We make our own feeders for pigs and wild boars

How to set up a feeding area

Typically, there are 4 feeding areas for wild pigs on an area of ​​15,000 hectares. However, more of them can be created. This will only increase the breeding efficiency of wild boars. A professional huntsman most often sets up such feeders for several species of wild animals at the same time.

There is a certain peculiarity in feeding wild boars. When they eat, no one dares to approach them at the moment, even with separate feeders. Let's take a closer look at silage pits and places for filling feed for wild boars.

Hunting with dogs

The measured life of taiga villages is disrupted when the hunting season for the owner of valuable fur begins. The dogs, sensing freedom, are ready to fight. Sable hunting with a husky is one of the exciting and difficult ways to catch an animal with valuable fur. Against the cunning beast, the hunter sets up his four-legged assistant, specially trained for this type of hunting. For the most part, fishermen prefer working with huskies, which almost always brings results. Laika picks up the scent and chases its prey, driving it up a tree.

The dog should not crush the sable, otherwise the skin may be damaged.

An animal always takes flight at the sight of a dog, usually at the bottom, easily overcoming obstacles in the form of rubble.

If the snow is too deep and loose, the animal may break away from its pursuer on top. To find invisible prey, the husky's sense of smell comes first.

So, the game is driven into a tree - you can’t hesitate: you need an accurate shot to bring down the animal. Hunters use different guns to shoot furs.

How to create a feeder for a wild boar

In practice, providing food for wild cloven-hoofed boars is not very difficult. In this case, you need to perform simple operations:

  1. The area is cleared or a hole is dug for laying silage.
  2. It is necessary to inspect the road in advance for convenient access, since the volume of stacked silage will be significant. The feed will have to be placed using machinery, since the mass of the feed is very large.
  3. Next you need to bring and add food. They can serve as corn, grain waste, root crops.
  4. Sometimes special feed is prepared for wild boars. To do this, install an additional canopy over the food storage area to prevent it from getting exposed to rain.

The provision of feed for wild boars begins at the end of summer, then periodic replenishment of feed supplies is carried out throughout the winter.

Boar feeder from a barrel

Often in the forest you can see a place for feeding wild boars, above which a metal barrel or several such containers are fixed. In fact, the barrel is a kind of bait that detains animals at the feeding area. Corn grain is poured into the barrel through a hole. This is the best treat for a boar.

Such a wild boar feeder is most often set up by poachers or hunters with one purpose: to ensure the collection of a large number of wild pigs. This will keep them for a long time. Honest hunters try to quickly remove such feeders.

Photo gallery

Design drawing for barrel feeding

Drawing of a bunker feeder

Bunker structure for feeding pigs in a store

Let's sum it up

It’s quite easy to make your desire to feed wild animals come true. To set up boar feeders, you do not need special knowledge or skills. It is enough to follow certain recommendations. As a result, you will get a good-quality feeder that forest dwellers will be happy to approach.

Another budget option without the special expenses of traveling to the area every day! Feeder for wild boar with grain. Automatic feeder. A feeder for a wild boar made from a pipe in another video. This bottom is made so that you don’t have to travel often and add grain. A type of automatic feeder. Two bags of grain fit.

A pig feeder is a household device used for the organized distribution of food to domestic animals. Such a feeder is an item that ensures proper quality of feeding and a means of saving feed resources. There are many types of devices for feeding pigs, which include items that differ in composition material, design characteristics, degree of versatility and even size parameters.

Sable fishing

In the taiga, as many years ago, fur-bearing animals are hunted in traditional ways. It is clear that these are modernized versions of catching a predator, which our ancestors used. We are talking about the four most common methods:

The first snow falls, which means it’s time to go to the taiga for a trophy. The sable has faded, and now its skin is an object of commercial hunters. To catch the animal, up to 150 traps are prepared. Traps need to be checked at least once every 7-10 days.


