Top 10 most effective bed bug remedies 2022. Best bed bug remedies

The fight against blood-sucking insects has its own characteristics. The bug cannot be lured into a trap; food baits do not attract it. Aerosol preparations have a limited duration of action on parasites, and dust powders are ineffective. Therefore, gels against bedbugs have taken a strong position in the category of products against crawling, blood-sucking insects. Paste-like products are easy to use, safe for people and pets, do not emit unpleasant odors and are affordable.

The difference between the gel and other chemicals

Easier-to-use drugs are very popular. Liquid chemicals against bedbugs have many advantages and this attracts buyers. The main advantage of this product is safety for human health. Other chemicals are harmful to the human body and require special precautions.

Children, elderly people, pregnant and lactating women are at increased risk. They can visit the treated premises only after the rooms have been thoroughly cleaned and ventilated. Due to its gel consistency, the drug does not need to be sprayed, distributing chemicals through the air. The poisonous product is available in convenient tubes or syringes, and is carefully applied to the habitats of bloodsuckers.

Another advantage of the gel is the effectiveness of the chemical components. The emulsion has a sweetish odor, which attracts pests, and, when it gets on the legs of an insect, it spreads over a large area. The drugs remain for a long time at the application sites. The residual effect of the toxic agent remains for 2-3 months. To more quickly eliminate insects, gels can be used in combination with other insecticides.

Mode of application

This drug is a contact poison. When an insect comes into contact with the active substance, it is immediately affected by it, although it remains alive. An infected cockroach, returning to its lair, spreads the poison among its relatives. The pests die 8-10 hours after the first contact.

Before use, hold the tube in your hand for a while. Under the influence of natural heat, the product will heat up and become soft. Then:

  • Apply the gel only to dry surfaces. If the areas to be treated are damp, dry them first.
  • Apply the drug in drops. You need to treat the places where pests appear most often. This is the area next to the sink, under cabinets, on window sills, next to baseboards.
  • The gel is applied in a dotted pattern. The distance between drops should be no more than 5 cm.

To protect the surface from stains, first cover it with paper and then apply the gel.

Features of use

Before using liquid insecticides, you need to prepare the room:

  • Clean the furniture thoroughly using a vacuum cleaner. Also pay attention to baseboards, the space behind cabinets and appliances.
  • Send other residents on a walk to prevent children and animals from accidentally getting into the insecticide.
  • Put away food and utensils. Regardless of the fact that the gels are not sprayed into the air, there is a possibility of accidental contact of the drug with food.
  • Inspect the room to detect small pests.

After thoroughly preparing the room, we begin to apply the gel to the affected areas. We pay special attention to:

  • dark space under furniture;
  • any cracks;
  • ventilation;
  • torn and peeling wallpaper;
  • skirting boards;
  • objects that are on the walls;
  • cabinets, especially bookcases.

The gel does not harm human health, but still has some warnings:

  • Processing must be carried out using rubber gloves.
  • The chemical must not be allowed to enter the human body.
  • Children should not have access to areas where the chemical is applied.
  • It is necessary to carefully study the instructions for each insecticide.

To prevent the appearance of bedbugs, it is necessary to use a liquid insecticide once every 2-3 months.

Preparations for killing bedbugs with odor

If professional disinfectors work with bedbugs, then most often they use only potent drugs that have a very unpleasant strong odor.

Such products include “Sinuzan”, “Forsyth”, “Cucaracha”. Also an effective remedy for bedbugs is Tetrix.

The main advantage of these drugs is that they are able to destroy every single bedbug in a short period of time (literally a few hours).

As a rule, for the sake of a quick effect, many are willing to endure the inconvenience of a strong stench rather than fight blood-sucking bugs for years, poisoning them with various gels and dusts.

After treatment by professionals, bedbugs may appear only if they come from neighbors or an egg survives in some secluded place, but this will take time.

If we talk about folk remedies against bedbugs, it is also worth noting that they have a smell and the stronger it is, the more effective the product can help. Among the folk remedies for bedbugs, it is worth noting a decoction of tansy, vinegar and turpentine, and the latter will be much more effective than herbs, since they have a strong unpleasant odor, unlike herbs.

Note: it is worth noting that folk remedies are most likely to prevent the appearance of bedbugs, since they themselves are weak.

