How to get rid of mosquitoes in your summer cottage: choosing the most effective method

Most people associate the arrival of warm weather with relaxation, and they go to their dachas or simply to nature, to the forest or to the river. However, a pleasant pastime can be ruined by many factors, and one of them is mosquitoes.

These annoying insects are annoying not only in nature, but also at home, flying through a window or an open door. They are especially activated when we go to bed. They buzz over your ear, sit on your face and tickle unpleasantly and, of course, bite, leaving marks and a terrible itch at the site of the bite.

How to get rid of mosquitoes in your summer cottage?

Despite our best efforts, it is not possible to exclude bloodsuckers from our lives; we are not even able to influence their numbers. However, we can limit their presence near us, protect ourselves from bites and nervousness due to their nasty squeak.

What kind of pests are these?

The common mosquito (squeaking mosquito) has a wide habitat, found almost anywhere in our country. Mosquitoes are carriers of a number of dangerous diseases, such as yellow fever. In some countries, mosquitoes act as carriers of Japanese encephalitis, inflammation of the brain, and borreliosis. These insects also transmit the larvae of various parasites with their saliva.

Important! These are small (mosquito size 3-8 mm) flying insects. The body color of ordinary mosquitoes is gray.

Only female mosquitoes drink human blood, and they can be carriers of diseases dangerous to humans.
The main diet of mosquitoes consists of plant juices and human blood. At the same time, only female mosquitoes prefer human blood - they need it for high-quality fertilization and development of eggs, in other words, to increase the population. Males feed only on plant sap.

Ultrasound-based protective agents

An ultrasonic device can also guarantee optimal protection against pests, including mosquitoes. Electronic devices can emit ultrasound, which has no effect on people. However, mosquitoes are sensitive to certain sound vibrations, as a result of which they cannot fly to the site.

This mosquito repeller prevents the appearance of insects in the area, making it safe for living creatures.

Ultrasonic repellers

The devices differ in the following criteria:

  • power level;
  • price;
  • the area that is covered;
  • way of eating;
  • form.

Devices that use ultrasonic waves to repel insects receive different responses, positive and negative. For this reason, it is impossible to determine exactly how efficiently a selected electronic device will perform in your yard.

Conditions for the spread of mosquitoes

Mosquitoes, depending on the species, may prefer different conditions for their residence and reproduction. However, there are several general conditions that apply to almost all types:

  • The optimal temperature for the development of the mosquito population and life activity is considered to be from 10 to 22 degrees Celsius;
  • humid climate;
  • proximity to bodies of water, both natural and artificial;
  • the presence of dense greenery on the site;
  • closeness to people.

If there is a body of water on your property or nearby, mosquitoes will most likely become your frequent “guests.”

Important! Based on this, we can say that most regions of our country have quite attractive conditions for the life and breeding of mosquitoes.

Photo gallery: measures to prevent the appearance of mosquitoes in a summer cottage

Containers with water on the site must be tightly closed (it must be changed at least once a week) When watering, do not over-moisten the soil and allow the formation of puddles

There is no need to allow overly lush vegetation and weeds to grow on the site.


Most often, it is more advisable to protect not the space where you are relaxing, because it can be a forest where there are quite a lot of mosquitoes, and remedies against them may be ineffective, but yourself. For this purpose, there are substances that can repel not only mosquitoes, but also many other insects. Their name is repellents.

You can use repellents to repel mosquitoes.

Many summer residents can no longer imagine being in nature without repellents - deterrents available in the form of sprays, creams and lotions. Their manufacturers annually improve their products, producing drugs for children, for people with sensitive skin and allergies.

Important! During periods of activity of flying pests, many literally replace their perfumes with repellents, because leaving the house, especially in the evening, without protection means dooming yourself to constant banging and irritation from buzzing nearby.

Repellents are applied to the skin or clothing. For humans they often have no odor, but for insects they have a nasty, repulsive aroma that does not allow them to get closer to their source.

Repellents can be applied to skin or clothing

But if the use of chemical repellents is impossible for some reason, there is always the option of resorting to natural remedies. So, as a natural repellent, you can use indoor lemon, cedar oil or a decoction of wheatgrass roots.

What modern ways to use

If you don’t trust traditional recipes or want to use something more effective and reliable, then modern chemical agents for fighting parasites can help you.


