Bedbugs in chickens in a chicken coop: how to get rid of them, how to treat them and other nuances of pest control

From this article you will learn:

  • What harm can bedbugs cause to birds?
  • How to understand that it is bugs that bite birds?
  • Is it possible to cure a bird for bedbugs yourself?
  • How to get rid of bedbugs in a chicken coop in a short period of time?
  • Video: inexpensive DIY chicken coop

Bedbugs in a chicken coop are a very unpleasant phenomenon. They cause a lot of inconvenience to birds. Because of insects, they cannot sleep normally and constantly suffer from their bites. And besides the fact that they cause a lot of harm to birds, they are also sources of the most dangerous diseases.

The photo shows a bug

Parasites in the chicken coop

In addition to the fact that these insects constantly cause harm to humans, their birds can also get them. If bedbugs are found in the chicken coop, how to get rid of them is a solvable task.

Many people do not even suspect that these bloodsuckers can live with their birds, and even more so they do not realize that this is not some kind of them, but an ordinary bed bug. Parasites disturb the sleep of chickens in the same way as they disturb human peace.

Protecting your apartment from bed bugs

No one is immune from the appearance of such unpleasant insects as house bugs. But if you try to follow the simple, most effective tips, you can protect your home from bed bug infestations.

— When planning a trip, do not choose the cheapest hotels possible, always inspect the bed and mattresses, and if you find insects, ask to change your room. When you return home, inspect all your belongings.

— If you know that friends or relatives have bedbugs in their apartment, try not to visit this house until they are completely destroyed. If this cannot be avoided, then when you come into an infected room, put your outerwear and bags in sealed bags, put on shoe covers, and better yet, do not take off your shoes.

— If you spent the night in an apartment infested with bedbugs, then upon arriving home, immediately take off all your clothes and pack them in a bag. Wash everything at a high temperature of 48ºC, then iron.

— Never bring into your home furniture found on the street or in the entrance; it may have been thrown away precisely because there were bedbugs in it.

- If bedbugs get to you from your neighbors, you definitely need to fight together, you don’t need to be afraid or embarrassed. Well, if an agreement did not work out, then systematic treatment of the apartment will be required every time insects appear.

— To significantly protect your apartment from “neighborhood” bedbugs, try to isolate the room as much as possible. Seal all the cracks on the floor and ceiling, replace the old wallpaper with new ones, install a fine mesh for ventilation, replace ordinary sockets with sockets with protective covers.

— If there is a large infestation of apartments, call a specialized pest control service as soon as possible to treat the entire house.

Prevention measures

We sincerely hope that the article on how to remove parasites was informative for you. Instead of a conclusion, we considered it necessary to give you some recommendations on the topic of preventing the occurrence of skin parasites. It is much easier to prevent a problem than to waste energy on solving it.

  1. Try to protect the chicken coop from rats and mice. These rodents are the main carriers of lice and fleas.
  2. Regularly clean both the interior of the chicken coop and the surrounding area.
  3. Visually inspect laying hens frequently. Infected individuals must be isolated from other birds.
  4. When buying a new laying hen, keep it in a separate room for some time. The new bird should be released to other birds only after preventive treatment.

Let's figure it out: are they bedbugs?

There are quite a few parasites that settle in the chicken coop, it could also be lice, because they also leave bites. But identifying a bloodsucker is not difficult based on the following characteristics:

  • the birds have red bite wounds on their bodies;
  • irritation is noticeable throughout the bird’s body;
  • chickens clean their feathers regularly;
  • Birds scratch abnormally frequently.

If there are small bugs in the chicken coop or when their distribution is small, then it is more difficult to find parasites. The fact is that with a small number of bloodsuckers, the wounds are not so noticeable, since there are fewer bites. The owner of the chicken coop should be alert to the fact that the appearance of the chickens has deteriorated - the feathers have lost their shine and there is much less of it. In birds, egg production decreases because the general condition of the chicken deteriorates due to loss of sleep.

To find wounds, you should first check the soft spots on the bird’s body; these are the parts of the body that parasites choose. You need to examine the bird's abdomen, head and neck.


In modern poultry houses with laying hens kept in cages, it is almost impossible to encounter mites. However, this parasite is common on boiler-breed poultry farms. It is difficult to visually identify a tick; its length does not exceed 0.7 mm and thickness 0.4 mm. The life cycle is completed in seven days; females lay eggs in the environment adjacent to the chickens. Under favorable conditions, the larvae appear in 2–3 days.

Without food, ticks can live up to 8 – 9 months. The mite is the most common skin parasite on chickens, but can also live on turkeys, ducks, canaries and wild birds. It is possible for colonies of ticks to attack a person's home. In chickens, mites cause a decrease in productivity and body weight; in birds, severe anemia develops.

In a chicken coop, mites live under dry droppings, on perches, in cracks and on crossbars. Control for the presence of ticks is carried out at night. You can spray chickens against ticks with any approved insecticides, the most effective of which is Permethrin EC. The effect of using this product lasts up to 9 months.

How to understand that it is bugs that bite birds

You can tell that birds are being bitten by chicken bugs based on a number of signs.

Here's what to pay attention to:

  • constant scratching, excessively active cleaning of feathers. Bloodsuckers irritate the bird, preventing its normal existence.
  • Loss of shine, deterioration in the appearance of feathers.
  • Decreased immune defense of the body, frequent and prolonged illnesses.
  • Weight loss.
  • Reducing the number of eggs laid.

Important: if, in addition to chickens, there are other animals and birds on the farm, bedbug infestation will not bypass them.

For example, ducks will try to scratch their feathers with their beaks.

Since the main peak of bloodsucking activity occurs at night, they are quite difficult to detect during the day. Some birds do not feel the bites and therefore do not wake up.