Feeders for pigs have been used since the times when the domestication of these animals was just beginning. Since then, this device has undergone a number of design changes, which have endowed it with pronounced features. The most notable among them are:

  • universal installation;
  • the presence of several levels of feed content;
  • Possibility of adjustment, depending on the characteristics of the livestock.

The list of types of pig feeders is rich in names. This list may include: a regular trough, bunker boxes, automated units, longitudinal, circular and other individually produced feeders.


Can be made of wood or metal. It is installed at a level that allows pigs to feed freely from it. Supporting elements can be special mounted supports or improvised elevations made, for example, of brick.

It is used for feeding a small number of animals - 2-3 individuals.

Hopper feeder

It is a combination of a trough and a bunker located above it. This entire structure is enclosed in one common housing, mounted taking into account the parameters of stability and convenience in relation to service personnel and animals. The feed is placed in a hopper. From there it is fed into the food compartment by opening/closing special valves. With their help, you can control the feed dosage for each block separately.


They are a bunker feeder equipped with an electronic mechanism that controls the supply of feed. Such devices allow feeding to be carried out strictly on time, which has a beneficial effect on animals and helps to accelerate their growth. Automatic feeders are equipped with an electric drive, which, depending on the design of a particular model, drives the feed mechanism.


This type of feeder is similar in structure to a trough. Their difference from each other is that the longitudinal ones are longer, since they are designed for a large number of individuals and are stationary. Such a feeder can be supplemented with a distribution hopper installed on one of the edges.

With this device, mainly liquid food is used.


These feeders consist of a round container with low sides, the size of which depends on the number of pigs that will feed from it. The container is divided into sections using a metal structure welded from reinforcement or other suitable material. The frame of the sections converges in the center and is attached to a ring through which the feed is poured. The feeder must be made in such a way that animals can reach its center. Then the feed will be eaten in full, which will reduce its consumption and increase feeding efficiency.

General design requirements

Such food containers, like feeders, are intended for daily feeding of the animal. Because of this, the health of the pig will also directly depend on it. After all, if such containers are constantly dirty, then the animal will definitely get sick sooner or later. To maintain the health of piglets, when using feeders you should follow a few simple rules. These rules apply to all types of structures and are mandatory to comply with.

General sanitary standards

  • The pig feeding container should always be kept clean. To do this, you should adhere to one very simple rule, namely, such a device should be easy to clean and wash.
  • Then the feeder constantly gets clogged. Such clogging must be prevented in advance.
  • It is very bad if food constantly spills out of the container. It is necessary to prevent dry food from spilling out and wet food from pouring out.
  • For different types of feed, it is necessary to take different types of containers, and drinking water is given only from the drinking bowl.
  • The main requirement for a container for liquid food is its tightness. After all, the constant leakage of liquid will not only bring economic loss to the owner, but will also constantly clog the pigsty. Thus, the humidity in it will always be high, and this is also bad for pigs.
  • The design of the device for feeding piglets must be such that the animal can easily reach the feed. The best option is considered to be containers with beveled edges or rounded corners.
  • It will be good if you install the container at an angle. Thus, the leftover food will always be collected in one place and if the animal doesn’t finish eating, the owner can easily remove it.

Common sizes

When purchasing or making feeders for piglets, you should remember that their size should constantly change throughout the life of the animal. So, for example, small and low containers are perfect for small piglets, and, on the contrary, large containers for large ones. Then, if there are a lot of pigs, it is better to install long troughs as feeders. This way, all the pigs can eat at the same time. At the same time, it is also worth dividing the trough into compartments with jumpers so that animals cannot climb into it.

Table of norms for the width of feeders for animals of different ages

Table of norms for the length of feeders for pigs of different ages


Dimensional parameters depend on how many animals will feed from the same feeder at the same time. The size of the feed dispenser is also affected by the age and average size of the pigs. When assembling the feeder manually, it is very important to take into account all the characteristics of the animals, since, for example, small piglets will not be able to feed normally from a feeder for adults. Nutrition is the main determining factor in the growth of a pig, on which the feasibility of keeping this animal depends.

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