TOP 25: The most poisonous spiders that actually exist

Spiders are the oldest inhabitants of our planet. The genetic portrait indicates that they are related to crabs. Today, more than 40 thousand species of spiders are known, some of which pose a danger to humans. These creatures hide everywhere, weaving their web wherever they can. Most people are partial to spiders, and some even suffer from arachnophobia. And this is not surprising - their appearance is terrible, and some of them are also poisonous.


Our rating opens with the most poisonous spider in Europe. In addition to European countries, he lives in the south of the African continent, in the green spaces of Australia, and Asian countries. Because of its characteristic color, it is also called the golden spider. These animals also fell in love with the landscapes of the central Russian Federation.

After contact with such an inhabitant of deserts, steppes and forests, you will not die, but the bite causes painful and unpleasant sensations. The temperature rises, dizziness begins, itching at the site of the poison. The tiny spider does not grow more than 10 mm. It is difficult to notice, and therefore you need to be careful in places where these non-lethal, but dangerous arthropods accumulate.



This family has many representatives, including thirteen subfamilies, divided into a huge number of species (according to official data, there are about 143 of them). The characteristics of their representatives are very characteristic, so the most interesting varieties deserve special description.

1. The Goliath tarantula is a creature famous for its size, which, including the length of its legs, is about 28 cm. Previously, such a specimen of the planet’s fauna was considered the largest of the spiders.

But the very beginning of the 21st century was marked by the discovery of Heteropoda maxima, a relative in the order that lives in the tropics and is a couple of centimeters larger than the Goliath, which means its size is not limiting.

The color of such a spider is brown, sometimes with shades of red or light colors. Such creatures live in the swamps of South America. The weight of males of the species can reach up to 170 g.

Goliath is considered the largest tarantula spider

2. Black and white Brazilian tarantula spider . Representatives of this variety are slightly smaller than the previous one. Their sizes usually do not exceed 23 cm. They are famous for their intensive growth and bright, elegant, although black and white coloring.

The spider has an unpredictable and aggressive character. Often such creatures hide among stones and under tree roots, but sometimes they crawl out into open areas.

3. Metallic tarantula (arboreal) is also a remarkable species that is found only exclusively in southern India. But in this case, the spider stands out from its relatives not at all in its size, growing no more than 21 cm, but in its brightness and bewitching, fabulous beauty.

Its body and paws are blue with a metallic tint, decorated with wonderful patterns. Such creatures, uniting in groups, live among rotten old trees.

4. Smith's brachypelma is a species found in the southern United States and Mexico. The size of such spiders usually does not exceed 17 cm. The color can be black or dark brown with the addition of red and orange areas, in some cases decorated with a yellow or white border; The frequent hairs on the body are light pink.

This species does not have a toxic poison and is not considered particularly aggressive.

In the photo is the Brachypelma Smith spider

As for the size of the tarantula , this has already been mentioned. But the parameters were given earlier taking into account the leg span. However, the body itself of the largest spiders is about 10 cm in size, and in small species it can be less than 3 cm. It should also be mentioned that tarantulas change their color with age and as they mature.


Our list on continues with the wolf spider, which is widespread in different parts of our planet. The South Russian tarantula is found in Crimea, Adygea, regions of the Krasnodar Territory, Kuban and Donbass. In Ukraine, encounters with them should be feared in the southern coastal regions.

The poison, like that of the phalanx, will not lead to death, but causes unpleasant itching, redness, and severe swelling. Allergic reactions may appear after a few days. The swelling subsides after 3-4 days, but the place where the poison entered will still hurt for a long time for two to three weeks.

By the way, on our website there is an interesting article about the TOP 20 most beautiful spiders in the world. We highly recommend watching it!


Mouse spider

This representative of arachnids, growing up to 3 cm, lives in Australia. Males have an unusual appearance: a black, sometimes bluish body, a bright red head and the same chelicerae. Females are usually one color - black. The spider feeds on small insects, luring them into cleverly woven webs. In humans, its bite causes severe pain, and the place where it stuck its jaws may swell. But the spider “saves” its poison, so in most cases, people are not in danger. There have been no recorded deaths from encounters with mouse spiders.

