What cockroaches love most: 5 foods that attract insects

Hello! None of us are immune to encountering a nasty mustachioed parasite one night in our kitchen. The appearance of cockroaches in an apartment often results in a protracted problem for household members. Removing pests can be very difficult. Disinsection, freezing, and repellents are used. All means are good in the fight against them, and today we will tell you about directly catching insects with bait. This option is not the most effective, but definitely the safest. Allergies to insecticides, small children, pets - all this can make the use of cockroach traps the only possible tactic in this battle. But remember, cockroaches are very adaptable and will not climb into a trap unless absolutely necessary. You need to be smart to get them there.


Cockroach control experts agree that cheese is the best bait for these insects. They are attracted to any of its varieties. Cockroaches like cheese so much because of its sour smell. The same can be said about butter. A cheese sandwich left on the table can play a cruel joke on you and attract cockroaches who will happily feast on it.


Cockroach traps may differ in the method of capture, attractiveness to insects, and effectiveness. There are 5 types of traps on sale with different operating principles. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages.


The action of glue traps is extremely simple - an insect that gets into them becomes firmly glued to the sticky base. To achieve the effect, it is recommended to place several Velcro sticks in the apartment at once.

The trap is a box made of paper or cardboard with several holes made through which cockroaches get inside. At the bottom of the box there is a special glue that does not dry out for a long time.

How it works:

  1. The cockroach, attracted by the pleasant smell, climbs into the trap.
  2. Once stuck, the insect cannot get out. It is dying of thirst. Or a person destroys it by checking the traps.


  • completely harmless - no threat to children and pets;
  • cheapness.


  • one-time use - the box is disposed of along with the glued cockroaches;
  • stuck insects rustle for a while, trying to escape - this can be annoying;
  • do not completely solve the problem of the presence of cockroaches - glue traps only reduce their numbers.


These traps kill the caught cockroaches. Essentially, this is an electrical appliance that requires compliance with appropriate safety measures - it should not be placed on a damp surface, and children should not be allowed near it.

How it works:

  1. Bait is placed in a special chamber to attract cockroaches.
  2. Having penetrated inside the trap, the insects instantly die from electric shock.
  3. Periodically, dead cockroaches are shaken out and the bait is changed.


  • completely non-toxic;
  • can be used for a long time;
  • instant death.


  • powered by electricity;
  • high price.


Electrostatic type traps have appeared recently, and they are not yet on the Russian market. Their action is based on the potential difference between the electrical charges of wax particles and the body of the cockroach.

How it works:

  1. Place bait into an electrostatic trap.
  2. The cockroach follows the smell.
  3. Climbing into the trap, he touches the wax and becomes a victim of electrostatic discharge.
  4. The cockroach loses the ability to move for 2 days. During this time, you need to collect and destroy insects caught in the trap.


  • efficiency;
  • ease of use;
  • safety.

The downside is that it is not available on the Russian market. Need to order from abroad.


Such traps are extremely popular among consumers. Efficiency is achieved due to the spread of the toxic substance among all inhabitants of the colony - it is carried by individuals who have been trapped.

How it works:

  1. A cockroach enters the chamber with poison. Entry and exit is free.
  2. After eating the bait, the insects go to the nests and spread poison there, which infects other individuals. All insects are infected, including those that were not trapped.


  • compactness;
  • Thanks to the sticky fastening, the trap can be placed on any horizontal and vertical surfaces;
  • have an attractive design and do not spoil the interior of the home;
  • do not harm children;
  • mass destruction;
  • Ease of use.

No cons found.


Most insect species do not respond well to ultrasound. However, there are no exact studies on how harmful it is to cockroaches. Practice shows that ultrasound causes paralysis in these insects and reduces their ability to reproduce.

Due to exposure to high-frequency waves, cockroaches experience anxiety. The insects will try to leave the place where the threat comes from. An ultrasonic trap is essentially a repeller.


  • long-term operation;
  • ease of use.


