Pig farm using Canadian pig breeding technology (for 250 heads)

Opening your own business and not depending on a stranger is a very tempting idea. An aspiring businessman, thinking about opening his own enterprise, begins to work out a detailed business plan. It should contain items related to the purchase of equipment and raw materials, personnel selection and payback period. One of the profitable types of business is pig farming, since the agricultural industry is the most important sector of the Russian economy. In addition, there is always a demand for quality meat, so even a 100-head pig farm will quickly pay for itself.

The project of a pig farm must be drawn up carefully, taking into account all the details

Organization of a pig farm: LLC or individual entrepreneur?

Before you open your own business, you need to choose a legal form by registering as an LLC or. The main differences are as follows:

  • An individual entrepreneur will be an individual, and an LLC will be a legal entity;
  • To register as an individual entrepreneur, you need to submit only three papers to the tax office: a photocopy of your passport, an application and a receipt for payment of the duty. To register an LLC, you will have to collect a more voluminous package of documents;
  • An individual entrepreneur is registered only for one person, but an LLC can be registered for one or several individuals (up to 50);
  • After the LLC has been officially registered, within 4 months the founders are required to confirm the availability of authorized capital. The minimum fund size is 10,000 rubles. An individual entrepreneur should not do this;
  • The fee for a legal entity is 4,000 rubles, and for an individual – 800.

The registration period in both cases is five working days. A businessman who plans to do business on his own can register as an individual entrepreneur. If you plan to open a large enterprise that will be supported by several people, it is better to form an LLC.

The business registration form must be chosen based on the size of the enterprise and the number of people who will manage it

Pig farm business plan: necessary documentation

After a businessman has decided on the form of the enterprise, he must complete the following documents:

  • Permission from the state labor inspectorate, from the SES and state supervision;
  • Administrative resolution on permission to erect an agricultural building;
  • A lease agreement or a document confirming ownership of a land plot.

The entrepreneur must complete the paperwork in advance. If he purchases a large number of pigs and begins to develop the business before obtaining the necessary permits, he may be fined for illegal activities.

Before starting a business, you must obtain permits

Pig barn made of sandwich panels

The use of metal structures to build a pigsty completely eliminates the possibility of destruction of the structure. The process of creating a pig-breeding complex from sandwich panels looks like this:

  • creation of a construction project, taking into account the individual characteristics of the field of activity;
  • production of metal products;
  • delivery of materials, installation and assembly of the structure.

The parts offered by the company are manufactured in accordance with established rules and GOST requirements. They are particularly strong, reliable and durable. Qualified specialists from various fields of activity take part in the work process. Employees accompany the entire process from the start of production to the commissioning of the facility.

We are ready to answer your questions by phone +7 (495) 126-5103, +7 (495) 126-5103. A pig-breeding complex requires planning at the project stage and competent execution in the production part of the task. We are ready to show you what this looks like in practice, so you don’t have to wait months for a new pig farm.

Pig farm project: possible risks

Due to the fact that prices for imported goods have increased in recent years, buyers have begun to turn more often to local producers. It is for this reason that the pork production business is profitable. However, at first it requires large financial costs. When opening a pigsty for 50, 100, 1000 or 1500 heads, an entrepreneur must be prepared for the following risks:

  • Periodic reduction in livestock, including a decrease in the number of piglets per sow per year;
  • Possible changes in housing conditions and fattening periods;
  • Reducing the market value of 1 kg of meat;
  • Rising prices for food, veterinarian services, equipment and raw materials;
  • Difficulty in carrying out communications and installing equipment;
  • Difficulties associated with personnel selection.

However, the greatest danger can befall animals: they are highly susceptible to intestinal and infectious diseases. That is why the finished pig farm must comply with all SES standards.

Cleanliness in the barn affects not only the health of the animals, but also the quality of the meat

Types of prefabricated pigsties

Quick installation of pig farms is possible using prefabricated metal frame technologies. Our company offers turnkey construction of the following types of pigsties:

  • Lightweight structures made of prefabricated metal structures and sandwich panels are relevant for regions with low temperatures. Such premises are additionally insulated, making the animals’ stay more comfortable;
  • Structures made of thin-walled steel sheets. Such buildings are standard, so you do not have to wait for the technical specifications for an individual project to be completed.

In addition, we build pigsties with or without frames. It is up to you to decide which option is right for you. Are you unsure about your choice? Our consultants will help you understand the calculations and offer ready-made designs that suit your needs.