Harm from parasites to chickens

Many people believe that parasites will not cause any harm to poultry. This statement is erroneous, because if you do not pay attention to bloodsuckers, they will multiply and their harmful influence will increase. First of all, bugs in the chicken coop worsen the condition of the birds - the bird does not sleep, eats poorly, loses weight and its immunity decreases. Such chickens are constantly susceptible to diseases, and they take longer and more difficult to treat in birds.

A decrease in egg production is one of the negative aspects of the presence of parasites, because a person begins to run a farm at a loss for himself. The biggest harm of blood-sucking chickens is the introduction of an infection into the bird’s body, which can infect humans.

How to remove chicken lice

Parasite control measures involve two successive stages: treatment of the poultry flock, then housing. All this is done as quickly as possible to prevent the spread of the epidemic. The process involves the use of pesticides and folk remedies.

If a problem is detected, all birds are moved to a new place, and the chicken coop is disinfected.

Special insecticidal preparations are purchased at a veterinary pharmacy. Regardless of the chosen method, the bird is treated twice: immediately and after a week. It is important that chemicals do not leak into the birds' eyes and beaks.

If a problem is detected, all birds are moved to a new place, and the chicken coop is disinfected

What drugs should I use?

There are many commercially available products that help cope with mallophagosis (infection with external parasites). Their effect is local: they kill pests, but do not cause pathological harm to the bird.

The most common forms of release:

  • Drops that are enough to apply in small quantities to the affected areas. Suitable for use for a month, which is enough to destroy larvae and adults. Contraindicated for chickens and weakened birds.
  • Sprays with a prolonged effect on adult lice and nits. Each chicken is completely sprayed with them.

Be sure to read:
Reasons why broilers fall on their feet: chickens and adult chickens

There are also powders and liquid solutions.

Several best drugs

If there is a large accumulation of lice on a bird, it is recommended to use the drug “Butox”. It comes in powder or liquid form and dissolves in water, according to the dosages indicated in the instructions on the package. The resulting solution is used to pollinate the chicken.

When there are few parasitic clusters, drops are used: Bars, Frontline, Neostomazan. Sprays that are also effective are: Dichlorvos, Reid, Get, as well as liquid solutions of Tetrix, Karbofos, Executioner.

Chemical insecticides against chicken lice

When there are few parasitic accumulations, drops are used. The most common chemical insecticides are:

  • Insectoacaricidal powder - sprayed and rubbed into feathers. For a one-time treatment, 2-5 g is enough.
  • Butox - the contents of the ampoule are dissolved in four liters of water.
  • Beafar, Frontline - an insecticidal spray that is used to spray the chicken until the feather cover is completely moistened.
  • Promectin is an effective drug for treating chickens by mixing it into drinking water.

For treatment, you can use the following formulations: Stomazan, Neostomazan. Due to their toxicity, they are contraindicated for laying hens and poultry going to slaughter. Any treatment must be repeated after 8-10 days to destroy the remaining larvae.

Folk remedies

Along with chemical means of control, there are folk remedies that are no less effective in terms of impact. The most common:

  • Table vinegar: dilute in water (take 1:3 proportions), and pollinate the bird from a spray bottle.
  • Kerosene: completely exterminates adult beetles, to a limited extent – ​​larvae. Each chicken is processed and transferred to another room.
  • A mixture of alcohol, kerosene and gasoline: the ingredients are combined in equal proportions, and then applied to the damaged skin areas of the bird. The method allows you to destroy lice nits.
  • Herbal infusion: 300 grams of a mixture of wild rosemary, chamomile and tansy, brew with six liters of boiling water. Boil for a quarter of an hour and cool. The method is suitable for minor lice infestations.

To repel pests, a kerosene-ammonia solution is applied to the bird’s neck, and bunches of wormwood, wild rosemary, and tansy are hung in the chicken coop.

To repel pests, apply a kerosene-ammonia solution to the bird’s neck, and hang bunches of wormwood, wild rosemary, and tansy in the chicken coop.

How to do it right: sequence of actions

For a lasting and high-quality result, disinfection is carried out comprehensively, carefully preparing all the necessary tools and preparations, and thinking through the entire procedure.


For preliminary manipulations you will need the following tools:

  • shovel or scoop;
  • scrapers;
  • broom;
  • rags.

It is also necessary to prepare work clothes, if necessary, to protect the skin and mucous membranes from the influence of aggressive agents. The bird, if the treatment is carried out in its absence, must be moved to another room. Prepare equipment for removing waste and accumulated garbage.


Using scrapers, you need to clean all surfaces from chicken droppings and other dirt, change the bedding layer, and remove containers for food and water. If there is a need to sand surfaces covered with mold, replace parts of structures (perches, nests), if possible.


All existing surfaces - walls, floors, ceilings, perches, etc. are washed with hot water. For greater effect and to remove unpleasant odors, add a little vinegar to the water. The walls and ceiling whitewashed with lime are completely washed of it, since the layer has already served its purpose. After all the procedures performed, you can whiten it again.


It is advisable to disinfect the premises in the absence of birds, in the warm season, when they can be released outside. In this case, processing will be higher quality and faster.

Having previously protected yourself from the effects of drugs, begin treating the room. The disinfection process begins from top to bottom: ceiling, perches, floor. It is still advisable to choose less toxic products, since the influence of toxins can affect the productivity of the bird. The ideal disinfection option would be to use comprehensive measures.

Important! Many poultry farmers use formaldehyde the old fashioned way: it’s cheap and effective. But the drug is extremely toxic to human health; even the slightest vapor can cause serious poisoning.

Among the drugs on the market, there are several time-tested, effective remedies. Experienced farmers recommend:

  • Bianol, Virocid - against viruses;
  • bleach - mold, germs, removal of excess moisture;
  • Dixam - bacteria and fungal spores;
  • Creolin - against ticks;
  • Kerosene and ammonia (applied to the bird's neck) are remedies for lice, lice, and other parasites.