There are many types of chemical repellents. These are the most popular and simple means to combat mosquitoes. There are lotions, sprays, tablets, aerosols, plates, spirals, liquids - options for every taste. The most convenient, perhaps, are aerosols: they can be sprayed on the body, hair, clothes and irrigate the room. On average, all forms last from two to six hours. So-called pyrotechnic repellents can be analogues of herbs smoldering on coals. The cheapest and most common is a spiral that needs to be set on fire. This should be done outdoors so that toxic fumes do not poison the room. The spiral will begin to smolder and will drive away pests.

Anti-mosquito coil Raid

Chemical treatment

This is a fairly effective way to forget about bloodsuckers forever. Today, the chemical industry is developing a variety of site treatment products. First of all, places where insects can breed are irrigated: ditches with water, ponds, storm drains, and so on. After this comes the turn of living quarters, with special attention paid to basements. Chemicals are sprayed on trees, bushes, and fences. It is best to call a special service to effectively irrigate your site; they will do everything quickly, efficiently and, most importantly, safely. Specialists work in special protective suits, so they are not exposed to the toxic effects of substances. If you decide to carry out such a procedure yourself, it is very important to stock up on the necessary clothing, and also carefully study the instructions for using certain products.

Spray Dichlorvos

Even though chemicals that kill mosquitoes have no effect on people or pets, safety precautions must be followed in full. Such treatment of the area provides a guarantee of protection for one to two months, sometimes a little more - it depends on how rainy the summer will be.

Ultrasonic repellers

There are ultrasonic repellers. How to remove mosquitoes from your area using them? Mosquitoes cannot tolerate ultrasound, but these devices reproduce it, forcing them to stay away from the garden. In addition to stationary ones, there are other varieties, for example those that are attached to clothing or keys. These devices will protect an area of ​​up to 50 square meters. But they also have disadvantages. One of them is that not all insect subspecies are sensitive to ultrasound. There are mosquitoes that are not affected by harmful effects. Therefore, it is better to buy models where you can change the oscillation frequency.

Ultrasonic repeller


Bottle trap

To make it, you will need a regular plastic bottle, a glass of warm water, and sugar.

Cut off the top of the bottle, 5-6 cm from the neck. Pour prepared water into the remaining bottle (it should not be cold or, conversely, hot - only warm, about 30-35 degrees), add sugar (if the bottle is small, then 4-5 tablespoons will be enough), then mix. If desired, you can add yeast; for greater effect, there is no need to mix it with the rest of the solution. Now we cover it all with the cut part of the bottle, turning it upside down.

An excellent option would be to install a trap that will attract most of the insects.


Ready! Place a trap near you in a gazebo or garden. The smell from the trap will attract insects, and most of them will fly to study it. In addition to mosquitoes, flies, wasps, ants and other small animals will be interested in such bait.


The invention is not new and has already proven itself as an excellent “fighter” against various annoying insects: flies, bees, wasps, small midges, etc. get on the Velcro.

They look like a roll or piece of adhesive tape. The tape is stretched and hung where it is necessary to reduce the number of mosquitoes. The segment is usually placed on a wall, a gazebo support, or a window.

Important! In any case, it is advisable to have a light source nearby.

Velcro is often used, which helps get rid of not only mosquitoes, but also flies and bees

UV lamp

Any light source, especially ultraviolet light, attracts insects. The idea of ​​the trap is that the light will attract mosquitoes, and an additional element (different traps use different methods, but most often it is a specific chemical smell) will kill the insects.

Opinions regarding the effectiveness of the UV trap vary: some note that they have been using it for several years and are delighted with the effect, while others, on the contrary, say with annoyance that installing the lamp did not bring any effect.

Another option for getting rid of pests is a UV trap, but not everyone confirms the effectiveness of this method

Repellent plants

An interesting method of control is repellent plants. Some groups of plants, thanks to certain mechanisms (appearance, smell of flowers), attract various insects, but sometimes nature works in the opposite direction, scaring some species. By arranging a green corner in the garden, on the balcony, or terrace, this property of some representatives of the flora can be successfully used.

Sometimes garden owners, having heard about repellent plants, imagine that by planting 2-3 plants they can create effective protection over a large area. Unfortunately, this doesn't work. We are not technically or financially able to create barriers against mosquitoes that work throughout the entire area of ​​the dacha. For small areas (balconies, terraces, gazebos), this is possible. Although here, too, there is a need to plant a large number - 10-20 of these plants, which can significantly reduce the presence of unwanted insects, although it still does not completely guarantee their disappearance.