  • power supply;
  • negative impact on pets.

It is recommended to use ultrasonic repellent traps for prevention. They can be turned on from time to time to “chase” cockroaches that have a desire to settle in the apartment.

Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are also attractive to cockroaches, especially in the summer. During this time, people often leave them on the counter rather than in the refrigerator. Fruits and vegetables quickly deteriorate, beginning to emit a subtle smell of rot. This is what attracts cockroaches. We are talking about cut watermelons and melons, peaches, apples and bananas. Do not leave tomatoes and cucumbers on the table.

Be careful where you throw away your fruit and vegetable waste. An apple core thrown into the trash can attract cockroaches just as much as a whole peach lying on the table.

Top 10. Bros Standard

Rating (2021): 4.09

16 reviews from resources taken into account: Yandex.Market, Otzovik

High safety The product contains no toxic substances, and the house itself attracts crawling pests using attractants that are safe for humans.

  • Characteristics

    Price: 290 rub.

  • Country: Poland
  • Active ingredient: rubber
  • Consumption: 1 piece/15 sq. m.
  • Features: does not contain chemical poison

The sticky trap eliminates any crawling insects: cockroaches, ants, locusts. At the same time, it is safe for others, because it does not contain chemical insecticides. Adhesive tape is suitable even for places where allergy sufferers, children or animals live. The base is made of rubber, which does not dry out for about 3 months. Moreover, it does not lose effectiveness in areas with high temperature and humidity. Among the shortcomings often indicated in reviews are the peculiarities of the release form and high consumption. In fact, the pest gets onto the adhesive tape and remains there without infecting other individuals. Considering this fact, to quickly combat insects you will need more than the consumption provided by the manufacturer - up to 1 piece. per sq.m.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Safe composition
  • Slow drying glue
  • Operates at high temperatures
  • Moisture resistant
  • High consumption for large population

See also:

  • 5 safest cockroach repellents


The aromatic liquid is one of the best baits for cockroaches. These insects are especially fond of fermented and sweet drinks. Thus, an open jug of kvass, which people so often drink in the summer, can attract cockroaches. Remember that it is quite difficult to remove insects, so do not leave fermented drinks on the table. Store them in the refrigerator so the cockroaches will not smell it.

The structure of the oral apparatus

Cockroaches have a gnawing type of mouthparts. It is designed for tearing and grinding hard food. With the help of tactile organs (upper lip and maxillae), the insect finds suitable food. To tear off pieces, the upper jaws (mandibles), consisting of chitinous plates with teeth, are used. It doesn’t matter what cockroaches eat, they grind any food with their jaws and moisten it with their salivary glands. Then the food is pushed down the throat. The digestion process is slow; cockroaches only need one meal per day.


Cockroaches love to pick up small crumbs from sweets. If you drop a cookie on the floor, insects will immediately flock to eat it. Cockroaches are attracted to foods rich in carbohydrates. Therefore, sweets are their favorite treat. Cockroaches will not miss the chance to eat marshmallows, sweets and chocolate. Of course, all these products cannot be stored in the refrigerator. Therefore, try to clean the kitchen more often, throw away crumbs and leftover sweets that you do not plan to eat. It is better to wash the floor once again than to remove cockroaches later, trying to find an effective poison for them.

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A Brazilian travels 36 km by bike every day to take his loved one home.

Rare shot: Viktoria Isakova showed her grown-up daughter from Yuri Moroz (new photo)

"Kombat" - with prolonged action

An insecticidal contact trap with a new poison - hydramethylnon, which differs from its analogues in its longer duration of action. One box is enough to exterminate an entire colony of cockroaches. The product is a plastic box with holes, inside of which there is an odorous bait.


  • prolonged action;
  • each cockroach that climbs into the trap infects several fellow tribesmen;
  • There are products of a classic look and the color of the laminate;
  • low toxicity to humans and animals;
  • price.


  • requires regular use;
  • does not always give 100% results.