Where are they hiding

Bloodsuckers attack at night, so you should not look for them on the body of birds. Just as it’s not easy to get rid of bedbugs in a chicken coop, it’s also not easy to find insects. Most often they hide in small crevices of the structure. When inspecting a building, it is important to pay attention to places where chickens stay for a long time - roosts, nests, etc. If you notice gray dots in the cracks, then these are bloodsuckers.

To identify parasites, it is better to check the room at night; they are active, and at this time it will be easier to find them. It is worth paying attention to places where it is constantly warm; it is convenient for parasites to hide there.


To diagnose avian lice , strong hands and good eyesight are enough. High-quality lighting will be an additional element of diagnosis.

You can spot fleas by carefully inspecting the feathers and skin of the bird. Having chosen any of the individuals, you need to very carefully examine its head, legs and the area under the tail, where the plumage is most magnificent.

If there are parasites, they will definitely give themselves away: fleas on chickens never sit still, especially in those moments when they feel the danger of persecution and destruction.

What harm can bedbugs cause to birds?

If you think about it, you might decide that bedbugs do not pose a great danger to birds. They prevent them from eating, sleeping, getting bigger, spoiling their appearance, but some believe that this will not affect their health in any way and leave this fact unnoticed.

The photo shows chickens. If they itch just like the picture, check their feathers for bedbugs.

It should be remembered that bedbugs can carry dangerous diseases such as plague or fever. If such bugs bite birds for a long time, then there is definitely a risk of infection. If you do not want to allow this to happen, then take action immediately after you notice bedbugs in your chicken coop.

Why do chickens get bedbugs?

Bed bugs can appear in a chicken coop for several reasons. Most often, parasites spread in chickens due to the following circumstances:

  • when buying chickens from unverified breeders. Unfortunately, sometimes bedbugs can appear on a large poultry farm or farm. In order to avoid infection, a newly acquired bird must be carefully examined, or even better, kept in a separate room for several days and observed. If a bird is constantly itching, then most likely it has parasites;
  • spread by mice and rats. Often rodents “bring” parasites on their fur from neighboring farms;
  • when using untested building materials or bedding. This is one of the most common ways of infecting a chicken coop. For this reason, it is recommended to purchase new building materials to build a “home” for chickens.

How do conditions of detention affect

In fact, the conditions under which birds are kept have virtually no effect on the frequency of bedbug infestation. Naturally, on farms where birds undergo a thorough inspection upon purchase, the risk of parasite infection is several times lower.

However, bedbugs can settle both when hygiene conditions are violated and in absolutely safe farms.

Symptoms of bedbugs

A visual inspection of a chicken, sometimes even the most thorough one, may remain inconclusive, since bedbugs do not live permanently in the bird’s plumage, unlike fleas. However, you can guess the presence of parasites in the chicken coop by the following signs:

  • chickens constantly and actively scratch themselves, using both their beak and paws for this;
  • upon visual inspection, numerous scratches, sometimes quite strong, can be detected on the bird’s skin. Feathers at the site of such scratching are most often plucked;
  • the chicken may become restless and its appetite may decrease.


Photo of a chicken bug
Let's start with the fact that “chicken” bugs are not actually chicken bugs. They can successfully move from a chicken coop to human housing and drink the blood of their owners. You can distinguish a bedbug by its characteristic features.

So, the body of the insect has a somewhat elongated and flattened shape. There are small antennae on the head. Adults have a brighter brown color than young animals. To pierce the skin, the bug has a special proboscis. It is worth noting that most often chickens and people, who have more delicate skin than other domestic animals, such as dogs, pigs and goats, suffer from these parasites.

Often, diseases of broiler chickens are associated with improper feeding.

What methods will help get rid of periodism in chickens? We talked about this in detail here.

What is the best way to pluck a goose - manually or is it better to resort to automated methods? This issue is discussed in detail in our article.

How to cure a bird yourself

It is worth remembering that if bloodsuckers appear, then this should not be left to chance, since they will not disappear on their own. How to get rid of bedbugs in a chicken coop? — It is important to remember in advance that the process is not easy.

Let's highlight the stages of getting rid of parasites:

  1. Move the chickens to another safe place, and the birds should be examined for the presence of parasite eggs.
  2. Clean the building from droppings and dirt to ensure high-quality disinfection.
  3. Use a blowtorch to go over small crevices, cracks in walls, etc.
  4. Proceed to processing with special means.
  5. If necessary, the procedure is carried out after another 10 days.

Treatment with special means is carried out independently, or you can invite specialists in this field. Professional methods are much more effective. When the structure is processed, you should not immediately move birds there. The most acceptable time for relocation is two weeks after treatment.

Processing rules

Carrying out pest control yourself requires following a number of rules. Getting rid of bloodsuckers using chemicals should be done with extreme caution, as there is a risk of harming the birds.

A prerequisite is to use a mask, as well as wear a robe, goggles and gloves.


If there are bedbugs in the chicken coop, you need to carefully examine each individual and then treat it with a special product.

For bathing chickens use:

  • chlorophos solution (1%).
  • Solution of the drug "Inkur" (2%).

Please note: independent manual processing of each individual is productive only if there is a small farm (no more than 20 birds).

If there are too many chickens, chemicals such as Butox and Deltamethrin are suitable for treating them. According to the instructions, the product is applied to feathers, avoiding contact with mucous membranes and the digestive tract.

Chicken coop

Getting rid of bedbugs also involves treating the chicken coop, since the parasites do not linger on the body of the selected individual.

They usually live in secluded corners of the room:

  • cracks on the walls.
  • Under the floor.
  • Feed mixtures.

If Chlorophos is chosen as the main insecticide, the step-by-step instructions are as follows:

  1. prepare a solution (200 g of concentrated 2% drug per 10 liters of water).
  2. By spraying, apply it not only to open surfaces, but also to all places where bedbugs may be found.
  3. After a day, wash the room and feeders thoroughly.

You can treat the chicken coop with any of the chemicals presented above, being sure to follow the attached instructions for use.

The best means

There are dozens of products that have proven effective in the fight against bedbugs. However, not all of them are suitable for treating a chicken coop. So, which drugs should be preferred?

