Instructions for using the “Clean House” insect repellent

Most people believe that bedbugs have been nowhere for a long time, supposedly they are left somewhere in the past. In fact, this opinion is wrong and the population of bedbugs continues to live to this day. There are still a lot of them in dirty basements, as well as in seemingly clean apartments with expensive renovations. For bedbugs, sanitary conditions are unimportant. They can suddenly appear anywhere. If you are faced with an invasion of these parasites, then read about the “Clean House” remedy for bedbugs - reviews of dust and aerosol. With this, you can quickly get rid of these insects by acting correctly.

Description, composition of the drug

The product against domestic insects “Clean House” is produced in different forms - aerosol, dust, crayons and gel. This series also includes traps. The composition of gel, chalk, dust and aerosol is almost the same, only there are slight differences between aerosols and dust.


Spray products have recently become popular due to their simple and convenient use. They are capable of quickly killing harmful insects such as bedbugs and cockroaches.

It consists of substances:

  1. The insecticide tetramethrin has a nerve-paralytic effect. After the substance enters the chitinous cover of the insect, it penetrates deep into the body, thereby leading to paralysis of the motor system and blocking of nerve impulses. The concentration of the substance is about 2.5%;
  2. Insecticide cypermethrin - this component is part of the pyrethroid group. It paralyzes the muscles of the insect and stops the functioning of internal organs. After about a couple of minutes of poison getting on the body, the insect dies. The component concentration level is 13%.

It is worth noting that the “Clean House” spray has similar properties to the “Raptor” spray. These drugs have a good effect and are able to completely remove insects from the apartment in a short period.


This form of the drug is in the form of a powder. Its composition is similar to that of an aerosol; it also contains the insecticides cypermethrin and tetramethrin.

In addition, the dust contains another active ingredient – ​​piperonyl butoxide. Its concentration in the drug is 10%. The component does not have an effective effect like other components, but due to it, the duration of the drug is significantly extended.

For this reason, if the room is treated with powder, re-treatment will not be required.


The composition is almost identical to the aerosol. The difference lies in the release form and the greater concentration of chemical components. This is allowed. After all, the powder should not be sprayed. It also contains piperonyl butoxide, which significantly enhances its insecticidal properties.

However, it should be remembered that such a compound is dangerous not only for domestic animals, but also for humans. Therefore, accidental ingestion should be completely avoided.

Reviews show that the powder works well against small rodents in cellars and country houses. The scope of its application is quite wide, but requires caution.

Instructions for use and product consumption

Basically, many people use aerosol because it helps most effectively and is easier to use than dust.

But still, when using the spray, the following rules should be observed:

  1. Before processing the room, you need to vacuum it , wipe dust everywhere, ventilate, open windows, doors, ensure that a draft gets into the room.
  2. Be sure to make sure that children leave the premises and remove pets. It is important that they are not present at the time of processing the room.
  3. Wear personal protective equipment - gloves, a gown or overalls, tight-fitting goggles, a respirator. If you plan to process a large area, it is advisable to wear a gas mask.
  4. Furniture that is close to the wall must be moved so that the necessary passage for processing the walls is provided between the wall and the furniture.
  5. Any soft capes or bedspreads must be removed from beds, sofas
  6. Food products and products for personal use must be covered with cling film so that the product does not get under it.
  7. After this, you can begin the processing itself. The first step is to shake the spray. Then it is sprayed onto places where insects may live - walls, cracks, all the cracks in sofas, beds, baseboards.
  8. Spray at a distance of approximately 30 cm.
  9. For 1 sq. the meter needs to be sprayed for 3-5 seconds.
  10. After treatment, the windows should remain open for about 30 minutes and after that the room should be vacated for several hours.
  11. The spray can be sprayed simply into the air, in the middle of the room, but this is not recommended. After such treatment, it is advisable to leave the room for a couple of days until the product has completely evaporated.

If powder is used as a processing agent, it must be used according to the instructions:

  1. Before starting treatment, the room must be prepared , vacuumed, dusted and ventilated.
  2. It is advisable to close products and personal use products , otherwise powder may get on them.
  3. Don’t forget to wear personal protective equipment – ​​a gown or overalls, gloves, a respirator. It is worth noting that a respirator must be worn during processing. Unlike an aerosol, the powder is very toxic and can enter the respiratory tract.
  4. After this, you can begin processing. It can simply be scattered in its pure form in pest habitats.
  5. Can be used as a solution. To do this, you need to pour it into water and stir – 10 liters will require 10 grams. Then you need to treat the pest habitats with this solution.
  6. After about two hours of treatment, you need to wash all surfaces of the room with soap and soda water.

Preparation for processing

The insecticide is used in different ways in different forms. However, preparation for processing is the same in all cases.

