The problem of unpleasant odor when keeping decorative rats

The problem of unpleasant odor when keeping decorative rats

What affects the appearance of smell when keeping rats
1. Gender of the rat: Males usually smell stronger than females, especially during puberty (6-8 months), when they actively mark the territory, claiming their rights to it.

2. Health status: Healthy rats usually smell pleasant or not smell at all. The appearance of a pungent odor is a reason to be wary and watch your pets. For example, kidney disease can increase the unpleasant odor of a particular individual. In some cases, sick rats are also unable to ensure proper hygiene due to weakness.

3. Age of the rat: Old rats often smell stronger than younger ones, including due to illness and inability to engage in proper self-hygiene.

4. Individual characteristics of the character and behavior of the rat, its habits: there are clean rats and slutty rats. Sometimes a completely healthy rat can have an unpleasant odor due to an indifferent attitude towards its appearance. There are rats that have bad habits of pooping in inappropriate places.

5. The smell may depend on the color of the rat: rats of different colors often smell differently. There may be differences in odor between hairless, tailless and furry rats.

6. The smell of a particular rat may depend on its status in the rat family (pack).

7. Diet: The appearance of odor can be caused by certain foods. This may also be a signal that some food is not digestible or is not suitable for rats. Excess protein or sugars in the diet may also be one of the reasons.

8. The intensity of the smell from the cage may also be related to the time of year. I’m not completely sure about this, but it seemed that in winter the rats smell less. This may be due to seasonal changes in temperature and microclimate in the apartment. Also, in the hot and humid summer air, rat excrement dries more slowly, adding an unpleasant aroma. But the smell of rat sweat does not affect the overall picture. We can say that rats hardly know how to sweat at all.

9. Overcrowding of the cage or its insufficient size can cause an unpleasant odor, since the cage becomes dirty much faster than it is cleaned. And even in a normal-sized cage: the more rats, the more smell.

10. Unsuitable or low-quality cage filler may well be the source of an unpleasant odor when it does not cope with its function.

11. The cause of an unpleasant odor may also be insufficient frequency or thoroughness of cleaning the cage. When you clean the cage once every two weeks, even the cleanest and most tidy inhabitants will begin to stink.

Important !

- The fur of a healthy rat does not have an unpleasant odor, it smells of a specific musky aroma!

— The presence of paper, cardboard, or rags in the cage greatly enhances the unpleasant odor. If it is necessary to use the above materials in a cage, very frequent (daily) replacement is required.

— Frequently washing pets in the hope of reducing the unpleasant odor does not give positive results: the source of the odor is rat excrement, and not the rats themselves. Moreover, after bathing, rats begin to smell stronger, involuntarily releasing substances that contribute to the return of their natural natural odor.

— The use of perfumes, colognes, air fresheners and deodorants (except for specialized ones) cannot mask the unpleasant odor from a rat cage, but can quite possibly harm the rats themselves, cause poisoning, irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, and even lead to the death of animals. Never use such products on rats!

What does a domestic rat look like?

The appearance of the domestic rat has not undergone major changes compared to its wild relatives. Most animals have an elongated, stocky body and a long hairless tail covered with sparse bristles. The size of the animal can be from 8 to 30 cm, and its weight can be up to 400-500 g. The elongated head is crowned with round ears, the eyes are small and bulging. The jaw of rats consists of 4 front incisors and molars. Different breeds of decorative rats differ in the structure of their fur:

  • smooth;
  • thin and shiny;
  • curly;
  • downy

There are animals without hair, for example, sphinxes and rodents with mixed coats. Colors can be plain or mixed. From gray and brown to orange and blue.

The bald sphinx is a type of rat.

In Dumbo rats, the ears “sit” not on the top of the head, but lower, like those of elephants. As a result of the mutation, rats were born with no tail at all.

Causes of unpleasant odor

Among the reasons why an unpleasant odor appears, we can list those that relate to the pet and those that relate to the equipment.

If they talk about accessories, then note the following:

  • some materials absorb and retain odors better, so even a washed cage can have an individual specific aroma;
  • fillers can have both an unpleasant odor and enhance the acquired odor;
  • In summer, due to rising air temperatures, microbes develop more intensively, which becomes the reason for intense aromatization.

Interestingly, fresh daytime urine does not stink. But overnight it decomposes and begins to release ammonia - the main source of stench, so thoroughly clean the cage once a week. Be sure to wash all surfaces with warm water and soap. Change the materials from which the rat makes its nest once every 2 days until the problem is eliminated. Wipe down the areas around the cage as well. When the male marks the territory, the spray spreads beyond the zone of tactile contact.

To prevent odors from escaping from the cage, use only bedding materials that are recommended for rats. They absorb secretions and minimize their odor. Also reduce the amount of cardboard, toilet paper and paper towels you give your pet. They entertain him a lot, but the cellulose absorbs urine and then “smells” very strongly.

If we talk about pets, then:

  • some rats are more indifferent to their appearance and this can cause them to acquire a specific stench;
  • males smell more intensely than females;
  • certain breeds also have a stronger individual aroma;
  • The smell of an older animal is more intense because it is not able to groom itself well.