Spray products


To prepare the solution, use a drug with a concentration of 2%. For 10 liters of water you will need about 200 grams of the drug. It must be thoroughly mixed in the liquid and the surfaces treated. Leave the drug to act for about a day, after which carry out a wet cleaning of the feeders and perches.

Neocidol 5%

For an area of ​​100 sq. m requires about 5 liters of solution. They treat the surfaces and crevices of the chicken coop. The product does not require rinsing. In addition, you can bathe the chickens themselves in the solution. In this case, the concentration of the substance is calculated by the veterinarian. It is important to note that after swimming in Neocidol, chicken should not be eaten for approximately 14 days.


This drug is used to kill bedbugs, both in homes and in any other premises, including the chicken coop. To prepare the solution, dissolve 10 ml of the product in 1 liter of water. After spraying the product, you need to let the surfaces dry, then ventilate the chicken coop for 24 hours. After this, you can start the chickens. Care should be taken to ensure that the drug does not get into the poultry feed.

Lesser known drugs

It is believed that the safest and most effective natural remedy for bedbugs is natural pyrethrum - Dalmatian chamomile powder. But it is almost impossible to purchase it in its pure form. The market is filled with industrial analogues of this powder, but they are not as effective and efficient.

Below is a list of chemicals that have also proven themselves in the fight against biting and annoying bedbugs. Perhaps your choice will fall on one of them.

"Confident" and "Solfisan". Insecticides designed to kill bedbugs, cockroaches, mosquitoes and other “domesticated” insects. The drugs do not have an unpleasant odor and, judging by user reviews, they work the first time. Children and animals are prohibited from coming into contact with the drugs. "Blockbuster" Available in the form of a gel, aerosol and concentrate, it is aimed at killing crawling insects. "Zonder". Designed to kill blood-sucking insects. Before use, take care to purchase special equipment that will allow you to correctly spray the poison throughout the apartment. "Agran". The potent insecticides included in the drug kill parasites instantly as soon as they enter their body. The Indian-made drug retains a residual effect for about three days. The emulsion must be diluted immediately before the procedure. "Averforce". A relatively safe product that, when it comes into contact with human skin or the skin of a pet, usually does not cause allergic reactions. It can be used independently, strictly following the instructions. Usually, one procedure is enough to completely destroy insects in the house. "Carbozol". Malathion-based poison for bedbugs. It is a universal insecticide. True, the drug has no residual effect, and it will not be able to clean a room that is infested with bedbugs. "Clean house". Sold in the form of aerosols and powders. The effectiveness of the product is high, but it is not able to have a liquidating effect on bedbug eggs. Therefore, the effect of use may be short-lived. "Dichlorvos". The most popular drug among aerosols. It copes well with the disinfestation of upholstered furniture and interior items. There are several varieties of Dichlorvos on the market. Some are scented, others are completely odorless. "Raid". Designed to kill all insects. "Phenaxin". Powder based on fenvalerate and boric acid. Destroys all insects. Pencil "Mashenka". Has no smell. Designed for application to surfaces on which parasites move. It is not capable of destroying bedbug eggs. "Medilis Cyper" and "Sinuzan". Designed to kill agricultural insects. Very effective in the fight against bedbugs. "Antiklop." Development of domestic scientists. Paralyzes bedbugs and other sucking parasites, and after paralysis leads to the death of insects. "Combat". Korean drug based on imiprotrine. The latest generation insecticide. "Delta Zone". The chemical base is deltamethrin. Manufacturer: Korea. A 50 ml bottle contains a concentrated insecticide, which is diluted with water before use. "Ram". Emulsion against linen parasites based on zetacypermethrin.

It would take a long time to list the means that can outright kill a horde of bedbugs. The hot fog and cold fog methods, often used by SES services, are worthy of special mention. In this case, the insecticide is sprayed indoors using a special device that separates the drug molecules into microns, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the product. Small particles “hang” in the air, then gradually settle and are evenly distributed, getting into even the smallest crevices. Fog generators destroy not only mature individuals and nymphs, but also bedbug eggs. When hot mist is used, the chemical is broken down into smaller particles, giving it an advantage over cold mist. However, you won’t be able to carry out this procedure yourself; you need to call specialists.

A smoke bomb works better than any aerosol or sprayed poison. In terms of effectiveness, it surpassed even dust from bedbugs (products in powder form). The insecticidal smoke contained in it penetrates into all corners of the apartment - even under the baseboards and inside the sofa mattress. You don’t have to scour the house looking for nests of parasites before using the saber.

Video on the topic

How to get rid of bedbugs: the best remedies

How to protect chickens in a barn from foxes

Storing shovels and rakes in the shed

Foxes robber in all geographical areas: from the steppes to the tundra. They sneak into poultry houses by digging under a fence or wall. As a rule, foxes hunt at night, but in some cases the animals may come during the day, grab stray hens and run away.

In some cases, hunting for weasel will be most effective

It is difficult to catch a furry animal using traps and snares, so it is recommended to track the animal in the evening and kill it with a gun. Valuable fur can be used for your own purposes.

If you don’t want to kill a fox with your own hands, you should get dogs and let them walk around the yard at night. But make sure that they cannot get out of the gate and damage the neighbors’ lands.

The fox likes to create a panic in the chicken coop, he kills 1-2 birds, then goes into the forest. As soon as the food runs out, he will return. Foxes are very smart, they often manage to avoid traps and pass dogs unnoticed. If this predator is not eliminated in a timely manner, it will carry chickens until the poultry house runs out of prey.

Foxes have a good sense of smell and are attracted to farms by the following smells:

  • Open manure heaps.
  • The smell of fish.
  • Buckets with food scraps.

These animals must be scared away from the yard. It’s not even a matter of losing chickens; they carry diseases that are dangerous to humans. Foxes often attack adults and children and bite them. This often leads to death.

