How to get rid of ticks in your summer cottage: methods, tips, medications

Spring is in full swing, which means that blood-sucking arachnids have already woken up and become more active in search of food. How to get rid of ticks in the country?

This arthropod arachnid is dangerous not because it feeds on the blood of people and animals, but because it can be a carrier of serious diseases. Thus, the most common ixodid ticks can infect humans with viral encephalitis, monocytic ehrlichiosis, Q fever, Lyme disease and other dangerous diseases, and dogs with piroplasmosis.

To protect yourself, your loved ones and pets, the territory of the site needs to be treated from ticks, as well as take preventive measures.

Reasons for the appearance of ticks in a summer cottage

The following can be distinguished:

  • Food shortage, stimulating the search for new places. In a day they can cover distances of 10 m to find food.
  • Placing a summer cottage near a forest.
  • The appearance of parasites among neighbors.
  • Bringing them in with the help of pets.
  • When purchasing a plot, there is a risk of ticks. If they appear after 18-24 months, they were present initially, since their eggs mature during this time.

How can you tell if there are ticks on your property?

Before starting the treatment process, you must check the area for ticks. This needs to be done twice - before and after processing. The first time to detect ticks, the second, on the contrary, to make sure that they are absent. The simplest and most effective way is to use a white “flag”.

However, before entering the area, it is necessary to protect the body from possible bites. There are a number of measures that can protect you from negative impacts:

  • vaccination course against tick-borne encephalitis;
  • treating clothing with an aerosol or anti-tick spray (applying it to the body does not make sense, since the substances are interrupted by sweat);
  • hermetically seal all exposed parts of the body;
  • gather your hair into a bun and tuck your pants into your shoes;
  • choose a light color of clothing so as not to miss a tick when inspecting it.

The white “flag” is made from white fleecy fabric using waffle or flannel fabric, which must be treated with human or animal sweat to attract ticks. The design of the “flag” itself is similar and reminiscent of a real flag and is made as follows: fabric is tied to the end and middle of a long stick so that the design looks like a flag.

The verification process involves passing the area several times and applying a “flag” so that it confidently touches the plant surface. You need to walk slowly, avoiding twisting. Every 50 steps it is necessary to check the “flag” for the presence of ticks or plant debris. At the end of the diagnosis, the approximate number of ticks in the entire area of ​​the site will become clear. To avoid getting bitten by a tick, it is important to carefully inspect your clothing before removing it.

Methods for controlling ticks in a summer cottage

It is recommended to combat arthropods immediately after their identification. You can do this by resorting to chemicals or using folk remedies. The first method is much more effective, especially for large areas. However, the second one is more environmentally friendly. Pursuing a particular goal, the appropriate method is selected.

Moreover, not only the land should be cultivated, but also the things of the owner and his pets.

Traditional methods of fighting ticks

The most effective recipes are given in the table.

Garlic tinctureTake a head of garlic and grate it. The resulting slurry is poured with 2 liters of water and left in a shaded place for 24 hours. Then the mixture is filtered and another 2 liters of water are added. Spray the affected area using a spray bottle. Instead of garlic, onions can be used.
Citrus juiceYou will need lemons, grapefruits, oranges, tangerines. Cut the selected fruit in half and squeeze out all the juice. Then 3 liters of water are added and irrigation is carried out.
Herbal infusionFlowers of geranium, garlic, chamomile, sage are collected and placed in boiling water, cooked for 5 minutes over low heat. The prepared solution is poured into a container to settle for 48 hours. It is then filtered and applied to the lesion using a spray bottle.
Essential oils5 ml of each of mint and rosemary essential oils is diluted with 1 liter of water. The area is treated with this liquid every 60 days.

To protect clothes from arachnids, you can prepare a special solution. To do this you will need: 1-1.5 glasses of water (preferably cool), a few drops of eucalyptus oil, 2-3 drops of mint and citrus oil, 2 glasses of white vinegar. After mixing all the components, the mixture is applied to things.

To protect the body, you can prepare a remedy from 20 drops of rose geranium and lavender oil, 1 cup of aloe vera, 2 cups of vegetable oil.

To repel ticks, some summer residents plant special plants whose smell pests cannot tolerate:

  • lavender angustifolia;
  • medicinal rosemary;
  • tansy;
  • catnip (catnip);
  • Dalmatian chamomile (pyrenthrum).

If folk remedies fail to eliminate the parasites, then they resort to chemical ones.

Chemicals for tick control

When resorting to chemicals, you should follow the instructions included with the products, since failure to follow them puts animals and people at risk. Before pollination of the poison, the grass is mowed, special attention is paid to the lower branches of the plants.