  1. Cleaning. First you need to thoroughly clean your apartment. Cleaning must include washing the floors with clean water, without adding any products. Carpets need to be vacuumed and dust wiped off.
  2. Vacancy of the apartment. It is better that all household members, including pets, leave the apartment. Only the person who will carry out the processing should remain in it. If there is an aquarium in the room, then it also needs to be taken out. If this is not possible, then you need to cover them on top.
  3. Removing bedding. All bed linen, pillows, mattresses, blankets must be removed from the house. For example, you can take it out onto the balcony or leave it in the yard on a bench. This is necessary because the fabric absorbs the products that will be sprayed, and they will then come into contact with the person.
  4. All edible products should also be taken out of the apartment or hidden in the refrigerator. Food should not come into contact with poison.
  5. Freeing walls from furniture. All furniture must be moved away from the walls so that they can be processed.

REFERENCE! It is also better to unscrew the baseboards so that it is possible to treat the joints of the walls and the floor, where bedbug nests may be located.

Efficiency and effect of the drug

The effectiveness and effect of the drug is ensured thanks to two components - cypermethrin and tetramethrin. They have a complex effect and ensure the destruction of harmful insects in a short period.

Therefore, after treating the room with the “Clean House” product, not a single insect has a chance of survival. This phenomenon usually occurs during dust treatment. But if you treat with a spray, then the pests will die instantly, and everyone without exception will fall under the spray.

Judging by the action of the gels, they also instantly kill insects. In addition, due to special additives, they attract insects with the smell, and they begin to eat this product. After about a few minutes, the insect becomes paralyzed and dies. Once applied to the surfaces of walls and furniture, the gel retains its properties for 3-4 weeks.


Gel against cockroaches “Clean House” successfully fights against parasites. However, its effectiveness is lower than that of powder. But among the advantages, consumers highlight ease of use and safety. In addition, it can be used to prevent the appearance of insects.

If cockroaches have just appeared, then the best remedy is gel. It is applied along the baseboards, along the top of the kitchen unit. After contact with the drug, insects infect each other. Therefore, the effect is achieved after a few days.

The action is based on the fact that the gel lingers on the legs of cockroaches. The insect dies, but there is already a large amount of poison in its body. It is so arranged that relatives eat the dead insect and thereby also receive a portion of poison.

The product is supplied in tubes or syringes. This adds convenience when using it.

Advantages and disadvantages

This drug is very popular, and many users speak positively about it. This is due to its high efficiency and ease of use.

Has a number of advantages:

  1. Simple and convenient to use.
  2. The result comes after a short period of use , so it is in great demand among many consumers.
  3. When spraying an aerosol, there is no chance for any parasite to survive , even if it does not hit all insects.
  4. 12 hours after using the drug, its toxic effect decreases and it becomes harmless to humans. Usually during this period the product completely disintegrates.
  5. The aerosol does not leave difficult to remove stains or marks on carpets, beds, and sofas. And those traces that remain on glass, mirrors, and furniture can be removed with a regular damp cloth.
  6. After treating the room with powder, re-treatment will not be required.
  7. Affordable price.

But, despite the large number of advantages and means, there are also disadvantages:

  1. A pungent odor that has a toxic effect on humans. It has an irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the nose and larynx, which can ultimately lead to suffocation.
  2. Another unpleasant side is that during and after treatment you need to vacate the room and not appear there for 12 hours.
  3. Also, when processing, you need to wear protective clothing , which can cause inconvenience.
  4. This product does not kill insect larvae.
  5. Over time, insects can develop immunity to the drug.


The product has proven itself in the fight against a wide variety of insects. With its help you can easily get rid of:

  • Cockroaches;
  • Komarov;
  • Muh;
  • Klopov;
  • Moshek;
  • Muravyov;
  • Os.

Particularly noteworthy is the fact that aerosol microparticles are able to penetrate hard-to-reach places, affecting even those insects that have managed to hide well. This property significantly speeds up the processing procedure and the time it takes to get rid of pests. It is very convenient to use an aerosol to treat furniture, because you don’t even need to disassemble it. It is enough to treat the object well from all sides and leave it for a while.


The Clean House product is compatible with various insect repellents. It doesn't matter at all in what form it is used. Whether it comes in gel, powder, chalk or spray form, it will have the same results.

It can be used with:

  1. Aerosol "Raid".
  2. Raptor.
  3. Battalion commander
  4. Executioner.
  5. Karbofos.
  6. Gel "Globol".
  7. Crayons "Mashenka".
  8. Dust "Tornado".
  9. "Agran".
  10. "Delta Zone".
  11. "Inta-Vir".
  12. "Taran" and many others.

Cockroach chalk

Chalk clean home is practical and easy to use. The active component, alpha-cypermethrin, paralyzes the nervous system of the individual.


  • Cockroach chalk does not take up much space; it can be stored in a closet, the main thing is that children and animals do not get to it;
  • The bar processes a surface area of ​​up to 20 square meters. m;
  • Gets rid of cockroaches and other types of insects;
  • Can be used on a variety of surfaces and leaves no damage or marks;
  • Low cost.

The pencil is easy to use. Outline areas where arthropods accumulate. Strip width 4 cm.

Hazard class and safety measures

The “Clean House” product in the form of an aerosol and dust cannot be called safe. During aerosol treatment, components of this drug enter the air, which have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the nose and larynx, which can subsequently cause allergic reactions and suffocation.

After about 2-3 hours, the aerosol particles disintegrate and do not have a toxic effect on the human body. Dust is also unsafe; the powder can enter the human respiratory tract and cause allergies.