Nuances of construction

Installation of a pigsty, as well as any other agricultural premises, is carried out taking into account current industry standards. When building a pig farm, it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances:

  • It is imperative that before installation begins, the issue of the planned livestock is resolved - the future area of ​​​​the premises depends on this. There are standards for the area per pig. If they are not taken into account, then there is a high probability of creating cramped conditions and the occurrence of various diseases among animals.
  • During construction, you should carefully consider the issue of thermal insulation. If in winter the air temperature in the pigsty is below normal, this will inevitably lead to unnecessary costs for feed: the animals will eat intensely to keep warm.
  • It is necessary to divide the room into zones: for sows, boars and piglets. Separate keeping of animals will keep the premises clean and reduce the risk of injury to animals.
  • The pigsty must be equipped with a ventilation system (forced ventilation may also be needed) and light sources. Without these elements, there is a high risk of disease and reduced animal growth.
  • Each cage is equipped with a feeding trough, drinking bowl and cleaning system. The volumes of the structures depend on the number of individuals contained in one cage.

Scheme of working with us


You send a request using the calculate cost button or send an email to: mail

Cost calculation

We calculate the cost based on your application, and if you have any questions, we will contact you at the specified phone number. We will send a cost estimate to the specified email. mail.

Signing the contract

We finalize the working drawings of the KM, AR stage taking into account the client’s wishes. An agreement is signed and an advance payment is made for the building kit.

Making a building

All metal structures of the building and enclosing structures are manufactured. They are equipped with auxiliary elements: strips, windows, gates, doors.

Installation work

The metal structures of the building, sandwich panels, prof. sheet.

Delivery of the completed building

After all comments have been corrected, work completion certificates are signed. The balance of the amount for installation work is paid.

Our company takes into account all the features of building a pig farm, so you get a reliable, high-quality building.

Completeness of the pigsty:

Load-bearing arches21 pcs
Runs150 meters
PVC awning700 sq. meters
Piles (Sleepers)54 pcs
Unplaned edged boards5.5 cubic meters
Swing gates 3x3 m2 pcs

Open a pig farm in 2022: construction of the complex

When choosing a site for the construction of structures and structures, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • the area allocated for construction must be located outside the city (according to sanitary standards, the distance between a residential building and a pig farm must be more than 15 meters);
  • the area for constructing a barn must be elevated, level and not swampy;
  • the premises must be built away from bodies of water;
  • the soil on the site should not be susceptible to infections;
  • groundwater should lie at a depth of 2 to 3 meters underground;
  • the site must be located at least 150 meters from other farms.

The building itself and the extensions that are part of the complex must meet the following requirements:

  • The entire territory must be divided into sectors. In the first of them, veterinary facilities and barns are located at a distance of 50 m (minimum). The second contains outbuildings, and the third is a space for storing bedding, feed and silage. Sectors must be separated by sanitary barriers;
  • The farm must be fenced around the entire perimeter. Its height must be at least 1.8 meters;
  • Sanitary zones located on the territory of the complex cannot be smaller than fire breaks;
  • The premises must be equipped with ventilation systems, bactericidal lamps and various cleaning devices;
  • Building materials used in construction must have high vapor permeability, withstand external influences, have heat-protective properties and be harmless to animals.

The size of the premises for a pig farm is calculated depending on the age of the pigs. So per adult individual there should be at least 10 m³ of free space.

The pig pen must comply with established standards

Selecting a location

Farmers with experience in breeding artiodactyls are familiar with the situation when disease and mortality begin among the acquired elite livestock. Excessive dampness and drafts lead to diseases and decreased weight gain. Often the reasons for the critical condition of animals are the external influences of an incorrectly chosen location for the livestock farm.

Basic requirements for the site of the designed farm:

  • Dry, flat area on a small hill.
  • It is prohibited to place buildings in wetlands, flooded areas with a high groundwater horizon.
  • The absence of domestic and industrial waste dumps and cattle burial grounds in the vicinity.
  • Placement of permanent buildings is allowed at a distance of more than 15 meters from residential buildings.

The location for the farm is chosen taking into account the wind rose characteristic of the area. In order for the farm premises to be protected from the cold wind, preference should be given to a site near a forest belt or a large group of trees. The presence of a water supply is a prerequisite for breeding pigs, so a water main must run near the site of the designed farm.

Arrangement of a room for 50 heads

The area of ​​a small farm for the specified number of piglets should be at least 250 m². This number includes the space required for one animal, pens, passages between compartments, vestibules and utility rooms. The entire territory is divided into three main zones:

  • for wild boars;
  • for sows;
  • for piglets.

There should be enough space between them for the movement of personnel and the passage of wheelbarrows. In addition to the main sectors, the building must have vestibules and areas for walking pigs, as well as heating, water and an air filtration system.