There are a huge number of drugs created to resist arthropods. The most effective and affordable ones are presented in the table.

A drugDescriptionVolume, unitsprice, rub.
CifoxUsed against scabies and ixodid mites, as well as fleas, flies, and ants. It has a specific odor, based on cypermethrin. The effect lasts 3 months. 50 ml166
AcaritoxEliminates ixodid ticks. The protection lasts 1.5 months. Not dangerous for humans. 1 kg1700
TitaniumA very strong anti-tick drug. Saves the area from pests for the whole season. 1 l1136
Sipaz SuperUsed against many types of insects, including arachnids. Its safety is considered an advantage, since it leaves almost no traces of chemical exposure. 1 l3060
Force siteKills all their varieties, has a strong smell, which soon quickly disappears.50 ml191
RamAn effective acute insecticide, harmless to crops. Valid for 1.5-2 months. 50 ml270

Insectoacaricides, insecticides, and acaricides help get rid of pests.

How does the poison work?

The use of toxic substances is carried out only on the basis of certain rules, otherwise it can harm both the environment and humans. Such chemicals are developed on the basis of broad-spectrum insecticides. The main components are considered to be of low or moderate toxicity, therefore, under certain conditions, they will not cause significant harm.

Treatment with such control agents leads to the death of all insects that are in the area of ​​​​action of the drug. Spraying can be safe for animals if after treatment there is no contact with the substance for 3 days. If you do not adhere to these standards, then allergic reactions of the body may occur, expressed by increased salivation, lacrimation, loss of appetite, diarrhea, as well as nausea and vomiting.

Chemical anti-mite agents have a contact effect, penetrating into the insect’s body through the chitinous layer. As a result, the function of the nervous system is impaired, leading to paralysis and eventual death. During the first 3 days, the toxic substance acts with maximum effect, and then its toxicity gradually decreases. At the same time, the product is poisonous for ticks for several months.

It is important to know! It is prohibited to carry out anti-tick treatment of a summer cottage or garden plot during periods of harvest ripening. It is allowed to carry out such processing no earlier than 3 weeks before harvest.

You can work with chemical control agents only in personal protective equipment - a respirator, goggles, rubber gloves, shoes, hats, and thick clothing. Toxic components must not be allowed to come into contact with the skin, eyes, and especially the respiratory tract. If these requirements are ignored, poisoning of varying degrees of severity is possible, with headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. Toxic components are especially dangerous for children, expectant mothers, allergy sufferers, and people with weak immune systems.

Features of treating the area against ticks and mosquitoes

Prevention of tick infestation of a summer cottage

By performing a number of actions, you can protect your area from arthropods. These include:

  • Removal of waste from the territory.
  • Treatment of pets' fur with a special product and a thorough examination of them.
  • Planting repellent plants.
  • Systematic cleaning of the ground from stale branches and grass, regular mowing of the lawn.
  • Installation of bird feeders (starlings, thrushes) - natural enemies of ticks.
  • Elimination of rodents - the main carriers of insects.
  • Creating an obstacle near the fence itself in the form of a path made of sawdust or gravel 100 cm wide. This structure will prevent neighbors from entering the territory.

Choosing a means to treat an area against ticks

When choosing a drug, it is based on which mites need to be destroyed and what active substance to use (either based on permethrins or based on organophosphorus compounds). The latter have almost already been abandoned; most often, preparations with the main component in the composition - permethrin - are used against ixodid ticks.

The higher the concentration of the active substance, the more effective the drug. It is advisable to use two-component drugs.

The principle of operation of these agents is based on the fact that when they enter the body of ticks through contact, they cause disruption of the functioning of the nervous system and block the transmission of impulses. This results in muscle paralysis, and subsequently in the death of insects.

Mistakes made when exterminating ticks in the country

Many summer residents make the following mistakes when baiting ticks, which are gaining popularity:

  • Exceeding the permissible possible dose of chemicals leads to intoxication of the human body and animals, as well as harm to the future harvest.
  • Incorrect timing of sprinkling. Favorable conditions: sunny and dry weather. No later than 40 days before harvest.
  • Starting the procedure without first cleaning the area (removing litter, mowing grass).

When to treat and how often to repeat?

The recommended period for carrying out anti-tick treatment of a summer cottage begins in April and ends in early July. This is the time when ticks are most active, which both poses a danger to humans and makes them easy to kill. Direct processing should be carried out in calm weather and with a favorable forecast that does not imply precipitation for several days in advance.

