Detailed review of the Pest Repeller repeller: how it works, against whom it is effective, description and device, advantages

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Home is a place where everyone should feel comfortable. When arranging their home, the owners try to take care of all the little things, buy beautiful furniture and modern appliances. But often a calm and measured life is disturbed by small but very unpleasant creatures.

No wonder they are called pests. They settle in our living space and begin to behave as if they are the owners of the house.

What to do in this case and how to get rid of an unpleasant neighborhood? Will the electronic repeller Pest Repeller help?

Advantages of the ultrasonic repeller Riddex

  1. Safety. Conventional means of controlling household pests (dichlorvos, raptor, various sprays, plates containing insecticides) have undesirable features: a strong unpleasant odor, the release of chemicals that negatively affect not only pests, but also the well-being of people. Various rodent traps are also unsafe and can harm small children and pets. The action of the rodent and insect repeller Riddex, on the contrary, is harmless to humans and to indoor air, because During its operation, no toxic substances are released.
  2. Economical. Using this device does not require additional costs for energy supply or the purchase of additional accessories. The Riddex device is a self-sufficient device. In addition, the instructions for use of the Riddex repeller do not provide for any special care.
  3. Lack of habituation effect in rodents. The nature of the repeller's effect ensures a constant effect due to changing device modes. Even with prolonged use, the intensity of the impact on pests does not weaken, because Animals do not develop individual addiction or collective immunity. This cannot be said about chemical control methods, because pests quickly adapt to their use, and susceptibility to such poisonous agents is gradually reduced to zero.
  4. Enhanced technology. Conventional repellent devices operate over a short distance. As ultrasound moves away from the source, it dissipates and loses its properties. In addition, such ultrasonic pulses are blocked by walls and metal barriers, so the impact is limited to one room. When using the Riddex repeller in an electrical outlet, a powerful electromagnetic field is created through the electrical wiring, covering an area of ​​up to 30 m2.
  5. Humanity towards living organisms. The mechanism of action of the repeller does not involve killing rodents and insects. It acts as a repellent. Therefore, there will be no corpses of pests in the house, which are so unpleasant to clean, especially if the pests can die in places that are difficult for humans to reach and emit unpleasant, noxious odors.

Cost and purchase of the device

Prices for this universal device are quite reasonable - they range up to 2000 rubles.
It depends on where it was purchased. You can buy it in the online store at discounted promotions, order delivery directly to your home, or pick up the device at pick-up points. But no matter where you buy this device, it will not disappoint you.

Rodents and harmful insects are not only unpleasant “neighbors”, but also carriers of infections and viruses of serious diseases.

However, you can get rid of this danger forever. It will reliably serve your home for a long time, almost around the clock. Treat yourself to a purchase that will make your life much easier!

Prices and where to buy

Television stores like tv-shop-magazin sell at the highest prices. There the cost increases to 1,700 rubles.

The repeller is much cheaper on the official website, in online stores and retail outlets. It varies between 400-900 rubles per piece, or up to 1800 for a set of two products.

The final cost of the order is affected by:

  • number of repellers purchased. For a private house of 100 m2 or more, as the manufacturer states, one model is not enough, since the maximum distance over which the pestle repeller operates is 85 m2.
  • delivery method,
  • When picking up, the final cost usually does not increase.

To summarize, you should consider what recommendations for using the device may be useful:

  • one product is installed in the center of the housing, two - at its opposite ends,
  • To prevent the appearance of new pests, when using the device, you should close windows and doors, do not leave food in open places,
  • It is not recommended to buy it if there are hamsters and guinea pigs in the house.

Therefore, I immediately decided that I wanted to get rid of pests in a humane way. And so I purchased “Pest Repeller”, manufactured in China. After using it for a week, three weeks have passed, and all the living creatures have disappeared, and the cats behave calmly. So I ask myself, “Is it really that simple?” Overall, I definitely recommend purchasing and give it 5 stars.”

