7 types of dichlorvos against fleas in the house, how to properly use and treat animals?


Fleas continue to bother people in our time, periodically appearing in apartments from the basement or being brought into the home by pets. Among various modern means of combating these parasites, the good old Dichlorvos has still not lost its popularity, successfully destroying “domestic” insects of almost all types.

  • Types of Dichlorvos
  • Is Dichlorvos effective in the fight against fleas?
  • Methods of application
  • Security measures

Basic information about the product

Dichlorvos is produced in the form of an aerosol, which is used by residents to treat various surfaces in their homes. This insecticidal preparation kills human fleas Pulex irritans or other types of parasites only if they fly onto furniture, cabinets, walls or floors treated with this product.

Dichlorvos for fleas is made on the basis of 3 strong insecticides: Permethrin, Cypermethrin and Piperonyl butoxide.

They instantly slow down the functioning of the nervous system of bed fleas or other types of fleas - they disrupt the transmission of nerve impulses. First, paralysis of these small pests occurs, and then they quickly die.

In addition to fleas Pulex irritans, Ctenocephalides canis or Ctenocephalides felis, this drug quickly removes the following parasites from the apartment:

  • flies;
  • cockroaches
  • mole;
  • ants;
  • bedbugs

How to remove fleas from your home using Dichlorvos

Today, few people know how to properly use Dichlorvos against fleas Pulex irritans, Ctenocephalides canis or Ctenocephalides felis in an apartment.

First of all, before directly using such an insecticidal agent, the resident must first eliminate the cause of these bloodsuckers in the house in order to successfully and permanently poison them.

Dichlorvos successfully fights fleas only if the owner has treated his pet cat or dog that lives in his house with it. Otherwise, fleas will again appear in this home.

Each such aerosol is accompanied by instructions for the use of Dichlorvos. The resident must first study it carefully, and then use a similar insecticide according to the specific recommendations indicated in the instructions.

After all, the final result of the fight against fleas directly depends on the method of applying the drug.

Features of using aerosol in an apartment

Not every person knows how to use this insecticidal spray.

When using Dichlorvos against fleas in an apartment, the tenant performs the following actions:

  • uses personal equipment (rubber gloves, a respirator and well-closed clothing);
  • removes all people from the room with fleas, as well as their pets (cat, dog, etc.). Also removes indoor plants from it;
  • puts food in the refrigerator or takes it out of the living room;
  • children's things, as well as all toys, are packaged in polyethylene bags;
  • tightly closes all windows and interior doors in the room being treated;
  • a similar aerosol is sprayed at a distance of 20 cm.

When treating an infested room with this drug, the household pays special attention to common areas of flea infestation. Such bloodsuckers often hide in baseboards, any furniture, as well as in various cracks or crevices.

It is known that the fleas Pulex irritans, Ctenocephalides canis and Ctenocephalides felis jump long distances, so the tenant also treats the room walls with Dichlorvos at a similar height - 1 m from the floor.

After completion of sanitation, a person leaves his home for several hours, but at the same time leaves all interior doors and windows tightly closed.

Usually 1 cylinder per room is enough.

After 3-4 hours, the tenant returns to his home, ventilates it well, and then begins a wet, thorough cleaning. If the room is heavily infested with fleas, it is necessary to poison the fleas with Dichlorvos one more time, but only a few days (14 days) after the first sanitation.

At the same time, when using Dichlorvos, the owner does not remove fleas from his pet cat or dog. Because such an insecticidal drug is very toxic and also deadly for a pet.

Thus, the tenant relieves his dog or cat with the following drops:

  • Barrier;
  • Blokhnet;
  • Leopard;
  • Inspector, etc.

Instructions for use

Treat the room with Dichlorvos Neo strictly according to the instructions. If pest control is not carried out according to the rules, it will cause more harm than good. The whole process can be divided into three main stages:

  1. Preparing the premises.
  2. Treatment.
  3. Cleaning.

Preparing the premises

Before directly treating the room with Dichlorvos Neo, you need to carry out preparatory work:

  1. Warn neighbors. The best effect can be achieved if you fight harmful insects together with your neighbors. If they do not agree to carry out pest control, then they need to close all possible entrances/exits to their apartment so that pests cannot enter it.
  2. Clear the room of animals and people. Everyone who is not involved in the direct processing of the premises must leave it. This also applies to pets: cats, dogs, fish, birds, rodents, etc. If it is not possible to remove the aquarium or terrarium from the room, then it must be covered with plastic film. It is also necessary to remove all things belonging to animals: trays, bowls, bedding.
  3. Remove personal items. People's personal belongings should also be protected from exposure to aerosols. To do this, you need to put dishes, personal hygiene items, clothes, toys, bedding and other household items in plastic bags.

