The most giant rat, how big can it be (maximum size)?
Rats are the largest representatives of rodents in the world. On average, their body length is
About the psychology of horses: how to teach a horse to trust and accustom it to training
As the game progresses, the tasks become more difficult. They require an increased level of skills not only from you,
Snakes and vipers are becoming more and more frequent guests of front gardens and vegetable gardens
How to scare away snakes from a summer cottage - all known methods
Methods of fighting snakes “Soft” methods “Hard” methods Necessary precautions What to do if
The most effective ways to get rid of an earthen rat
Author: Michael Potter Updated: April 5, 2020 This type of rat is a real threat to harvests.
Breeds of chickens with blue eggs
What breed of chicken lays blue eggs: TOP 5 breeds
Home » Articles about chickens » Breeds of chickens with blue eggs Breeds of chickens with
Ultrasound really allows you to scare away rats and mice, but there are a number of important nuances that are not always taken into account in practice...
The best rat and mouse repellers: 5 top models
Today, disputes between ordinary consumers and manufacturers of ultrasonic rodent repellers still do not subside.
Homyakam.Ru – pet care
All about black rats: appearance, lifestyle, interesting facts
Home Rat Varieties 07/07/2019 Black rats are a species of mammal of the rodent order, Latin name
Not everyone knows what moles actually eat, sometimes even believing that these animals eat potatoes and carrots in their gardens...
What do moles eat in the forest, as well as in gardens and summer cottages?
Many summer residents and gardeners associate moles only with the appearance of a large number of ugly piles
How to catch a rat at home without a rat trap, how to lure it out?
Rats are a common rodent species. They are unwelcome guests in apartments, living quarters, houses, because
Pavlova chicken
Getting to know the Pavlovian breed of chickens from the Russian outback that has conquered the world
These chickens, original in appearance and coloring, have been famous in Russia since
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