Anti-mosquito and insecticidal lamps for insects - do they really work?

With the arrival of the summer season, as well as on vacation in a country house, in addition to pleasant troubles and worries, the issue of fighting various insects and mosquitoes that do not allow us to spend comfortable evening time arises.
Hearing their squeak in the darkness of the night, only one desire appears - to kill. Because you clearly understand that because of these creatures you will no longer have a restful sleep.

Mosquito control methods

Most of us have no particular desire to smear ourselves with various kinds of ointments or spray ourselves with repellent sprays.

Moreover, in the heat, all this can get into the eyes. And when applied to hands, even in food.

You always want an invisible, non-inconvenient, but at the same time effective means of combating these pests.

Not many people know, but such a cheap and affordable option as a mosquito net ends up greatly blocking the access of fresh air to the room.

It seems like a mesh with holes, but there will be no actual movement of air from the street into the house. Only if there is no draft.

Therefore, the Chinese long ago provided us with something else. These are already widely known anti-mosquito or mosquito trap lamps.

Mo El and the destruction of insects with their help

The products of the Italian company Mo El are focused primarily on household needs: the company's catalog well presents lamps for home use. Mo El has many models - more than 35 - and many of them use original technical solutions.

For example, MO-BUTTERFLY 700 is designed to kill moths. The trap is a wide tray suspended horizontally, on which a sheet of glue and a lamp are placed:

MO-PLICK 398 works on the same principle, but in it the lamp is covered with an inclined panel with glue, thanks to which the trap operates in the room as a night light:

Mo El also has a lot of devices that destroy insects with electric discharge. And it is this company that has lamps in the INSECTIVORO line, equipped with a fan for sucking in insects:

Prices for Mo El insect repellent lamps vary from 1,500 to 10,000 rubles.

Principle of operation

Let's take a closer look at their types and all the nuances of operation. Do they actually work or is it a useless advertising gimmick that makes us waste our money?

There are many reviews and opinions on the Internet about these lamps, and they are all very contradictory.

What does a mosquito repellent lamp consist of and what is its principle of operation?

Behind the beautiful lattice plastic case, which can be of any shape and is designed to protect the person himself from accidental touches, there are metal plates.

High voltage is applied to these same plates. Although it is high, in terms of human safety everything is fine here.

Of course, if you pull, it will jerk, but not fatally. Moreover, if such discharges kill mosquitoes instantly, then they may not be able to cope with flies or larger specimens, such as butterflies or moths, the first time.

Therefore, they can most often be seen sluggishly crawling at the bottom of such traps or on the floor next to them. What can we say about a person?

Also keep in mind that even after unplugging it from the socket, there is still a charge from the capacitor between the plates.

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To remove it, simply close the plates with the tip of a ballpoint pen or screwdriver.

The dangers and effectiveness of ultraviolet radiation

Behind these plates there are LEDs that should emit ultraviolet light with a certain wavelength of 350-360 nm, thereby attracting mosquitoes.

Many “experts” are afraid that such ultraviolet radiation is harmful to vision and will burn your eyes. This means that such lamps are traps and are harmful not only to insects, but also to humans.

But this statement is true only for powerful quartz lamps. That is why glasses are worn under their radiation.

In these same light bulbs, there will be even less ultraviolet radiation than from solar radiation on a clear, fine day.

If it was a directed laser beam at a specific point in the room, and you were under its influence, then it would be a different matter.

And it turns out that these anti-mosquito lamps are absolutely harmless to health.

Although it must be admitted, there were attempts to introduce full-fledged laser guns, which would shoot down mosquitoes with their beams as they approached.

The well-known Bill Gates and his wife Melinda were involved in the project and draining their money.

The ultimate noble goal was to help African countries fight malaria.

But in the end, the project was expectedly canceled as unrealistic. As if at the very beginning of the journey it was not clear that the Chinese, with their cheap and no less effective options, would win.

Here is a video demonstrating their laser anti-mosquito gun. It’s fine for a beautiful movie, but for some reason it didn’t work as a real mass product for poor African users.

There is also an opinion in reviews and testimonials that in fact ultraviolet radiation does not attract insects at all, and simple bulbs with warm light are even more effective in this sense.

However, here is what Professor Yu.A. Zakhvatkin says about this. in his book “Course of General Entomology”.

As you can see, for a mosquito it still makes a difference what kind of light the light bulb emits. That is why they chose ultraviolet radiation for the manufacture of such devices.

The best bait is a person

Scientists have conducted many studies to understand what various insects value most about us. It turned out that this is not our beauty or sharp mind. Everything is much more prosaic. Most of all, mosquitoes and other biting creatures are attracted to us by our breath.

For us, exhalation is just exhalation, but for insects it is a promise of warmth and food. Every time we exhale not only used air, consisting of carbon dioxide. We exhale moisture, warmth and hope. Remember how freshly baked bread smells? You can hear this aroma tens of meters away. And when you pick up a warm, fresh-from-the-oven loaf of white bread... There is no way not to pinch off a piece. So our breath for mosquitoes is exactly the “aroma of freshly baked bread.”

