Why does a person get eyelash mites and how to treat them?

Features of facial care

To protect the skin from aggressive external environmental influences and for a flawless appearance, you will need cleansing, toning and moisturizing with nutrition. Caring procedures are carried out at home in the morning and evening hours.

In the morning, the epidermis is cleansed and toned, then moisturized. Before going to bed, nourish the skin.

Application of a cosmetic product is impossible without the first two manipulations. During sleep, the sebaceous glands do not stop working; rubbing your face against the pillow leads to the accumulation of dust and microorganisms - the causes of inflammatory processes and acne when morning hygiene procedures are ignored.

The choice of skincare products is determined by the type of epidermis.

Parasites on human eyelashes

Treatment of demodex of eyelids and eyelashes

Neglecting the rules of facial skin care leads to the appearance of parasites on a person’s eyelashes, eyebrows, nose and other hairy areas. The skin is an ideal environment for the development and reproduction of microorganisms. Rash, acne, pimples are the result of the life activity of mites and lice.

Lice on the human body

The face is parasitized by Trichinella - dangerous small worms that move from the gastrointestinal tract into the facial muscles, causing trichinosis.

Larval parasites cause dirofilariasis. People become infected through contact with pets - cats, dogs. The larvae live on the eyelash margins, eyelids, and under the skin.

On a note. Sometimes parasites are easy to spot without a microscope.

Danger to humans of eyelash mites

The interciliary mite, demodex, lives in the hair follicles of the cilia, eyebrows, nasal cavity, and outer ear. The face is no exception. It comes from parents in childhood or adolescence. According to statistics, approximately 1/3 of the population is affected in youth, 75% are over 40 years old, and at the age of 60+ only every tenth does not suffer from the disease.

Demodexes belong to the class of arachnids, their dimensions do not exceed 0.2-0.5 mm. The sweat and sebaceous glands of the human body are associated with their lifestyle. Ticks are human symbionts. Parasites can live permanently on the skin without causing harm: a neutral or conditionally harmful form of development.

Favorite places for mites to settle are human eyelashes and eyelids

Increased reproduction of demodex and transition to a pathogenic form is observed under unfavorable factors:

  • hypothermia;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • decreased immunity.

Females lay eggs near the hair follicle near the eyes. After 60 hours, larvae appear that are unable to move, but feed for 40 hours and develop.

The next stage is the transformation into a nymph, which lives only on the hair follicles.

Additional Information. Demodex feeds on cilia at all stages of development on keratinized epithelial cells and sebum (mites prefer an oily type of epidermis). This is not dangerous. But the waste products of parasites are strong allergens and often provoke a negative reaction in the human body.

How is the subcutaneous tick transmitted?

According to experts, demodicosis is transmitted to babies from the mother on the seventh day after birth. Symptoms do not always appear. That the disease is transmitted from person to person has been proven repeatedly. There are several ways of infection, but close contact with the source of the disease is always necessary.


Demodicosis in humans is transmitted through hugs, kisses, contact with infectious things, bedding, hygiene products, through hats, combs, towels, napkins. Demodectic mange is contagious in humans even in the absence of clear symptoms of the disease, even if they are carriers.


It is a misconception that you can become infected with demodex mites from animals. Pets often suffer from this disease, but are not a source of infection for humans. When a tick comes into contact with people's skin, it dies after a while, does not live long, and does not reproduce because the conditions are not suitable. He needs wool, which humans don't have.

Methods of transmission of demodex

How to remove an eyelash from an eye

Eyelash mites are transmitted in different ways:

  • going to the sauna and steam bath;
  • using someone else's cosmetics and hygiene items: pastels, towels;
  • undisinfected instruments in beauty salons;
  • communication with a sick animal or person.

Important! Demodex shows increased activity in the autumn-spring period. Demodicosis is found in the nasolabial folds, on the chin, in the eyebrows, and ears.

Clinical manifestations

Demodectic blepharitis is characterized by inflammation of the eyelids and mucous membranes of the eyes. Eyelashes are often involved in the pathological process, which is why they begin to fall out.

Demodicosis is characterized by seasonality, that is, the appearance of symptoms in the spring-summer period of the year.

Actively reproducing, the eye mite provokes the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • itching and crawling sensation on the eyelids;
  • inflammation of the affected skin;
  • redness of the conjunctiva;
  • purulent masses on eyelashes;
  • feeling of sand in the eyes;
  • frequent lacrimation.

Itching and rapid eye fatigue are the first signs of active reproduction of eyelash mites. At the initial stage of the disease, the skin of the eyelids becomes thinner, which leads to a feeling of tightness. When scratching, areas with bruises appear, which is why the symptoms of demodectic blepharitis become more pronounced. Bloody-purulent crusts form in the affected areas, causing discomfort.

Often demodicosis of the eyes is complicated by madarosis - loss of eyelashes. Due to the active life of the tick, a sluggish inflammation of the conjunctiva (blepharoconjunctivitis) occurs. If left untreated, secondary infections penetrate into the lesions, causing purulent inflammation of the soft tissues.