False widow / Steatoda grossa

In different parts of the world you can find large Steatoda, also known as the false widow. These arthropods are excellent at weaving webs in which they catch their victims.

Poses some danger to people. After a bite, blisters appear on the body, itching, dizziness, and nausea begin. People with weakened immune systems experience muscle spasms in the arms and legs. If you feel unwell for a long time, it is better to go to the hospital.


Goliath tarantula

Are you afraid of spiders? After meeting this species, you will become even more afraid of them. Theraphosa blondi is also known as the tarantula spider or goliath tarantula. What does this monster look like? Adults can reach sizes of up to 25 centimeters, with legs measuring 15 centimeters long and body length 10 centimeters.


Yellow pouch spider / Cheiracanthium punctorium

This species spread over a wide area. Found in Kazakhstan, the species was recently spotted in Tatarstan and the Chelyabinsk region. The species is endowed with a calm disposition, but if pressed carelessly, it can bite. According to eyewitnesses, it is very painful.

After a bite, headache and nausea may occur. In people with weakened immune systems, ulcers and severe swelling may appear on the body. The yellow-sac stitching spider is especially dangerous during the mating season, when it places a cocoon with eggs in tall grass and reliably protects it from natural enemies.


Yellow sac spider

Cheiracanthium punctorium lives in Europe, but it is not so easy to meet it, since it has a timid disposition and prefers to avoid random meetings with people. If he realizes that he has been discovered, he hides in the leaves. The venom of the yellow-sac spider is very dangerous and gradually affects the body. At first, the person experiences nausea and headache, then the condition worsens. Spiders do not attack people, but the latter can become victims through negligence. The bite is very painful, comparable to a stinging wasp. After a bite, even with the introduction of an antidote, long-term non-healing ulcers and wounds may remain on the skin.


Yellow spider Sak

It was introduced into the scientific classification in 1839. Sak likes to hide under lying stones, and also weaves its web in houses and outbuildings, and livestock pens. These venomous spiders are active at night, hunting their victims. But during the day it prefers to hide in shelters.

The bite causes a necrotic ulcer that is difficult to heal. Tissue death is accompanied by dizziness and fever. Saki show aggression only for self-defense, protecting themselves or their offspring. Despite the danger, according to, they are still excellent helpers in agriculture, as they destroy pests.


The most dangerous spiders in the world: list of insects

By nature, arachnids are predatory creatures. They primarily feed on insects. If their size allows, they hunt birds. Only Kimpling's Bagheera, the jumping spider, prefers acacia leaves. Almost all arachnids are poisonous to one degree or another. But only a few are dangerous to people. More details below.

1. Steppe Widow or Karakurt (black widow)

Many have heard one of these names for the predator. The female animal is notable for the fact that after mating, she first kills the male and then eats him. For people, these creatures are dangerous due to their poison. Spider venom is strong and can cause poisoning; it’s good that there is now an antidote. As you can see in the image, this spider is black in color and has an hourglass-like pattern on its abdomen. Latrodectus lives mainly in the Americas. There are much more female spiders in nature than spiders. In general, animals do not show aggression and rarely attack people, only when they sense danger.

Poisonous spider Karakurt

2. Widow (brown)

This type of arachnid is often found in Australia and beyond. The spider is very poisonous, it is even more dangerous than the black widow. It’s just that the predator injects a smaller amount of poison into the prey than its relative. The spider is more dangerous for children. In adults, a spider bite causes paralysis, severe muscle pain, fever, and skin inflammation.

Poisonous spider - brown widow

3. Brazilian or banana wandering spider

It is so called because of its habits. The animal does not like a sedentary lifestyle, does not weave a web, and therefore leads a wandering life. An animal bite can lead to serious consequences. After injection of poison, a person experiences severe pain and inflammation. If help is not provided in time, then more serious consequences appear. It is even recorded in the Guinness Book of Records as the most poisonous arachnid.