How do plants repel mosquitoes and flies?

Plants in the following groups emit certain compounds (usually volatile essential oils) whose odor is disliked by unwanted insects. A “chemical wall” appears around the plants, however, the strength and intensity of the odor decreases with distance from the plants.

Plants “work well” in moist, semi-shaded places from the sun. On balconies, the influence of sunlight can weaken the effect of plants. Plants should be planted densely, preferably at several levels. The types used have decorative qualities, so they will help in decoration. They also emit a pleasant smell.

What plants repel mosquitoes and flies?

The plants listed below include popular species suitable for balconies, gardens and are relatively easy to grow. The most popular repellent plants are:

  1. Plectranthus coleus (spurflower). Loves a slightly shaded exposure; in a sunny meadow it grows too wildly, the leaves can burn. A perennial evergreen plant that requires regular watering and does not tolerate drought. Requires fertilization from spring to autumn every 2-3 weeks (it is recommended to use complex fertilizers).

  2. Geranium (pelargonium) – flies and midges don’t like its smell. A popular indoor and balcony plant can grow in flower beds in sunny areas. In summer, geraniums should be watered frequently, preferably 1-2 times a day. From spring until the end of the season, it should be fertilized with specialized fertilizers for geraniums with increased doses of phosphorus. Removing spent flowers will prolong flowering.

  3. Lavender angustifolia – grown on the balcony, terrace, next to the gazebo. Lavender repels mosquitoes and midges. The plant loves a secluded, warm location. Optimal soils are limestone with good drainage. Before the onset of winter, it requires careful shelter (especially plants grown in containers and pots).

  4. Peppermint, other types of mint – grown almost anywhere. Likes a well-lit display, but not in direct sunlight. Prefers drained, fertile soils. When grown in containers, you should water and fertilize regularly. It is worth trimming the shoots to stimulate tillering.

  5. Basil – varieties with green leaves can grow in partial shade, varieties with colorful leaves, such as purple, need more sun. Care is similar to that of mint.

  6. Peruvian heliotrope – repels mosquitoes, smells like vanilla. Heliotrope requires fertile, permeable soils. Sometimes it can be capricious in cultivation. It should be watered regularly, fertilized, but not flooded.

These beautiful aromatic herbs, planted in flower beds, will become not only an insect repeller, but also a wonderful decoration for the area. Among the perennials there are excellent species for rock gardens and covering sunny slopes. Most plants love sunny exposure, some tolerate partial shade.

General precautions

Sometimes it is impossible to completely get rid of the presence of annoying insects. Relaxing by the lake, in a country house or just an evening walk - mosquitoes can be found everywhere. This means that you need to find options on how to protect yourself from bites and other troubles.

  1. Choose clothes made of thick fabric that cover all possible parts of the body well.
  2. Screens, mesh frames or thick gauze should be installed on windows, doors and other open spaces in the apartment/house.
  3. When you are outside, especially in the evening, apply high-quality repellents to your skin and clothing.
  4. Use spirals and other insect repellents when in the country or on vacation.

    If mosquitoes are found in the house, it is recommended to get rid of them as soon as possible, as they can lay eggs

  5. At night, as a precaution, it is worth using traps and fumigators - both conventional and electric, powered by the network.
  6. If you find mosquitoes in enclosed spaces, be sure to try to get rid of them: if it is a female, it will not only bother you, but may also lay eggs in a secluded place.

Important! These simple precautions will help get rid of annoying insects and the possible consequences of their presence and bites.

For complete safety, you should be concerned about selecting the optimal means, a list of which we will discuss in this article, to prevent the appearance and control of mosquitoes.

Methods for controlling blood-sucking insects

You can fight mosquitoes and midges in different ways:

  • by installing barriers that insects cannot penetrate;
  • scaring away bloodsuckers with unpleasant smells or sounds;
  • local or total destruction.

The means for waging this fight can be divided into the following groups:

  • mechanical - nets, mosquito nets;
  • chemical - all kinds of industrially produced repellents and insecticides;
  • electric - various devices for scaring away or, conversely, luring and destroying insects;
  • biological - using the characteristics of the life cycle of insects to reduce their population.

The best result is achieved, as in other areas of life, by implementing a set of measures that includes several different methods. This complex for each individual site should be developed individually, taking into account the characteristics of the microclimate, landscape, your habits and preferences.

Let's take a closer look at the main ways to fight for the integrity of your skin and a relaxing holiday in the country.