It is this “aroma” that they most often try to imitate in their work, installations for the destruction of mosquitoes. A little carbon dioxide, moisture and heat - and now the female mosquito, abandoning everything, flies to the trap.

All of these tricks, together or separately, work great. Not only mosquitoes fly into the trap, but also many of its friends: midges, horseflies, gadflies, etc. And decent insects, like butterflies and bees, fly past these devices and calmly fly about their business.

Types of mosquito lamps

Also on store shelves you can find models that operate in two light streams. For example, ZappLight bulbs.

They emit both neutral white, with a brightness of several hundred lumens, and ultraviolet light.

The first one turns on for normal lighting, and the second one at night. The size of the light bulb determines the area where insects will be attracted.

Mosquitoes fly into this light, touch the plates and die from a high voltage click. This is a kind of electric chair for them.

Such lamps can be used not only in the bedroom, but also on the street or on farms, in cowsheds, and rabbit hutches.

Do not forget that mosquitoes can be active carriers of any infection. True, this will be a slightly different type of lamp, differing in both size and shape.

The most common examples are these, hanging on a hook.

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But there are also giant models.

I can't even imagine who they are intended to hunt. Bats?

You can also buy hand traps in the shape of tennis rackets.

But here, before going to bed, you will have to actively wave your arms.

Carbon dioxide destroyers


According to the principle of operation, this destroyer is gas; the attractant “Nonanal” is used to enhance the effect. The body covering imitates leather.

GRAD BLACK G1 works from the electrical network. It has a built-in light sensor, which allows you to use the switching system at night. During the day, the device will not consume electricity and carbon dioxide.


Actively operates on an area of ​​about 5 thousand m². It is often mentioned when answering the question of which garden exterminator is best for outdoor use. Proven to work well in large open spaces.

By correctly placing the installation, you can get rid of mosquitoes in a small holiday village in 4-6 weeks.

AERO ONE uses imitation of the smell of sweat, carbon dioxide and heat in its work. The mosquitoes are sucked in by a powerful fan. Once in a sealed chamber, mosquitoes die after 1–2 days.

Electrofrog mosquito killer

Effective for use on large areas up to 50 acres. It is produced by a Russian plant and is a completely domestic development.

Equipped with an optical element capable of automating the actions of turning the unit on and off. It can work in two modes. 24/7 and automatic. The latter mode turns on only at dusk and turns off as soon as it becomes light.

The use of a reduction reducer in the gas circuit ensures uniform pressure regardless of the weather outside. In the reducer, gas is mixed with Octenol.

Installation locations

For trap lamps to work effectively, you need to know how to place them correctly.

It is recommended to install them not in the center or end, but at the border of the room and open air. That is, not far from the door or window.

Then they will work much better, stopping a bunch of living creatures at the entrance. Some place them in street lamps, on paths.

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Thus, they try to contain the blood-sucking creatures as much as possible, even on the approaches to the house. However, the effectiveness of this method is questionable.

After all, street posts and bollards are intended for other purposes.

Although in several cities in North America, traps of this kind are also placed on the street, but for a slightly different purpose. There are even maps of their location with location reference.

Based on the number of insects caught in traps over a certain period of time, the percentage of the norm is calculated. And if it exceeds the permissible values, on a certain night cars begin to drive around the area and actively spray the poison.

Or they release a large number of pre-bred dragonflies in this area.

Do mosquito repellent lamps work?

But let's still find out whether this thing really attracts annoying insects?

The most recent research on mosquitoes suggests that these creatures have multisensory perception. This means that they use several senses simultaneously to find their prey.

So, the main means of identifying a victim is smell, not light! They capture carbon dioxide released when a person breathes and the smell of sweat.

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Moreover, they can do this over long distances and will pursue their target for a long time. When approaching at a distance of up to 15m, the mosquito can already see the target.

And even closer, at a distance of up to 1 m, it picks up heat, identifying the most exposed areas of the skin and begins to strive for them.

So what is an anti-mosquito lamp, does it work under such conditions? Of course it works, only with a few big BUTs.

  • firstly, if you are not nearby

When a person is nearby, the mosquito is more likely to fly towards him, and will react little to this thing.

For example, you can turn it on in the bedroom before going to bed and leave the room. During this time, it will collect most of the pests and provide you with a good night.

When installed outdoors, such traps will primarily attract those insects that actively respond to light. Mosquitoes don't particularly like them.

  • secondly, in your presence in the room, such a lamp will only kill random and curious beasts

Smarter creatures will definitely wait for their chance to taste your blood later.

Sometimes, after a month of use, you can find no more than a couple of mosquito corpses in it, although you will see them in the surrounding area every evening.

If they were 100% attracted to such light, it would be possible to dig a small pond with crucian carp at the dacha. And as an alternative to underwater lamps, install such a lamp at the bottom in a waterproof housing.