How to get rid of the smell in a pigsty?

We are talking about the main components of the Chinese drug, which promote the processing of pig manure (converting it into vermicompost), as a result of which it is possible to remove the unpleasant odor!

  • Enzymes. Their task is to prepare the substrate for its further utilization by the microbial mass of bacteria.
  • Lactobacilli. These substances cause oxidation processes, which negatively affects the development of a pathogenic environment.
  • Yeast. We are talking about microorganisms that reproduce in oxygen conditions. In an anaerobic environment, fermentation occurs, which is the key to transformation processes in the sawdust layer (fermentation). The result of this is the absence of rodents and insects in the bedding of pigs, as well as the exclusion of the development of pathogenic microflora.
  • Nitrogen-fixing bacteria. The present substances in the bacterial preparation under consideration perform the function of assimilating molecular nitrogen from the air and converting it into a form normal for the life of animals. It is this component that plays a primary role in removing unpleasant odors in the pigsty.

How much does it cost to build a pig farm: purchasing equipment

For competent and uninterrupted operation of the complex for 100 heads, you need to purchase the following:

  • Gazelle for transporting equipment, feed, animals and other household needs. The price of such a car, purchased secondhand, will be about 400,000 rubles;
  • Grain crusher. With its help you can save on feed mixtures. The cost of equipment is 50,000 rubles;
  • Tractor. It will also be needed for various household needs (transportation of feed and manure). Approximate price – 420,000 rubles;
  • Drinkers and feeders. Necessary to ensure that animals are always fed and watered. Price – 250,000 rubles;
  • Optional equipment. These are all kinds of shovels, buckets, rakes, pitchforks and other tools. The purchase will cost approximately 110,000 rubles.

Thus, the minimum equipment will cost approximately 1,230,000 rubles.

The cost of equipping the mini-farm will be about 1.2 million rubles. A project for 1000 heads will cost 10 times more

Closed cycle pig farms

For large farms, the optimal choice would be a closed-cycle farm. Its main advantage is maximum profit. The disadvantage is the need for a large number of workers and the complexity of operation. But such a pig farm receives only feed and water, and from it ready-made meat and related products.

The design of such an enterprise should be approached as seriously as possible. In some cases, it may be necessary to construct additional buildings, not to mention the purchase of special equipment such as:

  • A slaughterhouse where live pigs are turned into delicious cutlets, chops, and hams.
  • Biogas plants that allow you to convert manure, urine and old litter into high-quality fertilizer and gas that allows you to heat the room.
  • Warehouses for storing sufficient quantities of feed, tools and equipment.

Of course, if a small number of pigs is planned, no more than a few hundred, then there is no point in such complex complexes. But a 24,000-head closed-loop pig farm is very efficient. It is not easy to achieve uninterrupted operation of such a giant enterprise. But when it is possible to organize the maintenance of a pig farm, costs will be optimized, and the quantity of high-quality product will increase sharply, which has a positive effect on profitability.

Purchase of pigs and feed

Buying piglets is an important and responsible matter. Before purchasing a large batch, it is best to buy 50 pieces and try to grow them. If everything goes well, you can increase the livestock by 2 times naturally, and also purchase the required number of individuals.

It is important to consider that pigs are divided into three groups according to the type of final product:

  • Bacon and meat. The piglets are light in color, have an elongated body, developed loin and sides. Breeds: Landrace, Vietnamese potbellied, Don meat, Duroc;
  • Meat-greasy. Individuals are very light, almost white. Breeds: Mangal, Pietrain, Large White, Murom, Breitovskaya;
  • Meat with low fertility. Mostly black piglets. Breeds: Ukrainian spotted, Mirgorod.

It is necessary to purchase livestock on the basis that for every 1 male there are 10 females. You shouldn’t go to the first farm you come across to pick up piglets: it’s better to visit several complexes and study the pedigrees of the animals. To avoid unpleasant situations associated with crossing closely related individuals, it is better to purchase young animals from different farms. Main selection criteria:

  • Fertility of sows;
  • Tolerance of diseases and infections;
  • Adaptation of pigs to climate conditions;
  • Demand for products obtained from a particular breed in the region of sale.

The cost of a 1.5-month-old Landrace pig will be about 3,000 rubles, a barbecue - 5,000 rubles, a Mirgorod pig - 3,500 rubles. The purchase of livestock should be carried out when the premises are completely ready for occupancy.