Mosquito net ProGarden 130x150cm black with Velcro

A mosquito bit me: what to do?

If you notice redness, slight swelling, or even a blister, the skin in which is terribly itchy, then most likely you have been bitten by a mosquito. We unbearably want to scratch the bite site, saving ourselves from pain and itching, but after scratching everything only gets worse: the skin turns even redder, blood may appear, and an unsightly mark will remain on the scratched area for a long time.

It's best not to scratch the bite area as this may cause more problems.

What to do if a mosquito bites you?

  1. Itching is perfectly relieved by fresh onion juice, aloe juice, lemon, dandelion leaves, as well as by applying plantain or parsley.
  2. A saturated solution of table salt will also protect the bite site from the desire to scratch it and redness.
  3. Ammonia, vinegar solution, soda - what you can use to wipe the bite area.
  4. You definitely need to treat the areas that you have already combed with brilliant green.
  5. If the itching does not stop, you should use allergy medications and immediately visit a doctor.

If you notice a mosquito bite, it is recommended to use ammonia, vinegar, soda and other means that can be easily found, perhaps, in every home

Proper organization of the site

This is a simple and at the same time quite effective method. If applied correctly, you can provide comprehensive protection on an area of ​​8-9 acres or even more. Doesn't matter.

Proper organization means creating a natural barrier for uninvited guests. It is known that bloodsuckers have very subtle senses. They find some smells attractive, be it alcohol, sweat, lactic acid, ammonia or carbon dioxide. Others are absolutely unpleasant to them. It is precisely the second fact that must be based on.

Many plants have an odor that mosquitoes cannot tolerate. These seeds can be found in almost any agricultural or country store. The choice may fall on the following plants:

  • Swamp mint. A small, pleasant looking plant. Has a very strong odor. Therefore, it is better not to plant in large clusters and in a row. Can be replaced with relatives in the group: for example, peppermint.
  • Basil. Small plants with a pleasant aroma. At least for humans.
  • Marigold. Small colorful flowers that will become a pleasant decoration for any plot of land. They are grown in pots and also in open ground. The plant is quite unpretentious. Therefore, it can be planted almost anywhere.
  • Lavender. It has a subtle aroma that is pleasant to the human nose. In addition, it has a pleasant appearance.
  • Sagebrush. A bitter herb that can be used in moderate quantities to decorate summer cottages. Mosquitoes cannot tolerate the smell of wormwood, either fresh or dried.
  • Carnation. A vibrant herbaceous plant. Can be used to control insects.
  • Tansy. A plant with small yellow inflorescences. It has a subtle bitter aroma. At the same time, it very effectively protects the summer cottage not only from mosquitoes, but also from other harmful insects.

This is not a complete list of options. This also includes garden plants such as lemon balm, catnip and others.

This method of fighting has many advantages. It does not require large financial expenses. Also relatively easy to implement. Can cover a larger area at once. But there are also disadvantages. First of all, it will take a lot of physical work to plant the plants. In addition, you need to choose the right combination so as not to spoil the aesthetics of your summer cottage.

With proper organization of plantings, you can achieve a pleasant appearance, and also get rid of mosquitoes yourself using natural means.

Mosquito repellents

For home use

It is easiest to get rid of bloodsuckers indoors, since in an open area the most we can do is reduce their numbers and scare them away for a certain time. But in a closed space we can even prevent their appearance, using, for example, the following prevention methods:

  • close windows and doors at night;
  • do not turn on the lights when windows and doors are open;
  • Use home protection products to repel insects.

And, of course, the most effective way to combat it is to install a mosquito net. At the same time, with a mesh, you can open the window at night so that fresh air can enter the room without fear that a bunch of flying pests will annoy you while you sleep.

You can’t go anywhere without a mosquito net – thanks to it you can freely ventilate the room without fear of mosquito attacks

Important! However, cunning insects can find another way and still enter the home. Goodbye, peaceful sleep! Buzzing over the ear, bites, the marks from which cause terrible itching and many other unpleasant consequences.

Don’t despair: modern means called fumigators will help you evict annoying neighbors.

DeviceNuances of use

Electric fumigator with plates, powered by mains

The plates must be changed periodically.

Electric fumigator with a removable container containing a toxic liquid

It is important to take precautions when coming into contact with liquid when refilling the container.