The most poisonous predator

The biggest danger awaits people when a banana predator crawls into their things, house, car, shoes, etc. Due to awkward handling, he bites the owner of the things. Therefore, you need to be careful when traveling to warm countries so as not to become a victim of the little monster.

4. Poisonous spider - six-eyed sand or yellow predator (Sicarius hahni)

Sicarius hahni takes root well in deserts, and the climate of Africa is especially favorable for it. The owner of a powerful poison - cytotoxin, is able to kill even a large rabbit in five to six hours. The predator poses a danger to both adults and children. The only plus is that he prefers to live away from human buildings. Over the years, there have been two sad cases where an arachnid bite caused the death of travelers.

Poisonous Sand Spider

5. Hermit spider from Chile (Loxosceles)

There are examples on the Internet with bite marks from the Loxosceles predator. That is why the animal has a bad reputation. The consequences of the bite are terrible. In the area where the poison enters, gangrene develops (a dry black crust). Even after the poison enters the bloodstream, vomiting, nausea develops, the temperature rises, and muscles ache. His place of residence is North America.

Loxosceles reclusa - deadly poisonous spider

6. Funnel Spider

There are huge spiders in Sydney called Funnel Spiders. Compared to other representatives of this species of animals, they are large in size. The interesting thing is that they do not avoid people like other spiders. They have an aggressive disposition and are always ready to conquer their territory. With its chelicerae, Atrax robustus bites through shoes made of high-quality leather. They can pierce a person’s nail and inject a lot of poison. In turn, the neurotoxin, penetrating inside, acts on the muscle mass, causing spasms, provokes brain swelling, and confusion. But thanks to the antidote, there have been no deaths after a bite since 1981.

Atrax robustus

Chinese tarantula

The large tarantula contains a toxic poison in its glands, which infects its victims. The habitat is limited to some regions of Southeast Asia.

Chinese tarantulas grow up to 20 cm. Their appearance can frighten even a very brave person. A small concentration of venom can cause death to the person bitten. Chinese scientists, conducting experiments on mice, found an antidote. But a dangerous spider opened the door to tragedies when a baby died from its bite.


Hairy spider

A collective name that rather characterizes the spring feature of spiders than a specific species. However, a large hairy spider, regardless of its species, is already a cause for concern. A hairy spider already sounds disgusting!

If its venom is also toxic to humans, then it would be best to beware of encountering a large hairy spider. However, today more and more spiders are kept as pets. By creating comfortable living conditions for them, owners can observe the life of predators live.

As a rule, beautiful and spectacular photographs of hairy spiders depict tarantulas, tarantulas or jumping spiders.


Brown recluse spider / Loxosceles reclusa

This “handsome guy” lives in the eastern United States. From the name of the species it is clear that the brown recluse spider tries to keep to itself, but it turns out that it is not averse to settling near a person’s home.

Hermit venom is toxic. Causes loxoscelism. Symptoms appear 2–3 hours after the bite. The person begins to feel sick, tissue necrosis develops at the site of the bite, and the temperature rises sharply. First of all, it is necessary to stop the spread of the poison. If possible, squeeze out the poison and then apply ice.


Wolf spider

Wolf spiders live in places with high humidity levels, in forest areas, near bodies of water, but sometimes they can run into houses

Wolf spiders are distributed everywhere, with the exception of the poles. They are hairy, brown or gray in color with various striped markings on the back and an unusual arrangement of eyes: four small eyes in the bottom row, two large ones in the middle and two medium eyes in the top row.

Wolf spiders do not spin webs. They are poisonous, very nimble, but not aggressive and are relatively safe for humans. A slight itchy swelling appears at the site of the bite, which usually goes away on its own and does not require treatment.


They feed on insects and lead a measured lifestyle, but use poison for self-defense. In nature, everything is interconnected, and poisonous missulens themselves become food for some types of wasps, as well as poisonous scorpions. For many years there has been a story among people that these creatures can dig deep holes, and therefore they are also called mouse spiders.

The poison has a protein base. The components affect the nervous system. Spiders do not show aggression. Only 40 cases of bites have been recorded in history. Severe symptoms requiring medical intervention appeared only in 10 cases. But it’s better to bypass this spider and not tempt fate.


