Clean House Dust powder for cockroaches, ants, fleas, bedbugs, flies 50g

Dust Dust Clean House from cockroaches is used as an independent or auxiliary product, it acts on the basis of an insecticide. Used to combat domestic cockroaches, fleas, and ants. The powder is not afraid of light, temperature, and is not resistant to humidity. Application requires caution.

Operating principle

Dust or powder from cockroaches Clean House is a nerve agent. If it gets on the chitinous cover, it causes dysfunction of the nervous system and muscle paralysis. Death occurs within a few minutes. It does not have an immediate effect, so the cockroach has time to return to the nest and stain its relatives. Within a couple of days, an entire family becomes infected, and then mass extinction begins.

Dust Clean House on the treated surface can remain for months. Active components do not disintegrate under the influence of temperature and sunlight. To eliminate the poison, you need to collect the powder and wash the application areas with soap and soda solution.


Affordable price is one of the most important advantages of the brand of household poison under discussion. The cost of different forms of insecticide release is reflected in the table (data as of January 2022).

Table - Cost of Clean House products

FormVolume, mlApproximate price, rubles

All products from the “Clean House” line against bedbugs contain chamomile extract, which enhances the effect of the pyrethroid tandem. During the pest control period, it is better to take small children away from home for a few days. It should also be noted that tetramethrin and cypermethrin are extremely toxic to creatures inhabiting bodies of water, both natural and artificial. Therefore, they should be used with extreme caution near water.

Before starting disinfestation, you must read the instructions for using “Clean House” against bedbugs from beginning to end. Not only the final result depends on this, but also the safety of you and your loved ones.

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Advantages and disadvantages


  • ease of use;
  • economical consumption;
  • long action;
  • low price;
  • no pungent odor;
  • relative safety.


  • stains the surface being treated;
  • it is impossible to apply to furniture from the reverse side, pipelines;
  • with prolonged use, resistance develops in Prussians.

The use of dust requires the use of a respirator, a mask, and rubber gloves are required.

How to process correctly

Treatment of the room should begin with its preparation. In addition to cleaning, you should remove curtains, paintings and other decorative elements from the walls

Particular attention should be paid to cabinets. Frequent clusters of bedbugs are observed on their back walls

That is why all bulky furniture that is never cleaned should be moved away from the walls. Not only the back walls of the cabinets are processed, but also their internal partitions and shelves. Armchairs, sofas and beds also need to be disassembled. Their soft parts are removed so that the frame can be carefully processed. Bed bugs often make nests inside furniture.

After preparing the apartment and using personal protective equipment, you can proceed directly to work. To do this, shake the spray bottle. Spray all places where bedbugs can live: cracks in walls and baseboards, window sills, peeling wallpaper, crawl spaces and door frames.

To treat one square meter, spraying for 3-5 seconds is sufficient. The directed jet treats not only all surfaces, but also existing voids, which are an excellent place for bedbugs to hide. After completing the work, it is recommended to spray the product additionally in the center of the room simply into the air. However, this can only be done if it is possible not to enter the apartment after treatment for at least three days.


The drug is produced in Russia in the form of a friable white powder. The package contains 50 g of dust. This amount is enough to process 10 square meters. m area. Shelf life in sealed packaging is 3 years. After spraying, the protection against cockroaches is changed on the floor every 2 months.

The active components are broad-spectrum insecticidal substances - malathion, cypermethrin. Piperonyl butoxide is used as a synergist. The base is talc. Insecticides belong to the third class of danger; when used correctly, the health of people and pets is not threatened. Dust Clean House is allowed to be used in residential premises.

On a note!

Dust is harmful to humans if it enters the respiratory tract or stomach. This situation may arise if the instructions for use are violated.


  • You can get rid of newly hatched nymphs by boiling bed linen, ironing it and treating it with a steam generator.
  • After the baiting of bedbugs is completed, the consequences in the form of nests remain in many places. Many try to remove them physically - by trampling them. The technique is certainly effective, but the best way to get rid of residual effects is to wash floors and other surfaces with a soap-salt solution.
  • The incubation period for bedbug eggs is 2 weeks; after this period, re-treatment of the premises must be mandatory. Otherwise, a horde of bedbugs will attack the apartment again.





The room should be treated with the windows open, carefully scatter the powder, avoiding the formation of dust. During the disinfestation process, you need to use rubber gloves, do not eat food, and do not smoke. Upon completion of the procedure, wash your hands with soap and wash. Ventilate for 1-2 hours.

Dust Clean House is scattered in a continuous strip in places where cockroaches are most concentrated. Be sure to treat the floor behind the furniture, along the baseboards, the area near the trash can, sinks, and toilet. When the poison is placed correctly, cockroaches come into more contact with it and die faster.

On a note!

Customers came up with another way to use cockroach dust. The powder is dissolved in 1 liter of water, poured into the cracks under the floor, in the wall, and the space under the baseboards. In this case, the effectiveness of the drug is somewhat reduced, so it is better to use special liquid formulations.

