At what temperature do cockroaches and their eggs (larvae) die?

  • cockroaches die at all stages of development: from egg to adult insect.

    Note: Not all chemicals are able to cope with the ooteca (capsule with eggs), which is protected by a dense chitinous cover. In the cold there is no chance of survival of future offspring, since the shell does not protect from the cold.

    If residents are afraid that “grandmother’s method” will be powerless, then special services that carry out treatment using “dry ice” and “cold steam” can be involved in solving the problem. They will make sure that the cockroach colony is completely dead. Sanitary services operate efficiently and guarantee results, but you will have to pay for freedom from the “invasion” of insects.

    It is up to each family to decide individually whether to use the freezing technique that has been used since ancient times or to use modern and expensive technologies. But in any case, getting rid of parasites will require time, effort, nerves and will entail partial damage to property.


  • At what temperature do cockroaches and their eggs (larvae) die?

    Probably everyone is familiar with the joke that after a nuclear explosion, only cockroaches will remain on the earth. This is partly true; these insects are distinguished by a high level of resistance to external negative factors.

    Parasites can go without water and food for a long time, exist in harsh conditions, and they are able to develop resistance to the effects of toxins and poisons.

    The only thing that can shorten the lifespan of an insect is temperature exposure.

    The optimal values ​​for parasites are no lower than twenty-five degrees. If the thermometer drops to zero, the well-being of cockroaches proportionally worsens.

    At minus values, the death of adult parasites and egg clutches occurs. A similar thing happens with a critical increase in indicators. The temperature method is one of the most effective in the fight against cockroaches.

    Why do you need to get rid of cockroaches urgently?

    But there are still ways to not only significantly ruin their life, but also force them out of their living space.

    And this must be done not only because such a neighborhood is extremely unpleasant, but also because cockroaches:

    • are carriers of helminth eggs (simply worms) and can easily infect both domestic animals and people with them;
    • They also carry 17 types of fungi, 2 strains of the polio virus, 32 types of bacteria dangerous to humans;
    • they are parasitized by ticks, which can just as easily choose humans as their host;
    • hungry cockroaches are able to attack people and... bite them, thereby not only causing pain, but also introducing infection into the body;
    • are allergenic: scientists have found that allergies can develop to their waste products; People with asthma are especially prone to it.

    At what temperature do cockroaches die?

    The optimal temperature for cockroaches to survive ranges from twenty-five to thirty degrees above zero. A decrease or increase in these values ​​leads to the death of parasites or a decrease in the ability to live.

    Cockroaches die at the following temperatures:

    • If the temperature is fifteen degrees, the reproduction process of cockroaches is suspended. Adults exist in such conditions, but the size of the colony is greatly reduced. If the indicators remain at this level for more than two weeks, then the hatching of nymphs from already laid clutches of eggs does not occur.
    • At temperatures from zero to ten degrees, insects fall into a state of suspended animation, in which they can remain for two weeks. When the temperature increases, the parasites come to life. If values ​​persist for fourteen days or more, the arthropods die. The death of nymphs and egg clutches also occurs.

    • When levels drop below zero degrees, insects die within a few hours or days. Clutches of parasites are resistant to external factors. Cockroach eggs die at temperatures below ten degrees in a few minutes.
    • High temperature can be used to kill parasites. At values ​​above thirty-five degrees, overheating of the arthropod’s body and dehydration occurs. If the temperature increases to fifty, the parasites, as well as their eggs, quickly die, which makes heat treatment an effective way to kill insects. This takes a few minutes.

    How to kill cockroaches using heat

    Prussians are negatively affected not only by cold, but also by heat. How to kill cockroaches using high temperature? Professional sanitary services use the hot fog method to solve the problem, which is based on spraying an insecticidal preparation at a temperature of +55°C. It is at this temperature that insects die. Hot fog is the effect of two factors (insecticide and high temperature) that can destroy the Prussians.

    Sanitary service "Des Group" offers the most preferable method of combating synanthropic insects - professional disinfestation of premises using the cold or hot fog method. High processing efficiency is the result of competent actions of employees and the use of modern tools for exterminating cockroaches:

    1. Mist treatment is the spraying of a working chemical solution in the form of small droplets mixed with air. They slowly settle on the surface and penetrate into all hard-to-reach areas (cracks, recesses, corners, cracks), where cockroaches prefer to hide from humans.
    2. For disinsection, modern insecticides with a prolonged effect are used. They continue to destroy insects and protect against their re-entry into the apartment for 40 days after treatment. This significantly increases the chances of destroying mature individuals, larvae, and eggs.
    3. The chemical product has proven effectiveness and is absolutely safe for humans and pets.
    4. The use of modern powerful fog generators allows you to treat a standard 2-room apartment in 1.5-2 hours.
    5. The company employs employees with experience ranging from 5 to 30 years. They successfully solve the most difficult problems and quickly find the optimal strategy for destroying the Prussians.
    6. SES employees will give recommendations on how to prevent a re-invasion of synanthropic insects and help organize barrier protection.
    7. If the first disinfestation did not help get rid of all cockroaches, specialists will organize re-treatment free of charge under the conditions stipulated by the contract.