The procedure must be repeated twice a year: during the recommended period and at the end of summer, because this will help reduce the number of ticks in the area when the next spring arrives. Accordingly, treatment must be carried out annually.

Mr. Summer Resident recommends: actions if a tick has grabbed onto the skin

If you find a parasite on your body, you should immediately consult a doctor, who will provide the necessary assistance: he will painlessly remove the entire insect, send it to the laboratory for examination, and give an injection if necessary.

You can get it out yourself, armed with a thread or tweezers. Using a thread, make a knot near the proboscis and progressively pull up, removing the arachnid. Actions should be smooth without harshness.

The ideal is to remove the tick without damaging the body and avoiding suppuration. However, if it is damaged, the area should be wiped with an alcohol solution, and the remaining part (the head) is recommended to be removed using a needle, after which the area is treated again. The extracted arthropod must be placed in a glass container and taken to a specialized place.

Correct processing algorithm

The process of exterminating pests is called disinfestation, and the drugs used are called acaricides. The packaging of each toxic substance contains instructions that must be read before proceeding with processing. The active composition must be prepared strictly according to the instructions, adhering to all recommendations.

The chemical control market offers a wide range of products. As a rule, such drugs are sold in specialized retail outlets. In addition, the drug can be purchased if you use the Internet. Special services also sell similar products. Anti-mite spraying is carried out using a special tool called a spray gun.

The spraying process must be carried out in calm weather, otherwise the toxic components will be misused. If there is still wind, then the stream of sprayed substance should be directed not against the wind, but in the direction of the wind. In addition, you should not spray the substance in hot conditions, but it is better to do all this early in the morning or in the evening, when the heat subsides. It would be a good idea to check the weather. It is not advisable for it to rain within 3 days after treatment. It will wash away the toxic substance and the treatment will have to be repeated in about a week.

Must remember! It is necessary to treat the area against ticks in early spring, even before the first leaves bloom. During this period, these insects are not yet active, and the toxic substance will not allow activity for a couple of months. It is also prohibited to cultivate the area during periods of flowering of cultivated plantings, since the insects that pollinate these plantings will die.

Due to such requirements, anti-tick treatment should not be carried out whenever you want. It is necessary to clearly define the terms so as not to harm nature. They don’t distinguish between poisons and whether they are beneficial or harmful insects: everyone dies.

This is how the area should be treated for ticks

Sipaz is super

The mosquito and tick repellent treatment is based on cypermethrin. The main task of the drug is to destroy ticks and mosquitoes. Destroys pests at all stages of the life cycle. Sold in liquid form, you will have to pay about 2,000 rubles for 1 liter. Tsifoks, Cypermethrin and Samarovka insecticide have a similar effect. Concentrated emulsion of Tsifoks with a volume of 500 ml costs from 950 rubles. Samarovka insecticide will cost 6,500 rubles for 5 liters of product.


We live next to a pond, so every summer we suffer from mosquito bites, especially children. We decided to try to process the area and bought Tsifoks. The product turned out to be very effective and after the first treatment it gave an excellent result. They were saved from bloodsuckers for the whole year.

Viktor Sergeevich, Krasnodar

Detection of a tick on the skin

Once on a person, the arachnid looks for places with thinner and more delicate skin - the inside of the knees and elbows, armpits, ears, groin area and scalp. The individual's saliva contains a potent analgesic substance, so the bite will be painless and unnoticeable. After this, the insect looks for the nearest vessel and begins to suck the blood. It can penetrate the skin so much that it looks like a small bump with a black dot in the middle.

If a tick is spotted, seek medical help immediately. Only a doctor can remove the parasite with minimal risk to the patient’s health. The pest will be placed in a special container and sent for examination. A specialist can also inject anti-tick immunoglobulin.

When it happened that the opportunity to go to medical care. institution no, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Do not apply compresses with ointments or oils under any circumstances. This will only cut off oxygen to the tick, and it will die, remaining in the skin.
  2. To remove the parasite, use tweezers or thread. It is tied in a knot near the insect's proboscis.
  3. Pull up slowly. Gradually the pest's body will be removed. The main thing is not to make sudden movements.
  4. If you do damage the tick and its head remains in the skin, soak a bandage in alcohol and gently wipe the bite area.
  5. Remove the head itself using a sharp needle. Re-treat the affected area with alcohol.

Important! If you successfully remove the arachnid, place it in a container (for donating biomaterial) or a clean glass jar. Before doing this, you need to put a little damp cotton wool in the container. Then take the insect to the laboratory for examination.