If mosquitoes do get into your home, fumigators will help you get rid of them.
The above electrical devices can be used in closed spaces, for example, at home, but do not forget to periodically ventilate the room, especially if it is a bedroom.

In open spaces

Repellent plants

If you do not want to resort to chemical and expensive means and preparations to combat flying bloodsuckers, you can use alternative methods. Scientists have conducted many studies and come to the conclusion that mosquitoes cannot tolerate the aroma of some “simple” plants. The list of the “green army” includes:

  • spruce;
  • fir;
  • sagebrush;
  • mint;
  • lavender;
  • Walnut;
  • western thuja;
  • tomato leaves;
  • black currant;
  • valerian;
  • lemon;
  • tansy;
  • carnation.

To get rid of mosquitoes in your area, you can plant plants that repel such insects

Important! These plants will help make your area less attractive to mosquitoes and some other insects.

There are also additional options for using plants as a means to get rid of annoying midges:

  • while at the dacha, you can place juniper branches in the fire, which will definitely scare away bloodsuckers from your area;
  • plants can be placed in a vase at home to protect the room from pests;
  • These plants can be made into a decoction and used as a repellent, applied to the skin of the body or sprinkled on clothing.

You can make a decoction of the above plants to spray on clothes and skin, or use essential oils.
Despite the prevalence and general safety of these plants for humans, it is worth remembering individual intolerances and possible allergies.


You can buy a fumigator in the form of a spiral in stores. They are sold in boxes of 5-10 pieces.

The spiral is very simple to use: it must be installed on the metal base included in the kit and set on fire, holding it over the fire for 15-20 seconds. Afterwards, the spiral should be extinguished and left to smolder and fumigate the room.

A spiral is often used, which is set on fire to repel mosquitoes.

Some manufacturers give different recommendations for use, so it is better to study the description on the package. The only condition that unites all spirals is a ban on use in enclosed spaces and installation near people and food.

Important! It is best to place the spiral at a distance of two to three meters from the resting place.

Ultrasonic repellers

Small boxes that you can carry with you anywhere. The effect of the repellers extends over two meters around, driving away pests that are uncomfortable with ultrasound, including mosquitoes.

Recently, ultrasonic repellers have become popular, which usually have a range of 8-12 meters. They can be used both at home and outdoors

There are also OUs that operate from the network. They can be purchased for your home, as their range of action reaches 8-12 meters, which allows you to rid an entire room of bloodsuckers.

Important! Don’t forget about the most powerful electric repellers, operating at a distance of up to 50 m. They will definitely help rid your dacha gazebo of insects for evening tea.

Chemicals sprayed around the perimeter

Chemicals used to control blood-sucking insects kill adults or cause their inability to reproduce or other physiological disorders that threaten their vital functions. Chemical extermination of mosquitoes must be carried out taking into account:

  • environmental conditions,
  • garden location.

Chemical treatment of the area

The following chemical control methods exist:

  1. Ground spraying is done by spraying a chemical in the form of an aerosol. These are the most effective and popular remedies.
  2. Spraying a fine mist in the yard with a chemical. The method consists of creating a fine mist in the open air from a chemical insecticide that settles on the surface, penetrating into the smallest cracks and cracks, killing the adults. Adding a special substance (oil) to the composition leads to better “sticking” of the solution to surfaces, the method becomes more effective and lasts longer.

The sprayed chemical covers the garden vegetation, which acts as a habitat for mosquitoes and midges:

  • bushes,
  • grass,
  • reeds,
  • thickets.

The more dense the bushes grow in the garden, the better the effectiveness of the method.

The effect of sprayed preparations in dry weather lasts 3-4 weeks. After rains, the drug is washed off from the surface of the plants, and the effectiveness decreases.

To make the chemical more effective, it should be used over as large an area as possible. You can also use a chemical:

  • along the perimeter of the site,
  • on adjacent residential premises (you need to coordinate this issue with your neighbors).

This will provide longer lasting protection. The duration of action will reduce the cost of services, the entire operation will be more efficient. The cost of the method depends on the surface on which the procedure is planned to be performed.

If the above methods are not enough, you can use:

  • special candles,
  • aroma sticks,
  • traps,
  • ultrasonic mosquito repeller for outdoors,
  • special socks, nets, clothing that protect against insects.

If there is access to an electrical outlet near the gazebo, you can use an electrofumigator - a device with an evaporator in the form of a plate impregnated with insecticides. When the fumigator is placed in an electrical outlet, substances harmful to insects are released.