Landrace meat piglets

A herd of 100 pigs will consume approximately 50 tons of feed and the same amount of nutritional supplements per year. The growth and development of a piglet is directly related to the quality of food. There are three types of feed, differing in their effect on the taste of meat:

  • Low grade. They reduce the properties of the final product as much as possible. These are soybeans, cake and oats. This feed is usually given to pigs that are destined for bacon;
  • Average grade. They help reduce food costs. Wheat and rye bran, buckwheat and corn are usually mixed with expensive feed;
  • Top quality. Such food helps to increase the density of fat and accelerate the growth of piglets. These are peas, rye, sugar beets, meat waste, millet, nettles and alfalfa.

You need to purchase one or another feed depending on the breed of pigs and the products they should provide.


To service a small pig farm, four people are enough: 3 general workers (salary 20 thousand rubles) and 1 manager (salary 25 thousand). The head of the enterprise can deal with financial issues himself, but if he does not have time for this or does not have sufficient skills, you can hire a part-time accountant. His services will cost approximately 15 thousand rubles. You also need to remember that pigs must be under the constant supervision of a veterinarian. For treatment he will charge 20 thousand rubles or more.

It is better to hire workers with experience, since in this case you will not have to waste time on training staff. To narrow down the pool of candidates, be sure to indicate this in your resume. An undoubted advantage will be that the potential employee has a reference from his previous place of employment.

Manure storage

In conventional pigsties, the manure storage facility is a large pit with a capacity of several tens or hundreds of cubic meters. Here, manure and urine are washed out of the building by gravity, along specially laid inclined grooves.

But if we are talking about a closed-cycle pig farm, then it is worth considering installing a biogas plant, in which waste will be converted into gas used to heat the building. Yes, the purchase will not be cheap. However, over time, all costs are offset by savings on gas.

Target audience and advertising campaign

To promote your business you need to use a variety of promotion tools. This could be participation in agricultural exhibitions and livestock forums, placing advertisements on billboards and advertisements in the city, or creating your own website. Before launching a campaign, you need to study the sales market and analyze the activities of competitors. It is better to use schemes that have not yet been used in this region.

If all advertising tools are already actively used by other entrepreneurs, there is no need to be afraid of this. Planning and developing your own strategy is the key to success. Carefully study the weaknesses of the PR companies of other enterprises and play on them.

In the age of high technology, it is most important to promote your business on the Internet.

Roof, ceilings and walls of the pigsty

Regardless of what material you prefer when building walls, it is important that it retains heat well and does not absorb moisture. In this case, the inside of the pigsty walls are usually covered with boards, and then plastered and covered with lime for disinfection purposes. In the northern regions, it is advisable to insulate the walls from the outside as well.

Everywhere, with the possible exception of the Southern Federal District, it is highly desirable to equip a pigsty with full ceilings, as they help retain heat in the winter.

As for the roof, there are no special requirements for a pigsty in this matter. The classic rafter-pitched scheme made of logs and slate will do just fine.

How much can you earn: profitability of a pig farm and payback period

Let's take as a basis a business that involves raising young animals from 100 heads, the owner of which will be one person. The costs will be as follows:

  • Registration of individual entrepreneur – 800 rubles;
  • Rent of a land plot of up to 40 acres – 60,000 rubles per month;
  • Construction of a construction project – 600,000 rubles;
  • Purchase of machinery and equipment to create optimal conditions for keeping pigs – 1,200,000 rubles;
  • Purchase of 100 piglets – 500,000 rubles;
  • Costs for feed and mineral supplements per month – 40,000 rubles;
  • Development of a marketing strategy and advertising costs – 50,000 rubles;
  • Salary for 3 employees, a manager and an accountant per month – 100,000 rubles;
  • The cost of veterinarian services is 25,000 rubles.

Thus, the starting capital for opening and maintaining a pig farm for a month will be 2,575,800 rubles. With continuous operation of the complex, after 3 months the net profit will be from 800,000 rubles (after deducting the expenses of the pig farm). The enterprise will fully pay for itself within a year if no unpleasant force majeure occurs.

Construction of a small complex for breeding piglets is considered the best option for starting your own business. Those who do not want to organize an enterprise can purchase a turnkey business. It will cost more, but it will significantly save the entrepreneur’s time.

Where to begin

Business - the idea of ​​​​creating a small pig farm comes to rural residents who want to get a stable income from breeding this type of domestic animal in their backyard. High quality pork, due to its excellent taste, is always in high demand and is well sold.

To organize a profitable business, it is necessary to draw up a business plan for a pig farm for 10-20 heads, which will take into account all the intricacies of home pig farming: A novice entrepreneur needs to familiarize himself with the maximum amount of information material on this type of business, analyze the information received and adequately assess his financial and physical possibilities.

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