Modern insecticides are what will help you get rid of bedbugs quickly and effectively!


The “Kombat” product is brown in color. Thanks to the peritroid components in its composition, the residual effect of the drug lasts up to 10 months. Use with other insecticides is not recommended. Cost from 100 rubles.

Review: “There are bedbugs in the apartment. Having read about this product on the forum, I immediately purchased both the aerosol and the gel. First, I treated the room with dichlorvos and went for a walk. When I arrived home, I opened all the windows, there was no unpleasant smell, and the furniture was not damaged. After collecting the insect corpses with a vacuum cleaner, I treated the baseboards and window sills with gel. I haven’t seen any insects in the apartment for six months now.”

Top 8. Front double 2

Rating (2021): 4.10

45 reviews from resources were taken into account: Yandex.Market, Ozone, Otzovik, IRecommend

The longest residual activity among chemical insecticides The action of Fas-double 2 powder lasts for 4-6 weeks from the moment of initial treatment. This makes it possible in some cases not to reuse the drug and ensures the destruction of bedbugs in one application.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 50 rub.

  • Country Russia
  • Active ingredient: cypermethrin, boric acid
  • Validity period: up to 6 weeks
  • Smell: no
  • Weight: 125 g
  • Toxicity to humans and animals: low hazard (toxicity class 4)

“Fas-double 2” is supplied in convenient packaging for economical and uniform spraying of the powder. The drug has a wide range of effects, it gets rid of all types of insects. The product is very effective, the affected bug dies after 2 hours, while the residual activity of “Fas-double 2” lasts up to 6 weeks. The latter often guarantees the destruction of parasites with one application. The powder is odorless and practically harmless to people and animals, however, at the time of use it is recommended to take precautions and then thoroughly ventilate the room. The powder penetrates well into hard-to-reach places (cracks and folds) but does not hold well on vertical surfaces.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Convenient spray bag
  • Affects a wide range of insects, high efficiency
  • Long residual effect (up to 6 weeks)
  • Affordable price, widely distributed in stores
  • It is necessary to vacate the premises and isolate the animals
  • Poor adhesion to walls and other vertical surfaces


Blockbuster contains the active ingredients fipronil and thiamethoxam. The effect of the drug begins the next day after treating the room. It does not cause an allergic reaction and is odorless. Cost from 30 rubles.

Review: “I studied the description of this drug for a long time and chose it to fight cockroaches. The whole procedure took little time. It was not possible to completely destroy the pest. These parasites crawl from neighbors. However, after using the gel, their number became much smaller.”

Top 6. Absolute

Rating (2021): 4.22

89 reviews from resources were taken into account: Yandex.Market, Ozone, Otzovik

100% natural composition Effective bedbug powder does not contain a single gram of chemical poisons and is completely safe for people and animals. Diatomite and pyrethrum are natural components that are only dangerous to insects.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 500 rub.

  • Country Russia
  • Active ingredient: diatomite 95%, pyrethrum 5%
  • Validity period: up to 3 years
  • Smell: no
  • Weight: 700 g
  • Toxicity to humans and animals: safe

Users like bedbug powder “Absolute” due to its natural composition. Diatomite is a specially processed powder from the fossilized shells of ancient mollusks. Its main ability is to absorb moisture; it damages the bedbug’s shell and dehydrates it. Pyrethrum is a leading poisonous plant component, when it gets on damaged skin, it has a nerve-paralytic effect. The insect dies within 1-2 hours. The powder is unique in that it does not deteriorate over time and does not lose its properties, which ensures a residual effect for up to 3 years. It is completely harmless to people and animals. Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting that the substance must fall directly on the bug so that it quickly dies.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Large amount of product
  • Natural composition
  • Safe for people and animals
  • Rapid death of insects (from 1-2 hours)
  • Residual effect up to 3 years
  • Only those insects that are directly exposed to the powder die


Raptor gel is effective for a month, poisoning all insects in the room. The product is odorless and does not harm humans. Most often, this drug is used in the fight against cockroaches, and is not suitable for quick disinfestation. Cost from 100 rubles.