    You can ask questions and call a team of exterminators

    SES "Des Group" by leaving a request on the website or contacting a consultant by phone.

    Scope of work Method Processing cost
    Studio apartment Cold Fog / Hot Fog / Barrier Protection From 1500 ₽
    Two-roomed flat Cold Fog / Hot Fog / Barrier Protection From 2100 ₽
    Three bedroom apartment Cold Fog / Hot Fog / Barrier Protection From 2300 ₽
    Legal entities Cold fog / Hot fog / Barrier protection / Required package of documents From 9 ₽\m2
    Kitchen/bathroom/hallway Cold Fog / Hot Fog / Barrier Protection From 900 ₽


    What temperature can it withstand?

    Cockroaches can withstand high and low temperatures. If the indicators do not fall below fifteen and do not rise above thirty degrees, the conditions for the existence of insects are comfortable.

    If the values ​​decrease, the insects are partially immersed in an anabiotic state . The pace of life and mobility slow down, and parasites require less food.

    Reproductive activity decreases. The number of egg layings decreases. If the low temperature persists for a long time, the parasite larvae do not hatch from the eggs.

    This feature can be used for practical purposes. For example, to reduce the number of parasites, it is recommended to regularly leave windows open in the apartment. This measure will help reduce the insect colony.

    If the thermometer rises above thirty degrees, this also has a negative effect on the condition of the parasites. Dehydration and overheating sets in. However, cockroaches only die if the values ​​increase to thirty-five or higher.

    It is important to note that it is impossible to freeze the premises in apartment buildings, since pests can hide from unfavorable conditions in secluded corners of the apartment. The method of exterminating cockroaches by freezing is effective when it comes to a private home.

    Bright light

    Anyone who is familiar with the problem of cockroaches in the house first-hand could have observed the following picture: going into the kitchen at night and turning on the light there, you can see hordes of Prussians scattering in all directions in search of shelter. In fact, they are frightened not so much by the light itself as by the approaching danger.

    Barbels treat humans as their sworn enemy and, of course, do not feel love for them. Cockroaches lead an active night life; before turning on the lights, sensitive insects feel the vibration of the floor from the steps of an approaching person and take off running as fast as they can. As an experiment, you can turn on the light and leave it on for several days. As a result, you can notice that insects get used to the light, stop being afraid of it and come out of their hiding places.

    The temperature is comfortable for life

    Cockroaches live at different temperatures, but the optimal conditions for them are values ​​ranging from twenty-five to thirty degrees.

    In such conditions, insects multiply intensively, and the number of colonies rapidly increases. Also, such temperature conditions are especially favorable for the rapid maturation of eggs.

    Without harm to the body, cockroaches can live at temperatures up to fifteen and not higher than thirty degrees. When the values ​​decrease, the processes in the organisms of parasites slow down and the reproduction process stops. The maturation of eggs under such conditions continues, but this process may take several months.

    Optimal conditions

    Cockroaches are tropical creatures accustomed to warm climates. The homeland is Asia. From there, the pests spread throughout the world. The ability of cockroaches to adapt to different conditions is striking. In our climate with harsh winters, red cockroaches and black cockroaches have learned to live side by side with humans. Life expectancy is affected by the availability of food, water, and ambient temperature.

    The optimal factors for the existence of insects are air temperatures from +22 °C to +28 °C with moderate humidity. The peculiarity of the structure of the body is such that the body cannot quickly adapt to a decrease in climatic indicators, an increase. At critical values, the insect freezes or becomes exhausted from dehydration.


    Reliable sources provide data that the insects lived quietly and reproduced in a damp cave in conditions no higher than +16 °C. Based on this, it is assumed that they can exist normally at +10 °C.

    At what temperature do cockroaches live – from 0 °C to +35 °C. However, the development cycle changes somewhat. The most comfortable range for them is +22 - +32 °C.

    Heat treatment methods

    High and low temperatures are suitable for complete destruction of cockroaches. There are many methods, but those used by specialized pest control services are especially effective.

    It is permissible to use cold or heat on your own, but you can get a positive result only if you follow all the rules given below.

    How to apply cold

    Cold is the simplest and most affordable way to kill parasites. Since cockroaches freeze at temperatures below zero degrees, in the winter season you can get rid of insect colonies without the use of insecticides that can harm humans and animals.

    A simple option for getting rid of cockroaches is the following::

    • If the outdoor thermometer shows below ten degrees, you can begin treating your home to remove arthropod pests. First, remove animals from the house, remove indoor flowers and things that may be damaged by the cold. Household members should also leave the premises.
    • Next, turn off the heating and drain the water from the pipes. If you do not do this, there is a high risk of damage to communications.
    • Then open the windows. If we are talking about private home ownership, it is additionally important to open the doors. It is recommended to carry out the freezing procedure if the weather outside is rainless. If there is a possibility of a snowstorm, it is recommended to postpone measures to destroy cockroaches for a while, since you can return to the snowy room.
    • To remove cockroaches through the action of frost, a few hours are enough. But to get the maximum effect, it is recommended to leave the room for a day.