    Things can absorb aerosol vapors, so they need to be sealed

  4. Prepare furniture. Furniture should be moved away from the walls, disassembled into parts, if possible, mattresses should be lifted from beds, and baseboards should be removed. In general, you need to provide access to all hard-to-reach places where harmful insects may live.
  5. Prepare and put on protective accessories and clothing. For processing you will need: a long-sleeved jacket, pants, rubber gloves, a respirator, plastic glasses.
  6. Close the windows and front door tightly.

This completes the preparation for processing.

Processing process

Having completed the preparation, you can proceed to the actual treatment of the room. You need to know that the greatest effectiveness is achieved only if all rules and recommendations are followed. You must strictly follow the instructions. For a room of 30 square meters, one can of medium volume (190 ml) is enough, but to treat all the cracks and hard-to-reach areas of the product you will need more, so it is better to purchase Dichlorvos Neo with a reserve.

It is better to purchase the drug with a reserve so that it is enough to treat the entire room

The can should be held at arm's length, at a distance of 25–30 centimeters from the object being treated:

  1. Shake the aerosol.
  2. Treat walls, corners, window sills, baseboards, floors, cabinets, areas near the trash can, and around the sink.
  3. Apply the product to ventilation grilles, door frames, the backs of paintings, wall clocks, carpets, and under peeling wallpaper.
  4. Walk along the cracks in doors, windows, window sills, baseboards.
  5. Spray the product on the backs and legs of furniture, treat every detail.
  6. Leave the room for half an hour.

Insects need to be looked for in all hard-to-reach places

Final stage

You can return to the treated room after thirty minutes; most of the insects will have already died. You should immediately open the windows and leave the apartment again for two hours. After ventilation, you need to return to the room and observe the reaction of your body; if dizziness or nausea appears, then the room is poorly ventilated: you need to leave the apartment again and wait until the aerosol vapors have completely evaporated (30–60 minutes). If such symptoms do not occur, then you should proceed with wet cleaning:

  1. Prepare a soap-soda solution. For it you will need: laundry soap (one hundred grams), water (ten liters), soda (one hundred grams). all components are mixed.

    When preparing the solution, it is better to grate the soap so that it dissolves faster

  2. Rinse the treated areas with the solution, with which direct contact of any family member is possible. Hard-to-reach areas should not be wiped, as the product will work for another two weeks.

All household members can be moved in five hours after cleaning, but the ideal option would be to leave the apartment empty for one day, so all harmful substances will definitely disappear from the room.

The effectiveness of the insecticidal drug and the principle of its action

Today, many residents are wondering whether Dichlorvos is effective against fleas. This product is considered a highly effective anti-flea aerosol, which consists of a variety of active ingredients.

Dichlorvos acts in this way: the chemical components disrupt the functioning of the flea nervous system and paralyze these bloodsuckers. All versions of this insecticidal product have the same effect and differ from each other only in specific components.

Dichlorvos, which was produced earlier, had a strong pungent odor and led to human poisoning if used without special respiratory protection. However, the modern analogue of this product practically does not harm residents.

This aerosol should be used if the first fleas Pulex irritans, Ctenocephalides canis or Ctenocephalides felis have just appeared in the apartment. There is no need to wait until they multiply and then fill the entire home.

The effectiveness of this drug depends not only on its composition, but also on the form of release. This powerful insecticidal product is produced in the form of small aerosols.

As a result, Dichlorvos instantly kills not only adult fleas, but also their small larvae that live in closed indoor areas.

Today, many residents themselves cannot get to those fleas that live behind baseboards, floors, wallpaper, and also under carpets. Also, more often such bloodsuckers accumulate in trash cans or bins.

Such an aerosol quickly kills fleas in all places that are difficult for humans to reach in the first infested room or in the entire living space.

Based on the above information, now every household member can no longer puzzle himself with this question: does dichlorvos help against human or other types of fleas or not.


Dichlorvos advertising

Dichlorvos: reviews, composition and release form of the drug

Most often, Internet users, accustomed to the fact that the main use of the product is Dichlorvos against flies, are interested in whether it is worth using the product against other insects. And in order to answer the question: will Dichlorvos help against bedbugs, it is necessary to study its composition and accompanying instructions in more detail.