Pest Repeller is an innovative pest repellent device that will help you effectively get rid of uninvited guests in your home. Description and reviews of Pest Repeller for cockroaches

On the terrace or balcony


Pest Repeller for cockroaches

Customer reviews about using Pest Repeller are mixed. Most of them indicate the uselessness of the device. Apart from the blue glow, no other results from the device’s operation were noticed. And this is not at all surprising. If the effect of ultrasound on mosquitoes is understandable, since they communicate with each other using it, then how ultrasonic waves act on cockroaches remains a mystery.

For representatives of cockroaches, the sense of smell is of greatest importance. The main receptors are located in the antennae, so the loss of this organ is fatal for the insect. Weak ultrasonic waves emitted by the repeller are not able to force the cockroach to leave their homes or stop reproducing, nor do they affect changes in their behavior.


Scientists conducted experiments, the result of which was confirmation of the uselessness of ultrasonic repellers. Even powerful ultrasound did not force the cockroaches to abandon their territory and go home. But such waves had a negative impact on a person’s well-being, which manifested itself in weakness and headaches.

There is another aspect that should give a potential buyer pause. Even if we assume that the ultrasonic repeller still causes discomfort to the Prussians, then the manufacturers themselves contradict themselves. Furniture and ceilings muffle ultrasound, but cockroaches spend most of their time in shelters, which this very notorious ultrasound does not allow through. The inconvenience caused by the device while fishing for insects is clearly not enough to leave the place where there are the most important things for life: food sources and water.

Repeller action

The long period of waiting for results is also confusing. The minimum period after which the insects are supposed to leave is 2 weeks. If we are talking about cockroaches, then you can somehow survive this time, but what victims of bedbugs should do while waiting for a miracle, we can only guess.

Electronic repeller of mosquitoes, cockroaches and rodents, instructions for use

This compact device of modern design provides effective operation over an area of ​​200 m2, subject to the requirements of the instructions for the Riddex device.

Buy an ultrasonic repeller

Payment after receiving the goods

Terms of use:

  • The mouse and insect repeller is connected to the network in an easily accessible dry place. Its location near an open fire is not allowed. It is forbidden to cover the device with a cloth.
  • A constant light or rapid flashing of the green light indicates the operating condition of the device, a light of the red light indicates that the electromagnetic pulse mode is turned on.
  • The white button at the top of the case allows you to turn the backlight on and off.
  • The standard time to get rid of mosquitoes, cockroaches, ants, flies and spiders is 1–3 weeks; ultrasound gets rid of rats and mice in 2–4 weeks. Insect repellent works more slowly on some types of cockroaches than on other types, so it takes longer to be fully effective. The device can be safely kept plugged in for as long as it takes to finally get rid of pests. Short circuits and significant energy consumption are excluded by this device. Its maximum power is only 4 W.
  • After achieving the expected effect, it is recommended to keep the doors closed for some time, and do not put the products in accessible places so that insects and rodents do not return to the house. The device is recommended to be used for preventive purposes.

Additional Information

The Pest Repeller device's instructions in Russian specify: so that it does not stop working due to unstable voltage, it is recommended to connect it through a special stabilizer . To effectively get rid of uninvited guests in your home, it is recommended to keep doors and windows closed to prevent pests from re-entering.

If you need a device to get rid of cockroaches, you need to hide products that tend to quickly become stale.

You can check the operation of the device in this way: after turning it on, the insects begin to run quickly and seem to be in a hurry to get somewhere. This indicates that they were influenced by ultrasonic waves, which force them to look for a safe and secluded place. Over time, the insects realize that it is impossible to get rid of the ultrasonic waves, so they leave the home.

You can ensure stable and efficient operation if you follow these rules:

  1. It is necessary to ensure that windows and doors remain closed after operation of the device, because this can prevent the reappearance of parasites in the house.
  2. Hide food products and keep them permanently closed to prevent mice and cockroaches from getting in, which can spoil their freshness and general condition.
  3. Carefully check furniture and things before purchasing, because this way you can reintroduce pests and provide them with suitable living conditions.