Price: 180 rub. per package (4 pcs.).


Cockroaches cannot boast of perfect vision. Therefore, they cannot distinguish meat from fish by eye. But they can easily determine what kind of product is in front of them by smell. Cockroaches are especially attracted to the aromas of fried, fatty and smoked foods. This could be a piece of doctor's sausage or brisket that you left on the table. It’s not for nothing that meat products are used as bait to lure out cockroaches.

Recipe No. 1


  • raw egg yolk;
  • 2 tablespoons sugar;
  • 40 g boric acid.

How to prepare and use:

Mix all the ingredients. If it turns out too thick, you can add a little water. Otherwise, add a pinch of flour. When the required consistency is obtained, form balls. The diameter should be no more than half a centimeter. The resulting poisoned baits are laid out on stands made of sheets of paper or lids in places where pests were most often seen.


At night, parasites go in search of food, eat poisonous treats and become fatally poisoned.

Even soap and cosmetics

In fact, cockroaches are omnivorous insects. In conditions of food shortage, they can even eat synthetic things, plastic or metal. They like soap most of all because it contains fat, and cosmetics. For example, cockroaches are known to be attracted to uncapped shampoos and body washes with strong scents. Sometimes insects can even gnaw on house plants.

Keep in mind that cockroaches often settle near water sources. They need it for reproduction, where insects lay their eggs. After three months, offspring appear. To prevent cockroach infestations, keep your home free of high humidity. If you know your neighbors have been pest-ridden recently, install screens on the vents in the kitchen and bathroom.

Baits will help you cope with the first cockroaches that appear in the house. Unlike poisons, insects have not yet developed immunity to them.

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Insecticidal traps - strong poison for cockroaches

An insecticidal trap is a round box containing poisoned bait for cockroaches. The trap is equipped with several holes through which insects can not only get inside, but also get out. This is necessary so that a cockroach that has tasted the insecticide can infect other individuals.

Modern poison traps have several advantages:

  • Thanks to the Velcro located on the reverse side, they can even be attached to vertical planes - away from children and pets;
  • The appearance of these devices will not spoil the interior. Many companies produce traps in beautiful, stylish colors;
  • They have affordable prices;
  • Are freely available;
  • Traps with insecticides do not need to be plugged in - this allows them to be placed near kitchen sinks, in bathrooms and other places with high humidity levels.

Let's look at the best traps based on chemical insecticides. You can buy them in any supermarket and store. The maximum effect can be expected in about 1-2 weeks.


This bait is based on chlorpyrifos, a powerful poison that paralyzes the central nervous system of cockroaches. Having eaten the bait or simply touched it with its paws, the insect becomes a carrier of poison and successfully infects its relatives. The Raptor package consists of 6 traps. Its approximate cost is about 150 rubles.


Victoria: “I have always trusted the Raptor company and managed to try more than one of their products. And this time she did not let her reputation down. Cockroaches appeared unexpectedly. The neighbors started harassing us, so they rushed towards us. The store recommended several products, but I decided to buy the one I trust. Raptor helped get rid of the parasites in just a couple of days - she rushed in just in time. I didn’t notice any effect on my well-being, so I can say for sure that this product is safe.”


The Raid discs are based on lambda cyhalothrin, a powerful insecticide with an intestinal-contact effect. This drug ensures a chain reaction, infecting even those insects that did not come into direct contact with the bait.

Raid packages have several configurations - from 4 to 12 traps. The price of the smallest is about 180 rubles.


Andrey: “I bought Raid in a supermarket near my house. I put the records on in the apartment and forgot about them while doing business. A few months later, my wife was doing some spring cleaning and found a lot of dead cockroaches under the refrigerator and behind the kitchen cabinets. It turns out that this product works just fine. I recommend him to everyone!”

“Combat” and “Combat Superbyte”

Traps of this brand are among the most powerful. Thanks to hydramethylnon, a new generation insecticide, Combat Superbyte allows you to significantly expand the range of insects and kill an entire colony of cockroaches as quickly as possible. A package, which includes 4 traps, costs about 180 rubles.