  • A modern insect repellent under the Neo label is produced by several companies. This product is really popular due to its good effectiveness and low cost. This can be understood if you study the reviews about odorless Dichlorvos Neo.
  • What do drugs produced by different companies have in common? This is the composition of Dichlorvos. For its production, the same active component is used - dichlorovinyl phosphate. This component is a toxic substance that has a nerve paralytic effect. Once the substance hits an insect, it causes instant paralysis and subsequent death.
  • It is important to understand that Dilofos contains other chemical components for odorless bedbugs. For example, this is cypermethrin, which enhances the effect of the main substance. According to the instructions for Dichlorvos, both of these substances have a detrimental effect on bedbugs, but their combination leads to the inevitable death of this type of insect. The work of the presented substances in a duet as part of Dichlorvos Neo allows you to enhance the effect several times.

According to the instructions for odorless Dichlorvos, such a composition is also advantageous in that it leaves no chance for insects to get used to the components. This is the main difference between the modern drug. Therefore, if you want to know whether it is possible to destroy bedbugs with Dichlorvos, the answer for you will definitely be positive

Every person who has had to deal with the effects of old Dichlorvos in life must remember how disgusting, pungent and unpleasant its smell was. Very often, after contact with the old product, customers began to have a headache, they felt signs of poisoning - dizziness and nausea. Fortunately, the manufacturers paid special attention to this point. Now you no longer need to wonder how much Dichlorvos evaporates, because the odor problem has been solved. You can purchase not only an odorless insect repellent, but also a substance that will have the aroma of flowers.

Varieties of anti-flea Dichlorvos

Today, many residents do not know which Dichlorvos is better to use when sanitizing their homes against fleas Pulex irritans, Ctenocephalides canis and Ctenocephalides felis.

Modern manufacturers produce the following highly effective varieties of this insecticide:

  • On the spot;
  • Station wagon;
  • Neo;
  • Eco;
  • Varan.

All such drugs are produced in the form of aerosols, which are very similar to each other, but have slight differences.

Without smell

Odorless dichlorvos “On the spot” for fleas is a powerful and safe remedy for both humans and domestic cats or dogs.

Such a drug instantly kills not only bed or other types of fleas, but also bedbugs, flies, ants or other types of small pests.

The Napoval aerosol can be used even in contaminated areas where there are children and pets (cats or dogs).

Such an insecticidal agent does not form a strong foul odor, has a pleasant aroma, and also does not leave any marks on furniture or other surfaces of a private household, apartment, tent or other room.

The price of the Napoval aerosol is 280 rubles. for 1 bottle.

Station wagon

Dichlorvos "Universal" is considered a highly effective insecticidal agent that quickly and permanently kills various types of fleas. This drug has a wide spectrum of action.

Using the Universal aerosol, people kill not only human or other types of fleas (Pulex irritans, Ctenocephalides canis, Ctenocephalides felis, etc.), but also other parasites - flies, ants, large or small cockroaches, bedbugs, etc.

However, this drug has one drawback - it creates a foul odor and allergies on human skin.

A similar insecticide costs about 70 rubles.


Dichlorvos against fleas "Neo" is considered another anti-flea agent that does not form a foul odor. This aerosol kills various types of fleas (Pulex irritans, Ctenocephalides felis, Ctenocephalides canis, etc.) within a few minutes after application.

This drug contains a component such as cypermethrin. It does not cause allergies and has a neutral odor.

The price of 1 bottle of Neo aerosol is approximately 80 rubles.


Dichlorvos "Eco" is considered another highly effective anti-flea aerosol, which is no worse than the above-mentioned varieties of this product. In terms of effectiveness, it is the same as the drug “Neo”, but it has its own “aroma” - it smells like lavender.

As a result, Dichlorvos for fleas "Eco" will also help residents instantly get rid of apartment fleas. The cost of this aerosol is approximately 110 rubles.


Dichlorvos for fleas "Varan" is a powerful anti-flea agent. This aerosol kills fleas, bedbugs or other similar bloodsuckers. This insecticide consists of pyrethroids, which form a pleasant lemon aroma.

Aerosol "Varan" quickly kills bed and other types of fleas. It does not cause any harm to the resident and all types of pets: crawling, jumping or flying.

The main thing is to use this product strictly according to its instructions.

The cost of 1 bottle of such an insecticidal product is approximately 120 rubles.