What should a rat cage look like?

The optimal home for a rat would be a cage made of metal rods with a tray. Rats can climb on the grates, they are well ventilated and allow you to observe what is happening around. The distance between the rods should be about 1.5-1.7 cm (or less). If the bars are too thin (2 cm or more), the baby rats will try to crawl between the bars. At best, the pet will simply run away, and at worst, it will get stuck and suffer.

Excuse me, do you have anything tasty for the poor little rat?

In addition to size, the configuration of the cell is important. A flat (low) cage is not an option. No matter how big it is, the animals will be bored in it. Guinea pigs or hamsters live in fields, and the rat world is more complex and varied. The cage should have several levels.

A real palace for rats

  • Glass containers (jar, aquarium, terrarium)
  • Plastic container/dune
  • Small cage for mice or hamsters

It is better if the metal rods are painted. Then they will not oxidize from the caustic urine of animals, and there will be no stains on them.

“I’m sitting behind bars in a damp dungeon.” Painted rods are the best option for rats.

There are two types of cage trays: with and without a false bottom. The false bottom is designed like this: the animals run along the grate, the tray is located below. The mesh should be fine enough so that the rats do not fall through with their paws. But not too much - so that feces fall through.

  • Rats are always clean;
  • You can use any type of filler;
  • The filler is not scattered around the cage;
  • Convenient to clean.
  • An unsuitable grid can cause damage and inflammation of the skin on the paws - pododermatitis;
  • Potential possibility of injury (dislocations, fractures);
  • Rats are deprived of the opportunity to rummage through the litter;
  • If a rat drops a treat from its paws, it is lost forever.

Overall, using a plastic false bottom seems like a great idea to me. It can be partially covered to make the rats more comfortable, additionally put paper towels in the cage for the house and hang hammocks for sleeping.

The shelves are lined with soft fleece fabric: it is soft, dries quickly, and does not tangle your paws

How to get rid of the pungent odor of males

It is impossible to get rid of the smell of a male. Every animal has its own natural scent. If its smell increases, then it is needed for something in nature. For example, to attract a female during the mating season. Attempts to wash it off by bathing will cause the body of a male rat to begin to produce the desired aroma with a vengeance, so it is better to focus on regular cleaning of the cage and purchasing high-quality litter.

If you keep your pet clean and it is not sick, then there will be no unpleasant odors. Be sure to pay due attention to the hygiene and health of your pet, as well as its living conditions. If you are afraid that your pet will stink, then opt for another type of animal.


Do pet rats bite?

They bite, but extremely rarely. There are a number of cases when a rat can bite:

  • fright;
  • pain;
  • error. The animal tastes everything, so a finger inserted through the bars can be perceived as food;
  • transitional age in males. From 5 months, males can bite in an attempt to dominate;
  • female pregnancy. A pregnant and lactating female is able to claw, protecting the offspring.

Rats nip rather than bite

In almost all cases, the owner himself is to blame. Mild biting by animals is a form of communication. The pet is trying to attract the attention of its adored owner.

Important! Physical punishment for a bite is the biggest mistake: a rat may lose trust in a person.

In the case of dominance, you can either turn the “impudent” guy onto his back and hold him in that position or sprinkle him with water. Usually it is enough to drive the pet away from you or stop playing with it.

Is it possible to transport rats on an airplane?

Theoretically it is possible, but it is a troublesome task:

Find out whether it is possible to transport a rat according to the rules of this airport. Find out whether your carrier transports rats. Obtain a veterinary certificate for the rodent 3 days in advance. Before check-in, go through veterinary control at the airport.

Do not forget about the laws of another country, whether the animal will be allowed there. It can only be carried in the cabin; it will not hold up in the luggage compartment. Don't put your rat through the scanner, it will hurt it. Don't open your rat's carrier on an airplane. It can only be fed through the grate.

Rats are reluctantly allowed on planes

Problems are easier to solve if you can reach an agreement with the aircraft crew.

Is it possible to place a baby rat with an adult rat?

Baby rats up to 2 months old can be placed with both males and females, but there are some nuances. Males will most likely accept the baby well, but problems will begin upon reaching adulthood. Adult males must build a hierarchy of relationships among themselves, and young rats are no exception. In the case of ladies, difficulties will arise when placing a baby rat with an adult rat. “Girls” don’t like strangers, even if they are kids. We'll have to wait until the children are saturated with the smell of the old-timers. When the adopted children “receive official registration” from mature ladies, then everything will be calm.

If you need to place a baby with a lonely rat, then it is better to have two

When the old rat passes into another world, the owner will not be left with a lonely animal. And if the old man does not accept the young ones, then the two will have more fun in the next cage.

The procedure for introducing rats is as follows: if the baby needs to be placed with the elders, then you should first wash the cage so that there is no smell of adults left there, and vice versa, a mature rat, when entering the territory of the kids, will behave more modestly in the presence of other people's scents. It is best to breed rats on neutral territory.

Do rats like to be petted?