Spider mouse

The mouse spider (Missulena) is a venomous spider of the family Actinopodidae. It got its name due to the mistaken belief that it is capable of digging deep holes for itself.

The mouse spider is common in Australia and Chile. Its size can reach 3 cm. Females and males differ greatly in color.

Spider mouse: Wikipedia

Spider venom is dangerous to humans, but bites rarely lead to serious consequences. The spider is supposed to bite a person without injecting venom.

Research by Australian scientist Geoffrey K. Isbister showed that forty cases of human mouse spider bites have been identified in Australia. Of these, only one case of serious poisoning of a one and a half year old child. Local neurotoxic effects were observed in six cases, and minor effects in five. There were no reported deaths.

Redback spider

The photo shows a spider that can be easily identified by its red spots. They live in Australia, and were brought to the islands of New Zealand in the holds of ships. In a favorable warm climate, they quickly spread over a vast territory of beautiful islands.

Stealth look. It goes out hunting only at night, but if startled, it attacks during the day. The bite is dangerous, as the poison paralyzes the nervous system. The lymph nodes become inflamed and severe dizziness begins. Symptoms may last for several weeks. For severe pain, it is better to consult a doctor.


Red-backed Australian Widow

Australia is home to many different poisonous and very dangerous animals. And spiders are no exception. The creatures' long and strong fangs are so powerful that they can bite not only human skin, but also a human nail. Spiders attack instantly, having previously performed a ritual dance and demonstrated their fangs. The victim is paralyzed not only by the poison, but also by fear of the dancing killer.

It is considered the most dangerous and poisonous resident of Australia. Its venom is filled with neurotoxins. When bitten, a person feels severe pain, from which even an antidote, which can only be purchased at your own expense, will not help. TopCafe does not want anyone to experience this for themselves.


Baboon Spider / Pelinobius muticus

One of the largest tarantulas in Africa. The African spider has a toxic venom that causes severe poisoning. The place where the poison entered begins to itch, swelling and redness are observed. It got its original name from its paws, which resemble the limbs of a baboon.

He digs holes himself, in which he spends most of his life. Such passages in the ground can reach a depth of up to 2 meters. They have an aggressive disposition. They attack everyone they can defeat. The victims are usually large insects and small rodents. During defense they emit a characteristic hissing sound.


Fringed Ornate Tarantula Spider

The genus name of this spider, Poecilotheria, comes from two Greek words “poikilos” - motley, and “therion” - wild beast. Another name is the decorated tarantula.

This spider from the tarantula family is one of the largest. Lives in Sri Lanka and India.

Unlike other tarantulas, Poecilotherium ornata is considered poisonous. Its bite can cause severe pain and muscle cramps. Painful symptoms can last up to 2 weeks. There are no known deaths, but cases of coma have been reported.

Spiders are important for medicine. Their venom is used to make an antidote and a number of medicines. An anesthetic for severe cancer patients is made from the venom of wandering spiders. Thrombolytic agents are obtained from the venom of the fiddler spider. Tarantula venom is used in the manufacture of sedatives, and the venom of the Chilean rose tarantula, administered during a heart attack, reduces the risk of fibrillation.

Bishop's Widow / Latrodectus bishopi

One of the most common types of black widows. Just as dangerous as all other species. The small black spider lives in limited areas in Florida. Has a bright color. The cephalothorax is reddish-orange, and the abdomen is dark with yellow rings.

They hide under the leaves, so you need to be extremely careful not to step on a poisonous creature. Death will not come from poison, but it will cause trouble. The bite is accompanied by severe swelling, dizziness, and nausea. In some cases, convulsions begin.


The most dangerous arachnids - interesting facts

Poisonous arachnid creatures are awake at night; at this time of day they hunt, getting their food. Many species of these predators can easily survive without water or food for several months in a row.