There are repellents applied to clothing and insect nets. This will allow you to calmly walk in the garden, outside the site.

Safety precautions when using chemicals

Before using any repellent, you need to carefully read the label and follow the instructions. The most effective repellents contain the active ingredient DEET (N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide). Using DEET in excess carries a significant risk of side effects. Scientists from the Pour le Développement Research Institute in Montpellier have proven that DEET has a neurotoxic effect. The product is effective in changing the behavior of restless insects and also blocks the action of acetylcholinesterase. This enzyme is designed to transmit nerve impulses. Inhibition of this enzyme in the body can cause serious illness.

The American organization Environmental Working Group has proven that DEET does not completely protect against insects. Some species of mosquitoes are accustomed to synthetic drugs and change their taste system. Therefore, the DEET barrier works once and you have to use it again!

Frequent use of DEET can lead to poisoning. The first symptoms of poisoning are redness of the eyes. If the DEET concentration is 30 percent, you may experience:

  • headache,
  • dizziness,
  • irritation of mucous membranes,
  • muscle tremor.

We take a serious risk if the drug gets on the body.

Instead of DEET, you can use products with the following substances:

  1. Icaridin - almost as effective, but less irritating;
  2. IR3535 – less irritating to humans.


Manufacturers of drugs to combat various pests are trying to improve and release new products every year. For example, insecticides.

The main active ingredients in such preparations are usually fenthion, malathion, deltamethrin, cypermethrin. However, they have many limitations in use due to their chemical composition. Thus, insecticides should not be used on water bodies containing fish for food. It is also not allowed to graze livestock, collect berries, mushrooms and other crops in areas that have been treated with drugs earlier than 20 days after the day of treatment.

To radically solve the problem, you can use insecticides - such products will get rid of mosquitoes for a long time, but they can be dangerous to humans

Important! The advantage of such preparations is the fact that they act as a prophylactic agent, preventing the appearance of many insects, including mosquitoes, in the treated area.

All currently existing drugs do their job well, depending on the conditions of their use. Therefore, if you are wondering which drug to choose in order to protect yourself and your loved ones, then focus on the price and choose a product according to your finances. Domestic products certainly have a more reasonable price than foreign ones.

It’s also worth first determining what causes mosquitoes to appear on your property. For example, there is a pond next to your dacha. In this case, it will serve as a comfortable area for bloodsuckers to live and reproduce. To get rid of or at least reduce the number of annoying insects, it is best to treat the pond with insecticides.

You can treat a pond located nearby with insecticides - this should help reduce the number of insects in the area

Smoke bomb

To create comfortable conditions in your dacha, you can use a smoke bomb. The composition includes an insecticide that is released into the air during combustion.

The favorite remedy of most consumers is the Quiet Evening smoke bomb. It contains Permethrin. Price for 1 checker – 450 rubles.

The checker must be placed on a flat, horizontal surface that is resistant to fire - a metal sheet or brick will do. Light the fuse. It is not recommended for people and animals to stand nearby.

After 4-5 minutes, the burning will end, but the toxic particles will settle on the grass and leaves - the effect will continue for another 2-3 days. Approximate area coverage – 300 m². Pests will not fly into this zone, and at a distance of 3 m from the checker, all insects will die.

Do not use the product near open water, beds and fruit-bearing trees.

After use, the smoke bomb may be disposed of as regular waste.

The most popular drugs.

"Suspended Sc Insecticide"

One of the most powerful drugs used both outdoors and in closed spaces. The main substance is deltamethrin. The company promotes the drug as a professional insecticide and acaricide.

The product is multifunctional and allows you to fight more than 50 types of insect pests. The only difference is in the dosage, full information about which the manufacturer provides on the packaging and on its website.

Important! Reviews about the drug vary. It saves you from most insects for a maximum of a month, but from mosquitoes – for no more than a week. Some people are happy with this option, others want the effect to last longer.

Suspend Sc Insecticide helps fight different types of insects

"Black Flag 190255 Fogging Insecticide 32-Ounce"

Attention! The drug may only be used in open, large spaces! Use in enclosed spaces is prohibited!

The active substance is 3-phenoxybenzyl. It does an excellent job of killing mosquitoes, creating an additional barrier that lasts up to 6-8 hours. Precautionary measures include the mandatory use of a protective mask and the need to carry out the treatment procedure only in weather without wind.