Today we figured out the features of using gel against bedbugs. To make choosing a drug easier, we have described the most common ones. Whether they will help in the fight against insects depends on your actions. Need to remember:

  1. Before choosing an insecticide, assess the degree of infestation of the room.
  2. You should not risk the health of children; do not allow their presence in the room during processing.
  3. Don't neglect your protective equipment.

Destruction of bedbugs without odor or with a pleasant aroma

Manufacturers who produce modern pleasant-smelling bedbug control products do not completely eliminate the smell of the insecticide, but simply mask it with a strong, pleasant fragrance.

Combat, which comes in aerosol form, is an insecticide and has a mint and lemon scent. The manufacturer uses peritroid as the main component, which has a much less odor than the flavoring used in it.

These drugs are used quite effectively to get rid of bedbugs, and you don’t even have to involve specialists; you can do the work yourself. Using an aerosol, spray all the places where parasites can get into: wallpaper, cabinets, beds, mattresses, after which the doors and windows are closed. The premises are abandoned and all animals must be removed from the house.

Upon returning home, it is necessary to carry out a wet cleaning. The result will be reliable if the surfaces are re-treated after 10 days; this is necessary in order to prevent accidentally surviving parasites from surviving and multiplying again.

Raptor mint aerosols contain cypermethrin; today you can purchase a remedy for bedbugs of this type in any store. It is used in the same way as the drug Combat against bedbugs.

Another popular product is Reid, which is also scented and smells of citrus and lavender. But, despite this, after its use, a strong unpleasant odor of the insecticide itself remains in the room, which takes a long time to dissipate. In general, aerosol-type preparations can be easily purchased not only in specialized stores, but also on the market; they are available to everyone.

Comparing their effectiveness with professional drugs, it must be said that it is much less than that of foul-smelling drugs that specialized services use in their work.

Top 3. Pyrethrum

Rating (2021): 4.68

111 reviews from resources were taken into account: Yandex.Market, Ozone, Otzovik, IRecommend

The safest Pyrethrum powder is a 100% natural plant material that does not pose any danger. The product is completely hypoallergenic. Suitable for use in homes with small children and allergy sufferers.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 230 rub.

  • Country Russia
  • Active ingredient: pyrethrum 100%
  • Validity period: 2 days
  • Smell: no
  • Weight: 100 g
  • Toxicity to humans and animals: safe

“Pyrethrum” is Dalmatian chamomile powder, a completely safe hypoallergenic product for people. The principle of action is based on the destruction of the chitinous shell of the insect and further effects on the nervous system, causing paralysis. A broad-spectrum product that will help not only against bed bugs, but also other harmful insects. To destroy pests, it is enough to regularly sprinkle Pyrethrum in places where they accumulate. It is not necessary to leave home or isolate animals. Using the powder does not require thorough cleaning; it begins to disintegrate on the third day, at which time it loses its insecticidal properties. Reuse required.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Not addictive to insects, highly effective
  • Completely safe for people and animals, natural product
  • The powder can be scattered or its solution can be sprayed
  • Does not require careful cleaning (disintegrates after 48 hours when exposed to light)
  • A single application is not enough for complete destruction

See also:

  • 10 best ant repellents

Top 4. Karbofos

Rating (2021): 4.50

127 reviews from resources were taken into account: Yandex.Market, Ozone, Otzovik, IRecommend

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 30 rub.

  • Country Russia
  • Active ingredient: malathion 10%
  • Validity period: 2 weeks
  • Smell: yes
  • Weight: 30 g
  • Toxicity to humans and animals: toxic

"Karbofos" is the most inexpensive and accessible remedy for house bugs and other pests. The product has been known for a long time and its effectiveness has been proven by time. The drug kills all living insects, but does not affect eggs that have already been laid, and therefore the treatment procedure must be repeated to completely destroy the offspring. The product is very toxic, including for people, it is recommended to carry out the treatment in a respirator, and leave the living space for the next 24 hours. In the future, the apartment needs to be carefully checked. "Karbofos" has a characteristic odor that dissipates over time. Despite all the shortcomings, the product remains one of the most effective and fastest-acting.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Effectively kills bedbugs
  • Affordable price
  • Easy to use
  • When used correctly, it gets rid of bedbugs in 2 weeks.
  • You must leave the apartment during treatment
  • Toxic to humans and animals

See also:

  • 5 safest cockroach repellents
( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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