Note the signs of ciliated mites:

  • photophobia, eye fatigue;
  • irritation and swelling in the area of ​​​​the eyelashes and eyelids;
  • redness and inflammation of the eyelids;
  • irritating effect from using cosmetics and hydrotherapy procedures;
  • secretion of mucus from the eyes and its transformation into yellowish crusts, resulting in sticking and loss of eyelashes;
  • dry epidermis on the eyelids;
  • decreased vision.

Manifestations of eyelash mites

If your eyelashes itch at the base and there are other manifestations, it is advisable to immediately rush to see a doctor: an ophthalmologist or a dermatologist and an ophthalmologist, who will write out a referral for laboratory analysis. A scraping taken from the eyelashes will help determine the cause of the disease.


If a person has any suspicions of demodicosis, then he must undergo a series of studies.

Thanks to a comprehensive screening for the disease, the patient can save money and valuable time on repeated tests.

Laboratories provide an opportunity to study:

  • what is contained inside purulent formations;
  • understand which stratum corneum is exactly;
  • eyelashes with secreted liquid;
  • examination of scrapings from the surface of damaged skin.

After special laboratory examinations have been carried out, specialists use a microscope to determine the exact number of mites.

If their number is more than 6 individuals per 1 sq. mm, then a diagnosis of Demodicosis is made.

The second necessary test is a general blood test . After this check, the patient is examined for the presence of inflammatory processes.

Keep in mind! Doctors can make an accurate diagnosis only after receiving the results of several tests.

Treatment methods

The doctor prescribes treatment when an accurate diagnosis is established. Therapy involves taking medications and using ointments. Additionally, many patients use alternative medicine to recover faster.

Medicines from the pharmacy

The doctor’s task is to eliminate eyelash mites; symptoms and treatment are interrelated. First, scales and whitish plaque on the patient’s eyelashes are removed. Manipulation is carried out with alcohol-based lotion. The effectiveness of the procedure is manifested in the dissolution of plaque and the destruction of numerous parasites on the infected part of the skin. Not only eyelashes and eyelids are treated, but also the surface above the upper lip and the shells of the ears.

Next, creams and ointments are prescribed that inhibit the development of microorganisms. The active ingredients of the products are zinc and mercury, which negatively affect parasites, paralyze muscles, causing death. The most effective medications against demodex include:

  • Demalan and Tosmilen;
  • Phosphacol and Armin;
  • Demodex Complex and Eubetal;
  • Blefarogel and Demazol;
  • Physostigmine and Ichthyol ointment.

Remedies for eyelash mites

These include:

  • tablets that contain Metronidazole;
  • Okumetil and Acular - antihistamine drops;
  • physiotherapy: eyelid electrophoresis with zinc sulfate and diphenhydramine, magnetic therapy, Darsonval.

If the pathology is complicated by purulent inflammation that affects the organs of vision, antibacterial treatment is carried out. It involves prescribing eye drops:

  • Tobrex and Levomycytin;
  • Cipromed and Ciprofloxacin;
  • Dexa-gentamicin and Levofloxacin;
  • Colbiocin.

According to customer reviews, streptocide effectively fights eye mites. The tablet is ground into powder and the affected areas are treated.

Therapy is carried out comprehensively to achieve maximum results. You will need to follow a special diet during the course of treatment. A balanced diet will help strengthen the immune system.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies complement traditional therapy. Most of them are equivalent in productivity to expensive drugs from the pharmacy. It is advisable to use traditional recipes after consultation with your doctor. Herbal formulations are popular among users.

Linden decoction

To prepare a healing decoction, crushed linden (2 tbsp) is poured with a glass of boiling water and simmered over low heat for 7 minutes. Treat the affected areas twice a day. The duration of the course is until the symptoms disappear.

Preparation of linden decoction

Tomato juice

Soak a napkin in freshly squeezed juice and cover your eyes. Take a horizontal position for 15 minutes.

Garlic compress

You will need several garlic cloves, from which the juice is squeezed. Cotton pads are moistened with juice and applied to sore eyelids. The procedure lasts half an hour. It is necessary to periodically replace tampons with new ones during manipulation.

Garlic compress

Oak bark infusion

Oak bark (1 tablespoon) is covered with boiling water (300 ml) and left for 30 minutes. The cooled solution is filtered to remove impurities. Lotions are made 1 or 2 times daily. Possible oral administration.

Tansy tincture

You will need some dried tansy grass, which is poured with boiling water. After 5 hours, the product is ready for use. Dosage – 50 ml 3 times every day before meals.

Tansy infusion

Wormwood decoction

Add dried herbs (2 tablespoons) to 1 liter of boiling water and cook over low heat for about 5 minutes. When cooled to room temperature, the solution is filtered using gauze. Divide the decoction into several servings and take 50 ml throughout the day. Treat demodicosis with a herbal decoction for a week.

Important! Traditional medicine is effective in the early stages of the disease. An important condition is to take it together with pharmaceutical medications to enhance the effect.