Black Flag 190255 Fogging Insecticide 32-Ounce should only be used in open areas

It should be remembered that mosquitoes have the ability to adapt to various poisons and pesticides, which were previously used to combat them. It is difficult to predict what chemicals were used on your site previously, and what chemicals are used by your dacha neighbors.

Important! If a drug has no effect or works very weakly, in your opinion, do not rush to draw conclusions about ineffectiveness. Most likely, your mosquitoes are already adapted to the active element of the product used. It is worth trying to use some new product with a different active substance.

If one drug does not work, it may be worth changing it, since the insects may have adapted to a certain drug

Useful tips

Although scientists have found that mosquitoes and midges can fly over 10 km in search of food, such long journeys are the exception rather than the rule. Most bloodsuckers are born, grow and reproduce within your area. If you make its territory as uncomfortable as possible for midges, its numbers will significantly decrease.

  • Mow all the grass. This is where insects hide during a hot day. They do not tolerate heat and dry air well, preferring coolness and dampness.
  • Drain damp, poorly ventilated and not exposed to sunlight areas, remove puddles, and organize drainage of the surface layer of soil.
  • Avoid artificial ponds.
  • Install an airtight container for the summer shower.
  • Inspect water irrigation pipes, hoses, and taps. Even small leaks lead to the formation of puddles and spots of constant dampness.

Owners of neighboring plots should take similar actions. You won't be able to get rid of mosquitoes if they can breed unhindered in the thickets and puddles in your neighborhood.

Mosquito candle in a pot 13x6.5cm paraffin/wax

Anti-mosquito bacteria

Not long ago, a new product appeared on the market - tablets with anti-mosquito bacteria. The active ingredient of this drug, Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies israelensis (BT.I.), is a biologically active element capable of regulating the mosquito population. The product is available in the form of tablets, granules and bags, inside of which the drug is in bulk form. The leading sales positions are occupied by tablets and granules, which received more than 90% of positive reviews on Amazon.

Bacteria kill insect larvae on the site, preventing them from appearing again for 30-35 days. A nice feature is that all the ingredients are completely natural, which makes the product environmentally friendly and harmless to people.

Recently, people have often used anti-mosquito bacteria

Manufacturers say that 24 hours is enough to destroy all existing insect larvae that are being controlled. That is, the use of bacteria will prevent the larvae from hatching and reaching the adult stage.

One of the reviews about BTI says that everything can happen even faster: “I decided to test the tablets. About half a spoonful of granules was poured into a 20-liter bucket, inside of which there was a huge amount of mosquito larvae. Three hours and they're all dead - it's great!

The packaging does not say how often the bacteria should be used or how often to renew the drug in the area used. However, scientists and experienced users say that the product should be updated approximately once every week and a half. Dosage according to the instructions - 1 teaspoon per 2-3 square meters. m. water surface.

24 hours will be enough to get rid of insects for a while

Buyers of the drug use it as a means both to get rid of mosquitoes and to prevent their occurrence. Thus, even before the period of insect activity, you can place the bacteria in a pond or a large container of water so that they have time to begin their preventive action.

Mosquitoes really cause a lot of trouble and significantly worsen outdoor recreation. Therefore, you should take precautions, as well as ways to deal with annoying bloodsuckers. Protect yourself and your loved ones, because mosquito bites not only cause trouble in the form of itching and redness, but can even be dangerous!

Methods for large-scale destruction of mosquitoes

Mosquitoes can be completely destroyed by resorting to disinfestation of the summer cottage. This method will help at the same time rid the territory of the dacha of ticks, ants, horseflies, and midges. To do this, either call a team of professional exterminators, or carry out the extermination on your own, having purchased a suitable preparation, sprayer and protective equipment.

The services of a team that uses generators to create a toxic cloud will cost an average of 2,000 rubles for every 6 acres. Such a haze, which will remain in the air for some time, will destroy adult mosquitoes, larvae and egg laying throughout the entire territory of the summer cottage for up to 2 months.

When treating your dacha yourself, professionals advise carrying out mass extermination of mosquitoes using proven preparations.

“Bioneutral I 50” is a professional means for exterminating harmful insects and their larvae in your summer cottage

  • “Bioneutral I 50” is a concentrate for diluting with water and spraying a summer cottage against mosquitoes. One liter canister is enough for 20 acres, the price is about 2000 rubles.

  • “Medilis Cyper” is an anti-mosquito concentrate for spraying in a diluted state both outside the site and inside the country house. A 50 ml bottle of the product will cost 10 acres, a package of 2 bottles of 50 ml costs 500 rubles.

