Insect repellents for the home - a review of the best products

A person cannot protect himself from proximity to many insects, since they often appear in residential premises even with regular cleaning and maintaining sanitary standards.

All of them can be divided into three main types:

  1. Parasites, which include varieties that feed on the blood of humans or domestic animals. They not only live in apartments and private houses, but also reproduce, constantly increasing the population size.
  2. Pests are those insects that do not feed on blood , but their presence and proximity to humans cause significant discomfort.
  3. that do not pose any threat to humans or their pets and do not disturb them with their presence are considered a harmless variety

Most often, the following types of insect pests settle in residential premises:

  1. Cockroaches are one of the most famous types of household pests that virtually every person has encountered in their life. They prefer to live in kitchens, since the basis of their diet is food waste. They are unpretentious to environmental conditions, so they multiply rapidly and are very difficult to hatch.
  2. Pharaoh ants are another species that can be extremely difficult to get rid of. This is due to the fact that they create entire groups of anthills, which can be located in different apartments located nearby.
  3. Woodlice usually settle in apartments located on the first and second floors, but can rise higher if the premises have a sufficient level of humidity. They prefer to live in bathrooms or toilets. They are essentially crustaceans, but lead a lifestyle similar to that of insects.
  4. Moths are another well-known type of household pest. There are several types of this insect: one settles in closets and feeds on clothes made from natural materials, while the other lives in the kitchen, its larvae eat various cereals and other supplies.
  5. Carpet beetles have extremely small dimensions, so people often do not notice their proximity. They are unpretentious in their choice of food and are ready to feed on any organic compounds.
  6. Thrips, whiteflies , various mites and scale insects are pests that target indoor plants. They are often difficult to hatch because they lay their eggs in flower pots, burying them in the ground. At the same time, they are very difficult to detect, and sometimes even chemical and heat treatment is not suitable for destruction.
  7. Flies are one of the most famous species of flying insects; they enter apartments through open windows, but some species are also capable of breeding in residential areas. They are often carriers of various diseases, mostly of the intestinal type. Contrary to popular belief, flies do not bite people; their diet is based on liquid substances that they lick from various surfaces.

Types of insect repellents

To combat unwanted neighbors, people have developed a large number of different means that have different principles of action.

All the most common varieties are discussed below:

  1. Products produced in gel form. have high

    effective because they contain aromatic components that attract the attention of pests, and insecticides that have a poisonous effect on them. Gels can infect insects both when they enter the digestive system and through direct contact. However, they do not have any foreign odors, and most options are safe for children and pets.

  2. Aerosol is one of the most effective ways to destroy unwanted neighbors. Such products kill pests faster than many analogues, since poisonous and toxic substances enter their body through the respiratory system. To date, a large number of universal preparations or aerosols have been developed for the extermination of certain species.
  3. Various types of traps that can catch living individuals or destroy their captives. The most common models are those with an adhesive backing; if an insect steps on it, it loses the ability to move. Sticky strips can be suspended from the ceiling to help effectively catch flying species. Another well-known trap is a small house with poisoned bait inside. The pest, having been poisoned by an insecticide, infects its relatives upon contact with them, but such models are effective only against crawling species. An innovative way of combating is the use of universal electric traps, which are equally successful in destroying all species. Death occurs as a result of receiving an electrical discharge, the strength of which is safe for humans.
  4. Folk remedies that abound with various recipes for exterminating household pests. Typically, such methods are time-tested and therefore do not lose their relevance today, even with so many modern drugs and devices.
  5. Various solutions and liquid insecticides. Usually they are diluted with water in accordance with the instructions, after which the premises are treated. There are a large number of substances with varying degrees of toxicity and intended for different types of pests.


Simple, easy-to-use insect repellents with low toxicity. They are made in the form of plates, liquids, and spirals. Effective against flying insects. The active substances are contact insecticides. As well as substances that enter the body of pests through the respiratory tract.