There are a number of other features of poisonous spiders:

  • In nature there are spiders of enormous size. Galiath can grow up to 33 centimeters in length.
  • The wandering or banana spider is considered the most aggressive and dangerous to people.
  • According to statistics, it is from this predator from the arachnid family that people suffer the most.
  • According to researchers, spiders cause fear in 4.6-6.2 percent of the earth's population.
  • Poisonous predators of almost all species are not averse to feasting on insects, even the smallest representatives of the fauna.
  • Giant tarantulas love “food” more satisfying than small insects. The name alone makes it clear what they eat; in addition to birds, they love rodents, snakes, etc.

Bright tarantula spider
It is noteworthy that the animal’s natural web is considered one of the strongest materials. If you weave a thread from spider web hairs as thick as a pencil, it will withstand any load. According to researchers, a high-speed Boeing at full speed will not be able to break it. The multilayer webs that the predator spider Darwin weaves have a high density. If it were possible to stack them several centimeters thick tightly next to each other, then even a bulletproof vest would not compare with them in strength. In research laboratories, scientists are trying to reproduce a sample of the material, but unfortunately nothing has worked out so far.

As you can see, despite the fact that many species of arachnids pose a great danger to people, there is still something to learn from these animals. Take care of yourself!

Brown Widow / Latrodectus geometricus

You can meet her in large areas of the United States. Large populations live in the Middle East: Israel and Turkey. They settled in Asia, Africa and on the island of Madagascar.

Has a bright color. They can be distinguished from non-venomous individuals by the hourglass pattern on their body. They often crawl into residential buildings and outbuildings. They have a calm disposition, but in case of danger they become aggressive. Little venom is injected into the bite, but there have been several fatalities following brown widow attacks in Madagascar.


Black Widow

In total, the genus of black widows includes about 31 species, many of which pose a danger to humans. They all have black, shiny bodies, with spots of bright color on the back. These spiders got their name because the females often eat the male after mating if he does not manage to escape in time. The most dangerous species of black widow is Latrodectus mactans. They are common in North and South America. Black widows tend to attack humans only in extreme cases, but if this happens, without proper treatment and medical supervision, the neurotoxin contained in black widow venom can be fatal.


The list of the most dangerous spiders in nature undoubtedly includes the steppe inhabitant with the frightening name Karakurt and red spots on the back. They settle far from places where people live, and attack only in moments of danger, for the purpose of self-defense. These are the most dangerous spiders in Russia.

The poison can easily kill a large mammal. Pets are often their victims. Doctors have recorded cases of people being bitten by karakurts. The bite is painful and is accompanied by redness of the bite site, dizziness, and shortness of breath. Without timely help, a person bitten by karakurt can die.


Brazilian wandering spider

The Brazilian wandering spider is a dangerous spider from the runner family. Lives in the tropical part of South America.

The main danger to humans is the neurotoxin PhTx3, which is synthesized by arthropods. The poison quickly spreads throughout the human body and makes it impossible to control muscle function. Without timely medical attention, neurotoxins lead to cardiac arrest, paralysis or suffocation.

Brazilian wandering spider: Wikipedia

An effective antidote has been developed for the venom of the Brazilian spider, so the number of victims is approaching zero.

Sydney Leukoweb Spider / Atrax robustus

The Australian spider, the only one of the Atrax genus, can cause harm to health and even cause death in humans. History has even recorded deaths. Also known as the Sydney funnel web spider. They are quite large. On average they grow up to 5 cm. But there are individuals reaching 7 cm.

The settlement area is small. They are found only in New South Wales. It is capable of weaving a strong web, and makes a trap in the form of a funnel. Large insects and other arachnids become its victims.

funnel web spider

Funnel web spiders are distributed throughout the world, there are more than 500 species. For the most part, the bites of these spiders do not have serious consequences for humans, but some species can pose a serious danger.

In the photo: Sydney leukoweb spider / Atrax robustus.

So, for example, the bite of a Sydney leucoweb spider can instantly kill a child, while an adult will suffer for no more than 15 minutes... Death occurs due to intoxication of the body and irreversible damage to the central nervous system. Primates can also suffer from a bite, while other mammals may not worry - the venom of the funnel-web spider does not have lethal properties for them and can only cause a slight illness.

