Horseback riding: stages of training and necessary equipment

Riding a graceful animal can give you a sea of ​​positive emotions. People who have been lucky enough to ride a horse at least once in their lives note that this beast carries incredibly positive energy.

Interaction with kind and intelligent four-legged animals has a good effect not only on the physical, but also on the mental state of people. If you want to ride a horse, you need to understand all the nuances of riding. To master these skills, it is enough to regularly undergo training in special schools, where experienced instructors will always teach you everything.

Horse training

Ride at a gait and gallop!

Do you want to learn horse riding? Please! You can master this skill at any age. There are practically no restrictions on classes. As a rule, from 5-7 years of age they learn to ride ponies, and at 10-12 years of age they move on to training on large horses. Even if you have never ridden a horse, you will be taught how to confidently sit in the saddle and control a horse. You will be able to find a trainer for you and your child for show jumping, dressage, and to participate in competitions in the future.

If you are already a skilled rider , you can practice dressage or show jumping, take part in competitions, and pass the standard for the sports category.

You will definitely fall in love with these big beautiful animals and see for yourself that interacting with them is unforgettable.

At what age can you learn to ride a horse?

Anyone can learn to ride, regardless of age. Children master horse riding skills faster, as practice shows. A child can start studying at the age of 5–6 years. There are no age restrictions for adults. Even older people can try themselves in amateur sports. Horseback riding will have a beneficial effect on your psychological and physical state.

Horse riding

The benefits of horse riding

It's no secret that horse riding is beneficial for people of all ages. For those who have chronic diseases of the lungs and nervous tissue system, as well as for those who have suffered a heart attack, doctors recommend such walks.

Horseback riding has a positive effect on a person, namely the following:

  • improvement of body position and blood circulation;
  • toning all muscles;
  • development of self-confidence;
  • vestibular apparatus training;
  • relieving stress and getting rid of depression.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that in case of respiratory tract disease, acute illnesses and allergic reactions to dandruff of four-legged animals, horseback riding is strictly prohibited. Children under 14 years of age have the right to ride a horse only after receiving a certificate from their pediatrician stating that they are in good health.

Safe Fall Tactics

One of the essential aspects of learning to ride is learning how to fall safely. During the movement of even the most obedient animal, a number of unforeseen events can happen that can frighten or anger the horse. Even an experienced rider can find it difficult to stay in the saddle, while calming down the rider. Beginners often simply panic, which is absolutely inadvisable.

If the resource of strength is at its limit and the situation cannot be brought under control, a fall is inevitable. All that is required of the rider is to fall with minimal risk to his own health. You must try to relax and land on your side, and then immediately roll in the opposite direction from the animal to avoid being hit by the hooves.

Horse riding is a useful and interesting hobby. Sufficient experience will allow you to develop professionally in this area, participate in competitions and try yourself as a coach. In the future, you can devote yourself to taming wild horses or opening your own equestrian club.

It is important to understand that without love for animals you will not be able to master equestrian sports. The horse senses the mood of the rider and without any difficulty takes over his mood. It is impossible to establish contact with a horse if you treat him with disdain and behave overly self-confidently.

Horseback riding is equally attractive to residents of both rural and urban life. Horseback riding effectively helps to get rid of accumulated stress and fatigue, clear your thoughts and take a break from everyday worries and responsibilities. It has been proven that horse riding is the most effective fitness activity, helping to tone muscles and lose excess weight. Regular exercise improves posture, has a positive effect on all body systems and helps get rid of many diseases. An important benefit from communicating with a horse is the receipt of positive emotions, which directly affect a person’s mental state, prevailing mood and worldview. Horseback riding helps you gain composure, calmness and equanimity, as well as learn the skill of optimal and effective behavior in any unforeseen circumstances.

As the rider masters this skill, he gains confidence, the ability to behave with dignity and grace in society, and aristocratic and refined manners. Experienced riders can be seen from afar - by their posture, restraint, mannerisms and tact. Animals truly improve a person in every way, from mental and physical health to personality and worldview.

A Quick Guide to Horseback Riding

First you need to master the theoretical material, and then practice under the guidance of an experienced instructor. Debutants will learn:

  • how to properly get to know a horse;
  • what should be included in the equipment kit;
  • how to correctly climb on and off a horse;
  • how to command and control it.

Cardiovascular system: • prolongation of the PC wave or cardiac arrhythmia; • functional cardiopathy; • congenital heart defects with circulatory disorders.

Bronchopulmonary system: • respiratory allergies, taking into account individual sensitivity; • bronchial asthma; • allergodermatoses, taking into account individual sensitivity.

CNS: • convulsive syndrome (remission after the last seizures for more than 3 years); • high cranial pressure syndrome (reconvalescence after closure of traumatic brain injury 1.5 years)

Orthopedics: • inflammatory diseases of bones and joints; • operations on call. discs, pathological kyphosis, metalplasty.

Hematopoietic system: • blood clotting disorder.

Urinary system: • acute inflammatory diseases; • congenital anomalies

Vision: • high myopia; • any degree of myopia with complications in the fundus.

Horse riding kit:

  • horse saddle;
  • bridle for a horse's head;
  • felt under the saddle;
  • horse harness;
  • shock absorber under the saddle.

It is customary to divide the equipment proposed above into two categories, namely:

  • clothing for school activities;
  • weekend wear for official performances and competitions.

There are no clear requirements for the first category. It is enough to buy comfortable trousers or short trousers, a jumper, a blouse and a vest, gloves, specialized boots, a comfortable windbreaker and an impact-resistant helmet. Debutants are not allowed to ride without horse harness or protective headgear. There is also a whip for controlling a horse.