  • Electrofumigators. House Insect Repellent runs on electricity. A plate impregnated with insecticides is inserted into a special device, or a bottle of liquid is screwed on. When heated, a toxic substance enters the air. This concentration is not noticeable to humans; pests die within 20 minutes. The device operates silently, plugs into a power outlet, and is enough for one room.
  • Spirals. Insect repellent on the street, in the veranda, on the terrace, in the gazebo, but is often used indoors. A significant drawback is the unpleasant smell. The spiral is made from pressed shavings impregnated with an insecticidal substance. Place it on a non-flammable surface and set it on fire. Acrid smoke is released that poisons insects. When using indoors, be sure to open a window or window. Otherwise, headache, dizziness, and nausea appear.
  • Aquafumigator. The only fumigator of its kind is Raptor. It works similar to the professional disinfestation method - drip spraying. It is more effective than concentrates, aerosols, powders, electrofumigators, and other insect repellents. The toxic substance is released along with droplets of moisture, penetrates into hard-to-reach places, and passes through the fabric surface. A special jar of poison is inserted into the water; upon contact with the liquid, a chemical reaction begins and the fumigator begins to burn. The action lasts 2 hours. The residual effect lasts for 2 weeks.

Fumigators for insect control Effective insect repellents:

  • Raptor;
  • Raid;
  • Clean house;
  • Quiet evening;
  • Mosquitol;
  • Gardex.

In the warm season, insect repellent products are sold everywhere. Many brands make several types of fumigators. Electrical devices based on plates and liquids are especially popular. The plates need to be changed every night; a bottle of liquid lasts for a month. During the day, the device must be turned off; in the evening, it must be turned on 20 minutes before bedtime.

On a note!

Separately, products are produced to protect children from insects based on the natural insecticide – pyrethrum. Obtained from Caucasian chamomile. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and smells like flowers. Install the device at a distance of at least 2 m from the sleeping place.

The cost of spirals is from 50 rubles, the price of an electric fumigator with plates or liquid is on average 450 rubles. They act against mosquitoes, flies, moths, and fleas.

Review of the best products

Given the wide range of modern insect control products, it is often extremely difficult to make a choice.

To make this process as easy as possible, below is a brief overview of the most effective options:

Aerosol Combat

Containing insecticides such as permethrin and tetramethrin, it is one of the most well-known and effective remedies for home use. It allows you to destroy all types of crawling insects and arthropods, while being able to poison even their eggs and larvae. Combat does not have a pungent chemical odor; instead, a pleasant floral aroma will remain on the treated surfaces. The cost of a can with a volume of 500 ml is about 400 rubles.

Aerosol "Raptor"

It costs less than Combat, but is no less effective. Available in 350 ml cans, the approximate cost is 250 rubles.

Get insecticidal soap

Effectively gets rid of ants, bedbugs and cockroaches. You can even treat carpets with it; the product can then be easily washed off and will not leave stains behind. The approximate price of such soap is 400-420 rubles.

Avalon product

It is an emulsion concentrate from a South Korean manufacturer. The main advantage is the versatility of the solution obtained from it, which destroys all crawling and flying insects and provides protection against them for several weeks. The cost of one 50 ml bottle is about 600 rubles.

Foresight tool

It is also an emulsion concentrate, the main active components of which are cypermethrin and fenthion. First of all, the drug is intended to kill ticks, but it also shows good effectiveness against other crawling insects. The price for it is 350-400 rubles.

Means "Xulat"

Made in Spain, it is intended for preparing a solution based on it. The composition includes various insecticides, which allows you to destroy even insects with developed immunity to certain components. A 30 ml bottle costs about 500 rubles.

Product "Delta Zone"

It is one of the most effective modern remedies, the main active ingredient of which is deltamethrin. A solution based on it shows equally good results in exterminating all types of flying and crawling pests. The cost of a 50 ml bottle is about 700 rubles.

Aerosol "Super Cobra"

Against crawling insects, its quality and effectiveness is confirmed by the fact that it is used by many service specialists for the destruction of these pests. The cost of one bottle is about 230 rubles.


It is a concentrated liquid preparation that is capable of exterminating all types of insects. The rules for preparing a solution based on it are indicated in the instructions for the product and vary depending on the type of pests being controlled. The price of one bottle is 450 rubles.

Devices emitting ultrasonic waves

They are the most innovative devices for fighting insects. The Belgian-made Weitech WK0523 model, among other things, also affects rodents. The package includes three devices that can be placed in different rooms to increase the area covered by the protective effect. The cost of this equipment is about 4,000 rubles.

Poisonous baits

Effective remedies against crawling insects - cockroaches, ants. The special gel consistency does not dry out for a long time when in contact with oxygen, and remains effective for up to 30 days. They update their defense as they eat “treats”.

The bait contains broad-spectrum insecticidal substances. If ingested, they block the transmission of nerve impulses, causing paralysis and death. Mass death of the pest colony is observed within a week. In addition to the active substance, the composition includes flavorings and flavoring additives. Insects eat poison better than regular food.