Do-it-yourself extermination of bedbugs at home

Killing this insect is not easy; such a procedure is labor-intensive and requires care.
Therefore, people interested in how to get rid of bedbugs in an apartment quickly, with their own hands, first of all need to be patient and knowledgeable. Since mistakes lead to the fact that bedbugs will get used to being affected in some way, adapt and survive. Moreover, it has been noticed that if it is not possible to remove this pest immediately, then the population begins to multiply quickly, “taking over” the house in a short time. What complicates the situation is that there is no universal method of struggle, that is, an effective method must be selected in each specific situation. But people should not panic; it is possible to get rid of these insects with your own hands. OUR READERS RECOMMEND!

In the fight against bedbugs, our readers recommend the Pest-Reject repeller. Electromagnetic and ultrasonic technology is 100% effective against bedbugs, cockroaches and other insects. Absolutely safe, environmentally friendly product for humans and pets. Read more here...

When treatment is carried out, it is necessary not to miss more than one secluded corner, since bedbugs can live almost everywhere: in the folds of the bed (for which the pest is called a bed bug), upholstered and ordinary furniture, between books, behind batteries, wallpaper, even in electronic equipment, etc. .

How to get rid of bedbugs quickly with your own hands - ways to destroy bedbugs

This parasite harms people enough that methods to destroy them are constantly being improved. The following methods will allow you to independently get rid of these insects in your apartment:

1. Folk remedies are the cheapest and most harmless option for destruction. But the fight against the pest with such methods will not be won. The reason is that any folk method is intended only to repel, and not to destroy, or rather to influence the sense of smell (bugs have a developed and sensitive sense of smell), so they do not like it and do not linger in the apartment where disinfection is carried out in this way. Nevertheless, the pest remains alive and moves to neighbors, to non-residential premises, from where it returns as soon as normal conditions for it are restored or simply when it wants to eat. Traditional methods include various substances with a pungent odor (vinegar, wormwood, kerosene, turpentine, others);

2. Mechanical processing - involves collecting insects, but not with your own hands, but with a vacuum cleaner. Since bedbugs love secluded places, you need to use crevice nozzles so that they can get into any place. Such treatment itself will not destroy pests, but such a measure is an excellent preparation for chemical and thermal treatment;

3. Heat treatment - allows you to effectively destroy pests, but it is difficult to use such methods in an apartment with your own hands. The difficulty is that these parasites can exist in a certain temperature range, therefore, when it drops to -20°C, then after two days the bedbugs will be guaranteed to be defeated; it will be possible to get rid of insects even at high temperatures of 45-60°C. But, if earlier, when bedbugs appeared in the house, the family left it in the cold by opening the windows, now this will not work in the apartment, since you can complicate the situation with your own hands by disabling the heating. Parasites can be removed by washing clothes on appropriate cycles. If it’s really hot, the steam generator available at the SES will help defeat the insects;


In the fight against bedbugs, our readers recommend the Pest-Reject repeller. Electromagnetic and ultrasonic technology is 100% effective against bedbugs, cockroaches and other insects. Absolutely safe, environmentally friendly product for humans and pets. Read more here...

4. Chemical treatment - this disinfection allows you to quickly destroy insects with your own hands. A modern chemical is safe for people, therefore, when any such poison is used in a special suit, no other protection will be required, but this only applies to household products. If you still can’t kill the pests in your apartment with your own hands, then the SES will use the same drugs, but with a higher concentration. Fighting with the help of “chemistry” is also convenient because there are different forms and packaging. Therefore, a person can choose a spray if he notices that parasites live in very narrow places; in other cases, liquids or dry poisons are suitable, which can destroy insects most effectively in a particular situation.

All of the above allows you to kill bedbugs with your own hands, but when there is no time, desire or there is a global epidemic, it is better to contact the SES.

Ferret behavior

If a ferret or marten is spotted near a farm, expect trouble. When hunting, small predators behave very carefully, so it is almost impossible to take them by surprise. If on a winter morning the owner of the chicken coop discovers peculiar traces in the yard, the so-called “two-points,” it means that an uninvited guest was in charge here the day before. Moving in jumps, these predators leave marks on the snow, by which you can easily determine what type of animal was visiting. For a weasel, the distance between tracks is 20-30 cm, for a marten it is 30-40, and for a ferret it is approximately 50-60.

The tree ferret is the most harmful species to poultry farms. He is distinguished by cruelty and bloodthirstiness. Having a relatively small size (30-45 cm), it is capable of tearing apart and destroying as many poultry as it can manage in one raid.

Chicken coop after a visit from a predator

The ferret attacks and crushes its prey with its paws and then eats it. It mainly prefers small chicken, but most of its prey are chickens. A lot of birds remain untouched after it. A ferret can only eat one or two carcasses at a time. When catching its victims, the predator does not eat their head, it chews it off. The delicate tissues of the head quickly rot and thus spoil the entire bird carcass.


Like other blood-sucking parasites, bedbugs also bring a lot of suffering to chickens. They not only reduce their weight and egg production, but can also introduce an infection into the body. And this is already a big loss for the economy. That is why you need to not only quickly get rid of bedbugs, but also take various preventive actions. Often, poultry are parasitized by the familiar bed bug.

Common bed bug

Bedbugs love warm, secluded places where they can sleep peacefully during the day and go out hunting at night, when the birds are sleepy and helpless in the dark. If we want to find these parasites, we definitely need to look for them in the cracks. Bedbugs live in grooves, in cracks in walls and perches, and in the nests themselves. Hungry bugs can attack chickens during the day, but this is extremely rare.

The peculiarity of these parasites lies in the fact that they are very resistant to cold and can live up to 1.5 years without food. That is why adults can easily winter in unheated rooms, as well as in places where birds do not live.


A specific disease that occurs in an acute form and is accompanied by numerous edema. Infection occurs through waste products, eggs and meat, as well as through the carcasses of the dead, their meat and feathers.