What to consider when carrying out treatment against ticks and mosquitoes with your own hands?

It is advisable to mow the grass before the event. The procedure for exterminating pests is carried out by spraying . A solution of insecticides is pre-prepared (see the instructions for the selected product for the dosage and ratio with water).

For spraying it is better to use professional equipment. It is adapted for uniform distribution of the smallest drops of substance ( in the form of cold fog ) over the vegetation cover. This is difficult to achieve with a regular garden sprayer. In addition, special equipment makes it possible to treat large areas of territory against ticks in a short time . A household sprayer usually only works to a limited extent.

How many times during the summer (season) do you need to treat ticks?

Most often, two treatments are needed per season . Provided that they were made with high quality, in compliance with technology. The first is held in April-May. The second is in the last months of summer (July-August-September). If the autumn turned out to be warm and dry, then additional procedures for the destruction of ticks will have to be done at this time of year . Here you need to judge by the epidemiological situation in the city and region and by recorded cases of pest attacks. If there are any, then acaricidal treatments must be done.

In case of heavy insect infestation, it is recommended to exterminate ticks every two months. And even more often. To find out how effectively the treatment was carried out, so-called flagging is done . What is it and how is it done, see our short video:

Flagging must be done within a few days after treatment . If, after walking one kilometer with the flag, you find at least one tick attached to it, then there is an indication for repeated destruction of the pests.


The active substance is zetacypermethrin. The drug against flies, cockroaches, mosquitoes, ticks, fleas and ants. Safe for the environment, leaves no residue and is odorless. 1500 rubles per 1 liter. Consumption rates are determined by the nature of the site, the type of pests and the available crops in the garden.


Taran is a very strong insecticide. It is even used by special services. It is not difficult to treat the area yourself, but the efficiency will not be at the highest level. Only professional equipment can spray every petal and blade of grass. After using it on our own we were able to completely get rid of ticks and mosquitoes in our summer cottage. We were pleased with the result.

Andrey, Yaroslavl

Also, for self-treatment of the area against ticks and mosquitoes, you can use Sinuzan, Agran, Rubit, Medilis Cyper and Yurax. These drugs have a large number of positive reviews and have proven themselves to be highly effective insecticides.

Rating of tick collars

Collars are an additional preventive measure against parasites. Although they are convenient to use, they are mainly useful only for protecting the neck and head. The best products in this category are presented below.

Foresto from Bayer

Manufacturers convince that this remedy is capable of killing ticks through contact of the parasite with the dog. The collar responds quickly to a bite and kills the pest. German quality ensures durability, efficiency and water resistance of the product.

Length38 cm
Product typeCollar
Country of OriginGermany


  • without smell;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • long lasting effect;
  • easy to use;
  • waterproof.


  • high price;
  • unaesthetic appearance.

Kiltix is ​​an effective remedy

This is an effective anti-tick remedy that lasts for 7 months. At this time, the collar has an effect before the tick bite, preventing the dog from becoming infected with piroplasmosis. Thanks to the ability to adjust the size, this product is suitable for a wide variety of breeds and ages of pets.

Length35,48,66 cm
Product typeCollar
Manufacturer countryGermany


  • effective;
  • Suitable for dogs of different sizes;
  • long lasting effect;
  • easy to use;
  • safe.


  • strong smell;
  • overcharge.

Best Anti-Tick Sprays for Pets

The spray kills ticks quickly and effectively, resulting in long-lasting protection. The great thing about aerosols is that they can be used immediately with shampoo when bathing. They can be useful even if the animal lives in a wooded area.

Celandine - spray against ticks

Designed for the prevention and control of ixodid ticks, fleas, lice and lice. This product is easy and convenient to use, it sprays quickly and gives instant results thanks to the special active substance. The versatility of the product goes well with its low price.

Volume200 ml
Product typeSpray
Country of OriginRussian Federation


  • low price;
  • effective;
  • convenient packaging;
  • resistant to moisture;
  • Safe for the animal if you follow the instructions correctly.


  • Strong smell;
  • Not suitable for all cat breeds.

Frontline is the best spray

According to the manufacturer, this model is a new generation remedy for ectoparasites: fleas and ticks. It contains a new formula and includes fipronil, which increases effectiveness. The spray is easy to use - just spray it on your pet’s fur, and you don’t have to worry about the animal’s health.

Volume250 ml
Product typeSpray
Country of OriginFrance


  • effective;
  • suitable for pregnant and lactating dogs and cats;
  • low price;
  • long lasting effect;
  • economical to use.


  • possible side effects;
  • unpleasant smell.
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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