It is worth considering that the result of the work becomes noticeable after the first week. The speed of pest destruction depends on the frequency of ultrasonic pulses, which can be set independently. In order for rodents and mice to leave the house, you need to use the device for 3-4 weeks, and to get rid of bedbugs, ants and other insects it will take 2-3 months.

This is interesting: riddex repeller.

Turning on the repeller

After purchase, most users may have problems turning on the device (as some suppliers lose the instruction insert from the packaging or even sell it without it). Manufacturers have tried to simplify it extremely, without forcing buyers to spend several hours figuring out how the device turns on, how to use it and which button to press for it to start working. It is enough to take a number of simple steps that even a child can handle:

  1. Plug the device into a properly functioning outlet.
  2. Make sure that the built-in LED lights light up, indicating that the device is working and allowing you to see it at night.

What is Pest Repeller

It is known that a device against rodents and insects that operates in an electronic network through the operation of ultrasonic sensors is Pest Repeller. It has a lot of advantages:

  1. Versatility - a plug-in insect repellent produces a repellent effect on ants, cockroaches, bedbugs, mice, and large rodents such as rats.
  2. A wide area of ​​influence, which is determined by the area of ​​the electrical network of one panel.
  3. Safety, because, compared to poisons and chemicals, it is harmless to people and pets. Whereas your cat/dog can get poisoned by finding pest bait or by eating a poisoned mouse.
  4. Easy to use - to start working, the ultrasonic ant repeller only needs to be plugged into a power outlet.
  5. It can operate at temperatures from -30 to +40 degrees, which is suitable for use in any conditions.
  6. Savings due to reusable use.

Thanks to modern technologies and advantages, the device finds its application in many buildings. For example, these could be:

  • residential buildings, apartments,
  • dachas,
  • office rooms.


What points do Pest Repeller buyers most often pay attention to? Reviews and price are what people care about first. Moreover, critical responses naturally attract more interest. Overly enthusiastic praise is usually evidence that the person who wrote this post is unlikely to have even held the Insect Repeller Pest in their hands. Of course, if someone is pleased with the efficiency of the device, he can also clearly express gratitude, but this does not happen very often.

Get rid of pests in a 100% safer way

Use Pest Repeller! This compact device is an environmentally friendly alternative for rodent and insect control.

The principle of operation of the device is based on the use of the internal electrical network of an apartment, office, restaurant or any other room. The device delivers electronic impulses and forms a field around itself, the conditions in which are impossible for pests.

Pest Repeller works from a wall outlet. The device has a built-in lamp and indicator light.

Let your home be pests free!

Pest Repeller is safe for others, children and pets (except rodents and insects!), and does not affect the operation of electrical appliances. The device will effectively relieve you of:

Repels pests in your home or apartment

The device operates over an area of ​​up to 220 m². Use it in your home, apartment, office, workshop, garage, attic, storage room, cottage - anywhere! The set includes two devices - use one at home and take the other to the dacha! Pest Repeller works effectively:

On the terrace or balcony

What is the secret of the Pest Repeller device?

Pest Repeller is a modern and effective way to deal with uninvited guests in your home. .

Plug the unit into a wall outlet and digital pulse technology starts working immediately. The device delivers electronic impulses and creates a field around itself that has an irritating effect on the nervous system of rodents or insects and therefore forces them to leave your home.

More than 1 million devices sold!

The Pest Repeller device has already rid more than a million houses and apartments of pests. This unique non-toxic device will protect you, your family and your belongings:

  • Effectively fights rats, mice, cockroaches, ants and other pests.
  • Safe for others, children and pets (except rodents and insects). Pest Repeller is not recommended for use if you have the following pets: mink, hamster, chinchilla, gerbil, guinea pig, tarantula or other rodents.
  • Does not affect the operation of electrical household appliances.
  • Doesn't require any attention - just plug it into a power outlet and let it work.
  • It has a large impact area of ​​up to 220 square meters.
  • Has a built-in lamp and indicator light.

