gravel aggregates using wooden spacers (height - 3-5 centimeters).

All of the above preliminary actions are carried out with the obligatory monitoring of the floor level, installation of poles and beacons.

Calculation of the required concrete in cubic meters:

  1. Multiply the height, width and length of the future concrete screed.
  2. To the resulting value, add 15 percent as a reserve.

Further, cubic meters are easily converted into simple units (buckets) using the formula 1 cubic meter = 1000 liters.

Scheme for manufacturing material for filling:

  1. Pour cement, sand and plasticizer into a container of sufficient size, then mix the ingredients.
  2. Pour water in portions (3-5 liters each), kneading the sand-cement dough and avoiding the formation of lumps and separations.
  3. After obtaining a homogeneous plastic mass, fill in the crushed stone, evenly distributing the coarse aggregate throughout the mixture.

The finished material is laid out in the formwork for 20-40 minutes after the formation of the plastic mass. The products are poured out in layers (5-10 centimeters), after which they are immediately leveled using the rule. After completing the procedure, vibration compaction of the screed surface is performed using a vibrating screed or similar equipment.

The formed screed is covered with two-layer polyethylene and moistened 3-4 times a day for 7 days. The procedure should be carried out drip or dispersion - pouring liquid with a hose or bucket is prohibited. From the 8th day, moisture stops, and the poured concrete gradually gains strength. At a local temperature of 15-30 degrees Celsius and a humidity of 60-70 percent in the room, the final achievement of nominal technical and operational characteristics occurs on average 28-30 days after the basic pouring activities.

Fact 2: Abstract thinking is inherent

Until recently, it was believed that man is the only creature on the planet capable of abstract thinking. Until scientists from Oxford University conducted a series of experiments, they were able to prove that rats are not only among the top 10 smartest creatures, but also have the ability to create mental images, as well as build cause-and-effect relationships. In other words, animals can independently formulate rules of behavior and follow them.

Interestingly, rats can adapt to poisons. If a rodent once ate poisoned bait, but remained alive, it will not touch such poison a second time. If at least one individual survives from the litter of animals that have tried bait with poison, its descendants will have immunity to this poison. Therefore, the poisons that were used to poison rodents just a hundred years ago are practically harmless to modern rats.

Phenomenal memory is another important feature of these animals. Once a rat has walked even a difficult and winding route, it will remember it forever. As a result, they never get lost, easily finding a way out of any maze.

Fact 4: One of the cleanest animals in the world

It’s hard to believe, but even a cat can envy a rat’s cleanliness. The animals wash themselves for several hours a day, calming down only when their gray fur becomes perfectly clean. They are very fond of water activities, swim quickly, and can dive for a long time, hunting for prey. If necessary, they can stay in the water for more than three days, which indicates the incredible endurance of these animals. Here are some more amazing things that animals can do:

  • Fit no more than a five-kopeck coin into the holes;
  • Climb a vertical brick wall, climb trees, ropes and pipes;
  • Going without water longer than any mammal on the planet;
  • In case of danger, jump up to two meters in height.

Effective treatment of the territory

Today, drugs for killing rats can be produced in the form of:

  • Food solid baits;
  • Liquid baits;
  • Powder;
  • Gaza.

When independently treating the territory and residential premises, it is best to use poisonous baits and powder; gassing is carried out by specialists, as it requires compliance with safety precautions when working with toxic substances.

It should be remembered that rats are very smart and intelligent animals; they are suspicious of new types of food that are freely available. To dull the alertness of animals, special poisons are used that have a cumulative action system. The poisonous substance has no characteristic smell or taste and is added to bait in small doses.

Poisons in the form of powders, which are scattered near the burrows of rat colonies, show good effectiveness. Adult individuals collect poisoned dust on their paws and fur, bringing them into the shelter, which leads to the destruction of the entire colony.

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When carrying out deratization, it is necessary to take into account the fact that if the colony is partially destroyed, the remaining individuals begin to multiply intensively. Females may produce more cubs in one litter to rebuild the population faster. That is why, in order to finally remove rodents, it is necessary to carry out several deratization procedures; this will avoid asking in the future the question of where the rats came from in the house after extermination.

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