  • difficulty breathing;
  • spasms of paws and wings;
  • paralysis;
  • depression, lethargy;
  • mucus from nose;
  • loss of appetite;
  • temperature increase;
  • green loose stools;
  • lowering the head;
  • cloudy cornea and swelling of the mucous membranes.


The causative agent is a filter virus, which belongs to the first group of pathogens of infectious diseases.

The pathogenesis is not fully understood. Adults are more susceptible to the disease than young animals. The incubation period is from 4 to 25 days. The disease affects all internal organs and tissues, and is found in the greatest quantities in the blood.

The diagnosis is made on the basis of an analysis of clinical manifestations, epidemiological data, as well as the results of a pathological examination and bioassay.

Treatment and control of spread

No treatment for plague has been developed. To eliminate the possibility of bird disease, it is recommended to purchase individuals exclusively in favorable areas. It is recommended to quarantine for up to 30 days. For prevention, vaccines based on formol-hydroxide preparations are used (especially in infected areas).

All sick and dead individuals must be immediately burned in separate areas, followed by treatment of equipment and premises with 4% formaldehyde, 20% alkaline solution or their analogues.

Bird flu (plague)

There are no medications for treatment. If a disease is detected in the herd, strict quarantine measures are introduced, and all birds are subject to destruction.


Folk remedies for chicken fleas

At the early stage of the appearance of fleas, it is acceptable to resort to folk remedies. Common:

  1. Table vinegar: diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3.
  2. Kerosene: each individual is processed manually, after which it is placed in another room.
  3. Gasoline-kerosene mixture with alcohol: mix the components in equal parts, apply locally to the skin of the chicken, where accumulations of parasites are noted.
  4. Herbal decoctions.
  5. Fresh strong-smelling herb.

Thanks to the pungent odor that these products emit, pests are expelled for a long time.


Herbs that have a detrimental effect on fleas include:

  • tansy;
  • wild rosemary;
  • rosemary;
  • sagebrush;
  • geranium;
  • lavender;
  • tansy;
  • chamomile Dovlatovskaya;
  • potato grass.

Bunches of grass are hung in the corners, and the walls are sprayed with kerosene or other strong-smelling liquid. This technique serves as a protective barrier for new invasions of parasites into the territory of the poultry house.


Recipe for an effective herbal decoction against chicken fleas and lice:

  1. Combine herbs: chamomile flowers, wild rosemary, tansy. Take 200-250 g of each component.
  2. Brew with boiling water in an amount of 5-6 liters.
  3. Boil for 15-20 minutes, cool.

The resulting decoction is used to pollinate the interior of the bird's house.


Sand and ash baths, which are installed inside the poultry house and on the paddock area, can be used to prevent flea infestation. At will, birds tumble into them, thereby disinfecting the feathers.

How to treat a chicken coop for fleas?

For sanitation of poultry houses, peritroids are recommended - inexpensive and effective:

  • Raid;
  • Dichlorvos;
  • Raptor;
  • Leopard;
  • Get;
  • Cucaracha;
  • Tetrix;
  • Executioner;
  • Karbofos.

Each type requires an appropriate approach. Aerosols come ready-made and do not require preparation. Liquid suspensions must first be dissolved in water. The dosages are guided according to the attached instructions. If chickens remain in place during sanitary work, it is recommended to use phosphorus and chlorine insecticides. After chemical treatment, it is forbidden to consume chicken products for several days, otherwise serious poisoning will be inevitable.

Signs of an uninvited guest

Weasels, like ferrets and martens, are inherently cautious; it is almost impossible to take them by surprise. The predator does not always start hunting right away; at first it can go on reconnaissance. Chickens sense the presence of this predator, and this is reflected in their behavior. The next morning it looks unusual: the chickens behave restlessly and try not to leave the house.

Learn how to keep rats and ferrets away from your poultry.

A clear sign that an animal visited the farmstead at night are unusual two-point tracks on the ground or snow. The distance between them will indicate the type of animal that attacked the chicken coop. The weasel leaves tracks with a distance of 200-300 mm, the marten - 300-400 mm, the ferret - 500-600 mm.

Weasel tracks in the snow

Call a veterinarian to your home 24 hours a day

Only an experienced doctor can diagnose and prescribe comprehensive treatment. When the first signs of illness appear, you should contact a medical facility. A special box is required for transportation, but transportation causes serious psycho-emotional shock. Therefore, it is recommended to call a veterinarian at home, because the service has the following advantages:

  • Affordable price.
  • High response speed.
  • Providing first aid.
  • Implementation of medical procedures.
  • Carrying out hospitalization if necessary.
  • Performing vaccinations and sterilization.

You can call a veterinarian at home in Moscow and the Moscow region by phone or through a special form.

General services

Prices for services in our clinicIn the clinic and at home
Ornithologist visiting your homefrom 500
Clinical examination, preliminary diagnosis, consultationfrom 500
Telephone consultationfor free
Therapyfrom 150
Surgeryfrom 150
Ambulance at home (within an hour)from 1000


Prices for services in our clinicIn the clinic and at home
Subcutaneous administration of medication to birdsfrom 200
Intramuscular administration of medication to birdsfrom 150
Intravenous administration of the drug to birdsfrom 500
Bird dropperfrom 1000
Administration of the drug intraperitoneally, intraosseouslyfrom 800
Nerve receptor blockade in birdsfrom 500
Tube feeding of birdsfrom 300
Cleaning the horny coverfrom 400
Resuscitation treatment of birdsfrom 1500
Infusion therapyfrom 250
Intravenous catheter placement500
Removing the IV catheter500
Removing the Marking Ringfrom 200-1000
Taking blood for laboratory testsfrom 350
Obstetrics in birds1 hour from 500
Washing the cropfrom 500