Instructions in Russian

It's simple: plug the Pest repelling aid device into one of the 220 Volt outlets located in the living space; it is advisable that the device be installed in the center of the house or apartment.

Prerequisite: the device indicator light should blink (first it should light up green and then bright red, connect the device, and calmly go about your business.

The way the Pest Repeller works is usually audible to the residents who have built nests in your home, but sometimes a light, subtle sound from mice and rats, accompanied by faint clicks, may be heard by the residents themselves, in which case this will indicate that the device turns on or off.

If such sounds irritate you, then there is always a chance to adjust the unit to continuous operation in order to achieve the final extermination of uninvited guests. And Pest repelling aid is a unique opportunity to influence a large number of rooms, the main thing is that they are located within the same electrical panel.

How does he work

  1. Choose a suitable location for the appliance in your home.
  2. Plug the device into a power outlet.
  3. The green indicator will start flashing, after which the red indicator and display will light up if the device is turned on and working.

ATTENTION: the red indicator does not light up if the device is turned off. . Pest Repeller is not recommended for use if you have the following pets: mink, hamster, chinchilla, gerbil, guinea pig, tarantula or other rodents, as this device may harm them

Pest Repeller is not recommended for use if you have the following pets: mink, hamster, chinchilla, gerbil, guinea pig, tarantula or other rodents, as this device may harm them.

You can turn on the device and leave it running all year round. Pest Repeller does not affect other electrical appliances in your home.

The Pest Repeller device has already rid more than a million houses and apartments of pests. This unique non-toxic device will protect you, your family and your belongings:

User manual

Pest Repeller Ultrasonic is easy to use, small in size and lightweight. Even elderly people who are far from advances in electronics and small children can cope with its installation. Due to the ease of use, many people neglect the instructions.

What operating instructions does the manufacturer give? First of all, the device must be connected to a power supply with a voltage of 220 V. The indicator light should blink, changing color (first green, then red). After this, the device begins to emit ultrasound, which repels pests. Since they do not die, but leave the house area, the device cannot be turned off for several weeks. Only in this case can a sustainable result be achieved.

The package includes:

  • Pest Repeller device;
  • user manual;
  • warranty card;
  • cardboard packaging.

Why you need to get rid of parasites

Pest Repeller is designed to get rid of:

  • mice,
  • rats,
  • flies,
  • bedbugs,
  • cockroaches,
  • mosquitoes

All these creatures cause harm, it’s not for nothing that they are called parasites and pests. Rodents with their sharp teeth damage walls, furniture and ceilings, and eat food. Mice and rats are carriers of dangerous diseases that can be contracted not only through direct contact, but also by eating foods that rodents have walked on. The feces of these creatures carry viruses and bacteria, and worm eggs.


Cockroaches are smaller in size and make little noise at night. But the speed of their reproduction is simply frightening. Insects are carriers of harmful bacteria and viruses and spoil food. Bedbugs bite painfully, resulting in the formation of painful, non-healing wounds on the body.

Despite the difference in “discomfort”, all these creatures have common features:

  • It's not easy to get rid of them
  • They carry diseases dangerous to humans.


Whatever types of parasites settle in the house, including cockroaches,...

Operating principle

The device uses the principle of emitting electromagnetic pulse oscillations, which begin to be transmitted throughout the electrical wiring of your home, as soon as you plug it into a power outlet.

Thus, these vibrations reach the most remote corners of the apartment and, affecting the neurons of insects and rodents, create an extremely unpleasant environment for them. Therefore, all unwanted inhabitants quickly leave the territory of your home.

They won't die, so you won't have to clean up and collect piles of dead ones.

insects, as the latter will simply run away from your walls. The power consumption of the device is small - 4 W, but it is enough to affect an area of ​​about 200 square meters.

If there are fears that harmful animals will just run away into the next room, then just to be sure, buy a couple more mini-devices. Connect them in the living room, bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. Then after a while you will see for yourself that there is not a single pest left in the apartment. Even mosquitoes and flies will fly around your house, despite the wide open windows.