And the fish will always be well-fed and the lighting will be beautiful.

Terms of use

To use the device correctly, you must carefully follow the instructions.
Especially the point that is definitely recommended for everyday use of each lamp: stay away from the device. The issue is not security.

Light attracts mosquitoes, but if there is a person on the way to the lamp, then there are no obstacles to a bite - body heat, the smell of sweat and carbon dioxide from the lungs will attract more than the most powerful attractant. Not a single mosquito will refuse to eat.

That is why lamps should be placed away from the resting place.

If you decide to destroy mosquitoes in a closed room, then you need to leave it for a while - then they will freely fly to their certain death.

There are also mandatory precautions:

  • Avoid getting water on the electrical grill. If this happens, the device must be turned off and dried, only then turned on again;
  • Do not touch the connected lamp with your hands. The discharge will be small, but unpleasant;
  • keep access to the device away from children and animals.

How it works

But seriously, there is one interesting point here. Although you will see plenty of flying insects, there is a good chance that their activity will be minimal.

They will simply fly like drunken people around the room, periodically landing on furniture, walls, and ceilings, but what’s interesting is that they won’t bite anyone.

What is this connected with? There are two opinions on this matter.

The first thing is that the stroboscopic effect of LEDs confuses their orientation in space. They, of course, smell the smell, but if a light blinks nearby, the mosquito cannot visually identify its victim.

For many, this explanation sounds like nonsense, since most believe that mosquitoes generally don’t care whether there is light in the room or not. Moreover, stroboscopic blinking is often caused by low-cost manufacturing and low quality LEDs.

Moreover, on the contrary, it has a bad effect on humans, and not on midges. In country houses, in this sense, a safer and more effective remedy for all blood-sucking insects is air conditioning.

They really don’t like the cold, but they will provide you with comfortable sleeping conditions. When connected correctly, mobile air conditioners do a good job of this.

There is another explanation for the effect of a decrease in insect activity from these lamps. In their natural habitat, ultraviolet light directs mosquitoes towards water. They need it to lay eggs.

The fact is that UV, having passed through the clouds, is refracted in them and reaches the ground not in a continuous beam, but in many separate rays. Moreover, they all have a different direction.

Reaching the surface of the water, the light is reflected and polarized, aligning all these rays. We can say that ultraviolet is somewhat modified. Mosquitoes that are sensitive to this spectrum see this very well, which helps them in searching for bodies of water.

Seeing such a glow from a light bulb, which reminds them of reflected ultraviolet light from a surface, mosquitoes and all similar creatures forget about the person and begin to actively look for a source of water. But he’s not there!

That’s why they don’t land on you, flying around like they’re drunk and not understanding what’s happening. By the way, a person can also be easily deceived with colors, but few people think about this.

Insecticidal lamps for large areas

As for large premises with animals, insecticidal lamps are used there, of a slightly different design and higher power.

These copies cost more money, but they can also be easily found in online stores. In size and shape they resemble spiral electric heaters.

In addition to being placed on a flat surface, they can also be hung by a chain.

Fluorescent lamps are installed inside their housing, emitting light in the ultraviolet spectrum. There are also high-voltage plates and a protective grill.

The flashlight is started through the starter, just like a regular fluorescent lamp.

The effectiveness of its work can be seen in the photo.

However, again, the victims here are mostly not mosquitoes, but other light-loving insects - butterflies, moths, flies.

However, if such a lantern did not exist, all these living creatures would constantly fly indoors, landing on animals, flying into your eyes and mouth. But don’t think that there will be no flies at all. Their number will simply decrease significantly.

Despite this, such insecticidal lamps are widely used in the food industry, in cafes and restaurants.

Here their main task is to fight flies, and not mosquitoes.

What conclusion can be drawn from all of the above? Of course, such devices have an effect.

And when asked whether such a lamp helps you sleep peacefully, we can confidently say that yes, in most cases it helps.

Even without plugging in various types of fumigators into the sockets, it can provide you with a sound sleep. But remember that this is not primarily a trap to attract mosquitoes, and it only kills creatures that accidentally fly into it.

Therefore, you should not be upset if in the morning you do not find a mountain of corpses of blood-sucking creatures in it. And constantly clean the grill from them.

The main thing is that they do not bother you.

The simplest traps

Traps have the simplest principles for attracting and catching insects. Floor trap insect killer - all crawling pests and parasites, for example, ants, fleas and bedbugs, cockroaches will definitely fall for the bait. This device is economical because it does not consume energy, is efficient and easy to use. For example, an eco-friendly trap

Fly Trap from Swissinno

This trap with natural bait, without pesticides, can be used several times in a row. It is characterized by a long shelf life, high efficiency - the action is enough for 100 square meters, it attracts flies of all types.

Cost from 500 rubles, weighs only 30 grams.

Sticky hanging tape - designed for flying insects, such as moths, flies, mosquitoes, etc. Also not an expensive option, but does not cope well with nocturnal representatives.

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