Surgery and Traumatology

Prices for services in our clinicIn the clinic and at home
Surgical treatment of woundsfrom 200-1000
Stitchingfrom 300-1500
Application of a splintfrom 300
Opening abscesses, hematomasfrom 300
Removal of tumorsfrom 1000
Goiter surgeryfrom 1500
Cloaca surgeryfrom 1500
Removal of foreign bodiesfrom 1500
Eye amputationfrom 2000
Pelvic limb amputationfrom 2500
Osteosynthesisfrom 10000-30000
Surgery for goiter rupturefrom 1500
Egg extractionfrom 500
Anesthesia for birdsfrom 1500-3500
Puncture of air sacsfrom 1000
Abdominal wall puncturefrom 1000

Anesthesiology for birds

Prices for services in our clinicIn the clinic and at home
Anesthesiafrom 500


Prices for services in our clinicIn the clinic and at home
Eyelid surgery for inversion, eversionfrom 2000
Exenteration of the eyeballfrom 3000

Laboratory research

Prices for services in our clinicIn the clinic and at home
Taking tests500
Clinical blood test1000
General clinical blood test1000
Blood chemistry2000
Microscopy of blood parasites700
Smear microscopy700
Examination of droppings for protozoa1000
Examination of droppings for helminths700
Determination of gender2000
Histological examination2500
Examination of droppings for helminths700
Infectious anemia of chickens1500
Test for infectious encephalomyelitis1500
Analysis for infectious bronchitis of birds1500
Analysis for infectious rhinotracheitis in birds1500
Salmonellosis test1500
Testing for trichomoniasis1500
Tuberculosis test1500
Examination of droppings for protozoa1000
Analysis for psittacosis1500
Analysis for pasteurellosis1500
Avian influenza test1500
Analysis for dysbacteriosis2000
Analysis for avian mycoplasmosis1500
Newcastle disease test1500
Analysis for avian leukemia1500
Test for Marek's disease1500
Analysis for avian adenovirus1500
Analysis for avian circovirus2000
Analysis for yeast-like fungi1700
Comprehensive analysis for anthropozoonoses4000
General bacteriological analysis3000
Gumboro disease1500
Avian reovirus1500

Biology of mallophages

Chicken lice are small wingless insects. They have a flat, round or elongated segmented body that is yellow-brown in color with dark stripes and spots. The head is wider than the body and has small antennae. The size of mallophages is from 1.5 to 2 mm. Three pairs of legs end in tenacious claws, with which the parasite is fixed on the host’s body. The insect also uses its jaws for this purpose. Down-eaters feed on down, feathers, and exfoliated skin particles. They do not drink blood, but are able to swallow secretions protruding from scratches and abrasions.

The female lays white eggs, gluing them to the down, feathers or body. The length of the eggs is 0.5 - 1.5 mm, they are oval in shape and can be clearly seen under a magnifying glass. After 5-18 days, the eggs hatch into larvae that are similar in appearance to adults. Within 12-20 days, the larvae molt three times and turn into sexually mature mallophages.


In appearance, insects resemble ticks. They can be distinguished by their characteristic features - an elongated, flattened body 5-8 mm in length with small antennae and a proboscis on the head. The color of adult individuals is rich dark brown, lighter in young parasites. The life cycle of an individual’s development takes from 1 to 2 months. Bed bugs are resistant to sub-zero temperatures and can live without food for up to 1-1.5 years.

Most often, bedbugs infect chickens at night, however, a hungry individual can attack during the daytime. Parasites prefer to settle in crevices and hard-to-reach places in the chicken coop. During one meal, a bug can absorb up to 6-7 mg of blood, after which they swell and increase in size. Parasites affect the skin of birds, leaving micro-wounds on it and spraying toxic saliva into them. With prolonged infestation by insects, noticeable pecking and irritation appear on the body of chickens. The main sites of infection are the neck, head, underwing areas and abdomen.

Bedbugs cause a decrease in egg production and weight by up to 40%, anemia, deterioration in appearance, loss of sleep and appetite. In addition, parasites are carriers of a large number of dangerous infections.

Insects can pose a danger to humans - they are able to move into an apartment or residential building and bother the owners with bites and transmitted diseases.

Bedbugs are the causative agents of the following diseases.


A disease caused by gram-negative bacteria Pasteurella and affecting poultry, small rodents, cats and pigs. Most often, birds are affected by type A bacteria, which are most active in the body of young birds. Bacteria have a high survival rate; treatment is complicated by the diversity of their types.


The acute form is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • mucous discharge from the nose;
  • temperature increase to 44 °C;
  • red color of feces;
  • loss of appetite;
  • cyanosis on the ridge;
  • thirst;
  • depressed state;
  • heavy breathing, wheezing;
  • ruffling of feathers.

Symptoms of the chronic form:

  • inflammation of the joints of the limbs (paws and wings);
  • darkening and enlargement of the comb and beard;
  • depressed state, drowsiness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes.

Does your bird have similar symptoms?

Not really


There are acute and chronic forms of the disease, differing in symptoms and mortality rates. The most common is the acute form, characterized by fever and lethargy, difficulty breathing and other symptoms.

The reasons, as a rule, are violation of living conditions, poor quality nutrition or the presence of parasites. Symptoms appear gradually, and the bird dies within 2-3 days. Mortality rates range from 30% to 90%.

The chronic form occurs if the bird has survived the acute form, as well as when infected with less aggressive bacteria. Mortality occurs several months later.

The disease affects the liver, gastrointestinal tract, spleen, ovaries, lungs, and some other organs.

Drugs for treatment


  1. Cobactan suspension . A drug for the treatment of infections and respiratory diseases.
  2. Trisulfone . Complex drug with antibacterial action.
  3. Norsulfazole . Anti-infective drug.
  4. Avidox . A combination drug based on the antibiotics doxycycline and colistin.
  5. Monclavit . It is used to treat infected and aseptic wounds and lesions of the mucous membranes.
  6. Ecocide S. Disinfectant used for cleaning premises.

Treatment and control of spread

Treatment of the disease is considered too expensive and ineffective. Surviving individuals become carriers of the disease, and their productivity decreases. As a rule, breeders try to send sick animals to slaughter, however, the disease can be treated if you notice the symptoms in the first hours and begin treatment immediately.