In Soviet times, Dichlorvos was the most effective remedy against parasites in the house. It had a pungent odor, high toxicity, and if used incorrectly caused nausea, vomiting, headache, and dizziness. The active component was a substance with the same name - dichlorvos.

Over time, the drug was banned from being released in this form. Later, the production of the product was continued by several companies after a significant change in the composition. All that remains of the old, time-tested drug is the name.

Modern Dichlorvos is available in colorful cans of different volumes. Products from different manufacturers differ in auxiliary components. Ordinary buyers notice the difference by smell.

On a note!

The flea killer smells like flowers, fruits, or contains no fragrance at all.

Dichlorvos helps against fleas thanks to its combined composition. Several active components and synergists are used at once to enhance the effect. Broad-spectrum insecticides - cypermethrin, permethrin, piperonyl butoxide - destroy adults and larvae of different ages.

Precautionary measures

When working with any anti-flea aerosols, including Dichlorvos, the tenant does not always know how to properly poison Pulex irritans, Ctenocephalides felis or Ctenocephalides canis fleas in the apartment.

Only after carefully studying the instructions for the drug does it perform the following actions:

  • does not inhale vapors of an insecticidal product;
  • does not swallow anti-flea medication. If such a product accidentally gets into the throat, the resident immediately seeks emergency medical help;
  • hides the aerosol from his children;
  • treats your home for fleas using special personal equipment - rubber gloves, a respirator, a protective suit or closed clothing that tightly covers all skin areas.

When treating his home with such an insecticide, the tenant also performs the following measures:

  • prevents the insecticide from getting on the skin, nose or mouth;
  • if the insecticide accidentally gets on the eyes or skin, immediately rinse them with water and treat the skin with a solution of soda;
  • if you feel unwell while using the product, then the person immediately goes out onto the balcony or onto the street to get some fresh air;
  • if a severe allergy develops or the tenant loses consciousness, then he calls an ambulance. It must be borne in mind that allergy sufferers and asthmatics should not sanitize their homes at all;
  • stores aerosols away from various fire sources and heating devices. Otherwise, the bottle of insecticide will explode and there will be a fire in the house.

Answers to popular questions

As most users of the Dichlorvos aerosol write on the Internet, this drug quickly and permanently kills various types of fleas (Pulex irritans, Ctenocephalides felis, Ctenocephalides canis, etc.).

This product has many varieties, so each resident can buy the most suitable insecticide for themselves.

Today, many users ask various questions about the use of Dichlorvos, the main ones are listed below.

Does Dichlorvos kill fleas?

So that residents have no doubt that Dichlorvos definitely kills fleas, they must first carefully study the principle of action of this product.

Such an aerosol acts in this way: when these parasites land on treated furniture or other surfaces, their nervous system first stops working, and then complete paralysis occurs, leading to the instant death of the bloodsucker.

Dichlorvos instantly and permanently helps residents get rid of bed or other types of fleas. This aerosol poisons adult fleas and their larvae, but is harmless to small eggs and bloodsucker pupae.

It should be noted that such a drug is identical to other aerosol anti-flea insecticides, because the pupae and eggs of many domestic parasites are well protected from poison by a durable shell.

Thus, after 1-3 weeks, the resident must repeat the sanitization of the infested home in order to kill all the fleas that hatch from eggs and pupae during this period.

The domestic flea aerosol “Dichlorvos” has a low price, but in terms of quality it is no worse than its imported counterparts. Today this drug is considered the most common insecticidal agent.

There are many positive reviews about this aerosol on the Internet, which once again confirms that it really works well against fleas.

Why doesn't dichlorvos help?

Dichlorvos kills all fleas in your home only if the household has treated all your pets - a cat, a dog, etc. Otherwise, fleas will soon appear again in an apartment or private household.

Also, the resident must first carefully study the instructions for using this drug, and then strictly follow the specific recommendations contained therein. After all, the final result of sanitation depends on the method of applying such an insecticide.

Is dichlorvos safe for people and animals?

Dichlorvos is considered an insecticidal agent of hazard class 3 out of 4. This means that it is moderately dangerous. However, a person can also be poisoned by this drug if they do not follow specific precautions.

One more point should also be noted: when used correctly, Dichlorvos is safe for residents and animals, but not for pet fish and reptiles.

Sometimes this product is used to treat the fur of specific farm animals to kill ticks and other parasites on them. However, if there is a dog or cat in the house, they cannot be treated with Dichlorvos.

When using such an insecticidal preparation, the resident must always follow all necessary safety precautions.

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