And the most amazing thing is that people and animals will not feel any electromagnetic waves, because their vibrations are so negligible that they create discomfort only for insects and rodents.

So the device can be connected to the network around the clock - it will not cause the slightest harm to household members.

What is the advantage of this device

This device has many more advantages and benefits compared to other pest control products. Let us list the reasons that speak for themselves and indicate the priority of this device:

  • it is non-toxic and safe for adults and children,
  • does not harm pets - cats, dogs and birds,
  • practical to use, does not require recharging, is powered from the mains,
  • effective against all types of insects and rodents,
  • compact and attractive in appearance, has night light bulbs,
  • The electromagnetic radiation of the device covers about 200 square meters. meters.

By purchasing a Pest Reject device, you can throw away poisonous cans, tablets and powders that had to be used at risk to the health and life of household members, children and pets. Pest Reject is a device of a new era, modern, efficient, safe, stylish.

After just a couple of weeks of its use, the effectiveness of the action will be noticeable - the unpleasant “inhabitants” of the house will leave its territory voluntarily and never return.

The only warning to lovers of decorative mice, rats and reptiles. If you have such a living creature at home, you will have to take it out of the house to protect it while the device is working, because these pets will not like the effect of the repeller and may harm it.

Features of the repeller

"Pest repeller" is considered one of the most famous electronic repellers. It was patented in the States, but production is located in China and other countries.


This white plastic device has the following characteristics:

  • wave frequency – from 5 to 50 Hz,
  • powered by 220-240 V mains,
  • coverage area – 85 m2,
  • there are 2 indicators: green and red,
  • weight – 335 g,
  • dimensions – 70x70x110,
  • The manufacturer provides a guarantee of up to 90 days.

How does it work?

The manufacturer claims that the device is effective against:

  • rodents,
  • mosquitoes,
  • spiders,
  • ants,
  • cockroaches,
  • water bugs and other pests.

It is most effective for small spaces. If a private house is two-story, then a “Pest Repeller” installed on the second floor in an outlet located closer to the floor also works on the first floor.

A malfunction of the device is indicated by the fact that when connected to the network, the light bulbs either do not light up or stop glowing after a short time. When a working device is connected, a green indicator first lights up, and then a red one, indicating that the “Pest Repeller” has started working and the pulses are spreading.

As soon as the device begins to operate, pests become more active as they search for a way out. The result of its action becomes more noticeable after at least 7 days.


Main advantages of Pest Repeller:

  • ease of use,
  • eliminating pests without the use of toxic chemicals and does not emit smoke or harmful substances,
  • there are no contraindications for use in relation to women and children,
  • light weight and dimensions, thanks to which it can be easily carried and placed in any outlet in the living space,
  • consumes little electricity,
  • it is possible to work for tens of days without shutting down,
  • Externally, the product is designed so that it fits into the design of the room.

Customer Reviews

Valery , 40 years old

Cockroaches have recently begun to appear in the apartment, which have not been seen for about 20 years. It is worth saying that they have become much smaller in size, but now, like in the 90s, you have to wash the dishes before eating, and this is extra time. We bought the PRA, read the instructions and plugged it in. It was written: wait a few days, but the very next day it was noticeable that the insects were moving more slowly and seemingly aimlessly. It became easier to catch and crush them. My wife initially complained of mild tinnitus, but it went away after two days. It is unclear whether this is related to the device, so no hasty conclusions were drawn. Otherwise, it’s a useful thing, it helped a lot.

Maria , 29 years old

I bought two of these devices for my house, one per floor. I was pleasantly surprised by its effectiveness - mosquitoes no longer bother me, even if the mosquito net on the windows and the entrance door of the balcony was removed. Previously, there were mice in the basement, but the repeller, which is located nearby, on the first floor, does a good job of getting through there too. At first they found rodents that were too slow, which our cat calmly caught and even played with before killing them, then, apparently, they went to another place. Good device, effective.




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