    What are cockroaches afraid of?

    Inside the home where a person lives, there is not a single natural enemy for cockroaches. However, if you violate certain parameters of the environment favorable for their habitat, then in the battle “people versus cockroaches” you can emerge victorious.

    So, let's figure out what cockroaches are afraid of.

    Temperature change

    As mentioned above, for the normal functioning of insects there are temperature limits:

    • For normal reproduction they need a certain range of air temperatures. What if this temperature regime in the home is changed? Cockroaches are afraid of the cold. It’s not for nothing that cockroaching was practiced in the old days - freezing out the hut. At what temperature do cockroaches die? If you bring the temperature in the apartment to 1 degree, the process of mass extinction will begin. At -5 degrees, an insect can die in 30 minutes, at -10 - in 2 minutes.
    • If you pour boiling water into the cracks where insects have built their nests, the chitinous covers will not provide adequate protection, and they will die. In a word, hot temperature methods are effective against cockroaches.

    Bright lighting

    The fact that cockroaches love the dark is clear from their habitation in secluded places where the sun's rays do not penetrate. Can this weakness be used against cockroaches?

    Everyone knows their fear of light. Why are cockroaches afraid of light? These are insects of the dark time of day. Light for them is a danger signal.

    If you turn on the light, their self-preservation process will begin. Of course, when the lamp is turned on, cockroaches do not die, but only scatter into their holes. But bright flashes of light disorient them very much.

    Agents that kill symbionts

    Cockroaches are afraid of what can destroy and kill their symbionts - gregarines. Many folk remedies are based on this property.

    The best known method for treating cockroaches is based on the preparation of balls containing boric acid or borax.

    Repellent smell

    There are many aromas that these parasites do not like. These "preferences" are widely used against cockroaches.

    Important: room hygiene

    You can scare away Prussians by using chemicals, herbs, and essential oils. To do this, you need to do the following:

    • Carry out wet cleaning of the room, remembering to wipe all surfaces, adding a little bleach or vinegar to the washing water. Ammonia will be no less effective for these purposes. By the way, numerous reviews prove the high effectiveness of chlorine cleaning for these purposes.
    • Place freshly picked tansy, wormwood, and mint herbs around the perimeter of the room.
    • In winter, when it is not possible to find fresh herbs, you can lay out laurel branches.
    • Essential oils work well as a repeller. To do this, light the aroma lamp and add a few drops of any of the oils - laurel, eucalyptus, mint, cypress, anise, cedar, orange, etc. A significant effect will be achieved if the aroma lamps are placed near water pipes, bathrooms, in the corners of the apartment. In addition, essential oils will purify the air. In the absence of oils, you can replace them with orange or lemon peels.

    Ultrasonic vibrations

    It has been reliably proven that cockroaches do not like ultrasonic vibrations with variable frequencies.

    The cat is a Prussian hunter

    Cockroaches undoubtedly leave the home where the device that generates such vibrations operates. However, it should be understood that the operation of such devices can cause negative conditions in household members: headaches, irritability, etc.

    The cat is a storm of cockroaches

    We are accustomed to fighting cockroaches with chemicals or with the help of folk remedies, which offer a large selection of herbs and recipes against them. Has anyone ever wondered what animals eat these parasites? Do you know that a cat can love not only mice?

    Surely those who have a cat have noticed more than once that he happily hunts for cockroaches. Moreover, the cat loves to eat them because the cockroach contains a lot of proteins and proteins.

    However, if your cat eats a poisoned insect, you will need to call a veterinarian.

    Freezing the premises

    Freezing out an apartment is one of the most unconventional, controversial, but effective methods of combating the invasion of Prussians. It has been proven that this method remains one of the best, guaranteeing the total destruction of the entire insect colony.

    However, it has a number of flaws that you need to remember:

    • Freezing, in which cockroaches die en masse, can only be carried out in winter. To carry out the appropriate procedure efficiently, it is necessary that the temperature outside is at least -15°C.
    • To successfully complete the process, you must leave the room for at least 5-6 hours with the windows completely open.

    Given these nuances, many people are in no hurry to carry out such radical pest extermination. Nobody wants to turn their house into a refrigerator in winter. In addition, it is imperative to turn off the water in the radiators and boiler to prevent it from freezing during the freezing process.

    Despite a number of problems that almost always arise with such pest baiting, it remains one of the most effective.

    Method of eliminating parasites using boiled water and freezing

    As mentioned above, cockroaches depend on the external environment. The optimal temperature for these insects is in the range from 2 to 28-30°C. It remains obvious that people’s apartments and houses become excellent breeding grounds for Prussians. Stable humidity and temperature are constantly maintained here, and there is almost always enough food and moisture, which are so necessary for their reproduction.

    It is quite rare to see Prussians on the streets looking for food. This is due to the instability of the external environment. They do not like cold, wind and constant changes in microclimate. For the normal and stable growth of a colony, the ideal place is a human home.

    Boiling water and freezing the room are much more effective and safer for people.

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