In any case, certain safety rules must be followed during processing:

  1. Before processing, the room must be well ventilated.
  2. Be sure to remove children and pets from the premises.
  3. Cover all products and products for personal use with film or put them in a bag and tie them.
  4. Be sure to wear clothing that will cover your body. You need to wear rubber gloves on your hands and glasses on your eyes. If possible, wear a respirator; if not, you can use a regular medical mask.
  5. Processing must be carried out with the windows open, otherwise toxic poisoning can occur.
  6. After the treatment is completed, you must immediately change clothes and wash your hands and face.

Negative effects on humans

A “clean house” is relatively safe. However, if precautions are not taken, the poison can harm living beings (in particular, humans and pets).

Toxic effects on people occur when inhaling insecticide vapors or through dermal contact with it. It has been scientifically proven that there will be no serious consequences for a warm-blooded creature when touching the poison. The maximum is a skin rash that will go away quickly. But if it enters the stomach, a group C carcinogen, which is tetramethrin, can cause the following symptoms of poisoning:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • blurred vision;
  • vomit.
  • If one or more of the listed symptoms appears, the patient should get access to fresh air and take a sorbent. Even before the ambulance arrives, the drug will begin to act on toxins, break them down, and remove them from the body.

    Prices in rubles

    This drug can be purchased at any specialty store or through online stores that offer insecticidal products.

    The cost directly depends on the form of release of the drug:

    1. The minimum cost of one aerosol can starts from 180 rubles and can reach up to 400 rubles.
    2. The product is in the form of a gel, packaged in tubes or syringes, the cost starts from 80 rubles.
    3. In the form of dust - for a bag of 50 grams, on average they ask for 30 rubles.
    4. Chalk will cost an average of 20 rubles.
    5. Prices for traps are 150-180 rubles.

    How do traps work?

    Once inside the trap, the cockroach eats the poison particles. At the same time, the poison remains on its paws. Thus, one specimen infects the rest of its relatives, “cross-pollination” occurs, and the entire flock dies within a few days.

    The validity period of one trap is 2 months. Users note the ease of use. The box can be placed under the kitchen unit or installed on any horizontal surface using adhesive tape.

    Important! The “Clean House” traps for cockroaches, reviews confirm this, are completely safe. They have no odor or harmful fumes. Thanks to a chain reaction, you can rid your home of a large population of cockroaches. Many people advise using them as a preventive measure.


    1. Elena, Perm. “For two years I was tormented by bedbugs, there was no way to get rid of the pests. We have tried so many gels, various crayons, solutions, and aerosols. But these creatures continued to live in our apartment and engage in sabotage. How much torment they brought us is beyond words. The nights alone were worth it! We were already thinking about calling the SES. But suddenly in one store they found the “Clean House” dust, we had nothing to lose, either it or the SES. We decided to try it. We diluted the solution and used a paint brush to brush all the walls and hard-to-reach places - baseboards, cracks in sofas, beds. All habitats of these insects. Immediately after treatment we went to the country for 6 hours. I thought that the bedbugs would crawl and do harm again, as if nothing had happened, but it turns out they didn’t. Immediately after the first treatment they were gone! Excellent product! "
    2. Sergey, Krasnodar. “A couple of months ago we brought bedbugs from the hotel. What inconvenience they brought us. A friend suggested using the Clean House aerosol. The treatment was carried out in accordance with the instructions - wearing protective equipment, gloves, and a respirator. The windows were kept open while processing. After treatment, I left the apartment for 3 hours. However, while washing off the effects of the aerosol from the furniture, I almost suffocated. The smell, of course, is not very pleasant. In addition, I developed a terrible allergic reaction in the form of a sore throat and nausea. Yes, there are no more bedbugs, but I don’t want to risk my health.”
    3. Svetlana, Yekaterinburg. “We have been suffering from bedbugs for a long time; someone brought them to us. We didn’t use different syringes, gels, solutions, crayons, powders to fight them. Only the result was always temporary. Relatives gave me the Clean House spray to try. We processed everything according to the instructions, only one can was missing. I had to buy 2 more. The cost, of course, is not very low, even high. Yes, and after the treatment there were slight dizzinesses. But the result is excellent, all the bedbugs have disappeared, and life has become better!”
    4. Ekaterina, Krasnodar. “We and our neighbors have bedbugs. We decided to use the Clean House product. They are elderly people who decided to save money and purchased dust. We didn’t save money and immediately bought 3 cans of aerosol. As a result, we inhaled too much during treatment, so much so that my head started spinning, and plus nausea appeared. And the neighbors just scattered the powder and that’s it. As a result, the bedbugs disappeared from both us and our neighbors. I think it is best to use dust, it is not so toxic and does not cause such consequences as allergies, nausea and dizziness. Besides, it’s cheaper!”

    Judging by the reviews of many users, the drug “Clean House” is effective, but still has a toxic effect on the body in the form of various allergic reactions. It can completely remove all pests from the premises forever, but it is advisable to use it in accordance with the instructions.

    Also, do not forget about safety measures, they will help save you from serious health consequences.

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