The gel is easily removed from the surface and leaves no traces. Apply with a dotted line to the baseboards, the floor around the perimeter of the rooms, and leave behind the furniture. The product is safe for humans and pets, but it is not advisable to use it in a home with small children.

The best gel baits:

  • Fas;
  • A great warrior;
  • Ant-eater;
  • Antiant;
  • Absolute;
  • Trap;
  • Battalion commander

You can buy the product in a specialized store, supermarket, market, and often order it online. Sold in syringes with a convenient dispenser. The price of one is from 50 rubles. The product should be stored in a dry place, away from direct sunlight.

On a note!

Moth baits are made in the form of tablets and sachets. They are laid out in cabinets, on shelves, in places where cereals and grains are stored. One tablet of protection lasts for six months.

Rules for choosing insect repellent at home

When choosing a pest control product, you must take into account the following criteria so that you do not regret your purchase later:

  1. The manufacturer is one of the main factors , since it is recommended to purchase drugs and devices produced only by trusted companies that have already proven themselves positively in this industry.
  2. Composition is another important criterion, since not only the effectiveness, but also the toxicity of the drug depends on the active ingredients. If small children or pets live in the room being treated, it is recommended to choose the safest options.
  3. Rules of use, since some products involve tracking insects , while others can effectively destroy them with a simple treatment of the room.
  4. Speed ​​of action. Preparations that begin to affect insects after 1-1.5 weeks are not suitable for all people, since sometimes situations arise when, for some reason, you need to get rid of them in a short time.

Carrying out pest control yourself

You can kill pests in your apartment in 1-2 procedures, if done correctly.

  • Prepare the room, clean it, move furniture if necessary.
  • Take pets and other people out, close windows and doors, seal sockets and ventilation shafts with tape and cling film.
  • Wear a protective suit, rubber gloves, and a respirator.
  • Spray the apartment in the position of an outstretched arm, 20 cm should remain to the surface.
  • Treat walls, floors, window sills, baseboards, furniture on the back side, and, if necessary, the ceiling. Pay special attention to places where insects were found.
  • Leave the apartment closed for 2 hours.
  • Ventilate thoroughly.
  • Carry out wet cleaning in places where hands will touch. A soap solution with the addition of baking soda completely neutralizes the effect of the poison.

Self-treatment of the premises from insects
Repeated treatment from insects is carried out after 14 days. If the house is heavily infested again 21 days after the first disinfestation.

Traditional methods

There are a large number of folk methods for exterminating pests, the most relevant of them are given below:

  1. Vinegar is a universal remedy that can fight most types of insects or arthropods. Usually it is diluted with water in equal proportions, after which the solution is sprayed indoors using a spray bottle.
  2. You can grow different types of plants that repel insects, usually there are different ones for each variety. For example, moths and many other species cannot tolerate the smell of geranium. You can also plant a Venus flytrap in a pot, which will not only decorate the apartment, but will also feed on the flies that fly into it. Ants will begin to avoid places where there is the smell of medicinal chamomile.
  3. Boric acid can be mixed with honey or mashed potatoes and placed throughout the house. Ants or cockroaches that decide to feast on them will receive fatal poisoning. However, this product does not pose a threat to humans.
  4. If the conditions and climatic features of the place allow, then you can freeze a house or apartment. To do this, it is necessary to ensure that the temperature inside all rooms drops to at least -10°C. This will get rid of cockroaches, ants and many other insects.

What are weeds and what weeds are related to it?

Weeds (or weeds) usually mean plants that have grown where other crops were originally planned to be grown. As a rule, the appearance of such weeds reduces the yield, or, if it is a flower garden, worsens its decorative properties.

Weeds can be divided into annual and perennial:

of weeds, many of which are not so bad at all, and even medicinal .

But the most “troubling” weeds in our gardens are creeping wheatgrass, which is also called “dog grass” (although the roots of this plant are very useful and have an enveloping, diuretic, hemostatic, expectorant and diaphoretic effect), as well as Sosnovsky’s hogweed , which can grow simply to unimaginable sizes and if you come into contact with it, you can get quite a severe burn, even through your clothes.

Video: how to defeat hogweed

Dusts act by contact-intestinal route. They penetrate the body and cause muscle paralysis and death. In order for the poison to get inside, you must first run over it, get dirty, and then lick it off. For this reason, powders, dusts, and crayons are rarely used as an independent means of control; they are combined with aerosols and fumigators. Used against crawling insects: cockroaches, fleas, ants.