  • “Tsifoks” is a similar concentrated emulsion that can rid a summer cottage of mosquitoes for at least a month. Available in dosages of 50 ml, 1 l and 0.5 l, price from 300 rubles.

Note! The listed products are based on a single active insecticide - cypermethrin with a concentration of 25%, which poses a danger not only to harmful insects, but also to bees and fish. Therefore, the instructions stipulate the conditions - when and how to treat an area with an apiary or fish.

There are proven mosquito repellents based on similar active pesticides:

  • “Doctor Klaus Insect Super” - a domestic line of ready-made aerosols based on alphacypermethrin (0.12%), consumption per area - 50 ml per hundred square meters, price from 600 rubles;

  • “K-Otrin SC50” from Bayer is a French concentrated suspension of deltamethrin (0.5%), consumption - 50 ml per hundred square meters, price over 2000 rubles.

Those whose plot is adjacent to a body of water should pay attention to the product “Biolarvitsid-30” or “Biolarvitsid-100”. This is a safe biological destroyer of mosquito eggs and larvae in water and in damp places, without toxic chemicals or processing restrictions. A jar of powder weighing 30 g when diluted with water is enough to treat 3 acres or 300 square meters. m of plot area, and jars weighing 100 g - per 10 acres or 1 sq. km. 1 jar weighing 30 g costs from 1000 rubles, weighing 100 g - from 1500 rubles.

A professional pest control service is not cheap, however, the effect of their visit will last more than two months

Summary! The advantages of disinfestation are that a summer cottage is free from mosquitoes for at least 2 months; the disadvantages are that the treatment is chemically unsafe and not everyone can afford it. It makes sense to resort to it if you constantly live outside the city throughout the entire season. For periodic trips to the dacha, there is no particular point in carrying out disinfestation.

An alternative to poisons are folk remedies, with whose help people have long fought against swarms of mosquitoes. They do not require troublesome treatments, because they are based on repelling bloodsuckers by generously planting plants in the area whose smell the midges cannot tolerate. These are wormwood, thyme, tomatoes, basil, cloves, chickweed, tansy and mint, as well as elderberry and bird cherry.

Summary! The effectiveness of plants against mosquitoes is low, especially in areas near a source of water or dampness, so additional means are required for local protection against mosquito bites.

See also: The most effective way to control mosquitoes (video)

Mosquitoes in Russia and the world

There are about three thousand species in the world, more than a hundred species live in Russia.

The following types are common in Russia:

  • Squeak mosquito, common, Culex - found everywhere, transmits meningitis, Japanese encephalitis, belongs to real mosquitoes, found in the Krasnodar region;
  • The yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti, transmits yellow fever, Zika virus, and Dengue fever. In Russia it is found in the southern regions;
  • A true mosquito, Culiseta - carries many diseases, such as: West Nile fever, Japanese encephalitis, filariasis, malaria, St. Louis encephalitis. The squeak mosquito is mainly widespread in the Russian Federation.
  • Anopheles messeae - carries malaria. It is found in the south and central part of the country, in the Urals and Western Siberia. In the Far East.

Although they can all carry various diseases, this does not mean that they carry it, since this disease may be absent in the territory where they live, and in the Russian Federation they are extremely rare due to the cold climate, mainly rare cases of diseases are found in the southern regions of the country. Don’t be afraid of every mosquito you see that bites you and immediately run to the hospital for examination.

Mosquito habitats include stagnant bodies of water, marshy shores, forests and meadows. Rain and high humidity favor their appearance, as they like to lay their eggs in puddles.

Big puddle

The natural enemies of mosquitoes are various aquatic insects, fish and amphibians. But they live in bodies of water, so there are always more mosquitoes in forests and wetlands.

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They are usually active in the evening.

Female mosquitoes bite; when they bite, they inject poison, such as histamine and others, which causes itching and burning after the bite.

Rarely, and in a limited group of people with allergies, it can cause anaphylactic shock, but in most cases, the consequences of a bite do not cause symptoms other than itching.

Male mosquitoes are harmless and do not bite; they feed on pollen.

The life cycle of a mosquito is short and lasts up to several weeks.

The female mosquito uses blood to produce her eggs due to its high protein and other nutritional content. After laying eggs, the female dies. In rare cases, if she manages to replenish her blood supply, she can carry out a second clutch.

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