Recommendations for parents regarding dress code during classes

1. Don’t be afraid to dress your child too coldly (even in winter): during the lesson, the child, firstly, moves, and secondly, sits on a warm horse. Therefore, as a rule, the child is much warmer than parents think. 2. Clothing should not restrict movement. In summer, it is better to choose stretchy pants over jeans. 3. Pay attention to your shoes. It is important that she does not fall off her feet during class. 4. Try to choose hats without large pompoms: for the activity, the child will need to wear a helmet, and it may not fit on a bulky hat. 5. Do not leave long ends on scarves, they will interfere during class. 6. You should not wear mittens with elastic bands: if a child takes them off, the elastic bands may interfere with some exercises.

If horse riding is not only a sport for you, but also a desire to show yourself in all its glory, visit the website Here you will find many creative ideas for your individual style.

For beginners, riding without a bit, helmet and other equipment is not allowed. Additional pieces of equipment include a whip or whip to control the horse.

First meeting with a four-legged animal

  • Meet the black horse

First, you should make friends with the stallion. As a rule, school horses are quite friendly and calm individuals. You need to sneak up to the animal from the left, pet it and lightly pat it. Horses enjoy these gestures and are usually not in the mood to respond aggressively.

However, do not forget that if they are feeling unwell or in a bad mood, even the quietest horses can act in a hostile manner. This can be seen by alert paws, clenched ears or an upturned tail. You need to find a special approach to this horse. If the instructor allows, you should treat him with sugar, carrots or dry fruit. In addition, you should usually turn your back to the horse and move yourself closer to its neck. All maneuvers should be performed slowly.

How to properly climb on a horse and start moving?

Of course, it is quite difficult for an inexperienced person to mount a horse. For convenience, it is recommended to stand on the bench first, and then on the horse. Experts advise holding the horse's head at the beginning.

  • It's the right way to mount a horse

You need to climb onto the horse on the left. First, it is recommended to place your left foot in the left stirrup, push off the ground with your right foot, then lift your body a little and throw your leg over the seat. Next, it is recommended to place your right foot in the stirrup. Under no circumstances should you over-tighten the reins. This may cause the horse to back away. It is necessary to correctly distribute the body load. First you need to learn to walk calmly. To begin the movement, the rider should lower his body forward and press his legs against the horse's sides. By hitting the mount more intensely, you can force the horse to speed up its pace.

Types of gaits

A beginner needs to master several types of horse movement:

  • step;
  • lynx;
  • gallop;
  • amble.

In the first lessons they learn to walk. This is the slowest and therefore safest way to travel. To make the horse walk, it is enough to lightly tap it with your feet in the hip area. Other types of gaits are mastered gradually, as they require a higher speed of movement. The trot is faster than the walk, and the gallop is the fastest running. Only experienced riders can practice it.

Anyone can learn to ride a horse, but it takes practice. By regularly attending training, a beginner will gradually hone his skills, learn to feel the horse and control it.

Rider Code

  • A true horseman is always collected, responsible, and internally disciplined.
  • A true horseman is always attentive to others and polite.
  • A true rider always strictly follows the rules of riding and safety.
  • A real rider will always ask if he doesn’t know something.
  • A real rider is always kind and attentive to the horse.
  • A real rider will always find something to praise his horse for.
  • A true rider is always ready to learn new things.
  • A real horseman is always neat.

Remember: Each new horse means new experience and knowledge.

The horse is a junior partner who is worthy of respect.

How should you turn?

Professionals control the horse with simple body movements. However, an inexperienced rider first needs to learn the basics of this sport. A rein is a device with which a person controls an animal and also asks it to stop or turn. The rider can slow down and turn by pulling on the reins. To turn left, you should tighten the reins with your left hand and loosen with your right; your right leg should be pressed against the horse’s body. To turn right, you need to do the same maneuvers, but in a mirror image. When turning, you must stay level and calm so as not to cause a fall.

Leg work

As long as the rider is positioned correctly, using a leg leg will not cause any problems. The person's knees should be relaxed, and the inner surface of the legs should be firmly pressed against the sides of the horse.

Controlling riding horses for a beginner is a difficult task, because the rider himself controls the sharpness of the leg movement. There are features of a particular command that should be memorized by those who decide to seriously master the technique of controlling a horse. These include:

  1. Pressure on the horse's flanks closer to the rear girth is a signal to the horse to move forward.
  2. Uniform and uneven pressure. The force of only one leg gives a signal to the horse to move in the opposite direction from the activated device.
  3. Smooth pressure or “pulse” pressure (if you plan to use leg jerks, first move them away from the horse’s sides).

The most important principle of teaching the technique of controlling horses using a leg is to bring the actions of the rider himself to automatism.

How to stop and dismount a horse correctly?

It is necessary to follow the following rules in order to easily stop the animal and get off it:

  • It is not allowed to pull the reins too hard;
  • you need to move your body back and squeeze the horse with your legs;
  • Pull the reins a little, asking him to stop.

In order to dismount the animal, it is recommended to remove the right leg from the stirrup and throw it over the horse’s back, hold the mane at the withers with your hands and, after touching the ground with the right leg, remove the left leg from the stirrup.

Beyond Basic Skills

These skills go beyond the basics. Learn to fall and perform emergency dismounts under the supervision of a knowledgeable trainer. Always wear a helmet and appropriate boots or safety stirrups. Consider using a chest protector and mouth guard as well.

  • Reining a Horse: There are many situations where it needs to be used.
  • Bareback Riding: Riding bareback is fun and warmer in the winter!
  • How to fall: Emergency dismounts and falls can help you if your horse is misbehaving. Although there is no surefire way to prevent accidents and injuries while riding.
  • How to do an emergency dismount: A trainer can teach you how to get off your horse quickly.
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