Daylight hours for laying hens: choosing the optimal mode
Quite a few different factors influence egg production rates in laying hens. And especially important among
Photos of mice
Mice in the house - photo and description
Views: 81 House mice are one of the most common problems we face.
Rat poison - composition, symptoms of poisoning, first aid
Rats, mice and other rodents are eternal unpleasant companions of people and sources of dangerous infections.
Spring view
Vole mouse: feeding and reproduction of the pest
The vole mouse or field mouse has been a human companion since ancient times. These small rodents
At what age and average weight of geese should you slaughter them for meat, top 4 methods
Goose meat is always in great demand. Poultry farms whose main activity is raising geese,
Do genes influence a cat's ability to catch rodents?
Is it possible to teach a city cat to catch mice in the country?
When having a cat in an apartment, few people expect it to display hunting instincts. It's more likely
Females give birth to 3-9 cubs, which are born blind and naked
[Instructions] How to effectively fight moles in a summer cottage: with modern and folk remedies | (Photo & Video)
Destruction of moles in the area A mole is a small black (gray) animal that has no
8 Best Ultrasonic Rodent Repellers: Rating of Ultrasonic Repellers 2022
A private house and courtyard buildings become a refuge for unpleasant “neighbors.” Mice and rats spoil
How to get rid of bats in your home
What bats are afraid of: 5 ways to drive them away without harm
09.11.201616.02.2017 Maria Ivanova 1 Comment How to get rid of bats is a task that is quite common
Feeding hens and chicks
All about feed for chickens: which one to choose and how to prepare it yourself
Feeding hens and chicks with compound feed significantly accelerates their growth and development. The bird is gaining faster
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