Read the article here on how to use Kombat for cockroaches.


Marina: “Cockroaches appeared in our house only once. Then I removed them with a very strong remedy - Combat. It truly cannot compare with any other drug! Only a couple of days passed, and not a trace remained of the cockroaches. All I have to do is vacuum up the dead ones. Simple, easy, effective!”

The product “Kombat” is also available in the form of gels and aerosols. Which remedy is the most effective?

“Dohlox” and “Brownie”

In these traps, the main active chemical is fipronil, which is included in the category of insecticides of low toxicity to humans. The downside of these traps is resistance (cockroaches get used to the chemical). That is why both Dohlox and Domovoy need to be used together with other drugs - gels or sprays. In this case they will be more effective. The package consists of 6 records. The cost is 120 rubles.


Alena: “I noticed this living creature in my house about a year ago. I immediately went to the store, planning to buy the strongest chemical. But when I read the composition of the spray, I was horrified! The fact is that I have two purebred cats and I didn’t really want to poison them with all sorts of nasty things. I decided to try the Brownie trap. I bought several pieces and glued them along the walls. The product really helped - the cockroaches disappeared after a few days. Not a single cat was harmed in the process of baiting insects))).”

By the way, one of the best remedies for cockroaches is boric acid. Try making this bait and the result will surprise you:


This trap has a proven formula and will help remove cockroaches in the shortest possible time. However, the presence of a long-known insecticide in this product is fraught with consequences - there is a risk of resistance developing in several generations of insects. The package contains 6 records. The cost ranges from 35 to 80 rubles.

Important! The manufacturer states that aerosols cannot be used with Taiga traps!


Inna: “Having encountered cockroaches, I immediately rushed to the Internet to find out what remedies there are for this evil spirit. I found a lot of good reviews about Taiga traps, so I bought them. I have a young son, so safety is paramount. These traps have fully justified themselves. They completely rid my home of parasites and did not harm anyone.”

"Clean house"

The main active ingredient of this insecticidal trap is chlorpyrifos, which penetrates the cockroach’s body in two ways - contact and food. “Clean House” has a pronounced toxic effect, but can be addictive. In this case, it is better to switch to another drug (there are 6 plates). The cost is approximately 50 rubles.


Oleg: “In my student years, we poisoned cockroaches in the room with the Clean House. The traps really work - cockroaches, of course, appeared, but immediately got to the right address and died. Thanks to the manufacturers for such an effective product.”

How they eat?

Insects search for food at night. Scientists were able to calculate the amount of food consumed by one individual: it is 9.6 kg of dry food per year. The daily norm of food consumption directly depends on gender.

Females eat 2 times more than males. Such gluttony is associated with their function of procreation. By feeding regularly, they are able to reproduce offspring in the shortest possible time. During the day, the female eats up to 50 g of food, and the male eats 20-30 g.

Attention! The mouthparts of cockroaches are so well developed that they can chew through plastic. Therefore, attempts by housewives to protect food by wrapping it in a plastic bag will not be able to stop these insects.

How to protect food from cockroach infestation?

Having free access to food is the main reason for the appearance of cockroaches in a person’s home. This leads to their massive distribution. To prevent food spoilage at home, you need to follow simple rules.

Among them:

  • close the trash can tightly;
  • remove waste daily so that leftover food does not remain overnight;
  • the filter in the sink should be washed regularly with detergent, avoiding the accumulation of food residues in it;
  • Wipe countertops regularly and keep them clean;
  • Do not leave dirty dishes in the sink;
  • all kitchen appliances must be constantly checked for crumbs;
  • Store food in tight containers with an airtight lid.

Cat and dog food should also be kept in sealed containers to prevent pests from getting to it. You should put out a bowl of food only when it is necessary to feed the animal, and then thoroughly wipe the floor near the dining area.

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