First of all, sick birds must be separated from healthy ones, and then the equipment, bedding and the room in which they were located must be disinfected. Treatment is not divided into acute and chronic forms.

For treatment, the drugs trisulfone are used for a course of 5 days at the rate of 200 g of the product per 100 liters of water, as well as a suspension of cobactan for a course of 3 to 5 days in the form of injections of 0.1 ml of the drug per 1 kg of chicken weight.

Preventive measures are recommended for healthy individuals. The drugs Avidox and Norsulfazole are suitable for this. The first remedy is used at the rate of 1 g per 1 liter of water or 2 g per 1 kg of food. The second is recommended to be given to birds twice a day - 0.5 g per individual.

To disinfect premises, use Monclavit and Ecocide C in aerosol format. It is possible to replace the drugs with a solution of chlorine turpentine with 2 g of chlorine, as well as 0.5 g of turpentine per 1 m².


Antibiotics: chlortetracycline, cobactan suspension, chloramphenicol, trisulfone, terramycin, as well as hyperimmune polyvalent serum



It is an acute disease that affects poultry (young and adult birds). The causative agents are spirochete bacteria, carried by certain types of ticks and bedbugs and multiplying in the blood of birds. The disease most often occurs from April to October, when the parasites are most active. Sick birds can be sources of infection.



  • loss of appetite;
  • increase in temperature (up to 42-43 °C);
  • drowsiness and depression;
  • pallor and flaccidity of the ridge;
  • diarrhea;
  • limb paresis.

Chickens fall on their feet: a symptom indicating the presence of a serious disease


Diarrhea in chickens: main causes, common diseases associated with it, methods of prevention and treatment


Sneezing and wheezing in domestic chickens: diagnosis of upper respiratory tract diseases, treatment, prevention



The disease occurs with a gradual onset of symptoms. The onset of the disease is characterized by an increase in temperature, after which appetite worsens, depression and drowsiness, diarrhea appear, and paralysis of the limbs occurs. Sick birds die within 3-5 days , with young birds dying much faster than older ones.

The disease affects the liver, mucous membranes of the small intestines, and other internal organs. The disease is diagnosed based on epidemiological and clinical data. Bacteriological studies of affected individuals are possible.

Drugs for treatment


  1. Orasol . Bactericidal agent in powder form. Used for prevention.
  2. Atoxyl . An enterosorbent agent with antimicrobial and detoxification properties. Used to treat the disease.
  3. Novarsenol . Arsenic-based drug.
  4. Chlorophos . An insecticidal drug used to combat insects and parasites.
  5. Cyodrine . Insectoacaricide, used to treat infected premises.


Drugs for treatment: Orasol, Atoxil, Novarsenol, Chlorophos, Tsiodrin.

Treatment and control of spread

The disease is characterized by an exclusively acute form. If sick individuals are detected, it is recommended to begin treatment immediately. The most effective drugs are those containing arsenic - for example, atoxil or novarsenol. Administered intramuscularly at the rate of 0.1/0.03 g of solution per 1 kg of weight.

Expert opinion

Sadchikov Nikolay Alekseevich

Veterinarian ornithologist

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For prevention, it is recommended to use Orasol, used as part of an aqueous solution with baking soda (at the rate of 0.1-0.2 g of Orasol per 1 kg) to prepare a wet mash. Used twice with a one day break. One of the most effective measures against spread is vaccination of susceptible individuals.

To treat premises and equipment infested with parasites, use a 2% solution of chlorophos or a 0.5% emulsion of the drugs cyodrine or dicresyl. Destruction of sick or dead individuals is possible only in places inaccessible to healthy birds.

Methods of controlling parasites

Fleas must be dealt with immediately so as not to incur financial losses. Birds on their own are not able to cope with attacking parasites, therefore external countermeasures are necessary. The extermination process is labor-intensive and lengthy, divided into 2 successive stages: disinfection of the poultry population, then the chicken coop.

Various means are used:

  • chemical;
  • folk

To avoid an epidemic, sick chickens are separated from healthy ones. The vacated barn is treated with insecticidal preparations, which are freely sold at veterinary outlets. Just do a general cleaning first: wash the floors and walls, throw out old bedding, remove leftover food and droppings. After completing the procedure, they do nothing for a day, then wash off the applied product and move in the feathered guests.

An alternative would be to fumigate the room with a smoke bomb (Pawn-B). One piece is enough for 250 sq.m. Easy to use, it guarantees the complete destruction of body parasites.

Regardless of the method chosen, the bird is subjected to double processing, with an interval of 2 weeks. It is important that the poison does not get inside or onto the mucous membrane of the animal.

Types of disinfection

Sanitary disinfection is undertaken not only as a method of combating diseases and parasites, but also as a preventive measure. According to purpose, disinfection is divided into the following types:

  • preventative - the chicken coop is first treated before the flock is placed, then as necessary (replacement of the flock). Ideally, prophylaxis is carried out once every two months, often disinfection with lime is carried out as a preventive measure;
  • current - carried out upon detection of parasites or diseases of birds;
  • final - carried out after the bird has recovered, confirmed by laboratory tests.

There are also excellent ways to disinfect a room. Depending on the drugs and manipulations used during disinfection, the following methods of procedure are distinguished:

  • mechanical - replacing contaminated water and food containers, perches, parts of the flooring or grinding to remove the infected surface;
  • physical - disinfection using hot steam and water, quartz lamps, ultraviolet light;
  • chemical - the use of active and often aggressive chemicals to destroy pathogens;
  • biological - the method has not yet received widespread use, since it is more appropriate for large poultry farms. With this method, bacteria and parasites are destroyed with the help of their natural enemies;
  • combined - during an epidemic, a set of the above sanitary measures is taken.

Did you know? The largest egg, weighing 170 grams, was laid by a Georgian peasant's chicken in 2011. The record was recorded by the Guinness Book of Records.

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