How to treat demodicosis of the eyelids

Due to the high probability of self-infection, patients must strictly observe sanitary and hygienic rules. To eliminate eye demodex, symptomatic and etiotropic therapy drugs are used. The former reduce the severity of local manifestations, and the latter destroy the causative agent of the disease and secondary infections.

It has been established that ticks are especially active when the temperature and humidity of the environment increase.

Before treating demodicosis of the eyelids with medications, consult a dermatologist. The treatment regimen is drawn up taking into account the symptoms of the pathology, the extent of the lesions and the presence of complications. In case of eye damage, ophthalmic drops and solutions are used to accelerate the regeneration of the conjunctiva.

Before treating demodectic blepharitis with antibiotics, make sure that there are pathogenic bacteria in the affected areas. This is indicated by purulent inflammation of the eyelids and sticky scales on the eyelids.


Treatment of demodex mites on eyelashes is carried out with anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, hormonal and antiprotozoal agents. The ocular form of the disease is treated with both systemic and local drugs - ophthalmic drops, ointments, gels. The following medications are used to kill mites on eyelashes:

  • antiallergic (Clemastin, Zyrtec, Telfast) – eliminate swelling, redness and severe itching;
  • antiprotozoal (Trichopol, Mistol, Metronidazole) – inhibit the reproduction of parasitic mites, thereby reducing inflammation and itching;
  • eye drops (Tsipromed, Alcipro, Medociprin) – eliminate purulent-inflammatory processes in the meibomian glands and conjunctiva;
  • antibiotics (Ciprofloxacin, Aknesept, Zerkalin) - destroy bacterial infections, which leads to a reduction in purulent inflammation of the skin.

Eye drops for demodicosis are first-line drugs that are used to kill microscopic mites. In case of inflammation of the conjunctiva, Physostigmine or Phosphacol are prescribed. To moisturize the mucous membranes, artificial tear preparations are used - Vidisik, Artelak, Quinax.

Care and diet

Eyelash mites feed on the secretion secreted by the sebaceous glands and dead skin cells. To prevent their reproduction, all foods that stimulate blood flow to the face and the release of natural fat are excluded from the menu:

  • spices;
  • natural coffe;
  • spicy dishes;
  • smoked sausages;
  • conservation;
  • egg white;
  • citrus;
  • cocoa.

To stop eyelash loss, your diet includes lactic acid products, vegetables and fruits with plant fiber - cabbage, apples, pears. They contain bioactive components that accelerate the regeneration of the skin around the eyes.

Particular attention is paid to hygienic care of damaged tissues. To prevent the proliferation of microscopic mites, you must:

  • clean eyelids and eyelashes of dirt before using eye drops and ointments;
  • wash with tar or laundry soap at least 3-4 times a day;
  • use blepharolotion to cleanse eyelashes of sticky scales;
  • Change the pillowcase on your pillow daily.

Demodex lives outside a living organism for a long time, so during therapy it is recommended to wet clean the room 3-4 times a week. To kill mites, aggressive disinfectants and Chlorhexidine are used.

Traditional methods

Treatment of demodicosis of the eyelids in humans with folk remedies is carried out only as an addition to drug therapy. Decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs have an acaricidal (destructive) effect on parasitic mites.

Treatment at home is carried out by the following means:

  • Wormwood decoction. 10 g of chopped herbs are poured into 1 liter of water and boiled for several minutes. Soak gauze in the liquid and wipe the skin around the eyes 3-4 times a day. An antiseptic solution destroys ticks in humans, thereby reducing swelling and inflammation of the eyelids.
  • Tansy tincture. 15 g of raw material is poured with 200 ml of vodka and left in a dark place for 7 days. Wipe the affected areas with the solution 2-3 times a day until the swelling completely disappears.
  • Aloe solution. Mix equal amounts of boiled water with aloe juice. Gauze is moistened in the solution and applied to the eyelids 4-5 times a day.

Demodicosis of eyelashes is also treated with tincture of calendula, linden and nettle. The solution is gently applied to the skin in the eye area with a cotton swab 2-3 times a day. To reduce inflammation and itching, salicylic acid is added to the tincture. When treating damaged tissues, avoid contact of liquid with the conjunctiva of the eyes.

Preventive measures

Not only drug therapy along with traditional methods will help get rid of ticks; prevention is important. The aggressive reproduction of demodex will be prevented by taking effective preventive measures:

  • compliance with hygiene rules, use of individual towels, cosmetics, washcloths;
  • removing makeup before bed with warm water;
  • balanced daily menu;
  • regularity of visits to the ophthalmologist;
  • timely treatment of diseases, especially infectious ones;
  • avoidance of stressful situations;
  • wearing glasses to protect your eyes from solar radiation;
  • replacing feather pillows;

Hypoallergenic pillows

  • maintaining a daily routine - allocating enough time to sleep;
  • normalization of metabolism to reduce the production of subcutaneous fat;
  • minimum touching of eyelids and eyes with hands;
  • alternating work and rest, which will increase immunity and reduce the risk of developing demodicosis.

Eyelash mite is a serious pathology. Only an integrated approach will solve the problem: drug therapy plus folk remedies when implementing preventive measures.

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