Effective means:

  • Clean house;
  • Chalk Mashenka;
  • Super Fas;
  • Storm;
  • Frontline.

You can buy the drug in a specialized store, hardware departments of supermarkets, retail outlets on the market, or you can order via the Internet. Shelf life: up to 4 years; store away from direct sunlight in a dry place. Price per package from 10 rub.

Insect repellents and chalks

Call exterminators

Turning to specialized services for help from professionals has become more widespread recently, since this service has become much more accessible to virtually all segments of the population.

This technique has the following features:

  1. Most organizations provide a guarantee that insects will not appear within a certain period. Such nuances are discussed in advance and recorded in a written agreement.
  2. A specialist will select those types of insecticides that are suitable for destroying specific pests that annoy humans. All wishes regarding processing methods, toxicity of the products used and other nuances will also be taken into account.
  3. The cost of the service in most cases depends on the individual characteristics of the situation. First of all, it is influenced by the chosen method of exterminating insects, the dimensions of the room being treated and the distance from the city, if the procedure is carried out on a summer cottage or in a country house. Typically, exterminating pests in a one-room city apartment costs from 1,500 rubles, and in a house located in the countryside, from 3,500 rubles.


The drug is intended to combat various types of garden pests, including Lepidoptera, Coleoptera and Homoptera. Available in the form of a suspension concentrate, in a 1 liter package. The high effectiveness of the Calypso insecticide is due to its active ingredient – ​​thiacloprid. Depending on the type of pests and weather conditions, the drug protects the plant for 2-4 weeks. The composition is applied to plants by spraying. A liter of concentrate costs about $65.


Below are reviews from people who have used various methods of controlling household insects and are now sharing their impressions of these procedures:

  1. Alexander: “Without much success I fought cockroaches with various store-bought products, but I didn’t pay attention to them, since they don’t cause significant discomfort. I only sounded the alarm at the moment when bedbugs appeared in the house and bit my wife and me at night. I didn’t have time to figure out how to get rid of these parasites, so I decided to simply call specialists to remove them. We used the service of spraying cold fog in the apartment. My wife and I returned to the apartment 5 hours after treatment, removed all the smell and carried out a global cleaning. The bedbugs disappeared after the first procedure, and along with them the cockroaches disappeared, which was a good addition to the main service.”
  2. Anastasia: “I used gel against cockroaches, used it according to the instructions: dripped into the cracks and treated potentially dangerous areas. It was actually possible to remove these insects, but the cat was seriously poisoned and had to go to the veterinarian. This is despite the fact that many people talk about the safety of such products for pets. Only later did I learn about the existence of gels that contain special bitter ingredients that repel pets. I really regret that I didn’t know about this earlier and I advise other people to pay attention to the composition of the drugs they purchase.”
  3. Alla: “I always believed that removing cockroaches is a very difficult task that requires a lot of time and effort. I personally became convinced that this can be done very easily with the help of Raid aerosol, which in just a week helped get rid of the Prussians that were left to me as a gift from people who rented an apartment. I took the rest of the drug with me to the dacha, where I tried it on ants and spiders, and it also helped a lot against them.”

Treatment of premises - preparatory procedures

Crawling and flying insects take up residence in the apartment. Some of them lead open life activities - flies, mosquitoes, others skillfully hide - moths, cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, fleas, etc. To destroy a colony of pests as quickly as possible, it is necessary to find their habitat, nest, or calculate the trajectory of movement. You will have to process one room or the entire apartment. First you need to carry out preparatory procedures:

  • vacuum;
  • wash the floors;
  • move furniture away from the walls;
  • put away dishes and food;
  • hide clothes;
  • cover the aquarium, terrarium, insectarium or take it to another room.

The choice of a suitable product depends on the number of pests and their types.

On a note!

The term “disinsection” translated from Latin means the removal or destruction of insects. Provides for the use of chemical, biological, physical methods of control. Disinfection means the destruction of microorganisms.

Disinfection: what to pay attention to

First you need to know the specific places where harmful insects live. Then you need to calculate the path of their movement.

The main thing is to finish the job. There is no need to treat just a certain corner, because the insects will get used to it and acquire immunity in the future.

Also look for places where insects lay larvae and destroy them. If you destroyed the adults, but forgot about the larvae, then soon they will crawl around your house again, as if nothing had happened.

The more successful you are, the more dead insects there will be in your house!

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