Tame animals gladly accept affection from their owners, especially if they do not try to lift them by the tail. You should pick up the rat with both hands: it often climbs onto your outstretched palm. In order for a rat to like it, you need to stroke its head, scratch it behind its ears and on its cheeks. The animal enjoys a gentle touch on the withers and stroking the back in the direction “from the head”. Some animals trust their owner to scratch their belly, but not all. You can observe the social interactions of rodents to understand what they like.

Rats love affection

How to find the source of stench in the house?

The smell of a dead mouse or rat is difficult to confuse with something else if you have ever smelled it. It is difficult to come to terms with the sweetish-nauseating stench and wait for it to disappear on its own. Therefore, finding the animal’s corpse and removing it from the house becomes a top priority.

At the first symptoms of illness, a rodent seeks to hide in its burrow, and it can be anywhere: in a closet, in furniture, behind a baseboard, in ventilation, in a wall, under the floor or in the attic. To locate a dead animal, you must first narrow your search. The following signs will help:

  • the smell of a dead rat or mouse is felt stronger near the corpse of a rodent;
  • a cat or dog living in the house will show special interest in the source of the stench;
  • flies are attracted to the smell of corpses, so you can track where they swarm.


Having discovered where the deceased animal is approximately located, you need to carefully examine the furniture that is there: take things apart in the closet, check the sofa. In the kitchen, a rodent could get into a package of cereals or flour.

Signs of a Dead Rat Under the Floor

An unpleasant smell in a room forces a person to open windows, use air fresheners, and look for the cause of the stench. It’s easy to tell what a dead rat smells like. The body begins to stink so much that nothing helps.

Every day the stench gets worse, it’s impossible to stay in the room. The smell of rotting hurts the nose, causes nausea, and the urge to vomit. The room smells of rot, corpses, mice. You can feel it 3 days after the death of the rodent. As the body decomposes, the stench intensifies and envelops the entire room. The smell of a dead rat is impossible to miss. The main difficulty is to find the location of the corpse.

On a note!

A rat can die under the floor of a multi-story building or in the basement. The smell spreads throughout the entire entrance and throughout all apartments. Finding a corpse is much more difficult than finding it under the floor of a private house. In such cases, they often resort to the help of specialists.

Dead rat

Help from professionals

When your own efforts are unsuccessful, or there is no desire to do all this, you should turn to specialists. You can find out which services can find a dead rat in a particular region via the Internet by entering a phrase in a search engine.

If a rat died in the entrance, or there are pests in the basement, you must provide information to the housing office or housing cooperative. The payment for the maintenance of the common property of the MKT includes a fee for rodent control. Housing and communal services are required to carry out the work. Contact Rospotrebnadzor if other authorities do not respond. Inform the government agency - SES.

Special pest control companies deal with dead rats in a private house or apartment. They enter into a pest control agreement with the specialists and make a payment. Private specialized rodent extermination services will respond to requests much faster than bureaucratic government agencies.

To get rid of a dead rat or an unpleasant smell in the house, you need to carry out search work yourself or enter into an agreement with private pest control companies. You can neutralize the smell with folk remedies or professional preparations.

Search for the body

How to find a dead rat under the floor is not an easy question. The smell quickly spreads throughout the room; it is difficult to determine exactly where the stench is coming from. It’s worth preparing yourself for the fact that you will have to tear off the floor boards, since there is no other way to get the rat’s corpse.

  • in the room where the rat was lucky enough to die under the floor, the smell will be felt stronger;
  • remove carpets, rugs from the floor, tear off linoleum;
  • It is best to tear off the board in the center of the room if it was not possible to determine the place of death of the rodent by smell;
  • you will need a stick, a metal rod, a mop - something with which you can check the space under the floor;
  • move the stick in different directions. The obstacle in the way of movement is the dead body of a rat.

You need to prepare a plastic bag in advance, where you should put the discovered corpse. The search operation must be carried out wearing a respirator and rubber gloves. It must be remembered that a rat is a carrier of dangerous infections even when dead. Immediately prepare yourself that the sight will not be pleasant. It is better not to participate in this for the faint of heart.

Searching for a rat under the floor

The rat's corpse must be buried deep in the ground. If it is not possible, throw it in a landfill or trash can. Dispose of rubber gloves there. Wash your hands well with soap.

On a note!

The ground under the decomposing body absorbs the stench and will emit it for a long time. To neutralize the smell, you need to rake the soil with a shovel and throw it in the trash.

The next step is getting rid of the smell of a dead rat. You can buy special products and use folk advice.

How to walk a rat

It is better to refuse to walk a rat on the street: it is too dangerous: the animal can “pick up” an infection on the ground or in the grass. Any noise can cause panic, and the animal will run away. There is a category of pets that feel comfortable in their bosom. You can go out with such rodents in warm weather without putting them on the ground. However, it is better to carry your pets in a carrier.

A rat can only walk on your shoulder

For home leisure, you need to fence off the walk in a room where there are no wires or dangerous objects. You can release the animals on the sofa or table, but make sure that they do not fall.

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