Features of application

To get rid of bedbugs, “Clean House” dust must be spread in a thin layer in places where insects are concentrated and left for 3-4 hours. Then carefully collect the powder and wash the surface with a water-soda solution. If there are no pets, children or pregnant women in the apartment, then options are allowed when the dust is not removed after 4 hours, but is left for a week or longer. This is possible if you sprinkle it behind the baseboard, behind the sofa and in other hard-to-reach places.

This is especially true for air ducts, choke vents and other places where bedbugs can migrate at the time of persecution and return when the danger has passed. And another option for using dust is making an emulsion for spraying. The solution is made at the rate of 10 g of powder per bucket of water and poured into a spray bottle. Further, the procedure is the same as in the case of using a purchased spray. If there are allergy sufferers in the house and people who cannot stand the smell of dust, do not leave the powder anywhere after disinfestation.


Reviews about the Clean House dust vary. The drug has its pros and cons, which are not always taken into account by buyers. When used correctly, they achieve the desired results in a short time.

For me, dusts are much better than aerosols and concentrates. I bought a Clean House. I sprinkled the paths in the kitchen, bathroom, and toilet. Dead insects began to be found on the third day, and gradually all died out within a couple of weeks. At the end of the month, I removed the powder and washed the floor well. When the poison is on the floor, you need to make sure that food is not left freely available for cockroaches; every time before eating, wipe the table well with a soap and soda solution. Cockroaches spread dust on their legs, and you can get poisoned yourself.

Veronica, Tver

Dust Clean House helps, but you have to wait for the results. First I sprayed Clean House with aerosol, and then scattered the paths. The spray does not last long, but kills instantly, the powder finishes off the remaining parasites and newborn larvae.

Tina, Moscow


This form of release as a trap is quite popular among consumers due to its effectiveness and ease of use. They act comprehensively, through contact and the digestive tract. Firstly, the cockroach eats this insecticide, and once it enters the intestines it begins to have a detrimental effect on the body. Secondly, having been in a trap, the insect carries the poison on itself, and when it comes into contact with other individuals, it passes it on to them.

Available in the form of a plastic box with holes. There is an adhesive tape on the bottom side, which allows you to place the traps on both horizontal and vertical surfaces. The poison is placed in the middle of the box, but it differs in the additives in the composition that attract pests with the smell. The results become noticeable on the third day, and the insecticide remains effective for two months. The following advantages can be highlighted:

  • Easy to use;
  • Long period of action;
  • Without smell;
  • Quite fast result.
  • Not dangerous for people.

Regarding toxicity and danger to people and animals, they are the safest. Since all the toxic substances are in the middle of the box and a person does not come into contact with them. If we talk about animals, then you should place traps in places where pets simply cannot reach them.

Other forms of release

The Clean House brand produces:

  • spray,
  • aerosol,
  • gels,
  • traps.

To quickly kill cockroaches in an apartment, it is recommended to combine several forms. Initially, a spray or aerosol is used. The drugs have an instant effect and quickly kill mature and immature individuals. After disinfestation, it is recommended to scatter powder and place gel baits or traps. The products will finish off the remaining pests and prevent re-infestation. The effect lasts for 2 months. The preparations are safe for people and do not contain an unpleasant odor.


“The house was filled with bedbugs. We tried everything - nothing helped! Then we came across the “Clean House” remedy for bedbugs, and we no longer thought that we would get rid of our roommates. However, the drug worked! Two treatments – and our fight against bedbugs was completely completed!”

Anna, Kostroma

“When bites and a characteristic smell began to appear, my wife and I realized that bedbugs had appeared at home. To be honest, we didn’t think that we would quickly get rid of this problem. We bought the “Clean House” bedbug repellent and did everything as written in the instructions. The drug turned out to be really effective, and we have not seen any pests for a month now. The fight against bedbugs is over! The problem was resolved as soon as possible. I recommend!"

Andrey, Perm

Analogs from other manufacturers

Imported and domestic dusts are available for sale. They differ in price and active ingredients, but the operating principle is identical. Effective means:

  • Phenaxin;
  • Absolute;
  • Tornado;
  • Ecokiller;
  • Fas-Double.

The average price of analogues is 50 rubles.

Dust Clean House is more suitable for treating entrances, basements, non-residential apartments, since it remains visible on the surface, there is a possibility of the powder on the body of cockroaches being transferred to the table and food. In apartments, gel baits and traps are more often used.


As we have already said, treatment for bedbugs is possible through aerosol and spray, but also through the use of “Clean House” powder, the so-called dust. Of course, first of all, it is recommended in the fight against cockroaches and ants, but it also shows good results when baiting bedbugs.

Externally, the dust is gray in color and does not have a very strong odor. The composition of the powder includes components already familiar to us, but in lower concentrations:

  1. Cypermethrin 0.2%;
  2. Tetramethrin 0.02%;
  3. Piperonyl butoxide 10%.

The latter substance was not used in an aerosol, but in the powder it performs the prolonging function of the main components. The price of dust is lower than that of aerosol, but due to the lower concentration of active ingredients, more of it will be needed. Plus, its use is justified for preventive measures: before a vacation or in country houses, when there will definitely be no people in the premises for some time.

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