Six-eyed sand spider / Sicariidae

A dangerous spider, whose venom can kill a person, has learned to easily camouflage itself with its environment. He attacks from ambush, hiding in the sand, among stones or in the roots of trees.

They began to study them at the end of the 19th century. And they determined that they live in the sandy regions of South Africa and Latin America. Several species have been found on the North American continent and in Southeast Asian countries. An antidote has not yet been found, so when encountering this dangerous spider, it is better to avoid it.


White tail spider

Until recently, spiders were considered one of the most dangerous spiders; their bites left ulcers and wounds on the skin. But more recently it was discovered that white-tailed spiders... are not poisonous. True, some scientists still question the results of recent research. And there have not yet been any brave souls ready to test the toxicity of the bite.

In the photo: Australian Lee Porter

There is widespread material on the Internet about how the bite of a white-tailed spider greatly ruined the life of one Australian. After the bite, the young man developed a non-healing wound, which later developed into a tumor. As a result, doctors had to remove the tumor, which had spread to the Australian's eye.


Black Widow / Latrodectus mactans

These poisonous spiders live alone and form pairs only during the mating season. For the male, such a meeting turns out to be the last, because after mating, the female eats her partner without a twinge of conscience. Hence the frightening name widow. It's simple. She needs more energy to bear offspring.

They have an aggressive disposition. They bite in moments of danger for self-defense. The poison causes latrodectism, accompanied by convulsions, vomiting, profuse sweating, and fever. With appropriate treatment, symptoms disappear within a few days and the person recovers.

Brazilian Spider Soldier

The Brazilian soldier spider is a deadly predator. The spider is also called the banana spider due to its inexplicable love for these fruits. This is a nomadic spider - it does not create nests from webs. Often visits people's homes. It can be found in South America. The soldier's venom is toxic and can kill a child or physically weak person within half an hour.

Brazilian spider spider / Phoneutria

In 2010, an inhabitant of the tropical forests of Central and Latin America was included in the pages of the Guinness Book of Records as the most poisonous in a huge family of spiders. This is also a banana spider, as it is often found in packages of this tropical fruit. By the way, don’t miss our website TOP 10 little-known and slightly shocking facts about bananas.

These spiders are also called wandering spiders, as they are nomads and cannot stay in one place for a long time. They constantly migrate in search of food and new victims. In total, there are 8 species of such unusual and dangerous spiders in nature. The wandering spider is endowed with strong poison. Once in the blood, it simply kills a person if you do not help in the first half hour after the bite. Fortunately, the antidote has long been put into production.


TOP 25: The most poisonous spiders that actually exist

Most people hate spiders. These insects hide in dark corners, crawl around and weave webs that you bury your face in. If you found one of them on your shoulder right now, you would immediately jump out of your seat in horror. Four pairs of eyes, eight legs and a disgusting appearance make them repulsive creatures. However, when you add venom to the mix, spiders look even scarier. If you suffer from arachnophobia, be prepared to squirm in horror. Here are the 25 most poisonous spiders that actually exist. 25. False black widow

Photo: Wikipedia

One of the most feared spiders found in England, the False Black Widow Spider is the most venomous of the three False Widow species. Its bite causes pain, swelling, nausea, and if the bite site becomes infected, it can lead to gangrene.

24. Six-Eyed Sand Spider


While the Six-Eyed Sand Spider is very shy, it is also extremely venomous. Since the spider practically does not approach people, there are few known cases of it biting a person. However, in one such famous case, a man lost his arm from necrosis. If someone is bitten by the Six-Eyed Sand Spider, it is believed to be fatal because there is no antidote for its venom.

23. Katipo Spider


Native to New Zealand, the Katipo spider is critically endangered. Only the female can bite a person, but her bite will not be fatal, but rather unpleasant. “Unpleasant” symptoms include abdominal cramps, sweating, fever and chills.

22. Brown recluse

Photo: Wikipedia

The Brown Recluse Spider is considered the most venomous spider in the United States. Its bite can cause victims to experience fever, cramps, itching, nausea and muscle pain. In severe cases, tissue necrosis may occur.

21. Wandering Spider


At first it was thought that the bite of the Wandering Spider would lead to dire consequences, but recent research has refuted this. Although they do not pose a serious risk to human health, the venom of stray spiders can cause redness, swelling and cramping that lasts for several hours.

20. Tarantula


Despite the spider's terrifying appearance, its venom will only make the bite painful, and its hairy legs can cause skin irritation. If you do not have allergies, then the spider is not dangerous.

19. Spider Steatoda grossa


There are no known cases when this spider posed a danger to people. The reaction of most people to the bites of these insects is similar to the reaction to a wasp sting. However, there have been a few cases reported where the symptoms were more severe.

18. Redback Spider


The bite of the Redback Spider is not only painful, but can even lead to death if not treated immediately by a doctor. In 1956, an antidote was created. 250 people receive this antidote per year.

17. Black house spider


The bite of the Black House Spider is poisonous but not fatal. However, it can cause severe pain, swelling, nausea and vomiting, among other unpleasant symptoms.

16. Black Widow


Black widow venom is approximately 15 times more toxic than that of the prairie rattlesnake. However, only the female is dangerous to people. Typically, females have a red hourglass pattern on their belly.

15. Yellow sac spider


A Yellow Sac spider bite can cause severe pain, accompanied by symptoms such as fever, muscle cramps and nausea, but is rarely serious.

14. Tarantula Poecilotheria Rajaei


The spider Poecilotheria Rajaei, recently discovered in Sri Lanka, is a species of tarantula. It has enough venom to kill mice, lizards and small birds.

13. Sydney Funnel Spider


Native to Australia, the Sydney funnel web spider can kill you with its venom within fifteen minutes of its bite. Fortunately, there is an antidote for bites that will help if applied quickly enough.

12. Mason Spider


Mason spiders are often mistaken for funnel web spiders, but they rarely bite, and if they do, the risk to humans is minimal. However, the bite can be quite painful.

11. Brown Widow


In most cases, a Brown Widow bite causes only minor health problems, but sometimes they can be quite serious, including muscle spasms, headaches and nausea.

10. Spider mouse


Most mouse spiders, both male and female, have very large fangs and are quite aggressive. Fortunately, it turns out that only a few species can cause serious symptoms in humans.

9. Chilean recluse spider


Although death from its bites is rare, a Chilean recluse spider bite can cause serious symptoms such as skin irritation and death of skin cells.

8. Wolf spider


Given its name, it makes sense that people would be wary of the Wolf Spider. However, its bite is not fatal and causes only minor irritation. However, some victims may experience an allergy attack and should seek medical attention.

7. Northern Tunnel Spider


A relative of the Australian funnel-web spider, the Northern tunnel spider is just as dangerous and deadly. Unlike their relatives, these spiders live mainly on trees in forests.

6. Red Widow


Originally discovered in Florida, the red widow spider can cause spasms in humans if it bites them. Luckily, there aren't many recorded cases of spiders biting people since they don't come into contact with people often.

5. Wandering Tiger Spider


The wandering tiger spider is similar to the Brazilian wandering spider. It has a complex venom that is neurotoxic, and its bite can cause severe pain among other symptoms.

4. Funnel weaver spider


Although these spiders rarely bite, funnel weaver spider bites have resulted in severe headaches and vomiting.

3. Baboon Spider


Discovered in Africa, the Baboon Spider is very similar to a tarantula. A Baboon Spider bite can cause problems such as vomiting, inability to walk, and shock.

2. Lynx spider


The Lynx Spider is known to be able to jump, and is also one of the few spiders that can spit venom. Although their venom is not fatal to humans, it can cause localized swelling up to 25 cm in diameter.

1. Brazilian wandering spider

Photo: L. Shyamal

When Guinness World Records claims that the Brazilian wandering spider, also known as the Banana Spider, is the most venomous spider in the world, you definitely don't want to cross paths with it. Luckily, these spiders are only found in the tropical climates of the Caribbean and South America.

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